
TheTownsend's page

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Seoni: Too many wizards in my bloodline!
Korakai: Too many gods in my soul!
What a dynamic exploration of two avenues of innate magic. Really looking forward to all the adjustments to both these classes!

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I appreciate how open this process is! Can't wait to meet the new iconics (at GenCon maybe??) and see how they play out on the battlefield!

Baby Vesk! is turning… Thirteen? Bit of a runt for her age but who am I to judge?

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Now this sounds fun. Int based because my effectiveness is linked to how well I can understand what the hell happened to me, and how badly my presence breaks reality. Really walks that Science Fantasy line.

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Sometimes it takes an Emo Insect to save the Galaxy. They're going for a distinct cultural vibe for SF2 and I find it very interesting.

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If this is working like the Tian Xia shorts, I imagine these art pieces are going to be key art in Player Core 2. The impression I've gotten previously is that key art from the books is used as a prompt for writers, but this makes me wonder if the art is commissioned based on the stories; or did dear, dear Kiki Moch Rizky produce a piece on the Iconic being flirted with unprompted?

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See, all this discussion makes me long once again that PC1 had icluded (or PC2 will include) a sidebar about alternate sanctification systems.
Maybe I'm not telling a story where good and evil (whatever you name them) are immutable cosmic forces.
Maybe in my setting the various Imperial factions and their divine backers are the driving forces of the world, vulnerabilities determined by who's at war with whom at the moment.
Maybe I just preferred the Law/Chaos axis, or I'm going for an Elric vibe.
Maybe I want to run a campaign where you can be Sanctified Pirate.
There's a broad range of possibilities to explore here!

I also like Romao's Hobgoblin commander guess. Building off that, I think there's going to be a sort of begrudging, antagonistic companionship between the iconics, and the guardian is going to be a sort of left field pick as an Elf. Two warriors of an ancestral grudge, forced to work together against a greater threat to both peoples. Writes itself!

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I wondered what an Unholy Liberation Champion would look like, but I realized that's Urgathoa, baby! Exist uninhibited! Protect the downtrodden (corpses)! Free yourself and others from even the bleak cycle of life and death!
Also works for Lamashtu, come to think, "bring power to outcasts and the downtrodden" and all, Monsters edition. Rovagug too, maybe. "Liberate ME SPECIFICALLY!"

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Okay, Iconic theories. I'm betting at least one is an Orc or Leshie, they're both base ancestries now and the only ones without at least one iconic. Orc's probably the stronger bet, a canny but brutish Commander from Belkzen perhaps, butting heads with a knightly Guardian they're forced to fight side-by-side with; but I will not dismiss the idea of a little plant guy swimming in full plate. Because it sounds adorable.

I had a feeling the conceptualization of Champion subclasses would get the same treatment as the Wizard. Ironically this is kinda closer to how 5e does Paladins! One thing they briefly mentioned that was on my wishlist is that your focus spell is divorced from your cause. The old way left some odd fringe cases; maybe you march for Lamashtu, in the name of the unholy, but you're still all about community and want to heal your (beautifully monstrous) living friends. Meanwhile the psychopomp ushers occasionally allowed evil alignments, might have worked for a Desecrator, but they would never have automatically given you the spell that heals undead.

There are specific notes in Rage of Elements bringing the armor impulses' strength scores into Remaster, but I thought I noticed similar errors in a couple of the natural armor abilities in Howl of the Wild previews?

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Kind of off-topic and also an extremely nerdy and pedantic thing for me to be excited out, having learned all the Attribute Boosts/Flaws of these Ancestries from various sources—I've been keeping a graph of the flaws and bonuses for all 2e ancestries and this book levels out the Flaws across 5 of 6 stats!

As of this book's release there are 5 Ancestries with a flaw to Strength (gnome halfling grippli ratfolk sprite)

5 flaws to Constitution (elf kobold anadi shoony MERFOLK)

5 flaws to Intelliegence (leshy lizardfolk skeleton ATHAMARU AWAKENED ANIMAL)

5 flaws to Wisdom (goblin azarketi catfolk gnoll hobgoblin)

And 5 flaws to Charisma (dwarf android conrasu CENTAUR MINOTAUR)

With only Dexterity (poppet alone) standing apart.

