
Bigguyinblack's page

Organized Play Member. 970 posts (13,662 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 83 Organized Play characters. 42 aliases.


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Off turn defeat Buccaneer. Display Shapechange (Core).

Blessing of Geryon in effect. Choose hand size 10 for Shapechange. Send Divine Fortune to recovery.

Move everyone to Holy Isle.

Holy Isle Card 1: Blessing of Erastil:

Blessing B
To Acquire:
Dexterity 4
OR Divine 5
Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.
Discard this card to add 2 dice to any combat Dexterity check.
Discard this card to explore your location.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, recharge this card instead of discarding it.

Divine 5 auto recover. Discard Velociraptor to explore.

Holy Isle Card 2: Lightning Elemental:

Henchman 3
Type: Monster
To Defeat:
Combat 17
The Lightning Elemental is immune to the Electricity, Mental, and Poison traits. All damage dealt by the Lightning Elemental is Electricity damage.
If undefeated, each character at your location takes 1d4 Electricity damage.
If defeated, you may immediately attempt to close the location this henchman came from.

electricity damage for not examining: 1d4 ⇒ 1

Display and draw Angelic Armor.

combat 17 revealing Fury's Trident, revealing an animal, aided by Divine Fortune, aided by Steal Soul (Core), aided by Velociraptor: 1d10 + 2d8 + 1d4 + 1d6 + 1d4 + 2d6 + 7 ⇒ (3) + (2, 3) + (4) + (5) + (2) + (5, 4) + 7 = 35

Auto pass Divine 7 to close. Display Angelic Armor. Recharge Blessing of Erastil to display Onigumo at and move to Widowmaker Isle and examine the top card Spiny Eurypterid.

Maznar ends their turn.

Maznar attempts to recover all cards in their Recovery pile.
Divine Fortune (Core): Divine 13: 1d10 + 1d4 + 1d4 + 1d6 + 1d6 + 10 ⇒ (10) + (2) + (1) + (2) + (1) + 10 = 26 -> Divine Fortune (Core) recharged.

Maznar resets their hand.

Maznar wrote:

Hand: Embiggen, Blessing of Pharasma, Blessing of Milani, Riding Allosaurus, Control Weather, Blessing of Gorum, Mastiff, Fury's Trident, Pharasma's Knowing, Headband of Inspired Wisdom,

Displayed: Angelic Armor, Steal Soul (Core), Shapechange (Core),
Deck: 9 Discard: 1 Buried: 0
"Current Location: Widowmaker Isle
Hero Points: 8"
Available Support: Blessings are available for use.
Product reroll: Unused

Blessing of Pharasma: On any check, discard to bless. On any check, when a character plays a spell, discard to bless twice.

Blessing of Gorum: Discard this card to add 1 die to any check. Discard this card to add 2 dice to any combat Strength check.

Control Weather: Discard this card to add 2d8 to any check by a character on a ship, or At the end of the turn, discard this card to move any character. or to banish a displayed card that has the Weather trait.

Blessing of Milani: Discard this card to add 1 die to any check. Discard this card to add 2 dice to any non-combat Dexterity or Wisdom check.

Embiggen: Freely display next to a local character. While displayed: On that character’s checks, replace all dice as follows: d4->d8, d6->d10, d8->12, d10->d12, d12->d20 (if you have one). At the end of the turn, banish.
Movement: Move me to NA if my location closes.
Other: Hi I'm Maznar! Please bot me if I need to Guard my location!"


Deck, Discard, Buried:

Middle of Deck (Unknown Order): Shoanti Barbarian Hide, Divine Blaze (Core), Blessing of the Gods, Hippogriff, Ring of Regeneration, Breath of Life, Droogami
Recharged: Blessing of Erastil, Divine Fortune (Core),
Discard Pile: Velociraptor,
Buried Pile:
Skills and Powers:
Strength d8 ☐ +1 ☐ +2 ☐ +3
Dexterity d4 ☐ +1
Constitution d8 ☑ +1 ☑ +2 ☐ +3
Intelligence d6 ☐ +1 ☐ +2
Wisdom d10 ☑ +1 ☑ +2 ☑ +3 ☑ +4
Charisma d6 ☐ +1 ☐ +2

"Fortitude Constitution +1"
"Divine Wisdom +3"
"Survival Wisdom +2"

Favored Card: Blessing
Hand Size: 6 ☑ 7
Divine Weapons
Instead of the first exploration of your turn, you may bury ([x] or discard) a card that has the Divine trait to choose a character at your location and shuffle 1d4 (☐ +1) random cards from her discard pile into her deck.
You may reveal an ally that has the Animal trait to add 1d4 ([x] +1) to any check by a character at your location.
You may discard a spell to search your deck ([x] or your discard pile) for an ally that has the Animal trait and put it in your hand.
[x] At the start of your turn, each character may recharge ([x] or reveal) a card that has the Animal trait to draw a card.

