Lady Andaisin

DM Lil" Eschie's page

3,635 posts. Alias of Escharid Blackrose.


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Nope, an human (High man)

Racial bonuses
-2 to Agi/Quickness
+4 to Co/Pr/Str

-5 to saves vs Mentalism, Channeling, Essence
4 background option

Skill bonuses
Armor Group 10
Body Development 10
Combat maneuvers 10
Weapon group 20

Final stats and bonuses (Initial/Potential/ Racial bonus/ Stat bonus/ Total)

Agi 80 /95/-2/+3/+1
Con 94 /96/+4/+7/+11
Memory 65/77/0/0/0
Reasoning 60 /79/0//0/0
Self discipline 60/84/0/0/0
Empathy 53/67/0/0/0
Intuition 70/87/0/+1/+1
Presence 80 /96/+4/+3/+7
Quickness 70 /91/-2/+1/-1
Strenght 94 /98/+4/+7/+11

Adolescence skills
-Light 1
-rigid leather 1
-Medium 2
-Chain 2

Brawn 1
Endurance 1
Swimming 1
Gym 1

Alertness 2
Searching 1

Body Development 3
Communication 3
Langages 12
Lore General 3
Own region 3
Own race 3

Animals 1
Riding 1
Environmental 1

Power awareness 1
Science Basic 1

Tech/trade 1

1H edged 2
Weapon of choice 2
2H weapon 1
Weapon of choice 1
Missile 1
Weapon of choice 1
Pole arm 1
Weapon of choice 1

Background 4
Hobbies 10

I will recalculate my character stats so

Agi 80 potential: 2d10 ⇒ (5, 10) = 15=95
Con 94 potential: 1d7 ⇒ 2=96
Memory 65 potential: 3d10 ⇒ (1, 8, 3) = 12=77
Reasoning 60 potential: 4d10 ⇒ (7, 2, 1, 9) = 19=79
Self discipline 60 potential: 4d10 ⇒ (7, 9, 6, 2) = 24=84
Empathy 53 potential: 5d10 ⇒ (2, 3, 2, 2, 5) = 14=67
Intuition 70 potential: 3d10 ⇒ (4, 6, 7) = 17=87
Presence 80 potential: 2d10 ⇒ (8, 8) = 16=96
Quickness 70 potential: 3d10 ⇒ (7, 5, 9) = 21=91
Strenght 94 potential: 1d7 ⇒ 4=98

Cost 80+106+65+60+60+53+70+80+70+106=750

Would like some feedback from the GM: do we still have two free 90 for our main stats or not?

Starting to create a character: Human High Man fighter, with a background in berseker

Starts with free 90 in STR and CON, 750 points to use

Agi 80
Con 98
Memory 65
Reasoning 65
Self discipline 60
Empathy 50
Intuition 70
Presence 80
Quickness 80
Strenght 96

Cost 80+64+65+65+60+50+70+80+80+36=650

Hummm.. still 100 points to use? CON 98 should cost 154 (-90 free points=64), STR 96 should cost 126 (-90 free points=36). My maths might be wrong, but I guess I can rise both to 100, as you need 190 points and we already have 90 free. Is that what you want?

Waiting for your feedback on that

Maybe I'm too old. I was using the version I knew, decades ago. ^^

Maybe I'm not looking for the right edition of Rolemaster, cause the one I got makes you roll 1d100 for your characteristics, and I haven't seen a point based system so far..

Can someone point me to the right path?

Would a Malkavian be ok?

Nice work on Ollivor Myles, Ridge!

Interested! Will check my books and send character!

Would be interested...

joined the Emerald Spire team with a character

I'm not able (yet) to begin a new game, as I'm changing jobs. Maybe at the beginning of March.

I will allow 200 XP for each of the (played) survivors.

Will give you some XP tomorrow (if you care)

It is quite wise, because...

As you speed up toward exit of the caves under the windmill, toward the harsh snow and the howling wolves, which look like a minor inconvenience, you pass the corpse of the Reeve's ally, the one without a bow, as the body starts to rip and grow, most probably to unleash another horror from the unending hordes of Chaos.

