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***** Pathfinder Society GM. 7,720 posts (18,881 including aliases). 88 reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 84 Organized Play characters. 84 aliases.


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Godwyn Blaecwulf wrote:
And feats, of course, can offer more points.

Every race can also get an extra 10 points from the FCB.

Josten Cailean wrote:
Josten does have enough divine rank abilities I believe. He got the 5 he's allowed from leveling and the feat options with Emergent Divinity and Extra Talent.

I think you have misread how divine rank abilities for Godling work, or I have.

You get 1 point at level 2, 2 at 6, 3 at 10, 4 at 14 and 5 at 18 for 15 total.

Abilities cost 1 rank for rank 1 plus 1 rank for every additional rank. If you take the same ability again it costs an additional rank each time.

So Beauty at rank 4 costs 1+2+3+4 for 10. Divine Power 1 costs 1. That means you should have at least 4 more left plus any from feats.

Josten Cailean wrote:
An unbelievably handsome young man with long red hair and sapphire eyes makes his way onstage.

Love the back story, he looks really interesting. A couple of things did ump out at me.

I dont think you have enough divine rank abilities. You get 15 ranks (more with FCB) but I think you have only spent 11 (10 points on beauty 1-4 and 1 point on Divine Power). You might be saving up for another purchase but I am not sure if we are actually levelling in this game.

Looking at the Robe, its save bonus is resistance so wont stack with the bonus from ABP.

Your 1st Mythic rank will also give a few HP, not much of an issue when you have over 700!

Godwyn Blaecwulf wrote:
I realize that my Paladin side isn’t legendary. Where are the rules for that?

They are all HERE.

Templates and the Perfect Body alternate capstone. I have three stats at 40. None of my stats start at lower than 10. Being undead also helps as you dont have to buy any Con.

Godwyn Blaecwulf wrote:

Have to say that this is proving to be very enjoyable in making this character. Godwyn is slowly taking shape...

Race: Grigori Angel
Class 1: Champion of the Cause Paladin
Class 2: Incanter
Boon of the Storied Monster x2: Grigori Paragon

Still have to work out some of the details. But he's mostly there. Brute+Open Hand Sphere, with huge focus on life sphere. He's turned out to be an amazingly effective healer.

Looks like you are 2 points over the stat cap on Strength. Looks really interesting.

I am still working on the crunch but I thought I would post some of the background here.

Name: Candraphon, The Eater of Worlds, The Worm Within and Without, The Corruption, The End of Hope, The Master of Death, The Warlord

Race: Human (barely any more)
Classes: Mystic Godling 20|Legendary Sorcerer 20
Templates: Advanced (+1), Nightmare (+1), Graveknight (+2), Worm that Walks (+2)
Alignment: Lawful Neutral (with twinges of Evil)


Candraphon has known many names in the long aeons of his life. His past is shrouded in mystery but the most learned sages believe that he came from the ancient past of a little known Prime Material planet called Earth. His mother was the Goddess Hel, Queen of Air and Darkness, Goddess of Death, the Underworld and Suffering. His father was the mortal arch sorcerer Merlin. Hel ensnared Merlin and became pregnant by him, wiping his memory of all that had happened after she allowed him to escape from the Underworld.

Heavily pregnant, she gave birth to her offspring on an ancient, blood soaked battlefield, deep within the the Realm of Nightmare. On his birth she buried him in the earth and scattered it with her flesh eating death worms. For a year and a day the infant sought to stave off the monstrous crawling things and integrate them into his own being. Eventually he exploded out of the ground, a mad, ravening monstrosity which fled his mother into the world of men.

For an age he rampaged through many worlds, in some he struck directly, destroying randomly but as he grew and learned cunning he began more subtle corruptions. Some civilisations he corrupted from within, others he struck with plagues, waves of terrifying monsters or cataclysmic weather events. Always he fled, fearing his mother would find him and compel his servitude.

In time he learned of the planar metropolis of Hyraeatan. Here was a place he could be safe from his manipulative mother for ever and so he determined to capture the city. He raised an army of orcs, demons, dragons, things from beyond the stars and worse and ripped open a dozen portals to the city. However, this time he bit off far more than he could chew and his army was thrown back, the portals closed and he was bound.

Taken before the Council he begged for his life, claiming he was but a pawn of his mother and begging that they spare his life. He was lying of course and while the Council accepted his claims they were no fools. He was wrapped in Mythic Wish and Geas spells and set as a new Guardian of the city. For a thousand years he has watched over the portals and protected the inhabitants. In that time he has slipped out of the many magical bindings he was subjected to but the passage of time has caused a most unusual change.

Time has given him the chance to reflect and reappraise his life. The madness has subsided and he can see that his past has ever been controlled by his mother. Each world he delivered death and destruction to was one where she was strong and his actions fuelled her planar armies. Even the attack on Hyraeatan was secretly inspired by her, a distraction for some more nefarious plot that has yet to come into the open. Likewise, long contact with the other Guardians of the city has changed his outlook. Now he is determined to finally be free of his mother's influence and find a place he can belong.

He recently approached the Council, revealed that he had defeated their wards and bindings and applied for full membership of the Circle of Wardens. That has been granted, albeit on a probationary basis only. He still has a long way to go before he is actually trusted. One of his greatest concerns however is that his mother retains possession of his Graveknight armour and so he will do almost anything to avoid being destroyed and falling into her clutches.

