
Rallas Linnderil's page

1,711 posts. Organized Play character for grimdog73.

Full Name

Rallas Linnderil




slayer 3/Un Rogue 6/snakebite brawler 2, HP 103 AC 23(27), T 17(21), FF 16(20), F +14, R +19, W +12, Initi. +11, CMD 23, Perception +21, lowlight(+24 traps)




Medium, 5'11", 129 lbs



Special Abilities

spell like abilities(see sheet), immune to sleep




common, elven, goblin

Strength 10
Dexterity 20
Constitution 14
Intelligence 12
Wisdom 14
Charisma 13

About Rallas Linnderil

Rallas Linnderil
Male Elf Slayer 3/UnRogue 6/snake bite brawler 2
CG Medium humanoid(elf
Init +11; Senses lowlight; Perception +21(+24 traps)

AC 23; Touch 17; Flat-Footed 16; (armor +6, dex +5, dodge +1, deflect +1)
HP 103(5d10+10, 6d8+12, +11 toughness, +6 FCB)
Fort +13; Ref +19; Will +12
Immune sleep effects; +2 vs enchantment

Speed 30ft
Space 5ft; Reach 5ft
+2 adamantine elven curve blade +17 1-10+7/18-20 x2
w/PA -3 to hit, +9 dmg +15
+1 agile adamantine cestus
cold iron kukri +14 1-4/18-20 x2
silver lght mace +14 1-6/x2
cold iron spiked gauntlet +14 1-4/x2

+1 thundering orc hornbow +15 2d6+1/x3
(40 cold iron arrows, 20 regular)


Str 10, Dex 20, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 13
Base Atk +8; CMB +8; CMD +24
toughness, Improved initiative, weapon finesse*,
weapon focus#, dodge, power attack@, iron will
EWP-orc hownbow#, unarmed strike&, alertness
point blank shot, WF-cestus&

*-unchained rogue bonus feat
#-rogue talent
@-slayer talent
& brawler bonus feat

Class abilities
studied target, sneak attack +5d6, finesse training,
trapfinding, evasion, rogue talent x3, track, finesse training(damage)
slayer talent, debilitating injury, uncanny dodge, unarmed strike,
brawler's cunning, martial training, rogue's edge(disable device),
danger sense +2, surprise attacker, brawler's flurry.

reactionary-+2 initiative
imdomitable will-+1 will save

Spell like abilities
read magic, detect magic, detect poison, comprehend language
1x day CL 10

acrobatics +19
bluff +6
climb +6
craft traps +5
disable device +21(+24 traps +5)
escape artist +14
know. dungeoneering +6
know. local +6
perception +21(+24 traps)
sleight of hand +10
stealth +19
survival +12
use magic device +15
intimidate +5
sense motive +11
linguistics +6

common, elf, goblin, infernal, celestial

combat gear
+2 adamantine elven curve blade
+1 agile adamantine cestus
mwk cold iron ECB
cold iron kukri
cold iron spiked gauntlet
silver light mace
+1 thundering orc hornbow(40 cold iron, 20 regular, 5 prong)
+2 mithril shirt
4x potions cure light
2x alchemist fire
2x vials holy water
potion lesser restoration
vial antiplague
vial antitoxin
2x potion CMW
scroll breath of life
wand of shield(21)
wand of infernal healing(29)
scroll of produce flame(10)
efficient quiver
-20 thistle
-5 prong
-20 cold iron
-5 adamantine
=10 blunt
=5 javelin, quarterstaff, 3 spears and a mwk comp long bow
5 pheromone arrows

Other Gear
3 paper
vial ink
ink pen
100'silk rope
100' twine
3 chalk
cold weather gear
mwk thieves tools
cloak of resistance +3
belt of {husical might(dex and con) +2
ring of protection +1
wand cure light (21 charges)
wand of clw(6 charges)
trapsringer's gloves
belt pouch
flint steel
iron pot
mess kit
trail rations(5)
water skin
2x spring loaded wrist sheath(one with wand of CLW-6, other cold iron kukri)
jade wayfinder
Handy Haversack
ioun torch
traveller's anytool
dark blue cracked rhomboid ioun stone
cracked amber spindle ioun stone
scroll of restoration x2
scroll lesser restoration x3
scroll Protection from evil
scroll bless weapon
wand lead blades(30)
wand longstrider (42)
scroll dispel magic
scroll remove paralysisx2
daredevil boots
stone with Heightened Continual Flame cast on it
wand of endure elements(49)
wand of Gravity bow(48)
scroll rope trick
lesser talisman of beneficial winds
four leaf clover
scroll of spider climb
potion fly
scroll remove disease
scroll remove paralysis

gp 19536
sp 5
cp 4

PFS info

1-Master of the fallen fortress 479
2-Library of the Lion 510
3-Crypt of the everflame 1398
4-Frostfur Captives 502
5-Rise of the goblin guild 520
6-The Goblinblood dead 504
7-Destiny of the Sands, Pt. 3 1282
8-Year of the Shadow Lodge 1250
9-Frozen Fingers of Midnight 1286
10-By way of Bloodcove-1258 gp, 1 XP, 2 PP gained
11-My Enemy's Enemy-1304 gp, 1XP, 2 PP gained
12-Blood Under Absolom-2500 gp, 1 xp, 2 pp gained
13-Cosmic Captive-2500 gp, 1 XP, 1 PP gained
14-Solstice Scar Ver a-2500 gp, 1 XP, 2 PP gained
15-Solstice Scar ver B-2500 GP, 1 XP, 2 PP gained
16-Solstice Scar Ver c-2500 gp, 1 xp, 2 pp gained
17-Solstice Scar ver d-5334 gp, 1 xp,1 pp gained
18-In the name of the Grandmaster, 1 XP, 2 PP, 3173 gp gained
19-Hao Jin Cataclysm-1xp, 1 PP, 5334 gp gained
20=Hao Jin Heirophant-1xp. 2 PP 5551 gp gained
21-Fragments of Antiquity-1xp, 2PP 4063 gp gained
22-Tapestry's Trial-1 xp, 2 PP, 6001 gp gained
23-Chasm of Screams-1xp, 2 PP. 6245 gp gained
24-Fate of the Fiend-1xp, 2 PP, 6080 gp gained, stone with Heightened Continual Flame gained(50gp cost, reflected with net gain gp)
25-Jarlsblood Witch Sage-1 xp, 2 PP, 5449 gp gained
26-Reaver's Roar-7695 gp, 1 xp, 2 pp gained
27-Drow of the darklands-5874 gp, 1 xp, 2 PP gained
28-Portal of the sacred rune-8009 hp, 1 xp, 2 pp gained
29-The Elven Entanglement-7747 gp, 1 xp, 2 pp gained
30-Lyrics of Extinction-6620 gp, 1 xp, 1 PP gained
Xp 31
PP gained-40, 10 spent

PP spent
2-purchased wayfinder
2-wand cure light wounds(50 charges)
2-augmented wayfinder to Jade...p. 63 PF field guide
2-wand or endure elements
2-retrained feat to EWP=orc hornbow as per Jarlsblood Witch chronicle