The Flaxseed Pathfinder Lodge: Explore, Report, Cooperate!

Game Master Redelia

Gameday XIII Announcement
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The Immortal Conundrum: maps, etc.
Dennis Muldoon wrote:
What format is the picture of your signature saved as? Maybe try changing that? Or 'sign' using the mouse in MS Paint, then save that and use it instead?

Yes, that's what I want to do, but HOW? PDF files don't appear compatible with MS Paint, so how (in Windows 7, remember) do I turn PDF files into something Paint-compatible?

Silver Crusade

I'm DMing In Your Closet wrote:
Dennis Muldoon wrote:
What format is the picture of your signature saved as? Maybe try changing that? Or 'sign' using the mouse in MS Paint, then save that and use it instead?
Yes, that's what I want to do, but HOW? PDF files don't appear compatible with MS Paint, so how (in Windows 7, remember) do I turn PDF files into something Paint-compatible?

I don't think you need to move it to Paint. Once you have the chronicle as a single-page pdf, you should be able to do all of your filling and signing in Adobe Reader.

Grand Lodge

Menace Under Otari map | Icons: ◆◇↺
I'm DMing In Your Closet wrote:
Dennis Muldoon wrote:
What format is the picture of your signature saved as? Maybe try changing that? Or 'sign' using the mouse in MS Paint, then save that and use it instead?
Yes, that's what I want to do, but HOW? PDF files don't appear compatible with MS Paint, so how (in Windows 7, remember) do I turn PDF files into something Paint-compatible?

Using the signature utility is generally more for legal documents. If it is causing you trouble, You can just use text to type your name in the signature section of the chronicle just like all the other fields. Then print to PDF again to collapse the text fields into the document making the harder to edit.

? Not much of a speed fanatic, couldn't tell you. Former Retail Worker/13

*looks at the bottom of the forum for the page number*

Happy 100th Discussion Post Page everyone!

I'm DMing In Your Closet wrote:
Yes, that's what I want to do, but HOW? PDF files don't appear compatible with MS Paint, so how (in Windows 7, remember) do I turn PDF files into something Paint-compatible?

I have not been following all the twists and turns of this discussion, so forgive me if you've already tried this, but - I use the Acrobat PDF reader, which lets you do something called 'Take a Snapshot', under the Edit menu. I imagine other PDF readers do something similar, and the Windows Snipping Tool (which was present in Win 7, I'm almost certain) will also do it. These tools let you select and copy a piece of the PDF directly onto the computer's clipboard. I just copy the whole chronicle page, then open Paint and paste it in.

I now have a blank chronicle sheet in Paint - which I save with the scenario name and 'blank' in the file name. I can then use Paint's Text tool (the little letter 'A') to fill in the blanks that will be the same across all players' chronicles - XP, Prestige, etc. - and save the file again, so I don't have to fill those in each time. I then fill in the blanks for each character, each time saving the file with a new name, since it's hard to go back and edit text in this format.

This might have been more info than you needed (and if it's not, I can provide a few more tricks I use), but the key thing is you can copy from the PDF onto the clipboard and then paste it directly into Paint, using the tools I mentioned above.

The Immortal Conundrum: maps, etc.
GM Glyn wrote:

Using the signature utility is generally more for legal documents. If it is causing you trouble, You can just use text to type your name in the signature section of the chronicle just like all the other fields. Then print to PDF again to collapse the text fields into the document making the harder to edit.

Yes, but that's super-duper boring. I have my own 'thing' I do by this point.

It seems like the best thing to do about this would be to convert the PDF file into something MS Paint can work with, like a JPG or something. How can I do that?

Year of the Skykey

If you're not averse to installing software, both Inkscape and Gimp are graphics programs that can open PDF files and export them again. I've only used them on a Linux computer, but they should both work on windows too. I've always used Inkscape myself, but it sounds like you might prefer Gimp.

