The Flaxseed Pathfinder Lodge: Explore, Report, Cooperate!

Game Master Redelia

Gameday XIII Announcement
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What is the best way to play a character that you know you'll be changing the name of? I don't want my guy to get locked into the wrong name.

Sovereign Court Owner - La Guarida Game Center

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Llama_Bill wrote:
What is the best way to play a character that you know you'll be changing the name of? I don't want my guy to get locked into the wrong name.

Using an alias for the game instead of the PC.

"Doom Girl" // ♫ // ◇ ◈ ↺ // PbP Events // // PbP GM Kit // Absalom Initiation // ★ DA Duology Maps
Bigguyinblack wrote:

Btw the link at the top of the thread "PbP Special Events and Conventions" leads to Gameday VI and Solstice Scar.

Race for the Runecarved Key should be added to it.

We’re still solidifying dates. Expect an announcement this week.


The Waking Rune

I'd be up for running a Destiny of the Sands trilogy in the new year. It's a great story.

Lantern Lodge

SFS 05-99 BftB

It is. And if I hand't just finished running it for a group I'd think about doing it.

I am seriously thinking about running 6-4 and 9-7 either back to back or possibly concurrently to give SS die-hards a shot at something special. But that wouldn't kick off until the new year, and I'm still tossing up the core vs classic - and balancing it with other gaming goals I have in mind.

Paizo Employee Organized Play Line Developer

I'd love a chance to play in those low-level Scarab Sage adventures. My Scarab Sage character's only level one though. Haha. She'll need some good luck to be able to play the tier three adventures!

Sovereign Court

Chronicle Sheets GM Busy At Work........
GM Aerondor wrote:

It is. And if I hand't just finished running it for a group I'd think about doing it.

I am seriously thinking about running 6-4 and 9-7 either back to back or possibly concurrently to give SS die-hards a shot at something special. But that wouldn't kick off until the new year, and I'm still tossing up the core vs classic - and balancing it with other gaming goals I have in mind.

If you run it classic, I'll run it CORE. :P

The Waking Rune

You are probably best off beginning the Destiny of the Sands trilogy with a PC with between 4 and 13 xp, so that you can play the same character throughout.

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|Kintargo Area Map | Combat Slides |

I actually have a character made specifically for the sages with the intent of doing the Destiny of the Sands trilogy. :-/

I'd be heavily interessted in playing.

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male LN Elf Wizard 6 AC 14 T 13/FF 11 | CMB +3 CMD 16 | HP 38 | Init +9 | Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +6 | Perception + 10 | Speed 30 ft. | Low-Light Vision

I would love to join in on a Destiny of the Sands trilogy. I would have to create a new character for it, but I can make up the XP difference with some GM rewards pretty quickly.

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GM Hmm wrote:

★ --- ANNOUNCEMENT on PFS Faction Changes --- ★

Step Two—Introducing OutPost! Starting this March-April, we’re adding OutPost, a PbP Convention that will happen in the Spring with scheduled offerings. The idea is to offer stuff that isn’t often seen in Flaxseed Lodge. We’re also hoping to get scenarios into the hands of GMs who might GM them again after the convention, giving even more people a chance to play.

OutPost I: Back to the Future will feature offerings from older Seasons, Season 9, SFS and... Scarab Sage Scenarios. For those interested, we will also get a chance to participate in the ACG Scarab Sage storyline in PBP!

There was a lot of news in that post, so I guess it's understandable this didn't get as much attention, but - what? Cool! Tell us more!

Boon support? Scale of this con? Is this a Paizo-sponsored thing or the brainchild of our dedicated online VO's? How do scheduled offerings work in a PbP convention?

Venture Lieutenant Play by Post PBP GM kit

It is the brainchild of your online VOs (I won’t make statements about our dedication). We are working things out and will get back to you with more news as soon as we can.

Sovereign Court

M various

For this Race of the Runecarved Key event coming up. What should I expect as a player? I have 2 characters that should be ready to play. Are there special boons offered or is it a new scenario?

Thanks in advance

Lantern Lodge

SFS 05-99 BftB

Race is a four (I think) special. I have no idea about what is in the chronicle for it. Early seasons tended to give boons that let you recover spells or hp or reroll skill checks rather than the more elaborate boons provided in later seasons specials.

