Find information and discuss Paizo Inc. and their projects here. This forum is not the place to ask questions or seek advice for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, or Pathfinder Adventure Card Game—please look at our other subforums before you post here.

Paizo General Discussion

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Advanced Class Guide on the PRD

So is Fantasy Football D20 system?

Blog: Who Loves Ya, Baby?

Two Different Retail Markets: Assembled Miniatures verses Unassembled Miniatures, and Online Sites that Focus on Each

Skull & Shackles logo for the Community Use Package

monster creation advice

Good Riddance Paizo....

Sean K Reynolds is leaving Paizo

viewpoint discrimination is not cool, even when private companies do it

Did Paizo ever think of making a Pathfinder video game?

Chronicles Pathfinder Podcast Returns with ALL NEW EPISODE. Available NOW!

Paizo Stock?

Gen Con 2014 Scotty's Brewhouse

Pathfinder Computer Game (non-MMO) to be revealed at GenCon?

Any Pick Up Games going on at GenCon this year?

Having free Paizo pdfs professionally printed?

Paizo Publishing sends heartwarming message to transgender fan

Contacting Paizo

Paizo Blog: Break time!

Paizo Blog: Archer makes a menacing goblin!

Paizo Blog: Quinn investigates the Paizo booth line!

Advanced Class Guide - Warpriest Blessings Errata?

Pathfinder the movie! (no, not THAT Pathfinder movie)

Enlarging Paizo Interactive Maps?

Animal Companions with Aberrations or Undead as Favored Enemy

Paizo Blog: Friday's Button!

Paizo Blog: ENnies for Best Miniature

Paizo Blog: Gold ENnie for Best Cover Art!

Paizo Blog: ENnies for Best Product of the Year

Paizo Blog: We Be Excited!

Paizo Blog: Gold ENnie for Best Free Product

Paizo Blog: Gold ENnie for Best Interior Art

Town Maps

Product Registration

Paizo Blog: Ready for the First Wave!

Thanks, Paizo

Paizo Blog: Adventure Card Guild in action!

Paizo Blog: Cosplay from Gen Con 2014!

Paizo Blog: Hidden Treasures!

Paizo Blog: Gold ENnie for Best RPG Related Product

Martial Yoga Session (Martial Flexibility Thread)

Paizo Blog: Panorama of the Pathfinder Society Room

Alchemist Discovery for a Tail.

Multiple AoO's

STILL cant download my Advanced Class Guide...

Paizo Blog: Pathfinder of the Month: Thursty

Paizo Blog: Pathfinder Society Organized Play helps support the Gen Con charity

Paizo Blog: Paizo's Coming to PAX

New Anouncements at Gen Con

ALS Challenge and Other Challenges

Paizo Blog: Fans' Choice for Best Publisher

Paizo Blog: The view of the PFS Gaming Hall after taking a potion of fly

Paizo Blog: Gen Con Thursday Button

Electronic Copies of Maps and Art - No longer just a nice add-on, they are necessary.

Any GEN CON (or other) news on the next "Big" single module to come out next?

Pathfinder RPG Announcements from Gen Con 2014

Paizo Blog: Final PFS Numbers Count

Individualized Spell Lists --- "What NOT to include?"

Paizo Blog: Guess whose flight got canceled!

Links in PDF books

Alchemist Class Features and Discoveries.

Map Folios

Paizo Blog: It's a Brand New Day!

Congrats Paizo

Paizo Blog: Victory For Paizo! Victory For The Kids!

Reminder about PFS at Gamehole Con 2014

Paizo Blog: The Paizo booth line

Re-upped my AP sub because of D&D 5th

Community Use Question regarding fonts in image files

Printing the PDFs

Emerald Spire EXP

Paizo 2014-15 Catalog?

Buying something for my GM?

This has been asked before I'm sure...

Emerald Spire Chronicle Sheets

Numeria Inspiration

Paizo Blog: Join Paizo for Free RPG Day this Saturday!

Why can't I add an address and be allowed to buy a product?

Alt Class or Archetype?

Obsidian Pathfinder Computer RPG game My Dream game

Paizo Blog: The Legend of Erik: A Link Between Departments

Remember Uncaged: The Faces of Sigil? Paizo should try this.

I need some info on a Cleric of Sarenrae

Scenario or encounter for more than one player group

Looking for other Pathfinder Players at Ft. Riley KS.

Blog: So Long, Farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, Goodbye!

Paizo Blog: Gen Con 2014 Cosplay Contest!

So, funny story

Advanced Class Guide Logo Error?

Adding fanmade content to the site

Book of 1000 whispers decoded

List the reasons you like Paizo

looking for a velociratpor mini for my elf druid (companion)

I'd like to see more words of power! I'm sure others do as well.

Good Setting Book for Middle Earth, Young Kingdoms, The Witcher, Hyboria?

Geek Girl Con

Looking for an adventure / module

Problems Interacting with the PRD

Cleric spell sheet

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