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Yeah, I've been wanting to do write-ups of the new info dropped for both Pathfinder 2E and Starfinder 2E at GenCon, and now it's been a month and a half since the con has happened. Like what Andrew said, it'd be nice if we can be told wherever or not those panels are still happening.

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I'll drop off this little spoiler Michael Sayre shared a couple days ago on the r/pathfinder2e Discord server. In response to this user's comment:

Cool Discord User wrote:

when all the coolest guns for bullet dancer are martial 😭 I want to double barrel flurry man

Double barrel flurry even introduces needing to upkeep two loaded barrels but the idea of mixing shots and stock butts and reload actions is so cool, I'll probably ask the player in my group who GMs if I can play that in our next one shot despite BD limiting to simple

He said this:

Michael Sayre wrote:

Michael Sayre — 09/11/2024 5:18 PM

Remember how we've been doing a lot of replacing bespoke proficiencies with familiarity and then making more stuff reference familiarity?

I think people will be generally pleased with bullet dancer's remaster.

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exequiel759 wrote:
There's a confirmed new orc deity, so bloodrager (which has an orc iconic) makes sense in this book.

Honestly, seems like we're getting several new orc deities, if the fabled "orc challenges orc god to take their seat" is gonna be showcased for War of Immortals/Divine Mysteries. Mike Sayre had this fun little tease he gave on Discord about the very same thing:

Michael Sayre wrote:

Michael Sayre — 09/06/2024 12:54 PM

These are excerpts from one of my favorite pieces of lore in War of Immortals. They are not the whole piece of fiction and I have removed the most spoiler-ific spoilers but there's probably some stuff in there a few people on this server will squee about.

War of Immortals Spoiler from Mike Sayre:
Long did the old gods sit upon their thrones of bone and blood. Verex the Despoiler. Zagresh the Destroyer. Lanishra. Sezelrian. Their cruelty and power spoke to our strengths and our failings. They marked what we had been and sought to claim what we could be. But we are orcs. We bow only on broken knees. When battle claims us and our lungs fill with blood, we warn the gods of our coming.

Verex was weak. The Despoiler became the despoiled, taken by Rovagug’s power. No one seeks the unworthy’s empty throne and no death rite shall free him from his torment, only a true and final death.

Zagresh fell to XX’s blade, and then XX planted that blade between Torag’s ribs to show the dwarves our wrath. Let Torag take the lesson learned as penance for pushing his children to harm our own, penance made full in his duty as YY’s second.

The old ways crumble beneath us. Dromaars play a song of new beginnings on drums that echo across Belkzen, our trial and our home. The weak gods fall. The strong rise. A new era for orcs begins. Let tyrants who whisper in crumbling towers tremble. We have not fallen and we have not forgotten. This age is ours.

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pixierose wrote:

Reading these comments and others out there over the years, it really does feel like "dammed if you do, dammed if you don't" when you are a creator. The past week I've seen people say, "Paizo needs to stop making classes and focusing on what they already have," but also see "these class archetypes should have been full on classes." I think sticking to what feels right and what inspires the creators and supplementing that with data and feedback from structured things like polls is the only way to really go about things without getting overwhelmed.

Now don't get me wrong sharing opinions or thoughts is fine, especially when done respectfully. I know we certainly have in the past about wanting Bloodrager as a class, but we are excited to see what the creatives do with this class archetype version. It does feel inspired and just enough like the based barbarian to be a part of it while being it's own thing. Never gonna appease everyone, so you have to be proud on your work on your own and ask, "did I feel good doing this."

I certainly agree with that. One week we have had posts and threads asking why there are only 5 class archetypes in the entire game after 5 years of active development, and another (read: this) week we have people wanting these new class archetypes as full classes instead. There's simply no pleasing everyone.

And that makes sense, given the group of people talking during Week B are likely not the same people who were talking in Week A. After all, people are typically more likely to write up a complaint or negative feedback than they are to simply leave a compliment or positive feedback. There's a reason Paizo keeps asking people to leave positive reviews. They simply aren't many being written most of the time.

Paizo basing their developmental decisions on the data they have at their disposal to attract and satisfy the widest range of players and GMs possible is a fine metric to measure their success. There will always be detractors, and each detractor will probably have their own problems and solutions of the system in their minds. Better to make a good game for many people than to strive for an impossible "perfect" game for some.