I'm really not sure whether season four fits into that pattern or the later seasons patterns.

Venture Lieutenant Play by Post PBP GM kit

Indeed, Race for the Runecarved Key is the season 4 special. As to what is on the chronicle: you will learn that when you receive it.

I would select the character you enjoy playing the most, an alternative is to sign up with a GM whom you know and whose style you appreciate and adjust your character on the tier he/she is GM'ing.

Liberty's Edge

Speaking of the Scarab Sages is anyone running 9-04 soon? :)

"Doom Girl" // ♫ // ◇ ◈ ↺ // PbP Events // // PbP GM Kit // Absalom Initiation // ★ DA Duology Maps
Qstor wrote:
Speaking of the Scarab Sages is anyone running 9-04 soon? :)

Yes. Someone will, if by soon you mean March.


It’s on the schedule for OutPost.


Sovereign Court

M various
Magabeus wrote:

Indeed, Race for the Runecarved Key is the season 4 special. As to what is on the chronicle: you will learn that when you receive it.

I would select the character you enjoy playing the most, an alternative is to sign up with a GM whom you know and whose style you appreciate and adjust your character on the tier he/she is GM'ing.

great. that character is free :) now to hunt for my fave GM

Grand Lodge

female || HP: 40 || AC: 22 T:10 FF:22 || Init 0 Perc +1 || CMB +7 CMD 17|| +1 longsword +9 (1d8+4)/19-20|| fort +9 ref +4 will +8|| feats: extra lay on hands, power attack, weapon focus longsword human Paladin/4|

Are there any low level core scenarios on the horizon? I missed the recent batch and regret it.

Also, there used to be sign up sheets in the header area of this board for upcoming games. I think they were moved. Does anyone know how to find them?

Lastly, I heard there is a new faction and that one of the factions is being discontinued. Anyone know where to find rules for switching and where info on the new faction can be obtained?

I apologize if this has all been asked before.

Grand Lodge

GM Hmm wrote:
Qstor wrote:
Speaking of the Scarab Sages is anyone running 9-04 soon? :)

Yes. Someone will, if by soon you mean March.


It’s on the schedule for OutPost.


Hmm, do you want us to hold off on running games that are scheduled for OutPost? If so, is there a list of scenarios we should avoid?

male Snows of Summer
Seelah O'Wydroe wrote:

Are there any low level core scenarios on the horizon? I missed the recent batch and regret it.

Also, there used to be sign up sheets in the header area of this board for upcoming games. I think they were moved. Does anyone know how to find them?

Lastly, I heard there is a new faction and that one of the factions is being discontinued. Anyone know where to find rules for switching and where info on the new faction can be obtained?

I apologize if this has all been asked before.

Seelah, I intend to start another core scenario when I'm through with my current one. Unfortunately, at current pace that looks like end of Jan. begin of February...However, I will reserve a spot for you if you remind me (put me in your address book and bug me at the end of January.) I'll even do you one better..pick 3 different scenarios from seasons 1-8 that you might like to play. I'll choose my favorite from that list and that's what we'll play. (PM your choices)

Hope you find a game sooner but if not I got you covered in a month and a half.

Knowledge Checks -Sky Key Solution Aid Token

I plan to run core as well. Once holidays come to a close and I am no longer training some one at work. The latter taking up much of my time away from gaming.

"Doom Girl" // ♫ // ◇ ◈ ↺ // PbP Events // // PbP GM Kit // Absalom Initiation // ★ DA Duology Maps
Dennis Muldoon wrote:
GM Hmm wrote:
Qstor wrote:
Speaking of the Scarab Sages is anyone running 9-04 soon? :)

Yes. Someone will, if by soon you mean March.


It’s on the schedule for OutPost.


Hmm, do you want us to hold off on running games that are scheduled for OutPost? If so, is there a list of scenarios we should avoid?

No. If you want to run stuff, go ahead and run it. We have several hundred players in the lodge. It won’t hurt to have some repeats.

If you are trying to avoid conflicts with OutPost, we should have the schedule up soon. We’re finalizing it now.