Holy Isle card 1 acquired. Location closed.

"Board Status
Most Recent BR Refresh
Divine Fortune displayed by Augustille;
Ship: Kraken

Notes for Augustille: May draw a card at the start of Maznar's turn.

Notes for Jirelle: May draw a card at the start of Maznar's turn.
Notes for Ak: May draw a card at the start of Maznar's turn.

Coastline 1-10 remain
Tempest Cay 1-10 remain
Windward Isle CLOSED
Rocky Cliff CLOSED
Fog Bank CLOSED 1-4 remain
Jirelle, Seltyiel, Ak, Augustille - Holy Isle CLOSED
Maznar - Widowmaker Isle 1-9 remain // Onigumo is displayed here. 1 - Spiny Eurypterid
Damiel - Lonely Island 1-7 remain"

At the start of Augustille's turn display Mastiff to draw 2 cards Ring of Regeneration and Shoanti Barbarian Hide. Display Shoanti Barbarian Hide.

While Dinketry has invited me to his game I did finish one recently and 2 more are tier 6 so I wouldn't mind playing another.

I think TColMaster might like to play something as well.

Personally I'm not picky. I'm thinking of playing something new to me. Maybe Seltyiel or Varril.

Dinketry is using Core deck building rules so here are some interesting deck tips for new players and potentially veteran players as well.

Some older decks had cards at rarity B. When building your initial deck you may include any tier 0 boons from your deck boxes and that includes those B rarity cards.

If a card in your deck has a Core or Curse of the Crimson Throne version with the same name up to your current tier you may swap it with that card.

Some examples:
Force Missile is a b rarity spell in a few decks. Since it's a b you can start with it and you can run Force Missile (Core) in it's place since the Core version has more utility.

Earthbreaker is a tier 0 weapon in the Ultimate Combat deck box but since you start as a tier 1 character you can choose to run the tier 1 Earthbreaker (Core) in your starting deck.

Belt of Physical Might is a tier 5 or 6 boon in several decks. If you are playing one of those decks you may use an item 4 upgrade to put Belt of Physical Might (Core) in your deck.

Thank you for the invite!

Hmm. A 6 player table means we will have a lot of locations to close but will average 5 turns each at most.

So extra explores or encounters are very useful. Healing less so though my only ACG death was early at a 6 player table.

Old sets started with a lot of level 0 blessings and the rules for removing cards left a lot of tier 0 boons behind so upgrades will be harder to come by.

with that in mind here are some character ideas I'm considering.

Core Ezren is an explore machine but I'm already playing him at another table I don't want to play him here.

(Oracle) S&S Alahazra's Stargazer role can recharge divine cards to examine the top card of locations and with her role if they are boons she can encounter them.
Good at clearing low tier boons and having a lot of examined banes so that the right person can go face the right bane.
Her downside is she has very few skills so she struggles with anything other than monsters.

(Paladin) Raz's Fair Trader role allows acquired cards to be replaced with random cards of the same type allowing better overall boon quality. But that ability doesn't kick in until late tiers. He is good at acquiring boons.

(Alchemist) Mother Myrtle is a very good Arcane and Divine caster and is good with utility Alchemical items. Her Reanimator role lets her retrieve cards from her discard pile or even deck when a local monster is defeated. Frankly she may be too powerful but she is potentially a great support character.

All 3 of them will have at least some healing.

If anyone has thoughts on which one I should play let me know. Otherwise I'll pick once more players have decided what they will play.

I don't know what Alternate Universe or Shield of Rannick is but I'm up for more ACG.

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So the Wrath of the Righteous is going well. But you can never play too many games.

Assuming a box runner could be found, what would people like to play?


Is the Discord link for Paizo games.

The Adventure Card Game is usually played here or on Virtual Tabletop.

This is a reply for me.

I'm considering playing either a Summoner or Paladin as I've never played either before.

We can but we need someone to box run.

Well I like a challenge but I can live with normal if that gets us more players.

Huh. Nearly a year since a new open game was announced.

Alas I have never been much of a box runner. But one of my games just ended and another is close. Maybe someone has the bandwidth to run something a bit... challenging.

Season 1 which is Wrath of the Righteous.

Legendary difficulty.

6 players.

Maybe a pipe dream but no harm in putting out feelers. Let me know if you would be interested in playing and or running this.

Note this is WotR under Core rules. If you have never had a character die before here is your chance.

