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Multi-class lacking updates in 1.6

Why Do Druids Not Like Metal Armor and Does It Even Matter?

A suggested Sorcerer reconcept.

Spell Combination: How does it work?

universalist wizard errata question

Tweaks to Paladin Feats

Updated Alchemist and Alchemist Dedication

Barbarian Rage Fatigue Questions.

Some thoughts on the 1.6 Paladin

Righteous Ally Question

Wizards with School Proficiencies

thoughts on class changes

What if the Paladin could move to land Retributive Strike?

A few things about Paladins (reaction feats and netural alignments and name change).

"Paladins" of the future and Inquisitors of the past

Paladin: Retributive Strike should not be tied to alignment

Wall Run should probably lose the action icon.

1.6 Paladin Mighty Aura Question

Alchemy and the 1.6 Update

So some Pally's As of 1.6 can Never Lie Whatsoever

Brute Rogues and Weapon Familiarity

Alchemist changes 1st imprssions: Perpetual Infusions is a joke, right?

A Suggested Change to 1.6 Barbarian Rage

Alchemist: finding the right mix

Cleric Feats and Leveling

Mutagens Only available to Mutagenist Field Study now as of 1.6?

Turning the Bard back into a Dabbler?

Cleric is too strong, Cleric is too weak. A lopsided issue

Clarification of stance changes

Question About Come and Get Me (Barbarian)

Has monk been altered meaningfully so far for the playtest? (not currently able to download / check books for several days)

Does Potent Poisoner still do anything?

You can rage after you attack or take damage, rage ends after you do not attack or take damage in a round

Nitpicks about clerics

There's a problem with the timing of ranger abilities

Liberator paladins are problematic, and also, Channel Life is one of the strongest feats ever for paladins and paladin-multiclassers

Rogue - Trickster Ace

Actually Make the Sorcerer Different

Possible error in Ranger's Incredible Companion feat

Diviner Wizard Bonus Spells

To those Paladins left behind... So long, until we see each other down the road...

Class Feat diversity and Class Feat amount on caster classes

Is a rogues target still flatfooted after first attack of a double slice?

Does element damage on Dragon Claws power increase?

Dragon Sorcerer Dragon Claw Feature Damage Dice

When do you think the Alchemist is going to be fixed or overhauled?

Monks and shields

Redesigning the Paladin (A Suggestion)

What "Style" Archetypes should be in the Core Rulebook? Stalwart Defender? Arcane Trickster? Dinosaur Fort? Summoner? Tactician?

Rogue getting a little too much attention?

Changes to Class Feats and Archetypes

Please Consider the Dappler. The Multiclass Base Class

Suggestion: the shoggoth totem

Paladin Tweak: Warded Touch and Champion Powers

I'm I the only one taken aback by Rogues getting double the number of Skill Feats?

Dual wielding Barbarian

Healers and support characters, equal or equitable please.

Versatile Performance ambiguity

Druid Wild Order Fixes

Does the balance of the three Rogue's Techniques seem off to anyone else?

Thought: Paladin be Guardian, Paladin be prestige / archetype

Alchemists and Mutagens

Which class does Divination the best?

Alchemical items and bonus types?

Special Retributive Strike Testing - Alternatives:

Positive Energy Cleric of Lamashtu + Channel Smite = Fall

I cannot figure out how Inspire Courage, Lingering Composition, and Inspire Heroics are supposed to work together.

Ranger: Crossbow Ace Class Feat

Paladin Lay on Hands

Developing for Pathfinder 2e (The Gunslinger)

Really disappointed with the Alchemist Changes. Literally almost nothing was done.

Monks with less than 16 Dex are a trap.

Blade of Justice

Mounted combat, size and reach

kineticist elemental whisper (familiar) wild talent: need clarification

Please consider Feint for Alchemist Bombs. Because this vial is filled with the deadliest acid known!!!

How would infinite Wild Shaping impact things? Could it be balanced by longer transformation time?

Alchemist Idea

Paladin: Angelic Form

class feat selection doubt

need clarification on double slice 0 / 0 / -10(0 / -5 / -5) or 0 / -5 / -10 any devs?

Questions about the barbarian class

If the wizard only needs 1 action to cast

Didn't we already have a class based around defense?

Sorcerer Felxibility

Progenitor / Servitor questions.

Animal Totems: Is there a mechanical incentive to pick bear, wolf, or bull totems?

Barbarian Rage and unconsciousness

Rogue Weapon Restrictions Concerns

Wizard and his school spell

Ya know, if they ever actually get rid of "Paladins are LG only", I would prefer...

Do Powers gained from Class Feats count as Class Feats / Class Abilities for the purposes of interactions?

Hunted shot and returning magic item?

Dragon Totem: Conflicting Anethema?

Bards: Lingering Performance and Inspire Heroics

Alchemical archery?

Barbarian Damage / Math Question

Versatile Performance-Problems and a Proposal

What if Class features were scaled back or entirely removed?

How does Combine Elixirs work with Update 1.4?

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