Shackled City (Pathfinder) - GM_Chris

Game Master Chris Shannon 719

This will be the Shackled City adventure path using the Pathfinder rule set. However, the existing deities (i.e. St. Cuthbert, Pelor, Wee Jas) will not be converted to similar Golarion gods.

12,901 to 12,950 of 15,224 << first < prev | 254 | 255 | 256 | 257 | 258 | 259 | 260 | 261 | 262 | 263 | 264 | next > last >>

Atol gets his chance to demonstrate his magics and frees the two elves. They introduce themselves as Nienna and Elrohir Ringëril. They reveal themselves to be friends of the Striders. They were seeking a derro named Kravichak. He was rumored to be a Cagewright, or former Cagewright, and lurking in the caverns below Cauldron.

The male speaks while the female remains silent.

"He's supposed to be quite mad--unsurprising considering his race--too mad even for the Cagewrights. We'd hoped to find him and learn what we could, but instead we found a beholder and hear we are now."

Nienna then interjects.

"It has been years my love! We have been here for years. Meerthan lives on though. These people are the Cauldron Five and can be trusted. Well, except with your food."

Half-Elf Barbarian (Urban Barbarian) 1, Alchemist (Internal Alchemist, Vivisectionist) 15
Init +12 | Per 22* | F +17* R +19* W +10* | AC 35* (t20* f27* i22*) +1 crwd | CMD 34 | *many buffs

Allow me to clarify: Toffitt was seeking out his trusted clients—the madames and certain folk in the cabarets. He did not go yelling, "Fire," into the brothels, bordellos, or orphanage. I'd be happy to roleplay it out, if you like.

Toffitt returns from his efforts shaking his head. "It seems the citizens of Cauldron love their city too well. I would have to be some silver tongued cad to have spoken better, and yet the common folk refuse to find safety. Glim, have you had luck either organizing the gnomes into a defense of Cauldron, or convincing them to seek safety outside the city? Atol, is Jenya marshalling the clergy to help?" He looks expectantly at the others, lacking their overconfidence about disaster stopping itself.

. . . . .

At the enfleshening party, Toffitt nods. "Yes. I thought we had discussed this. Zenith bears the same mark as Finneas here. He is no doubt among those who are to be sacrificed by the Cagewrights. If you wish to find him, you should come with us."

"And you, my dear Father Cupshigh. What will you do to help protect the people of Cauldron in this dark time? Can we count on you, now that you're again ambulatory?"

He smiles as his mother's kindred are made flesh.

"You know us well, for having been here for years. Sometimes it seems as though we've been at our quest for years, as well." Toffitt shakes his head. "We must make haste later this day, using magics to find the path to our foes. I would be grateful for your help protecting the infirm of the city, and if possible convincing them to leave the city for safer refuge."

Nothing if not single-minded, our Doctor.

Male Human (Per +7 | Fort +17 Ref +13 Will +22 | AC 29 (f28/t15) | CMD 22)

"Doctor, the people of Cauldron want to stay and protect what's theirs - they have no wish to flee at the first sign of danger. We're not fleeing. Nor should they. We'll just have to win." Atol says it very matter-of-factly like it's just a matter of doing it and everything will be fine.

Of course he does not believe he is that savior, but rather the other members of the party which he helps. Not himself.

He greets each of the previously stoned individuals and offers them a bit of food from his stores. He considers casting Create Food and Water for a feast, but he isn't sure if Toffitt would eat properly or consider the delay appropriate, so he sticks to the rations, with a little honey added of course!

As the last of the people are freed, he turns again to the painting and looks pointedly at Dyrant. "How do we get the lovely lady out of the painting? It seems like she could really help us now."

He takes a deep breath and continues after a moment, "Or if we can't help her now, let's start the hunt! What should we look for? I've a spell that might help, but we need a specific and general place to look for."

Atol explains about the spell Find the Path and how it works.