I'm DMing In Your Closet wrote:
It seems like the best thing to do about this would be to convert the PDF file into something MS Paint can work with, like a JPG or something. How can I do that?

I ninja'd you, look at the post above your last one.

The Immortal Conundrum: maps, etc.

Now we're talking!

Thank you all VERY MUCH!

Now there's just the problem of it not perfectly taking up the page in Paint. If someone can tell me how to fix that for the future, I'll be grateful, but for now, I can finally send out Chronicles!

Sovereign Court

@IDIYC: How about this?

The Immortal Conundrum: maps, etc.

Ah, thank you, I didn't see that...but it doesn't work anyway.

But it did direct my attention to the "Select/Crop" tools, and they DO!


Silver Crusade

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Venture Lieutenant, Play by Post (online)

One last suggestion for you IDiYC: write down for yourself what did work, so that you can use it again. It's surprisingly easy (and frustrating) to forget the details of things like that.

Scarab Sages

Consumables and Other Notes:
Unchained Rage 25/25, DR 1/-
Half-Elf U. Bar. 9|HP: 122/122|AC: 23/T:13/ FF: 23|F: +13*/R:+7*/W: +8*|CMB:+13*|CMD: 26/24FF|BAB: +9|Init:+4|LL Vision|Elven Imm.|Ling: +9||Per:+13/20|Climb:+2|Swim:+6|K:Nat.:+5|K: P/H+10*|Srv:+3|Hndl An: +2|PFS#145296-2

"Ah migh' no' be th' brigh'es' 'f th' Sages, bu' Cay'en knows tha' Documen' Documen' Documen' 's th' way t' do things. Y' never know whut y' migh' miss 'cause y' weren' payin' 'ttention'."

*player looks at character having escaped the Character Barracks... again. BACK! BACK I TELL YOU! BACK!

"Ah 'ell. G'luck on th' documen'in' thin'!"

Sovereign Court

Chronicle Sheets GM Busy At Work........

The tables filled so fast, there wasn't much options left.

VC - Sydney, Australia
nightdeath wrote:


The tables filled so fast, there wasn't much options left.

Starfinder, on the other hand, seems to be reeeeally slow on sign-ups.

I have to say that I wouldn't relish the idea of doing starship combat in PbP. I can be slow enough in person or via VTT, I can only imagine what it's like in PbP.

Does anyone have any experience of it?

VC - Sydney, Australia

Yeah it seems manageable, we've had a few on here now.

| Extinction | url= |
andreww wrote:

I have to say that I wouldn't relish the idea of doing starship combat in PbP. I can be slow enough in person or via VTT, I can only imagine what it's like in PbP.

Does anyone have any experience of it?

I've run them and played them several times now. It's not bad. Much smoother than I ever thought. The few difficulties that have popped up were all functions of the scenario adding effects that made it slow down (Yesteryear's Truth, I'm looking at you).

Scarab Sages

Maplinks PFS2 2-00 King In Thorn *-* SFS 1-05 First Mandate *-* PFS2 1-02 Mosquito Witch
GM Blake wrote:
andreww wrote:

I have to say that I wouldn't relish the idea of doing starship combat in PbP. I can be slow enough in person or via VTT, I can only imagine what it's like in PbP.

Does anyone have any experience of it?

I've run them and played them several times now. It's not bad. Much smoother than I ever thought. The few difficulties that have popped up were all functions of the scenario adding effects that made it slow down (Yesteryear's Truth, I'm looking at you).

That one has a lot of moving parts. For the most part any one-on-one ship combat would be reasonable. My problem is that sometimes it is just the number of rounds required when you miss a lot.

Scarab Sages a worthless concept a cynical scam gestalt Ghul Lord/Warlock/Truenamer/Psychic/Wild Mage

Given that a luxury dominoes set can cost as much as 25 gp, and a standard glass bottle is 2 gp, what would fancy glassware (kind of like these) cost?

