RxGM |

I am opening a new Tier 1-2 "Library of the Lion" (#5-11) as part of Gameday VII
Recruitment thread is Here or you can find the sign-up sheet here
My recruitment works this way:
The table will be open for a minimum of 48 hours. After 48 hours if the table is full, seats are selected by lottery. If the table isn't full after 48 hours, it will convert to a "first come, first serve" table.
I also reserve 2 spots for new PBP (first 1-2 games on pbp), so please do not sign up for those spots if you are a PBP veteran. If more than 2 first time players sign up, the two spots will be lottery, and the remaining ones will be added to the main lottery with the others on the waiting list.

GM Pendrak |

Opening up recruitment for a couple of upcoming games, both for Game Day.
First, I will be running PFS # 9-16: Fallen Family, Broken Name, a series of five Pathfinder Quests in tier 1-5. This will be a part of Gameday VII, Session 1, beginning August 13th. Recruitment for this game will be first come, first served, but until one provides all the required information asked for in the thread I do not consider that person signed up.
Also in Session 1 starting August 13, we have PFS # 9-03: On the Border of War, a Pathfinder society scenario in tier 5-9.
For this game, preference will be given to players who have played PFS # 5-19: The Horn of Aroden, especially those who played my recent table of that game, but it will otherwise be first come, first served.

Pirate Rob |

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Recruiting for a session 1 Gameday VII run of The Confirmation
Please post here for a spot.

GM Abraham |

GM Blake |

I've opened a table of PF2 PT-01: The Rose Street Revenge for the second session of GDVII (10/1/18).
Kuey and the_infedel, you're currently on the waiting list for the first session. I've reserved you two a spot on my second session table, if you would like.

RxGM |

GM Pendrak |

I decided to open another table for my game of PFS # 9-16: Fallen Family, Broken Name. I'm trying to do one game in subtier 1-2, and the other in 4-5. Currently we have seven players signed up, three in the lower subtier, one in the upper subtier, and two that are 3rd level.
This will be run as a part of Game Day, so it will not commence until August 13th.

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Opened GameDay-7 table 170 for Module Gallows of Madness - Pt 1 A Foul Breed {link}
This is a PFS Classic game for level 1-3 characters. Note this is an evergreen for level 1 characters only.
I do intend to run pt 2 & 3 after pt 1, but they probably won't be under the Gameday 7.
I hope to run this quickly in under 10 weeks, so daily posting is expected.

GM PaleDim |

GameDay 7, Table 168 Master of the Fallen Fortress (Tier 1, replayable evergreen) is open.

GM Z..D.. |

GM Z..D.. |

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Opened GameDay-7 table 170 for Module Gallows of Madness - Pt 1 A Foul Breed {link}
This is a PFS Classic game for level 1-3 characters. Note this is an evergreen for level 1 characters only.
I do intend to run pt 2 & 3 after pt 1, but they probably won't be under the Gameday 7.
I hope to run this quickly in under 10 weeks, so daily posting is expected.
Recruitment is closed.
Will the following pathfinders please post in [PFS / GameDay7 / GMGLYN] Mod Gallows of Madness {link} if you haven't already.
(Greymore) Lido Cane
(ChesterCopperpot) Nanny Ahd
(Helikon) Tareal the Peregrin
(Mindxing) Tathane Halfbarrel
(miteke) TBD
(Noral) Tofang

Papasteve08 |

So I have a level 9 Inquisitor that I am still hoping to get into a PbP Gameday game for the August 13th start. I am on a couple of waiting lists, but just wanted to throw it out there that I can be available.
If the stars aligned, it would be amazing to play 9-11 The Jarlsblood witch saga, but I would be happy to get a seat at most any table.
Thanks! This thread and group is awesome!

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Where did that Confirmation GM go? I thought he said was he going to run more Confirmations!?
Well, there was a nice influx of games to keep people busy after the last PbP Con ended and I wanted to take a break. My job schedule also changed, giving me a lot less of a window to post on weekdays and I don't want to run super slow games. I'm also gearing up for the 2e playtest and will likely run a bunch of games for it once I got my hands on a copy of the rulebook.
Will you come back and run more 1-2 evergreens?
Probably, but not any time soon as I want to devote most of my time to the playtest for 2e.

GM PaleDim |

Will you come back and run more 1-2 evergreens?
Probably, but not any time soon as I want to devote most of my time to the playtest for 2e.
For those interested, see above for another 1-2 evergreen :) One slot left.

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By coincidence, I have had a player withdraw from the #0-6 Black Waters game I am running for Game Day VII starting August 13.
djpika had registered as an alternate weeks ago. So if you are still interested, djpika can you please check into Discussion >>HERE<< to let me know?
If anyone wants to sign up as alternate in case someone else drops, you are welcome to sign up >Here<

GM PaleDim |

GM Zer0darkfire wrote:For those interested, see above for another 1-2 evergreen :) One slot left.Will you come back and run more 1-2 evergreens?
Probably, but not any time soon as I want to devote most of my time to the playtest for 2e.
Slot taken, another waitlisted.