Half-Elf Barbarian (Urban Barbarian) 1, Alchemist (Internal Alchemist, Vivisectionist) 15
Init +12 | Per 22* | F +17* R +19* W +10* | AC 35* (t20* f27* i22*) +1 crwd | CMD 34 | *many buffs

Toffitt turns to Atol. "I am a doctor, Atol. My concern is for the vulnerable, who have not the means to protect themselves. Children. The elderly. Expectent mothers. Those whose wits have left them... completely. The sick. We must organize an effort to get them out of here, or see that someone else does. Or does St. Cuthbert leave the infirm to fend for themselves?"

F14:R16:W17 (+2);K(Arc)26;K(Dun)18;K(Hist)20;K(Loc)26;K(Nat)25;K(Pln)28;K(Rel)28;Perc 27;SMot 22;Spllcft 29;UMD 19
Cuthbertist 16 - Bludgeoner First Class

In front of the elves...

"Kravichak, eh?" Dyrant asks the elves, finding them surprisingly helpful.

1d20 + 20 + 2 ⇒ (11) + 20 + 2 = 33 Know (Local)
1d20 + 21 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 21 + 2 = 33 Know (Arcana)

"Hmm....that is interesting. A derro, huh? Those deranged demented dark dwarves of the deep? That is helpful. Tell me, Elves, what will you do now with your freedom? We seek those aligned with the Cagewrights and anything you can do to point us in their direction would be appreciated."

Away from the elves...

"Yes Doctor, sending the people unprotected to the monkey and demon filled jungle surrounding Cauldron is a brilliant plan," Dyrant retorts. "Of course, Doctor evacuating the city is not a bad idea, just not one we can waste time doing. We either need to commit to finding the Cagewrights or evacuating the town. I, for one, will push to find the Cagewrights. Of course, your efforts to increase panic among the populace are appreciated too."

F14:R16:W17 (+2);K(Arc)26;K(Dun)18;K(Hist)20;K(Loc)26;K(Nat)25;K(Pln)28;K(Rel)28;Perc 27;SMot 22;Spllcft 29;UMD 19
Cuthbertist 16 - Bludgeoner First Class
Atol Lem wrote:
He takes a deep breath and continues after a moment, "Or if we can't help her now, let's start the hunt! What should we look for? I've a spell that might help, but we need a specific and general place to look for."

Dyrant smiles at Atol.

"Tomorrow, Atol. Tomorrow, at the very least. Once we finish these interviews female wizard to go, I think, I shall take me and Glim to provision ourselves for the task ahead. In the event that it takes me more time that I hoped, I trust you will free these last souls and interrogate them appropriately," Dyrant says.

"I trust you, Atol. You've become a mighty servant of St. Cuthbert and your service to the crumpled hat is noted. No other has served so well or for so long. We will trust you to hold Cauldron until we return."

Half-Elf Barbarian (Urban Barbarian) 1, Alchemist (Internal Alchemist, Vivisectionist) 15
Init +12 | Per 22* | F +17* R +19* W +10* | AC 35* (t20* f27* i22*) +1 crwd | CMD 34 | *many buffs

Toffitt sighs. "Dyrant, I agree, the Cagewrights are our job, and we must act urgently. The boy and the others are facing the knife as we speak." He pauses, at a loss for words.

I failed the boy, as I did Lukhaj. And now I must wait more while we equip ourselves, sitting on my hands. Terrem will die, and who knows how many others while we shop.

He gives a pleading look to his four companions. "If we must pause to equip ourselves, then I believe those who remain should rally the city to protect itself and remove the vulnerable from harms way. Do what we can, as time permits... What do you say?"

M Steinneblin (Rock Gnome) Paladin 16/Cavalier 1

Glimmil's head bobs happily as Brother Cupshigh relates his tale about Vhalantru, yet he is unable to refrain from interjecting and updating his fellow gnome on the current state of the beholder, Cauldron and Jzadirune.

As Dyrant proposes the gnome finds Skie, Glimmil begins bobbing his head up and down.

"Yes, yes! You should go find Skie, she can help outfit you for--"

Yet, as Dyrant continues to explain Skie could outfit him to flee the city, Glimmil waves his hands and shakes his head.

"No, no! A brave Glitterguard would never turn his tail in the face of danger! In fact, Danger is Garl's middle name! Right?"

