Berselius's page
Organized Play Member. 2,626 posts. 4 reviews. No lists. No wishlists.
Will we see details about the Arcanamirium as well I wonder?
One halloween night Bastard Hall. One dark, spooky, and mist shrounded moonlit Halloween night.
I would have gone with "Riders of the Apocalyspe" myself but Apocalypse Riders makes sense still.
Does anyone else think an adventure path revolving around Iomedae's faithful leading a crusade against the cybernetically enhanced forces of Hell (who are attempting to finally invade and conqueror the Pact Worlds) would be a nice addition to Starfinder?
I'm hoping for Dhampir racial feats that give Dhampir players some more options. Like the ability to assume a swarm form maybe or even the form of a gaseous mist for a limited time?
Is Fola Barun's human parent Keleshite in ancestry? Just wondering. ^^
Sweet! We're finally gonna throw down against Treerazer! For Kyonin! :D
Hoping Amiri, Ezren, Kyra, and Merisiel can survive and succeed without being completely and utterly consumed by whatever terrifying horror their trying to prevent escaping.
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Chk Chk wearing the heart glasses is so cute, adorable, and awesome! Heh.
Hmmm, I'm wondering if the Necromancer class will feature options that will make it be akin to a Hallowed Necromancer?
Wondering if Halcyon Speaker would be a good archetype to run with this adventure path?
Yup, this is what happens when you let a Demon Lord (even a Nascent one) fester in one spot on the Material Plane for too long. He either builds up a MASSIVE army, starts to get exceptionally CLEVER, or BOTH! Usually it's BOTH! Time for the Elves to shine as heroes (with some help from other other species of Golarion that is). ;)
Awww Whook at da cute whittle elemental Mephits.
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BotBrain wrote: the question I want answered is if we can make the thralls dance so we can summon our own flash mobs :P AND IT'S NECROOOOOOO...ZOMBIEEE NIGHTTTTTT!!!
Quote: There's 3 subclasses, one for bones, flesh, and spirits. Mmmmm...zombie flesh armor...heh.
Quote: Most of the others (Transmuter, Adjurer, and Evoker) have strong mechanical niches, but not so much of a cultural identity. (Unless you consider Evoker = Blaster, but I think that's an oversimplification.) Quote: I'd be quite tempted to say that most of what makes an evoker and evoker can be evoked (heh) by the kineticist. The manipulation of raw energies and bending the elements to your whim? Fits the bill pretty effectively. Maybe a Warmage class instead? Then again, that might also be copyright by WotC as I think WotC actually came out with a Class with that title in a D&D Manual. Also as you pointed out there are other spellcasting classes that focus on combat so a Warmage class might be repetative. Maybe a College of War Magic for the revised Core 2e Pathfinder Wizard though?
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Justnobodyfqwl wrote: I 100% believe the motivation of the Necromancer was "Necromancers in pop culture", not "the Wizard school turned into a full class".
I don't think anyone is asking for, or jumping to make, "the Abjurer class".
To be fair, I never said EVERY Wizard school had to be turned into an actual class. I'm just thinking SOME Wizard schools (aka one or two more) might be fun as an actual class. The Necromancer certainly is shaping out to be. An Enchanter/Enchantress class would be pretty cool I feel.
I wonder if we'll get other 1e Pathfinder wizard subschools as classes? I think my GF would absolutely love to get an Enchanter class (especially one that gives the ability to afflict mind-effecting abilities/spells on creatures that are otherwise immune or mindless).
CorvusMask wrote: Reminder that oliphaunt in 1e was "Space 80 ft., Reach 80 ft."
I loved ridiculously big colossal creatures x'D
Yeah, if Mogaru is the Godzilla of Golarion, the Oliphaunt of Jandelay is the Godzilla of the Multiverse!
thinksnake wrote: Aenigma wrote: As far as I remember, the Oliphaunt appeared on Golarion only once, during an Azlanti invasion of Thassilon in -6301 AR, in the Age of Legend. So can I assume that the men in the art are Azlanti soldiers? Could also be Thassilonian, from after the Azlanti army was defeated and the Oliphaunt was running around afterwards before finally making its save to return home. It also destroyed a fair chunk of Xin-Eurythnia I think it's an "Aspect" of the actual Oliphaunt of Jandelay. Perhaps summoned via a mythic-level spell?
It takes a truly reckless and power hungry spellcaster to summon an aspect of the Oliphaunt of Jandelay. o_o
The Raven Black wrote: dharkus wrote: Hey - so the very recent blog, and the lists on this thread list 7 mythic monsters, and that's what i've heard elsewhere too - but...
the top of this page says wrote: 8 terrifying new mythic monsters and rules for creating mythic threats of your own! so was there an 8th taken out due to page space or something, or has everyone been counting wrong, or there's an 8th that is hidden elsewhere than the rest?
The 8th Mythic monster is the pdf itself.
A la Necronomicon. Does the Necronomicon actually exist in Pathfinder Cannon? Or would that just be the Book of the Damned?
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I'm hoping we get more Mythic Destines (maybe some Occult and Monitor based Mythic Destines) and heck of a lot more Mythic Monsters!
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Also bonus point on mentioning the cartoon Mighty Max! Loved that cartoon growing up! There's a person on Youtube who is trying to restore it btw:
Mighty Max Restoration Project
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I'm actually hoping we'll get more of the Great Beyond in Starfinder in the coming months and even into next year. Like, what's been going on in Heaven, Hell, Axis (etc etc) since interstellar Empires have risen and fallen and Golarion still remains vanished and missing?
