Player Core 2 Preview: The Champion, Remastered

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

With Pathfinder Player Core 2 releasing at the start of August, we know players are anticipating the remastered versions of some of their favorite classes! In a series of blogs starting right here, we’ll be alternating between talking about the changes to four of the classes and showing off some fun fiction and art starring the iconic characters of Player Core 2.

The champion is the premier divine warrior, with some of the best armor and defenses in the game. They’re devoted to their deity and their tenets. One of the major changes to the remaster was dropping alignment, which the champion has always featured heavily, so we know everyone expects big changes to the class!

We’ve already put basic compatibility rules for the champion in the Pathfinder FAQ—see Pathfinder Core Rulebook Errata (Remaster Compatibility)—but the Player Core 2 version will present a much more thorough overhaul. So what do fans of this class have to look forward to?

Seelah, the iconic champion, battles a tyrant devil. Art by William Liu.

Seelah, the iconic champion, battles a tyrant devil. Art by William Liu.

Before the remaster, a champion’s alignment and their choice of champion cause established a strict set of hierarchical rules to be followed. Each good and evil alignment had a cause tied to it, like the lawful good paladin, chaotic good liberator, and neutral evil desecrator. The remastered version still has a cause, but the focus has shifted away from being so strict and static. Now we use edicts and anathema tied to different character choices to guide your roleplaying.

Let’s take the paladin as an example. They used to follow the two tenets of good, two tenets of the lawful good paladin cause, and any edicts and anathema for their deity. A champion under the remastered rules would choose the justice cause. They would follow the edicts and anathema of their deity, plus the following from the cause of justice.

Edicts follow the law, respect legitimate authorities or leadership

Anathema take advantage of another, cheat

More emphasis on edicts rather than an unbendable code loosens some of the restrictions on their roleplaying to allow more well-rounded, nuanced characters. There’s a better balance over “should nots” instead of all “must nots.”

A champion can optionally choose a sanctification. If you’ve read Pathfinder Player Core, you’re familiar with holy and unholy sanctification—a choice based on your deity that lets you commit yourself to the battle for souls between the holy planes and unholy planes. Champions can choose sanctification based on their deity, though unholy sanctification is an uncommon option. Each sanctification gives you another edict and anathema, and adds the holy or unholy trait to all your Strikes.

Some, but not all, champion causes require a certain sanctification. Justice, mentioned above, does not. The Player Core 2 causes are justice, liberation, and obedience (open to all); desecration and iniquity (open only to unholy champions); and redemption and grandeur (open only to holy champions). If you are already playing a champion and want to update them to the new options, you’ll probably be able to keep the core of that character. Though you can always shake things up with the new grandeur cause, which is based on the brilliant splendor of celestials.

Other Changes

This class has seen a huge number of other changes we think will make it more satisfying to play, but we don’t want to keep you here all day with one blog post. So here’s the short version!

  • You now have a defined champion’s aura for your reactions, aura feats, and other abilities, which lets other rules alter and refer to the range of your divine abilities more easily.
  • The divine ally ability has been changed to blessing of the devoted, and the mount has moved to a 1st-level feat. You can instead choose the blessed swiftness option to move faster—whether you’re mounted or not.
  • Feats saw a ton of change, like the new Defensive Advance feat and updated structure for Mercy. We focused on broadly useful feats plus maintaining some backward compatibility, but we did run out of room. You’ll see oath feats moved to Lost Omens Divine Mysteries. We’re hoping to find a book in which it would make sense to remaster litanies at some point, but we don’t have one that can hold them yet.
  • You choose a focus spell based on your deity’s divine font options. As before the remaster, you can choose lay on hands if your deity allows the heal divine font or touch of the void (formerly touch of corruption) if they allow the harm divine font. However, there’s also a new option for a deity with any font, specially made for defense-minded characters. Introducing shields of the spirit!

Shields of the Spirit [one-action] Focus 1

Uncommon, Champion, Concentrate, Focus, Sanctified, Spirit
Requirements You are wielding a shield.