"Doom Girl" // ♫ // ◇ ◈ ↺ // PbP Events // // PbP GM Kit // Absalom Initiation // ★ DA Duology Maps

All discussions of specials and GMing them is moving here.


Grand Lodge

also campaign info is where all the sign up spreadsheets have gone. A note to say Some GM Sign up sheets can be found under campaign info other games are announced in the recruitment thread

Catastrophe's Spark. ◆◇↺
Seelah O'Wydroe wrote:

Are there any low level core scenarios on the horizon? I missed the recent batch and regret it.

Also, there used to be sign up sheets in the header area of this board for upcoming games. I think they were moved. Does anyone know how to find them?

Lastly, I heard there is a new faction and that one of the factions is being discontinued. Anyone know where to find rules for switching and where info on the new faction can be obtained?

I apologize if this has all been asked before.

I just had a player drop out of my Core Faithless and Forgotten pt 1 run. Its a 1-5. If you want a spot, it's here

Lantern Lodge

SFS 05-99 BftB

There is a nice article about RPGs in general (and pathfinder in particular) and how they are becomming mainstream again.

It's from a kiwi perspective, but the article is pretty generic and worth five minutes of your time.

Sovereign Court

Chronicle Sheets GM Busy At Work........
GM Ultra Plus wrote:
Seelah O'Wydroe wrote:

Are there any low level core scenarios on the horizon? I missed the recent batch and regret it.

Also, there used to be sign up sheets in the header area of this board for upcoming games. I think they were moved. Does anyone know how to find them?

Lastly, I heard there is a new faction and that one of the factions is being discontinued. Anyone know where to find rules for switching and where info on the new faction can be obtained?

I apologize if this has all been asked before.

I just had a player drop out of my Core Faithless and Forgotten pt 1 run. Its a 1-5. If you want a spot, it's here

I'd like that spot if it's not taken yet.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Healer/ Warrior 10

Maybe I missed something, but I have a stupid question. What is this outpost I keep seeing mentioned??

The next special and several of the scarab sage scenarios are "running on Outpost", and I have no idea what this means..

The Golden Serpent Maps | Actions: ◆ | ◇ | ↺

Outpost is a new PBP Convention that is starting next year in March! Yay! There's more information about it in the post announcing it>>HERE!<<

I just looked that post over again and realized the offerings are going to be set, which piques my curiosity as to how that will be acheived.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Healer/ Warrior 10

Thanks, GM Sedoriku. I guess I just glanced over that portion of GM Hmm's post. Thank you for clearing that up for me! The way I have been reading "Outpost" made it sound like something completely separate from Flaxseed, and possibly even the Paizo boards. Obviously, I failed my perception check once again!

Lantern Lodge

SFS 05-99 BftB

I'll be interested to see how outpost works.

I'm also curious about ACG. I have no idea how that works in practice and how you build a deck. I had a brief look at the pathfinder iPhone game and guess it was based on ACG, but how that works in practice and how you pick cards etc.... I'm at a loss for.

Also those wanting some scarab sages action, check out my signup sheet (below my name). There are a number of games I'll be starting with a focus on SS characters over the next couple of months.

I'm not too sure how that will work with outpost, as I posted my games before that was announced.

The first of these is a pair of 6-4 and 9-7 in Core. Likely starting in mid January and with at least a couple of spaces still free.

sign-up sheet

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Venture Lieutenant Play by Post PBP GM kit

Dear players and GMs,

Recently there has been some discussion about specific rules for play by post games that might be different than rules for face to face games. I will be very clear about this: the rules are the same for all games in Pathfinder Society, it does not matter which way they are played.

That means that everything that is in the Society Roleplaying Guild Guide is in effect for play by post games.

Some examples
You have to be able to prove ownership of the sources you use for your character. See this post from our RVC Jesse how to do that if requested.

