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Yeah, why not both? Who says two classes can't have a thematic overlap?

To the other point, still want Mesmerist as a prepared occult caster class.

As a mild curiosity of mine, I'm just gonna voice some musings I've had about elves, with 2 questions:

1. Regarding the info above, if elves have large and colorful pupils, I wonder, do they have irises? How big would such irises be?

2. How far back would the iris and pupil go into the eye. With many animals, you don't see the sclera, unless they look hard to one side. Then you can get a peak, is the colorful portion of an elf's eye far enough whether that's possible?

Just musings I've had whenever I tried to make Pathfinder elves in Hero Forge.

As for Sibelius, doesn't really matter for the most part, though it did answer what would have been a 3rd question, which is: if an elf's eye was drawn in high definition, not as an artistic simplification, what sort of texture would the eye have? A pupil of course I'd imagine a more glossy texture, while an iris would make me assume a much more complex and textured mesh surrounding a color.

Fortunately, elf eyes don't have to make as much sense as they are aliens.

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Telebuddy wrote:
Perhaps I will look in to it, just need to convince my players to convert over for a oneshot perhaps

No need to convert. Starfinder ancestries are fully compatible. Devs said so themselves. They are designed specifically so they can be dropped into a Pathfinder 2E game.

And as a personal attestment. Before Awakened Animals were a thing, I had a player who wanted to play a humanoid crocodile, so I let them play a reflavored Vesk from the Starfinder Field Test 3 in a Pathfinder game. It worked just fine.

Paizo gave me basic shuriken I will use the shuriken. Starknife definitely would go good for Naruto's fūma shuriken though.


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I mean, I have a lot of furries among my players, and when they pick awakened animal, they very much like to use assume they hailed from a community of animal people of their species, as if it was a preexisting species, rather than being an individual magical mutant.

For example, while the lore says animals find awakened animals unsettling, it does not have a mechanical expression in the statblock, so we simply choose to ignore it as it keeps them happy and it works within the mechanical bounds of the ancestry, if not the original lore.

You are right that it is fun to get something with a distinct Paizo-approved culture though. Telebuddy did not ask for a distinct crustacean culture though, they just asked to play an intelligent crustacean, particularly a crab. If all they want is to be crab, it's easy to say there is a whole race of crab people and represent them through the awakened animal. Or, if you wanna keep to awakened animal lore, you can just say the patient zero occurred so many generations ago that they propogated into a full species. I mean, that's how we got owlbears after all (before the retcon).

TLDR: Just because awakened animals can be weirdo outsiders, does not mean awakened animals have to be written as weirdo outsiders without a culture. Be creative with the implications granted by tools you're given, you'd be surprised.

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For Guns and Gears Remastered Edition, there are some accidental OGL references.

Pg. 12: in the exposition paragraph, it references a red dragon, rather than a cinder dragon (or really any other Monster Core dragon)

Pg. 169: For the picture of what what should now be a Marvelous Miniature Bullet, it says Feather Token Bullet

Pg. 182: The Immovable Tripod makes reference to the Immovable Rod.

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Awakened Animal is also an option.

I'd definitely rather it be its own class. I just doubt Paizo would do it that way. If they did, I would be very happy, and I have a player whom I know would be even happier. My rogue class archetype call is was more just me feeling jaded and thinking that's probably all Paizo would be willing to do for it.

Well in that case, may your schooling go well, and may you help a lot of people.

We can emulate a ninja, but when some of us ask for a ninja, we're asking for something closer to the 1E ninja, which had the following: Full sneak attack and full ki spell access.

Basically I'd imagine a proper ninja as a monk-themed class archetype on the rogue, that gave it access to most ki spells (and some select monk feats) with a faster track than the monk archetype would grant. Perhaps a little slower than dedicated monk, but definitely faster than with a monk archetype.

The biggest element would be Stealth, infiltration, and of course the ambush, so Rogue of course would be a great starting point. But what rogue lacks is the mystical aspect And Monk archetype is an option, but it just does not give enough to give the proper ninja feel.

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That makes sense, I will refrain then.

I'd probably feel a bit less shocked that my buddy will eventually fall into bleached madness when my buddy can live hundreds, theoretically thousands of years longer than me as long as he can keep that zest of life fresh.

