The Flaxseed Pathfinder Lodge: Explore, Report, Cooperate!

Game Master Redelia

Outpost VIII Announcement
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Silver Crusade

Welcome to the community, Lokhem! There are many GMs here who do a great job helping newbies get their sea legs, so to speak. And of course any time you have a question, feel free to ask on this forum. We're always glad to share what we've learned. Happy gaming!

Dark Archive

Welcome Lokhem and Headbutt! If the next low-tier game starting could hold a spot for these two that would be much appreciated.

Again, if you have any questions at all ask away, this community is extremely helpful. Get in a game and your GM will help you along the way.

Headbutt, Lokhem and IHIYC I have just made a thread for a Fallen Fortress game.

If you are interested please post HERE

In addition I have 3 spots available for others on this jaunt to the crumbling ruins.

Thank you, Ietsuna!

GM Hmm wrote:
Thank you, Ietsuna!


GM Ietsuna wrote:

Headbutt, Lokhem and IHIYC I have just made a thread for a Fallen Fortress game.

If you are interested please post HERE

In addition I have 3 spots available for others on this jaunt to the crumbling ruins.

That's a great opening scenario! Very fun. Good luck folks. I too plan on running some games after the Gameday is complete so watch here for future recruitment.

It looks like Ietsuna's dance card is filled- very much interested in getting underway as a fledgling Pathfinder, so any other dirt-league games that might spring up will have my dubious talents available to their cause.

Robothedino, one of the experienced players has offered to step aside so you can play. Please come check in with a character. If you need help making a character please just ask.

Hi all, are there any spots for a new character out there? I've been wanting to try 2e. :)

Grand Lodge

Anastrace wrote:
Hi all, are there any spots for a new character out there? I've been wanting to try 2e. :)

Welcome Anastrace. This is the 1e recruitment board. You'll find the 2e recruitment board at the link below:

Cottonseed Recruitment (2e)

Grand Lodge

We have two games that could use a replacement GM.

First is S08-05: Ungrounded but Unbroken (1-5). We are playing that scenario three months now and we are in the second half of it. The current GM does not have time to post regularly.

Second is Midnight Mirror (Gameday game). We are still somewhere at the beginning. The current GM has real life problems.

Please, if any of you be willing to take over we will be very grateful?

Thank you!

Dark Archive

I can take over your Ungrounded but Unbroken game to help speed that one through to the end since it has been going on for quite a while.

Anyone out there with the bandwidth to pick up Midnight Mirror and help see them through Gameday successfully? :)

Grand Lodge

Tyranius wrote:

I can take over your Ungrounded but Unbroken game to help speed that one through to the end since it has been going on for quite a while.

Anyone out there with the bandwidth to pick up Midnight Mirror and help see them through Gameday successfully? :)

Thank you, Tyranius!

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I just finished my Eyes of the Ten group, so I have bandwidth, but as I haven't GMed that module before, I would need to take a few days to get ready. If no one else is available in the next couple of days, I will step in.

Grand Lodge

GM Rinaldo wrote:
I just finished my Eyes of the Ten group, so I have bandwidth, but as I haven't GMed that module before, I would need to take a few days to get ready. If no one else is available in the next couple of days, I will step in.

Thank you!

Shadow Lodge

I'm currently GM a game of PFS including the "Glories of the Past" trilogy (04-22/04-24/04-25). Recently one of the players had dropped out due to RL issues and a spot opened up. If there's someone interessed in joining we'd be glad to have him/her.


Preference will be given to those who have completed 2 thirds of the trilogy.

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Hey guys, I have an odd request. My character Kahwen got this boon -

Model Pathfinder Agent:
☐ ☐ ☐ One of the Society's in-world venture-captains sees great potential in you. Write the name of that venture-captain after this boon. This venture-captain greets you by name whenever you meet. When you participate in an adventure in which that venture-captain provides the mission briefing, you may check off a box before this boon to gain additional supplies of your choice with a value of at most 50 gp per character level. You must return any unspent supplies at the end of the of the adventure. If you have at least 20 Fame, the venture-captain invites you to take a direct hand in teaching the next generation of Pathfinders. You may spend 1 Prestige Point to become a part-time instructor at the Grand Lodge. You can use your educational skills to respectfully help your fellow agents thrive when they find themselves in challenging situations. If you are playing an adventure in the higher subtier, you may confer one of the following benefits upon each of the PCs who are 3 or more levels lower than you for the duration of the scenario: a +1 bonus to AC, a +1 bonus on all saving throws, or +1 hit point per level.
quite a while ago and I’ve had the PP for the second part for a while but am just now getting a window to use it. I know Gameday is still going but i’m hoping to catch folks coming off the Hao Jin Cataclysm who want to get right back into playing.