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Easl wrote:
Cool mechanics. Guess I have to stop referring to e.g. Alchemist, Rogue, Sorcerer etc. archetypes as 'class archetypes,' otherwise this is going to get confusing.

Those archetypes have always been referred to as "multiclass archetypes" since the game came out. So that lexicon is right there for you to use.

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Pagan priest wrote:

Is that a date for this yet? Or did I miss seeing it somewhere in the thread?

Product page on the site says it's set to come out February 5th of next year.

Ed Reppert wrote:
Elfteiroh wrote:
What you talk about might be in the future "Battle Cry!" book that will have commander and guardian...
Let me guess.. "Battle Cry! will be a GENCon 2025 release.


Lord Fyre wrote:
exequiel759 wrote:
Doesn't the current playtest end in December 31? We know mechanic and technomancer are going to be playtestede in early next year, so I think its easy to assume that once this playtest ends we will get that one next. If that means we will get the playtest for starships in that same batch or if we aren't going to get a playtest at all I don't know, but I would find really weird if we had to wait a full year to have something so basic like starships in the system.
Unless, space combat won't be part of the Starfinder 2E core rules.

Or they will be in the SF2E equivalent to Player Core 2, and contain the starship rules in there.

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Ed Reppert wrote:
Hm. So in 2E the 1E Arcanist becomes Flexible Spellcaster Wizard?

Basically, yeah.

Flexible Spellcasting Wizards are called Arcanists, Flexible Spellcasting Druids are called Fey Callers, Flexible Spellcasting Clerics are called Ecclesiasts, and Flexible Spellcasting Witches are called Invokers.

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Terevalis Unctio of House Mysti wrote:
So if we were subscribers when this originally came out we will get the updated pdf or do we need to buy the book again?

If you own the .PDF, you'll get the Remastered .PDF when it comes out.

SkyknightXi wrote:

Out of curiosity, do we know the remaining two class archetypes? I'm not sure how many, if any, would be reinstatements of thus-far-unimplemented 1e classes (remember that Avenger = Slayer and Vindicator = Inquisitor). But I am looking at the remaining formal classes from 1e...

--Arcanist: Possible Wizard class archetype.
--Brawler: Possible Fighter class archetype (qi spells won't be a good fit for the theme, so not Monk), assuming the Martial Artist general archetype isn't filling in.
--Cavalier: N/A. Now an archetype available to multiple classes.
--Hunter: Much as this is probably my favorite 1e class, I'm not expecting it, as I'd sooner expect this to be Ranger-requiring than Druid, and I think it's unlikely any class will get more than one archetype in here.
--Medium and Shaman: I'm pretty sure the Animist is the 2e form of the Shaman with a measure of Medium.
--Shifter: I feel like this should be a normal archetype? Otherwise, a druid class archetype seems the best fit.
--Skald: Obviously would be a Bard class archetype--and honestly feels like a good thematic complement to the Exemplar.
--Spiritualist: This definitely seems to be best off as a Summoner class archetype. Now whether it treads too closely to the Animist's conceits to be in this particular book...
--Vigilante: N/A. Now an archetype available to multiple classes.

So my own suspicions if there are no completely original class archetypes for the remaining two slots are Skald (Exemplar complement) and Arcanist (we'd be without strict spellcaster archetypes otherwise, and I'm not sure the Bard counts as strict).

1. The Arcanist is already represented with the "Flexible Spellcaster" class archetype for prepared spellcasting classes. New art of the iconic Arcanist from 1E Enora is used in the table of contents for Secrets of Magic (and I'd imagine the art would be in the Flexible Spellcasting section as well, if copyfitting all that text didn't possibly prevent her from being in there), and Arcanists are even called out in the Flexible Spellcasting section as the name of the more general arcane spellcasters and Flexible Spellcasting wizards.

2. The five class archetypes in this book are the Avenger (for Rogues), the Bloodrager (for Barbarians), the Seneschal (currently unknown which class/classes this is for), the Vindicator (for Rangers), and the Warrior of Legend (for Fighters). Warriors of Legend is meant to introduce some "Achilles of Troy" class fantasies and tropes to the Fighter class. And from what Michael Sayre has said elsewhere (on Discord), the Seneschal is supposed to be a new concept. His quote here:

Michael Sayre on Discord wrote:

Seneschal is new, not an update like avenger, bloodrager, or vindicator. I have placed it in the "gotta keep some mystery, we're still over two months out" folder.