On crafting, can we craft slotless items by doubling the cost or craft combined items by paying 50% extra for the most expensive?

Cronossuss Fallen of Time wrote:
Question GM:Also I will not need it but I bet some one will ask about race builder.

Custom races are excluded in the OP.

Also, I cannot locate a free source for the Legendary Sorcerer. Does anyone know if its available on an SRD anywhere? Its not on d20pfsrd.

Thanks for that, how about Worm that Walks.

On stats, do the 7 bonus points also replace the stat bumps granted by Mythic tier 1?

On Templates any objection to the combination of Nightmare Lord (+4) and Graveknight (+2)?

Despite the templates he will still be a team player.

Quick question on access to stuff, is Blood Money permitted? It does enable all kinds of cheese.

Just dotting for interest here as well.

5/5 *****

The scenario does not explicitly say that you do not get hero points however it also contains no instructions that the players get them and no reminders to give them out at different intervals. That's a pretty significant change to the normal situation and for me is a pretty strong point to no HP in this one and I didnt give them out when I ran it.

5/5 *****

It is pretty rare. I have killed a couple of PC's in 2E but I have run a lot of games. One was critted by a flaming weapon which dropped the PC, on fire and bleeding onto damaging terrain and no-one moved to help him. It is however much more rare than in 1E.

I had my first PC death in 2E last week when our entire party TPK'd in the Power Of Legends.

I find that PC death is a bit more common in AP's. We have lost multiple people in Seven Dooms, we lost a couple in Strength of Thousands and we TPK'd towards the end of Extinction Curse.

5/5 *****

Phredd wrote:

Ran this this past weekend, and it seems that high-tier is a little off....

Is the DC of Penumbra's spells correct? Playing up, it's a DC 38, which is the same DC as a level 18 task. Both my level 11 and level 12 characters have to Nat 20 just to succeed against almost all of her spells, which seems....not great. Her spell attack rolls crit on a 13 on my level 12 and on an 11 on my level 11, which also seems a little off.

DC38 is the correct DC. The base creature has extreme spell DC for its level and is elite. At least that is what we fought at high tier with only 22CP.

I got trapped in a slither along with our cleric, flubbed the flat check for freedom of movement twice and died to a vampiric exsanguination after several lightning bolts and a chain lightning. Our rogue was sure strike disintegrated. Our champion was repeatedly force barraged. It was brutal but I dont really mind that for the first Mythic enabled scenario. We handled the rest of the scenario like heroes. Nothing stood before us.

One slightly annoying feature about replacing hero points with mythic points is that you cannot use them to reroll flat checks or to stabilise.

J Scot Shady wrote:

GM Farol,

I am interested but I am curious about whether this is intended to be a PFS event or if this is more of a traditional game. I am assuming it is for more casual since you mentioned a process for creating characters, but I wanted to make sure I understood before posting an official submission.

Of note, I actually think the question about Nivi is an amazing one.

The module is sanctioned for PFS but you dont need/use a PFS character to play it. Assuming the GM is doing so you can receive a chronicle for playing it which can be applied to any character.

I would be interested in playing, however I have run this once already and am currently running it in PbP.

Character: I would probably look to play a sorcerer/rogue type character. A specialist in infiltration, deception and disguise while also providing a range of buffs, debuffs and aoe damage. He would be a long term and committed member of the Red Mantis, raised since birth to serve the Mantis as a loyal member often sent on long range missions.

Experience: I have a lot of experience both playing and running in PbP. I have played and run dozens of games. I am currently running Stolen Fate in PbP and am in the middle of Book 2.

Nivi: I will clearly be in disguise. Alert to others using such things, I notice a slight discrepancy in Nivi's disguise and recognise that she is cheating too.

I am looking at an arcanist.

I am looking at Paladin|Sorcerer.

Cronossuss Fallen of Time wrote:

INT[40][+15][Base 17][13p buy][Race+4][Levels+5][+3Age][ABP Legendary Mind APB+6][ABP+5Alt Reality/Wish IE inherent]

Are we saying that even with Race bonus, Max starting Stat before level/ABP and age is 18?

I dont think so, I just missed race off from my calculation. You could also add another +8 from the alternate capstone benefit. Technically you could take it for both classes for +16 I think as the bonus is untyped.

Quick question, is this set before or after the events of the Wrath of the Immortals?

I do love Mystara.

3d6 ⇒ (1, 2, 3) = 6
3d6 ⇒ (4, 5, 2) = 11
3d6 ⇒ (5, 2, 2) = 9
3d6 ⇒ (5, 1, 2) = 8
3d6 ⇒ (2, 6, 2) = 10
3d6 ⇒ (1, 1, 5) = 7

Well, that definitely adds up to less than 0.

3d6 ⇒ (6, 6, 5) = 17
3d6 ⇒ (6, 2, 6) = 14
3d6 ⇒ (2, 5, 1) = 8
3d6 ⇒ (3, 5, 5) = 13
3d6 ⇒ (3, 4, 4) = 11
3d6 ⇒ (2, 3, 2) = 7

That might be workable.

Cronossuss Fallen of Time wrote:

Asking what is the max stat with Benchmarks is I have int at 40 and was wondering if it should be 36?

It might hep if you explained how you got there.

