Rappan Athuk set in Nirmathas, Golarion

Game Master baldwin the merciful

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In reading through the dragon's stats and items two things would have become visible when glitterdust outlined the Aragnak's head: He is wearing headband and he has an Ioun stone.

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Evil GM

RD 2: Aragnak

Duncan there is grumbling in the dragon's belly, your beard begins to scorch as you await the inevitable eruption. Since Aragnak's snout is glittering with dust and faire fire the dragon decides to let his frightful presence (free action) be known to all within 240 ft. (everyone is caught) within the aura. DC 25 will save for everyone.

rds shaken: 5d6 ⇒ (4, 5, 6, 4, 3) = 22

A shaken character takes a –2 penalty on attack rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks.

Aragnak whips his glowing head around towards the sorcerer to ensure that the human caught in the blaze. Then it releases a blast of inferno fire that will catch Duncan (no reflex save) and Kalim. rds till next breath: 1d4 ⇒ 2

Since this is 3 dimensional and I can't indicate that clearly on the map I'll say angle only catches Duncan, Kalim and the invisible summoned creature.

fire breath weapon: 16d10 ⇒ (2, 9, 7, 1, 4, 2, 8, 5, 6, 2, 5, 3, 2, 3, 8, 5) = 72

*kalim your reflex save is 27 for half damage
**Duncan the snatch feat doesn't permit a reflex save against breath weapon.

After the dragon uses his breath weapon Duncan is released when the breath so if he survives he does fall 20 feet fall: 2d6 ⇒ (1, 2) = 3

It will then use it's swift action and quicken spell ability to cast magic missile against Duncan.

magic missile: 5d4 + 5 ⇒ (1, 2, 2, 3, 4) + 5 = 17

It will then flies upward 280 feet.

AC 22(26)(30)/21(25)(29)/18(22)(26) Hp 15/105 F+8 R+8 W+13 Init +4 Perception +4 150 Stoneskin Human Sorcerer (Aberrent-Blooded) 16

will: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (10) + 13 = 23
reflex: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (18) + 8 = 26

Kalim dies.

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Treasure Spreadsheet Dwarf Cleric 16 Initiative +1, Darkvision 60', Perception +29 HP 141/141 |AC 26 / T 11/ FF 25 | Fort +17, Ref +10, Will +21|

Will: 1d20 + 21 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 21 + 1 + 2 = 27 vs fear

I'm assuming the dragon has crazy fly skill, so moving at greater than 45° should be no problem.

Seeing Kalim get so utterly torched by the breath weapon, Karnog moves over and uses his breath of life spell to attempt to keep him on this side of death.

5d8 + 16 ⇒ (7, 2, 2, 4, 1) + 16 = 32 HP healed.

The remaining two lilend will also heal him for 1d8 + 5 ⇒ (8) + 5 = 13 and 1d8 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12 respectively

I believe that should get Kalim to 23 HP, if I'm not mistaken

"Everyone, we need to get out of here! Desmond, Nym, see if you can grab Duncan. Kalim, we're gonna need a way to get clear. None of my magic can do that, not today."

AC 22(26)(30)/21(25)(29)/18(22)(26) Hp 15/105 F+8 R+8 W+13 Init +4 Perception +4 150 Stoneskin Human Sorcerer (Aberrent-Blooded) 16

If I'm reading it right that would put Kalim still at -2. He was at 38, took 72.

AC 22(26)(30)/21(25)(29)/18(22)(26) Hp 15/105 F+8 R+8 W+13 Init +4 Perception +4 150 Stoneskin Human Sorcerer (Aberrent-Blooded) 16

Oh, shit, didn't see the Lilends! You're right!

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AC 22(26)(30)/21(25)(29)/18(22)(26) Hp 15/105 F+8 R+8 W+13 Init +4 Perception +4 150 Stoneskin Human Sorcerer (Aberrent-Blooded) 16

Kalim gasps as he is brought back from the Void. "F~+* this altogether!"

