The Flaxseed Pathfinder Lodge: Explore, Report, Cooperate!

Game Master Redelia

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Grand Lodge

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Venture-Lieutenant - NH | Proprietor of Castamir's Station
GM Poblano Pepper wrote:
Grandmaster TOZ wrote:
I'm not happy about the end of service for all of my PFS characters. It was always going to happen, but now I have a concrete end in sight. But I will continue to run PFS1E until there are no more players to run for.
I too echo the above

As a reminder, we DON'T have a concrete end in sight. Paizo has said in a few places that we'll be able to play and report 1e characters "for years on end" still.

Grand Lodge

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He/Him Human

For me, it is a very concrete end. I only have ~20 scenarios left to play, before I am stuck with modules only. Once those and the rest of season 9 and 10 are done, my characters aren't going anywhere. I have boons for replay, but I doubt I will use them much.

Silver Crusade

Venture Lieutenant, Play by Post (online)

From the FAQ:
Can I still play First Edition scenarios?

Yes. We recognize that many of you have not yet finished all 250+ First Edition scenarios, and we're not taking them away! Players will be able to purchase, play, and report classic scenarios with their First Edition characters indefinitely. Even though we will stop creating new First Edition scenarios after July 2019, we expect to see them offered at conventions and enjoyed by Pathfinders for years to come.

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For me, it is the requirement to own all of the source books (which is a completely fair expectation of Paizo). It has been more than a small investment over the last few years. I am reticent to start that process over again (especially as I came to PFS late in their run).

Silver Crusade

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TriShadow wrote:
For me, it is the requirement to own all of the source books (which is a completely fair expectation of Paizo). It has been more than a small investment over the last few years. I am reticent to start that process over again (especially as I came to PFS late in their run).

An expense that is almost doubled for people who also use HeroLab to manage their characters! (A voluntary choice, obvs, but a reality for many of us.)

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Chris Marsh wrote:
GM Poblano Pepper wrote:
Grandmaster TOZ wrote:
.... But I will continue to run PFS1E until there are no more players to run for.
I too echo the above
As a reminder, we DON'T have a concrete end in sight. Paizo has said in a few places that we'll be able to play and report 1e characters "for years on end" still.

Whoops ment to delete part of TOZs message in my quote. I fixed it.

Grand Lodge

TriShadow wrote:
For me, it is the requirement to own all of the source books (which is a completely fair expectation of Paizo). It has been more than a small investment over the last few years. I am reticent to start that process over again (especially as I came to PFS late in their run).

It's frustrating to be in that position (I'm there with you, having started only 2 years ago), but there is no way for them to avoid having some people in that position, short of never releasing a new edition (which isn't viable from a staying-in-business position). They could wait another 20 years before brining out 2e, and there would still be people who got in at the end of the run and only got a few years out of their books.

New editions also bring new blood, so while you say goodbye to one edition, it's nice to bring back people who are looking for a fresh start again, or some new faces to RPGs as well who come with the hype.

All the Gods Below Games I've Played (Session Tracker)
TriOmegaZero wrote:
For me, it is a very concrete end. I only have ~20 scenarios left to play, before I am stuck with modules only. Once those and the rest of season 9 and 10 are done, my characters aren't going anywhere. I have boons for replay, but I doubt I will use them much.

I wonder what the legality will be for a third party publisher (or several) to publish 1e Society compatible adventures.

I suppose all the names are trademarked but I wonder about fame, XP, boons, vanities, etc.

It would be interesting if someone carried on where they're stopping in the way they carried on where WotC stopped ten years ago.

Grand Lodge

He/Him Human

I think it would be fairly easy to write adventures with brand new VCs and foes.

Grand Lodge

03-01 Frostfur Captives
Zin Z'arin wrote:
TriShadow wrote:
For me, it is the requirement to own all of the source books (which is a completely fair expectation of Paizo). It has been more than a small investment over the last few years. I am reticent to start that process over again (especially as I came to PFS late in their run).
An expense that is almost doubled for people who also use HeroLab to manage their characters! (A voluntary choice, obvs, but a reality for many of us.)

And then they want us to do it all over again? Really? And then double it again for HeroLab? I don't mind buying the occasional book/module when I need it, but 2e better be PERFECT or I'm going to not partake, playing 1e until its dead then I'm done.

Lantern Lodge

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SFS 05-99 BftB

I admit I am sad about this. I've been playing for four years now, and PFS restored my faith in online play as a workable medium. When GMs or players vanish, well the scenario is short and the characters can go elsewhere.