Maybe, maybe, the Dullahan will be able to fight these monsters, if only for a few seconds, before they toy with him and do unspeakable things to his mind and body.

You run and run, hoping the small passages will hinder the massive creatures. Maybe, maybe not.

You get out of the windmill. The snow is still falling. The winds is still chilling. The wolves are still howling, but, it seems ti you, from farther away. Did you close the doors of the town of Hallt behind you? You can't remember. Did the wolves enter the town? You can't bother.

Cursing Hallt, the winter, the wolves, and fearing most of all the power of Chaos, you run for your life, you run for your soul. Let someone else try to be an hero. Hero dies. Sensible, reasonable persons, falsely called cowards by others, live another day.


Let's go throught this night first!

The end!

Hi, thank you for your patience and happy new year! Let's try to finish this, one way or the other!

The sheer size and ungodly appearance of the creature of Chaos reaches something primordial in everyone's mind and soul, and only the foolishly brave would dare to stand and fight.

Terror 2, add 2 to the SL if Willpower/ Cool test is failed. Will let the players roll for themselves, but there's no shame in fleeing

Terror, Dullahan: 1d100 ⇒ 14
Terror, Brunhilde: 1d100 ⇒ 61
Terror, Udo: 1d100 ⇒ 50
Terror, Thyrik: 1d100 ⇒ 63

And everyone flees.. except the Dullahan. Maybe having no head helps not losing your mind...

Things are quite hectic for me too, even if it's the end of the game.

Maybe we could do a pause and come back after the New year?

Chaos spawn

Thyrik and Gottfried step back from the large monster as the Reeve's skin expand and her last bones crak and regrow

Corruption test: Toughness. +2 Corruption if you fail, +1 Corruption if you pass barely (0-1 SL); 0 if you succeed by SL 2+

Thyrik (44): 1d100 ⇒ 28 SL 2, no corruption!

Sorry, my mistake , I should have wrote "Gottfried sides with Thyrik, and manages to land a blow himself"

Taking her dagger, the woman, whose bow is now useless, tries to defend herself from her three foes, targeting the Morrite, who seems to be quite wounded

Attack (42): 1d100 ⇒ 52 Sl-1
Defense (42): 1d100 ⇒ 55SL-1

But the dagger doesn't draw any blood, and Udo retaliate, thrusting his weapon trought her right leg Sl4+ STR4 +Weapon4 + (Sl-1)-2 Armor-4 TOU=7 wounds, 0 Wounds left

Attack+40 (76): 1d100 ⇒ 39 SL4
defense (36): 1d100 ⇒ 71

The bowless woman struggles to stand, she is, quite litterally, on her last leg; and Brunhilde does her utmost to bring the victory to her team, screaming like a possessed woman 13-6=Crit 7

Attack+40 (70): 1d100 ⇒ 2 SL 7
defense (30): 1d100 ⇒ 36
Critical: 1d100 ⇒ 58

Apparently, Brunhilde's attack was so severe that the opponent has no longer the strenght to hold a simple dagger, and you hear a metallic clank, then the "thump" of a body hitting the ground

The mason, being dead and now headless, thanks to the Dullahan, don't do a thing. The tide of the battle truly has changed.

The dwarf takes no precaution anymore, and engages in an all-out assault on the master of the cultists, who barely manages to parry some of the blows

Thirik attack+20 (76) : 1d100 ⇒ 20 SL5, hits head (13 dmg)
defense: 1d100 ⇒ 98 SL -4

Reeve defense (53): 1d100 ⇒ 49 SL1 (-4 dmg; total 17/15 wounds)
Reeve attack (53): 1d100 ⇒ 91 Sl-4

Crit head: 1d100 ⇒ 11

There's now a cut on the Reeve's face, and she falls to her knee, blood slowing escaping from the wound, condemned to die...