No one has come remotely close to correctly guessing what it is.

Also something to keep in mind is we're getting 2 more class archetypes a month later in Lost Omens: Divine Mysteries. We're getting the Battle Harbinger (for Clerics), and the Palatine Detecitve (for Investigators). I wouldn't be surprised for the new Seneschal doesn't include any classes from those two and the other 4 from War of Immortals. Especially when Michael also had this to say in a separate conversion about one of the Seneschal possibly being a renamed Eldritch Trickster:

Discord Conversion wrote:

Chatter #1:

also I have a weird thought about Seneschal
what if it's the eldritch trickster class archetype?

Chatter #2:
i think unlikely since rogue is already getting avenger
i doubt they'll put two of the same class in the book, though i could be wrong!

Michael Sayre:
Yeah, I'm not doubling up when space is already at a premium.

So with all that context in mind, I am INSANELY curious what the Seneschal even is! What new class fantasies will this last unknown class archetype bring to the proverbial table? Still likely to be divine-war adjacent, given most of the other class archetypes announced.

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Ezzard wrote:

I'll keep it simple. Before the remaster Longswords were included in elven weapon familiarity. They are not anymore. Does anyone know why?

EDIT: Also the legacy version says you are trained with the weapons listed. Does "access" mean trained in the remaster? If not then what is even the point of taking the feat? Without the training it's effectively crippled as far as it's function goes.

First part, no idea why. Maybe it was an error that hasn't been corrected yet, maybe they believed 5 weapons + any weapon with the Elven trait would be enough. We'll probably never know, unless a member from the Rules and Lore teams wants to clarify. Which they often will not do.

Second part, the new way "familiarity" works basically makes it so that the list of martial weapons listed use your simple weapon proficiency, instead of making you trained in those weapons. All classes are now at least trained in simple weapons, so you're still basically getting the "training" of those weapons. Same with advanced weapons using your martial weapon proficiency, if your class happens to be trained in martial weapons.

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Berselius wrote:
I wonder if we'll get an NPC-Codex for 2e Pathfinder like we got for 1e Pathfinder?

Already announced for Spring 2025: NPC Core. Basically a huge expansion of the NPCs we had gotten originally from the GMG. I wouldn't be surprised if we end up getting a token pack for that book eventually, too.

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exequiel759 wrote:

I think that G&G getting remastered first has to do with the fact that Starfinder 2e is on the horizon. With the playtest it seems the operative is going to be an straight upgrade from the gunslinger in almost every way, so I wouldn't be surprised the mechanic happened to be a similar thing for the inventor. Also if Michael Sayre mentioned they are going to remove Singular Expertise to give it something more "spicy" instead it kinda implies the gunslinger is likely going to have its role redifined a little. Probably fully lean towards a martial support character with more stuff like Fake Out?

It's been mentioned that classes from both systems can be used interchangeably, and while I can see many ways in which they could make a mechanically distinct mechanic that doesn't thread on the inventor, the operative is likely going to be an straight up better gunslinger if they don't change some stuff around.

The "spicy" replacement to Singular Expertise is a new way to differentiate crossbow-wielding Gunslingers and gun-wielding Gunslingers. Quotes from Michael Sayre:

MS: "It adds an additional tidbit of differentiation between crossbow and firearm gunslingers and gives the gunslinger a little something I always wanted it to have and which no one can stop me from giving it now :laughing:"

Chatter: "ooooh something specific for crossbowslingers is exciting for me as a no gun table!"

MS: "More something that tweaks the way gunslinger takes advantage of one vs. the other."

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Captain Morgan wrote:
Did they name a release date?

Erik Mona mentioned there would be more details revealed after GenCon (in regards to Guns & Gears Remastered).

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ElementalofCuteness wrote:
A real Errata is guns have volley but no volley range!

The volley trait ranged was added to the FAQ page. Pretty much it's always 30 feet.

Also, Thurston clarified on Reddit that the Barathu's base land Speed is 5 feet.

Laclale♪ wrote:
Any Scrounger change or NO change?