Seeing the end to the story for my existing characters is a little depressing. I've enjoyed playing them, but with just over one year of new content to go I can't see myself wanting to create much in the way of new characters. I suspect Paizo will see a drop off in the uptake of people acquiring their remaining season 9 and next season scenarios. The cynic in me says that as a business they may end up dropping some very juicy things in there, either as boons to take to next edition PFS or just icing for the characters.

I think my biggest disappointment though was around the early retirement of the scarab sages and introduction of the concordance. It is hard to see many characters wanting to transitions to that faction now that we know it will have such a short support life with 1e characters.

Dark Archive

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Tyrant's Grasp | | Age of Ashes | | Dead Suns | | ◆ | ◆◆ | ◆◆◆ | ◇ ◈ | ↺ | ★

One thing that I know would be nice to see, especially with 2E coming, is the Alias page organized and cleaned up a bit more.

Right now all characters are jumbled up and the only separation is character / Alias. If Paizo could separate by 1E | 1E Core | Starfinder | 2E |and Alias that would help a lot remember what is what. As when 2E hits it will be a bit difficult to remember without tagging all your PC's.

I take it any (unused) boons from 1E won't have any benefit in 2E.
I mean, i've got more than one unused race boon.

(Aasimar, vanara, samsaran)

I second Tyranius' suggestion for the sorting out of 1E and 2E.
While i don't know to what extend i'll buy 2E things for PFS, something like that would be of great use to all who do, least i think so.

Lantern Lodge

SFS 05-99 BftB

I think 2E will probably follow the "new campaign" rules. Many boons can't be used between classic and Core, and I imagine the same will go (but more so) for 2E.

I agree Alias management needs to be implemented. I'd be happy if I could make them as inactive so they didn't appear in the drop down list.

Grand Lodge

Venture-Lieutenant - NH | Proprietor of Castamir's Station
GM Aerondor wrote:

I think 2E will probably follow the "new campaign" rules. Many boons can't be used between classic and Core, and I imagine the same will go (but more so) for 2E.

I agree Alias management needs to be implemented. I'd be happy if I could make them as inactive so they didn't appear in the drop down list.

The FAQ and posts give reason to believe that PFS2 will use boons similarly to Starfinder.

Using Olodon's extension, you can hide aliases. (Not all aspects of the extension currently work on the new site.)


Hopefully there will be 'rebuild' rules to allow folks to transition their 1e characters to 2e. There is already a precedent there when classes are modified and also when transitioning a core character to classic. That would take a lot of the sting out of putting further emotional and time investment into classic characters.

Table Maps | Passing the Torch

Unfortunately, there will not be.

Will I be able to convert my character to the new edition's organized play program? wrote:
No—a new campaign represents a great opportunity to start fresh. There will be modest carry-over benefits (e.g. starting with a special boon or beginning with a 2nd-level character) that participants can earn by participating in the playtest process or by playing many of the upcoming adventures we're releasing between now and August 2019. We are also exploring additional organized play mechanics to more closely link the characters, stories, and lore between editions. Exact details will be available closer to the new campaign's launch.

Grand Lodge


It wouldn't do any good, anyway, since there won't be any higher level content yet. You may as well start at 1st level and level up with the scenarios.

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All the Gods Below Games I've Played (Session Tracker)

Probably the only real annoyance I'll have is that I'll just remake my characters as 2e versions and the names will already be taken (by me for my 1e versions.)

Grand Lodge

Venture-Lieutenant - NH | Proprietor of Castamir's Station

I have a character in Starfinder who is a remake of a Pathfinder character. I just call him Castamir II.

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Named Castamir the 2nd, in the new edition, by chance? ^^

All the Gods Below Games I've Played (Session Tracker)
Chris Marsh wrote:
I have a character in Starfinder who is a remake of a Pathfinder character. I just call him Castamir II.

I'd be tempted to go with Ca5tam1r v.2.0 or something for the high tech version.

Or Castamir the 500th (it's an old family name.)

Male Human Suel Arcane Duelist 1

Yea, I've decided to not play or run anymore PFS1. I'm a little sour that some of my PCs will never get to do their cool stuff. :(

Silver Crusade

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I just started playing PFS around 2 years ago, give or take. There are a *lot* of scenarios I haven't played yet; I'm definitely going to be playing 1e for a long time yet. And I haven't started GMing at all; once I kick that off, I'll be running 1e for even longer as long as there are players.

Liberty's Edge

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Mosquito Witch Handouts
Zin Z'arin wrote:
I just started playing PFS around 2 years ago, give or take. There are a *lot* of scenarios I haven't played yet; I'm definitely going to be playing 1e for a long time yet. And I haven't started GMing at all; once I kick that off, I'll be running 1e for even longer as long as there are players.