A Human dies of old age at around 60-110
A jaded gnome might die at ~400, but just by keeping that zest, they can theoretically go to 1000, 10,000, 1,000,000. Theoretically possible for a gnome to be born today and see Starfinder if they can somehow keep their senses fresh. They don't even have to be a Nex-tier archmage to extend their life or anything. They can just be a normal guy who kept their sense of wonder long enough and didn't get killed along the way.

Elves have a time limit, but the only time limit a gnome has is how long it takes for them to become jaded to the way things work. A gnome can legit out-age an elf.

Gnomes don't die of old age, they can only die of becoming jaded to the way things work, disease, or violence. It's a pretty nice deal if you think about it.

And besides, a human will reach a form of madness around their late years as well. We call that Alzheimer's and Dementia.

To elaborate to ElementalofCuteness, we're not getting ninja because it's considered too culturally coded.

I still want a ninja equivalent though. I suppose giving Operator access to Qi spells via a class archetype might be a good approach, though.

While something more polearm related would be neat, Inexorable Iron does cover polearms as it works with any two-handed weapon.

New evil meta discovered: Be super evil, but hard atheist. Say Pharasma has no right to send me to Abaddon. Spawn back in heaven and then take a shuttle to do more crimes in the Universe.

JiCi wrote:
moosher12 wrote:

On the note of Elementalist class archetype, I'd like to see new Kineticist impulses. I noticed when I tried to make a pure air kineticist (no electricity) that the pickings were a bit slim.

Not to say there isn't enough to make a complete class, just more choices would be nice.

At least Paizo can build upon the Kineticist and add more impulses and feats. The class is playable, and fortunately, it's not unusable.

If an element feels underwhelming, they can add more stuff, but if the class itself is underwhelming, no amount of feat can fix it.

Oh class is by no means underwhelming. It's pretty strong at what it does, and they are doing all they can with the page count clearly. I'm aware Paizo can make more content for it in future books, which is why I'd like for them to do just that. Basically, I just want Kineticist expansion in the future.

Class: Spellshot Gunslinger class archetype
Rule: Spellshot Gunslinger class archetype

This is more a suggestion than a correction after some discontent among my players, but I think swapping out Arcane Breadth for Master Wizard Spellcasting would be apt, like with the Bloodrager.

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Lightning Raven wrote:

Well, Nethys isn't update then, check it out:

The clause "Even if you're untrained in Lore, you can use it to Recall Knowledge." is only present on the Legacy version. Unless this bit of info changed to another rule, I don't think you can roll lore when you're untrained in it.

That's an error on AoN's part. I just crossed-checked both my Core Rulebook and my Player Core, and they both say that clause (Core Rulebook 247 and Player Core 241)

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So on search:
Returned Background: Says you miraculously returned with knowledge of realms beyond death. Which implies this is hard to keep.

I searched "Mem" for memory/remember and boneyard. This is all I could find. Can't remember where the full bit was, might have been in a 1E book or something. Either way, I'll have to put my search on pause as I've a game to run in 30 minutes.

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Huh, interesting. I was trying to see if I can track down the tidbit about losing memory in the boneyard when I found this. So this is from 13 years ago, but here's James Jacob's early comment on it.

TLDR: being allowed to be a free-roaming spirit, and reincarnation, were both on the table.

James Jacobs wrote:

There's a certain amount of vagueness built into the process, honestly, because we want death and what happens after to be kind of spooky and mysterious. But here's some answers...

1) Pharasma determines what the final destination of a soul is. Things that play into her decision include the soul's religion, the soul's personality, the soul's alignment, how well the soul lived up to its life goals, how the soul presents itself to Pharasma, and more. There's not really a precise formula you can apply to someone to determine where they'll end up.

2) If a mortal converts to a new religion but doesn't really follow the religion, they'll probably end up being sent on to that religion's outer plane but manifest as a petitioner and stay a petitioner for a long, long time... perhaps forever. If their failure to follow the religion actually caused harm and disruption, they'll instead be sent to Hell or some other place in line with that religion's punishment preference.