I'm interested. Will play Mavaro 1041.
My time zone is EST and I'm fine with whatever Wildcard method we use.

WizLost wrote:
I'd like to give online play another try.

Getting players can be a bit tough since Paizo stopped supporting the card game but getting a box runner could be tough.

I would be down to try. But even an active table takes months to get through a season.

Possibly do 2 at a time? One box runner, two 4 player tables including the BR. Take your turn on each table when you check in.

Hi. Depending on what everyone else wants to play I'm considering the following.

Agna using the Hunter deck, Nature AP, TBD AP
CotCT Varian using Pathfinder Tales, Arcane AP, Occult AP
Lem using Bard CD, Arcane AP, Support AP

Been a long time since a new campaign started. Anyone up for running something? Maybe season 6 or CotCT?

Options are

Level 7 wizard who focuses on evocation spells and summons.

Level 8 grapple focused monk.

Level 9 druid with a tiger.

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A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for levels 5–9.

Few are as adept at fighting demons as the Riftwardens, an organization of spellcasters dedicated to protecting the boundaries between the planes. Many are already committed to the Fifth Crusade in Mendev and are unable to assist the Pathfinders directly in the society’s upcoming expedition into the Worldwound, but if the Pathfinders assist the Riftwardens elsewhere, perhaps a small number of the mages might be free to return the favor. Unfortunately, this means entering the godless nation Rahadoum, where several Riftwardens have recently disappeared.

Content in "Port Godless" also contributes directly to the ongoing storylines of the Cheliax, Osirion, and Qadira factions.

I would be interested in playing Port Godless in Core. I have a few options in range.

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Zadenar Fumbus wrote:

Core Alchemist

Will need to look at what I choose besides alchemy

Fumbus is odd in the fact that he has the Arcane skill but doesn't start with Arcane Proficiency.

But he can use Arcane attack spells and even gain full Arcane proficiency with Boomshaker so the Arcane adventure pack seems good.

And technically the ownership requirements have been waived due to Covid so even if you don't own the Alchemist class deck it could be used.

The Ranged adventure pack gives you some nice weapons and Belt of Physical Might.

I'm a big fan of the Occult adventure pack because it has Headband of Mental Superiority, Nightspear, and a couple of great blessings.
Some good utility spells as well if you go the Boomshaker route.

You should be fine whatever you pick. The Alchemy pack has a bit of everything you need so the rest is just improving on it.

Welcome to PbP ison. You may note that in the post directly above you they are looking for another player for Boomtown Betrayal. A short adventure for level 1 characters.

The signup link for it is here.

Ison Stormgale wrote:

First time breaking into PbP.

Ison Stormgale - animal instinct barbarian. Looking to try to only do natural attacks.

Welcome to PbP! I'm sure you will have fun but this particular adventure is for the card game.

If you want to play the Pathfinder 2E RPG look for a game here.

I altered my build a bit. Core Sajan Monk CD + UE and planning to take on the caped crusader role via boon.

Or maybe Core Sajan Monk CD + Finesse + Occult.

PbP slows way down during the holidays. Of the 2 offered games I prefer this one simple because it goes up to tier 6.

Probably as Fighter deck Valeros. Smash + UC.

I think the spirit of this requires us to be straight bards with Archetypes giving us some needed versatility.

We might permit Skalds if someone really wants to play one since they are at least part Bard.

As with anything on PbP we just need a GM and players.

GM ???

Bigguyinblack Probably as Archaeologist
Zin Z'arin

We could either do a PFS sanctioned AP (I did part 6 of Jade Regent but haven't played any of the others.) or we could pick some modules to do.

Here is a link to what I have played.

We might want a rule that if anyone goes the Nature Soul - Animal Ally - Boon Companion route the AC has to take at least 1 rank of Perform.

My bard is either 13 or 14. Would have to double check. But the point would be to do a full table of bards leveling up together from start to finish.

Simplest way would be an AP. Or Emerald Spire but I've done the spire already.

Ghostbane Dirge is a bard spell. And Arcane Duelist provides another alternate option to Inspire Courage with Bladethirst increasing the enhancement bonus of weapons or even adding properties such as Ghost Touch.

Aoe is a problem for Bards. Both the lack of it and a lack of good defenses against it.

I would say this belongs in a theorycraft section but we don't really have one of those.

Adding low level evocation spells to your arrows with Arrowsong minstrel isn't that useful in the long run. The static luck bonus from Archaeologist Luck ability increases the attack and damage. Plus adds to other rolls. And per RAW it work's with Lingering Performance. Plus it gets bonuses to Perception and Disable and can even take the Trap Spotter rogue talent.

