GM Ladile |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
^Considering how much that drove me insane, especially with all the Concordance PCs I have, I'm certainly cheering about that little fix!
Durest Ironsights |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Hey all, honest question concerning the state of gunslingers. I saw on the additional resources page that you cant craft/purchase bullets/blackpowder at a discounted price. Is that true or was there an addendum for society play somewhere that i didnt see?
supervillan |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Hey all, honest question concerning the state of gunslingers. I saw on the additional resources page that you cant craft/purchase bullets/blackpowder at a discounted price. Is that true or was there an addendum for society play somewhere that i didnt see?
I'm not sure where you were looking Durest. Here's the important bit though:
Page 103—Gunsmithing does not grant the ability to craft firearms, ammunition, or black powder. Rather, it allows the purchase of bullets, pellets, black powder, and alchemical cartridges (with 1 rank in Craft [alchemy]) at the listed price, but does not grant a discount on the purchase of any firearm. Resold items gained through this feat are worth half the actual cost paid, not half the regular market value for the item. No PC can purchase a gun without this feat, even if they possess the Amateur Gunslinger or Exotic Weapon Proficiency (firearm) feats.
This is refering to the following rule:
Crafting Ammunition: You can craft bullets, pellets, and black powder for a cost in raw materials equal to 10% of the price. If you have at least 1 rank in Craft (alchemy), you can craft alchemical cartridges for a cost in raw materials equal to half the price of the cartridge. At your GM’s discretion, you can craft metal cartridges for a cost in raw materials equal to half the cost of the cartridge. Crafting bullets, black powder, or cartridges takes 1 day of work for every 1,000 gp of ammunition (minimum 1 day).
So what Campaign Clarifications does is let a character with the Gunsmithing feat buy ammunition and powder at the price that the ordinary rules allow you to craft it at (still requiring 1 rank in Craft: alchemy).
Durest Ironsights |
Si effectively i just pay 10% of the costs, so long as i also have 1 point in craft: alchemy? If thats the case looks like i've got some money to recoup on a few characters.
supervillan |
You pay 10% for bullets, pellets or powder; 50% for cartridges.
Here's a handy-dandy link to an old post on the subject.
lucklesshero |
Having problems accessing the 'edit campaign' function...anyone else run into this? Is there a fix?
lucklesshero |
Yup, it's a known issue. They are working on it.
acknowledged thx
GM Batpony |
Long shot, but anyone here living in midland/odessa tx region. If you are, Id like to get on contact with you, and if you pm me that would be great.
This is purely PFS related!
GM Hmm |
6 people marked this as a favorite. |
We have another PFS PFP 5 Star!
Congratulations, Dennis Muldoon!
EbonFist |
We have another PFS PFP 5 Star!
Congratulations, Dennis Muldoon!
Congratulations! We're racking them up around here!
Jessica Catalan Organized Play Line Developer |
Magabeus |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Adding my voice to the congratulations: Well done Dennis!
nightdeath |
We have another PFS PFP 5 Star!
Congratulations, Dennis Muldoon!
Congratuations to you!
KhaozKnight Owner - La Guarida Game Center |
Well done Dennis!
Discussion Question: How many players have an appropriate *level self-heal option for those oh crap I got crit and should not be at 1 hp scenarios? You can answer for yourself or in your experience gm'ing those situations.
*Like having a CLW potion at 1-3 and a CMW at 3-5 and so on.
EbonFist |
Discussion Question: How many players have an appropriate *level self-heal option for those oh crap I got crit and should not be at 1 hp scenarios? You can answer for yourself or in your experience gm'ing those situations.
*Like having a CLW potion at 1-3 and a CMW at 3-5 and so on.
Out of my 11 characters, I have 2 who meet that criteria.
Redelia |
I don't consider cure potions or ways that a character who can't cast healing to be worth while, actually. If my character is of a class who can heal, I make sure that is a reasonable option. If not, I have a CLW wand that I put into the hands of someone in the party who can use it, and that's enough.
Massee |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Spending 2PP for a cure serious potion is a very nice 'oh s!~!' fall back that could keep your character from paying for a raise dead, or at least keep your party from doing fooling things trying to save your can.
That being said, I have it on some characters but not the majority. I will however be remedying that sooner than later for the ones that are front liners or can't cast reliable heals themselves. What do people spend their PP on for non casters anyhow?
OG3 |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
Spending 2PP for a cure serious potion is a very nice 'oh s*~#' fall back that could keep your character from paying for a raise dead, or at least keep your party from doing fooling things trying to save your can.
That being said, I have it on some characters but not the majority. I will however be remedying that sooner than later for the ones that are front liners or can't cast reliable heals themselves. What do people spend their PP on for non casters anyhow?
Oil, Daylight
Oil, FlightPotion Magic Circle vs Evil
Potion Barkskin
Potion Heroism
Darkwood Composite Bow
stuff like that.
Telos Downshot |
Congratulations Dennis!
Wand of CLW in the hands of a capable caster goes without saying on all PC's.
