Hella excited for war of the immortals both the stories and mechanically but assuming mythic doesn't break the system entirely like in 1e I hope Paizo remembers Kineticists exist since some of the stuff really feels like its messing with their thing (such as the lifting an ocean part) They regularly got screwed in 1e since their blasts aren't considered spells or weapons so ALOT of stuff didn't apply.
The poison changes are somewhere in errata but that aside I decided to only take Whirlwind throw and inescapable grasp too many feats from champion and bastion fighting for those slots. Here's the full build, will prob change a bit between now and Lvl 20 but it gives me a guide/ Stats (CHAMP REQUIRES 14 CHA)
Legendary: Cooking Lore (Auto), Crafting (Auto), Athletics, Engineering Lore and Survival
Background: Cook Class feats (Innovation: Armor = 1. Muscular Exoskeleton, 7. Heavy Construction, 15. Automated Impediments)
Free Archetype (Champion+Bastion)
General Feats
Ancestry Feats (Kobold, Human, Talos)
Skill Feats
Finoan wrote:
Since it's shorter first the champion question, yep until Core 2 comes out we are using champions as is (we're using the remastered versions of classes,spells, etc. that have been updated), were assuming Edict/Anathema are just gonna supersede alignment for now. Also we use Foundry VTT so were kind of bound to the changes they make. Regarding the build it was a poison based (refluffed as alcohol) we called them "Free samples" my guy runs a restaurant cart (like a food truck, were playing the circus AP Extinction curse)...technically its not officially part of the remaster but it was errata released at pretty much the same time. Basically poison was already suboptimal (both due to lowish damage and targeting fort not being ideal) but it was good enough that my enjoyment of the character concept was enough to make it fun and i WAS having a blast with it Than For SOME reason a dev at Paizo wanted to make poison even more useless...iirc most poisons got their damage halfed or worse except for like one or two, due to Toxicologist (aka Mixologist) Alchemist scaling poison DC i could have stuck with the few that didn't get hit quite as hard (still nerfed) but really killed the whole idea of my being an experimental restaurateur if he always used the same "alchohol" Also as I mentioned when talking about Champion we use Foundry VTT so continuing to play my poisoner would be really boring or require the DM to edit ALL the poisons back to their old form which would be ALOT of work, were hoping that the nerf is due to changes to the Toxicologist or something. Now im going to go to Legendary in survival, additional Lore: Cooking and tend to obsessively taste most plants, mushrooms, etc. we come across although I always at least try a Lore: Cooking and one of the Sorc's does Medicine checks on it to check if its poison and/or appetizing first otherwise I'm just glad I have a decent fort save. Silver Lining is it's a bit easier with a proper frontliner before we were relying on an animal companion and summons to do that and it was a bit janky.
ok so before saying anything else i realize Kobold is in NO way ideal for this build (nor is this build an optimal one) but this is a salvage build due to remaster killing my build so gotta stay a Kobold (im really attached to the little guy) and frankly im cool with suboptimal builds as long as im enjoying myself Mekku is a Talosian (Metal Planar) Kobold Inventor w/ Champion and Bastion archetypes (we use free archetype) and my GM suggested the Wrestler archetype since I keep grappling alot (I have a lethal unarmed attack due to the Ferrousoul Talos Feat) so im trying to fit it in to increase my battlefield control to protect my squishy party (2 sorcs and a witch)...champion, bastion and my shield already make me tough along w/ my inventor power armor. I just need to discourage them from walking right past me and i like grappling. That all said I have 6 slots to take wrestler feats and I've narrowed it down to 7 Open slots (Currently Level 5)
Feats: Dedication, Combat Grab, Disengaging Twist, Clinch Strike, Strangle (its non-lethal so the name is a bit of a misnomer), Whirling Throw, Inescapable Throw Strangle - im considering ditching simply cause of the name...im not sure if its suits Mekku he has no problem fighting but he tries to solve stuff peacefully or at leadst non-lethally if possible (its why i chose redeemer champion), i mean i can somewhat see it as a non-lethal way to subdue a caster but still not sure Disengaging twist - since this and clinch strike are both reactions and i will already have my champion reaction this just gives me options and I THINK i'd prob use clinch strike more often or at least it would function as a deterent (I get a free reaction for shield block at 12 so less relevant but nothing wrong w/ two shield blocks) No reactions - i COULD drop both clinch strike and disengaging twist and choose another feat as i do already have reactions (Glimpse of redemption and shield block)
Note assumptions made above are based mostly on DM rulings but I could have misunderstood something
JiCi wrote:
I meant a new one like Aiuvaren and Dromaar.