Silver Crusade

M Mutant Phalanx Fighter 3, Paladin 2, Wizard 4, Swashbuckler 1
I'm Hiding In Your Closet wrote:
Given that a luxury dominoes set can cost as much as 25 gp, and a standard glass bottle is 2 gp, what would fancy glassware (kind of like these) cost?

Treating them as art objects, they can have any price. Whatever someone is willing to pay. You can find art objects as treasure, quite often, and the values vary enormously. You might find one goblet worth 50gp, another worth 5000gp.

Scarab Sages a worthless concept a cynical scam gestalt Ghul Lord/Warlock/Truenamer/Psychic/Wild Mage

Which book(s) would have Pathfinder's iteration of art object value charts?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
| Extinction | url= |
I'm Hiding In Your Closet wrote:
Which book(s) would have Pathfinder's iteration of art object value charts?

CRB page 401, "Fine Artwork."

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"Doom Girl" // ♫ // ◇ ◈ ↺ // PbP Events // // PbP GM Kit // Salt of the Ocean // ★ DA Duology Maps

★ - ANNOUNCEMENT: Some Transfers - ★

Hey Gang,

Some of you may have noticed that Flaxseed Lodge transferred ownership late last night. I had a chat with our beloved founder, Mike Tuholski aka Endless Forms. He’s doing great, but the farm has taken a lot of his time and energy and he’s barely been online. He gave his blessing for me to take ownership of Flaxseed and keep it updated, and Customer Service kindly transferred it after receiving emails from both of us. What will change for you guys? Nothing. We will keep running Flaxseed as the most awesome hub for PFS Play-by-Post on these forums!

In addition, there is another quiet transfer in the works. Chris Marsh, aka Dungeon Master S, is currently a face-to-face Venture Lieutenant in New Hampshire. However, we’ve been borrowing him as one of our online organizers for quite some time. He started Castamir’s Flaxseed Station, and has been an adviser and helper on dozens of online projects. Now with the blessing of his VC and Tonya, he will be joining us here as a Venture Lieutenant alongside Magabeus. Goodness knows we have work aplenty here, and can use the help!

Will everyone take a moment to welcome Chris Marsh officially as an online Venture Lieutenant?


PS I will be cross-posting part of this to Castamir’s Flaxseed Station.

Liberty's Edge

Cross-Post Welcome to Online VA Chris March!

Loot sheet No plunder, no pay Battle map--Misc info slides

Welcome mister Marsh.

Silver Crusade

Venture Lieutenant, Play by Post (online)

Hi, everyone, I just wanted to remind you that tomorrow is the support deadline for OutPost. If you follow the instructions in the OutPost announcement by tomorrow, you will receive the scenarios you are signed up to run for free. You may sign up to GM after the deadline, but then you are responsible for buying your own scenario, if you don't already own it.

Sovereign Court

Chronicle Sheets GM Busy At Work........

Welcome to our New Online Venture Lieutenant Chris Marsh!

Welcome Welcome Welcome.

Welcome Chris, it's always a pleasure to play with you, it'll be a pleasure to have you helping keep this place running so well!

And congrats Hmm, on being the handed the keys to the Flaxseed Lodge! Thank you so much for all you do here!

Dark Archive

Female LG Chelaxian Human Kineticist 1 | HP 13/13 | AC:18 T:14 FF:14 | CMD 12 | Fort+6 Ref+7 Will+3 | Init +4 | Perception +5, Sense Motive +1, Low-Light Vision | Burn: 0

Congrats to both of you!

PFS Signup | SFS Signup | Requests | Need a Pregen? | Need a Map? | Konocti-Con2018 | Tables:

Woot! Congrats to you HMM.

Although we have never had the chance to sit at the same table yet Mr. Marsh Congrats!

Liberty's Edge

Lots of great news all around! Congrats to you both!

Grand Lodge

3 people marked this as a favorite.

May I say also say thanks and congratulations to Mike Tulhoski for setting up this Lodge that we all know and love and picking the best possible team to hand it over to. Hope to see you around Mike.