And granted, 90% of my experience is at lvls 1-5 in PFS. At least for me, at those levels having those cheaper lower level Cure potions has saved my bacon on multiple occasions. I had a scenario where I relied on UMD to cast a wand and... spent 3 wasted rounds trying to heal an ally. Handing him a potion (or he having one) and getting in there for a flank/aid another would have been significantly more useful to end the threat.
I also had a lvl 7 Ranger PC burn an emergency scenario booned Orcish Ferocity to allow a full round to draw and cast a Scroll of CSW. I'm pretty sure without that, he would have been done.
I expect established regular groups are much better off in these situations as they have figured out who handles heals and usually have someone dedicated to that pursuit. Random PUGs tend to be very hit/miss so it depends greatly on what you are doing with your PC's.
And thanks for the list of options to buy with extra PP/GP! I'll keep all those in mind for when I get more higher level PC's. :)
Redelia |
None of my characters will ever have, or even allow to be used on them, infernal healing. My arcane casters sometimes have to wait until after their second mission to get a CLW wand, because a wand of magic missile is just too important to them (there are just so few spell slots at level 1...) and makes more difference to their survival than a CLW wand would.
supervillan |
I tend to spend my first 8 to 10PP on a variety of scrolls, wands and other gear, depending on the character. Then I try to save enough to cover a Raise Dead, Restoration and Body Recovery. After that, I'll burn through PP on wands and vanities.
Typical low-level prestige purchases include healing wand (CLW or Infernal, or Inflict Light Wounds for the dhampir), wands of bless, heightened awareness, faerie fire, mage armour, shield; scrolls of lesser restoration; darkwood composite bow. From mid-level, potions of fly, remove blindness/deafness, oil of daylight.
Tusk the Half-Orc |
In our home game, we try to make sure that the frontliners always have a couple of CSW potions and several more of CMW, but that group is level 14. My highest level character in Society is a level 6 oracle, so he handles his own healing. After that, none of my characters are higher than 4. They each carry a couple of CLW potions, minimum, and have a healing wand they are able to use or hand out to others. For the non-spellcasters, the potions are for use during combat or any other time when the need for healing is desperate but the cleric with the wand is unable to get to the character quickly. Haven’t had to use them too often, but occasionally, spending around on taking 5-foot step, drawing the potion, and drinking it has been life-saving.
GM Crunch |
I tend to purchase some nice healing items for my characters when possible, but not before other critical buys. Even if they aren't the most optimal in the hands of certain classes, they can prove useful in case the worst happens. My highest-level, a swashbuckler, has First Aid Gloves. They're okay for him because he's quick and can get around the field unhindered to a dead ally, in addition to being an all-around good item.
GM Crunch |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
On another note, I know the servers have been a bit out of whack lately. But I wanted to say a few words about a little thing Paizo has done that made me very happy. I’m sure there are a lot of similarly small or even big things they’ve done in the quest to better the site, that any number of people notice.
So, I was creating a new PFS character today. I didn’t think I’d be doing that again, considering I have a lot of them and I’ve been doing a lot of the playtest. But I got some new boons that go well together. Now, my highest PFS number is around -53. When I started out four or five years ago, I made a huge amount of characters. Not too long after I realized most would either not see higher levels or play at all (I went out once a week, and didn’t do PbP at the time). I deleted a bunch I liked less, and was left with the ones I play, and the ones I played once or made a few comments with and couldn’t change or get rid of.
That’s why my numbers are all over the place. (I think my most-played characters are -1, -34, and -51.) But when I got through the basics of this new one, it came out as -3. I don’t know when this happened, but I guess it gives me the lowest available number now in case of deleted ones. This is a nice quality change, and while it might not matter a huge amount, it made my day.
So once again, a big thanks to Paizo. And thanks to everyone here for coming to my TED Talk.
Pirate Rob |
I'm still looking for some help filling out a few missing holes in my PFS dance card.
I've got room for a few games, so any help would be appreciated.
7-27 Beyond Azlant Ridge (lvl 3-7)
8-22 Wrath of the Fleshwarped Queen (lvl 1-5)
9-15 The Bloodcove Blockade (lvl 3-7)
9-25 Betrayal in the Bones (lvl 12-15)
10-04 Reaver's Roar (lvl 7-11)
10-08 What Prestige is Worth (lvl 7-11)
10-09 The Rasping Rebirth (lvl 12-15)
10-10 The Shattered Shield (lvl 10)
I've got space for few more games at the moment so any help would be appreciated.
Dennis Muldoon |
I'm still looking for some help filling out a few missing holes in my PFS dance card.
I've got room for a few games, so any help would be appreciated.
** spoiler omitted **
I've got space for few more games at the moment so any help would be appreciated.
Now that the special is over I have some bandwidth, and I haven't run an open game in a while. Now recruiting for #7-27 Beyond Azlant Ridge (tier 3-7). Rob has a reserved spot; anyone else interested, sign up here. Selections will be made by tomorrow (Friday) night, with an eye toward launching this weekend.