joerice's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 49 posts (8,999 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 8 Organized Play characters. 101 aliases.

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M Elf Rogue (Guerilla) 2

I understand, Arlen. This is a rough time for all our brains.

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Ray Brautigan was born to the owners of a horse farm in central Kentucky, but he was never comfortable with the easy, opulent life of the gentree class. As a teenager he ran way, headed west. As the frontier, rough and tumble days died, he saw the tail end of a lifestyle he'd never fullly get back to. The war came, and he enlisted to go fight overseas. While in the trenches, he saw more pain and suffering than any human should. He doesn't like to talk about it.

When he returned, the country life was far too quiet for his addled psyche, so he found himself in Los Angeles. Good with a gun and deceptively intelligent and observant, he was taken in by an older private detective and shown the ropes. At first he was the old man's fist and legs, but eventually his knack for the mental work was clear. The old man eventually retired and Ray took over the practice. Mostly divorce work, the job kept his brain busy enough that his anxieties and memories were more or less drowned out.

But this one, a missing person case ...he'd had a few and they ranged from mundane to shady, but nothing was ever like this case. The trail had brought him to a place between places, where things stopped making sense. Not entirely sure if he was hallucinating it all, he's trying to figure the place out enough to find the girl.

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M Elf Rogue (Guerilla) 2

The f#%* is he talking about? Sor draws his bow.

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M Elf Rogue (Discretion Specialist) 3

"Mr. Poke, which one is Brom again?"

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M Elf Rogue (Discretion Specialist) 3

"On the mark as always, Mr. Poke." Dr. Tes makes his way to the door. "Brom! You're needed! Oh, Lizardfolk!"

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M Human Fighter (Two-Weapon Fighter) 2

I'm here. New York's quarantine has been a wild ride for public school teachers as we build a plane while flying it, but I'm still here.

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AC 22(26)(30)/21(25)(29)/18(22)(26) Hp 15/105 F+8 R+8 W+13 Init +4 Perception +4 150 Stoneskin Human Sorcerer (Aberrent-Blooded) 16

"Oh, my. Oh, my. This is extremely powerful, and costly as well. This is straight from Dispater or a top aide. First the good news. You can now see anything invisible. Permanently. And you can break even mighty enchantments with ease. However must keep it within 5 feet at all times. And your prayers ...will become rather less pleasant."

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AC 22(26)(30)/21(25)(29)/18(22)(26) Hp 15/105 F+8 R+8 W+13 Init +4 Perception +4 150 Stoneskin Human Sorcerer (Aberrent-Blooded) 16

Kalim accepts all the tanks. Mobile armored artillery ftw!

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AC 22(26)(30)/21(25)(29)/18(22)(26) Hp 15/105 F+8 R+8 W+13 Init +4 Perception +4 150 Stoneskin Human Sorcerer (Aberrent-Blooded) 16

Well, his will save for being scared succeeded then, at least! I'm at my local bar now and my friend tending has played at my table before and he's here for my distress.

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AC 22(26)(30)/21(25)(29)/18(22)(26) Hp 15/105 F+8 R+8 W+13 Init +4 Perception +4 150 Stoneskin Human Sorcerer (Aberrent-Blooded) 16

Kalim gasps as he is brought back from the Void. "F@%$ this altogether!"

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AC 22(26)(30)/21(25)(29)/18(22)(26) Hp 15/105 F+8 R+8 W+13 Init +4 Perception +4 150 Stoneskin Human Sorcerer (Aberrent-Blooded) 16

Kalim sighs momentously. Using his uncanny ability to ALTER REALITY in order to cast Glitterdust at the dang snout.

sr check: 1d20 + 28 ⇒ (7) + 28 = 35

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AC 22(26)(30)/21(25)(29)/18(22)(26) Hp 15/105 F+8 R+8 W+13 Init +4 Perception +4 150 Stoneskin Human Sorcerer (Aberrent-Blooded) 16
baldwin the merciful wrote:

RA Perception check (DM Rolled)

[dice=Desmond] 1d20+21
[dice=kalim] 1d20+4
[dice=Karnog] 1d20+29
[dice=Duncan] 1d20+18


Ohhhhhhhh shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit!

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M Human (Mwangi: Zenj) NG Human Cavalier 2 | HP: 18/18 | AC: 20 (11 T, 17 F) | CMB: +5/+6 Trip or Disarm/+8 grapple, CMD: 16/18 vs Grapple | F: +4, R: +1, W: +0 | Init: +1| Perc: +6, SM: +6/+7 in/around Necropolis

"Old Osiron was bougie as hell. This was a home?"