I echo this, and I'm sure many others do as well! It's not the death of 1e, and it won't be for a very long time for those relatively new to the hobby. As long as there is demand to continue, there will be GMs and people like us to keep it alive for a couple years to come! While I might not think of starting any new characters since the announcement, (maybe one for the merfolk boon..) I'm definitely keen to see most of my key characters through to their retirement! They haven't lived to their potential yet!

Grand Lodge


Yep. I know I'll still want to keep playing and GMing 1e games for several years, even as I'm learning 2e as well.

Silver Crusade

M Mutant Phalanx Fighter 3, Paladin 2, Wizard 4, Swashbuckler 1

I agree with Batpony. I've been playing PFS for 4 years now, and there's tons of material still available to me. I think I'll be playing 1e games for a good long while. I expect that 1e games at conventions, where I have played most of my games, will reduce, but as long as there's Flaxseed I should be able to see my characters through to retirement / seeker content.

I'm not really very excited by the new edition, I won't be rushing to pick it up. It kind of sounds a lot like D&D 5e at the moment. There was an obvious reason to take to Pathfinder, given the state of D&D at the time. I'm not sure there's an obvious reason to take to Pathfinder 2. That said, it's true that we have a bloat problem. And anyway, I'm still running a 3.5e campaign even now.

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”Doc Featherton” | Female CN Medium Human Gunslinger (Way of the Drifter) 3 | HP 32/32 | AC 20 | F +7 R +11 W +9 | Perc +9 | Default Exploration (????) | Speed 25ft | Active Conditions: None

I'm probably going to rush in and grab the new edition, but at the same time, given my large backlog of PFS scenarios yet unplayed/unGMd, I fully intend to continue playing 1e as well, and Starfinder. I likely will avoid making new 1e characters and instead work to take my existing characters through to the end of their careers, unless there is an old 1-5 scenario I really want to experience, but I'm sure you'll see me on the boards running 1E, 2E, and SFS.

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VC - Sydney, Australia

I accept that my local games may dry up, but I hope Flax can help me finish every scenario available. I want to play it all :)


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Table Maps | Passing the Torch

I'll be your huckleberry.

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- INACTIVE (finished campaign) -

I expect to be playing 1e, 2e, and Starfinder for years yet thanks to the wonderful players and GMs in these awesome lodges.

Grand Lodge

Venture Lieutenant, California-North Coast | Lake County Warhorn | Konocti-Con
Shifty wrote:

I accept that my local games may dry up, but I hope Flax can help me finish every scenario available. I want to play it all :)


Shifty and TOZ I will follow you until the gates of Valhalla open.

Alton: My players at my LGS have some mixed excitement but they are also relieved that we will still support play through 1e, 2e and SF until there are no more players left.

Grand Lodge

Venture-Lieutenant - NH | Proprietor of Castamir's Station

Also a completionist, and I REALLY mean it. I'm about 60% of the way through 1e and Basic edition. I'm likely about 80% through 2e and 3e.

I have every intention to finish all sanctioned Pathfinder.

Grand Lodge

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Male Elf Wizard (You have to ask?)

Rule sets are rule sets. I've been rolling the d20 since the DMG came off the presses for AD&D 1e. It is not the rules that make a game great. It is the people you play with.

I will be playing 1.0, 2.0, and whatever.0 with my fellow gamers until I shuffle off this mortal coil and seek gaming on a higher plane of existence. You can roll dice with me or not, it's up to you.

The Exchange

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My Game Tracker If using PFS Tracker, search Upaynao 43451 // My signup sheet

Need I say what more eloquent people have already said?


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If we are REALLY going for #completionist, then they may have to un-retire some of those older scenarios that some late comers never had a shot at. After the start 2e, is there any reason not to do that?

Grand Lodge

Male Human Sales Person (7) / Product Manufacturer (7) / Transport Specialist (2) / Security (1)
TriShadow wrote:
If we are REALLY going for #completionist, then they may have to un-retire some of those older scenarios that some late comers never had a shot at. After the start 2e, is there any reason not to do that?

Why not play them for no credit for funsies?

Lantern Lodge

SFS 05-99 BftB

They were retired primarily for three reasons
1: The content was somewhat tilted towards content that was a little questionable OGL wise
2: They were too tough (probably not an issue these days) or
3: They content didn't really fit the world, as it matured.

I've played one of them, and it was a blast - but it certainly felt more like a 3.5 FR scenario than a pathfinder game set in Golarion.

