The Flaxseed Pathfinder Lodge: Explore, Report, Cooperate!

Game Master Redelia

Outpost VIII Announcement
Data Tracking Form Link

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I know this is last minute, but I want to run Raiders of Shrieking Peak for Gameday 5th level. Starting no later than August 15th. I understand this is a playtest that means several things.

1. Feel free to say you're doing this wrong.
2. I will post monsters in spoilers, if you choose to read them without identifying them, please don't spoil it. If you feel like I did an ability wrong or am playing it wrong, post it in a spoiler
3. This is a playtest. There is a lot of talk about erratas in the playtest. Unless there is an official faq or errata located on this site, play it like the book originally had it written, like a true from the book playtest. I know some classes had the number of skills changed on them and other stuff. Sorcerers get 9+int modifier skills cause of that little section on page 129 where you are automatically trained in signature skills. Other classes were meant to have a certain number of skills, etc.
4. This is a playtest, and we will playtest it to the very end and that means death, but with different characters. If you die before the final combat, you will come back after the combat, but with a character of your choice of 1 of 2 characters I build for you equal to the opposite of what you had. The game will still be reported as you have died, if that is the case. Divine=opposite of Arcane. Occult=opposite of Primal. Aggressively melee(Fighter, Barbarian, Melee ranger, Paladin), opposite=defensive/stealth/range(rogue, monk, ranger). Sorcerers go by type, you are divine in my book for instance if you are Demonic Sorcerer. Opposite of Alchemist=any class not magical, likely you will be playing a figther or rogue.
5. Post here if you're with me, I'll make a thread after 4 of you post, taking up to 6 of you.

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

This seems like something that belongs in Cottonseed.

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Hello, I'm running PFS Scenario #05-08 The Confirmation.

This is great for 1st time players or 1st level characters but it is tier 1-2

Sign up sheet

One of the players for the 10-11 tier on The Solstice Scar C had to drop out and I'm looking for a replacement. If you are available check and mark the Specials Sign Up Page to place your information.

Specials Sign Up for Game Day VII

Let me know if this isn't the right place to put this or if I should be looking elsewhere.

Discussion Thread: #8-99C: The Solstice Scar (Tier 10-11).

Grand Lodge

Looking for GreySector to check in for GM Lorenzo's #8-99C: Solstice Scar (Tier 7-8).

I've sent a PM, but I've got no response yet.

If you'd like to be wait-listed to take the spot, if GreySector doesn't report for muster, please PM me. I'll respond to you tonight around 10pm PDT, if the seat is yours.

Looking for Kumakawa / Enapaishni and Awenydd83 / GrubGlub to check in at GM Bret’s PbP GD VII Tier 3-4.

I have sent a PM to Awenydd83. Kumakawa appears to have PMs turned off.

Please report in soon. I already have a person on the waitlist.

@Bret - I've got Enapaishni in my Down the Verdant Path game; I'll post there in Discussion and direct them to yours.

I just had one spot become available for Oathbreakers die in core campaign. It is tier 1-5. If you are interested please pop in the discussion tab HERE. First one to respond gets the spot.

GM Z..D.. wrote:

I just had one spot become available for Oathbreakers die in core campaign. It is tier 1-5. If you are interested please pop in the discussion tab HERE. First one to respond gets the spot.

Spot has been filled...

Hello, you fine lodgers!

Just wanted to let you know that there are still 2 open slots on my Assault on Absalom table. Since there are 3 weeks left to start, I thought I'd self-promote it a bit.

So to the actual promotion - Well, you probably-maybe won't die. It's a tier 1-2 table ran by yours truly, and a few other colourful folks who signed up and are sad that there are only four of them. Get in on that action!

Signup sheets here!

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
GM NotEspi wrote:
Since there are 3 weeks left to start....

Correction: Assault on Absalom will be in Gameday VII session 2, starting October 1st.

- Your friendly neighbrhood overseer GM

Welp. 7 weeks, then. I got my months confused. Thanks for that.

Offer still stands, though!

Don't feel bad. Last time I checked, no one was signed up for my 10-11 table yet.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Hi, everyone,

I had one table of Heroes for Highdelve I am GM'ing that I held back to collect last minute new players, but now it's time to fill it with anyone who is interested. I have two seats left, please PM me if interested.

Grand Lodge

GM Deadly Secret wrote:

Hello, I'm running PFS Scenario #05-08 The Confirmation.

This is great for 1st time players or 1st level characters but it is tier 1-2

Sign up sheet

Hi, Deadly Secret. I'd love to run this scenario with you. I've only played pfs once before and have a 1st level character that I'd love to use. But I can't seem to sign up on your google doc. Player name is Jason Walsman. Wizard 1. PFS# 341348-3.

I have had a player who has had to leave my Confirmation game. We are just under half way through. If you are interested drop a post in the recruitment thread. I'll take the first person as we are in a combat right now.


Just a quick check in for Risen From the Sands

Crowe (aka Qstor)
GM Qwerty

Gameplay thread

Discussion thread

Your adventure awaits!