You Raise your Shield, causing ephemeral spirit shields to float within your champion’s aura. The shields last until the start of your next turn or until you’re no longer raising your shield, whichever comes first. While one of your allies is in your champion’s aura, the shields grant them a +1 status bonus to AC, and each time an enemy makes an attack against the ally, the enemy takes 1d4 spirit damage (even if it misses).

The benefit applies only while an ally is in your aura, ending for any ally that leaves and applying to any that enters later. As normal, you don’t count as your own ally and therefore don’t get the benefits of the spirit shields yourself.
Heightened (+2) The damage increases by 1d4.

Logan Bonner (he/him)
Pathfinder Lead Designer

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1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Oh I am absolutely loving the changes to the Champion!

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber

Nice! I feel like the Champion has some room to grow with its early-level feats, and oaths were always a bit niche by definition. So I think expanding base level feats and saving oaths/litanies for later is a good call. And the causes sound neat; I'm especially curious about Grandeur.

It's also great to see more abilities roped into its aura -- just makes sense. Shield of Spirit is also a really flavorful defensive option! I'm curious if you can pick it up later, or if it's a choice you make at chargen with your deity?

Excited regardless! The Champion was in a good spot already, and it's only looking better.


3 people marked this as a favorite.

This looks like a great improvement. I'm a bit curious... with the move to more feats, has there been any consideration into making Feat Cards akin to the Spell Cards? I would think such a product would be invaluable at the game table.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Anybody notice that we've got seven causes now rather than six? Awesome stuff. I also like how that demonstrates how flexible causes can be now.

Also loving that more neutral-feeling champion's reaction; I'll be interested to see it in practice later on.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

I love the split of 2 Holy Causes, 2 Unholy, and 3 Causes that can be sanctified, but you don't have to. That offers a lot of choice for how you want your Champion to play like, and opens the doors to many more kinds of "more Neutral" Champions post-Remaster.

Can we have someone confirm which of the two (Iniquity or Obedience) is the Tyrant/Antipaladin Cause? If I were a betting man, I'd say Tyrant sounds more like Obedience, while the Unholy-only Iniquity sounds like the new name of the former Antipaladin.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Also, I do hope we get a lot more detail about the Alchemist if/when we get a blog about them! We were left with a lot more questions than answers from the Remaster panel at PaizoCon, so I hope Logan, or whoever they get to write the blog on the Alchemist, will give us a lot of detail about the class's changes in the coming weeks!

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Is Unholy going to be available for Society play or is it going to have the same restrictions as Evil did pre-remaster?

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

This is the direction I was hoping for. Aura based abilities just sounds great.
One of my favorite classes.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

I really love this new approach! Especially since it looks like it opens up champions to all gods without needing to take a side on good or evil, such as Pharasma!

Ezekieru wrote:

I love the split of 2 Holy Causes, 2 Unholy, and 3 Causes that can be sanctified, but you don't have to. That offers a lot of choice for how you want your Champion to play like, and opens the doors to many more kinds of "more Neutral" Champions post-Remaster.

Can we have someone confirm which of the two (Iniquity or Obedience) is the Tyrant/Antipaladin Cause? If I were a betting man, I'd say Tyrant sounds more like Obedience, while the Unholy-only Iniquity sounds like the new name of the former Antipaladin.

I'm guessing the same. Iniquity might also be the new Desecrator cause. I know Desecration is also a cause name, but iniquity and redemption feel pretty opposite each other, so I could see it being NE to redemption's NG.

Granted, there is also one extra cause here than we had previously, so it's entirely possible that one of those abilities has an all-new effect we can't map to an old cause.

Paizo Employee Organized Play Coordinator

15 people marked this as a favorite.
Kittyburger wrote:
Is Unholy going to be available for Society play or is it going to have the same restrictions as Evil did pre-remaster?

Typically we don't comment on how options will be sanctioned prior to release.

That being said, characters are not permitted to sanctify to unholy in PFS play, so any option that requires unholy sanctification isn't going to be permitted.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Looks awesome! I do hope we get better options to extend the range of the champion's reaction for those high levels where rune giants and the loke become more common (and 15 feet doesn't cut it anymore) than we had in the pre-remastered version.