I don't see them wanting to re-release them. Then again, I'm not part of Paizo.

Scarab Sages a worthless concept a cynical scam gestalt Ghul Lord/Warlock/Truenamer/Psychic/Wild Mage
Grandmaster TOZ wrote:
I'll be your huckleberry.

...What does this mean?

Dark Archive

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Scenario and AP Tracker

@I'm Hiding in Your Closet- It is from Tombstone, clip is below.
Great movie.

Tombstone, Huckleberry

The Immortal Conundrum: maps, etc.

Is anyone else getting universal grief from Google Docs?

I just put up a new thing for my game, now neither it, nor any other Google Docs thing on here seems to work for me. It's vague about what's wrong; it offers me the 'Reload' button, but it doesn't seem to do any good.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Healer/ Warrior 10
I'm Hiding In Your Closet wrote:
Grandmaster TOZ wrote:
I'll be your huckleberry.
...What does this mean?

GREAT movie! Thanks for the clip, Tyranius.. I love that scene.

Anyways, there are several different meanings, but it basically means "I'm your guy" or "I'm with you" "I'm the man for the job" "You can count on me". Any of those sentiments.

I'm DMing In Your Closet wrote:

Is anyone else getting universal grief from Google Docs?

I just put up a new thing for my game, now neither it, nor any other Google Docs thing on here seems to work for me. It's vague about what's wrong; it offers me the 'Reload' button, but it doesn't seem to do any good.

Google has been working fine for me all night. I just posted in discussion over there stating that the maps were working ok for me. Sometimes google goes into fits and that happens.. or it could be gods only knows what. Anyways, if there are still troubles, its not on our/paizo's end. (Sorry it took so long to reply, I was catching up my own games!)

Silver Crusade

Maps and Handout
GM Aerondor wrote:

They were retired primarily for three reasons

1: The content was somewhat tilted towards content that was a little questionable OGL wise
2: They were too tough (probably not an issue these days) or
3: They content didn't really fit the world, as it matured.

I've played one of them, and it was a blast - but it certainly felt more like a 3.5 FR scenario than a pathfinder game set in Golarion.

I don't see them wanting to re-release them. Then again, I'm not part of Paizo.

Tonya and perhaps other Paizo staff do occasionally run some of the season 0 retired scenarios at bigger Cons (PaizoCon, Origins, etc) perhaps.

Liberty's Edge

Chaosorbit wrote:
GM Aerondor wrote:

They were retired primarily for three reasons

1: The content was somewhat tilted towards content that was a little questionable OGL wise
2: They were too tough (probably not an issue these days) or
3: They content didn't really fit the world, as it matured.

I've played one of them, and it was a blast - but it certainly felt more like a 3.5 FR scenario than a pathfinder game set in Golarion.

I don't see them wanting to re-release them. Then again, I'm not part of Paizo.

Tonya and perhaps other Paizo staff do occasionally run some of the season 0 retired scenarios at bigger Cons (PaizoCon, Origins, etc) perhaps.

She ran two at MarsCon in Virginia in January too.

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Venture Lieutenant Play by Post PBP GM kit
Qstor wrote:
Chaosorbit wrote:
Tonya and perhaps other Paizo staff do occasionally run some of the season 0 retired scenarios at bigger Cons (PaizoCon, Origins, etc) perhaps.
She ran two at MarsCon in Virginia in January too.

Now we just need to convince them to run those retired scenarios in our PbP conventions...

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Something I haven't seen addressed anywhere:

What happens to all the Venture people? Do they just carry over to 2e? If so, what happens to the 1e society in terms of leadership?

Silver Crusade

Venture Lieutenant, Play by Post (online)

In the same way that Venture Officers currently are for both Pathfinder and Starfinder, they will continue to help out with both first edition and second games as long as first edition games continue to be played in their areas, I believe.

Venture Lieutenant Play by Post PBP GM kit

I agree with Redelia, that it is most likely that VOs will be responsible for PFS1, SFS and PFS2.

However there is a separate VO team for the card game (in at least some regions), so that model could also be implemented.

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City of Golden DEATH

Having too many choices for play is just as bad as having not enough.

If you have one person who can *only* play Core, one person who can only play 1.0, one person that can only play ACG, one person that can only play 2.0 and one person that can play SF, you have enough people to make a legal table, but three-quarters of them won't be able to play what they came to play.

That's not a good model.

Sure, pre-registration is a thing, but that's not always a thing, especially in smaller venues where choices are limited. This leads to instead three quarters of your people staying home because they can't play what they want.

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