Glimmil shares a conspiratorial elbowing with his fellow gnome, and provides proper introduces to Shanna Goldanna, Randle Monty and the rest of the gnome leadership with Jzadirune, explaining how the tallfolk seem to be taking up arms to defend their homes, and certainly the gnomes should be doing the same.

Glimmil will do his best to rally the gnomes, encouraging those who can and wish to fight for their homes to do so. Once the ball is rolling enough to his liking, he'd nod to Dyrant for their quick trip to Greyhawk. I'm OK with playing that out as detailed or as summarized as Chris and Dyrant wish.

Wrapping up this scene.

The last person freed from stone says little other than thank you before taking her leave as the party debates what is best for the citizenry of Cauldron.

With all of those turned to stone returned to the flesh, but Celeste still trapped, a portion of the party pops over to Grayhawk for items not in Skie's inventory.

I'm assuming the trip is only long enough to sell and buy supplies.

The party is together once again by early afternoon. Tension fills the city as only an occasional person wanders the mostly empty streets. A few families busily pack wagons with family treasures, but most homes are shut up tightly. Packs of guards rather than the usual pairs patrol the streets. Cauldron feels ready to erupt.

Half-Elf Barbarian (Urban Barbarian) 1, Alchemist (Internal Alchemist, Vivisectionist) 15
Init +12 | Per 22* | F +17* R +19* W +10* | AC 35* (t20* f27* i22*) +1 crwd | CMD 34 | *many buffs

"Couldn't we simply free Celeste by use of an antimagic field? Hm. Where could we find one of those now that the beholder is dead..."

. . . . .

After waiving goodbye to Dyrant and Glimmil, Toffitt surveys the empty streets with concern. Tis good that so many would defend the city, but with what? There aren't enough holy weapons to go around. I haven't even got one. Their arms'd be better against Dyrant's monkeys. If only we... His eyes light up, and he rushes off to find Atol.

"Ah, there you are. Listen, I've a thought. Would you or Sister Jenya be able to do a sending today? I thought we might send a missive to the Chisel in Redgorge. I'm not sure how you feel about them at this point, but it may be that Maavu or his compatriots would be willing to give our elderly and children refuge. They're far more organized than our guard. Perhaps they could send an escort." He chews his lip for a moment. "I would be much more able to focus on our task if I knew we'd done our utmost to seek help."

Male Human (Per +7 | Fort +17 Ref +13 Will +22 | AC 29 (f28/t15) | CMD 22)

"Alas I do not. That slot is in high demand today and Sending didn't make the cut. High Priestess Jenya Urikas may have a casting today I do not know. Tell me what you want to say, and I shall respectfully ask her on your behalf."

In the morning, a few errands aside, Atol spends the rest of his time at Vhalentru's manor, searching for any other possible survivors (maybe in other paintings) and generally guarding the place.

When the Greyhawkers return, Atol happily puts on his new purchases and girds himself for battle.

He looks expectantly to the others. "Where to?"

Half-Elf Barbarian (Urban Barbarian) 1, Alchemist (Internal Alchemist, Vivisectionist) 15
Init +12 | Per 22* | F +17* R +19* W +10* | AC 35* (t20* f27* i22*) +1 crwd | CMD 34 | *many buffs

"Ah, yes. High Priestess. My apologies. What other words does one use. 'Her Holiness'? As for the message... How about... 'Cauldron faces calamity. Children and elders need refuge. The Cauldron Five ask: 'Will you send a retinue and give refuge?' Your friendship is much valued.'"

. . . . .

Toffitt joins the party at the appointed time, and grateful receives his purchases. "I believe you're to lead us there, Atol. You are, as it were, our pathfinder."

|| Per +19 | Fort +13 Ref +8 Will +13 | BAB +13 | CMB +20 | CMD 31 || Init +7 Half-Orc (Smoking Eye) Oracle of Battle/Barbarian (Armored Hulk)/Rage Prophet/Chevalier 4/3/6/3

Finneas nods at the children and sets them to work about the temple, learning to clean and the ways of Kord.


W/ Doctor Toffitt

"I'll ride to Redgorge, Doctor. I've little else to do right now and the children are cleaning the temple. The town isn't far and I could make it there easily."