The basic maximum is probably something like:

18 base +5 levels +6 ABP +5 inherent +3 age for 37.

Other things might then increase it like an alchemist mutagen.

8 people marked this as a favorite.

It would really help if you included a link to where it can be found in these posts.

Cronossuss Fallen of Time wrote:

Have to say Andrew has shown how 3PP stuff is way broken using age and capstone maxed out a pc with Cha 54, then raps the Bonus into AC. Saves to Skills, and so on. I made a Legendary Investigator who is meant to be a master of skills, yet Andrew got ALL Kn skills at +50 and has AC70 for you fighter out there. Like I said, Epic goes WAY out of balance once you have the fav 3pp build you want to show off.

So ye, we have to limit ourselves AND outline rules to make this do-able in my view. Or we will just be showing off our unplayable builts to each other hehe. Well you get the idea.

Almost nothing about the characters strength comes from 3PP. 1E paizo stuff is just broken out of the gate and the Oracle is one of the worst offenders due to the ability to Cha stack everything.

Cha to init
Cha to all saves
Cha to AC
Cha for attack and damage
Cha to all Int based skills

All of these came from Paizo produced materials. The only 3PP stuff I used were some of the Legendary Inquisitor materials.

OK, going to build an alternate character option using the new rules. I m going to try and limit myself to mostly core stuff.

OK, this character does blow the benchmarks out of the water but, frankly, PF1E is so wildly broken thats very hard not to do.

Name: Shadow Moon
Class 1: Inquisitor (Desna)
Class 2: Oracle (Spirit Guide)
Alignment: Chaotic Good

Init +38 (+22 Cha, +5 [mythic improved init], +4 insight [curse] +2 [trait] +2 [luck] +3 [competence])
Senses darkvision 120’, low-light vision, see invisibility, truesight; Perception +51

AC 75, touch 52, flat-footed 38 [+12 armor, +22 cha, +12 wis, +6 shield, +5 deflection, +5 natural, +2 dodge +1 insight]

hp 327 [20d8+ 160 con +3 FCB +4 Mythic]

Fort +54 [12 base +5 resist, +2 racial +2 luck +8 con +22 cha +2 sacred +1 competence]
Ref +42 [6 base +5 resist, +2 racial +2 luck +22 cha +2 sacred +3 competence]
Will +58 [12 base +5 resist, +2 racial +2 luck +12 wis +22 cha +2 sacred +1 competence]
+1 vs mind affecting

Immunities: fear, divination

Defensive Abilities stalwart, almighty avoidance, improved uncanny dodge, evasion, freedom of movement; SR 31

Str 14, Dex 8, Con 26, Int 36, Wis 34, Cha 54
Base Atk +15/10/5

CMB +17 [15 BaB +2 Str]

CMD 34 [10 +15 BaB +2 Str -1 Dex +5 Deflection +2 Dodge +1 Insight]

Melee +5 adamantine starknife +45/40/35 (1d4+29/x3)
Ranged +5 adamantine starknife +45/40/35 (1d4+29/x3)
Attack Bonus: +15 BaB +22 Cha +5 enhancement +3 competence
Damage Bonus: +22 Cha +5 enhancement +2 weapon specialisation


Divine Fighting (Desna), Ascendant Spell, Extend Spell, Quicken Spell, Persistent Spell, Dazing Spell, Spell Perfection (Flame Strike), Spell Focus (Evocation, Enchantment, Transmutation), Greater Spell Focus (Evocation, Enchantment, Transmutation), Spell Penetration, Noble Scion (War), Eldritch Heritage: Arcane (Arcane Bond), Improved Eldritch Heritage (Metamagic Adept 4/day), Greater Eldritch Heritage (School Power: Evocation), Craft Wondrous Items, Quick Draw, Skill Focus (Knowledge: Arcana), Stunning Fist (with any weapon), Dastardly Finish, Escape Moves, Outflank, Improved Spell Sharing, Pack Flanking, Paired Opportunists, Passing Grace, Weapon Specialisation (Starknives), Alertness

Mythic Feats:
Improved Initiative, Spell Focus (Evocation)

Reactionary, Fate’s Favored, Magical Lineage (Flame Strike), Beast Bond (Ride), Starchild, Wisdom in the Flesh (Disable Device), Trapfinder

Skills Acrobatics +22, Appraise +27, Bluff +50, Climb +5, Diplomacy +50, Disable Device +43, Disguise +50, Escape Artist +2, Fly +26, Handle Animal +37, Heal +28, Intimidate +40, Knowledge (arcana) +56, Knowledge (all others) +50 [+12 to ID Monsters], Linguistics +37, Perception +51, Perform (any) +27, Ride +26, Sense Motive +46, Sleight of Hand +2, Spellcraft +52, Stealth +5, Survival +39 [+10 to track, +4 to avoid becoming lost], Swim +6, Use Magic Device +37

Languages Common, Samsaran plus many many others.


Mystery: Heavens
Class Skills: All Knowledge Skills
Bonus Spells: Colour Spray Hypnotic Pattern, Daylight, Rainbow Pattern, Overland Flight, Chain Lightning, Prismatic Spray, Sunburst, Meteor Swarm
Revelations: Awesome Display (treat creature HD as reduced by Cha when using pattern spells), Coat of Many Stars (+12AC, DR5/slashing, 20 hours/day), Guiding Star (Add Cha to Wis based checks when the night sky is visible, add empower, extend, silent or still to one spell per night when outdoors).
Final Revelation: Achieve harmony with the universe. Add Cha to all saving throws, automatically stabilise if reduced below 0, immune to fear, automatically confirm all crits, automatically reincarnate 3 days after death.