Grand Lodge

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Ezekieru wrote:

I love the split of 2 Holy Causes, 2 Unholy, and 3 Causes that can be sanctified, but you don't have to. That offers a lot of choice for how you want your Champion to play like, and opens the doors to many more kinds of "more Neutral" Champions post-Remaster.

Can we have someone confirm which of the two (Iniquity or Obedience) is the Tyrant/Antipaladin Cause? If I were a betting man, I'd say Tyrant sounds more like Obedience, while the Unholy-only Iniquity sounds like the new name of the former Antipaladin.

Obedience looks very Tyrant-y, with changes (I can see a stern and unyielding but not unholy Obedience Champion of Pharasma, for example).

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Hopefully the issues with Sanctification get ironed out, because the change to spirit damage and Holy/Unholy was quite the nerf to Champions, instead of the buffs that such abilities and spells from other classes received with the conversion.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Oooh very exciting changes! I freaking love the focus spells getting decoupled from the causes and being based on divine font (kinda called it!), and we got a new banger focus spell on top too?

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Ezekieru wrote:

I love the split of 2 Holy Causes, 2 Unholy, and 3 Causes that can be sanctified, but you don't have to. That offers a lot of choice for how you want your Champion to play like, and opens the doors to many more kinds of "more Neutral" Champions post-Remaster.

Can we have someone confirm which of the two (Iniquity or Obedience) is the Tyrant/Antipaladin Cause? If I were a betting man, I'd say Tyrant sounds more like Obedience, while the Unholy-only Iniquity sounds like the new name of the former Antipaladin.

I think Inequity is tyrant. Obediance feels to me like Lawful Neutral.

For those saying that Obedience sounds tryranty, remember the typical lawful mantras of "obey your elders, obey your parents, obey the law, etc." But it can also flex into submit to unjust laws. Being neutral, it can flex into both it's good, and its bad applications, for example, based on whether a god like Erastil or a god like Asmodeus grants you the Obediance cause.

I tried to chart them up to help myself visualize the inspirations from the old, and using the now defunct alignment system, this is the gist I got, which ended up in a hexagonal array, 2 holy causes on the left, 3 neutral causes down the middle, and 2 unholy holy causes on the right

Obedience - Lawful Neutral, Lawful Good, or Lawful Evil
Justice - True Neutral, and can find ways to bend into most any of the classical alignments. (Only one I struggle to justify is Neutral Evil.)
Liberation - Chaotic Neutral, Chaotic Good, or Chaotic Evil

Grandeur - Neutral Good or Lawful Good
Redemption - Neutral Good or Chaotic Good

Inequity - Neutral Evil or Lawful Evil
Desecration - Neutral Evil or Chaotic Evil.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I'm a huge fan of everything I'm seeing here.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Also looks like TRB finally got their sanctification-free champions, too.


2 people marked this as a favorite.

Nice, nice. This looks like exactly what I was hoping to see. A champion of a lawful monitor demigod is a character idea I've always wanted to play.

I can't wait for the next class (please be alchemist, I must lay eyes on my beloved again).

6 people marked this as a favorite.
moosher12 wrote:
I think Inequity is tyrant. Obediance feels to me like Lawful Neutral.

Iniquity, not Inequity. Rather than inequality (presumably with the tyrant at the top), the word means gross sin, depravity, violation, and wickedness. Probably closer to the old Antipaladin oath, while the Desecrator lines up neatly with its OGL version.

will archetype champions be limited to justice, liberation, and obedience or are they gonna gain sanctification? (Concerned about my Power Armor Inventor w/ Redeemer Champion Archetype)

4 people marked this as a favorite.

An "evil" Justice Champion sounds like a cool idea. Like an honorable villain.

I see what you did there Paizo. Each of the new causes (in a sense) embody each of the aspects of alignment or sanctification. Justice represents law (i.e paladin), liberation represents chaos (i.e liberator), desecration represents evil (i.e desecrator), redemption represents good (i.e redeemer), grandeur represents holy, iniquity represents unholy, and I guess obedience represents neutral (this is the only one I'm not so sure about, since obedience feels like the "unbiased" choice between grandeur and iniquity though obedience has like a tyrant-y feel in its name. If its meant to represent obedience to your god, I feel "devotion" would feel more neutral, but I'm probably reading too much into this).