3) Atheists either end up in the Boneyard, or they end up transcending into free-roaming souls who are allowed to drift through reality and expand their knowledge or explore. Ending up in the Boneyard is kind of the atheist version of being punished in Hell, while being granted the freedom to continue on as a disembodied soul (this isn't a undead monster... it's something that exists beyond statistics) is the big reward. Some of them might be reincarnated back into new bodies as well... although that's more common for agnostics than for atheists.

4) Who gets sent to what plane for punishment depends on a lot of complex things—see #1 above.

5) It's closed to keep daemons from being able to easily raid the Boneyard of its souls waiting in line to be judged. A soul can still be sent to Abaddon though; Pharasma can certainly open the door long enough to let souls pass through without letting anything else come in.

6) Note that some daemons have specific abilities to feed on souls—it's those abilities (such as the lowly cacodaemon's Soul Lock ability, or the thanadaemon's Soul Crush ability) that specifically destroy souls. When a daemon just kills a creature normally, that creature's soul is pretty much ALWAYS able to escape into the great beyond. When they don't... it's because of specific storyline reasons, in which case the captured soul may need a caster level check to be resurrected, or it might not be ressurectable at all. Again... those are elements that drive stories and adventures, not typical results from combat with a daemon.

7) The Horsemen have plenty of daemons working for them. There's more people dying than just on Golarion, after all... souls come from ALL of the inhabited worlds of the Material Plane. AKA: even if only 1% of the souls who come to Abaddon survive to become daemons, that's still a HUGE NUMBER. And after all... if a petitioner isn't canny enough to avoid being eaten, what Horseman in their right mind would want such a weak-sauce soul working for them anyway? It's supernatural selection at work (as opposed to natural selection).

Though of course there's room for some stuff to have been officially retconned.

From The Boneyard, Abaddon, and the Lifecycle of Souls

Ah, now you're thinking like a Runelord. Time to kill some lab assistants for science.

I'm pretty sure it's been established that if you die and visit the boneyard, you don't actually remember your time in the boneyard.

It's like getting drunk, your metaphysical brain forgot to record and store your time there. You did as you'd do, but you can only make educated guesses to the sort of thing you'd do.

Now, planehopping to the Boneyard is a different matter.

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Archetype: Firework Technician
Rule: Firework Technician Dedication archetype feat
-The Firework Technician Dedication feat grants advanced alchemy benefits, but does not explain how many daily consumables are granted per day.
-While the feat says you should spend your daily consumable to Launch Fireworks, it instead costs versatile vials.
-The feat is a bit inconsistent on whether versatile vials or daily alchemical consumables should be spent on fireworks displays, as it says both should work. But only versatile vials function for the purpose.
-The Launch Fireworks action refers to batches of infused reagents, which no longer apply.

Rule: Coughing Dragon Display archetype feat
The feat has a cost of 1 fireworks display, which the allotment of which are not clear. This feat also still communicates costs in terms of batches of infused reagents.

Rule: Jumping Jenny Display archetype feat
The feat has a cost of 1 fireworks display, which the allotment of which is not clear. This feat also still communicates costs in terms of batches of infused reagents.

Rule: Goblin Jubilee Display archetype feat
The feat has a cost of 1 fireworks display, which the allotment of which is not clear.

Rule: Banshee Display archetype feat
The feat has an optional cost of 1 fireworks display, which the allotment of which is not clear.

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Archetype: Demolitionist

Rule: Demolitionist Dedication archetype feat
Problem: The Demolitionist Dedication references Calculated Splash in a clause, which was removed.

Rule: Controlled Blast archetype feat
Problem: The Calculated Splash feat can be removed as a prerequisite, as it is not included in the Remaster, and the Demolitionist no longer learns the feat. Additionally, Controlled Blast includes rules for using both Calculated Splash and Demolition Charge, which is also not in the Remaster.

Rule: Collapse Wall archetype feat
Problem: Also makes reference to Demolition Charge.

Very likely, but the point stands of how many years it took for one adventuring party to finally finish him off for good.

Avatar of the Lantern King is not the Lantern King, it's the Lantern King's avatar. Killing the Avatar of the Lantern king does not kill the Lantern King. It just frustrates him.

Source: I'm running whichever AP he appears in (Intentionally vague to avoid spoiler).

Treerazor also respawns even if he's killed. And has yet to truly die. Says so in his own entry.