This will almost certainly get thrown out with Player Core 2 and Tian Xia Character Guide, but I find it deeply satisfying here and now.

I was surprised to hear Minotaur has a charisma penalty (and that it's the first double physical boost in 2e), I figured Large size would be balanced on a dexterity flaw.
That said, what are the Centaur's attributes?

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Kinda boring but my mind goes to just a standard fighter. Like I love the idea of a goat, like a devil-horned goat, walking on two legs with armor and a greatsword that you're like… how do you wield that with…hooves?
A snake thief rogue purely to play into the cartoon visual language where a snake's body winds around to perform the body-language of arms.
Alternatively there's a lot of meat in being a former adventurer's companion. A dead Champion's mount who's retained that spark of the divine to become a cleric or oracle. The Wizard's familiar who's rebelled against its master and combined what arcane magic it's picked up with blade or claw on the path of the magus. Hell, with a couple of these, a leshy, and a poppet you could have a whole party of ex-familiars!
With the recent playtest I also like the idea of a large awakened animal (or a centaur) Guardian, a horse or an elephant with a mobile battle-station built into your armor from which your tiny allies can attack from cover.
A dog nephilim who's what happens when you don't spay and neuter your hellhounds.
These are just off the top, looking forward to what others come up with!

What's the walking speed on the Centaur? And is there any guidance on someone riding you?

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Dork Smurf wrote:

The time has finally come for my dream to come to fruition.

I get to play my awakened carp juggler!

(He flops about knocking everything into the air.)

A devoted follower of Jin Li!

…I don't know why this post has a smurf avatar…

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Squiggit wrote:

Here's a useless one:

Both the orca and giant eel advanced animal companions have a land speed. So they can flop around on the ground (very slowly) along with you on non-aquatic adventures (although the eel will need a breathing solution).

Imagine you're a kobold in a dungeon, and you just hear this massive

trundling towards you at like, 50 feet per minute. You finally open the door and there's a giant black and white mouth bigger than the cavern where you grew up full of sharp teeth inchworming towards you, and you don't even notice when the fishman riding it like a horse puts an arrow through your brain.

Kelseus wrote:
CynDuck wrote:
What new animal companions are there? Really hoping for a frog or spider one.

Antilope, Elk, Flying Squirrel, Giraffe, Kangaroo, Mole, Salamander, and Sholashu (uncommon, psychic catrovellian dino mounts)

Also has Advanced AC. They list a minimum level to select.
Giant eel (4), giant frog (6), giant wasp (14), griffon (14), hippocampus (4) hippogriff (14), orca (6), riding tarantula (6), Roc (16), umbrella mushroom (14).

…Fine. I will wait until level six to charge into battle astride a mighty arachnid. In the meantime… Does the giraffe have the Mount trait?

Thanks for doing this, these all sound awesome. About time griffons were an option, even if it's level locked, it's just too cool a fantasy option to not be official.

Berselius wrote:
TheTownsend wrote:
How high a deception check do I need to roll… to convince an Alicorn that I'm casting Heal… when it's actually fireball?
You DON'T. If I'm right they can probably detect evil at will, see through alignment masking magic, and dispel hostile magic aimed at them. Not to mention they would probably not be willing to associate with beings willing to hurt their kind.

My joke is that since the point of the last line of Draw In Magic is clearly to eat its opponents' buffs, if I'm fighting one and shout "Don't worry guys, I'll heal us!" convincingly enough and start casting a spell, will the Alicorn jump at the chance to absorb a spell before it realizes what I'm actually casting?

Also alignment isn't a thing anymore.

How high a deception check do I need to roll… to convince an Alicorn that I'm casting Heal… when it's actually fireball?