Grand Lodge

GM Ietsuna wrote:

I have had a player who has had to leave my Confirmation game. We are just under half way through. If you are interested drop a post in the recruitment thread. I'll take the first person as we are in a combat right now.


Letsuna, you really want another wizard? You guys look like you have a wizard and an arcanist already...

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Redelia wrote:

Hi, everyone,

I had one table of Heroes for Highdelve I am GM'ing that I held back to collect last minute new players, but now it's time to fill it with anyone who is interested. I have two seats left, please PM me if interested.

Spots are filled, thanks.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Alric the Slow wrote:
GM Ietsuna wrote:

I have had a player who has had to leave my Confirmation game. We are just under half way through. If you are interested drop a post in the recruitment thread. I'll take the first person as we are in a combat right now.


Letsuna, you really want another wizard? You guys look like you have a wizard and an arcanist already...

Yes, but remember that you are the best! They need you, so get in there and win one for the Gipper!

Besides an all arcane-caster game would be hilarious. "Carry our books, would you, sorcerer. I hear he doesn't even have a degree."

We had a few players either double-book or not show for PFS # 9-03: On the Border of War. Anyone with a character between levels 5 and 9 who is ready to go as soon as possible, please feel free to post in the discussion thread at the link above. We haven't gotten past the introduction.

Silver Crusade

I have an opening for a sixth player at low tier for a Game Day VII NON-core run of the classic Season Zero (tier 1-5) scenario #0-06 Black Waters.

The group of five is more than willing to press on as they are, but are open to a level 1, 2 or 3 PC joining them.

They have only just finished the mission briefing, and are busily getting dolled up for a party.

If you are interested, please check into Discussion >> Here << and say hi!

Your Confirmation awaits you, can the following Pathfinders please check in.

Andre Alevato
GM Deekan
I'm Hiding In Your Closet

Discussion Thread

Thank you and Happy Gaming!

Will the deadline for the Gameday be extended?

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Per the email sent to GMs.


Hello GMs:

In face of the ongoing Paizo outage, we have put the special on hiatus until Friday. Yes, I know. It sucks. But I think that having a defined restart date will take some of the pressure and uncertainty off this wait. You don’t have to constantly check to see if the forums are up. If the forums come up and look stable before then, we may revisit this. If this happens, I will of course send out an email blast to you!


Session One specials begin again on 8/24. They end 10/4.

Session Two (including the Session Two special) begins on 10/6.

The entire PBP Gameday ends on 11/20.

<text on moving tables omitted>

Thank you for your patience, words of encouragement, and everything else you folks have written to me during this frustrating period.

(Thank you also for not wielding pitchforks and storming my castle.)

Your loving and somewhat frustrated VC,

Thanks for the quote, TOZ!


2 people marked this as a favorite.

After running these IRL and having it be super pushed for time, I felt unsatisfied with the conclusion that it came to, so I'm deciding to do it again, but this time in PBP.

Ladies, gentlemen, and non-binaries, say hello to the All for Immortality trilogy: Hard Mode Edition!


Grandmaster TOZ wrote:

Per the email sent to GMs.


Hello GMs:

In face of the ongoing Paizo outage, we have put the special on hiatus until Friday. Yes, I know. It sucks. But I think that having a defined restart date will take some of the pressure and uncertainty off this wait. You don’t have to constantly check to see if the forums are up. If the forums come up and look stable before then, we may revisit this. If this happens, I will of course send out an email blast to you!


Session One specials begin again on 8/24. They end 10/4.

Session Two (including the Session Two special) begins on 10/6.

The entire PBP Gameday ends on 11/20.

<text on moving tables omitted>

Thank you for your patience, words of encouragement, and everything else you folks have written to me during this frustrating period.

(Thank you also for not wielding pitchforks and storming my castle.)

Your loving and somewhat frustrated VC,


Recruitment for Words of the Ancients!

After countless divinations and the efforts of undercover agents throughout Varisia, the Pathfinder Society has discovered the location of the last component needed to awaken a sleeping runelord. In a mad dash to beat the cult of Lissala to this ancient Thassilonian ruin, the Pathfinders must do whatever it takes to ensure they and not the evil cultists acquire the power within. But the arcane components are not unguarded, and even after 10,000 years, the cost of ensuring the safety of the region could be higher than the veteran adventurers are prepared or willing to pay.

As usual for me, I'll take the first six folks to sign up!

Update: We currently have a legal table for All for Immortality Hard Mode, but due to Paizo’s, shall we say, technical difficulties, I’m leaving recruitment open for another five days or until the last two available seats get claimed, whichever comes first.


Grand Lodge

@GM Pendrak, I sent you a PM re #9-03 On the Border of War.
aka GM Lorenzo

Grand Lodge

GM Deadly Secret wrote:

Hello, I'm running PFS Scenario #05-08 The Confirmation.