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Just re-bumping an open GameDay VII table for PFS 6-01, Trial By Machine. The Recruitment page can be found here.

GM Blazej |

A quick call out to 'Learath', 'Thereus, Silver Crusader', 'Helikon', 'Luke_Parry', and 'GM PDK' to report in for Solstice Scar C at the linked discussion thread here

GM Redelia |

Hi, everyone. I have a game for Gameday intended to give new players who appear close to Gameday a place to try it out. Now that we're a week and a half away from starting, I want to post here to make it easier to find (and easier for any of you who know of a new player looking for a game to send them to).
If you are new to Pathfinder, new to Pathfinder Society, or new to Play by Post and would like a game starting August 13, please come post in the recruitment thread here. We will be playing the short module Heroes for Highdelve, and pregenerated characters will be provided.

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GM Deekan |

GM Valen |

I'm sure that it is no big deal, but there seems to be some kind of a problem at the Blakros museum. Could just be that some kid ducked underneath the velvet rope. Just in case could the following Pathfinders please come check it out:
Cazlin Summerweft
Ruvena Wormwringer
Lem (by way of Helikon)
You? (Room for one more PC, first-posted, first-seated)
Mustering for CORE run of PFS Scenario 3-07 Echoes of the Overwatched

GM Pendrak |

GM Irish202 |

Hello all! Callout to any Seekers in the audience looking for a challenge. I will be running the sanctioned part of the final book of Rise of the Runelords (Spires of Xin-Shalast, Tier 16-18) for the Gameday, and I still have several seats open. Want to add "Defeating the Runelord of Greed" to your bucket list? Now's your chance!

GM_Starson |

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Hi all,
I have a couple of spots that have opened up for my GameDay session of 6-05: Slave Ships of Absalom, starting 13 August. It's a tier 1-5 game, that based on current characters looks likely to be played at low tier.
First two interested parties posting in the discussion thread will get the gig. Newbies to PbP or the Paizo boards are very welcome (as are old hands, of course).

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@GM Deekan. You're in! Still one spot left.
I think I somehow copied in the wrong link above. Here's the right Discussion Thread for anyone interested in nabbing the last vacant spot.

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Hey all! Sadly, some personal issues seem to have take our GM for our run of Emerald Spire out of commission. I'm hoping to find someone to adopt our poor orphaned game. Would anybody want to volunteer?
We want to run the whole thing, but honestly right now I think the crew would settle for just being able to finish floor since we're about half way through it if we need to find another GM after.
Thank you in advance from all of us.

GM Abraham |

Hey all! Sadly, some personal issues seem to have take our GM for our run of Emerald Spire out of commission. I'm hoping to find someone to adopt our poor orphaned game. Would anybody want to volunteer?
We want to run the whole thing, but honestly right now I think the crew would settle for just being able to finish floor since we're about half way through it if we need to find another GM after.
Thank you in advance from all of us.
I can do this!

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Will the following players please check in on the Discussion Thread for GM Lorenzo's #8-99C: The Solstice Scar (Tier 7-8):
Kyle "Worg" H - The Eldritch
Suede - Seren's Seven
GreySector - Valoria Lackland
Abraham Z. - Undiana Jones
Gerald - Tess
Let's take care of any admin issues now, so we're ready to rock 'n' roll when play officially begins.
GM Lorenzo

GM Blazej |

Looking again for some check ins on for #8-99C: The Solstice Scar (Tier 10-11).
Luke_Parry - Gaius
GM PDK - Chaine
Thank you

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Could the following players for the PFS The Midnight Mirror (Gameday VII) please check into the Discussion and Gameday threads:
1. Abraham Z. - Hoprah
2. Pathmaker - Barley 川から流木
3. miteke - Kitoro
4. Great Green God - Rilia, Sacred Hetaira
5. Bristor - Etienne
6. Noral - Setare Katsu

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GM Sedoriku |

Double posting this from the Cottenseed lodge as I'm not sure how often people check there.
This is a mustering call for my game of the third playtest scenario, The Arclord's Envy starting August 25th! Would:
Please check in HERE, so we can get characters hashed out!

GM Blake |

Pathfinder Society Games Mustering
You all have received PMs summoning you for muster, but just in case you missed it, please check your PMs and check into the games.
PFS 9-06: The Shores of Heaven (you should all be good, just double-triple checking)
Lady Ladile
Pete H
PFS2 PT: The Rose Street Revenge Cottonseeds
Marjim Marc Arafiles
Paladin of Baha-Who?
Alternate Summon: kuey (a spot is open if you want it)