Half-Elf Barbarian (Urban Barbarian) 1, Alchemist (Internal Alchemist, Vivisectionist) 15
Init +12 | Per 22* | F +17* R +19* W +10* | AC 35* (t20* f27* i22*) +1 crwd | CMD 34 | *many buffs

"Ah. That may work much better, Finn, though would it not take a day to get there?" Player forgets how long of a ride it is by horse.

"Children, you say? New acolytes to Kord, eh? Well done. Well done indeed."

M Steinneblin (Rock Gnome) Paladin 16/Cavalier 1

Upon returning to Cauldron and rejoining the others, Glimmil leans over and ties the laces of his shiny new winged shoes. Standing, he keeps his right foot ahead as if to show off his new purchase.

"Shoes. With wings!"

After pacing a bit to try them out, Glimmil stands near an open window and looks out upon the city.

"It's cold. And quiet. Like something is coming?"

F14:R16:W17 (+2);K(Arc)26;K(Dun)18;K(Hist)20;K(Loc)26;K(Nat)25;K(Pln)28;K(Rel)28;Perc 27;SMot 22;Spllcft 29;UMD 19
Cuthbertist 16 - Bludgeoner First Class

Dyrant takes Glim to Greyhawk for the shopping and for selling what Skie could not buy. He will work with the St. Cuthbertines in Greyhawk, using Aralynn and whatever authorities he can muster to aid in the quick procurement.

On the next day, he will Gr. Teleport the two of them back.

Possibly due in part to Toffitt's inquiries and Glimmil's rallying of the gnomes, the remaining leaders of Cauldron have agreed to meet this afternoon at the town hall to discuss the future of Cauldron. A new mayor needs to be elected as the last one has not been found. There is also the disposition of the estates of Lord Vhalantru and Lady Rhiavadi.

Jenya will be in attendance and Finneas receives an invitation as the head of the church of Kord. Several other churches aside from Wee Jas are invited. Lord Taskerhill, Lady and Lord Vanderboren, and Lord Aslaxin and Lady Knowlern will also be in attendance. Meerthan secures an invite for the Striders and even the Chisel is represented by Maavu.

F14:R16:W17 (+2);K(Arc)26;K(Dun)18;K(Hist)20;K(Loc)26;K(Nat)25;K(Pln)28;K(Rel)28;Perc 27;SMot 22;Spllcft 29;UMD 19
Cuthbertist 16 - Bludgeoner First Class

Dyrant rolls his hands down his clothes, trying to get them less wrinkled and more respectable looking. His new hat, on the other hand, he takes and adds several new creases. The new hat was all the rage amongst the St. Cuthbertines of Greyhawk and Dyrant look the time to purchase two.

When he sees Atol, he will had over the second crumpled hat in a makeshift ceremony, explaining how the purpose behind the hat and how it came to be.

" you see, Atol. The hat defines and represents the Cuthbertine faith. Just as...blahblah...St. Ulliver the Tardy wore one when he was eaten by sand gobl--...blahblah...crumpled, not crumbled, Atol...blahlblah...which was the style at the time," Dyrant explains while handing over the grey and white crumpled hat that matches his own.

As he waits expectantly for Atol to don his grey apparel, Dyrant wonders who else will be attending the Mayor's meeting.

The Party is invited to the meeting as well, right? Or are we sending Finn & Jenya as our representatives?

Half-Elf Barbarian (Urban Barbarian) 1, Alchemist (Internal Alchemist, Vivisectionist) 15
Init +12 | Per 22* | F +17* R +19* W +10* | AC 35* (t20* f27* i22*) +1 crwd | CMD 34 | *many buffs

Toffitt seeks out Mahvu and his Strider friends prior to the gathering, wanting to get a sense of his agenda. He exchanges pleasantries and asks them what they intend to do in defense of the city and to protect those who cannot fight.

F14:R16:W17 (+2);K(Arc)26;K(Dun)18;K(Hist)20;K(Loc)26;K(Nat)25;K(Pln)28;K(Rel)28;Perc 27;SMot 22;Spllcft 29;UMD 19
Cuthbertist 16 - Bludgeoner First Class

Dyrant looks forward to the meeting but take procautions for his own safety.