We will have to wait for core 2 to know for real,especially how it plays with other abilities (aura size, reactions etc..) but Shields of the spirits looks really strong, almost too much.

1a, 1 focus point, and you get to raise tour shield, get +1status to AC to all allies in your aura until the start of your next turn, AND alao give them a damage shield that triggers even on a miss? Damn!


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Sturmjaeger wrote:
An "evil" Justice Champion sounds like a cool idea. Like an honorable villain.

I can absolutely see this being an easy path to making a Hellknight character. They certainly enforce their own version of Justice, I'll give them that.

Radiant Oath

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

The wording for Shield of the Spirits is unclear. Does it benefit all of your allies that are within your aura or do you have to specify one that is benefiting? I think it applies to all allies, but the “While one of your allies…” wording is throwing me off.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Ezekieru wrote:
Also, I do hope we get a lot more detail about the Alchemist if/when we get a blog about them! We were left with a lot more questions than answers from the Remaster panel at PaizoCon, so I hope Logan, or whoever they get to write the blog on the Alchemist, will give us a lot of detail about the class's changes in the coming weeks!

Shhh... Let them cook.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

This looks most promising! I can't wait for the finished product!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I'm excited to see all those new feats. Spirit shield being action compression, ally buffing, AND cantrips level thorns is pretty awesome. I think focus based healing in combat is technically better for keeping the front line alive, but this new focus spell looks too cool to give up. All I can think about now is spirit paladins of my order squadding up in my aura to keep teammates alive. Good stuff!

Dark Archive

The changes sound cool. The best change they could have made was opening up causes to a wider spectrum of 'defense heavy' PC concepts. I too would like to see a mapping of pre-remaster cause to remaster causes if at all possible. But we're actually getting 1 more cause than pre-remaster, so that is great IMO. Maybe there are a few that were reworked and aren't just 1:1 translations?

How big are the auras and do we get feat options for expanding it at L10 like the kineticist?

Does the class interact with ranged weapons better now (previously there was only 1 feat really for paladins).

The choice of focus point at L1 is great! I hope we can get both LoH and the New Shields of the Spirit focus spell all in class. There are a number of combats where we've been overrun by CR-2 enemies where something like that would have been really useful. It isn't even once per enemy per round its once per attack so it might make the GM think twice about using that third action to strike a PC.

I'm glad to hear feats got some rework to be more broadly useful. The L2-L8 feat range on the current champion is one of the weaker elements of the class (largely because some of them are so hyper specific).

I'm excited to play a new champion and play with w/e the new causes/reaction options.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Duly noted...

And correct me if I'm wrong, but based on my reading here, the champion's choice of an initial focus spell is either 1) shields of the spirit, or 2) touch of the void or lay on hands (depending on the deity's divine font).

So a champion of Nethys could choose any of the three focus spells at level 1, while a champion of (let's say) Iomedae would choose between shields of the spirit and lay on hands at level 1.

Do I have that right?

Sturmjaeger wrote:
An "evil" Justice Champion sounds like a cool idea. Like an honorable villain.

I’d argue that they are meting out their own definition of justice, whatever that may be.

Spoilers for Book 2 of Rise of the Runelords:
After all, Justice Ironbriar seems like a textbook example of an unholy justice champion of Norgorber.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I hope there's some stuff in there to help what were the old evil champ causes out a little, I really like the vibe of punishing people for hurting you but it feels kind of bad when an attack just misses or an enemy ignores you for more easily hittable prey and you're just sitting there wondering why you're not just playing a barbarian with the champ archetype or something instead. Shields of the Spirit is cool to punish enemies for targeting your allies instead of you (though requiring a raised shield means you're even less likely to trigger your champion reaction), but it'd be nice to get some more ways to convince enemies to attack you.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
We focused on broadly useful feats plus maintaining some backward compatibility, but we did run out of room. You’ll see oath feats moved to Lost Omens Divine Mysteries. We’re hoping to find a book in which it would make sense to remaster litanies at some point, but we don’t have one that can hold them yet.

Thank you for this. It will make the inevitable debates about whether such feats were removed intentionally and if it is appropriate to homebrew-update and continue using the existing options much more pleasant.