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Evil GM

fall damage for Kalim when he is torched: 3d6 ⇒ (1, 6, 1) = 8


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Dwarf Warpriest 16 (Champion of Faith) Int+1, F17,R10, W18, + 2 v Spells/PoisonAC37/T17/FF35+4vs Last foe to hit , CMD+28+4vs Bull Rush/Trip, CMB+16 +6 for Trip HP121/154, Percep+18,Diplo+12,Intim+23, Religion+12

Duncan was at 92HP, before the dragon's action and then between the Fall, bite and Missle you did exactly 92 HP, leaving Duncan disabled and prone at 0 HP.

dc25 vs Fear effect: 1d20 + 18 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 18 + 2 + 2 = 27

When your current hit point total drops to exactly 0, you are disabled.

You gain the staggered condition and can only take a single move or standard action each turn (but not both, nor can you take full-round actions). You can take move actions without further injuring yourself, but if you perform any standard action (or any other strenuous action) you take 1 point of damage after completing the act. Unless your activity increased your hit points, you are now at –1 hit points and dying.

Healing that raises your hit points above 0 makes you fully functional again, just as if you'd never been reduced to 0 or fewer hit points.

You can also become disabled when recovering from dying. In this case, it's a step toward recovery, and you can have fewer than 0 hit points (see Stable Characters and Recovery).

Duncan sucked in his breath as he began to feel the dragon's own intake of air and knew what was coming. Knee he could do nothing except keep to his faith that his lady was with him.

He ROARED loudly back at the Dragon as the flame came in. And the roar became a scream as the heat burned his hands, face body and his own armor became a heated prison that increased his torment.

Then he felt no more pain.

The full thickness burns had destroyed his pain receptors and as the dragon dropped his body the extent of the damage was revealed.

Celestial Armor and shield glowing red, Duncan's blacked and now hairless form dropped to the charred earth in a heap.

He was not cohearant at that point and didn't even register that he'd been hit with the dragon's magic missile. Disabled at 0 HP

All the dwarf knee was that he couldn't see and couldn't feel, but he DID see in his minds eye.... His lady.

In a moment she appeared, not in a bright display of light and without any trumpets or holy fanfare.
He was on his back and his head was in her lap.
She was dirty.
Smoke covered and sweating and her own armor glowed with the same heat as his own...as if SHE'D taken the full brunt of the blast right next to him.
She cradled his burnt head and he saw...tears glistening but not falling.
He could she her own resolve holding back her own despair for his condition.

The situation was hopeless.
The dragon was too powerful. Duncan would die soon.

Not yet. She spoke To him.
Not yet, old friend. Your allies need you.

She gently laid his head down and rose.
Get up Soldier.
and he felt compelled.
Get up, Duncan. Fight

He knew the stories. Learnt how the Lady had never failed to protect those in her charge until she was Martyred and acended.
Her strength would not allow him to fall until his body was completely, irredeemebly destroyed.

To any of his fellows watching, none of this had occurred, of course.
They merely saw a crispy dwarf, hit the deck and for an agonising few seconds not move.

Then Duncan sucked in his breath.
Then his wounds began to knit.
Use a FERVOUR to swift action CURE CRITICAL WOUNDS, sacrificing his CRUSADER'S EDGE SPELL to do so.
NOT DEAD YET: 4d8 + 16 ⇒ (5, 8, 8, 2) + 16 = 39

Then as the positive energy infuses his body and his wounds close and his skin heals and his eyelids regrow the dwarf stands Move Action

At that moment, he considered healing himself further, but tactical thinking took over and he used the SUMMON BATTLE COMPANION BLESSING to summon something BIG.

Something that might buy them some time.

He placed the gateway 40ft above them,
so the Celestial ROC would block the dragon's line of sight.