But before our would be heroes can rejoice, the Reeve's body seems to melt and grow at the same time, changing into something even more horrible, something enormous, something voracious, who has no right to be alive.

it's... enormous. With tentacles. A chitinous body. Eyes, way too many. A mouth filled with razor sharp teeth.


I have an Investigator 6, a Wizard 5 or Bard 5 who can join

Two characters
L4 Cleric (Mallycorn Tavee) or L1 Warpriest (Fraxon Stonebreaker)

OUtnumbering a foe 2:1 gives you +20, outnumbering 3:1 gives +40 to the test

Hans joins Brunhilde and Udo, hoping to kill or at least wound the huntress, but his lack of fighting skills shows up, and he misses, but not from too far. Maybe next time...

30+40=70, S-1

Hans sides with Thyrik, and manages to land a blow himself 50+20=70, SL1, as the Reeve can't parry his hatchett Dmg=1+4+4-3=6; Reeve 2/15 wounds

Meanwhile, the Dullahan strikes the mason, who's writhing on the ground, clutching his bloodied arm +20 for Prone target,-20 for Called shot

Attack (75): 1d100 ⇒ 37 SL4, dmg 14..

The mason loses his head, while the Dullahan delivers another grim rhyme.

It was a matter of time before your neck was cut. Now your lies and screams will stay in your mouth, eternally shut.

Sure your both (Gottfried and Hans) the ones to act now, then The Dullahan, and the rest of the foes. Do'nt forget to post both an attack roll and a defense roll

Second post to do a recap for the second round, for you and me

Thyrik is wounded, but he's managed to hit the Reeve

The bow woman can't longer shoot, as she is caught in melee by Brunhilde and Udo, who will act later. They all got burned by the Reeve's spell, and your allies barely stands

The Dullahan is ready to behead the fallen mason with his trusty axe.

Hans is running toward the bow-woman to help Brunhilde and the Morrite

Gottfried, after throwing to the Dullahan his axe, takes his own hatchett.

Felver, Imrik are running away.

Normally that would be Thyrick first: will make his rolls

The dwarf rushes now toward the Reeve, leaving the bow-woman to the duo of Udo and Brunhilde.

He tries to evade the scything flying colors, and seems to mistime his steps, before throwing himself to the ground, partially avoiding some of the explosion as the purple circle his the bow-woman, who hasn't seen the magical projectile coming, and her assaillants, who are a bit luckier

defense (24): 1d100 ⇒ 89
Defense fortune reroll (24): 1d100 ⇒ 2 SL 2 6/16 wounds

dodge, Udo (31): 1d100 ⇒ 29 SL 1 12/15 wounds
dodge, Brunhilde: 1d100 ⇒ 35 SL 0 9/11 wounds

The bow woman takes some damage, and shoots an angry look toward the reeve 7/18 wounds

THat's when Thyrik gets up again, and clashes weapons with the cultists leader

Thyrik attack (56): 1d100 ⇒ 69
Fortune reroll (56): 1d100 ⇒ 13 No more Fortune, SL4, hits left arm
Reeve def ( 53): 1d100 ⇒ 48SL 1
reeve attack ( 53): 1d100 ⇒ 27 SL 3, hits torso

The dwarf hits the left arm of the Reeve, even if she manages to parry some of the blow 8/15 wounds, but the woman's sword gets bloody too, slashing at the dwarf torso despite his armor Thyrik 11/16 wounds

yes, correct. And a critical fail is the reverse (failing on a double)

will post later today.

The axe flies through the air, and lands perfectly in the hands of the Dullahan, fitting itself as a glove and thirsty for blood
Yeah, the sacrifice of a Fate point is worth that

The Dullahan wastes no time in making his presence felt on the battlefield, attacking the stone mason side by side with the dwarf, who got one more head than him.

