
Finoan's page

3,323 posts. Alias of breithauptclan.

Full Name



♥️ 44 | AC 20 | Fort +7; Ref +10; Will +9 | Perception +9 (low light) |


Speed: 30 (35) | Class DC 20, Spell DC 20 |


NG Male Automaton Saboteur Investigator 4 |





Strength 12
Dexterity 14
Constitution 12
Intelligence 18
Wisdom 12
Charisma 10

About Finoan

Finoan is a small Automaton. His head and face resemble a predator animal such as a cat, dog, or fox. He is semi-quadrupedal. He can easily stand, walk, and run on his back legs, but often walks and runs on all fours. His front hands are quite dexterous and also have retractable claws like that of a cat.

Finoan was originally created for infiltration and disabling military machinery, buildings, or other such targets. But the war he was built to fight in was a long, long time ago. He sometimes still breaks into places just to keep his skills sharp.

He generally avoids other people because they often don't understand what he actually is. So he spends most of his time wandering, bored and alone, or hibernating - sometimes for years at a time.


Finoan both craves company and fears it. When he is completely alone for long periods of time he can become rather sullen and lose interest in everything. But he is also very nervous around people. He has had more than a few encounters with people who would use or exploit him - thinking he is a mindless construct. He has also faced aggression caused by fear from people who won't tolerate magic or anything like it. And of course he has outlived many friends over the course of his long life.

He often comes across as very jaded and sarcastic. He tries to temper that when speaking to friends, but enemies are often subjected to a great deal of heckling.

Ancestry, Background, Class:

Ancestry: Automaton
Heritage: Hunter
Background: Saboteur
Class: Investigator
Methodology: Empiricism

Physiology Mechanics:

Size: small
Speed: 25 ft (30 ft when on all fours)
Senses: low-light vision
Automaton Armament: Claw: 1d4 slashing (agile, finesse, unarmed)
Automaton Core: Treated as a living creature for targeting and for healing with positive energy. No Construct immunities. Not destroyed immediately at 0 HP, but use the normal Death and Dying process.
Constructed Body: No need to eat or drink, do still need equivalent of breathing. Only need 2 hours of rest and don't lose awareness or become unconscious during this time.

Feat List:

Ancestry 1: Automaton Armament
Background 1: Concealing Ledgerdemain
Class 1: Underworld Investigator

Class 2: Athletic Strategist
Free Archetype 2: Wizard Dedication
Skill 2: Continual Recovery

General 3: Fleet
Skillful 3: Battle Medicine
Class Ability 3: Keen Recollection

Class 4: Trap Finder
Free Archetype 4: Basic Wizard Spellcasting
Skill 4: Terrain Stalker (rubble)

Feat and Ability Mechanics:

Pursue a Lead: 1 minute (concentrate, exploration)
Frequency 1/10 minutes
You examine a clue and designate a subject related to that clue as the target of your active investigation.
Whenever you attempt a Perception or skill check to investigate a lead, you gain a +1 circumstance bonus to the check.
You can maintain 2 leads at a time.

Clue In: ↺ (concentrate)
Frequency: 1/10 minutes
Trigger: Another creature attempts a check to investigate a lead you're pursuing.
They gain a circumstance bonus to the check equal to your bonus to investigate your lead.

Underworld Investigator:
You can use your Pursue a Lead circumstance bonus to Thievery checks pertaining to your Lead.

Devise a Strategem: ◈ (concentrate, fortune)
◆ normally, or ◇ if you know that the creature is the subject of a Lead.
Frequency: 1/round
Choose a creature you can see. Pre-roll 1d20. If you Strike the chosen creature later in the same round, you must use the result of this roll for your attack roll. Only for the first attack made, not for additional Strike attacks during the round.
You can also replace the normal ability modifier to the attack roll with your INT modifier if the Strike is made using a melee weapon or unarmed attack with the agile or finesse trait, a ranged weapon (must still be agile or finesse if thrown), or a sap.

Strategic Strike:
When you make a Strike that uses your INT bonus due to Devise a Strategem, you deal an additional 1d6 precision damage.

Concealing Ledgerdemain:
You can conceal an object of light bulk or less by moving it to where the searcher is not looking currently. Use Thievery instead of Stealth for your checks and DCs.

Expeditious Inspection:
Frequency: 1/10 minutes.
You observe and assess your surroundings with great speed. You Recall Knowledge, Seek, or Sense Motive.

That's Odd:
When you enter a new location, you immediately notice one thing out of the ordinary (if there is one), skipping clues that are obvious and visible without a check. You only learn that the item is suspicious, not why it is suspicious.

