The Flaxseed Pathfinder Lodge: Explore, Report, Cooperate!

Game Master Redelia

Gameday XIII Announcement
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Lantern Lodge

SFS 05-99 BftB

Code normally stops parsing. I don't see the colour showing up though.


Silver Crusade

It looks like color and code are both PCT add-ons.

Code is a legacy of BB formatting used by programmers. It would typically be used to display the actual software code in a mono-spaced font:

[code]10 PRINT "Hello World!"
20 GOTO 10[/code]

It helps separate out the programming language segments from conversational text, making it easier for programmers to find the code. I imagine that we could come up with a game-formatting use for it, though!

My question for the board is about Paizo Campaign Tools. If we use these tags on these boards, and a reader doesn't have them, what does it look like? I imagine that it looks pretty clunky to them, so I don't use them. If they're invisible, though, I'd be more inclined.

Silver Crusade



If someone has PCT, then the word "Blue" appeared in red. If someone doesn't have PCT, does it look like example 1 or 2?


[ color=red]Blue[/color]

Silver Crusade

Venture Lieutenant, Play by Post (online)

The second. And that's even for me, running an old version of PCT. (long story, don't ask :) )

Silver Crusade

And that's why I don't use any of the formatting tools in PCT!

Liberty's Edge

There is a group of us that is part way through Part 3 of the Heresy of Man series. The GM has posted less frequently as of late and now has not posted in over a week.

Grand Lodge

Female Human Cleric 4 Monk 1 | HP 38/38 | AC: 17/ T: 17/FF: 15 | F:+8/R: +5/W: +10 | CMB +4 | CMD 16 | Speed 40 | Int. +4 | Perc. +12 | S.M. +10

I was dusting the cobwebs off Hiko here to get her ready for a game and realized that I don't have a chronicle from one of the games she played on here a few years ago. I looked at contacting the Gm but it seems his last post was July of last year. I know the VO's can issue a new one, but I'm not certain who I should talk to about this...

The game in question is this one from a few years ago. I believe we did everything we needed to, and I know Hiko didn't die. Otherwise, I think she just bought a CLW wand and that's it.

Liberty's Edge

Hiko, I will alert the rest of the VO staff.

Gallows Part 3 | REBIRTH!
Michael Hallet wrote:
There is a group of us that is part way through Part 3 of the Heresy of Man series. The GM has posted less frequently as of late and now has not posted in over a week.

I can pick it up for you Michael! At the very least as an apology for last time. I'm willing to pop in and get started Today if that's OK with you?

Liberty's Edge

Thank you. Feel free to at least check in and see what the other players think.

Venture Lieutenant Play by Post PBP GM kit
Hiko wrote:

I was dusting the cobwebs off Hiko here to get her ready for a game and realized that I don't have a chronicle from one of the games she played on here a few years ago. I looked at contacting the Gm but it seems his last post was July of last year. I know the VO's can issue a new one, but I'm not certain who I should talk to about this...

The game in question is this one from a few years ago. I believe we did everything we needed to, and I know Hiko didn't die. Otherwise, I think she just bought a CLW wand and that's it.

Hiko, when do you need the chronicle? I will attempt to provide a replacement chronicle this weekend.

Grand Lodge

Female Human Cleric 4 Monk 1 | HP 38/38 | AC: 17/ T: 17/FF: 15 | F:+8/R: +5/W: +10 | CMB +4 | CMD 16 | Speed 40 | Int. +4 | Perc. +12 | S.M. +10
Magabeus wrote:
Hiko wrote:

I was dusting the cobwebs off Hiko here to get her ready for a game and realized that I don't have a chronicle from one of the games she played on here a few years ago. I looked at contacting the Gm but it seems his last post was July of last year. I know the VO's can issue a new one, but I'm not certain who I should talk to about this...

The game in question is this one from a few years ago. I believe we did everything we needed to, and I know Hiko didn't die. Otherwise, I think she just bought a CLW wand and that's it.

Hiko, when do you need the chronicle? I will attempt to provide a replacement chronicle this weekend.