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M Human Fighter (Two-Weapon Fighter) 2

Anton stretches lazily as he wakes up the next day with zero regrets. Calisthenics, kata-practice, grooming. Time for a fresh day. Maybe the home town wasn't so bad.

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M Elf Rogue (Guerilla) 2

Sor's eyes get wider and wider as the big man breaks down in front of everyone. *He really IS out of his mind ...poor babbling maniac ...

bluff: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (16) + 9 = 25

"Yes, right. Well. We have weapons and armor for any who want it. I live out here. You'll all be fine. Don't mind the monologing large human. He does that."

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M Elf Rogue (Guerilla) 2

Sor goes to check on Faerlith. When he's sure she's ok, he shows her the buckler and two dusts he found earlier.

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M Elf Rogue (Discretion Specialist) 3

"Who'd choose to live here? A genius, a madman, or a mad genius! Interesting no matter what! I'd love to interview him!"

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M Human (Mwangi: Zenj) NG Human Cavalier 2 | HP: 18/18 | AC: 20 (11 T, 17 F) | CMB: +5/+6 Trip or Disarm/+8 grapple, CMD: 16/18 vs Grapple | F: +4, R: +1, W: +0 | Init: +1| Perc: +6, SM: +6/+7 in/around Necropolis

"Sun Falcons! The Falcons so mighty they live in the Sun!"

1 person marked this as a favorite.
M Human (Mwangi: Zenj) NG Human Cavalier 2 | HP: 18/18 | AC: 20 (11 T, 17 F) | CMB: +5/+6 Trip or Disarm/+8 grapple, CMD: 16/18 vs Grapple | F: +4, R: +1, W: +0 | Init: +1| Perc: +6, SM: +6/+7 in/around Necropolis

I'd say my character is living just a bit below average, maybe 8 gp a week? He does his thing whether he's paid or not.

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M Elf Rogue (Guerilla) 2

"Someone heal Arlen! Count your loot later!"

disable device: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (12) + 7 = 19

He then slips to Faerlith and shows her where to place the explosive.

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M Elf Rogue (Discretion Specialist) 3

Don't stare. Don't stare. Don't stare. DON'T TOUCH IT! DON'T TOUCH IT! DON'T TOUCH IT!" Tes is more successful at the latter than the former.

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M Elf Rogue (Discretion Specialist) 3

"Row, gentlemen, row! Grumpy humans need assistance!"

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M Human Fighter (Two-Weapon Fighter) 2

Perception Caravan: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (15) + 1 = 16

Anton rides up to the young girl Stella. "Hey, Stella. Those shoes weren't made for this kind of walking. Can I help?"diplomacy: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (17) + 1 = 18

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M Human Fighter (Two-Weapon Fighter) 2

"Absolutely! Your adventure of a life started with a bang and you're still strong and whole'" Anton says to Stella.

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M Human Fighter (Two-Weapon Fighter) 2

They're local gangs. Murder brings too much heat, even if they're all evil. Anton is prejudiced, though.

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M Elf Rogue (Guerilla) 2

No. He's paranoid now and thinks our loudest trying to lead is reckless. He's keeping stuff compartmentalized now.

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M Human Fighter (Two-Weapon Fighter) 2

"Must be those piss poor rations you get 'soldiering.'" He doesn't mask bitterness. "Doubt you need much protection these days. Good. You saw right through Lord Goldick.*

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M Human Fighter (Two-Weapon Fighter) 2

As he walks, Anton realizes, Wait, she knew my name! How did ...I would certainly remember her! Unless ...wait ...what was her name? Etna?! When did that little tomboy ...

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M Human Fighter (Two-Weapon Fighter) 2

Anton hands her the money with a slight grin. "Wit is wasted on some." He then gets back to the mark--er, client.

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M Elf Rogue (Discretion Specialist) 3

"So we're just ignoring common dibs laws? Mr. Poke, does the law have an opinion?"

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M Human Fighter (Two-Weapon Fighter) 2

Now let's see if he picks up on what she didn't say. Or if he's got more cents than sense.