Attack+20 (95): 1d100 ⇒ 91 SL 0
Defense: 1d100 ⇒ 2 SL 9

The axe hits the mason left arm, leaving a gaping wound. The burly mason collapses on the ground, destined to bleed to death it seems
Crit: 1d100 ⇒ 49
Wounds 0, Crit-4

Attack, ranged 63: 1d100 ⇒ 10 SL5, hits Head

Of course, the cultists won't go down easiliy, and the woman unleashes her arrow, which comically passes where the Dullahan's head should be, hitting Udo instead, leaving a scar on his lower jaw. 5 /15 wounds. Now Thyrick acts, then the Reeve

Brunhilde screams, and your two companions rushes, weapons clear, toward the woman with the bow before she can get another arrow ready

Sure, you can use a Fate point, Gottfried and automatically succeed at your throw, or use a simple Fortune point to Reroll your throw. Here are the rolls for the opponents

Mason Defense 35: 1d100 ⇒ 87 SL -5

Mason Attack 35: 1d100 ⇒ 10 Sl 2

Thyrik rushes toward the mason, and tries to hit him. It's surprising how quick a dwarf can move when motivated by fear!

His attack is clumsy, but fortunatly, his opponent defense is worse, and a body blow lands 8 damage. The mason still stands, his ribs aching, his breath shorter.... Then he screams a scream of pure agony.. or was it extasy?

Maybe the dwarf hit a lucky spot, after all?


Mason: 6 - 1d10 ⇒ 6 - (8) = -2Falconer: 7 - 1d10 ⇒ 7 - (1) = 6Reeve: 9 + 2 - 1d10 ⇒ 9 + 2 - (10) = 1

Reeve 74: 1d100 ⇒ 5 SL 7 (Torso) Dmg 13
Reeve 66: 1d100 ⇒ 6 SL 6 on 4

The Reeve voice rises in a chant that makes you uneasy, nearly sick.. Then some purple circle appears from her hands and flies toward you quite slowly, as if it was about to scythe you

You can use your defense roll EITHER to parry a foe's attack OR as a Dodge (using Agility). Need to know about Gottfried's choice (Fate or Fortune to spend, potential re roll. Fate point can come handy to survive the Reeve's powerful attack...

Still no news from the last player, lets get this thing rolling till the end...

Init, Hans: 1d10 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6
Fear test (32): 1d100 ⇒ 40

Gottfried Init: 1d10 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10

as the Reeve's goons charge you, some of you succumb to the fear, while some other stand their ground.

Felver and Imrik run away, Felver screaming in abject horror as if he totally lost his mind Crit failure on Fear test. His fear could be contagious, but...

But Brunhilde and Udo, meanwhile, merely ready themselves for the fight to come, showing steel nerves, Udo somber, deep voice praying for Morr's acceptance for the foes.Two Crit successes, one balancing the Crit failure, the other giving a +10 to the test for everyone else

Konrad hesitates between fleeing and fighting, and he just backs himself to the wall, holding his sword out. Can defend at -10 but no attack this round

The Dullahan shows no other emotion than a willingness to fight, and seems as ready to kill as it is ready to die, should he be able to die.

Thyrik, Hans and Gottfried, emboldened by Udo and Brunhilde's confidence, are ready to fight too.

Order of Initiave
Thyrik (13)
Reeve (13)
Gottfried (10)
Hans (6)
Dullahan (6)
Mason (5)
Bow Woman (4)
NPC (4) (only Udo and Brunhilde)

You enter a larger cavern, which has been worked on by humans (hopefully). A pale green light pulse from the end of cavern, maybe twenty feet from the entrance. From where you are, there seem to be no other exit. And you see a few people, including the Reeve, at the end of the cavern.

In this cavern, in which maybe four people Our active PC and a NPC can stand together (if tightly close), you see four heads on the grounds, their mouth sewn shut.

The group of adventurers knew something odd and most probably horrible was about to happen, but the sight is quite a shock nevertheless. Test of Fear+0 (Base Willpower Or Cool skill), to do before any action of combat

From where you are, there seem to be no other exit. And you see a few people, including the Reeve, at the end of the cavern. You spot the stonemason, too.

The Reeve screams at her companion to obey, grabbing an inconscious man by the hair, and ready to plunge a wicked dagger in his throat

Drink now! Drink now and the ritual will be complete soon! Kill these intruders!