Kahwen is now 6th level so what I’m hoping is to get an intrepid GM who’ll run a 1-7 or 3-7 tier scenario for me with him and a bunch of 3rd level characters as his students. Labyrinth of Hungry Ghosts or Rescue at Azlant Ridge would be my preference since Kahwen has played each of their predecessors, but anything will do.

Of course, I’d then need some 3rd level characters to be the first class at Kahwen Academy.

Alternatively, is some brave 3rd level character is willing to let Kahwen take him under his wing (literally) in a table full of 6th levels, that would be cool, too, if a GM will allow it.

I’d be willing to do a GM trade, either concurrently or after at your preference. Also I’ll be your best friend for life.

Damn, that's enticing.

Sovereign Court

EbonFist ~ If it is indeed after Gameday, I have this third level character who would be happy to stand by your side.

Liberty's Edge

I've had that boon for a while, and haven't decided who to put it on. And sadly, I've already GM'd Rescue at Azlant Ridge.

But I'll hit level 3 shortly on this character, who'd be ready and willing to learn from a more experienced agent.

Grand Lodge

@Ebonfist: If you can give me a week to prep, I can do whichever you prefer; that is, if TOZ doesn’t wish to (I’ll admit, he’s a better GM than I). That’s a cool boon; my -1 has it and it’s come in handy a couple of times. Not to mention I played alongside Kahwen in a couple of scenarios (Way of the Kirin, Cindersworn Pact 1) with my sniper rogue (Daedin)...

I’ve played “The Hall of the Flesh-Eaters” and I’ve GM’ed “On Sevenfingers’s Sails” before so I’m already familiar with the infamous and legendary pirate, if that makes a difference to which you’d prefer...

I'm very tempted, but am at full capacity right now. If it doesn't come off right away, I might be up to run it in a couple of months.

GM Otha wrote:
(I’ll admit, he’s a better GM than I).

Excellent, they suspect nothing...

I'm focusing on getting through my Seeker table right now, so please do given them a good time. I've run both already, so if you need assistance let me know.

As some of my games are wrapping up I am looking to run something fun. Anyone up for a We B4 Goblins?

Sign Up Sheet

@Ebonfist - My "Aroden Reincarnated" just played alongside Kawhen. I also have that same boon, for my Count Ranalc Feysworn (level 9). Haven't had the chance to use it yet. Note that the boon only applies if the party is playing in the higher subtier, so a 6 and a 5 3's wouldn't work. But a party of 6's and 7's with a tough and fearless 3 could work.

I could bring along such a 3 (have a credit-blob with 6 XP).

Silver Crusade

I have this Cleric (Blossoming Light) of Sarenrae who would be interested in Labyrinth of Hungry Ghosts. I need to level her up, however, she just hit L3 with GM credit.

Grand Lodge

Aldizog wrote:
Note that the boon only applies if the party is playing in the higher subtier, so a 6 and a 5 3's wouldn't work. But a party of 6's and 7's with a tough and fearless 3 could work.

I think you could maybe squeeze in a couple of fearless 3’s and play high tier with the 4-player adjustment. In one of the 5-9 sessions my -1 played, he was 9th and was able to bestow the bonuses upon a 5th and two 6th level ‘students’ that way...

The Exchange

Just finished #10-00: The Hao Jin Cataclysm. GM recommended I play The Hao Jin Hierophant 5-9 next. Any GMs running this?

I have my evoker and a friend for a start.

@Aldizog - Good catch. I remember the high tier thing being a fly in the ointment I thought of when I first got the boon, but totally forgot about it.