Athletic Strategist:
You use your Devise a Strategem roll on Disarm, Grapple, Shove, and Trip attempts. You can also use your INT modifier instead of STR on the Athletics check unless using a weapon for the maneuver that does not qualify for INT substitution.

Wizard Dedication:
You gain 4 cantrips of your choice from the Arcane spell list. You are trained in Arcane attack rolls and spell CDs. You use INT for the ability modifier. You become trained in Arcana or a skill of your choice.
School chosen: Illusion

Continual Recovery:
When you use Treat Wounds, your patient becomes immune for only 10 minutes instead of 1 hour to your Treat Wounds activity.

Your speed increases by 5 feet

Battle Medicine: ◆ (healing, manipulate, skill)
Use Treat Wounds once per day per creature for 1 action. This action does not remove the Wounded condition though.

Keen Recollection:
Your proficiency for untrained Recall Knowledge checks is your level instead of 0.

Trap Finder:
+1 circumstance bonus to Perception checks to find traps, to AC against traps, and saves against traps.
Passive check to find traps even when not actively searching.
Can disable traps that require proficiency rank of Master in Thievery.

Basic Wizard Spellcasting:
Gain 1 level 1 spell slot and 2 spells known in spellbook.

Terrain Stalker (rubble):
While in rubble terrain and undetected by all non-allies, you can sneak without attempting a stealth check as long as you move no more than 5 feet and do not move closer than 10 feet from an enemy.
You can move to within 15 feet of an enemy in exploration mode as long as the enemies are not on guard or actively searching.


♥️ HP: 44

Speed: 30
Run: 35 (need both hands free)

Perception: +9

⌘ AC: 20
Fort: +7
Reflex: +10
Will: +9

Class DC: 20

Weapons and Attacks:

Claws (agile, finesse, unarmed)
Attack: +9 / +5 / +1 DaS: +11
Damage: 1d4 + 1 slashing DaS: +1d6 precision

Attack: +9 / +5 / +1 DaS: +11
Range: 20 ft

Grapple (attack)
Athletics check (+7 DaS: +10) against Fortitude DC
Critical Success: Opponent Restrained until end of your next turn
Success: Opponnent Grabbed until end of your next turn
Failure: If you previously had the opponent grabbed or restrained, that ends.
Critical Failure: Opponent can grab you as though it succeeded at a Grapple check, or force you prone.

Shove (attack)
Athletics check (+7 DaS: +10) against Fortitude DC
Critical Success: Push opponent 10 feet. You may Stride after it.
Success: Push opponent 5 feet. You may Stride after it.
Critical Failure: You lose your balance and fall prone.

Trip (attack)
Athletics check (+7 DaS: +10) against Reflex DC
Critical Success: Target falls, lands prone, and takes 1d6 bludgeoning damage.
Success: Target falls and lands prone.
Critical Failure: You lose your balance and fall prone.

You need cover or concealment against the enemies you attempt to hide from.
Stealth check against Perception DC of each enemy.
Success: You become Hidden from the enemy (or remain Hidden or Undetected)
Once hidden, you may Stride, Step, or Sneak without becoming observed. If you Strike, the opponent remains flat-footed to the attack.
You become observed immediately if you no longer have cover or concealment to that enemy.

Sneak (move)
You need to be hidden or undetected to an enemy in order to use Sneak against that enemy.
Stride up to half your speed.
Stealth check against Perception DC of each enemy. +2 circumstance bonus if you have cover or +4 for greater cover through the entire movement. At the end of the movement you must have cover or concealment to the enemy or you automatically become observed.
Success: You are undetected by the creature during your movement and remain undetected after the move.
Failure: You are Hidden instead of undetected during and after the movement.
Critical Failure: You are spotted and become observed during and after the movement unless there is some other condition or effect that would prevent it (such as being invisible).

Equipment and Items:

Studded Leather Armor
AC: +2
Dex Cap: 3
Check penalty: -1
Strength: 12

Thieves Tools

Healers Tools

Crafters Tools


+9 Perception expert

+8 Acrobatics trained
+10 Arcana trained
+7 Athletics trained
+10 Crafting trained
+6 Deception trained
+0 Diplomacy
+0 Intimidation
+9 Medicine expert
+7 Nature trained
+10 Occultism trained
+0 Performance
+7 Religion trained
+10 Society trained
+10 Stealth expert
+1 Survival
+10 Thievery expert

+10 Lore (engineering) trained
+10 Lore (Underworld) trained


Cantrips: 2
level 1: 1

Mage Hand
Produce Flame

Level 1:
Gust of Wind