Spirit Guide:
Spirit: Ancestors
Spirit Abilities: Ancestors Council, Ancestral Weapon
Spirit Spells: Unseen Servant, Spiritual Weapon, Heroism, Spiritual Ally, Telekinesis, Greater Heroism, Ethereal Jaunt, Vision, Astral Projection
Hex (Wisdom of the Ages): Use Cha for Int based skill checks

Curse: Powerless Prophecy
Drawback: Cannot act in surprise rounds. If there is no surprise round then staggered on first turn
Benefits: Uncanny Dodge, Improved Uncanny Dodge, +4 insight bonus to initiative, +4 insight bonus to AC and Saves when surprised or otherwise unaware of an attack

Oracle (Spirit Guide) Spells Known (CL 21st; concentration +43, +5 defensive)
Spell DC: 10 +22 Cha +Spell Level
Modifiers: +2 Transmutation +2 Enchantment +6 Evocation

Spells per day: 12/12/11/11/11/11/10/10/10
Spells Known: 5/5/4/4/4/3/3/3/3

Cure Spells: Add all cure spells to spells known
Favored Class Bonus: +1 spell known (Two 1st-7th, three 8th)
(m) Mystery Spell
(s) Spirit Spell

9th: astral projection (s), mass heal, meteor swarm (m), miracle, polar midnight[UM], shapechange

8th: mass cure critical wounds, divine vessel, fire storm, maw of chaos, nine lives[ARG], greater spell immunity, stormbolts[APG], sunburst (m), vision (s), wall of lava

7th: archon’s trumpet, mass cure serious wounds, destruction, ethereal jaunt (s), holy word, particulate form, prismatic spray (m), word of chaos, sunbeam, greater age resistance

6th: chain lightning (m), chains of light, mass cure moderate wounds, greater dispel magic, heal, greater heroism (s), source severance, greater black tentacles

5th: breath of life, mass cure light wounds, flame strike, life bubble[APG], overland flight (m), plane shift, telekinesis (s), wall of stone, baleful polymorph
4th: blessing of fervor[APG], chaos hammer, cure critical wounds, death ward, divine power, dismissal, freedom of movement, holy smite, order's wrath, rainbow pattern (m), spiritual ally[APG] (s), strong jaw

3rd: archon's aura[UM], beacon of luck, cure serious wounds, daylight (m), dispel magic, heroism (s), invisibility purge, magic vestment, paragon surge[ARG], sand whirlwind, shield of darkness

2nd: align weapon,burst of radiance, cleromancy, cure moderate wounds, delay poison, find traps, grace[APG], hypnotic pattern (m), ironskin, light prison, pilfering hand[UC], remove paralysis, resist energy, sound burst, spiritual weapon (s), suppress charms and compulsions, tears to wine

1st: ant haul[APG], barbed chains[HA], bless, burning disarm, color spray (m), command, compel hostility[UC], comprehend languages, cultural adaptation[UI], cure light wounds, deathwatch, divine favor, dream feast, ears of the city, forbid action[UM], hide from undead, liberating command[UC], lucky number, murderous command[UM], obscuring mist, protection from alignment, remove fear, remove sickness[UM], sanctuary, shield of faith, unseen servant (s)

0 (at will: —create water, detect magic, detect poison, guidance, light, mending, purify food and drink, read magic, spark[APG]


Rogue Saint (Replaces Domain/Inquisition):
Rather than a domain, the inquisitor chooses an oracle mystery granted by her deity. She gains one revelation from her chosen mystery at 1st level and another at 8th level. She must meet these revelations’ prerequisites, using her legendary inquisitor level as her effective oracle level to determine the revelations’ effects, and she never qualifies for the Extra Revelation feat. In addition, a rogue saint needs not have an alignment within one step of her deity.

Mystery: Lunar
Revelations: Prophetic Armor (use Cha instead of Dex for AC and Reflex, max dex still applies), Primal Companion (level 20 Tiger Companion)

Deity’s Favored Weapon
Proficient with Starknives.


Aura of Condemnation (replaces Judgment)
An inquisitor’s mere presence is likened to the presence of their god. The legendary inquisitor radiates a constant aura that affects all enemies within 20 feet. This ability functions only while the inquisitor remains conscious, not if she is unconscious or dead. At 1st level, a legendary inquisitor chooses one aura ability from the list below. She gains an additional aura ability at 4th level and every three levels thereafter. While an aura only affects hostile enemies, it does not grant the inquisitor the ability to sense hostile enemies.

Action: Swift
Choose: Three options
Uses: 7/day
Duration: Encounter

Blasting: Enemies take a -8 penalty on saving throws against area effects. Enemies with improved evasion lose it.

Censoring: Enemies take a -8 penalty on saving throws against compulsion and charm effects. Enemies that are normally immune to compulsion and/or charm effects lose that immunity.

Damnation: Enemies take a -4 penalty on all saving throws. This does not stack with other aura abilities.

Debasement: Enemies have their damage reduction reduced by 8. A creature’s damage reduction cannot be lower than 0.