Also congrats to Chris M who ran my first game in this lodge. Much deserved.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Hello new here! Not just to PFS but to RPG tabletops in general. Never played a game/scenario/adventure/etc in my life so I was hoping to change that today (at this post at least). I've studied the Core Rulebook and PFS Guild Guide but I feel stressfully confused on many things, mainly combat and rolls (such as skill checks). I've originally been to PFS Discord which led me to this address GOD BLESS! I've been told to play scenarios such as The Confirmation and The Wounded Wisps as they are acceptional introductions. Was hoping to gain a bit of help to start on my very first adventure soon!

Note: My computer has been trashed, so games supported by Roll20 and similar simulators are a no-go. Until then I've been limited to my mobile phone so my eyes are in Play-By-Posts.

As a newcomer and as pitiful as it sounds, I plead to anyone to point me at the right direction to begin my experience.

Finally, I've read the posts above and would like to congratulate the 100th page posts on this site, congratulate Chris, and give my blessings to Mike for whatever it's worth.

Thanks a bunch!

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Venture Lieutenant, Play by Post (online)

Hi, VK Mk-Z, and welcome! You'll find that this is a very welcoming place to new players, just let everyone know in your first game when you find one and they'll explain things as needed. I'm glad you read the Core rulebook and the guide. They'll probably be a bit vague until you actually play, and that's OK. If you go to the very top of this page, you can find some links to helpful information. The tab labelled recruitment is where to keep an eye out for new games.

If you need any help or have any questions, feel free to ask me or any of the other members of the Online Venture Team. I'm Venture Agent here, and Magabeus and Dungeon Master S are our Venture Lieutenants. Hmm (also known as GM Hmm) is our fearless leader and Venture Captain.

Sovereign Court

Chronicle Sheets GM Busy At Work........

I'll be running games for Outpost but I don't exactly need scenario support as I already have them. Is that fine?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Venture Lieutenant Play by Post PBP GM kit

Nightdeath: yes that is fine, please still put your info in the google form and the spreadsheet. That way we keep all the info at the same place.

VK Mk-Z: welcome! You have come to the right place as Redelia has already mentioned. Feel free to ask if anything is unclear, most of the people that frequent this place will be happy to help. I hope you can find your first game quickly.

Silver Crusade

Venture Lieutenant, Play by Post (online)

Hey guys, I just want to make sure it's clear that GMs are not to add extra tables to the OutPost spreadsheet without approval from one of the online VOs. We can all be reached by PM if there's a table you want added that you think is consistent with the goals of OutPost.

Scarab Sages a worthless concept a cynical scam gestalt Ghul Lord/Warlock/Truenamer/Psychic/Wild Mage

It is just so darn weird: My initiative rolls here seem to have an incredibly strong tendency towards either "piss-poor" or "top bracket" - anything in-between is very rare.

Silver Crusade

I'm Hiding In Your Closet wrote:
It is just so darn weird: My initiative rolls here seem to have an incredibly strong tendency towards either "piss-poor" or "top bracket" - anything in-between is very rare.

Are you keeping track of every roll? I'd love to see the dataset if so.

Scarab Sages a worthless concept a cynical scam gestalt Ghul Lord/Warlock/Truenamer/Psychic/Wild Mage

I suppose if I really thought it was worth it, I could go through and try to collect my initiative rolls from all my adventures on here - but of course that would be a lot of tedious work.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

@VK Mk-Z
There is a heck of a lot to learn, but do not let it overwhelm you. Pick it up in pieces and don't let it stress you. Really. Nobody expects you to master it all in one gulp. Like others have mentioned, the folks in this group are motivated to help you.

I would say your first step is to get a character set up on-line. We are very flexible as a group on how you do that. I would take a look at some of the characters the regulars have and pick and choose the format you like. A lot of folks just use hero lab which will crank out a Paizo friendly text block you can cut and paste into an alias. I, personally, have my own format that I prefer since it shows all the number crunches.

