GGSigmar's page
503 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.
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Paizo doesn't want (at least that's the last version) to have more Core books, so PC3 is not gonna happen.
I think in the past Owlcat expressed that they consider doing second edition a waste of time and money, when they have first edition of Pathfinder implemented.
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I can see the perspective of people complaining, but doing it any other way than the way it is already being done would just be ridiculous.
keftiu wrote: GGSigmar wrote: Xenocrat wrote: GGSigmar wrote: Michael Sayre no longer working for Paizo? They’ve got at least four people who work on new classes as primary developer, usually in pairs. I think he did and is presumably still doing the Commander. Michael is absent from credits listing all Paizo employees in the pdf. He also deleted his reddit and twitter accounts. He's on Bluesky, reposting PF2 stuff as recently as three weeks ago. Unfortunately I was right and Michael is no longer with Paizo. There is a thread about it, confirmed by Paizo. Sad.
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Sad news, if Michael left. I liked and respected him as a designer.
Xenocrat wrote: GGSigmar wrote: Michael Sayre no longer working for Paizo? They’ve got at least four people who work on new classes as primary developer, usually in pairs. I think he did and is presumably still doing the Commander. Michael is absent from credits listing all Paizo employees in the pdf. He also deleted his reddit and twitter accounts.
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I mean, there is still an option to just buy PDFs. I discovered like 2 years ago I don't really need or use paper books anyway now, so I just get the PDFs for less than half the price and I am happy. There is no requirement to buy paper books. And still you can probably find them cheaper on Amazon with time...
Only if it's intended and not an error.
Not a lot to ship in December, huh?
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I want to spread peace and prosperity in the name of Razmir!
I hope we will receive some of that famous Peace and Prosperity package Razmir is famous for providing.
Sad to see Jason Bulmahn not in the credits. I think it means there won't be Razmir's clergy in the book and I really wanted to have a Herald of Razmir statblock ready!
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I can't believe that the watch thing I started years ago is still going strong xD
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I just hope there is enough stat blocks for all levels of play. The old GMG stat blocks were very low-level focused.
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It's frustrating and I don't see how it benefits anybody.
Facepalming hard right now over "PDF unavailable". Paizo, y u do dis?!
Interesting, maybe I will come ;)
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I am not looking forward for reduced-size PDF, because recently it meant the quality of images in files got worse.
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Elfteiroh wrote: Ashanderai wrote: QuidEst wrote: Avigor wrote: Anyone else wishing for Summoner and disappointed they aren't on the list? Player Core 1 and 2 only cover the Player's Handbook and the Advanced Player's Guide, so I don't think too many people were expecting anything from other books to make an appearance. True, but let us not forget that they also added the Leshy, Lizardfolk, and Hobgoblin ancestries from the Lost Omens Character Guide… and the brand new Dragonblooded versatile heritage. Oh! And the Gnoll/Kholo and Grippli/Trypkee from The Mwangi Expanse! :)
But,yeah, I kind of doubt they had any extra space for a large page-count class like Summoner. Even more so considering that together, Player Core + GM Core + Player Core 2 have about 60ish less pages than CRB + Gamemastery Guide + Advanced Player Guide. So what are we losing? There has to be some stuff that was cut.
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Toolbox contents spoilers pls
Verzen wrote: When does the playtest release? Later today, possibly in around 5 hours.
Lucas Yew wrote: Heh, so Mythic finally makes a grand return.
I wonder how much the Exemplar got improved since the playtest...
There was an after-playtest blog post about their plans regarding changes to Exemplar and Animist.
Yes, it seems to be fixed now. Thx Paizo for quick resolution.
Yep, same for me :( And cannot download "file per chapter" at all.
Not in this product, I am afraid.
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Using OGL for new books seems ridiculous now.
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Wei Ji the Learner wrote: Two more days until .pdf.... More like 2 months and 2 days
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Also: monsters don't need to follow PC rules. They don't have classes anymore, they are not bound to how PC class abilities work.
Where is this creature from? Monster Core? Tian Xia book?
I don't think there are any plans to remaster classes outside of CRB and APG.
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LotsOfLore wrote: I will wait for the errata updated pdfs then. I don't find it attractive to be offered a product that is supposed to be a fix and an upgrade of an existing one, but that itself comes out with a slew of new and important errors on day one... Then you are going to wait forever, because there is always stuff to be fixed.
Archive of Nethys is an official repository of PF2 rules. Even if GM is out of print it doesn't mean the rules no longer exist.
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Berselius wrote: Kelseus wrote: At a minimum Chromatic and Metallic dragons are out, as they are too tied to D&D. If memory serves, Primal and Imperial dragons are 100% Paizo inventions, not sure about the other two categories.
Most likely these will be 4 mostly new dragons. We already know a few of them: Adamantine, Diabolocal, Mirage have been shown in prior disclosures. So there will be some completely replacements for some monsters then. Interesting. Yes. We've known this for months. D&D (OGL) classics like Otyugh and Owlbear will be replaced with new monsters unique to Pathfinder. Doesn't mean you can't use the good old owlbear from the Beastiary 1, but it is not going to be used in the future in Paizo products.
Sounds like amazing creature additions!
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I really hope that despite getting PF2 Remastered we will still get a new class playtest this year. Please be Warlord or Inquisitor.
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New store, finally. Current one is a sad view to behold, happy to see changes on the horizon.
Yeah, still waiting for wood and water.
Aaron Shanks wrote: GGSigmar wrote: I am pretty sure we are going to get a "Just got Rage of Elements, AMA" on reddit on day one (17th) anyways. Reminder that the rules are free, the art and lore are not. Reddit is good about this, generally. Sadly I am not a subscriber anymore :( And hey, I've never broken the rules in the past! Tho I did the day 1 AMA for some rulebook, don't remember which.
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I am pretty sure we are going to get a "Just got Rage of Elements, AMA" on reddit on day one (17th) anyways.
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It's 17th for the subscribers. It's 3rd of August for the rest of the world.