Faltering: Enemies take a -6 penalty on attack rolls.

God-Fearing: Enemies take a -8 penalty on saving throws against fear effects. Enemies that are normally immune to fear lose that immunity.

Punishment: Enemies that are actively threatening the inquisitor or her allies in combat take 8 points of non-lethal damage each round.

Bonus Feats: Stunning Fist (use with any weapon), Dastardly Finish (coup stunned or cowering targets)

Monster Lore:
Add Wis to knowledge checks to identify the weaknesses and abilities of creatures.

Harrowing Touch (replaces Stern Gaze) (SP):
Melee touch attack, the target takes a -10 penalty on all saving throws for 3 rounds. Use Wis+3 times per day.

Defensive Insight (Replaces Cunning initiative):
Add Wis to AC and CMD in addition to Dex

Detect Alignment:
At will, detect Chaos, Evil, Good or Law, one at a time.

+10 bonus to Survival checks to track.

Solo Tactics:
Count allies as having your teamwork feats. Can change feats. Six bonus teamwork feats.

Discern Lies (SP):
Discern Lies for 20 rounds per day, activate as an immediate action.

Favored Weapon Training (Replaces bane/Greater Bane):
+4 to attack and damage with light blades. Free weapon specialisation with Starknives.

If a fortitude or will save effect has a partial effect on a save and I make the save it instead has no effect.

Almighty Avoidance (Replaces Exploit Weakness):
Only take half damage on a failed save against a fortitude or will based effect.

Treat character levels as 5 higher for the Punishment judgment (already included).

Unforgiven: Replaced by Perfect Body, Flawless Mind capstone (+8 Cha)

Inquisitor Spells Known (CL 21st; concentration +33, defensive cast +5)
Spell DC: 10 +22 Cha +Spell Level
Modifiers: +2 Transmutation +2 Enchantment +6 Evocation
Spells per day: 11/11/10/10/10/10

6th: greater dispel magic, heal, heroes' feast, seer's bane, unshakable zeal[OA]

5th: greater claim identity, dimensional blade, hunter’s blessing, resounding blow[APG], sacred nimbus[HA]

4th: enchantment foil[ACG], greater invisibility, litany of escape, restoration, shared wrath, spell immunity

3rd: channel vigor, countless eyes[UM], dimensional anchor, heroism, penumbral disguise, protection from energy

2nd: acute senses, focused scrutiny, honeyed tongue, invisibility, see invisibility, tongues

1st: alarm, ear-piercing scream[UM], heightened awareness[ACG], keep watch, true strike, wrath

0 (at will): create water, detect poison, guidance, light, sift[APG], stabilize


Mythic Path: Hierophant
Divine Surge: Inspired Spell (Spend 1MP, cast any one spell from your divine list at +2 caster level that is of a level you an cast. You can add metamagic to it)
Path Ability: Eldritch Breach (Roll twice for checks to dispel, beat SR or otherwise determine if a spell works

Hard to Kill:
Automatically stabilise below 0HP. Die at double negative Con score. If you can act below HP you still lose HP when acting.

Mythic Power (5):
Start each day with 3 +double tier mythic points.

Mythic Surge:
Expend 1MP to add 1d6 to any d20 dice roll as an immediate action after the result of the action is known.

Mythic Feats:
Improved Initiative (bonus), Spell Focus (Evocation)

Bonus Path Ability:
Mythic Spellcasting

Mythic Spells:
Baleful Polymorph

Species: Samsaran (Medium Humanoid
Stats: +4 Int, +2 Wis
Speed: 30
Vision: Low Light
Languages: Samsaran, Common
Mountaineer: Immune to altitude sickness, dont lose dex when climbing or balancing on narrow or slippery surfaces
Samsaran Magic: 1/day Comprehend Languages, Deathwatch, Stabilise
Mystic Past Life: Add 7 divine spells to one divine caster list

RP Bonuses (30):
4: Advanced Stats (+4 Con, -2 Dex, +2 Int, Cha, Wis)
0: Standard languages
4: Advanced Cha (+2)
4: Advanced Int (+2)
4: Advanced Wis (+2)
4: Defensive Training (+2 dodge bonus to AC)
3: Greater SR (SR 11+Level)
4: Greater Lucky (+2 racial bonus to saves)
3: Deep Magic: +2 on dispel and SR checks

Bonus Feats: Life’s Blood, Improved Initiative


Str: 14 [10 +4 ABP]
Dex: 8 [8 -2 RP +2 ABP]
Con: 26 [10 +6 base +4 RP +6 ABP]
Int: 36 [11 +8 base +4 race +2 RP +2 RP +6 ABP +3 Age]
Wis: 34 [11 +8 base +2 race +2 RP +2 RP +6 ABP +3 Age]
Cha: 54 [10 +8 base +2 RP +2 RP +10 Levels +8 Capstone +6 ABP +5 Gifts +3 Age]

Age penalties are negated with Greater Age Resistance.