Once you do that, tune into the recruitment thread and listen for a recruitment for a game you like. Important: New players like yourself are almost always put to the head of the line. Sometimes GMs will start a game that you ask for just to get you started. I've seen a number of game recruitments posted where a couple of slots were reserved for new players like yourself. We REALLY like helping someone like you get started, hoping to entice you into sticking around. Mentioning that you wanted in on a Confirmation or Wounded Wisp game was a good idea. I would like to mention that there are a number of other excellent games to kick your career off with as well. In society play, there are a handful of replayable games like those two. One of my personal favs is We Be Goblins (and you don't even have to set up a character profile for that one as it uses pre-gen goblin characters).

There is a game day coming up. When that happens the flood-gates open and dozens of games get kicked off. They are always a blast and Paizo provides support in various ways. Last game day I even won a gift certificate. I didn't know they did that so I was pleasantly surprised (and shocked to tell you the truth). There is a 1/10 chance at getting a boon (a minor enhancement you get to add to one of your characters) in these games as well.

Grand Lodge

03-01 Frostfur Captives

Question time... I played in a PbP campaign back in Gameday 6 (first session). Its been completed for several months now and the GM hasn't made it inactive. Is there a way I can do so, or remove myself or something? My active campaigns are starting to get, well, rather full....

Silver Crusade

Venture Lieutenant, Play by Post (online)

You can hide it, Emmjay. I wrote up some instructions to do that recently, I'll look it up and get back to you in a few minutes.

|Kintargo Area Map | Combat Slides |
GM Emmjay wrote:
Question time... I played in a PbP campaign back in Gameday 6 (first session). Its been completed for several months now and the GM hasn't made it inactive. Is there a way I can do so, or remove myself or something? My active campaigns are starting to get, well, rather full....

The quickest way I've found to do this is to 'hide' the campaign. Go to the main Play-by-post gameplay thread. I recommend you click on the 'Focus' option at the top...makes it easier to find the one you are looking for.

On the far right side of the screen, you have a little 'O' with a line through it. Click on it to "hide" the thread.

This should take it out of your 'active campaigns' tab.

Silver Crusade

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Venture Lieutenant, Play by Post (online)

Start in the gameplay tab of the campaign you want to hide.

Near the top is a link Paizo/Messageboards/Online campaigns. click on the words online campaigns.

Then scroll down past the recruitments to the words Play-by-Post Online Campaigns and click on this.

Then click on the word 'Focus' near the top. The view will change to only show campaigns you have been part of. Find the campaign you want to hide on the list, and at the right edge there is a circle with a line through it. Click on this symbol to hide the campaign.

Go back up to the top of the page and click on Defocus to return the view to normal.

I'm about to play the level 4 Seoni pregen in a PbP game and am using the handy template in the GM prep folder. Minor typo though.

In her gear it says
Combat Gear potion of cure light wounds (2), potion of cure light wounds

Instead of potion of cure light wounds (3)

PFS Signup | SFS Signup | Requests | Need a Pregen? | Need a Map? | Konocti-Con2018 | Tables:
Bigguyinblack wrote:

I'm about to play the level 4 Seoni pregen in a PbP game and am using the handy template in the GM prep folder. Minor typo though.

In her gear it says
Combat Gear potion of cure light wounds (2), potion of cure light wounds

Instead of potion of cure light wounds (3)


Thank you for the heads up.




Finished my character! (I think)

Hoping miteke or someone else would check out my character and approve it.

His name is Anigast he is my second character listed (my first one is a bust and a WIP so I'm using Anigast for now).

You can check my profile for his background. It is not my main concern for now but it will be appreciated if you would criticize it for me!

Character Sheet via Pathbuilder

Character Statblock via Pathbuilder

male human

I am not sure what you mean by WIP, but until a Pathfinder Society Character is 2nd level, you can change pretty much everything about it.

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