Also, you're assuming the first adventurer party will be the successful one. The canon reality of the setting is that only a minority of adventurers actually survive long-term. And for every player group that succeeds, there are dozens if not hundreds of NPC groups (or even some PC groups) that fail.

Yeah, Pharasma is pretty professional about things. Be a loyal worshipper of Urgathoa, and despite the fact Pharasma hates her, she'll still send you to Urgathoa's realm.

Vasyazx wrote:
moosher12 wrote:
I know some people are bringing up that even if you're a petitioner, you'll eventually return to quintessence, and correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought the process of going from outsider to quintessence was exceptionally long, like in the realm of multiple millennia, a cosmic scale lifetime.
The problem is when you become petitioner you already lost most of your memories and personality traits and when you become full outsider all those are completly gone and your essecne is used to create new being

In the end it's basically a form of reincarnation. Promising your next self a better life, even though you might not get to experience it in the way you are at the moment is already a familiar concept to Buddhists, for example.

Though if you're dead-set on keeping your memories. Urgathoa ensures you keep your memories if you manage to get her sub-realm of Abaddon.

vyshan wrote:
Also how much of this information about quintessence and merging with the plane is even known by the people in Golarion?

I'm under the impression it's actually very little, unless you're a scholar.

I know some people are bringing up that even if you're a petitioner, you'll eventually return to quintessence, and correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought the process of going from outsider to quintessence was exceptionally long, like in the realm of multiple millennia, a cosmic scale lifetime.

Class: Dual-Weapon Warrior and Gunslinger
Rules: Dual-Weapon Reload
As the PFS note on Archives of Nethys states, Dual-Weapon Reload does not need an action. Additionally, the Gunslinger's version does not need a Requirements slot.

Class: Gunslinger
Rules: Gunslinging Legend class feature
Problem: This one is more to bring formatting in order. But now that Gunslingers were buffed to get master proficiency with simple weapons, martial weapons, and unarmed attacks, they can use the terminology of Gunslinger Weapon Mastery instead

"Your proficiency rank increases to legendary with simple and martial firearms and crossbows. Your proficiency rank for advanced firearms and crossbows, simple weapons, martial weapons, and unarmed attacks increases to master."

instead of

"Your proficiency rank increases to legendary with simple and martial firearms and crossbows and to master with advanced firearms and crossbows. Your proficiency rank for simple weapons, martial weapons, and unarmed attacks increases to master."

Though in the end this is a nitpick, it may potentially save 1 line, depending on how center alignment bunches the new wording, but it might not.

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As far as I know, not without Paizo stepping in and making a swap, but I doubt that'd be done. The usual way things are done with Humble Bundle if you already have part of it is to give the extra codes to friends and family so that they can enjoy it.

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In Starfinder books, it's even said that Pharasmins give Eox a pass because going on a planet-wide crusade is more trouble than its worth.

Also, until the new Secrets of Magic replacement says otherwise, it was well established that being powered by negative energy actually does make you develop a disdain for the living, not too how unlike a normal human naturally disdains bugs. And it is always a conscious effort to maintain classical humanity toward the living, that is bound to eventually slip away after several thousand years of seeing mortals rise and fall. Like, you can hold your humanity as an undead for years, centuries, even millennia, but it's usually not a matter of if you will lose that spark of humanity, but when. All a good willpower does is delay it.

There are of course, good liches that do great things. Geb was a pretty cool guy at times. But eventually they will start to see people less as peers and more as flock, and eventually just as assets.

Trip.H wrote:

We also have direct evidence there are entire species of outsider doing nothing but pursuing and killing mortals for the "heinous crime" of extending their lives.

I will note that Maruts are Aeons, not psychopomps. They do not work under Pharasma. They work under the Monad.

Trip.H wrote:
Monitor trait wrote:
Creatures that hail from or have a strong connection to Axis, the Boneyard, or the Maelstrom are called monitors. Monitors can survive the basic environmental effects of planes in the Outer Sphere.


Psychopomp Allies wrote:
The mandate of marut inevitables is similar to that of psychopomps. Generally, the practical psychopomps are content to let an unyielding marut complete its mission and swoop in afterward to ensure the work has been done, but occasionally, they may work together.