Reeve 1d10 + 5 ⇒ (8) + 5 = 13
Mason 1d10 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5
Bow woman 1d10 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4

The cultists, for lack of a better word, start walking toward you, weapons ready.

There is a grim faced woman clad in dark leather, that you have never seen so far. She holds a bow.
And there is the stonemason, with his big hammer.

The Reeve is at the end of the room, with her last victim to be.

In your post, add a roll for Initiative (1d10+ Ini Decimal) after the roll for Fear. NPC will act on the count of 4 or slowest PC action. Dullahan will act on Init 6. I'll roll for Fear for NPC

Konrad Fear (35): 1d100 ⇒ 49
Udo Fear (42): 1d100 ⇒ 11
Felver Fear (35): 1d100 ⇒ 100
Brunhilde Fear (40): 1d100 ⇒ 22
Imrik Fear (51): 1d100 ⇒ 90
Dullahan Fear (48): 1d100 ⇒ 27

Hans and anyone down the trap:
The flickering light of the candle shows walls of stone, and on the ground some strange scriptures, which could be gibberish or something more sinister. There is a short corridor leading to a room of carved stone, with shards of broken glass, empty vials, and a few full potions vials near a small woodbench. From where Hans is, he can see another corridor going deeper under the mill.

Sorry, there is no map given, so theather of the mind

ok, will do a recap:

The town of Hallt was, since a few years, harassed by a mysterious creature nicknamed the Dullahan by locals. The Dullahan was a headless monster riding a big horse, beheading travelers and citizen with his axe.

Our first crew of adventurers was carried on the roads by a coach, which was attacked by the Dullahan. But they managed to defeat it! Rushing throught the night and pursued by wolves, they reached the town.

After a night rest at the inn, and the shocking words of the Dullahan's defeat revealed, our crew spotted some strange little events inside the town, events they seemed to be the only ones to spot, like Time not flowing right, the behavior of animals, lack or overabundance of shadows..

But the following day, someone screamed the Dullahan was alive and beheading people again, right in the town. The adventurers were called on duty as guards reinforcement, and started asking questions, notably to the local priest, who told them he didn't trust the Reed, the mayor.

Tonight is the last night of the year, Hexennacht, where strange and eerie things happen. With fear seizing the townpeople, and the murder of guards captain, a few new people joined the original crew of adventurers, and together they went outside the town in the dead of the night to investigate the old windmill on the mill, from which spooky lights come...


Hans lowers himself into the ground under the old windmill's floor. Being quite tall and large, he has to bend himself

He can't help but think about being entombed...

He starts to move, in the darkness, and feels his own legs freezing in place, as if his own body was too afraid to go forward.Just for fluff

Something is odd. He feels it, right to his bones. He can't see anything outside his extended arm, then his eyes adjust a little to the darkness surrounding him, and he spots some dim light, maybe fifteen feet from where he is.

Being a peasant, he knows the smell of old, wet earth. But there is something more behind that usual smell, something more sinister, something unusual his nose register but his brain can't identify.

Int Test (41): 1d100 ⇒ 87
Perception 30: 1d100 ⇒ 65

Hope someone has a source of light. Any character of 5' hight or more has to bent forward to progress underground

Will post this week end, very busy week, sorry.

You actively seek a mechanism to open the (still unseen) trapdoor

Perception-20, Gottfried (15): 1d100 ⇒ 29
Perception-20, Thyrik(14): 1d100 ⇒ 88
Perception-20, Hans (12): 1d100 ⇒ 87
Perception-20, Konrad(11): 1d100 ⇒ 92
Perception-20, Imrik(41): 1d100 ⇒ 52
Perception-20, Brunhilde(15): 1d100 ⇒ 100
Perception-20, Felver(14): 1d100 ⇒ 54
Perception-20, Udo(7): 1d100 ⇒ 29

Imrik burns a Fortune point to get his SL from -1 to 0

After quite some time, and more than a few trials and errors, Imrik manages, by sheer luck, to touch the hidden mechanism.