As the GARGANTUAN animal flew out of the rift all it could see was it's summoner Pointing towards something sparkly getting further away, but the avian eyes could see the glittering clearly even from this distance.
GM call on what the CELESTIAL ROC does. It has only Int 2 but summoned creatures do know who their summoner is and are allied with the Summoner. Also the bird has the celestial template and so can do a version of SMITE 1/day

Duncan is at 32 HP. The ROC appeared and CAN act this round on Duncan's turn but unsure whether GM will allow it to attack the sparkly thing flying away or at least fly after it to investigate (with 80ft fly speed it could use the RUN action to catch up to it this round and likely collide into the Invisible Dragon. I imagine 2 Gargantuan creatures colliding mid air and beginning to fall. Baldwin I'll post the Celestial ROC's stats below. Up to you what the bird does. Duncan is has 10 uses of Fervour left and 9 Blessings

Dwarf Warpriest 16 (Champion of Faith) Int+1, F17,R10, W18, + 2 v Spells/PoisonAC37/T17/FF35+4vs Last foe to hit , CMD+28+4vs Bull Rush/Trip, CMB+16 +6 for Trip HP121/154, Percep+18,Diplo+12,Intim+23, Religion+12

ROC and celestial templates


This immense raptor unleashes a shrill cry as it bares its talons, each large enough to carry off a horse.

CR 9
XP 6,400
N Gargantuan Animal
Init: +6; Senses: low-light vision; Perception +15
Source: Bestiary

AC: 22, touch 8, flat-footed 20 (+2 Dex, +14 natural, -4 size)
HP: 120 (16d8+48)
Fort: +13; Ref: +14; Will: +8


Speed: 20 ft., fly 80 ft. (average)
Melee: 2 talons +18 (2d6+9/19-20 plus grab), bite +17 (2d8+9)
Space: 20 ft.
Reach: 15 ft.

Str: 28; Dex: 15; Con: 17; Int: 2; Wis: 12; Cha: 11
Base Atk: +12; CMB: +25 (+29 grapple); CMD: 37
Feats: Flyby Attack, Improved Critical (talons), Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Power Attack, Skill Focus (Perception), Weapon Focus (talons)
Skills: Fly +7, Perception +15

Environment: warm mountains
Organization: solitary or mated pair
Treasure: none

Rocs are terrifying, legendary birds renowned for their ability to carry off elephants and other big animals. A typical roc is 30 feet long from beak to tail, with an 80-foot wingspan and weight of up to 8,000 pounds. While their beaks are hooked like an eagle's and designed for slashing and tearing, most rocs prefer to seize prey in their massive, clawed talons and drop them from great heights before feasting on the shattered remains. For this reason, they are often followed by flocks of scavengers like rooks, buzzards, and eagles hoping to steal portions of the roc's messy meals. The roc generally ignores such opportunists, but if the scavengers don't take care, they nevertheless may find themselves accidentally consumed by the feeding roc.

Rocs are equally comfortable over land and sea. While they are capable of sleeping in the air as they soar solo across great ranges in search of food, they generally return home to the mountains to roost and procreate. They prefer rocky crags that are completely inaccessible by terrestrial means, building vast nests of tree trunks and ruined masonry. Once a decade, a mated pair lays a clutch of 3–5 eggs and raises its young. Outside of mating, rocs are extremely antisocial, and may attack others of their kind in vicious aerial battles in order to establish their territorial boundaries. When a nest contains eggs or chicks, parents trade off in their long-ranging flights, with one restricting its wanderings to within a 10-mile radius of the nest.

Rocs are most commonly white but can be a number of different colors, from dark brown or gold to black or blood red. Their massive feathers are highly prized, and their eggs even more so. Due to their scarcity and the high risk involved in harvesting them, a single man-sized roc egg can net 4,000 gp if transported to market undamaged. A roc can be trained as well as any other animal, but its great size makes this a daunting task for most would-be trainers of human size. The same isn't true for giants—particularly cloud and storm giants, who often use trained rocs as guardians for their lairs. Rocs are even large enough to serve as mounts for the most prestigious of giants.

Celestial Template:

Celestial creatures dwell in the higher planes, but can be summoned using spells such as summon monster and planar ally. A celestial creature's quick and rebuild rules are the same.

Challenge Rating
A celestial creature's CR increases by +1 only if the base creature has 5 or more HD.

