
Alex Speidel's page

Organized Play Coordinator. Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber. *** Starfinder Society GM. 1,250 posts (1,305 including aliases). 4 reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 12 Organized Play characters. 2 aliases.


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Male Human Cleric 5 / Inheritor's Crusader 1

Valeron looks out upon the combat, with an expression that mixes shock with veiled distaste.

Seeing the half-orc, he nods in reply while standing and addressing the others.

"Perhaps Lucca will tell us a little more than he did yesterday if we sit with him..."

Male Human Cleric 5 / Inheritor's Crusader 1

"I have every confidence our match will be entertaining. I'm certain you've ensured it will be well attended, given the... popularity of our troupe since our performance in the Six Trials."

Valeron adjusts his breastplate to a more comfortable position, grateful for the added mobility against whatever battle awaits them with Thraxius.

"It's unfortunate you aren't interested in making an exception for a wager on the fight's outcome, but as they say in Galt, c'est la vie. We appreciate the tour of your home, and look forward to returning so we can... take sketches of your impressive statues for our Art of Westcrown effort."

Male Human Cleric 5 / Inheritor's Crusader 1

Perception: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (18) + 3 = 21

Bluff (also to not give away which statue is of interest): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (5) + 8 = 13

Valeron keeps his eyes trained on Lucca as he discusses Thraxius, the statues and the cages within the arena.

"Wagers? Perhaps you'd be interested in a wager yourself, Lord Lucca? What exactly are the odds on us and Thraxius?"

Assuming he has interest in betting on Thraxius, Valeron will propose a wager of a decent amount of gold for their pick of a statue. Valeron will be creative in the terms, perhaps the four heroes besting Thraxius in under 2 minutes.

Diplomacy (to convince wagering a statue): 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (14) + 14 = 28

Male Human Cleric 5 / Inheritor's Crusader 1

Good point. Makes sense to purchase some silver and cold iron, no?

Valeron will see about selling his old masterwork longsword and getting some weapons that may come into use against various creatures that he seems to be facing.

@Talomyr: Let me know if this is all copacetic for a day of shopping in Westcrown.

Sales and Purchase Summary:

Old masterwork longsword (315g value, sell value 157.5g)

Silver longsword (105g)
Cold iron heavy mace (24g)
Total Cost: 129g

Wealth Change: +28.5g

Male Human Cleric 5 / Inheritor's Crusader 1

I was already planning on updating my spells for this fight.

The big swap being:

3rd) Drop Magic Vestment for Magic Circle Vs Evil

I'll scribe a scroll in the first day of downtime as well, gold supplies and available ink permitting.

Male Human Cleric 5 / Inheritor's Crusader 1

Valeron regroups with the others and shares what he's learned with anyone who didn't tag along in the information gathering.

"Sounds like we can expect some fiends. We best pray to our gods.." Valeron gives Addie a knowing look, "for whatever we think will best prepare us to deal with outsiders."

Break Enchantment with Addie and Death Ward with Morg? I don't think there's any reason to count these utility wands as a share of party treasure... it's just a question of who's most likely to need it in a pinch. I'm sure we'll need both wands shortly.

Male Human Cleric 5 / Inheritor's Crusader 1

"Nothing wrong with getting a little insight into Thraxius, right?" Valeron questions the others, giving them a far-too-innocent look.

Valeron will roam the area, inquiring about Thraxius, and what kinds of minions he favors summoning, or a recount of any of his prior battles and the tactics he used.

Diplomacy (to gather information): 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (18) + 14 = 32

Male Human Cleric 5 / Inheritor's Crusader 1

Still here. Paizo site is slow this morning and my RSS reader constantly had issues detecting new messages here.

It may just be easier continuing with four versus recruiting if we need another "break" mid-campaign. :)

Male Human Cleric 5 / Inheritor's Crusader 1

Same on year-end/quarter-end crunch. But still here, and fighting my RSS reader keeping me updated on games properly.

Male Human Cleric 5 / Inheritor's Crusader 1

"Alright, give us a few moments to discuss the matter amongst ourselves?"

