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Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 49 posts (8,999 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 8 Organized Play characters. 101 aliases.
Baldwin the Merciful's Bloody Nightmare DM-Camris' IRONFANG INVASION Chapter 1: Trail of the Hunted DM: Dave the Dwarf's Shattered Star The Dying City: DM Norv's "Curse of the Crimson Throne" Empire of the Sun - Table 2 The Fifth Mendevian Crusade: Reclaim the Worldwound GM Foxy's Carrion Crown GMT's War For The Crown - Table 2 Hell's Vengeance JohnnyBlack's Rise of the Runelords Anniversary Edition The League of Gentlemen Looking for Things in Holes Masks: A New Generation of Heroes ONCE IN A LIFETIME Rappan Athuk set in Nirmathas, Golarion Rise of the Runelords RotRL aka "The Heroes of Sandpoint" Splinters of Faith Sv's - First Steps part 1 : In Service to Lore Tides of Destruction Gameplay Strike Force The Voyages of the USS Aubrey (inactive) (inactive) 'Dventurer's Gild List of Mighty Deeds (inactive) Another Noble Deed (inactive) The ARA Table 2 (inactive) Ascension - Rebellion (inactive) AZ's Broadened Horizons R2 G3 (inactive) Baldwin the Merciful's Razor Coast: Black Spot (inactive) The Black Monastery (inactive) The Darkness Below Maure Castle.... (inactive) Death-Lok's Mummy's Mask - amended (inactive) DM Salsa Presents: Rise of the Drow (inactive) Gameday 3: The Infernal Vault (inactive) GM Edwin's River Queen (inactive) GM Edwin;s Ferrous Deities!!!! (inactive) GM Fuzzfoot's Wild West (inactive) GM Fuzzfoot's Wild West 2 (inactive) GM Fyren's WotW Sulphur (inactive) GM Omelas's Destiny of the Sands (inactive) GM Pathmaker's "The Confirmation" (inactive) GM-Foxy's Hell's Rebels (inactive) The Heretic of The Godsmouth Ossuary (inactive) Iron Gods AP with GM Mustache (inactive) JZ's Reign of Winter (The Frozen Stars) (inactive) Kings and Men - A Kingmaker Campaign (inactive) LegitGM's Artifact Retrieval Agency (inactive) LegitGM's Artifact Retrieval Agency Blaze Unit (inactive) Living in the Lands of the Linnorm (inactive) Lords of Light (inactive) Mummy's Mask ala Fabian (inactive) Of Dreams and Despair (inactive) OGGM's Star Wars (inactive) Order of Tears pre-selection RP (inactive) PFS Game Day #3: GM Viskous 3-01: The Frostfur Captives (Tier 1-2) Table 2 (inactive) PFS PbP Game Day 3 - Mists of Mwgani (Table B) (inactive) PFS PbP Gameday 3: #4-18 The Veteran's Vault (lvl 1-5) (inactive) Plunder and Peril Ship 2 (inactive) Realms Beyond Imagination-Reign of Winter (inactive) The Reclamation of Zahvroma (inactive) Serpent Skull- Beer and Pretzels (inactive) Slaves to the Ochre Fang (inactive) The Spires of Ravenloft (inactive) Starfinder Defense Force (inactive) Thralls of Thrune, Part 1: The Sunless Citadel (inactive) Venture Town - City of exploitation and some adventure (inactive) What is a Hero? (inactive) [PFS] GM - Mark Garringer's 06-05 - Slave Ships of Absalom Table 1 (inactive) [PFS] Mists of Mwangi 0-05 Table B (inactive) [PFS] PbP Gameday 3 - Master of the Fallen Fortress (inactive) [PFS] PbP Gameday 3 - The Citadel of Flame (inactive)