That being said, I'm not amused by the possibility of your 9th level character mentoring my 6th level Kahwen while he's mentoring someone 3rd level. Not sure if that's even possible and it would be suicide for the 3rd level, but interesting.

But, it does give me an idea. There's nothing in the boon that multiple people with the boon can't provide bonuses. So...if there is anyone out there with the Model Pathfinder boon who wants to join in, it might be cool if we can get 2 or 3 characters from the upper tier with 2 or 3 characters at 3rd level so they're getting 2 or 3 of the bonuses.

Just a thought.

@GM Otha. I'd be perfectly happy to wait a week if you would be willing to run Labyrinth of Hungry Ghosts for me and a sidekick.

Also...because this discussion took up a lot of bandwidth lately...

Nobody miss out on GM Ietsuna (who is a great GM) We B4 Goblins (I'd jump in on it but I'm trying to play those in order and only played the first so far.)

Oooor miss out on GMing for Nugats.

Grand Lodge

if someone does run Hao Jin Heirophant, I can bring my dude that juat finished the special in...

@EbonFist, oh no, that is not what I meant. I cannot imagine a 3, 6, and 9 in the same scenario. I only mean that I too am looking for an opportunity to use that boon someday.

Grand Lodge

EbonFist wrote:
@GM Otha. I'd be perfectly happy to wait a week if you would be willing to run Labyrinth of Hungry Ghosts for me and a sidekick.

Labyrinth of Hungry Ghosts it is...I’ll start prepping on it and we can tentatively shoot for a next Monday or Tuesday start...

Does the Labyrinth of Hungry Ghosts table need more players? If so, what level to fit the needs of the boon?

Gummy Bear wrote:
Does the Labyrinth of Hungry Ghosts table need more players? If so, what level to fit the needs of the boon?

I'll let GM Otha run the official recruitment, but because I botched the original presentation I want to clear up what we can do -

Rather than my 1 6th level with 5 3rd levels, we'll have 1 3rd level with 5 high levels (high enough to push them into the upper tier.) The 3rd level will be being mentored by my 6th level.

And let me officially and publicly thank GM Otha for volunteering to run it. It's kind of a random whim but perfect for my character so I really appreciate getting to do it.

Grand Lodge

I just finished GMing a Hao Jin Cataclysm game and I'm looking for some specific scenarios that I'd like to play in. I'd be willing to do a GM swap if that helps to grease the wheels. I'll note the tier I'm aiming for as well as the character class I'm planning to play in each:

* PFS1 10-18 The Daughters' Due (8-9 tier - Magus)
* PFS1 8-04 Wardens of Sulfur Gultch (10-11 tier - Wizard) - I have GM'd this one already
* PFS1 10-20 Countdown to Round Mountain (10-11 tier - Ranger)
* PFS1 10-14 Reaver's Roar (10-11 tier - Hunter)

If someone wants to GM swap, I have materials for a wide selection of PFS scenarios I could run in return. Not everything but a lot: feel free to ask!

Liberty's Edge

Nathan Goodrich wrote:

I'll note the tier I'm aiming for as well as the character class I'm planning to play in each:

* PFS1 10-14 Reaver's Roar (10-11 tier - Hunter)

If someone wants to GM swap, I have materials for a wide selection of PFS scenarios I could run in return. Not everything but a lot: feel free to ask!

I'm swapping with Nathan and running Reaver's Roar: here

If anyone is interested. Start Date Nov. 5th.

The Exchange

Rallas Linnderil wrote:
if someone does run Hao Jin Heirophant, I can bring my dude that juat finished the special in...

So that is 3. Anyone willing to GM this and add a player or two?

I think my cleric is in tier.

Grand Lodge

My swap game for Qstor is Emerald Spire: The Tomb of Yarrix (level 8-10) and can be found here.

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Nugats wrote:
Rallas Linnderil wrote:
if someone does run Hao Jin Heirophant, I can bring my dude that juat finished the special in...
So that is 3. Anyone willing to GM this and add a player or two?

When would you be looking to start? I could GM it if it is after 1 or 2 of my gameday tables wrap up. (Should be a week or 2). Will give me a chance to prep it too.

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It's nice to see this place bubbling again!


