FallenDabus |
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Also, just in case it wasn't clear, I'm moving on to exciting new opportunities and—while it does leave me misty eyed—this is an amicable parting. :D
As long as you come back whenever there's anything to write about devils! Hell (and the inspirations you give me for Daily Planescape) just aren't the same without you!

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Well, I'm stunned.
Wes, I have really enjoyed getting to know you and gaming with you in my time visiting the Paizo offices. You were the one who came up to me and asked "Tim, why aren't you writing for us?" I replied, "Well, I'm not a gaming writer or anything" and your eye roll was....memorable... in that you made me realize that was a lame excuse. So, you gave me my first assignment, the vrykolakas, for which I am profoundly grateful for that opportunity.
Good luck on your new venture, my friend! (I can't wait to hear what it is!) I hope we run in to one another again soon.

Todd Stewart Contributor |
8 people marked this as a favorite. |

Wes you got me into writing by critiquing and finally accepting my first submission to Dragon. You've provided invaluable feedback over the years and you will be missed. Best of luck to you in whatever you have planned next, but thank you for the awesomeness that you've done and shepherded along over the years. :)
Will you be at PaizoCon?

Sadnerd |
12 people marked this as a favorite. |

As a relatively new gamer I really want to extend my thanks to you. I know it was a team effort but your advocacy for queer inclusion has really made pathfinder a home for me and my friends. Thank you for making a difference in this guy's life and making my world just a little bit gayer. I look forward to seeing what you have in store for us!

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Congratulations on your new adventures Wes. You've been a fixture at Paizo for so long it's hard to know what you've done that I loved the most, though I fondly remember a hag themed Bazaar of the Bizarre and a fantastic article about power components. Can't wait to see what projects you're going to work on in the future.
--For those about to Vrock, we salute you!

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Also, just in case it wasn't clear, I'm moving on to exciting new opportunities and—while it does leave me misty eyed—this is an amicable parting. :D
Very best wishes to you! Don't be a stranger, we have a dedicated warning label for you and I'd hate to see it go to waste!

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26 people marked this as a favorite. |

As a relatively new gamer I really want to extend my thanks to you. I know it was a team effort but your advocacy for queer inclusion has really made pathfinder a home for me and my friends. Thank you for making a difference in this guy's life and making my world just a little bit gayer. I look forward to seeing what you have in store for us!
I responded to a similar sentiment on Facebook when news started spreading there, and it bears repeating here.
Wes's efforts toward diversity and his dedication to inclusivity have inspired the entire Paizo creative team, and we're all equally committed to continuing the trends he started, even in his absence. We're also fortunate enough to be friends with the guy (and many Paizonians even live within shouting distance of him), so if we ever need guidance or his gut check on how to carry on his legacy, he's easily reachable.

thunderspirit |
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There is enough sweet in the bitter taste to swallow this gut punch of news -- partly because you're moving on to bigger, exciting-er (that's just for the editor in you) things, but mostly because I inevitably will have to accept this change anyway, no matter how long I hold my breath.
Seriously, though, Wes: chatting at more than one PaizoCon about fiction in the Adventure Path volumes, about the Books of the Damned, and especially about my stepdaughter's deep Carrion Crown obsession (thanks for the autographs!) has been several high points of my gaming life. Thanks for what you've given to Paizo, and I look forward to what you have in the future!

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Wes once sent me a very nice rejection letter for a job at Paizo for which I was wholy unqualified, and I've gotten a lot of rejection letters (even from Paizo), so I know a thing or two. In our few brief interactions via Twitter or even briefer interactions at PaizoCon he's always been super cool. I still haven't read that first novel he mentioned, but I least I got him to sign the back of my iPad. Wes will always be one of the reasons I love Paizo and Pathfinder, even when he's gone off to other adventures (which I assume will involve vampires to some extent), but it will admittedly be weird for a bit.
Best of luck with everything that comes next or afterward Wes!

Jessica Price Project Manager |
19 people marked this as a favorite. |

As a relatively new gamer I really want to extend my thanks to you. I know it was a team effort but your advocacy for queer inclusion has really made pathfinder a home for me and my friends. Thank you for making a difference in this guy's life and making my world just a little bit gayer. I look forward to seeing what you have in store for us!
Wes's work, insight, courage, and compassion have made the industry safer and more welcoming for a lot of people--including many of us on staff who wouldn't be here if he hadn't been a huge factor in making Paizo what it is.
As Mark says, those of us who remain will do our best to carry that legacy forward. :-)

Kate Baker Contributor |
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Wes, I saw you on a panel at GaymerX 3 in late 2015. There was a moment where you addressed the audience and asked, “Why aren't you working for us? There are so many women in this room who are homebrewing and GMing, and you should be writing.”
I was sitting in the second row, and a light bulb went off over my head. I was GMing and homebrewing and it had literally never occurred to me before that moment that writing games was even an option. I spoke to you after the panel, and you were incredibly encouraging and invited me to email you.
A year and a half later, I am slowly but surely building my freelancing career, with about half a dozen credits so far, and hopefully many more to come.
Further, the desire to write pushed me to become a far more public gamer. Wanting to write games led to wanting to play more, which brought me to Pathfinder Society about a year ago exactly. If this comment were in the PFS section of the board, you would see that I now have a VA title and two GM stars. Things have escalated quickly. I no longer GM only for five friends around my kitchen table, but countless people at stores and at cons, and it is because of you.
Five minutes of your time and encouragement has had a tremendous impact on my life. I can't even begin to imagine the impact that you have had on diversity in gaming as a whole.
Thank you so, so, so much. Good luck with whatever comes next for you.

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Wes, that was a lovely goodbye... Thank you for all that you have done for our community.
Also, as someone who is new to PaizoCon this year, thank you for thoughtfully giving us newcomers the parting gift of a Who's Who of Paizo staff... Now when I meet the friendly people in Blue Shirts, I'll have some context for some of the ones who are less visible on the boards that I frequent, and know a bit more about them.
Good luck in all your future endeavors and know that you will be sorely missed.
Here's hoping we get to meet you at a con someday as well.