Rebuild Rules
Senses gains darkvision 60 ft.; Defensive Abilities gains DR and energy resistance as noted on the table; SR gains SR equal to new CR +5; Special Attacks smite evil 1/day as a swift action (adds Cha bonus on attack rolls and damage bonus equal to HD against evil foes; smite persists until the target is dead or the celestial creature rests).

Celestial Creature Defenses
Hit Dice Resist Cold, Acid, and Electricity DR
1–4 5 —
5–10 10 5/evil
11+ 15 10/evil

Evil GM

Duncan when it pops into existence it will first need the Will save since the Dragon's frightful presence.

Dwarf Warpriest 16 (Champion of Faith) Int+1, F17,R10, W18, + 2 v Spells/PoisonAC37/T17/FF35+4vs Last foe to hit , CMD+28+4vs Bull Rush/Trip, CMB+16 +6 for Trip HP121/154, Percep+18,Diplo+12,Intim+23, Religion+12

Will Save: 1d20 + 8 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 8 + 2 = 22

It is shaken.

Evil GM

As Duncan gets on his stubby legs and points up high the Celestial Roc takes holy turd on his shoulder. You know they say that is good luck.

Treasure Spreadsheet Dwarf Cleric 16 Initiative +1, Darkvision 60', Perception +29 HP 141/141 |AC 26 / T 11/ FF 25 | Fort +17, Ref +10, Will +21|

"Move your stumpy butt, dwarf! We need to regroup and prepare, or this blasted lizard is gonna end us for real!"

Karnog looks over at Duncan standing after that blast, fall, and spell. He smiles with tight lips as he calls the warrior over.

Evil GM

RA Initiative Order: RD 2

Desmond - charged in and took an AOO but did get a hit on the dragon
Aragnak - toasted Duncan and Kalim
Duncan - summoned Celestial ROC
Karnog - heals Kalim
Kalim -
Nym -

Treasure Spreadsheet Dwarf Cleric 16 Initiative +1, Darkvision 60', Perception +29 HP 141/141 |AC 26 / T 11/ FF 25 | Fort +17, Ref +10, Will +21|

FYI, if we can get together and heal up a second, I think we can pull this off. Kalim tosses a polar ray and deals 16d6 cold plus 1d4 dex drain. Karnog and Duncan can buff for a round or two, and hopefully Desmond can get back before the roc is toasted. We really just gotta get rid of that invisibility, then we stand a chance.

AC 22(26)(30)/21(25)(29)/18(22)(26) Hp 15/105 F+8 R+8 W+13 Init +4 Perception +4 150 Stoneskin Human Sorcerer (Aberrent-Blooded) 16

"Gather up!"

Male Drow Sorcerer 7/ Fighter 1/ Eldritch Knight 8 AC25(29)/T16/F20(24), SR 22, Acid Res 20, Perc +12, Saves F+11/R+12/W+10(18 vs mind effect), HP 116

Seeing his task has taken care of itself, Nym gathers up

Evil GM

Kalim what are you going to do now that most the party has gathered? I say most the party because Desmond has already acted in the round. If your intent is to flee, I'm ok to handwave Desmond getting in on that action. If your intent is to buff up as Karnog suggested then I'll have Desmond go at the top of the next round and we will continue on with the battle.

Male Drow Sorcerer 7/ Fighter 1/ Eldritch Knight 8 AC25(29)/T16/F20(24), SR 22, Acid Res 20, Perc +12, Saves F+11/R+12/W+10(18 vs mind effect), HP 116

I thought we were fleeing. If not Nym will cast Blur on himself

Evil GM
Nym Omriwin wrote:
I thought we were fleeing. If not Nym will cast Blur on himself

I understand. That's why I'm asking for clarification.

AC 22(26)(30)/21(25)(29)/18(22)(26) Hp 15/105 F+8 R+8 W+13 Init +4 Perception +4 150 Stoneskin Human Sorcerer (Aberrent-Blooded) 16

We skedaddling!

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Evil GM

I'll let you hold the teleport spell (I assume that is what you'll be using) until Desmond gets there.

