Find information and discuss Paizo Inc. and their projects here. This forum is not the place to ask questions or seek advice for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, or Pathfinder Adventure Card Game—please look at our other subforums before you post here.

Paizo General Discussion

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APGamingREAL: Pathfinder Adventure Path Streams & More!

Gencon promos

Slashing Grace

Sylph Sky Druid

Dark side of Pathfinder

Why does the Paizo store do this?

Harvesting Monster / Elemental Essences

Hunter Archetypes Packmaster and their Animal Companions

Strength Builds too good?

Pathfinder Society T-Shirts -- Can we get some prettier designs?

Why No RPG TV Commercials???

RotR question.

Pathfinder campaigns

Wielding Larger sized weapons and tieflings oversized limbs ability

Having natural attacks and gaining more

Paizo News: Organized Play for the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Launches Worldwide Today

Paizo Blog: 2014 Cosplay Contest Champions!

my frustration with paizo

Tomb of Horrors for 3.5

Advance Class Guide HELP

Pathfinder as skirmish-level wargame

Blog: Time to Reinforce Your Gaming Bags and Bookshelves!

Paizo Blog: The Runelords will rise again.

Elven bards, and why you should fear them.

do items and potions stat enhancement bonus stack?

where can i find a fillable character sheet for google doc

TWF and mythic TWF feat

What item am I thinking of?

Insane Disable Device bonuses vs proximity traps

Dealing damage to max HP

Why would I use staves?

Posting once a day -- an ideal and not a standard??

Guidelines about stat enhancement and permanency spells.

Looking for a specific Fighter fix.

We Be Goblins, The Brinewall Legacy, The Kaijutsu's Blossom and the Brinestump Caverns

Why I love subscribing...

Help me print Flip Mats on Mac

Spikes dangerous substances and services.

Touch / Range-Touch Attack Wizard Build...

Help me build a Warpriest killing machine for Kingmakers AP

globe creator

How to cosplay an android?

Paizo Blog: Signs and Portents

Artificial Environment Help Wanted

Blog: Prepare for the Winter Gaming Months!

Help me make a Knight into a disguised sorc

Messageboard Additions

Soulcleave's Quirp

Excellent Customer Service

What the heck is wrong with the STORE check-out system

question on flat footedCA wrath of righteous monsters

Error in packaging, what do I do?

Blog: The Square Root of 906.01 Equals...

Rules question

Can we make private threads here?

Paizo Blog: Getting in Character at Gen Con

What's the difference between a designer and a developer?

Difficulty Printing Bought PDFs

Story time

RPG staff diversity, please

Practical battle attire? Just trying to make sense of Seoni without being judgemental

Rogue Advanced Talent

Alternate Racial Traits location(s)?

Question for staff about PDF production

Witch Hex - Swamp's Grasp

How to tell a dying character from a dead one?

Obsidian Firearms

OGL Question


Role play / Downtime / Sandbox?

Paizo Blog: Welcome Joe Homes!

PC / NPC Romance and Considerations for Evil?

Adventuring Group

Spaceships and Magic

Questions about Grapple, Bullrush and Charge

Feelings about Eberron

Rules Questions: Exceptional Pull (Combat Feat)

Come and read about our adventures!

So I ran a Christmas Themed Pathfinder Game...

D&D 5th Ed. Compatibility

Character funerals- are these a thing?

Cleaning Up An Account With Old / Canceled Games?

Paizo Blog: Kyra!

Creating new Enchantments

Iconic NPC Codex?

SR question

two weapon fighter question need help

Magic in Golarion

Difference Between "Pathfinder Chronicles", "Pathfinder Companion", & "Player Companion"

Paizo Blog: The Goblin: An Unexpected Journey

Recommended Products for Getting a Feel for Golarion's Unicorns?

Zen archer - agility or wisdom?

How to run a pbp that has longevity?

Map Packs for AP / Modules

Sky Citadel Jormurdun - we ever go?

Mongol-themed character, where in Golarion could he hail from?

Huge copyright infrigment. A design stolen worth atleast 50k.

Display of X

Don't you just LOVE Paizo?!

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