"Additionally, you don’t need a physical formula book to remember all of your formulas; you pay the same cost as normal to learn them, but you memorize them all."

Seems to be the same as the Pre-Remaster version.

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Master Han Del of the Web wrote:
Justin Franklin wrote:
All I am going to say is CTASEUP is a really smart idea.

Just found a blogpost mentioning this.

For those unaware, CTASEUP is an acronym for the progression of equipment tiers.
Commercial - Tactical - Advanced - S (unknown) - E (unknown) - U (unknown) - P (unknown)

From the screenshot that's been going around with the Jetpack and other tech items, these are the tiers:

Commercial - Tactical - Advanced - Superior - Elite - Ultimate - Paragon

Paul Watson wrote:
Paul Watson wrote:
I believe Dragon Disciple isn’t in this as its too OGL. Part of the reason for the Dragonblood versatile heritage to allow the same feel.
Just circling back now I've got my copy: Other casualties are the Loremaster and Shadowdancer.

And Horizon Walker, as well. Those four are not in Player Core 2.

kcunning wrote:
Ashanderai wrote:
I wouldn’t be surprised if they delayed subs that include the Starfinder Playtest physical books to be the last batch to get sent out since the PDF access for that is August 1st for everyone, regardless of subscription status. Doing so would delay spoiler leaks getting out from those who get the physical copies early. I wouldn’t blame them, though. It will help to keep the hype and marketing spotlight on Pathfinder Core 2 and Prey for Death as much as possible before the Playtest hits.
If that was a concern, they wouldn't have sent out copies to various influencer types. There's been spoilers for over a week now.

Yeah, spoilers for PC2 and Prey for Death. There's been 0 spoilers on the Starfinder Playtest, which is what Ash is saying is what Paizo wants. More influencer/subscriber coverage of PC2/Prey for Death right now, with more focus on Starfinder 2E at GenCon with the .PDF's release.

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Kelseus wrote:
Do we have a source?

Pathfinder YouTubers "SwingRipper" and "TheeBadLuckGamer" both posted videos covering the biggest changes with all of the classes.

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Terevalis Unctio of House Mysti wrote:
Is Monday still the day that the items are set to begin shipping?

Authorization spawn date was changed in the original post to be the 12th, but the shipment date is unchanged. So right now, shipping is still slated to be the 15th (or this coming Monday)!

exequiel759 wrote:
Btw, how are you doing 2 or 3 attacks per round? 3 attacks means that you either don't generate panache or that you aren't using finishers, which means that a rogue (which is more accurate) in the same situation would certainly be dealing more damage as well. At 10th level it would be dealing an average of 54 points of damage (4d6+4 thrice), while a swashbuckler would be dealing an average of 45 (2d6+8 thrice) or 55 (2d6+8 twice + 6d6+4) in the miraculous situation you somehow manage to land an attack at -8 MAP, which again, a rogue is more likely to do even if still highly unlikely. At least unless you are targeting a lower level enemy.

They said they used Dual Finisher. Which would have their Finisher possibly hit twice at a MAP -4/-5 (or, if the 2nd hit is done with a non-Agile weapon for some reason, a -7) for a single Action. Which would allow a total of 3 Strikes (1 from the initial Strike, and 2 from Dual Finisher).

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qwerty3werty wrote:
Perpdepog wrote:

Very fun read!

I wonder if this means we'll be hearing about the remastered monk next.

We only have time slot for 3 more reveal, and seeing in paizocon they stated that monk is not that different in remaster form, it probably wont be getting any remaster preview.

Only got 2 more class preview blogs, actually. They said in the first one about the Champion that they'd only do 4 class preview blogs, with fiction in the off-weeks. We got Champions and Swashbucklers so far, and I'm placing my bets the other 2 will be the Alchemist and the Oracle.

Also, I noticed for the fiction pieces, both featured the Iconic of the class that was previewed last (Seelah, Jirelle) and then pairs them with an Iconic that will likely not be getting a preview (Amiri, Sajan). It will be interesting to see if this pattern still holds for the next few fiction pieces. I can see Fumbus having an intellectual discussion with Quinn, while Seoni and Korakai have a fun, magical and not-at-all-cursed time for themselves.