A trapdoor open in the floor.

You notice the Dullahan, who waited patiently at the door's entrance, walking decisively toward the trapdoor. He doesn't carry yet his signature weapon.

You hear Brunhilde's anguished voice, but still no sounds of fighting

So what should we do?

And once again the haunting voice of the Dullahan

If you give my axe back
you will never feel its blade
I have other necks to hack
for fools we have been played!

Imric and Felver argues about whether giving the axe back or not, until Udo speaks

Listen! Let's say you give you your axe back, Dullahan, and you won't try to kill us... If we have a common foe, I want you to be the first in line to fight them, so we can keep an eye on you!

Imrik adds
That's quite a smart idea, even if it isn't without risks...

Perception-10, Gottfried (25): 1d100 ⇒ 25
Perception-10, Thyrik(24): 1d100 ⇒ 41
Perception-10, Hans(22): 1d100 ⇒ 41
Perception-10, Konrad(21): 1d100 ⇒ 93

Inside, Gottfried ins't totally sure, but he thinks he heard something from under the floor of the windmill, like a religious song or something

Sorry, hard week at new work, will post this week end

If I remember well, Felver has the Dullahan's axe. I'll let you decide if he gives it back or not.

Outside, you hear the wind and the Dullahan speaking

My axe must come back to my hand,
for this time together we stand,
against a much powerful fiend,
allies we must be, if no friends

Then a cacophony of voices, as your group expresses their fears and doubts. No one seems to want to give the Dullahan his weapon.

Inside, Thyrik, Gottfried and Hans struggle to move sacks of old grains to try to barricade themselves

STR Test+10 (45): 1d100 ⇒ 26 SL+2

Without too much troubles, they manage to move some heavy stuff to block the door once everyone is inside

I don't feel that well this morning, will post tonight if I can

In one well aimed blow of his axe, Hans breaks the door.

Inside the windmill, is a mess of mouldering sacks of corn, dominated
by the mechanical workings of the mill, and its large grinding stones.

Between the smell and the noise, it's hard to tell which is the worst.

Under a stone of the ground, there is some faint light passing through the cracks.

But before you search for a mechanism, there is still the problem of the Dullahan..

No special bonus, I guess the charge is taken into account. You should use a Fortune point... because that's a critical Fumble (66 is a double, and over your skill limit)

@Thyrik: a Challenging (+o ) STR check if you just kick the door or ram your shoulder in it. You'd get a bonus for using a weapon (+5 for a dagger, +10 for a sword or hand axe, +20 for an axe or any large 2 handed weapon), but the door would be unusable afterward

@Hans, I checked: there are some windows, but they are closed and chained

Athletics+10(46): 1d100 ⇒ 61

You all start to run, some of you being slower than the others, lacking in athletic prowess or being simply short legged.

Still, fuelled by fear, you do your best. Imrik is the first to reach the door of the windmill, followed by most of your group. Only Udo and Thyrik close the ranks, Udo being a little short of breath.

You glances behind you, and see that Brunhilde's grim promise has been fulfilled: the wolves indeed feast on your fallen and bleeding foe. But you are sure they will seek more meat.

But your fear gains in intensity as you watch the horseman reaching the windmill not too far from you...

It's none other than the Dullahan!

Felver and Konrad already reaches for their weapons, as Brunhilde covers in fear behind Udo.

Imrik, the elf, realises that the door is locked and closed, and sturdy.

Whatever you do must be done quick!

I'll let the players decide of the actions of the NPC. The door lock must be picked, but its a good lock (Lockpicking skill needed, or a spell), the door can be kicked/smashed/ cut to pieces; the Dullahan, so far, hasn't attacked you.

@Miteke: I have joined your game, I have a few characters in that range (most probably will join wth a Bard 5 or Cleric 4)

@Gottfried: it's an axe, not a sword, but considered as a basic weapon with Impact (only when you are on higher ground than your target). So your base WS is 50,+20 for being 2 against one, so total SL +7

Weapons clang feverishly in the dark, as Gottfried and the foe exchanges strikes and parries.