ottdmk wrote: My only concern is you have three Dedications by Level 4. I know that the GMG suggests removing the "get more feats from this archetype before taking another dedication" rule when the free archetype follows a theme (which Extinction Curse does) but I was under the impression that was to allow two archetypes at one time... not three. In our group we view the class feat line and the free archetype as seperate for the purposes of "no dedication feat until two more feats are taken" clause, as for the two dedications in the free archetype line trapsmith specifically allows itself to be taken after snarecrafter dedication. "You can select the dedication feat for the trapsmith archetype even if you haven't yet gained three feats from the snarecrafter archetype."
Archpaladin Zousha wrote: I don't really have much to contribute other than that this concept is awesome and I am jealous of its creativity! :P I can't take all the credit the DM and the other players helped me along :D (Free archetype also helps alot for wacky builds like this) Thanks though, I appreciate the compliment :D
Long time 1e GM, new to 2e but I'm a player (formerly a Starfinder group) so I could use some help. So far I've played a Sprite Primal Sorceror 1-10 called Da'wikk (Outlaws of Alkenstar) and currently playing a Next Campaign is going to be Extinction Curse and I've ended up making a "Food Truck" operator who is also the circus general "fix-it/builder" guy. Just wondering if I might have missed anything or mischose something (Note: Battlezoo is allowed, Free access to all ancestries but anything else only common can be used w/o permission unless "access" is fulfilled, DM is pretty strict on using anything other than perception for intiative unless an ability explicitly says so such as Avoiding notice = stealth or gladiator = performance) "Alchemist, Inventor, Master of Snares and Culinary Extraordinaire" Ancestry: Draconic Scion Kobold Exemplar: Toadstool Dragon (Famous for being amazing chefs despite being able to eat rotten food, etc. themselves) Background: Sewer Dragon (Kobold Background about being born in absalom sewers) he eventually opened a food stall in the city...only served rotten food a few times before realizing others couldnt eat it, eventually got some serious wanderlust and joined the good circus, encouraging circus owner to rescue PCs, animals,etc. from the bad circus (see EC players guide for context) Skills
Weapon(s): Throwing Knives (Thrown instead of ammunition so misses don't consume poison) and Air Repeater (mainly to make use of perpetual poisons) Deity(ies): Thisamet (and maybe Brigh) Research Field: Stats
Free Archetype (Snarecrafter, Trapsmith and Scout)
Class feats
Ancestral Feats
General Feats
Skill Feats
Thanks in advance for any advice :D
So the pretty much the title a friend of mine picked up the "Ulimate Kineticist Compendium" by legendary games and whislt i already new about the Kineticists of Porphyra series of the Legendary Kineticist I'd never seen the Mechanic element and my buddy and I thought it would be a cool way to bring back my old "Lifeguard" character who was killed. The "Promethan Oracle Curse" part is mostly just a fluff thing...his power over flesh and nanites being the thing keeping him together with nothing but his sheer stubborness keeping him go, insisting on continuing to be a Lifeguard (planning to use him in a Skull & Shackles Campaign) First hit to the idea is I don't want to be a natural attacker nd i also don't want to be a minionmancer so corpse puppeter or the viscera "summon" abilities are also off the table but the abilities from both machine and viscera thta grant evo points are of great interest to me whther im going melee or ranged. Oh i should also mention that this is a Gestalt im also a Deep Shaman. (One of the archetypes that use Cha or Wis instead of Con is preferable like Abberant but i dont think that mixes with fusion) Subdermal Plating and Technograft really catch my eye To be honest I'm pretty open to achieving this in any way possible, although its would have to be 1st party unless its from Ultimate Kineticist Compendium since thats the only 3rd party stuff that is approved (machine is still a maybe though) Any thoughts guys? Side-question: Has anyone done a guide to machine kineticist, legendary kineticist 2 and/or kineticists of Porphyra 4, sadly N. Jollys guide don't cover those.