Have the Fiends decided to finally incorporate an advanced form of cybernetics and technology into their armies? What possible moves have the Celestials and Monitors done to counter such a threat? Maybe we could get new outsiders augumented by and/or wielding technology?
Also what about the powers that rule the Great Beyond? Have Demon Lords, Archdevils, Empyreal Lords (etc etc) remained static or have there been massive shake ups in the power structures of the Multiverse that possibly threaten to cause massive upheaval to the Material Plane?
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StarMartyr365 wrote: And now I want a godberry smoothie. Starberry Banana Godberry anyone?
Cyrad wrote: So he became an exemplar by eating god berries. Temporarily yes. A powerful but fleeting gift.
kaid wrote: Less smash you might makes right and more Intense mom disappointment maybe? Gronk did you raid villages again?? Gronk I am so disappointed you are better than this. "GRONK NOT NOEZ WHATZ YOUZ IZ TALKINZ ABOUT! GRONK NOT KNOWZ WHERZ DIZ LOOTZ CAMES FROM!"
Also is it just me or is Tar-Baphon finally starting to make a move after freeing himself and turning Last Wall into an undead-filled hellhole?
This probably does not bode well for the nations of Avistan down the line. Hopefully our heroes can help the Orcs unite their people.
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…will now engage in diplomacy!
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Gisher wrote: Rue Dickey wrote: Being asked to curate a list of spooky products was the highlight of my week last week, as a known Halloween lover! This list was a good idea. Each year as we approach Halloween we always get posts asking about spooky options. YES! MORE SPOOKY! ALL THE SPOOKY ADVENTURES! WERE-CREATURES AND GHOULS AND VAMPIRES AND GREAT OLD ONES! Love fighting some gothic/lovecraftian horror with my friends! I truly hope to have a mega adventure/dungeon in Ustalav one day! ^_^
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Gods to one day get a Bastardhall Megadungeon release for Halloween. I know it'll probably never happen...but I can DREAM can't I?
Quote: Was this how it felt, to be above mortal concerns? Like all you needed to do to cut an enemy down or to be where you wanted to be was simply to will it, to simply make it happen and have it be done? pixierose wrote: The moments where he embraces his powers, he seems to feel a mix of awe and surprise. The idea that things could be *that easy* are a novelty to him it seems. But he is keeping his humility still. At least that's how it reads to me. I hope your right. It would be a shame if his power corrupts him one day and he starts actually feeling himself "above mortal concerns".
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Nahoa has never seen ice before? Has his power never generated it before? Interesting, but also worrisome. Nahoa seems to be giving in far to much to the divine power his items have given him. Almost as if he's experiencing arrogence from the possessing the power. Could the ice now be a side effect of that?
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I wonder if we'll get a Winter Witch archetype anytime soon?
I also wonder if we'll get racial archetypes?
I'd love to see how Paizo would do the Dhampir's Kinslayer archetype, the Suli's Elemental Knight archetype, and the Elf's Treesinger archetype in 2e Pathfinder.
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Lady Hesla Embersplitter would absolutely love to have you all for dinner...OVER...I MEANT OVER FOR DINNER!
Rothgar shall now travel to that mountain peak with friendly dragon! Rothgar shall obtain the armored corpse of Gorum and melt down it down to reforge it into a weapon of infinite war! Rothgar expects nothing can surely go wrong with this venture. ROTTTTHHHHGGGAAAARRRR!
Thankies Ezekieru. I shall send you cookies. ^_^
I wonder if we'll get an NPC-Codex for 2e Pathfinder like we got for 1e Pathfinder?
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Damn, I feel so much sympathy for Marbrook. I hope Quinn and Fumbus can help her find peace.
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Loving it Paizo! One of my NPC's is a death oracle who loves to stab the spectral anchor that is his power into the ground and summon a ghost viking ship chalk full of spectral ghost viking phantoms! Seeing the look of my group's enemies when they realizing their gonna have to fight a dozen incorporal ghost sea reavers is priceless! :D
My feather boa draped female half-elf wizard shall ENCHANT the audience with her MAGICAL singing voice! Eh? EH? Get it? YOU MAY LAUGH NOW! :D
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To all the LGBT community of the entire Pathfinder community, we value you, we think your the best, and we'll always stand with you! Happy pride forever! :D
PossibleCabbage wrote: I mean "Achaekek cannot kill gods" is a good reason not to write the books in an objective voice. ...but isn't Achaekek more of an divine instrument/construct of the God's wanting various things DEAD though? It probably make sense that Achaekek is loyal to the Gods (if they created Achaekek that is) and thus has sworn it's very existance to never kill one of them.
Though I'm honestly not sure if that applies to DEMIgods (aka Demon Lords, Archdevils, Horsemen of War, etc etc).
Charles Evans 25 wrote: Somewhere in the Forgotten Realms another suit of armour war-deity, Tempus, is maybe shaking his head over what happened to this upstart youngster from Golarion. Whatever killed Gorum could probably very well kill Tempus I'd wager.
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WWHsmackdown wrote: My wandering preachers spreading the good word of jolly combat are going to have spread a new dogma of revenge with Ragathiel. I thought Ragathiel was more righteous vengence against the wicked and not revenge in general. Isn't the latter more Calistra's territory?
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Gorum may be dead but the thing Szuriel did not count on was in war, HEROES RISE!
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Tridus wrote: Not wanting to wait for someone to refocus sounds very much like some game sessions I've been in. Fantastic work. In this case Amiri made the right decision to wait for Seelah to refocus as whatever animated the corpses of that search party apparently has it's eye (or EYES) upon them (and possibly the village and everyone in it as well). I'm guessing Amiri will probably want to be fully healed to face it.