He will cast prying eyes, asking them to settle outside and around the meeting area and report back if anything non-humanoid approaches. Aralynn will be hovering above, keeping a more thoughtful and intelligent watch. Dyrant hopes that Glim will track any evil within the meeting itself.

In addition, he will have Extended See Invisibility, Heroism, and Gr. False Life active.

He will whisper to Atol.

"Be ready, Atol. If the Cagewrights seek to attack us, this would be a good time to do it. We must be cautious."

In the meeting room himself, he will frequently check for scrying, using detect magic as necessary for there is little trust.

M Steinneblin (Rock Gnome) Paladin 16/Cavalier 1

Glimmil prepares for the meeting by gobbling up an extra helping of his mom's baked goods, providing Cog an extra serving as well - somehow finding himself hungrier than usual as if the teleportation relied upon draining some of his personal energy to complete.

As he stands watch as the town's leaders assemble, he fidgets with his platinum band and wonders who he should provide it to this morning.

Glimmil has the second platinum band for Shield Other. He last used it on Finneas. He's keeping it handy to potentially use on someone important today. He'll cast Magic Circle Vs Evil as the crowd starts to form and he gets somewhere stationary to be seated.

Half-Elf Barbarian (Urban Barbarian) 1, Alchemist (Internal Alchemist, Vivisectionist) 15
Init +12 | Per 22* | F +17* R +19* W +10* | AC 35* (t20* f27* i22*) +1 crwd | CMD 34 | *many buffs

Toffitt wears his best finery to the meeting. As the attendees are gathering, he consumes an extract to enhance his senses (Perceive Cues), keeping his eye out for trouble. He stands with Finneas and gives pleasant greetings to the various dignitaries.

Male Human (Per +7 | Fort +17 Ref +13 Will +22 | AC 29 (f28/t15) | CMD 22)
Dyrant Maynor, the Pre-Sainted wrote:

When he sees Atol, he will had over the second crumpled hat in a makeshift ceremony, explaining how the purpose behind the hat and how it came to be.

" you see, Atol. The hat defines and represents the Cuthbertine faith. Just as...blahblah...St. Ulliver the Tardy wore one when he was eaten by sand gobl--...blahblah...crumpled, not crumbled, Atol...blahlblah...which was the style at the time," Dyrant explains while handing over the grey and white crumpled hat that matches his own.

As he waits expectantly for Atol to don his grey apparel, Dyrant wonders who else will be attending the Mayor's meeting.

Atol dons the hat and pushes it around his head a little. "We, er, I'm not a Chapeaux, I'm a Billet you know. Our church is a Billet church." He fiddles with his hat a little more taking it off, stretching it a little and putting it back on.

"This is a very fine hat though. And all the way from Greyhawk itself!" He fidgets with the hat a little more and lets it rest, for now, upon his head and a little to one side. "Thank you Dyrant."

- - -

Assuming the party is invited to the event, Atol goes in his usual adventurers garb, though he does brush the latest crumbs off his clothes. He tries to find a seat centrally, so he can, with a little luck, cure the most people (everyone?) in a channel energy in the event of an area attack.

Remember, anyone who had breakfast with Atol has 1d8 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8 temporary hit points, +1 (morale) attack rolls/Will saves, and +4 (morale) on poison/fear saves from the heroes' feast for 12 hours.

F14:R16:W17 (+2);K(Arc)26;K(Dun)18;K(Hist)20;K(Loc)26;K(Nat)25;K(Pln)28;K(Rel)28;Perc 27;SMot 22;Spllcft 29;UMD 19
Cuthbertist 16 - Bludgeoner First Class

Dyrant scratches his ass, getting one last good one in before the meeting starts.

News has spread quickly through Cauldron and people fill the streets surrounding the town hall as the party approaches. City guards uneasily mix with several groups of house guards to try and keep the peace. Well, the city guards are trying to keep the peace, while the house guards are doing their best to keep the riff raff away from their lords and ladies.

