The Flaxseed Pathfinder Lodge: Explore, Report, Cooperate!

Game Master Redelia

Outpost VIII Announcement
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The Exchange

Either something is wrong with that link, or the website is possessed by the weeping echoes of the elder gods.

I would also love to put my hat in the ring for Plunder and Peril!

I tried the link also...

The Exchange

(In case it wasn't self-evident, I too am interested.)

What level range is that series?

Module is designed for 4th level

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16, 2011 Top 32

I would love to play Plunder and/or Peril, too!

Sovereign Court

"Plunder is my middle name..."

Yar, the link be fixed! This sea dog had some salt in his ears.

And after some thinkin with me nautical noggin, I've decided to do this in campaign mode! It'll mean more fun for everyone and more nautical nonsense, BUT yar must of course adhere to the Pathfinder Code! (I'll be using the society guidelines for acceptable characters).

Papasteve08 wrote:
Module is designed for 4th level

It's also a three part module, with a level for each chronicle, so keep that in mind for your character choice. (At least for assigning credit, now that it's campaign mode.)

I am hoping to get a quick, CORE run of The Confirmation in before the end of the currently ongoing PbP Gameday. This scenario is repeatable (you can play it more than once, each time with a different PC) and it is open to 1st level characters (or a single of the player's second level characters).

Slots are assigned on a first-post, first-seated basis. I plan to keep the pace pretty rapid in order to conclude on or before the end of PbP Gameday 7.

Before you sign up, please read the Recruitment Thread and be aware of game expectations. In particular, please note that I intend to enforce the expected post-rate and botting policy listed in the Recruitment Thread. Also, please note that this run is for Core characters only.*

* Although if you want to convert them to standard after completing this run, I won't try to stop you.

The Concordance

GM Valen wrote:

I am hoping to get a quick, CORE run of The Confirmation in before the end of the currently ongoing PbP Gameday.

Core gnome cleric available.

Grand Lodge

I just noticed this character had not run the Confirmation at 1L. If you still have room, I would like to run him through it. I have only played with 1L character.

Forgot to mention...Bacleive is a 2L Core Fighter(sword and board).

Dark Archive

Level 2 CORE character (rogue 1/ranger1) here looking to join that confirmation.

Dark Archive

My level 1 wizard core is available. Only downside is that I can only post 6pm-6am est us

Oops. I see I failed to include the link to he Recruitment thread that I had insisted that everyone read. Did I mention I make mistakes? No?
Must have forgotten that too.

In any event, with the above posters, looks like the game is now full. I will PM the campaign link to those above later today.

Liberty's Edge

I'm running a standard game of #7–10: The Consortium Compact an evergreen on Myth Weavers that has 3 players if anyone is interested in jumping in. We haven't really started. I could use 1 or 2 people.


The Exchange

Frēodwēn wrote:

Over three years ago, GM Harker was kind enough to pick up my group's CORE table of The Emerald Spire when our GM went AWOL. We've come a long way since then; we just finished The Tomb of Yarrix and Harker has a lot going on in RL and needs to step down as GM, for the time being at least.

We would love to have a new GM help us finish out this campaign since we've come so far. We are playing in pure PFS mode (not campaign mode). The thread is here. Harker may be amenable to coming back after a level or two if the next GM is not interested in committing to the entirety of the rest of the Emerald Spire.

We are also looking for a couple of extra CORE players; I'll post in Recruting about that.

Send me a PM if you're interested in being either a player or a GM.

So the group mentioned here has found a replacement GM: Moi. They are looking for a couple high-level full-caster types to help them survive the next level.

If you are interested, message me or Frēodwēn. Preferably him. :D

Grand Lodge

We're open to non-full-casters (and non-casters), but full-casters will get preference. Note that this is a CORE campaign. The level range for the next level is 9-11.

Liberty's Edge

7-10 is full. Thanks!