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Starfinder Recruit Johannes wrote:

Frankly, after going through all the playtest pdfs, I am not interested in this new edition. Especially since it gives me Pathfinder 2E vibes with ancestries, class feats, the skill system, and other things that dumbed down the prior edition.

For those who are looking forward to this, I wish you the best of luck and fun in your games. I will be cheering you on, back here playing 1E.

Thank you for reading this and have a good day.

Just to be clear, the Field Tests =/= the Playtest. Field Tests were just extremely early looks on what Paizo has done as they developed the game before the Playtest. I would recommend checking out the actual Playtest when that comes out in August.

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keftiu wrote:
I could've sworn Kholo were going up to Common.

Kholo and Tripkee are definitely in PC2. But as far as I could find out in my coverage for PC2, nothing's been said about changing any of the ancestries' or versatile heritages' rarities.

I could have missed something, for sure!

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For another option, there's a new god coming in Lost Omens: Divine Mysteries called Zjar Tovan, who is literally an intelligent Greatsword that's risen to divinity and is all about weapons and warfare. And it's been confirmed on Discord by James Case that Zjar's favored weapon is the Greatsword!

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Terevalis Unctio of House Mysti wrote:
If we have PF2E Society Dragon Disciples, we should be able to keep them, correct?

As far as we know, yep!

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exequiel759 wrote:
Are people expecting dragonblood to be restricted because they assume they are going to be an OP heritage? What the rationale behind that? We already have heritages which are the halves of stuff that are as strong or stronger than dragons (like dhampirs, for example).

I think people are expecting the PC2 ancestries and versatile heritages to be restricted because they'll likely be Uncommon by default. Every ancestry outside of the original 6 ancestries in the CRB are Uncommon.

And there's still precedent for that standard, even in Player Core. Nephilims, Changelings and the Mixed Ancestry versatile heritage were in Player Core, and were marked as Uncommon. I don't think it'd be much of a stretch to assume the returning ancestries and versatile heritages coming in Player Core 2 will also be, by default, Uncommon.

Only Orcs and Leshies were promoted to being a Common ancestry, and they had been specifically called out for that promotion since the beginning of the Remaster project. If any other ancestries or options were going to change to being Common, I think Paizo would've taken the same marketing steps to announce that, too.

EDIT: And really, in terms of "restricted," it's mostly only a problem for Society players, or maybe home games with a strict GM. But for everyone else, a basic conversation with your GM should be no problem.

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Paul Watson wrote:
I believe Dragon Disciple isn’t in this as its too OGL. Part of the reason for the Dragonblood versatile heritage to allow the same feel.

Logan Bonner did confirm that Dragon Disciple was not returning in Player Core 2 in the Discord spoilers from PaizoCon. They're unfortunately a casualty of moving away from the OGL.

The dragon elements in the Dragonblood versatile heritage seems to be taking from the Kobold's draconic ancestry features, as they mentioned as such during the Remaster Project panel at PaizoCon. Maybe there'll be something akin to some of the feats from Dragon Disciple too, but they'd need to be re-balanced, given they'll now cost ancestry feats instead of class feats.

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Also, why are you buying the Foundry module if you haven't bothered to read the AP itself? That's just asking to waste money. Especially if something like a nonbinary Flytrap Leshy is gonna set you off, you might want to be more prudent with your purchasing decisions.

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Terevalis Unctio of House Mysti wrote:
I read some where that there might be a new wizard's curriculum in this adventure?

Yes, earlier in this very thread by James Jacobs. And said again in the Discord spoilers from PaizoCon this year. Which I posted in this thread, too. There'll be a new wizard school here for the Remastered Red Mantis Assassin archetype.

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Jnaaathra wrote:
TriOmegaZero wrote:

Changing a race to avoid legal entanglements seems spot on to me for both cases.

Plus the whole D&D2E removal of demons. That's even more spot on.

Yeah. I would have simply preferred something that didn't completely delete them. The example you pointed out is more or less just a renaming.

If it helps, Starfinder 2E is keeping Drow around. They'll have a new bespoke name, but are also largely referred to as Void Elves. Some more retooling of their lore will be done (separating from the matriarchal Houses and more focus on their association with corporations), but they'll be there to stay. And with Starfinder 2E being 100% rules compatible with Pathfinder 2E, it'll be simple to port them over.