Half-Elf Barbarian (Urban Barbarian) 1, Alchemist (Internal Alchemist, Vivisectionist) 15
Init +12 | Per 22* | F +17* R +19* W +10* | AC 35* (t20* f27* i22*) +1 crwd | CMD 34 | *many buffs

Toffitt consumes some liquid courage as he approaches the crowd (Heroism). He makes his way effortlessly through the crowd, and calls out to the crowd. "My good people, you've the word of the Cauldron Five: We shall forge a plan that protects our city and attends to the needs of those in need. Please give the guard your cooperation." He places himself next to one of the more aggressive house guards and puts a hand on her shoulder. "Let us all join together in the defense of Cauldron, for there is great might in our collective arms."

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 18 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 18 + 2 = 35

Male Human (Per +7 | Fort +17 Ref +13 Will +22 | AC 29 (f28/t15) | CMD 22)

Atol pushes his way through the crowd, "Excuse me... pardon me... coming through... excuse me." until he gets wise and waits for Finneas - then he simply follows along in his wake.

We created this crowd with our cries of doom and gloom. I hope they don't turn hostile. They're already fearful and there's nothing they can do. They're relying on us.

Atol frowns as he makes his way into the building.

M Steinneblin (Rock Gnome) Paladin 16/Cavalier 1

Glimmil stands tall, an easy task for him given his towering height among gnomekind - a full inch and a half taller than the typical gnomish resident of Cauldron.

He glances with some comfort at the platinum band around Skie's finger, knowing it will ensure he can better protect her.

And because I liked it, I should'a put a ring on it...

Glimmil smiles, although his satisfaction quickly disappears as he realizes he should be keeping a weathered eye out for Ellywinkle.

Doctor Abner Svengalu Toffitt wrote:
He places himself next to one of the more aggressive house guards and puts a hand on her shoulder. "Let us all join together in the defense of Cauldron, for there is great might in our collective arms."

The woman continues to stare into the crowd while brushing Toffitt's hand off her shoulder. She glares at the crowd while whispering at Toffitt, "I'd keep your hand to yourself if you want to keep it attached to yourself."

As the crowd settles a bit, she does offer a slight smile though.

Dyrant Maynor, the Pre-Sainted wrote:
Dyrant looks forward to the meeting but take procautions for his own safety.

Dyrant's paranoia proves unfounded this time. No monsters lurk on the rooftops and none of the citizens are actually demons in disguise. It's just a bunch of scared people on the verge of panic and despair desperate for hope and answers.

Half-Elf Barbarian (Urban Barbarian) 1, Alchemist (Internal Alchemist, Vivisectionist) 15
Init +12 | Per 22* | F +17* R +19* W +10* | AC 35* (t20* f27* i22*) +1 crwd | CMD 34 | *many buffs

Toffitt smiles and murmurs. "Rest assured, officer, my hand shan't stray far from your shoulder. Unless you should need your hand sewn back on after the coming struggles. Then you'll have my utmost skills as a chirurgeon at your disposal." He makes some room in the crowd for Atol and Dyrant to pass.

The KiK's (Kids of Kor) as they've taken to calling themselves are reluctant to let Finneas leave so soon, but also know it is not their place to question him. Elliott dons his ill-fitting armor and offers to join Finneas to help watch his back.

"I know I won't be much help against demons or devils or dragons, but I can tell you when someone is sneaking up behind you. I won't be in the way at all. I promise."

Martha watches from the temple's entry hall where she has the younger kids organized into groups to clean the temple. She shouts above the scrubbing of stones and splashes of water, "I can keep an eye on things here. These walls should protect us from the usual dangers of the city. As for the unusual dangers, I doubt we're any safer anywhere else right now." She ends by saying, "I'm sure he'd be fine with you," and leaves unspoken the fact that Elliot would be out of her way.

Doctor Abner Svengalu Toffitt wrote:
Toffitt smiles and murmurs. "Rest assured, officer, my hand shan't stray far from your shoulder. Unless you should need your hand sewn back on after the coming struggles. Then you'll have my utmost skills as a chirurgeon at your disposal." He makes some room in the crowd for Atol and Dyrant to pass.