ABP Bonuses;
Armour Attunement (+5 Buckler)
Weapon Attunement (+5 Starknife)
+5 deflection and natural armour to AC
+5 resistance to saving throws

ABP Legendary Gifts (8):
Legendary Mind 1 (2)
Legendary Mind 2 (1)
Legendary Ability (5): +5 inherent bonus to Cha


Level Up (20)

Divine Fighting (Desna): Use cha for att/dmg with Starknives
Extend Spell: +1 level, double spell duration
Quicken Spell: +4 levels, cast as a swift action
Persistent Spell: +2 levels, force enemies to reroll successful save
Dazing Spell: +3 levels, daze if enemy fails save vs damaging effect
Ascendant Spell: +5 levels, cast the Mythic version of a spell
Spell Perfection: Double numerical bonuses from feats, add one free MM
Spell Focus (Evocation, Enchantment, Transmutation): +1DC
Greater Spell Focus (Evocation, Enchantment, Transmutation): +1DC
Spell Penetration: +2 SR checks
Noble Scion (War): Use Cha for initiative in place of Dex
Eldritch Heritage (Arcane): Gain the Arcane Bond feature
Improved Eldritch Heritage: Gain the Metamagic Adept ability (4/day)
Greater Eldritch Heritage: Gain the School Power (Evocation) ability
Craft Wondrous Items: Make wondrous items
Quick Draw: Draw weapons as a free action

Background Feat
Skill Focus (Knowledge: Arcana): +6 to Knowledge Arcana checks

Inquisitor Bonus Feats:

Stunning Fist (with any weapon): 5/day. 1/round, force an enemy who took damage from an attack to make a DC20+Wis Fort save or be stunned for 1 round
Dastardly Finish: Coup de grace stunned or cowering targets

Inquisitor Teamwork Feats{/b]
Escape Route: Don’t provoke from moving through squares adjacent to or within an allies
Outflank: Flanking bonus is +4, critical hit provokes from ally
Improved Spell Sharing: Split spell duration between self and ally
Pack Flanking: If I and companion both threaten an enemy they are considered to be flanked
Paired Opportunists: +4 bonus to OA’s, if provoke from one provoke from both
Passing Grace: If I heal above maximum, redirect rest to ally (not FH/Regen)

[b]Favored Weapons:
Weapon Specialisation (Starknives): +2 damage

Elephant in the Room (free/removed)
Weapon Finesse, Agile Maneuvers, Combat Expertise, Deadly Aim, Power Attack

Alertness (Ioun Stone): +4 perception and sense motive

Mythic Feats:
Improved Initiative: Increase the initiative bonus by tier. Spend 1MP to treat your initiative roll as a 20.
Spell Focus (Evocation): Increase the bonus from spell focus and greater spell focus by 1. Spend 1MP to force the targets of an evocation spell to roll their saves twice and take the worse result.


Class Skills: Bluff, Climb, Craft, Diplomacy, Disguise, Heal, Intimidate, Knowledge (All), Perception, Profession, Ride, Sense Motive, Spellcraft, Stealth, Survival, Swim

Skill Points per level: Inquisitor (8) +FCB (1) +Background Skills (2) +Int (13) = 24
20 ranks in each skill except as noted

+2 luck bonus to all (luckstone plus fate's favored)
+1 competence bonus to all (pale green ioun stone)

+22 Acrobatics Dex
+27 Appraise (0) Cha +3 competence
+50 Bluff Cha +3 competence +3 class
+5 Climb (0) Str
+50 Diplomacy Cha, +3 competence, +3 class
+43 Disable Device, +12 Wis, +3 class, +1 trait, +2 MW tools, +5 competence
+50 Disguise, Cha, +3 competence, +3 class
+2 Escape Artist (0), Dex
+26 Fly (10), Dex, +10 overland flight, +4 Good
+37 Handle Animal (10), Cha, +3 competence
+28 Heal (10), Wis, +3 class
+40 Intimidate (10), Cha, +3 class, +3 competence
+50 Knowledge (all), Cha, +3 class, +3 competence, +Wis [14] to ID, (Arcana +6)
+37 Linguistics (10), Cha, +3 competence
+51 Perception, Wis, +3 class, +10 competence, +4 alertness
+26 Ride, Dex, +3 Class, +1 trait
+46 Sense Motive, Wis, +3 class, +4 alertness, +5 competence
+2 Sleight of Hand (0), Dex
+52 Spellcraft, Cha, +3 class, +5 competence gloves
+5 Stealth (0), Dex, +3 class
+39 Survival, Wis, +3 class, +10 to track, +4 to avoid becoming lost
+6 Swim (0), Str, +3 class
+37 Use Magic Device (10), Cha, +3 competence


Money Available: 1,018,710gp

Crafted Wondrous Items

Ioun Stones:
15000 Pale Green Prism
15000 Orange Prism
2500 Dusty Rose Prism
10000 Stone of Good Luck
2250 Circlet of Persuasion
109750 Robe of Eyes [120000] plus Otherworldly Kimono [67000*1.5] = 219500
3750 Gloves of Elvenkind
2500 Blinkback Belt
75000 Headband of Sealed Thoughts
92400 Truesight lasses
8000 Slotless Goz Mask
5000 Slotless Eyes of Minute Seeing

Pages of Spell Knowledge
1st: 17 17000
2nd: 7 14000
3rd: 1 9000
4th: 3 48000
7th: 2 98000
8th: 1 64000
9th: 1 81000

Full Cost Items

50000 Slotless Ring of Evasion
66000 Greater Ring of Inner Fortitude
100153 +5 Greater Fortification Haramki
25000 Greater Extend Rod
40000 Ring of Freedom of Movement

Companion Equipment


50000 Amulet of Mighty Fists

5200 Slotless Vest of Escape
10000 Darklands Goggles
8000 Slotless Goz Mask
5000 Northern Star Ioun Stone
15000 Pale Green Prism IS
10000 Stone of Good Luck
2500 Dusty Rose Prism
2500 Slotless Eyes of the Eagle
6800 Slotless Inquisitors Monocle

Full Price
25400 Slotless Ring of Chameleon Power


Moon CR –
Divine tiger (Pathfinder RPG Mythic Adventures 224, Ultimate Wilderness 187)
Animal Companion [Bodyguard]/Familiar [Protector]
N Large animal
Init +10; Senses darkvision 120 ft., low-light vision, scent; Perception +35
Aura aura of grace (10 ft.)