Actually since Lingering Performance lets them extend the # of rounds the effect lasts in combat they can use the ability outside of combat when dealing with traps or using Bardic Knowledge without running out of rounds.

I prefer helping the whole party which is why I never played one but if I knew someone else had Inspire Courage covered I would be happy to have an Archaeologist in the party.

If it is run as a PFS legal table you can use prestige for those 2 spells. And one of the 60+ archetypes might grant access to them.

The key is archetypes that alter Inspire Courage.

You have 1 bard that does the basic Inspire Courage. Maybe with the Flagbearer feat and saving up for Banner of the Ancient Kings.

Archaeologist with Fate's Favored trait as the party archer and trap spotter/disabler.

There are 66 more PFS legal archetypes for Bard so presumably at least 4 of them have altered Inspire Courage.

You probably want one that has high int for good Bardic Knowledge.

There might be one that lets you take some of the better Clerical healing spells.

Maybe one that makes a good frontliner and/or helps with a full animal companion.

It's doable.

Just curious. Do you plan to run the fan made content for the second half of season 7?

nightdeath wrote:
Maybe all bards.

In 1E that is a viable table.

I've tried to get all bard parties together in the past. But I've played so many 1E scenarios it would pretty much have to be during a sanctioned AP at this point. Or a series of modules anyway.

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Actually I just now noticed you prefer 4 players and are seeking PCs who do a lot of RP. I'll sit this one out.

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Or sending you to die in my place. ;)

I have a few options for this.

Hunter 9: Mounted on a narrow frame rhino. Lots of aoos via Broken Wing Gambit.
Lunar Oracle 9: Has a tiger animal companion. Not a dedicated healer but has some useful spells.
Slayer 10: Archer with rogue skills.
Unchained Monk 10: Lots of attacks or greater grapple depending on the situation.
Alchemist 11: Not sure on this, He might have hit level 12, I'll have to double check. Bomb thrower.

Thank you.

Happy to see some core games. I've played all of them other then Bonekeep.

Have player signups started for NostalgiaCon? If yes could we get the link please?

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6 players can play but the list is

Shen - level 6 wizard
Hadanka - level 5 barbarian
Pau - level 6 monk
Two-blades - level 7 (rogue/cleric)
Tere level 7 (fighter/rogue/shadow dancer)
Belladonna level 6 - Cleric

Good luck all.

I'll step aside for Belladonna if she decides to play of course since a PC cleric is ideal.

Tbh I actually wonder if the pregen cleric would be your best 6th option if no actual cleric offers.

I'll give it a bit of time but I have a Wizard 7 if you don't get another player. Or Kyra if you want.

Actually Sarina is one of my fun characters. Not appropriate for Bonekeep. Maybe I'll use this gameday to work on something to someday play Bonekeep. Withdrawing for now.

@ Corbrae Illynel If you want to play the Rogue (I think you'll have to slow track at least twice) go ahead. But 2 levels of Rogue for my fighter archer plan should cover us pretty well.

Build looks sort of like this.

Level 1 Half-Elf Fighter.
Str 14, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 7
Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Skill Focus (Perception)
Skills Climb, Perception, Swim

Level 2 Fighter again taking Rapid Shot. Will also upgrade to a composite longbow +2 Str

Level 3 Rogue. Will have max ranks in perception and Disable Device.
Feat Skill Focus Disable Device. And can disable magical traps.

So +12 to Perception +1 to detect traps, +13 to Disable Device +2 from masterwork tool +1 for traps.

Level 4 I'll take another level of Rogue and get Trapspotter.

Having evasion with my archer is no bad thing. And I'll be pretty good at spotting and disabling traps. More so if buffed with say Heroism :)

If Aarvid is comfortable being our primary front line I can switch to Rogue with the plan being 2 levels of Rogue and the rest as Fighter focused on Archery.

Probably Fighter first.

Found my Core Wizard's chronicles. 19 xp. So he can do all 3 parts of Bonekeep.

I had to double check.

Ruins of Bonekeep, Level One: The Silent Grave
Levels 3 - 7

Ruins of Bonekeep Level 2: Maze of the Mind Slave
Levels 3 - 7

Ruins of Bonekeep Level 3: The Wakening Tomb
Levels 5 - 9

My only level 7 core character is my Wizard and I can't find my folder for them so looks like no Bonekeep for me.

Nah I'd bring one of my own characters. I forget the level ranges but I think I have a couple of options.

All 3 Bonekeeps CORE perhaps?

Who doesn't love a challenge?

Do we know how the Bonekeep tables will be structured? One of the main reasons they are so difficult don't translate to PbP.

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