Valeron nods at Rance and pulls everyone aside.

"Well? What do you guys think? It would seem like we're destined to do combat in front of every audience the city can muster..."

Male Human Cleric 5 / Inheritor's Crusader 1

"Alright... alright..." Valeron holds up both hands, wearing a wide smile on his face.

Just like Judge Tercetti, use that ol' Legis charm on him like you used to use on her...

"How about that statue? Once you let us take a look, we'll feel obliged to seriously consider jumping into this battle of yours."

Diplomacy (to shift indifferent to helpful?): 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (1) + 14 = 15

EDIT: Sigh... at least a 1 isn't automatic failure!

Male Human Cleric 5 / Inheritor's Crusader 1

"I'm not sure that's really a fair deal. A match in the Devildrome for some time poking around with your statues..."

Valeron glances at Sejanus, wondering if the tiefling has ever needed to barter for any services before or simply shows up at a blacksmith and says 'Sword. Sharper Now.' to get his way.

The Iomedean has to work hard to stifle a chuckle as he observes Kevorin attempt to describe his interest in painting and statues for "research".

Shaking his head, he continues to address Lucca.

"Why don't we get the negotiation started by you letting us take a look at your statues? Given how much you're likely to rake in with us performing for you, I'd rather think we could pick a statue as our compensation..."

Male Human Cleric 5 / Inheritor's Crusader 1

Valeron flashes a smile and adds weight to Addie's request.

"It's important. We are the Larazod Players, after all."

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (4) + 14 = 18

The dice roller really likes to give me these 4's.

Male Human Cleric 5 / Inheritor's Crusader 1

"I know a guy..." Valeron begins, a distant look in his eyes. "Back when I just began in the courts, I had to run a bunch of errands up in Rego Cader, picking up notes and such... he might know a little something about this. We got him off on a technicality. It's a longshot - he might not even live in the same place..."

Diplomacy (to Gather Information): 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (4) + 14 = 18

Male Human Cleric 5 / Inheritor's Crusader 1

"Devil-dromes... Summoning tournaments. Why couldn't I be born in Magnimar?" Valeron wonders aloud and what apparently will be the Westcrown Defenders next destination becomes apparent.

"Do we need to prepare anything for this visit, Addie? Will you be returning as Westcrown's latest, aspiring Devil-drome champion, and we are your handsome, yet reserved guards?"

Male Human Cleric 5 / Inheritor's Crusader 1

"Nothing like picking up the pieces of a decades old puzzle to make the mind start to ponder the possibilities." Valeron taps his temple and nods as Sejanus picks up the grave tallow from the silver box.

"Now, if we only had someone to talk to. Surely if we could find the remains of one of these Pathfinders, they'd rather answer our queries rather than someone from House Thrune..."

Male Human Cleric 5 / Inheritor's Crusader 1

"Very well, your preference to be carried in a bag or pack is noted," Valeron nods back to Khazrae, as he too turns his attention to the leather journal.

"Tell me there's something interesting in the book?"

Male Human Cleric 5 / Inheritor's Crusader 1

"Well," Valeron shrugs. "She wouldn't be the worst date I ever had in Westcrown..."

Clearing his throat and flushing slightly, the Iomedean nods to nobody in particular.

"Fate's put Khazrae into our hands, perhaps we should pay heed and bring her along, although there is the question of transportation..."

The end of a pike, perhaps?

Male Human Cleric 5 / Inheritor's Crusader 1

Valeron arches an eyebrow as the head's sanity returns and begins asking questions.

"I... do not know. Tell us your name and how you came to be in this box, and we will see what questions of yours we are able to answer."

Diplomacy (to adjust head's attitude to friendly/helpful, if needed):1d20 + 14 ⇒ (20) + 14 = 34

Yeah, that should do :)

Male Human Cleric 5 / Inheritor's Crusader 1

At first reluctant, Valeron sighs as he resigns himself to "dealing" with the screaming, severed head.

After sorting through his bag, he produces the restoration wand and attempts to remedy the head's issues with a charge.