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Shadow Lodge

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I am curious to see the whole thing. Still waiting to see what direction to take for my formerly desacrator champion of Szuriel.

I really hope that this changes will lead to "evil" champions being able to put a convincing face and being complex character with complex motivations and not just cackling avatars of fairy tale evil.

So far there are definitely encouraging signs.

Shadow Lodge

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moosher12 wrote:
Ezekieru wrote:

I love the split of 2 Holy Causes, 2 Unholy, and 3 Causes that can be sanctified, but you don't have to. That offers a lot of choice for how you want your Champion to play like, and opens the doors to many more kinds of "more Neutral" Champions post-Remaster.

Can we have someone confirm which of the two (Iniquity or Obedience) is the Tyrant/Antipaladin Cause? If I were a betting man, I'd say Tyrant sounds more like Obedience, while the Unholy-only Iniquity sounds like the new name of the former Antipaladin.

I think Inequity is tyrant. Obediance feels to me like Lawful Neutral.

For those saying that Obedience sounds tryranty, remember the typical lawful mantras of "obey your elders, obey your parents, obey the law, etc." But it can also flex into submit to unjust laws. Being neutral, it can flex into both it's good, and its bad applications, for example, based on whether a god like Erastil or a god like Asmodeus grants you the Obediance cause.

I tried to chart them up to help myself visualize the inspirations from the old, and using the now defunct alignment system, this is the gist I got, which ended up in a hexagonal array, 2 holy causes on the left, 3 neutral causes down the middle, and 2 unholy holy causes on the right

Obedience - Lawful Neutral, Lawful Good, or Lawful Evil
Justice - True Neutral, and can find ways to bend into most any of the classical alignments. (Only one I struggle to justify is Neutral Evil.)
Liberation - Chaotic Neutral, Chaotic Good, or Chaotic Evil

Grandeur - Neutral Good or Lawful Good
Redemption - Neutral Good or Chaotic Good

Inequity - Neutral Evil or Lawful Evil
Desecration - Neutral Evil or Chaotic Evil.

I think that assigning an alignment to the new alignmentless champion is absolutely defeating the purpose.

The point of no longer forcing causes into alignments and having characters with no alignment at all is to open up possibilities.

For example, I can absolutely see the case for Lawful evil Liberation paladins who are just demagogues.

For personal notes, the arrangement I made was to make sense of the old Champion in comparison to the new. Especially for converting legacy champions to new champions when porting Champion NPCs to the new standard, though more importantly for my uses, to better explain the terms to my more D&D minded players.

Regardless, good and evil still exist as "Holy and Unholy" but the requirements of being "good" and "Evil" are now no longer required to be holy and unholy. Being a good unholy practitioner, or an evil holy practitioner, for example. And I adore this possibility.

Continuing toward my actual point, there are STRONG callbacks to "Chaotic" and "Lawful" alignments in these causes. Obedience and Iniquity are clearly following Lawful trends, and Redemption, Liberation, and Desecreation clearly follow Chaotic trends.

Justice by its strictest sense is an interesting middle ground, because all classical alignments, (after reading more, even Neutral Evil), have a reasonable justification for caring about it to some degree or interpretation of "what is Justice".

The only weird outlier for me is Grandeur, but when placed in the open spot on the hex grid, it kind of works.

My point is: as being good is not conducive to being holy, and being evil is not conducive to being unholy, the same would still hold true for order and discord as is your example, of a classically lawful-minded champion being a source of liberation, or a classically chaotic-minded champion being an absolute tyrant. The sanctifications do not enforce alignment. But certain alignments are more likely to gravitate toward certain causes.

As an example. In Kingmaker, I need to convert Jaethal from Legacy to Remaster. She's a Neutral Evil Desecrator Champion. And while I could keep her a desecrator, both Justice, Desecrator, and Iniquity would be a strong choice for her based on classical alignment alone, as long as she stays on her current path. More specific details about her would direct her closer to Desecrator or Justice. If Nok-Nok was a Champion of Lamashtu, he'd probably make a strong Liberation, Justice, or Desecration Champion. As all three are values that are often espoused by Lamashtan cultists. Alike, Liberation, Justice, Redemption, and Desecration can fit Harrim well if he was made into a Champion

Is that new art an homage to the classic D&D 2e module "A Paladin in Hell"? Either way, I love it!

