Fire Giant

Llama_Bill's page

*** Pathfinder Society GM. 16 posts (460 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 38 Organized Play characters. 6 aliases.


There is also me but I said that I'd build something to fit the party.
halquin has also said they are bringing a bard.

When is the game scheduled to start?

What are people thinking of playing? I'm thinking of playing an Oracle if they fit with the party. Assuming I get a spot that is.

I'd like to play. I have many builds ready to go.

You can become an arcane trickster with one level of rogue and accomplished sneak attacker.

After the first mission all my characters have a wand and a potion of cure light wounds or infernal healing.

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GM Gustavef wrote:

A quick follow up For Gallows of Madness since the list filled up quickly :)

If you start with a Level 2 character you will not be able to do all three parts with the same character since each one is at least 1.5 XP. The only way to do all three is to have 0,1, or 2 XP on the character to start.

If you start at level two or lower you can go slow for the first two and be level three for part three.

What is the best way to play a character that you know you'll be changing the name of? I don't want my guy to get locked into the wrong name.

Are the Solarian powers too important to take a level in blitz soldier if I am only leveling to eleven?

Mirror Image: Spells and effects that do not require an attack roll affect you normally and do not destroy any of your figments.

How many of the four are replayable?

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By the end of this people will only be able to access the forums on their neighbour’s TV via a Minecraft mod. I can get on fine on my phone.

How do you want to deal with accidental splash damage? On a hit I can exclude your square from the damage so that is fine. On a miss I scatter and therefore could do some friendly fire. Pun intended. Do I need to ask permission each time?

What stats do you think I should be keeping in my little summary at the top of my posts? Also do you prefer to see a short summary, a longer one in a spoiler block, or a mixture of the two?

What stats do you think I should be keeping in my little summary at the top of my posts? Also do you prefer to see a short summary, a longer one in a spoiler block, or a mixture of the two?

What stats do you think I should be keeping in my little summary at the top of my posts? Also do you prefer to see a short summary, a longer one in a spoiler block, or a mixture of the two?