Soon would be good, but this weekend is just fine!

6 people marked this as a favorite.

Important update about Scarab Sages.


Thank you to all who posted feedback on the December 13 blog discussing mid-season faction changes. Taking this feedback into consideration, the team decided to not retire the Scarab Sages, but rather to make the faction inactive. All characters currently part of the Scarab Sages may retain their membership in the faction. Mechanically, this allows current faction members to accrue Prestige Points and Fame, buy vanities, and continue to complete faction journal card goals. However, there will be no new faction journal card produced for the faction in Season 10, and scenarios are unlikely to provide ongoing stories focused on the faction. This blends the requests of our player base with how the team sees the storylines progressing for the Society as a whole.

This change also means that with the publication of an updated Pathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild Guide in the coming weeks, characters will no longer be able to join the Scarab Sages faction. If you would like to change your character's faction from the Scarab Sages to any other faction, you may do so at a cost of 0 Prestige Points. You should perform this change either by August 2nd, 2018 or at the beginning of the next adventure the character plays, whichever occurs last.

"Doom Girl" // ♫ // ◇ ◈ ↺ // PbP Events // // PbP GM Kit // Silver Bark Golden Blades Map // ★ DA Duology Maps

Core Fans:

I made a Proposal about Mundane Treasure found in Core Games that is not on Chronicles. If you would like to support it (or heck, oppose it) please post on that thread. I’d like to show that it’s not just me who would like this change.


Silver Crusade

Venture Lieutenant, Play by Post (online)

Hey, guys, I just wanted to make sure that everyone saw Hmm's exciting announcement about OutPost. We are allowing players to sign up for more games. Details can be found at the above link.

Liberty's Edge

Mosquito Witch Handouts

Slightly off topic, but anyone from Perth, Western Australia? Will be heading down in Feb and hoping to be able to hope on to a table while I'm there. Of course, preferably one with a familiar name!

Sovereign Court

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Chronicle Sheets GM Busy At Work........
Redelia wrote:
Hey, guys, I just wanted to make sure that everyone saw Hmm's exciting announcement about OutPost. We are allowing players to sign up for more games. Details can be found at the above link.

Yay! More games!

Hello everyone, just a couple stupid questions here.

1. Is the CORE rulebook the only source for CORE games or are there other sources considered CORE due to the timing of their release or rule specifications, etc?

2. Since the Tiefling race is technically legal (I believe) if you had one with 1 XP before the cutoff in 2014, is the Adopted race trait of Suicidal legal for play?

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16, 2011 Top 32

1. CORE means only core rulebook AND items/spells found on chronicle sheets.

2. This looks like a job for ADDITIONAL RESOURCES! whcih states: Blood of Fiends - Traits: all traits on pages 30-31 are legal. And Ultimate Campaign - Note: Race traits are only available for characters of the associated race. Religion traits are only available for characters of the associated religion.

Traits: all traits listed on pages 51-64 are legal for play except corpse cannibal, hedge magician, natural-born leader, rich parents, and unblemished barrel.

So, yes.

Venture Lieutenant Play by Post PBP GM kit

Hi MegaMonkey:

1. Not exactly. What is and is not allowed in core is described in the guide to organised play. Besides the CRB some languages and deities are also allowed if I remember correctly.

2. Have you checked Additional Resources?


CORE can take resources from the Core Rulebook, Additional Web Traits and the Guide to PFS Organized Play. Anything you find in a chronicle sheet with your CORE character can also be used.

you can read the announcement here and the CORE FAQ here.

Silver Crusade

Venture Lieutenant, Play by Post (online)

If anyone is waiting to sign up for games they want for OutPost, please sign up now. If you do not do so, it is possible you may not be able to.

Thank you all for the prompt responses! Yes, Magebeus, I have gone through Additional Resources, thank you! When it comes to items that involve racial restrictions and other specific areas, I would rather ask than show up to a game and have someone say "You can't do/have that."

Thank you all again very much!

By the way, where is the link for the Outpost sign up sheets...