Dwarf Warpriest 16 (Champion of Faith) Int+1, F17,R10, W18, + 2 v Spells/PoisonAC37/T17/FF35+4vs Last foe to hit , CMD+28+4vs Bull Rush/Trip, CMB+16 +6 for Trip HP121/154, Percep+18,Diplo+12,Intim+23, Religion+12

10 bucks says Baldwin had the dragon DIMENSION LOCK the area.... Duncan was intending to swift heal, then Run in and Buff the party anyway with BLESSING OF FERVOUR next round of the ROC manages to keep the dragon occupied, so he will be GATHERED.

Treasure Spreadsheet Dwarf Cleric 16 Initiative +1, Darkvision 60', Perception +29 HP 141/141 |AC 26 / T 11/ FF 25 | Fort +17, Ref +10, Will +21|

No way to know if the dimension lock is in place til we try and jump. Well, Conway for this group at least.

Evil GM
Karnog Kegmeister wrote:
No way to know if the dimension lock is in place til we try and jump. Well, Conway for this group at least.

{insert} Evil GM slowly ringing his palms together. "Yes...Yes."{end insert}

Evil GM

Desmond is gone for the weekend. So I will DMPC him. He decides to make a suicide run towards the dragon...

Just kidding.

To his surprise both Duncan and Kalim somehow survived the massive devastation that the dragon dished out. He quickly returns to Kalim's side to skedaddle from the battlefield.

AC 22(26)(30)/21(25)(29)/18(22)(26) Hp 15/105 F+8 R+8 W+13 Init +4 Perception +4 150 Stoneskin Human Sorcerer (Aberrent-Blooded) 16

"I'll not forget this." Kalim teleports the group to Fentonville.

Evil GM

The group teleports back to Fentonville without issue.

AC 22(26)(30)/21(25)(29)/18(22)(26) Hp 15/105 F+8 R+8 W+13 Init +4 Perception +4 150 Stoneskin Human Sorcerer (Aberrent-Blooded) 16

"That old bastard will feel my vengeance one day. This I vow."

Treasure Spreadsheet Dwarf Cleric 16 Initiative +1, Darkvision 60', Perception +29 HP 141/141 |AC 26 / T 11/ FF 25 | Fort +17, Ref +10, Will +21|

"He got the drop on us. That being said, I think we've got his number now. True seeing, invisibility purge, and your polar ray spell should put the hurt on the beast. If we come into contact again, that is."

Karnog toasts the group and thanks his Creator that their damage wasn't greater than it was.

"And Duncan? You got snatched up by a 20 yard long, flying, fire-breathing monster of legendary doom. It breathed a village killing gout of fire on you not once, but twice. And all you lost was some beard and head hair, brother!"

Karnog slams his palm down on the table and laughs out loud.

"By the Anvil, that was a scrap and a half."

Dwarf Warpriest 16 (Champion of Faith) Int+1, F17,R10, W18, + 2 v Spells/PoisonAC37/T17/FF35+4vs Last foe to hit , CMD+28+4vs Bull Rush/Trip, CMB+16 +6 for Trip HP121/154, Percep+18,Diplo+12,Intim+23, Religion+12

Duncan accepts the clap but makes the sign of Iomedae.
Karnog knew full well there was only 1 reason he'd survived that encounter.

Tha Lady was wid me, Brother.... Honestly there was a moment there I was sure I was going ta move on, an she told me ta git up. She held me head and poured me health back inta me.

Duncan was more typical of the popular stereotype of Dwarves than most of his race. Yet it was clear he'd been touched deeply by his deity's faith in him, as well.

Need ta down some kegs, then we rest up an head out again first thing in tha morning. We need ta catch up with Grimm and put the boy down Fer good.

Dark purpose had returned to his eyes...

A weathered looking older human walks into the Slywink. He is wearing a furcoat pulled pretty tight and he's wearing a hat made out of racoon. He's supporting himself of knobby cane. He hacks and coughs with every step he makes. He fishes out 3 cooper pieces and places them hesitantly on the bar. "Yer cheapes'booze."