Lesser Restoration: 1d4 ⇒ 4

Male Human Cleric 5 / Inheritor's Crusader 1


No ret-con, Valeron's attention was brought back to the head by Kev's pleas.

Of course the half-orc is the one that can't stomach the screaming, severed head. Very well, we'll deal with it first...


Male Human Cleric 5 / Inheritor's Crusader 1

LOL @ Kev. I totally zoned out about the shrieking head with all the ret-conning and potion drinking.

After brushing his hand against his longsword, Valeron stares in shock at the head, trying to comprehend how it could be "alive".

Know (Religion): 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (12) + 9 = 21

Male Human Cleric 5 / Inheritor's Crusader 1

"Hmmm" is the only sound that Valeron can make as the items within the Crux become known.

"Should we start with the portfolio? Let us be careful of any magical wards..."

Valeron will detect magic on all of the items while he warily regards the silver box and wands. He will unfurl the scrolls and see if they are divine in origin, as well.

He'll assist Addie on Spellcraft of any of the items, as well.

Spellcraft wand #1 (aid Addie): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (18) + 4 = 22
Spellcraft wand #2 (aid Addie): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (15) + 4 = 19

Male Human Cleric 5 / Inheritor's Crusader 1

Valeron brims with confidence as Sejanus picks up the crux and begins his efforts to "solve" it.

Probably the devil-man with +17 Disable Device first... then Addie takes a crack at the Int-based check?

Valeron places a reassuring hand on Sejanus' shoulder and urges him to, "be careful."

He also casts Guidance for a +1 on the check. Perhaps Kev can assist for another +2 given he has +10 Disable Device?

Male Human Cleric 5 / Inheritor's Crusader 1

Valeron arches an eyebrow at Arael as Sejanus makes himself visible and known.

Yet, as the tiefling speaks and confirms his expertise and affiliation, the Iomedean relaxes.

"Another alchemist -- our late friend, Wart, pursued such arts. I am certain they could be useful in this lodge of your people. Is there advice you can offer for us to prepare for this trip into Delvehaven?"

Elaborating on his question, Valeron adds, "We have just returned from some sort of... pocket dimension. I'm certain we could have prepared better for that journey had we known we would be facing cursed mummies or disease-ridden otyughs. Any clues to what may protect Delvehaven would be welcome... A golem perhaps?"

It's good that Kevorin kept the scarab - I'd bet Cayden a lifetime supply of drinks on needing it.

Male Human Cleric 5 / Inheritor's Crusader 1

Valeron's face brightens at the mention of the link between the crux and the shadowbeasts that plague Westcrown.

"Well if even there's a water mephit's chance in Hell that this artifact may actually be in Delvehaven, and might be spawning these shadows, we'd have our reason to get inside."

Valeron's eyes pass over Addie, Kev and Morghrim.

"I'm sure I speak for us all when I say the Westcrown Defenders are united in their purpose to rid Westcrown of shadow."

Clearing his throat a bit at the mention of puzzles, he arches an eyebrow and regards Addie.

"Perhaps something within your area of expertise?"

Once again he returns his attention to the three who are gathered. "So I know you're Ailyn," he begins - clearly turning to indicate the huddled figure in the motley cloak - "and this is your... assistant.. or an expert in puzzle boxes.. or?"

Male Human Cleric 5 / Inheritor's Crusader 1

Valeron paces back and forth within Aroden's shrine, his impatience clearly apparent as he waits for the meeting arranged with Ailyn.

An abandoned Pathfinder lodge? Surely that will be safer than the Knot, but then again - who knows what the Pathfinders left behind? I must remember to ask Ailyn what she knows about any defenses, magical or mundane.

Ready for scene advance...

Quick note: Is Sejanus a 25pt buy instead of 20?

Male Human Cleric 5 / Inheritor's Crusader 1

Apologize for the post-a-thon...

Also, depending on how much time there is over the next couple days, Valeron will buy 375gp in scribing materials (to add the 75gp of unused supplied he had already) and scribes the following in order of available time:

1st: -187.5g Resist Energy, Communal
2nd: -187.5g Invisibility Purge
3rd: -75g Bull's Strength

Male Human Cleric 5 / Inheritor's Crusader 1

Valeron will spend his new earnings on a mithral breastplate, selling his old +1 breastplate.