John Mangrum wrote:
Nothing for Vanguard or Solarion? (Technomancers too but they got new spells at least)
RiverMesa wrote:
I really hope they DON'T bother with the legacy species, I actively avoid the species that you can play in pathfinder, if they address them at all a side bar for official rules to transfer over alt racial traits from pathfinder would suffice imo. I hope they focus solely on the Starfinder specific races sans the ones that already have alot of alt options. So lets see if I won a contest to choose all 25 races my first step (after removing legacy races) would be to look at what races have NO alt racials. WOW!!! Thats still EIGHTY SIX!! races...damn...I knew Starfinder had alot of them but DAMN!!! You go Paizo thats easily over 100 in total. Well I gotta narrow this down somehow...Well this IS my imaginary contest and opinion so I'll start by nixing all the “bug-like” races (except spathinae ill explain later), that should cut it down a fair amount. That only brings us down to 76...weird I could have sworn there was way more “bug-like” races ok next hopefully big chunk, races that are either just not “alien” enough (ie. If they were still on the list elves would be removed but vesk would stay for example) or races that may as well be legacy races like the Ferran are VERY similar to Dwarves. Races that have interesting features like the Brakim's removable limbs are exceptions (even though i'm not a huge fan of that race so it might be removed later) Hmmm...still only brings it down to 67...time to just start removing any races left I don't find interesting/don't like for w/e reason (non-mechanical cause alt racials could fix that, ie. Shakalta) OK down to 50...still twice as many as the book will have, next lets try to match up races that are similar and choose 1 of each. After that I still had a few more than 25 so had to remove them and I ended up with the following race, I added some notes of what I'd like to see (alt racials and/or alt stats are assumed for all but im specific with some) 1. Astrazoan – One of my fav races, alt stats please :) oh and official ruling on whether or not monstrous humanoids count as humanoids for shapeshifting purposes. 2. Borai – Clarify why a Ysoki Borai is suddenly medium (or more likely fix the wording so it says that they are their original races size), please expand old talents to cover more races. 3. Brenneri – Their adorable that is all :D 4. Contemplative – just an interesting race id like to know more about 5. Copaxi – not much specific just wanna know more about them 6. Dragonkin – would like to see medium and small variants 7. Dromada - id like to know more about em 8. Entu Colony – Ooze race is definitely unique had a hard time choosing between this and Selamid so honestly either would make me happy to see 9. Entu Symbiote – EXTREMELY versatile race both fluff wise and mechanically (can be any animal, size, special movement type, natural attack) would like to see alt stats to match that fluff/mechanical flexibility. 10. Hortus – not much to say here, just like mushroom people 11. Ixtangi – LOTS of abilities = LOTS of options for alt traits 12. Jububnan – just an interesting race id like to know more about 13. Raxilite – adding rules to play a “family” (2-4) of these guys to utilize LFAN symbiosis would be cool otherwise just one of my fav races 14. Scyphozoan – just an interesting race id like to know more about 15. Seprevoi – always had a weak spot for quadrupeds and this one is medium so much more party friendly (medium variants of the larger quadrepeds would work too) 16. Shakalta – Awesome race (twin soul beings made of LIGHT!!) ruined by forced 10/10 multi-class (which was a good IDEA, just executed horribly/not well supported), either add an alt racial to replace that or add more multi-class friendly/char level based abilities/feats (make them require you to be a Shakalta so you have more freedom), or maybe have them level faster or something I dunno. 17. Shatori – Love these guys, just interesting such an interesting ascetic/design 18. Shimreen - just an interesting race id like to know more about 19. Spathinae – this is special I cant stand bugs but i LOVE the idea of a swarm PC please add some alt traits for “Vermin-like” that let you be different swarms (for example thanks to a very nice DM I was allowed to play a Spathinae that was a mix of plants and animals, it was basically a flying [no legs, four arms] sentient ecosystem....was Plant-like instead of Vermin-like) 20. SRO – When it comes to the "robot" races SRO are the most flexible and are even more underdogs/mistreated than androids are. 21. Stellifera – just an interesting race id like to know more about 22. Telia - just an interesting race id like to know more about 23. Tromlin Bloodseeker - just an interesting