The woman pats Toffitt on the back. "I like you. Some people just shrivel up when I talk to them." She smiles at Toffitt while shoving a citizen backwards.

"Give us some space why don't you!"

Glimmil's gleaming armor seems to keep the crowds at bay almost as well as the guards. The occasional kid tries to get close enough to see himself in it, but otherwise Glimmil proceeds through the crowd unmolested. There are a few gnomes in the crowd, but none of them are the one he fears--or hopes--will be there. Of course not, because she's just inside the door to the meeting hall.

"Glimmil!" She barely finishes the name before engulfing him in a hug faster than any grappling creature he's ever met. It's short-lived though as Ellywinkle makes her rounds of the party before finally finishing with Finneas. She stares up into his eyes and asks in her voice that could be mistaken for an archon, "Miss me?"

|| Per +19 | Fort +13 Ref +8 Will +13 | BAB +13 | CMB +20 | CMD 31 || Init +7 Half-Orc (Smoking Eye) Oracle of Battle/Barbarian (Armored Hulk)/Rage Prophet/Chevalier 4/3/6/3

Finneas looks at Elliott with some amusement, remembering himself at that age, almost a foot taller and 50 pounds heavier.

"Alright, let's go. But you run at the first sight of trouble. I've died a couple times now, it's no good."

Elliott gulps and unconsciously adjusts his armor to better cover some gaps. "A couple of times? Did it hurt?"

After a few seconds his eyes open wide and he cautiously asks, "Did you meet Kord?"

M Steinneblin (Rock Gnome) Paladin 16/Cavalier 1

With a *pop*, Glimmil's weapon is ready.

Then, sheepishly, he realizes, despite his heart leaping out and through his mouth, it's no eye-monster or demon he faces, but simply Ellywinkle's voice.

Detecting a scent of bubblegum that lingers in the air, Glimmil frets for a moment that it may attach to his armor and follow him around all afternoon. However, he finds some relief as Ellywinkle continues past him to stop and stare up at Finneas with her doe eyes.

As he relaxes, he wills his hook-hammer to return to it's magical place.

Glimmil makes a mental note to inquire why a really tall, armored gnome is following Finneas around.

Wait! Under all that armor, is that a tall gnome, or a boy?

GM_Chris wrote:

Possibly due in part to Toffitt's inquiries and Glimmil's rallying of the gnomes, the remaining leaders of Cauldron have agreed to meet this afternoon at the town hall to discuss the future of Cauldron. A new mayor needs to be elected as the last one has not been found. There is also the disposition of the estates of Lord Vhalantru and Lady Rhiavadi.

Jenya will be in attendance and Finneas receives an invitation as the head of the church of Kord. Several other churches aside from Wee Jas are invited. Lord Taskerhill, Lady and Lord Vanderboren, and Lord Aslaxin and Lady Knowlern will also be in attendance. Meerthan secures an invite for the Striders and even the Chisel is represented by Maavu.

A dozen chairs ring a large rectangular wooden table in the middle of the town hall's central room. Lord Taskerhill sits at the head of the table looking quite comfortable. He sips a glass of red wine as he talks quietly with the young Lady Aeberrin and Lord Premiach Vandeborn on his right. Lord Aslaxin sits on Lord Taskerhill's left an says little.

At the midpoint of the table sits Jenya and her friend, Lady Ophella Knowlern. Across from them sits Maavu and Meerthan. Two petite seats remain at the end of the table. Ellywinkle sits comfortably in one and Lord Taskerhill gestures to Finneas to sit in the other.

"My apologies, sir, but we are not accustomed to people as large as yourself sitting at the table."

Half-Elf Barbarian (Urban Barbarian) 1, Alchemist (Internal Alchemist, Vivisectionist) 15
Init +12 | Per 22* | F +17* R +19* W +10* | AC 35* (t20* f27* i22*) +1 crwd | CMD 34 | *many buffs

Toffitt frowns minutely at Taskerhill's nonchalance in the face of the city's potential doom. He takes up a position at Finneas' right shoulder. Wherefore are we consulting with these idiots? To save those vulnerable people for whom they have no regard? Were I a beholder, I'd be tempted to disintegrate most of them. He puts on a placid affect and nods at Maavu.