+200 breastplate
+150 masterwork
+1000 enchantment +1
+1350 sells for half though

-200gp breastplate base
-150gp masterwork
-4000gp mithril

Total cost to trade: -3675gp

Gold from adventuring: +4026.875g

NET: +351.875g

Prior coin: 472gp, 9sp, 49cp
New coin: 824gp, 7sp, 56cp

Male Human Cleric 5 / Inheritor's Crusader 1

Kev is right. If he grabs the scarab (worth 2500gp), he effectively puts 2500gp back into the shared pot which is then divided 4 ways (including himself).

This puts the distribution (assuming the glaive is not sold) at:

Kev: +3021.875
Val: +4026.875
Add: +4961.875
Mor: +6776.875

Male Human Cleric 5 / Inheritor's Crusader 1

Selling the golembane scarab effectively netted us +312.5gp each.

So getting that back would cost us -312.5gp each.

Selling the spellbook for 4050gp would be +1012.5gp each.

So effectively with the spellbook sold and the scarab NOT sold, it's a net of +700gp each.

If the glaive is sold:

Valeron: +4816.625
Addie: +5751.625
Kevorin: +6311.625
Morghrim: +7566.625

If the glaive isn't sold: (-1414.75g each)

Valeron: +3401.875
Addie: +4336.875
Kevorin: +4896.875
Morghrim: +6151.875

Male Human Cleric 5 / Inheritor's Crusader 1

From an earlier post:

If the glaive is sold:

Valeron: +4116.625
Addie: +5051.625
Kevorin: +5611.625
Morghrim: +6866.625

If the glaive isn't sold: (-1414.75g each)

Valeron: +2701.875
Addie: +3636.875
Kevorin: +4196.875
Morghrim: +5451.875

Male Human Cleric 5 / Inheritor's Crusader 1

Valeron wears a look of somber remembrance as they discuss plans for Wart's service.

"We have much work to do beginning tomorrow. We will be certain that Wart's sacrifice was not in vain."

With an hour of sunlight left, Valeron will head to the east gardens outside the old shrine, so that he can feel the warmth of the sun on his face for the first time in what seems like months.

Gritting his teeth, the Iomedean makes a promise to himself, and Wart - that Westcrown will be freed from the yoke of the shadows and delivered a brighter future.

Male Human Cleric 5 / Inheritor's Crusader 1

Great point, it's about to (or just did) learn the location of the Westcrown Defenders hideout...

Valeron is ignorant of any malicious intelligence the thing has, until someone brings it up in the IC thread.

You likely want to continue to have him ignorant...

Male Human Cleric 5 / Inheritor's Crusader 1

Once he has returned to "normal" life in Westcrown, and after having negotiated a "fair" price for the party's unwanted items, Valeron seeks to bolster the martial training of the stronger men of the Westcrown Defenders - notably Ermolos, Rizzardo, Scalvo and Vitti.

Rising early as he always does, he kneels at dawn in reverence to The Inheritor as the sunlight touches the old altar at Aroden's Shrine before moving outside to the dew-laced grass for sparring practice with any takers.

Male Human Cleric 5 / Inheritor's Crusader 1

Ok, updated for the wand and the extra value of the glaive.

If the glaive is sold:

Valeron: +4116.625
Addie: +5051.625
Kevorin: +5611.625
Morghrim: +6866.625

If the glaive isn't sold: (-1414.75g each)

Valeron: +2701.875
Addie: +3636.875
Kevorin: +4196.875
Morghrim: +5451.875

If Addie and Kevorin both bring up how evil the glaive is, Valeron would probably agree since he does have a Good alignment. I was intentionally having Valeron be ignorant here, since he could be unaware or distracted from the glaive's true origin by his shiny new sword.

Perhaps Valeron goes and sells everything except the glaive and being a favored weapon of Shelyn he entrusts it to Morghrim to "dispose". If Morghrim comes back with a bag of coins, I'm sure he won't be answering many questions about where they came from...