race id like to know more about 24. Urog – Not really sure how to categorize these guys but they seem really interesting and alot of the art ive seen makes them look really cute. 25. Worlanisi – wanna know more about this inherently lucky race Gaulin wrote: I love the evolutionist to death, I'm crazy excited for it. But I don't think mad scientist should be limited to one class - it's a broad enough category that there could be subclasses like it for every existing class. Kind of like how casters bled into other classes in galactic magic. Paizo's history says they will likely add alt class features and/or archetypes that allow each other class to access some abilities from/similar to evolutionist in the same book or shortly after. Leon Aquilla wrote:
To be fair there IS several Quadrupedal races already but yeah i'm stoked for the custom race creator too. SF Society will likely ban it though :( The NPC wrote:
Been checking out the playtest recently (a friend wants to try it out in one of our games) and I'm really disappointed in eldritch....seriously spell resistance on a class feature that makes you want to be around allied casters is just so counter intuitive. Glad to hear their making it a inherently full BAB class though. Fluff wise I love all four of the current "paths" Gaulin wrote: Alternate racial traits are always great. I also loved the species grafts in the last alien archive, would also fit well in this book (I mean as much augment support as we can get would be great in a book with evolutionist) I love the species grafts too, would love more, as for more augments in general you gotta assume they'll add more with the evolutionist otherwise it would be like if Galactic Magic has no new spells/casters in it. Necrografts ESPECIALLY need support there so few of them.
Damn I got so excited about a fun idea I didn't even consider the problem of roofs, I'll have to check with my GM to see if that'll be viable otherwise that does completely bork the idea. Dammit. Thanks for all the help nonetheless, if it gets shelved the idea will be kept for a more open terrain campaign.
Claxon wrote:
Effortless AERObatics ;D Easy mistake to make and I may have even mispelled it in previous posts https://www.aonsrd.com/FeatDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Effortless%20Aerobatics
Oh that ALSO reminds me that theres augmentations that increase your land speed which would increase my defy gravity speed since its based on my land speed so I'll be sure to invest in those ASAP. Speed Suspension Lvl 4/8/12: +10/20/30ft Respectively https://www.aonsrd.com/Cybernetics.aspx?ItemName=Minimal&Family=Speed%2 0Suspension I can even put these in prosthetic limbs so hideaway limbs would help me hide stuff :)
Claxon wrote:
3pt. Stance is mainly for the never fall prone part and the extra 1d6 reduction is only there IF my heavy landing doesn't reduce the whole thing, I don't know what RAW would insist that the 1d6 damage would be removed BEFORE heavy landing but if the GM rules it that way ill just take Improved Kip-up that lets you stand as a reaction and eventually as a free action. As for moving up effortless aerobatics removes the half speed problem (When flying, it costs you no additional feet of movement to ascend.) and I get +10 from fleet (devy gravity uses my land speed) and being gravity attuned gets me a further +10ft which = 50ft Fly speed totalling 6D6. That said I might take Effortless Aerobatics at Lvl 5 than fleet at 7 instead of the other way around so I don't have to fly half-speed even for the 1 level (level 6).
Claxon wrote: You're not usually going to fall that often Lvl 1 to 5 will be a bit difficult as I'll rely on terrain (to jump off of) and acrobatics to jump but I pick up Defy gravity at Lvl 6 which lets me fly for a single move than it specifically says that if I don't end my movement on solid ground I fall, so it's move -> fall -> stab. Three point stand makes it so i NEVER fall prone and before that I can utilize Ysoki's moxie to stand as a swift action. Claxon wrote:
This I can't argue with I realize its not optimal which is why I'm trying to optimize it as much as possible so its not so bad I'm useless. Garretmander wrote:
I don't really understand what your saying here 1) How am I double moving than making a ranged attack?
This started as a build to try out the new Broken Cycle Solarion but than I fell in love with the Heavy Landing ability. Otherwise the theme is "Shadow Solarion" (shame the "blade in the night" revelation sucks) anyways this is what I have so far. Note: This Build assumes Max Lvl 13
Broken Cycle Solarion w/ Lunar Weapon Race: Skilled Nograv Ysoki (+4 Dex, -2 Con) Theme: Athlete (Acrobatics, what starfinder sport? thinking Brutaris?) or Noble Scion (Heir or Legacy member of a Jedi-like group) or ???