This is exactly the kind of willful blindness I'm talking about. For whatever reason, when it comes to Pharasma, people will somehow completely ignore the text in front of them if it makes her order look bad, lol.

These agents do only a single task, hunt mortals for living too long. They are direct allies / subjects who obey Pharasma's rules. Half the trouble with systemic oppression is that a jackboot on the ground does not need to take direct orders from the tyrant in order to be a cog in that system.

Phar feeds Axis souls, and Axis follows her rules, acting in ways that benefit Phar. It's like pretending that native Indian law agents during the time of British rule were not a part of the empire's oppression because they were "a different organization."


If I gotta throw another, yet more unavoidable example in front of yall, how about the Morrigna creature, which is a Mointor + Psychopomp:

Bounty hunters and investigators, morrignas seek out creatures who thwart death or interfere with the natural flow of souls. Morrignas dress in flowing spider silk and wear masks reminiscent of webs, as they consider patient and watchful spiders to be their spiritual kin.

Okay, so in what way are proteans serving Pharasma? As clearly all monitors seem to serve pharasma then.

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Also Trip, I think you forgot the cold war situation that gods don't get to actually directly act near as much as they would like to. They can have their servants act in their interests, but they usually cannot act beyond that, as it tends to result in battles that are much more destructive than intended.

If Pharasma was that much of a hardbutt about reinforcing the no-undead rule, Tar Baphon would have ceased a long time ago, as would Geb. And, really any lich. Undead really would not be a thing. Because as much as Pharasma would like to, her hands are tied, especially as unholy forces would be willing to team up against her over it.

Now what I'm more curious is is what story led to Pharasma defiling your Cheerios. Because your hatred for her is so passionate it's frankly fascinating.

As for the boneyard it's frankly pretty cushy. Go to hell, you gotta work for Asmodeus. Go to heaven, you gotta work for the gods of the greater good. Most every aligned plane will expect you to abide by a certain creed once you enter. Boneyard is the only one that says you don't have to adhere to the will of another god for entry, nor will you be press-ganged to service as a psychopomp eventually for being in the boneyard. Seems as good a deal for an athiest as you can get. Heaven, Nirvana and Elysium are nice, but they come with expectations that might put Rahadoumi athiests off when their petitioners are eventually put to use in the very holy wars they despise.

PossibleCabbage wrote:
The preferences of these deities exist to frame their role in stories, not to constrict player agency. If your GM is throwing Achaekek at you because you want to take the Test of the Starstone, that's a GM problem not a setting problem.

Granted, there'd be a lot less corpses surrounding the starstone if it was without mythic challenge.

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Hey, congratulations!

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Okay, I got a chuckle out of that one. And granting access to the clockwork macuahuitl? How kind! I left that one out on the account of rarity.

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Well allow me to get my $0.05 in freelance editorial fees for this consultation:

You did not completely read the assignment. You forgot to include the clause that if the stats are for a Level 1 weapon, you have to pay the weapon's price. You also uncapped the limit, unintentionally enabling the exquisite swordcane, as yes, there are basic weapons beyond Level 1.

I think it was a page space issue rather than a balance issue. They probably would have kept both, but given the fact they had the page space limit, for every sentence added, a sentence would have to be removed or reduced from somewhere else.

On the note of Elementalist class archetype, I'd like to see new Kineticist impulses. I noticed when I tried to make a pure air kineticist (no electricity) that the pickings were a bit slim.

Not to say there isn't enough to make a complete class, just more choices would be nice.

A GM friend of mine whose been trying to pitch Foundry to me showed me that it can certainly be done GM side, if not player side. As I heavily modify my game, that would have been a mandatory feature for me. It should be possible to change it, though, though potentially complicated depending how in the weeds you wanna get with the automation.

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Lord Fyre is right, but I want to go a step further to include Stasian Technology. I want a book that specifically talks about Numerian and Stasian technology. Give me some 1920s-30s tech alongside the hybrid inventions that were invented from Numerian artifacts, along with lists of which Starfinder equipment is most common in Numeria (guess the more apt would be Uncommon, etc.) As for Stasian technology, it could also be a way to explore other artifacts from Earth such as smuggled European and American goods. Valash Raj would also be a pretty good place to focus on as they've also had to deal with alien tech a lot.