Male Human Cleric 5 / Inheritor's Crusader 1

Conveniently we almost exactly hit the guideline for 16K gold for 6th level characters.

Wealth By Level

I almost have to think Talomyr has a spreadsheet with this already given the coincidence.

Male Human Cleric 5 / Inheritor's Crusader 1

We'll need to know how many charges that Rusting Grasp wand has.

But prior to selling that we'll all be practically identical in having 16,000g of "stuff".

To recap, with the +5601.625 and then the +312.5 from the scarab, you should be able to shop as if you have ~6K gold (5,914.125 to be exact).

Male Human Cleric 5 / Inheritor's Crusader 1

On top of all that, if we sell these, here's how they are additive to the loot distribution.

Golembane Scarab (worth 2500g, sells for 1250gp)
+312.5g per party member if sold

Wand of Rusting Grasp (druid 4)
Retail: 21,000g for 50 charges
Retail: 420g per charge
210g per charge sold
+52.5g per party member per charge if sold

I'll jump on the bandwagon to sell these, too.

Male Human Cleric 5 / Inheritor's Crusader 1

Well here's a stab at distributing loot. Talomyr jump in if any assumptions are bad.

We sell:
Keen Glaive +1 (worth 8318g, sells for 4159g)
Defending Longsword +1 (worth 8315g, sells for 4157.5g)
Ring of Feather Fall (worth 2000g, sells for 1000g)
Minor Crown of Blasting (worth 6480g, sells for 3240g)
TOTAL: 12,556.5g

We sell:
Ivory box (worth 800g)
120 books (worth 2400g)
Andoren philosophy book (worth 200g)
Illustrated journal (worth 230g)
Libra Malcactum (worth 400g)
TOTAL: 4,030g (if these are considered "Trade Goods" or 2,015 if not?)

GRAND TOTAL: 16,586.5g

Current party member "magic/masterwork" wealth is:
Valeron 12,985g
Addie 12,050g
Kevorin 11,490g
Morghrim 10,235g

(Note: I didn't look at anything beyond high value (magic+masterwork) items in determining this to simplify things)

Based On Earlier List:

Valeron ~12,985gp
+1 breastplate (1350), +1 heavy steel shield (1170), +1 ring of protection (2000), +1 defending longsword (8315), 2x potions CLW (100), 4 CL1 scrolls (50)

Addie ~12,050gp
bracers of armor +2 (4000), +1 ring of protection (2000), handy haversack (2000), pearl of power 2 (4000), potion CLW (50), more scrolls than a library, wand of magic missile (NA)

Kevorin ~11,490gp
+1 chain shirt (1250), +1 ring of protection (2000), 2x potion of invisibility (600), mw greataxe (320), +1 cold iron battleaxe (4320), rope of climbing (3000)

Morghrim ~10,235gp
+1 glaive (2318) +1 heavy mace (2312), +1 full plate (2650), mw silver battleaxe (400), mw buckler (155), ring of feather fall (2000), 2x potion CLW (100), potion CMW (300)

To catch everyone up to Valeron means early disbursement of:
Valeron 0g
Addie 935g
Kevorin 1495g
Morghrim 2750g
TOTAL 5180g to "equalize all party shares to date"

Subtracting this from the 16,586.5g leaves 11,406.5 left in the party pool which can be split 4-ways (2851.625 each) or used to purchase any joint party resources.

If nothing changed, this would be distribution like:

Valeron 0g +2851.625g = +2851.625g

Addie 935g +2851.625g = +3786.625g

Kevorin 1495g +2851.625g = +4346.625g

Morghrim 2750g +2851.625g = +5601.625g

If we end up selling something for more (or less), we can just split the extra or pay back that amount divided 4 ways? This at least gives us a framework for folks to do any shopping...

Male Human Cleric 5 / Inheritor's Crusader 1

Valeron grips the unholy symbol of Asmodeus and imagines his quarters at the shrine of Aroden, waiting for the doorway to show the room he is envisioning.

He will then gesture, you first to Addie, Morghrim and Kevorin.