Stat up 5 = Dex, Cha, Con and Int (@5) - Catch up Percep/Disguise
Skills: Acrobatics, Bluff, Sense Motive, Stealth & Alternate Perception/Disguise until Lvl 5 Equip: Solarion "Claw" w/ ??? Crystal and Soulfire Infusion (adds cha to damage) Revelations
Other Possible Feats: Nimble Moves, Scurry, Underfoot, ???
Dragonchess Player wrote:
Battle Leader seems like it would be a good one and/or Skyfire Centurion
BigNorseWolf wrote:
Sorry I wasnt clear i didnt mean 1 to 1 just something similar
BigNorseWolf wrote:
Wonder if something similar to 2e DnD multi-classing would have fulfilled a similar role and made Shakalta unique
Experimental Weapon Mech + Various Soldier Gear Boosts (ie. Brutal Blast) "stack" in that they both boost your damage dealt so + to damage is similar to what a single class soldier or mechanic would get and despite being a Mech has little use for Int assuming you avoid mech tricks that specifically use Int and/or use an archetype since those replace your tricks
Oooo Wrecking Fist is definitely a good option for a Martial Mystic, basically spell sergeant+imp unarmed fist rolled into 1 :) Biohacker in general is a very strong multi-class even w/ just a single level and alot of their hacks dont have a DC Soldier is nice for the Full BAB and extra feats alone and ill nose through the gear boosts to see what might be class level agnostic :)
Oh I forgot to mention, anything that changes what a stat can do is also useful such as the biohacker scientific method changing a bunch or int skills to wisdom or wisdom skills to int Studious
I just rediscovered that creature companions exist as well as several feats with even just ONE feat you can have a scaling pet thta you can share your actions with 1 to 1 so that can help offset so of the issues with playing a Shakalta (off the top of my head a mech can take something other than drone and act as a buffer/support for their buddy since its basically character level based with a smallish credit investment) Feats: https://aonsrd.com/Feats.aspx?Category=Creature%20Companion
Hey all I'm trying to theorycraft a good build for the Two-Souled Shakalta (https://aonsrd.com/Races.aspx?ItemName=Shakalta) that have to 10/10 split multi-class (A,B,A,B,A,B,etc.) for w/e Adventure Path my group plays next (Currently playing Horizon of the Vast, already finished Fly Free or Die+Devastation Ark) so I could use some help gathering things that scale with character level, allow stacking between classes and/or rely primarily/solely on your Key Ability Score. Ideally the two classes would be Wis and/or Cha based but not Int based since the races ability score mods are +2 Wis/Cha, -2 Int although you could choose options that dont really use Int so that could work. Obviously the classes that are Str, Dex or Con based can work. Also I just played a Naive Power Armor Jockey SRO Experimental Armor Mechanic "Bruiser" (who used to be another mechanics drone, switched cause the OG mech was kind of a prick but everyone loved the drone) and I'm currently playing a Medic MysticX/Biohacker1 with a Druid/Psychic vibe that mixes mundane and magical medicine so ideally nothing too similar to those. With an innate Wis and/or Cha focus I'm leaning towards a party face but I'm pretty open to suggestion. Some examples Char Level Based: Improved Unarmed Strike (Combat Feat) Source Starfinder Core Rulebook pg. 158 You have trained to make your unarmed strikes lethal and strike with kicks, head-butts, and similar attacks. Benefit: Your unarmed strike damage increases to 1d6 at 4th level, 2d6 at 8th level, 3d6 at 12th level, 5d6 at 15th level, and 7d6 at 20th level. Your unarmed strikes don’t count as archaic and can deal lethal damage. You threaten squares within your natural reach with your unarmed strikes even when you do not have a hand free for an unarmed strike. If you are immobilized, entangled, or unable to use both legs (or whatever appendages you have in place of legs, where appropriate), you lose the ability to make unarmed strikes without your hands. When making an unarmed strike without your hands, you can’t use such attacks for combat maneuvers or similar abilities—only to deal damage. Normal: You don’t threaten any squares with unarmed strikes, and you must have a hand free to make an unarmed strike. Mixed Class Stacking: Mystic Flare (Su) (If a Mystic/Solarion) Source Starfinder #30: Puppets Without Strings pg. 50 In your studies, you have benefited from a solarian tutor, who taught you how to draw power from the foundational forces of the universe. For you, a star’s corona or a black hole’s event horizon is a source of infinite energy. You gain a solar flare, as the solar manifestation ability of a solarian with a class level equal to your mystic level. If you have levels in both classes, you add them together to determine the effectiveness of your solar flare. You do not gain any other solar-flare solarian abilities from mystic class levels. Key Ability Score Reliant: Biohacker Booster/Inhibitors duration are 1+ Key ability mod and most lack a DC (a single level of biohacker is crazy cause of this)