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Elfteiroh wrote:
Eoran wrote:

Farien. Stop that.

If the pattern holds from the last Remaster book release, these blog post previews come out once a week. We don't know what order the classes will be previewed in, but they should all appear.

blog post wrote:
In a series of blogs starting right here, we’ll be alternating between talking about the changes to four of the classes and showing off some fun fiction and art starring the iconic characters of Player Core 2.
So... based on this quote, only 4 classes of the 8 in the book will get a preview. Probably the 4 that got the biggest change... We already know Champion... Maybe Sorcerer, Oracle and Alchemist?

Alchemist and Oracle? Sure. Not so sure about Sorcerer. Sorcerer and Monk got the least amount of changes, it seems like. More likely Swashbuckler (due to their new Bravado trait), or maybe Investigator with their new function for their Devise a Stratagem.

As for the pattern, Eoran, they literally said "we’ll be alternating between talking about the changes to four of the classes and showing off some fun fiction and art starring the iconic characters of Player Core 2". So next week's blog will likely not be a class preview, but fiction instead. Likely fiction based off of an art piece found within PC2.

shroudb wrote:
Ezekieru wrote:
zlaxtiel wrote:
Sanityfaerie wrote:
Bluemagetim wrote:
That ability looks like it only requires allies to be in the aura and triggers on any attack against those allies no matter the result of the attack. Ranged or melee or spell, as long as they are attacks.
It's true. It does that... but if your enemies are primarily ranged, then you're not generally going to want to cluster in the way that the Champion needs for this thing to actually do anything. The Champion themselves is generally going to want to be pretty up-close-and-personal with the enemy wherever it is that they happen to be. Champions aren't known for having great ranged options, and the champion's reaction requires you to be close to the offending foe.

An average of 15 damage on an enemy with an average of around 175 health is pretty much meaningless. Sure its "free" but if your allies are getting targeted this much, why are you wasting actions raising your shield?

Lay on hands just seems stronger in every way.

15 damage per attack, even on a miss, with no saving throw is not meaningless? It's literally a death via a thousand cuts. And if the enemy was intelligent and stops attacking your allies in order to attack you instead to stop the onslaught of damage, you've now mitigated damage over to yourself. And you've Raised Your Shield, making your already great defenses even better. And if the enemies focus on you, you can Shield Block as a reaction to mitigate even more damage.

There's definitely value in picking it up for a more defensive play style, especially if you already have another party member or 2 who can either cast Heal/Soothe or use Battle Medicine. And if you pick a deity that only has Harm? Unless you're rocking a Negative Healing character and wanna self-heal with Touch of the Void, Shields of the Spirit would be a more preferable alternative.

Errr I'm confused, you quoting me and your tone is like you're disagreeing with me, but what you actually...

I'm not quoting you? I'm replying to zlaxtiel and arguing against their points. If I'm making the same arguments as you, then good! They're good points to make. But I'm not in disagreement with you. I'm in disagreement with zlaxtiel.

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zlaxtiel wrote:
Sanityfaerie wrote:
Bluemagetim wrote:
That ability looks like it only requires allies to be in the aura and triggers on any attack against those allies no matter the result of the attack. Ranged or melee or spell, as long as they are attacks.
It's true. It does that... but if your enemies are primarily ranged, then you're not generally going to want to cluster in the way that the Champion needs for this thing to actually do anything. The Champion themselves is generally going to want to be pretty up-close-and-personal with the enemy wherever it is that they happen to be. Champions aren't known for having great ranged options, and the champion's reaction requires you to be close to the offending foe.

An average of 15 damage on an enemy with an average of around 175 health is pretty much meaningless. Sure its "free" but if your allies are getting targeted this much, why are you wasting actions raising your shield?

Lay on hands just seems stronger in every way.

15 damage per attack, even on a miss, with no saving throw is not meaningless? It's literally a death via a thousand cuts. And if the enemy was intelligent and stops attacking your allies in order to attack you instead to stop the onslaught of damage, you've now mitigated damage over to yourself. And you've Raised Your Shield, making your already great defenses even better. And if the enemies focus on you, you can Shield Block as a reaction to mitigate even more damage.