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[EDIT] other posts while I was typing answered my question about the iconics.
Looking through the playtest, is it weird that my first thought for a Commander isn't a knightly battle tactician, but a cackling, order-barking pirate captain waving a jolly roger? Either way love a lot of the mechanics.
Guardian's stats are all over the place; faster armor progression than the Champ, slower weapon progression than other martials. Lot of focus on reactions. I do want to play this one, just to see how it feels at the table. Kinda picturing a samurai just DETERMINED to self-sacrifice (second level feat lets you parry with a katana!)
Love the broadening martial options, especially heavy armor prof.

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I am delighted And informed! I adore the conceit of a Magistrate Detective story, I'll have to look into that. If nothing else that would be a fun campaign, a nice blend of intrigue and politics with a less combat-focused story.

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Well I rode through the doomsday on a Blood Unicorn
It felt good to be out in Godsrain

New Nephilim lineages, Class archetypes, whatever exactly mythic rules are gonna shape out to be. What's not to like?

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Look at them Nagaji kiddos! So cute!

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Hm… the "Safe" poster is symmetrical now. One in the top row, then two, three, two, and one again. Only one left, Gozreh would maintain the balance, anyone else would upset it. Oddly fitting on its own, but could it be a hint?
Look, you're the one who brought up charts, Yivali, I'm grasping at straws here!

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I was not expecting full free choice of tiny to large! Finally, I can be a giant ground sloth.
Interesting about versatile heritages, though I'm wondering what in the Climbing Animal are basic benefits and what are specialized abilities? Do you get the lower-that-average speed and claws but not the limb speed?
For that matter…some fantasy creatures are defined as animals in pathfinder…can I be a pygmy Cave Worm?

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Nice to see dragons really suited to a number of different campaign rolls. Sure any one can be a boss at the center of a dungeon, but we've also got dragons for intrigue villains (Conspiracy, Mirage) and quest givers and patrons (Omen, Empyreal)

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Well now I'm hungry. Such lovely character for the setting here! Can't wait for this book!

Snagged this! I've been considering buying Impossible Lands for a while, that plus three adventures and a physical rulebook? I don't even care that I already got a bunch of the other books from another Humble Bundle!

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So I’ve got two theories, one of which this plays into nicely. The main thing to remember is the upcoming book is called War of Immortals. Whose death would not just be tragic, but start a war between survivors?
For pure emotional impact, the answer is Shelyn. Disrupt the throuple, and either Zon does it or it does something to him, drag out some brotherly desire for vengeance.
My other thought, I’ve heard the implication that none of the gods poke too deeply into Golarion because it’s Rovagug’s prison. Everyone’s got eyes on the planet, keeps a following there, but nobody gets in outright fights around it for fear of cracking the Beast’s cage. If the monster in everybody’s basement bites it (and its chunks start bursting out of volcanoes the world over)… suddenly a whole lot of old grievances can be aired out here and now.
I look forward to being proven wrong next week!

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Hungry Hungry Ghouls…
Always liked the idea that ghouls gain something from those they eat; memories, maybe even their form for higher level variants? And that its a curse they apply to others rather than just the old werewolf-bite contagion. "Hey lil' mama lemme whisper in ya ear… doesn't some rare pork sound good?"

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OmegaZ wrote:

"Unfortunately, in some cases, a variety of reasons makes leaving behind strigiform-ursine hybrids or cuboid gels the best option for us."

Life is pain, but I understand. :(

Time to bring in Gelatinous Bears and Owl Cubes!

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Some of y'all are taking the microfiction too damn seriously. It's all just "what could be a fun/interesting cause or effect," crossed with "how would this differ from the 'god chunks scattered bloody across Golarion' deal we know is coming." This isn't the "canonical" result of Urg's demise any more than Cayden is "canonically" a false idol. These are stories, dammit, even in-universe they're just stories.

Such a delightful story! Does this prelude character options? A Cultivator class archetype would be interesting, especially with this focus on manipulating the environment. Even if it's just a monster option that's a fun story element to play with.

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Ooh, I'd been hoping a Kami Eidolon would be an option, and that glowing symbol on both character's heads seems like that's what this is teasing! For those in the comments confused: She's a criminal picking his pocket, and he's being exceptionally cool about it.