AC 56, touch 24, flat-footed 47 (+7 armor, +5 deflection, +8 Dex, +1 dodge, +1 insight, +25 natural, -1 size) [+4 versus opportunity attacks]
hp 327
Fort +26, Ref +27, Will +22 (+4 morale bonus vs. enchantment effects); +4 and one size larger to resist effects of wind
Defensive Abilities improved evasion, devotion; SR26

Speed 40 ft., fly 40 ft. (good)

Melee bite +25 (1d8+12 plus grab), 2 claws +25 (1d6+12 plus grab)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks mythic magic 3/day, pounce, rake (2 claws +25, 1d6+12 plus grab), simple divine spellcasting

Spell-Like Abilities (CL 16th; concentration +18)
. . 2/day—heal
. . 1/day—miracle, plane shift (DC 17)

Str 34, Dex 26, Con 20, Int 19, Wis 22, Cha 14
Base Atk +12; CMB +26 (+30 grapple, +28 trip); CMD 50 (54 vs. trip)

Feats Deft Maneuvers, Bodyguard[APG], Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Great Fortitude, Greater Trip, In Harm's Way[APG], Iron Will, Quicken SLA (Heal), Weapon Focus (natural attacks), Spell Sponge, Multiattack

Skills Acrobatics +33 (+37 to jump), Appraise +6, Bluff +4, Climb +18, Diplomacy +4, Disguise +4, Escape Artist +31, Fly +41, Heal +8, Intimidate +4, Perception +35, Ride +10, Sense Motive +8, Stealth +34, Survival +24 (+28 to track while underground), Swim +14

Gear +5 neraplast armor, darklands goggles[UE], dusty rose prism ioun stone, slotless eyes of the eagle, slotless goz mask[ISWG], northern star ioun stone, pale green prism ioun stone, slotless ring of chameleon power, stone of good luck (luckstone), slotless vest of escape

Special Abilities
Aura of Grace (10 ft) All allies in 10 ft gain a +2 sacred/profane bonus to saves.
Bodyguard Use an AoO to use aid another to improve an ally's AC.
Grab: Bite (Large) (Ex) You can start a grapple as a free action if you hit with the designated weapon.
Grab: Claw (Large) (Ex) You can start a grapple as a free action if you hit with the designated weapon.
Greater Trip Foes you trip provoke AoO when they are knocked prone.
In Harm's Way When you aid another's AC and the attack succeeds, you may take the damage and effects of that attack yourself.
Mythic Magic (3/day) (Su) When you cast spells, you can cast the mythic version instead

Loyal Bodyguard (Ex)
A protector gains Bodyguard and Combat Reflexes as bonus feats. If the familiar is sharing its master’s square, it can use Bodyguard to aid another to improve its master’s AC even if it doesn’t threaten the attacking foe, though it still needs line of effect to its master and the attacker.

Shield Master (Su)
At 5th level, whenever a protector or its master takes hit point damage, as long as the protector and its master are touching, its master can split the damage evenly between them as if under the effects of shield other.

Able Defender (Ex)
At 11th level, a protector gains In Harm’s Way as a bonus feat. In addition, the familiar’s hit points are now equal to its master’s total hit points (not including temporary hit points), regardless of its actual Hit Dice.

Shared Vigilance (Ex)
Both a bodyguard and its master gain Alertness as a bonus feat whenever they are adjacent.

Tenacious Guardian (Ex)
At 3rd level, a bodyguard can always act in a surprise round (though it remains flat-footed until it acts). As long as its master is adjacent, a bodyguard remains conscious (though it becomes staggered) when its hit points fall below 0. While below 0 hit points, the bodyguard loses 1 hit point per round but gains a +2 morale bonus on attack rolls, saving throws, and skill checks, dying only if its hit points reach a negative total equal to its Constitution score plus its master’s class level.

Uncanny Dodge (Ex)
At 9th level, a bodyguard gains uncanny dodge as per the rogue class feature of the same name.

Greater Tenacity (Ex)
At 15th level, a bodyguard with fewer than 0 hit points gains a +4 morale bonus on attack rolls, saving throws, and skill checks; immunity to fear effects; and temporary hit points equal to its master’s class level (maximum 20). It dies only if its hit points reach a negative total equal to twice its Constitution score plus its master’s class level.

Voice of Awesomeness wrote:
First and foremost, let's try to cap things around the level 20 bench press numbers.

Given the build rules and resources you provided this is virtually impossible to do, even if not trying to break things. These numbers also dont account at all for power creep in the game.