Grand Lodge

Ietsuna wrote:
Nugats wrote:
Rallas Linnderil wrote:
if someone does run Hao Jin Heirophant, I can bring my dude that juat finished the special in...
So that is 3. Anyone willing to GM this and add a player or two?
When would you be looking to start? I could GM it if it is after 1 or 2 of my gameday tables wrap up. (Should be a week or 2). Will give me a chance to prep it too.

I have a lvl 8 character that could round you out.

Scarab Sages

Nathan Goodrich wrote:
My swap game for Qstor is Emerald Spire: The Tomb of Yarrix (level 8-10) and can be found here.

I have a (now 5th-level) character who'd been part of a committed Emerald Spire-delving party that broke up for no apparent reason (loss of momentum after losing a particular DM, maybe) after "The Drowned Level"; I'd really like it if she could find a group to continue with.

The Exchange

Ietsuna wrote:
Nugats wrote:
Rallas Linnderil wrote:
if someone does run Hao Jin Heirophant, I can bring my dude that juat finished the special in...
So that is 3. Anyone willing to GM this and add a player or two?
When would you be looking to start? I could GM it if it is after 1 or 2 of my gameday tables wrap up. (Should be a week or 2). Will give me a chance to prep it too.

Wow thanks!

No particular rush - whenever you’re ready.

Just keep me posted


I got a Fighter 4, a Wizard 3, a Bloodrager 3 and a Skald/Bloodrager 1/1 looking for adventures

Dark Archive

Pathfinders! Shevar Besnik seeks a sixth hero to explore the Tome of Righteous Repose. an evergreen PFS scenario for levels 3-7

We are running this Tier 3-4. The party is in desperate need of a 3rd level character willing to leap into melee combat. A rogue, fighter-type, or melee cleric would be ideal.

This is a CORE game of experienced players, with a n00b GM learning the ropes. that's me!. We are anxious to set out--the adventure will begin as soon as you arrive.

We are currently:
Paladin 4/Bard 1/Dragon Disciple 1
Bard 5
Wizard 4
Sorcerer 4
Ranger (archery-focused) 5

If interested, please say hello in our recruitment thread. The campaign can be found here.

Dark Archive

A game of Slavers' End (high tier) I'm in has lost its GM. GM Amsheager lasted posted two and a half weeks ago. Would any GM be up for taking over? This is NOT a Game Day game.

You can find the Discussion thread here.

Ok, Hao Jin Hierophant game is HERE Three seats reserved, but 3 open. We'll kick off in a week or 2 depending on how quickly seats fill and my Gameday games start winding up.

Dark Archive

GM CoolFrostyOne wrote:

Pathfinders! Shevar Besnik seeks a sixth hero to explore the Tome of Righteous Repose. an evergreen PFS scenario for levels 3-7

We are running this Tier 3-4. The party is in desperate need of a 3rd level character willing to leap into melee combat. A rogue, fighter-type, or melee cleric would be ideal.

This is a CORE game of experienced players, with a n00b GM learning the ropes. that's me!. We are anxious to set out--the adventure will begin as soon as you arrive.

We are currently:
Paladin 4/Bard 1/Dragon Disciple 1
Bard 5
Wizard 4
Sorcerer 4
Ranger (archery-focused) 5

If interested, please say hello in our recruitment thread. The campaign can be found here.

Filled. Stay tuned, might start another post-Gameday core game soon.

Grand Lodge

Pursuant to a request in an earlier post here by EbonFist, I’m recruiting for The Labyrinth of Hungry Ghosts (S7-19). This will be run in high tier (6-7) with a little twist; we need one fearless, low-tier level three character willing to play out of tier that will be a student/sidekick of EbonFist’s character Kahwen, so he can put his Model Pathfinder Agent boon to use. This is a cool boon that will grant a bonus to characters 3+ levels less than Kahwen (who is 6th level). I plan to start either Monday or Tuesday of next week, providing we have enough players by then. One high tier spot is reserved for Kahwen so we need 4 more high tier PCs along with the aforementioned fearless 3rd level...

If we have more than enough PCs showing interest by Friday evening, I’ll select based on a combination of party mix and lottery...

If interested, please respond at the link below:

Hungry Ghosts Recruitment

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