The Concordance

This brand new gal's been naughty and wishes to be Confirmed... badly! O_O


Happy Green Day everyone! :P

Liberty's Edge

I am a Level 1 Divination Wizard who needs to do the Confirmation if you have room? PM me ;)

HEROES FOR HIGHDELVE (Tier 1) - Evergreen

This is a Gameday VII OCT 15 game. A player could not make it.

The seat will be given via lottery to one player that has neither played nor GMed this scenario before.

If you are interested please follow the link below and provide your details


Recruitment now open for CORE Bones of Biting Ants. Tier 3-7.


Will the following please join me for the standard game of Bones of Biting Ants.

Noral, Grimdog73, Aldizog, qstor, Cwethan and Eddv.

Link to Discussion

HEROES FOR HIGHDELVE (Tier 1) - Evergreen

A player could not make it.

The seat will be given to the first player.

If you are interested please follow the link below and provide your details.


I'm about to run a quick confirmation on Myth-Weavers. Recruitment now and start as soon as we have enough players.

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GM PDK wrote:
I'm about to run a quick confirmation on Myth-Weavers. Recruitment now and start as soon as we have enough players.

Oy! All these confirmations and no bar mitzvahs!

I'm running Dragon's Demand in campaign mode (character creation rules HERE; note that they are not PFS standard!), and the main party melee combatant has disappeared from the boards. They've gotten into the second part, so if you join now you'll get the second and third chronicles. If you're interested, PM me or post here.

Sovereign Court

Ooh, count me interested! I've had a lot of fun with variant multiclassing, plus I've heard good things about those scenarios. Wouldn't mind trying out a new class, either. I'll start working up a character; looks like you're at level 3?

GM Crunch wrote:
Ooh, count me interested! I've had a lot of fun with variant multiclassing, plus I've heard good things about those scenarios. Wouldn't mind trying out a new class, either. I'll start working up a character; looks like you're at level 3?

Yes, L3. You get the nod--dot in when you have a chance.

Still lots of room for confirmation on Myth-Weavers. This is part of Gameday VII so hurry if you can! :)

Still waiting for Cwethan and Eddv to join us in Discussion. A player decided to drop, so Neodam, the spot is yours if you want it.

Grand Lodge

GM Z..D.. wrote:
Still waiting for Cwethan and Eddv to join us in Discussion. A player decided to drop, so Neodam, the spot is yours if you want it.

I will take the spot with my rogue.

GM PDK wrote:
Still lots of room for confirmation on Myth-Weavers. This is part of Gameday VII so hurry if you can! :)

Still room for up to 2 characters.

GM PDK wrote:
GM PDK wrote:
Still lots of room for confirmation on Myth-Weavers. This is part of Gameday VII so hurry if you can! :)
Still room for up to 2 characters.

room for 1 character... :)

Recruiting for a run of the Forged in Flame series (#8-09 The Cindersworn Pact and #8-11 Cleansed with Fire)!

This is picking up a game abandoned before even starting, so folks who signed up for that game (Noral, Tealk, Gerald, Magabeus, Chadius, and Neodam) have first dibs. If any of you are no longer interested, please let me know and/or remove your name from the spreadsheet.

Waiting list will be drawn from on a first-come first-served basis.

Signup sheet can be found here. I would love to get started by Nov. 1 if possible so we can finish both parts by the end of the year, but we won't start before everyone is ready. This is not part of Gameday VII.

Just a few favors - that's all you're being asked for.

Dark Archive

I am looking for a game to get Garduk his 12th XP so he can play in tier 5-6 during Retrocon - if anyone is considering running a 3-7 or high-sub tier 1-5 anytime soon that needs an elemental-summoning, pit-creating half-orc with low self-esteem and a serious book-buying problem, please let me know.

Scarab Sages

I could be talked into running a Tier 1-5 in standard (non-core).

If either of:
#6-15: Overflow Archives, or
#0-17: Perils of the Pirate Pact

appeal, let me know and I’ll start a recruitment thread.