Grumbaki wrote:
Exactly. Natural armor does not stack unless it explicitly says so (such as with dragon disciple). Otherwise, you choose the highest.

Natural armor does not stack but things which give a bonus to natural armour do (providing they arent o the same type), such as the effects of multiple templates.

All class granted companions function as if they were both familiars and animal companions.

I am a little unclear on this. I will have an animal companion. Is it also treated a as familiar with the various boosts to Int, natural armour etc?

I am looking at an oracle/inquisitor, a divine avenger of Desna looking to finally rid the world of the sin mages and cleanse their corruption from the land. There are some interesting changes for inquisitor but the oracle is purely just extra options on the existing base class.

I have also assumed that the starting 30 ability buy points cap out at 18 for any single stat.

Another question. As we are using ABP does that then prevent us from purchasing stat increasing effects. I am thinking in particular of inherent bonuses from tomes. As we only get legendary gifts it means buying them from the pool of cash we have. I am fine with that, I just want to check that its OK to do so.

I am a bit unclear about this:

Other Free Player Gifts: Feats every level, +2 to an ability score every four levels, background feat(ie, a non combat, non metamagic feat that helps your concept).

How many background feats do we get?

For the mythic part, do we get a mythic path and ability to each class or is it for the character in general?


1) For those of you who are opposed to 3pp content, would you mind if I allowed it, even if you don't use any of it for your builds? I don't care if you use it or not, and I certainly won't hold it against you if you only use 1pp material, but I would like to allow it for those who also enjoy it.

2) Regardless of your answer to 1, would you be okay with using the Legendary versions of Classes? I find them to be a lot more fun(generally due to them providing more options), and I would like others to experience that as well.

Ive no objections to others using it but I generally prefer to build using 1P, mostly because I have everything in herolab. I can probably amend using a different version as tend to transition to a google doc for complicated classes like these but I am unfamiliar with the variants.


3) Finally, I started reading over the adventure tonight. Only read the first several encounters, and I've already found ways to add more encounters or make the current ones even more challenging.

That said, would people prefer to either start a couple levels higher than 20, have more than 1 mythic tier, or just maybe possibly level up a few more times than perhaps the adventure calls for? Assuming you want these additional encounters and challenges, of course!

Characters at these levels are absurdly variable in their power level as it is. I wouldnt see the need to add yet more complexity but I dont object to the idea of levelling up a bit during the game. I think that extra mythic levels rather than extra character levels are a good way of doing so in games like this. If you are considering over level 20 then I have a fondness for the variant epic rules even if they are completely busted.

Likewise also interested. I would also prefer not to have to deal with 3P material, if only because it makes life harder for character building.

What sort of character creation rules would you be using? Any particular house rules or any excluded materials?

5/5 *****

GM Bret wrote:

Am I correct in thinking the Librarian’s ability Swallow Future should affect any guardian creatures added as part of challenge point adjustments?

I don’t see anything that would prevent it.

That is how I ran it. When I played it our GM did not.

ElementalofCuteness wrote:
So why would anyone use this?

For +3 to AC rather than +2. I use it on my earth kineticist. Between boots of bounding, fleet and tailwind he manages a 35 speed which is more than enough.

I am confused about the Finding Oriole research task. There doesnt seem to be any limit on the number of checks a group can make and so no way you can fail to reach 12 RP eventually. Is it intended that each PC only gets to make each check once?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I am currently prepping this part and will have some questions.

In Chapter 1, who is pulling up the platform between A6 and A8? There doesnt appear to be anyone at A8, at least not in the Foundry module.

The stat blocks in part two for the generic assassins are missing their longbows. While the normal stat block has them using shuriken the adventure text also gives them bows with poisoned arrows.

I am running this at the moment. The NPC Torvald at the start of part 2 lacks the art for his alternate form.

TheWaskally wrote:
Zahir ibn Mahmoud ibn Jothan wrote:
Here is the link to the FAQ entry on this topic.
Thank you, Zahir, for the clarification. My character will acquire the headband at 14th level.

It doesnt matter what level you acquire it at, the effect is the same.

Zahir ibn Mahmoud ibn Jothan wrote:
Do you have an updated set of those Epic rules for Pathfinder. Those rules seem to be 3.0/3.5 centric.

Pathfinder doesnt have a set of Epic rules. They have Mythic but they are quite different.

Archetypes and prestige classes, if its on d20pfsrd, ill allow it.

Does the same go for spells, feats and equipment?

One other question, what's the impact of taking crafting feats on starting wealth?

Stats: 4d6 ⇒ (5, 3, 3, 2) = 13, drop the 2 for 11
Stats: 4d6 ⇒ (5, 1, 4, 1) = 11, rerolls: 2d6 ⇒ (4, 1) = 5, reroll: 1d6 ⇒ 4, drop lowest for 13
Stats: 4d6 ⇒ (2, 5, 3, 2) = 12, drop lowest for 10
Stats: 4d6 ⇒ (3, 5, 4, 5) = 17, drop lowest for 14
Stats: 4d6 ⇒ (4, 6, 3, 4) = 17, drop lowest for 14
Stats: 4d6 ⇒ (4, 5, 5, 1) = 15, reroll: 1d6 ⇒ 6, drop lowest for 16

That leaves me with 10, 11, 13, 14, 14, 16. Not great but workable.

Which sources are legal for archetypes, spells, equipment, feats etc?

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