Finally, Gottfried manages to land another blow in the man's gut, widening the wound made by Hans.

Still, the foe is, amazingly, standing into the bloodied snow, maybe not realising how bad he's hurt.

Soon, reality comes knocking to his brain, and the foe kneels in the foe, blood gushing from his wounds, before falling face down on the ground.

Hit location 50, body dmg, Gott SL, Gott SB, - Foe SL, - Foe TB: 1d10 + 7 + 4 - 3 - 4 ⇒ (1) + 7 + 4 - 3 - 4 = 5, entering negative wounds so Critical -1:Body critical: 1d100 ⇒ 8, Bleeding 1

Thyrik moves back toward the horseman, nearly surrounded by wolves. He might have spurred his mount, as the horse gains speed, with the wolves following him, still howling into the wind.

The dwarf understand that he will soon be passed by the horseman, and will have to face the wolves himself. He hears the shouts of the elf, screaming him to coming back.

The woman-Brunhilde, wasn't it? A tavern wench or something like that- shouts again, saying that the wolves will have enough to eat tonight, with their bleeding foe, unless Thyrik wants to be on the menu too...

You can hit an opponent if you fail your roll by less than him too

Exemple: You get a -1 SL, but your opponent fails his roll by 3 (SL -3), in case your result is +2 for you.

Don't forget to add the Strenght Bonus to Damage you do, and the Toughness Bonus to any damage you receive.

Big weapons give a bonus to damage. Armor can help you survive the blows

A few infos on combat for new players

1: Roll to Hit
Melee: To attack, perform an Opposed Melee Test with your Opponent (both you and your opponent Test your Melee Skill). Whoever scores the highest SL wins. If you win the Test, you hit your opponent and gain +1 Advantage. If you lose the Opposed Test, your opponent gains +1 Advantage and your Action is finished.

2: Determine Hit Location
If you successfully hit, find out where — reverse the roll to hit and compare this number to the Hit Locations table. So, a roll of 23 to hit would become 32 on the table, a hit on the Right Arm.

3: Determine Damage
Once you have determined the hit location, it is time to work out how much Damage you deal. Each weapon has a Weapon Damage characteristic (see page 293). This is usually your modified Strength Bonus for melee weapons, or a fixed number for ranged weapons. Take the SL of your Opposed Test and add
it to the Weapon Damage of the weapon you’re using. This final number is your Damage.
Summary: Damage = Weapon Damage + SL

4: Apply Damage
Using the Damage and the Hit Location you struck, you now see how many Wounds your opponent loses from your attack.
Subtract your opponent’s Toughness Bonus and any Armour Points protecting the Hit Location from your Damage.

So, taking

Will give informations in Discussion thread. Could you roll for Defense too,using your WS, Hans?

Attack (63): 1d100 ⇒ 22 SL+4 with Critical attack, Localisation Left arm
Defense (63): 1d100 ⇒ 39 SL +3

So, taking your rolls, and as shown in the discussion thread: Hans rolled 25, and his WS is 31. So his total SL is +1 (3-2, you only use the ten number.) His Opponent rolled better, 39 vs a WS of 63, so his SL is 6-3=3. Any double is a Critical, either Critical success if you rolled under your score, or Critical Failure when you rolled above. Here, in two rounds, we had both, first a Critical failure on Defense from the foe, now a Critical Success on Attack. Not very good news for Hans, but his allies will act before the foe can attack, fortunately. So Hans, with his handaxe (normal weapon, no bonus to damage), will do 1d10+SB+SL damage (here 9+3+1=10), hitting the Body (25 inversed give 52, you hit body between 45 to 79). The foe managed to parry some of the blow ,but he has no armor. He will substract his Toughness Bonus (4) and his own Defense SL (3), total 7, thus reducing the damage from 10 to 3 (10-7).

Hans strike makes a cut in the man's belly, but its not a very deep wound, and the foe is still standing, if barely, nearly enraged at the peasant. But one or more wound and he's down.Wounds remaining 4

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