10 people marked this as a favorite.

And thus, my biggest frustration with PF2 at launch is resolved.

Excited to see everyone's Champions of Justice and Obediance!

I like that the focus spells are even more disconnected from alignments now. It opens up neat combinations, like a champion of Lamashtu using Lay on Hands to grant people the ever-flowing vitality of their unholy mother, or a worshiper of Tsukiyo who uses the Touch of the Void to re-energize undead while helping them on their journeys to moving on.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Interesting direction. I’m looking forward to seeing the final product. But I have two general questions: (one major, one minor)
1. The minor. Will you be dropping the word Paladin from the document?
2. The major. There’s no mention of whether Champion’s Reactions are tied to Causes. What’s happened to the Reactions? Are only Champions of Justice able to Retributive Strike? (for example…) Or are the Reactions decoupled from the Causes?

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
keftiu wrote:

And thus, my biggest frustration with PF2 at launch is resolved.

Excited to see everyone's Champions of Justice and Obediance!

Obedience Champion of Calistria

But I'm actually really excited, the new focus spell is very much my speed of tanking ability, and I'm eager to see how the alterations free up champion flavor a bit more-- more faerie knights and stuff like that since you can be neutral.

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I wondered what an Unholy Liberation Champion would look like, but I realized that's Urgathoa, baby! Exist uninhibited! Protect the downtrodden (corpses)! Free yourself and others from even the bleak cycle of life and death!
Also works for Lamashtu, come to think, "bring power to outcasts and the downtrodden" and all, Monsters edition. Rovagug too, maybe. "Liberate ME SPECIFICALLY!"

This looks pretty promising.

absolutely love this

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I was always frustrated by how the mechanics of how Champion works were so overly tied to alignment - and by extension, your character's fundamental personality. The change definitely makes it more 5e-like in that it's just focusing on this one idea with enough wiggle room for interpretation.

The old method of just reflavoring champion causes to not mention alignment felt really bad and awkward as the mehcanics very clearly were signalling which of the nine alignments it's referring to, to the point of distraction like you're just lampshading it. I'm hoping the new material will have flexible enough flavor to really lean into this idea of zealous adherance to a cause as possibly coming from any number of directions, without the mechanics assuming too much about which direction that is.

moosher12 wrote:
Justice by its strictest sense is an interesting middle ground, because all classical alignments, (after reading more, even Neutral Evil), have a reasonable justification for caring about it to some degree or interpretation of "what is Justice".

Justice is a little annoying in that it does seem to be assuming Lawful tendencies, so not justice in that broad a sense. Liberation would probably be closer to the "justice" of the old Chaos alignment, more of the justice of the people weilded against authority rather htan the justice of the paladins that is more about defeating those that oppose a just (and usually, but now not always, benevolent) authoirty.

Logan Banner wrote:
Heightened (+2) The damage increases by 1d4.

Is anyone else thinking that this scales quite poorly? 1d4 every 2 spell levels bounds up to practically nothing at most stages of the game...

For people to more reliably pick this i feel like changing the spirit damage to 1d6 base dice would be in order seeing as it is generally difficult to even keep the party within those 15 feet that the focus spell requires.

17 people marked this as a favorite.
Fort reaper 225 wrote:
Logan Banner wrote:
Heightened (+2) The damage increases by 1d4.

Is anyone else thinking that this scales quite poorly? 1d4 every 2 spell levels bounds up to practically nothing at most stages of the game...

For people to more reliably pick this i feel like changing the spirit damage to 1d6 base dice would be in order seeing as it is generally difficult to even keep the party within those 15 feet that the focus spell requires.

Cantrip damage thorns on one ally that is reactionary and unavoidable that is folded up into the ally gaining an AC PLUS you raising a shield ALL FOR ONE ACTION is some crazy value. It's essentially three actions of focus spell smooshed into one.

Verdant Wheel

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Got me excited to Remaster my PFS Champ!

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