here's what i have so far thanks to many peoples suggestions :) Swarm Creatures: Ferrets, Dragons, Various Plants, Frogs, Owlcats, Bears, Monkeys, Birds, Giant extremely miniature space Hamsters (We are Boo!), Ashes/Dust/Sand/Dirt/Earth, Crystals, Gems, Oozes, Living Pixel Art, Beholders Please keep em' coming you all are really helping my imagination run wild :)
Umbra-Arcturus wrote:
3, 4 and 5 are definitely getting added to list :) 1) is too similar to my current character who is an SRO Power armor mechanic so i want to avoid robot/tech stuff 6) i a little too silly but it DID make me smile so bonus points for that 2) doesnt interest me for some reason, think i want to avoid something to similar to the fish swarm that inspired me
Hey all, my home group is finishing up Devastation Ark which we started w/ the same characters we finished Fly Free or Die with. Next up is going to be Horizons of the Vast (Space Kingmaker on unexplored world) and I'll be playing a Neurochemist Biohacker1/Medic Empath Mystic11. I REALLY like the idea of playing a sentient swarm but bugs freak me out so my DM is letting me have it made out of something else, off the top of my head i was thinking birds since i was going to have my characters voice be melodic like a choir in perfect harmony, but at normal human "inside voice" volume. My other thought was a variety of plants. That said I'd like to hear some suggestions of what might be interesting but not too bug like (butterflies included :P) Oh if it matters were going with Xenni-labs and i'm a sort of scientist/doctor and only the fluff is changing nothing mechanically. Here's the race: (each creature in the swarm fits roughly in a 1 inch cube) https://aonsrd.com/Races.aspx?ItemName=Spathinae
Tim Emrick wrote:
Oooo thanks i'll check those out i also found a short blog post that involves rahadoum not sure if its canon though. https://paizo.com/community/blog/v5748dyo6sh2g?Tales-of-Lost-Omens-Question ing-Nature#29
There's not too much info about rahadoum and the only two modules i found (Port Godless & Heresy of Man) seem anti-rahadoum, what I do know is: - Religions/Gods/Worship is straight up illegal caused by a massive religious war roughly 2000 years ago - Despite the above a small amount of people still worship in secret - Slavery is legal (planning to nix this since were currently playing hells vengeance and i'd rather not have that theme repeated) - Outsiders/Dieities tend to use rahadoum as a "neutral ground" often causing issues such as having invisible fights - Governed by the "Laws of Morality" but beyond "No gods" none of these laws have been stated by paizo - Pirates from the shackles cause troubles alot especially with shipping goods south - Shipping goods north is also an issue due to cheliax and their control of aroden's arch - it's a haven for scientists, philosophers and other intellectuals All that said my starting "hook" for the campaign will be something along the lines hunting down some secret religious sects and eventually meeting an outsider who tried to find a diety to follow but looked to closely and found out that regardless of alignment the gods of golarion are all pretty ****ed up (ie. Erastil punishes people by turning them into animals to be slaughtered, Cayden is a stalker, etc. etc.) so fled to rahadoum as the only place free of religion (as far as i know), eventually leading to the party trying to spread ragadoums way of doing things, possibly even running the dieties out of golarion (one idea is gaining control of the astral plane to prevent travel between the outer and material relam) Note: This campaign won't be canon even for my home game its just a little fun for my players and a campaign type ive always wanted to play or DM so I don't mind bending the lore (ie. exaggerating the dieties faults) So yeah anyone ever done or have any ideas/suggestions a misothiest/god killer campaign have any ideas (please don't reply if all your going to say is "gods can't be killed. etc.")