If noone is able to pass through, Valeron will shrug, press the unholy symbol against the doorway and suggest they try again.

Male Human Cleric 5 / Inheritor's Crusader 1

You know... I have a sneaking suspicion we'll regret selling the golembane scarab if we end up having to go into an old abandoned pathfinder lodge. It's like module-writer foreshadowing to place an item like that in the treasure.

Kev or Morg really should grab that so their melee attacks can bypass golem DR.

Male Human Cleric 5 / Inheritor's Crusader 1

I'm good with folks having plenty of magic. Searing Light is one of Valeron's domain spells, so he has no interest in the crown with all these longswords about...

Looks like the glaive is definitely sold, so maybe Morhgrim can buy something nice with that money.

+1 Defending Longsword just moved into the "sell pile", so that gold drops into the party pile to shore people up, too...

What about the unknown magic item inside ivory box?

Male Human Cleric 5 / Inheritor's Crusader 1

Ah, I had thought your old glaive was only masterwork for some reason - that makes the new glaive less of a "huge upgrade" and less of a topic for prodding the GM about finding a merchant willing to swap an already-enchanted-glaive for an enchant.

... although it still might be a worthy pursuit to consider...

"Hey Mr. Merchant - here's a +2 glaive, and all I want in return is an enchant on my current +1 glaive..."

No interest in the crown? Searing light is a pretty good option in a fight if there's no melee access for Morghrim... I have a feeling we have a particular weakness when it comes to large rooms with flying adversaries at the moment.

Male Human Cleric 5 / Inheritor's Crusader 1

I was curious how we were stacking up on wealth for level 6 PCs, which is at ~16,000gp. I was too lazy to count Addie's scrolls.

Once we claim or sell the crown of blasting, the extra longsword, the ring, the unknown wand and the unknown item in the box, it's feeling like we're definitely on par.


Addie ~14,050gp
bracers of armor +2 (4000), +1 ring of protection (2000), handy haversack (4000), pearl of power 2 (4000), potion CLW (50), more scrolls than a library, wand of magic missile (NA)

Valeron ~12,985gp
+1 breastplate (1350), +1 heavy steel shield (1170), +1 ring of protection (2000), +1 defending longsword (8315), 2x potions CLW (100), 4 CL1 scrolls (50)

Kevorin ~11,490gp
+1 chain shirt (1250), +1 ring of protection (2000), 2x potion of invisibility (600), mw greataxe (320), +1 cold iron battleaxe (4320), rope of climbing (3000)

Morghrim ~7,917gp (or ~15,917gp with the +1 keen glaive or a parlayed enchant swap)
+1 heavy mace (2312), +1 full plate (2650), mw silver battleaxe (400), mw buckler (155), ring of feather fall (2000), 2x potion CLW (100), potion CMW (300)

Male Human Cleric 5 / Inheritor's Crusader 1

Once through the portal and back in Westcrown, Valeron gathers up any unwanted items they uncovered and hunts out an appropriate merchant to negotiate their sale.

He'll pray for Eagle's Splendor that morning and use it prior to entry into the shop, along with Guidance.

Diplomacy (to barter prices on sold items): 1d20 + 15 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 15 + 2 + 1 = 25

(I figure we can flag things that aren't wanted in the OOC thread. Depending on the other longsword, the +1 defending longsword could be part of this transaction)

Male Human Cleric 5 / Inheritor's Crusader 1

Assuming we take the portals back to Westcrown, do we get enough time to pass several days before adventures pick back up again?

(during which time we are able to fully identify all unidentified magic?)

Male Human Cleric 5 / Inheritor's Crusader 1

Valeron is likely more interested in the still-unidentified magic longsword, as long as it's not cursed.

I've never really been a fan of the defending property when it's only a +1 enchant - my enthusiasm over a magic longsword is now being able to swing at things with DR/magic

Male Human Cleric 5 / Inheritor's Crusader 1

Oh wow, a wand of Restoration... that's huge!

Male Human Cleric 5 / Inheritor's Crusader 1

I'm OK taking our time starting up the next chapter, I know first-hand it can be quite a bit of work getting the next full book started.

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