AC 22(26)(30)/21(25)(29)/18(22)(26) Hp 15/105 F+8 R+8 W+13 Init +4 Perception +4 150 Stoneskin Human Sorcerer (Aberrent-Blooded) 16

intimidate: 1d20 + 28 ⇒ (20) + 28 = 48 Kalim Detects Magic and paradoidly lays into the new guy. "Tell me who you are."

Startled at being yelled. The old man spills some of his watered down beer. "W...w...what?" the man becomes protective of his cup. "git yer own." He mumbles. "Henk...tell 'em."

the old man nods. {b]"No."[/b]

Useee gots to...he ord'r."

"Ain't no right to ask."

"Sure he does...he's a heeeeerooooo."

The old man appears to be talking to himself.

"That's jus ole Henk. He comes 'round when ever he can put together a few coppers."

Treasure Spreadsheet Dwarf Cleric 16 Initiative +1, Darkvision 60', Perception +29 HP 141/141 |AC 26 / T 11/ FF 25 | Fort +17, Ref +10, Will +21|

"If he is no trouble, put his drinks on our tab, my good man. No sense in anyone keeping a dry throat on a night like tonight."

Male Human Unchained Rogue 16 AC 35/23/25 Perc +21 (+8 vs traps) Saves 11/21/10 HP 142/142
Active Buffs:
Heroes Feast, Fly, Resist Fire 30, Invisibility, Reduce Person

~~~During the Fight~~~

Active Buffs:
Heroes Feast: +1 morale bonus on attack rolls and Will saves and a +4 morale bonus on saving throws against poison and fear effects
Fly: The subject can fly at a speed of 60 feet

Resist Energy: Resist fire 30

Inspire Courage: +2 morale bonus on saving throws against charm and fear effects and a +2 competence bonus on attack and weapon damage rolls

Will (vs fear): 1d20 + 10 + 4 ⇒ (12) + 10 + 4 = 26

Due to heroes' feast, Desmond makes the save against fear.

AoO as Dragon leaves Desmond's Threatened Area: 1d20 + 23 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 23 + 1 + 2 = 46
Damage: 1d6 + 10 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 10 + 2 = 18

Confirm: 1d20 + 23 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 23 + 1 + 2 = 29
Crit Damage: 1d6 + 10 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 10 + 2 = 13

After Desmond takes a parting slice, he retreats to the others to retreat.

~~~Current Time~~~

"Well, that was almost very bad very quick. Perhaps it will be good to keep fire protection up more often until he is dealt with? And some invisibility dealing stuff, obviously."

Male Drow Sorcerer 7/ Fighter 1/ Eldritch Knight 8 AC25(29)/T16/F20(24), SR 22, Acid Res 20, Perc +12, Saves F+11/R+12/W+10(18 vs mind effect), HP 116

Nym looks at the human with annoyance as if the rogue was child nagging it mother. He toward Desmond in his heavy drow accent
"Your perception of the obvious is beyond repute Dés'mönd."

Treasure Spreadsheet Dwarf Cleric 16 Initiative +1, Darkvision 60', Perception +29 HP 141/141 |AC 26 / T 11/ FF 25 | Fort +17, Ref +10, Will +21|

"Yeah, something that can allow us to pierce invisibility would be key. I dont know of such an item or spell that would last all the time. I can see truly for a relatively short period, and I know there is an arcane spell specifically designed to see the invisible. How to cast that or where we might find it I dont know."

Male Drow Sorcerer 7/ Fighter 1/ Eldritch Knight 8 AC25(29)/T16/F20(24), SR 22, Acid Res 20, Perc +12, Saves F+11/R+12/W+10(18 vs mind effect), HP 116

spell craft: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (6) + 11 = 17
know aracana: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (10) + 13 = 23

Nym thinks on it for few seconds "We could have true seeing cast permanently on some goggles. It would be quite expensive." says in his broken accented common

truesight goggles

Dwarf Warpriest 16 (Champion of Faith) Int+1, F17,R10, W18, + 2 v Spells/PoisonAC37/T17/FF35+4vs Last foe to hit , CMD+28+4vs Bull Rush/Trip, CMB+16 +6 for Trip HP121/154, Percep+18,Diplo+12,Intim+23, Religion+12

Well, I HAD an invisibility purge that I used when that damned fog appeared. Got me thinking that was the damned dragon probing us ta see what we'd do. Gonna have ta have 2 O' them from now on...