It's also a good place to add Starfinder class feats for Pathfinder classes without having to add them in Starfinder itself. I remember it was a question asked in the early stages of the playtest whether Pathfinder classes might get support content to make them work better in the Starfinder paradigm, and the response was along the lines of "if interest was sufficient." but giving some Numeria/Stasia-tuned gun and tech focused feats to Pathfinder classes would really be neat.

The fun news is James Jacobs has voiced interest in making a return to Numeria, so an AP seems like it's likely to be pitched for development. And who knows, if we get an AP, a Lost Omens or Core book might follow.

Rue Dickey and James Jacobs wrote:

Rue: I wanted to open the floor to James talking about crossovers with Pathfinder and Starfinder in terms of like, what does that look like from the Pathfinder side of things as well.

James: Well that's kind of where it all started back with the Iron Gods adventure path and the Technology Guide. That was kind of the birth of a lot of Starfinder stuff cause people liked it. And from there we took a lot of that content and kind of exploded it up into the heavens into the future post beyond the Gap etc. We haven't been able to go back to Numeria because we didn't have Second Edition rules for that content. And so once those rules are available and once you know, we don't wanna jump right in immediately, because Starfinder getting a new edition is a big deal and it needs to be front and center awesome. That is something that I am personally really excited about. I've been talking here and there with people about Iron Gods for ages. And an adventure path I've had in the back of my head since the previous edition. But it's not on the schedule yet, so... But it can be now.

It usually takes about a year. Battlecry! and Starfinder Playtests were both last year, and are set to arrive this year for the official release. So I'd reason whatever book the Impossible Playtest is for will be late 2026 to early 2027.

Ancestry: Automaton
Rule: Automaton Lore feat
Problem: Now that Automaton Lore now grants Additional Lore (Automaton Lore), the Enhancement ability to increase Automaton Lore to expert/master is now redundant, and may be removed to just affect Arcana or Crafting.

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dirkdragonslayer wrote:

Yeah, an interpretation of Dolok Darkfur seems possible. He was the Sarkorian God responsible for leading the reclamation efforts as mentioned in Divine Mysteries. This new Sarkorian school of magic seems to be about supporting that reclamation and promoting traditions. Maybe they told the artist "feathered bear" and that was interpreted as winged.

God art can be inconsistent sometimes. Instructions can be vague instructions and uo to interpretation, especially for minor gods. In lore their depictions are usually malleable to the region anyway. Teki Stronggut, the new goblin God, has a head/nose like a Warhammer goblin and is the same fleshy ochre skin of D&D goblins. She doesn't look like a Pathfinder goblin at all.

I was actually going to bring her up until I saw you had posted her in the next sentence. I don't want to rip on the artist, as the artist's rendering of her was of pretty good quality, but it was really jarring when I turned the page and saw a goblin with such a pronounced nose. Somewhere along the line, the artist was never shown a Pathfinder goblin.

Could be. I'm not versed in Sarkorian Lore specifically. But I just looked him up on the Pathfinderwiki, and it seems he has art, and it does not match the stylization of the statue. Granted, sometimes artists vary things up, so it could still be him.

I do thank you both for bringing it to my attention. I have not gotten to read through the Society Scenarios yet, so I would not have known much about this character.

Three things are for sure:

1. We are getting a cinder dragon that is totally-not-a red-dragon.
2. We are getting a winged bear (of whose name I don't know if it was announced yet) that is totally-not-an-owlbear.
3. Monster Core 2 is referenced in Guns and Gears Remastered Edition.

They gotta appear in some book. And the cinder dragon was confirmed by Luis Loza to be toward the end of this year.

Paizo is also going to continue their bestiary line regardless. But it would be awkward to make an ORC Bestiary 4 while Bestiaries 1-3 are OGL when all ORC nomenclature went to the "Subject Core X" phrase. It also feels like it'd be a huge PR inconvenience, if not a PR nightmare, to refer to a book that will never exist.

Elfteiroh wrote:
moosher12 wrote:
Forgot to mention the Monster Core Battle Cards, but otherwise, awesome!
It's because it releases next month, on March 5th. This blog is for the things that released this month. :3

For some reason, it's listed under the New Releases tab on the main page alongside the stuff released this month.