There's definitely value in picking it up for a more defensive play style, especially if you already have another party member or 2 who can either cast Heal/Soothe or use Battle Medicine. And if you pick a deity that only has Harm as their Divine Font? Unless you're rocking a Negative Healing character and wanna self-heal with Touch of the Void, Shields of the Spirit would be a more preferable alternative.

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Also, I do hope we get a lot more detail about the Alchemist if/when we get a blog about them! We were left with a lot more questions than answers from the Remaster panel at PaizoCon, so I hope Logan, or whoever they get to write the blog on the Alchemist, will give us a lot of detail about the class's changes in the coming weeks!

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I love the split of 2 Holy Causes, 2 Unholy, and 3 Causes that can be sanctified, but you don't have to. That offers a lot of choice for how you want your Champion to play like, and opens the doors to many more kinds of "more Neutral" Champions post-Remaster.

Can we have someone confirm which of the two (Iniquity or Obedience) is the Tyrant/Antipaladin Cause? If I were a betting man, I'd say Tyrant sounds more like Obedience, while the Unholy-only Iniquity sounds like the new name of the former Antipaladin.

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Ezekieru wrote:
exequiel759 wrote:
Unless they do one blog every few days I don't think we are going to get blogs this time. I think last time we got one every week, but since there's less than 8 weeks for release and there's 8 classes they should showcase I think its likely this isn't going to happen. I guess Paizo doesn't want people being all passionate about PC2 without the full context, that or they know the issues people have with this classes don't align with the problems Paizo think they have.

To be fair, we didn't get a blog for every class from Player Core. We got one for the Wizard, Ranger, Witch and Cleric. We didn't get one for the Fighter, Rogue, Bard or Druid. We also got blogs for Ancestries, Spells and Spellcasting, and for Exploration Mode.

So I can see something similar happening this time around. Maybe we'll get blogs for classes like Alchemist, Champion, and Oracle, but maybe classes like the Monk or Sorcerer won't get a blog due to how little has changed with them.

And lookie there! We DID get a blog today about Remastered classes, this time about the Champion! And it looks like what I suspected: We're only getting blogs about 4 of the classes, along with some more fiction, too!

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CalmCyborg wrote:

I don't see mention of Starship Combat so guessing this isn't going to be included in this playtest?

Also, should we expect the final version August 2025 or maybe sooner(hopefully)?

Final version of SF2E will be GenCon 2025's release, so it'll be around July/August next year. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.

As for the Starship Combat, as of PaizoCon, Thurston and the rest of the Starfinder team are actively working on it, but from the sounds of it, we won't get those rules as part of the initial playtest, no. Likely it'd be either in a future playtest, or as part of one of the first expansion books. We'll just have to wait and see.

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The-Magic-Sword wrote:
Themetricsystem wrote:

Anyone who tells you differently is either ignorant of how it actually works or has bought the marketing schtick/spin without understanding/caring how it functions. Frankly, I'm shocked the TMS of all people would have fallen into one of those camps because they are almost never so far off base that they're no longer even in the stadium.

Don't mind the other TMS, bud. He's just like that.

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exequiel759 wrote:
Unless they do one blog every few days I don't think we are going to get blogs this time. I think last time we got one every week, but since there's less than 8 weeks for release and there's 8 classes they should showcase I think its likely this isn't going to happen. I guess Paizo doesn't want people being all passionate about PC2 without the full context, that or they know the issues people have with this classes don't align with the problems Paizo think they have.

To be fair, we didn't get a blog for every class from Player Core. We got one for the Wizard, Ranger, Witch and Cleric. We didn't get one for the Fighter, Rogue, Bard or Druid. We also got blogs for Ancestries, Spells and Spellcasting, and for Exploration Mode.

So I can see something similar happening this time around. Maybe we'll get blogs for classes like Alchemist, Champion, and Oracle, but maybe classes like the Monk or Sorcerer won't get a blog due to how little has changed with them.

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Vice Blue wrote:

I really love their art, vibe and story, really neat!

How is their name pronounced though? I read it as if it were korean, like "The", or is it more like "Day"(like Iomedae)?

The latter, especially given their association with the sun.

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One thing to note is that they said that the returning NPCs from the Gamemastery Guide was but a "drop in the bucket" of all the NPCs that were packed in this book. Considering that there were 83 NPCs in the GMG, and those cover about 43 pages in the GMG originally... I'm looking forward to how many new NPCs, categories of NPCs, and new templates that will show up in this very book. It might be a LOT more than some of us were expecting.