This would NOT be a part of Game Day VII.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Eadie Navhelan wrote:

I could be talked into running a Tier 1-5 in standard (non-core).

If either of:
#6-15: Overflow Archives, or
#0-17: Perils of the Pirate Pact

appeal, let me know and I’ll start a recruitment thread.

This would NOT be a part of Game Day VII.

Perils of the Pirate Pact looks interesting! I’d be happy to join it.

I have played Overflow Archives, but I have a couple of characters I could play in PotPP.

Dark Archive

Eadie Navhelan wrote:

I could be talked into running a Tier 1-5 in standard (non-core).

If either of:
#6-15: Overflow Archives, or
#0-17: Perils of the Pirate Pact

appeal, let me know and I’ll start a recruitment thread.

This would NOT be a part of Game Day VII.

My vote would be for 6-15 - Garduk is a member of the Dark Archive, and the scenario description has a specific call out for that faction, but I haven’t played either, and they both look great. I’d sign up for either.

Edit - I forgot to say: thanks for offering to GM !

Scarab Sages

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Well let’s do this thing!

I have set up a sign-up sheet for a standard (NON-core) game of #0-17 Perils of the Pirate Pact.

Garduk, VixieMoondew and TriShadow are pre-selected.

We’ll get underway once a party has been chosen.

Dark Archive

Thanks! I’ve added my PFS number.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Hi, everyone! I'm looking to start a game of the scenario that will be released tomorrow, Traitor's Chains. It's tier 1-5. Details and the recruitment thread can be found here. This is not a gameday game. I will expect daily posting from players.

Dark Archive

Eadie Navhelan wrote:

Well let’s do this thing!

I have set up a sign-up sheet for a standard (NON-core) game of #0-17 Perils of the Pirate Pact.

Garduk, VixieMoondew and TriShadow are pre-selected.

We’ll get underway once a party has been chosen.

I signed up! (not with Yanndu... but I signed up! :) )

GM Hawthwile wrote:

Recruiting for a run of the Forged in Flame series (#8-09 The Cindersworn Pact and #8-11 Cleansed with Fire)!

This is picking up a game abandoned before even starting, so folks who signed up for that game (Noral, Tealk, Gerald, Magabeus, Chadius, and Neodam) have first dibs. If any of you are no longer interested, please let me know and/or remove your name from the spreadsheet.

Waiting list will be drawn from on a first-come first-served basis.

Signup sheet can be found here. I would love to get started by Nov. 1 if possible so we can finish both parts by the end of the year, but we won't start before everyone is ready. This is not part of Gameday VII.

Just a few favors - that's all you're being asked for.

Looking for two more players - sign up sheet here.

Liberty's Edge

Redelia wrote:
Hi, everyone! I'm looking to start a game of the scenario that will be released tomorrow, Traitor's Chains. It's tier 1-5. Details and the recruitment thread can be found here. This is not a gameday game. I will expect daily posting from players.

damm that filled up fast :(

Silver Crusade

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Hi, everyone! Player recruitement for RetroCon (four different older specials in January to March) has opened! Details can be found here. Come play with us!

Qstor wrote:
Redelia wrote:
Hi, everyone! I'm looking to start a game of the scenario that will be released tomorrow, Traitor's Chains. It's tier 1-5. Details and the recruitment thread can be found here. This is not a gameday game. I will expect daily posting from players.
damm that filled up fast :(

They always do ... it can be a challenge to be online at the right time to catch a new game being offered. :-)

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I purposely posted at a different time of day than is normal for me, to try to catch people who don't get a lot of chances...

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps Subscriber
GM Hawthwile wrote:
Looking for two more players - sign up sheet here.

Throwing my hat in the ring, but I haven't played Ninlil in PbP before and I need to level her up. Should be able to work on her sheet tomorrow night, if that's okay? (If not, I can duck out and let someone else play.)

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