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M Elf Rogue (Discretion Specialist) 3

"First off, to my own companions, remember I specifically have dibs. Krab and Mullit we offer you the amazing treat of rations, food you don't even have to hunt! Civilization has its downsides, but this isn't one of them. I also have some very special mushrooms we could perhaps enjoy together. Brother humanoids, trade-friends, do you have any advice for those such ourselves without your gifts get through this area?"Diplomacy: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (13) + 8 = 21

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M Elf Rogue (Discretion Specialist) 3

perception does Dr. Tes see the Hummock folk?: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (5) + 9 = 14

Raoul the Light Mace: 1d20 + 4 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 4 + 2 + 1 = 21

damage, sneak: 2d6 - 1 ⇒ (5, 6) - 1 = 10

Dr. Tes circles around to flank with Mr. Poke and thwacks at the goblin with Raoul.

"♫♪Come ON in, see our smilllllle
Watch Raoul DEnt skulls in style
We can DANCE AND we CAN sing ...♫♪"

perform sing, untrained: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3

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M Elf Rogue (Guerilla) 2

Big John, did you miss Sor slipping in?

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M Elf Rogue (Discretion Specialist) 3

perception fire spreading?: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (6) + 9 = 15
sense motive sleepy or cursed: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (3) + 8 = 11
intimidate: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (19) + 8 = 27

The Doctor knows danger when he sees it, and this was getting out of hand. His eyes dart around and he sniffs the air, looking for signs of fire spreading. These people were sluggish...sleepy perhaps but maybe part of the curse? No way to be sure fast enough.


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M Elf Rogue (Discretion Specialist) 3


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M Elf Rogue (Guerilla) 2

"Can someone get this maniac to stop shouting?!" Sor hisses as he approaches the door.

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M Elf Rogue (Discretion Specialist) 3

If one of these mongrels lays a hand upon my attourney I swear I will bring him low, somehow!

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M Elf Rogue (Guerilla) 2

Were they humans, the loud, large, suicidal maniac would call that "courage." Best to be wary of that one, no matter his skill at murder.

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M Elf Rogue (Discretion Specialist) 3

"Never mind others who speak of your racial handicaps, human! You've got this!"

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M Elf Rogue (Discretion Specialist) 3

"Ah, undead! Likely a straggler from the Balltle Between Evil and Everyone Else! Do put them down quickly, I hear a bear nearby and bears are F*@%ING TERRIFYING!" Tes takes out his dagger and readies an attack if one of the wretches come near. slice: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (16) + 3 = 19damage: 1d4 - 1 ⇒ (3) - 1 = 2

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M Elf Rogue (Discretion Specialist) 3

Poke Poke is my attourney.

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M Elf Rogue (Discretion Specialist) 3

"Fascinating stuff, this Orctown! Theology some mix of Torag and some Great Menace apocalyptic! Allied with one of the large human hives that approach city-hood! Strange drink and amazing fungi! This humble pamphleteer must investigate this peace further!"

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M Human Order of the Shield Cavalier (Constable) 2

Sorry, all, I was under the weather for a couple days there (read: deeply hung over). Dinner and a movie night with my goddaughters but I'll get a post up by tomorrow.

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M Elf Rogue (Guerilla) 2

Do all humans prattle on this endlessly?

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M Human (Ustalavian) Cleric of Groetus 3/Slum Shaman 1/Evangelist of Groetus 5

"Oooh, pretty kitty! Time for a playdate!" Teodor begins summoning a Celestial Wolf ...FROM BEYOND!

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AC 22(26)(30)/21(25)(29)/18(22)(26) Hp 15/105 F+8 R+8 W+13 Init +4 Perception +4 150 Stoneskin Human Sorcerer (Aberrent-Blooded) 16

Ooooooh! Come on guys, keep it up! I LOVE FREE DRINKS!!!!

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AC 22(26)(30)/21(25)(29)/18(22)(26) Hp 15/105 F+8 R+8 W+13 Init +4 Perception +4 150 Stoneskin Human Sorcerer (Aberrent-Blooded) 16

"Be glad I destroy you before the Void reduces Orcus to dust. You deserve better than to see your god whimper and beg." Stop flirting in battle, Kalim! The dwarves will notice!

Grand Lodge

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M Kellid Human Barbarian (Dreadnaught) 5

Chef stops thinking about dragon meat, and wonders if he'll have to cook Ivan for the dragon.

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M Human (Ustalavian) Cleric of Groetus 3/Slum Shaman 1/Evangelist of Groetus 5

Damn, sorry, guys! I thought I'd posted this already.

Teodor hopes this creature is another fascist, and casts a protective spell on the party and their new ally. Communal Protection from Law.

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