Diego Rossi wrote:
By your logic people shouldn't be able to choose to automatically fail against spells INCLUDING harmless one without choosing to do so for the whole turn
So i'm planning to play a cartomancer/harrower witch and i've realized this would allow me to imbue my "card darts" w/ Cure X Wounds spells but I can't find anything online or in my books about attacking a willing ally. My assumption is a willing target could choose to be flat-footed and thus it would be AC 10 in most cases (since its already a touch attack) What do you guys think?
I thought the tightrope might be interesting to walk if i can get a DM thats willing and/or excited to play with that, maybe even challenge me as long as the outcome isn't guaranteed failure (not referring to Anti-Paladin/Pally specifically no idea what normally anti-thetical classes I'd go for) Hmmmm...I know there's an ex-paladin archetype called "Vindictive Bastard" (Personally I find that name doesn't suit its abilities, it seems more hey dont mess w/ my friends than GRRRR REVENGE!!!) is there an ex-anti-paladin archetype?...i think that would be interesting and thematically appropriate (obviously if/when i actually make a character with this i'd have to find the ex-archetype for w/e classes are involved) The alignment step limitation is a bummer for SS (its really weird imo that SS doesn't directly nix that) and yeah Dark Lantern could work but definitely isn't RAW since the both alter dual identity. Thanks Avr outcome isn't what I was hoping for but hasn't completely killed my plans for this class, just gotta reign the alignment norm breaking in a bit (ie. Lawful Barbarian would work since they can be any non-lawful) Edit: Ooooof and there's Name Violation with part 2 of a 1,2 punch combo to the only hope of an f'd up Pally/Blackguard combo. Phbbbttt. Truly dead now :P. Ironically this MIGHT actually answers my ex-antipaladin archetype question cause unless it has it's own it's technically ALSO Vindictive Bastard lol (it doesn't work RAW but its a fairly easy house rule) Still opens up some interesting possibilities to less diametrically opposed classes that could never be combined in PF otherwise. (Also learning about Dark Lantern and some similar alignment breaking archetypes was also helpful) Sidenote: I've always found it weird that the LG and CE alignments are considered the extremes, it seems to me that the half neutral alignments should be the extremes since their so much more focused on a single alignment.
Oh and Would the Anti-Paladin half being a Tyrant or Insinuator change either of your answers? Why or Why not? I'm honestly just curious/trying to understand (one of the reasons i'm using a fake character so i don't get protective :P) otherwise the SS archetype seems to do nothing but take your vigilante abilities away from your social form and force you to take quick/immediate change.
1) I would contest "Willingly" a Paladin doesn't fall because he was dominated into smacking his buddy around and Splintersoul is essentially two different people in the same way DID (more commonly recognized as split personality) is IRL. That said even w/o domination an Anti-Paladin doesn't fall because he healed an ally. There's a VERY important caveat in the Anti-Paladin Code that says "This does not mean that an antipaladin cannot take actions someone else might qualify as good, only that such actions must always be in service of his own dark end" so really Paladin is the bigger issue so as long as my "Masked" version doesn't go around kicking puppies and murdering orphans i should be fine. (Paladin code includes this as well "otherwise, he can do whatever else he feels is necessary to uphold the causes of law and good. He should strive to act with honor and uphold the tenets of his faith, but failing to do so is not a violation of his code.") Kind of like a non-neutral "Masked" druid would still work but still can't wear metal or a monk still cant wear armor w/o losing Wis to AC( 2) Seems like neither mention Neutral, Law or Chaos as an "Falling" issue. (Hence why Paladin's of Desna exist) Lawful Good doesn't mean Lawful Nice. In fact in my Paladin of Abadar example (which to be fair you may not have seen before you posted) he's kind of a dick (aka stick up his butt) and a prude. His Anti-Paladin side is kind of representative of everything he's suppressed and ironically is probably actually nicer even though he's definitely not "Good" (Note: this isn't a real character its just for discussion)