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Terevalis Unctio of House Mysti wrote:
What information do we have on the dragon folk heritage?

The Dragonblood versatile heritage will be very customizable. You can choose how dragon-looking you are (ranging from "basically a humanoid with a dragon for a head, to just having horns and draconic eyes, and everything else in-between). There'll be 4 lineages to choose, one of each magical tradition (Arcane, Divine, Occult and Primal). And a fair bit of the Kobold's draconic features were ported over and adjusted for the Dragonblood.

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UVAtom wrote:
Are we getting snares back in this book?

Yes, Snares and the Snarecrafter archetype will be in this book. And Rangers will get extra benefits from the Snarecrafter archetype, so they'll still be the best class to make snares with.

Waldham wrote:

Hello, I have a question about werecreature archetype from Howl of the Wild.

On the night of the full moon, you automatically use Change Shape to assume your hybrid shape, and you can’t voluntarily activate or dismiss Change Shape until sunrise.

On the night of the full moon, did the character control under the GM ? Even for a true werecreature ?

Thanks for your future answer.

Page 79 answers your question there.

A werecreature’s ability to transmit its curse to other
victims through a bite is a core aspect of the werecreature
mythology, but it has the potential to be disruptive in the
hands (or jaws) of a PC. GMs and players should carefully
consider whether granting a PC the ability to transform
other humanoids into werecreatures will have a negative
impact on the other players’ enjoyment of the game or
distract from the overall story. Similarly, the loss of self-
control and amnesiac rampages traditionally associated
with a werecreature’s compulsory transformation under a
full moon might appeal to some players, whereas others
might dislike the prospect of losing control of their
characters for an extended period of time and choose to
simply ignore that aspect of their condition. As always,
GMs and players should work together to set expectations
and boundaries beforehand to ensure the best possible
experience for everyone at the table.

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Trip.H wrote:

So it looks like these changes to Alchemist are rather locked in:

the loss Quick Alchemy (and perpetual infusions)

the addition of V Vials

bomb splash only affects normal AoE on hit or better:
-- Bomb splash reasoning: there is 0 way to "accidentally" write a new mechanic like "on miss, only splash your primary target" into the game. This was an intentional change. The *only* remote chance it's not happening would require Paizo to have once intended the change to happen and put it into the remaster, then changed their mind but failed to remove it. Extremely remote chance.

poison damage being reduced


The quite likely changes:

reduction of infused reagents and or A-Alch's conversion rate (such as loosing "specialty items") to compensate for the V Vials

Unspecified changes to Research Fields


Throw those changes in with no proficiency improvements, and it is honestly very easy to see why players may think this is overall a nerf.

These improvements depend upon the V Vials providing more value than what was lost. And Quick Alch is a lot to loose.

Even if V Vials are 3 "Alchemy-thing" actions per fight, that is already a bad deal for the Alchs that went for the Expanded Splash + Debilitating + Perpetual Bomb build.


As someone who has mostly played Chirugeons, I'm loosing out on the ability to keep a list of medicines in my book, and using Q-Alch to clear them after a fight. I have tried to take inf Skunks at 8, but it honestly does not work as well as one might think. Kind of still worth the Feat for the option, but I really don't throw them that often.

And I worry about how badly loosing Q-Alch will harm my PCs. It's not just medicines, but the ability to flexibly "under-budget" my daily needs and use the pool of reagents to Q-Alch the remainder. The main example there are the mutagens, as when the party is able to initiate a fight, I can pause, take stock of the situation, and offer a Q-Alch mutagen before...

Did... did you miss the fact that Versatile Vials will still let you make alchemical items on the fly? 'Cause the designers did say that. They were vague, but it doesn't sound like the replacement of Quick Alchemy with Versatile Vials will lead to you losing your ability to make those items as you need them. In fact, being able to make items on the fly and then get those resources back during Exploration Mode sounds like an overall buff VS splitting up your reagents at the start of the day as we did before.

exequiel759 wrote:

But somehow they took rogues which were already one of the best classes in the system and buffed them a ton.

If there was a class I expected to see improved in PC1 it was the ranger.

...And not the Witch???

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