Grand Lodge


At the top of the page is a big-font link that says OutPost. From there are the instructions for signing up, and a link to the games.

VC - Sydney, Australia
MegaMonkeyO wrote:

2. Since the Tiefling race is technically legal (I believe) if you had one with 1 XP before the cutoff in 2014, is the Adopted race trait of Suicidal legal for play?

In CORE or classic?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Due to the source material, I would guess it is only legal for classic

Scarab Sages a worthless concept a cynical scam gestalt Ghul Lord/Warlock/Truenamer/Psychic/Wild Mage

I've been feeling for a couple days now like I've been forgetting something; maybe it has nothing to do with anything here, but just in case:

Have I been overlooking any games I'm presently in for more than a few days?

Silver Crusade

Venture Lieutenant, Play by Post (online)

Hey, did the non-VO's who are GMs for OutPost get their scenarios today? It would be helpful for us to know.

I have not received mine

Grand Lodge


Seconded. No scenarios.

Lantern Lodge

SFS 05-99 BftB

And neither have I

Dark Archive

None yet for me either.

Season of Ghosts

None for me yet either.

DM | Map Stuff | Burden of Envy

If we were supposed to get an email indicating we have received our scenarios for Outpost, that did not happen to me.

Loot sheet No plunder, no pay Battle map--Misc info slides

None here.

The Waking Rune

Nor here.

The Immortal Conundrum: maps, etc.

No, since you mention it.

Year of the Skykey

Unfortunately, none here either.


Still waiting...

None here either.

Silver Crusade

Venture Lieutenant, Play by Post (online)

OK, that is helpful information. Can you please let us know when you do? (at least a few people)

All the Gods Below Games I've Played (Session Tracker)

Does anyone know if there's a way that I can get a character changed from Classic to Core?

He was made with Core Rules and has only run in a Core game but when I created the online alias I didn't create him as a Core character, so it's just a reporting thing.

Silver Crusade

Venture Lieutenant, Play by Post (online)

I don't know if it's possible; my suggestion would be to post in Customer Service. To make it really easy for them, you could even post as that alias.

Silver Crusade

Venture Lieutenant, Play by Post (online)

****OutPost announcement*****

We have added several more tables of PFS classic games accessible to level 1 characters to the spreadsheet.

Dark Archive

Redelia wrote:
I don't know if it's possible; my suggestion would be to post in Customer Service. To make it really easy for them, you could even post as that alias.

Its possible. I did the same thing and customer service was able to fix it.

Silver Crusade

VAs and VCs: periodically you ask for feedback on website improvements. Here is an opportunity! The reporting system shouldn't allow a CORE game to be credited to a non-CORE character.

Silver Crusade

Venture Lieutenant, Play by Post (online)

Zin, the current behavior is actually an improvement over a previous version. When Core first came out, if there was a non-core character at the table, the game was labelled not core and all the characters were changed to non-core. There are still a lot of core characters around that are not core in the system because of that. I've heard people who should know estimate that at least half of core characters (who have followed all the rules, and do truly qualify to be core) are not core according to the system.

Grand Lodge

Venture-Lieutenant - NH | Proprietor of Castamir's Station
Zin Z'arin wrote:
VAs and VCs: periodically you ask for feedback on website improvements. Here is an opportunity! The reporting system shouldn't allow a CORE game to be credited to a non-CORE character.

You're allowed to play a core character in a standard game. Once you do that though, there's no going back.

Silver Crusade

Chris Marsh wrote:
Zin Z'arin wrote:
VAs and VCs: periodically you ask for feedback on website improvements. Here is an opportunity! The reporting system shouldn't allow a CORE game to be credited to a non-CORE character.
You're allowed to play a core character in a standard game. Once you do that though, there's no going back.

Correct, this is why my suggestion goes the other way: prevent non-CORE characters being submitted for CORE games during reporting.

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Redelia wrote:
Zin, the current behavior is actually an improvement over a previous version....

I work in an industry where continual improvement is the mantra. Just because we're better than we used to be, doesn't mean we stop trying to improve! :)

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