This is great for 1st time players or 1st level characters but it is tier 1-2

Sign up sheet

hello, i added myself to the sign up sheet for the campaign that starts on 9/1. anything i should read over other than having my rulebook in hand? im very new to pbp and pfs/rpgs in general. thank you for running it!

Hello joeyxl, I will send you a PM and help you get started.

Lawrence Smith 2 wrote:

@GM Pendrak, I sent you a PM re #9-03 On the Border of War.

aka GM Lorenzo

Short answer is, "Why couldn't I have internet problems at my house while Paizo's forums weren't working, not just after...

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
GM Deadly Secret wrote:
Hello joeyxl, I will send you a PM and help you get started.

If you still have room, I've got a level 2 monk/bloodrager I'd like to get into the game, but I saw that some of the players for the September 1st game got pulled into another. I'd PM you, but I"m new to the forums and don't quite know how.

Sorry to everyone else. I know this is in the wrong place to post this, but I don't know where TO post.

I will PM you!

Edit: That is strange, I don't see an option to Private Message you. Do you have your Account Settings all set up?

Can you visit this link? If so, go ahead and post there your questions and read post 2.

Our PbP Gameday adventure is finally getting underway after many days of frustrating delay. However, I've only got four of the original six players still active in the following adventure (and the thread has been VERY active on the days we can get posts in!)

PbP Gameday VII: PFS Scenario #3-21: The Temple of Empyreal Enlightenment [Tier 1-5]

I would like to recruit at least one more player, and I can take a second one on 'standby' if I don't hear from either of my wayward players by this Saturday (9/1), when they will both be dropped.

The party is good with fighter-types, and could use a healer as well as a skill monkey, but if you're interested in joining, send me a PM or post your interest in the Discussion tab. I'll take the first two to answer the call, with the first (and VERY likely open) slot going to a healer type. The second (PROBABLY open) slot will got to a skill monkey type. I'm really looking for levels 1 or 2, but higher levels are fine (though you'll be out of subtier).

I'll confirm your entry into the game no later than Sunday (9/2) morning, at which time you can post to the Gameplay thread. The adventure has only just begun due to the rocky start that we've all experienced, so new players haven't missed anything except for the VC briefing and a bit of exploration. A link to the Discussion tab where you can post interest can be found below. Thanks!

Temple of Empyreal Enlightenment - Discussion Tab

Final Call! Future Pathfinders are ready for their Confirmation and are hoping Barrier with Keldra C can please check into your table. We are starting 9/1/2018. I have sent you a PM already, so hopefully we can get in touch.
#05-08 The Confirmation Table 1 Discussion Thread


Final Call! Future Pathfinders are ready for their Confirmation and are hoping adsapiens aka Andre Alevato with Jomal and Lelandra with Jayah Bobbleroth can please check into your table. We are starting 9/1/2018. I have sent you a PM already, so hopefully we can get in touch.
#05-08 The Confirmation Table 2 Discussion Thread

Final call for All for Immortality Hard Mode. We still have two seats available so sign up within the next day if you want to play.


Liberty's Edge

GM_Starson wrote:

Recruitment for Words of the Ancients!

After countless divinations and the efforts of undercover agents throughout Varisia, the Pathfinder Society has discovered the location of the last component needed to awaken a sleeping runelord. In a mad dash to beat the cult of Lissala to this ancient Thassilonian ruin, the Pathfinders must do whatever it takes to ensure they and not the evil cultists acquire the power within. But the arcane components are not unguarded, and even after 10,000 years, the cost of ensuring the safety of the region could be higher than the veteran adventurers are prepared or willing to pay.

As usual for me, I'll take the first six folks to sign up!

This game still has 2 more openings.

After an 8-month run of all four parts of the Echoes of the Everwar series, I now have an opening in my GM schedule. Since I'm not participating in the current Gameday, I'm open to requests for something 1-5 or 3-7 (possibly 5-9 if it's one I like ;-) ).

I have Birthright Betrayed or Signs in Senghor on my unplayed list, as well as Bones of Biting Ants if that is up.

Paizo Employee Organized Play Line Developer

I'd love to play a game of #9-18: Scourge of the Farheavens, or the Quest for Perfection series (starting with part one: #3-09: The Edge of Heaven).

TOZ: I happen to have recently run Signs in Senghor, so I could spin that up pretty quickly.

Meloriel: Quest for Perfection is one of my favorites, and I have a history of running series scenarios here. If you don't mind a couple of weeks' wait while I get everything PbP ready, I would be happy to run it.

I've put both of them on my recruiting page and put your names down. Go fill in the other information, and we'll see how quickly they fill up.

Paizo Employee Organized Play Line Developer


Echoes of the Everwar is on my to-run list actually. I might have to see about starting that up once Murders Mark wraps.

The Exchange

Ooooh, more stuff in Mwangi for the Exchange? Yes please! It's become a theme of Graxzos's life.

The Exchange

Added myself to the Quest For Perfection sign up. Been wanting to play it for a long time. Thanks.

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