Players need to have a complete set of administration for their characters and share this with their GM on request. This is at least:
- Character sheet
- Complete set of filled in chronicles
- Filled inventory tracking sheet
- Reference to additional resources / campaign clarifications / FAQs and blog posts relevant for your character

GMs need to provide their players a chronicle for the scenario at the end of the game, with at least the following filled:
- PFS number and character number of each player
- bottom part filled in by GM
- amount of prestige gained / gold gained both initialized by GM
- amount of day job gold, initialized by GM. If a character does not have a day job, put NA here and still initialize

I hope this clarifies things, feel free to contact me or react here if you have further questions. Please allow for some time for me to react as I will be mostly offline until December 29th.

I wish everyone a wonderful time in the next few weeks

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I'm expecting a slow-down of games happening in the next few days (and rightfully so). That can only mean one thing of course...

Happy holidays everyone!

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"Doom Girl" // ♫ // ◇ ◈ ↺ // PbP Events // // PbP GM Kit // Absalom Initiation // ★ DA Duology Maps


Is anyone still missing the scenario? Because of some oddities with how Shifty’s support request was treated, and the fact that Tonya is on her annual holiday vacation, I am wondering if the scenario drop ever happened for this event.

If you reading this, and are a Race for the Runecarved Key GM, please let me know if you received your scenario.


PS To Everyone... Happy Holidays

Grand Lodge



Can confirm - I have not received that scenario yet.

"Doom Girl" // ♫ // ◇ ◈ ↺ // PbP Events // // PbP GM Kit // Absalom Initiation // ★ DA Duology Maps

Bah. I guess I will be calling Paizo Customer Service on December 26th and seeing if I can wrangle scenarios for you guys. If any of you already have Race for the Runecarved Key via Humble Bundle or VO privilege let me know. It is easier if I have fewer names to wrangle support for.


Grand Lodge


Thanks, HMM! I appreciate you and all your hard work! Let me know if you need any information/assistance.

Season of Ghosts

I've also not received the scenario yet. Like GM Ewok says, let me know if there's anything I can do to help the process along!

PFS Signup | SFS Signup | Requests | Need a Pregen? | Need a Map? | Konocti-Con2018 | Tables:

HMM I have the scenario already.

Liberty's Edge

I have the scenario as well.

"Doom Girl" // ♫ // ◇ ◈ ↺ // PbP Events // // PbP GM Kit // Absalom Initiation // ★ DA Duology Maps

Okay Gang, I have also posted a more detailed update in the Official GM thread. GMs, there is a lot of information for you there, so please read the whole thing!


Lantern Lodge

SFS 05-99 BftB

I have not received it either.

Loot sheet No plunder, no pay Battle map--Misc info slides

Happy holidays everyone!

"Doom Girl" // ♫ // ◇ ◈ ↺ // PbP Events // // PbP GM Kit // Absalom Initiation // ★ DA Duology Maps

Happy Holidays, dear friends!

Season of Ghosts

Merry Christmas/Holidays/Monday everyone! :)

The Concordance

820-10 | "Lady Calpurnia Underhall Poshkettle of House Al-Hadir" | Female NG Gnome Studious Librarian Bard 8 | HP 72/59 | AC 18 (21), T 13, FF 16 | CMD 15 | F +5 R +9 W +7 | Init +5 | Per +20, SM +20 | Speed 20 ft | Bard Song 23/23 | Spells 1st 6/6, 2nd 5/5, 3rd 4/4 | Active Conditions: Unseen Servant, Lucky Number 5, +1 Perform Sing
Wand charges:
CLW 41/50; KP 39/50; LN 36/50; SN 47/50; ToS 50/50

A Scene from Compton’s Workshop

^ A bit of holiday silliness!

VC - Sydney, Australia

OK back!

Now where's the info on this OutPost thingamy?

Lantern Lodge

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SFS 05-99 BftB

I don't think your security clearance is high enough..

I know mine isn't :-(

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"Doom Girl" // ♫ // ◇ ◈ ↺ // PbP Events // // PbP GM Kit // Absalom Initiation // ★ DA Duology Maps


It is coming, but I am:

A) sick
B) have a VO team that is on vacation
C) trying to get boons & support for Race for the Rune Carved Key
D) dealing with some other issues that came up
E) trying to finalize schedule bits

Did I mention that I was sick? I’ve been failing my fortitude save repeatedly for over a week.

Sorry about that, I swear it is coming!


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