Duncan starts to look suspiciously around the tavern.

That thing came after us deliberately. It was prepared. What'a ye all done ta provoke a dragon ta actually invest effort inta takin ye all out? Is it allied with Orcus? Dragon's of advanced age usually have their own agenda's. Or have ye stolen from it in tha past?

Treasure Spreadsheet Dwarf Cleric 16 Initiative +1, Darkvision 60', Perception +29 HP 141/141 |AC 26 / T 11/ FF 25 | Fort +17, Ref +10, Will +21|

"The only time we encountered the beast, it flew over and torched a bunch of ogres while we fled into the dungeon. As far as I know, it is independent of the cult, but who knows? We have made a name for ourselves as mighty and wealthy adventurers, and we have fewer members than ever with us now. It could have been watching and waiting for an opportunity to slay us and steal our goods. "

Male Human Unchained Rogue 16 AC 35/23/25 Perc +21 (+8 vs traps) Saves 11/21/10 HP 142/142
Active Buffs:
Heroes Feast, Fly, Resist Fire 30, Invisibility, Reduce Person

"Glitterdust, that should do it. Can't even be protected against it." Desmond says with surprisingly good understanding of magic.

The nutty beggar belches loudly after he finishes his cheap watered down ale. "the sound o'thunder...hear me ROAR." He then giggles and pulls out a piece of moldy cheese. "A..a...another ale if the holyman will tithe it to me." He runs one weathered hand through his matted hair. Squinching his eyes tight he starts to mumble to himself. 'No...no..I don't want to...Nope."

'Yessssss yessss yous do."

Dwarf Warpriest 16 (Champion of Faith) Int+1, F17,R10, W18, + 2 v Spells/PoisonAC37/T17/FF35+4vs Last foe to hit , CMD+28+4vs Bull Rush/Trip, CMB+16 +6 for Trip HP121/154, Percep+18,Diplo+12,Intim+23, Religion+12

Duncan raises an eyebrow as the man continues to move in and out of cohearant speech and speaking to himself.
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (15) + 6 = 21

Treasure Spreadsheet Dwarf Cleric 16 Initiative +1, Darkvision 60', Perception +29 HP 141/141 |AC 26 / T 11/ FF 25 | Fort +17, Ref +10, Will +21|

Karnog places his mug on the table and looks at the apparent madman closely.

"I hope this ain't some demonic trickery. I really like this alehouse."

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (8) + 14 = 22

At the soonest hint of trouble, Karnog prepares to cast greater angelic aspect.

Evil GM

Duncan and Karnog the old man is quirky but he doesn't seem to be a threat, except possibly to himself. He seems like he has had a hard life, perhaps traumatic life, but there is nothing really unusual about him. He's a simple beggar.

"OK...Ok...I know where he lives!" Then the old man breaks down in incontrollable sobs. His hands tremble as he reaches for his tankard.

Dwarf Warpriest 16 (Champion of Faith) Int+1, F17,R10, W18, + 2 v Spells/PoisonAC37/T17/FF35+4vs Last foe to hit , CMD+28+4vs Bull Rush/Trip, CMB+16 +6 for Trip HP121/154, Percep+18,Diplo+12,Intim+23, Religion+12

Duncan relaxes a little in that the old man appears to be genuinely nuts, but he did have something that could further possibly put the dwarf at ease.
It had been a brutal day and it was the closest to death the dwarf had been in a long time.
Duncan will use his Detect Evil ability which is a SLA using a MOVE action. He'll maintain his concentration focusing first on the old man and if he finds nothing he'll sweep the room. If he gets a Ping, he'll focus on it per the spell description to learn what he can of its strength

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