Male Human (Per +7 | Fort +17 Ref +13 Will +22 | AC 29 (f28/t15) | CMD 22)

Atol looks at the leadership in the town so assembled. A good group. Clearly concerned for the future of our town or they wouldn't be here, but not nearly as 'sky is falling!' as we. Very wise - no sense in bringing panic to the streets until we know what exactly we're up against.

Atol fiddles with his pack and takes out a muffin. He eats it stump first like a little cake.

I don't know why we're here really. We should be hunting in the sewers not casually speaking with the nobles. They have their job and we have ours.

He looks at Finneas in his new position as leader of the church. Well, excepting him of course.

He thinks about Finneas a long while, ruler of a whole plane, leader of his church in Cauldron, warrior beyond compare. A good man, he decides.

M Steinneblin (Rock Gnome) Paladin 16/Cavalier 1

Glimmil hesitates from entering into the town hall's main meeting room. If there's one thing he fears more than Ellywinkle, it's within this room.

Not politics - but something politics causes for Glimmil.


Grinning awkwardly, he manages a half-salute before turning on his heel and taking up a position near the doors where he does his best impression of a guard.

F14:R16:W17 (+2);K(Arc)26;K(Dun)18;K(Hist)20;K(Loc)26;K(Nat)25;K(Pln)28;K(Rel)28;Perc 27;SMot 22;Spllcft 29;UMD 19
Cuthbertist 16 - Bludgeoner First Class

Dyrant enters the room, looking nicer than usual having changed into his dress garments (the Cusp of Sunrise clothes). He nods politely to the assembled personage, introducing himself to those who might not know him and those he does not recognize.

"Ah good, Jenya is here, Atol. It is good that the true Church is represented here. The Cudgel's wisdom will be given and heard," Dyrant says as he sees Jenya in attendance.

He mentally reviews his preparations, entrusting his eyes and Aralynn to warn of incoming danger.

Without apology or explanation, he will cast Detect Magic and survey the room and the attendees.

We don't have much time for this. The next attack could happen at any time.

Dyrant awaits the meeting to start, wondering who will be leading.

"It seems as if everyone has arrived. Let us begin."

"Welcome to my fellow nobles, to the leaders of the great churches of Cauldron, and to our other honored guests."

Lord Taskerhill raises his goblet and toasts all of those at the table.

"For too long we have lived with our eyes closed to the turmoil around us. We must open our eyes to the friends that are nearby and the enemies that lurk just as close." He peers past those who are seated, past those who are standing, and into the shadowy corners of the room.

"The people have placed their trust in fools and monsters. It is a time for change. It is a time for a new mayor."

With a firm thud, Lord Taskerhill puts his goblet down and looks around the table. There are several shouts of agreement before things settle down.

F14:R16:W17 (+2);K(Arc)26;K(Dun)18;K(Hist)20;K(Loc)26;K(Nat)25;K(Pln)28;K(Rel)28;Perc 27;SMot 22;Spllcft 29;UMD 19
Cuthbertist 16 - Bludgeoner First Class

Dyrant keeps quiet, his mind far away on ways to find a way to save Cauldron.

Half-Elf Barbarian (Urban Barbarian) 1, Alchemist (Internal Alchemist, Vivisectionist) 15
Init +12 | Per 22* | F +17* R +19* W +10* | AC 35* (t20* f27* i22*) +1 crwd | CMD 34 | *many buffs

Toffitt shakes his head and speaks. "If you'll forgive me: It is true that Cauldron requires strong leadership in this moment. It needs leaders who can command the guard with strength, and rally those citizens who would defend it against what comes. It needs leaders who can usher the vulnerable to safety in all haste. We haven't time to install a new government. We must act now. Today. This hour."

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (19) + 18 = 37

"We five must go to face those who would summon demons into our fair city. Tell us you are attending to the people's safety forthwith, and we shall do our duty with greatly eased concern." He bows slightly, attempting to make his impertinence good with a gesture.

|| Per +19 | Fort +13 Ref +8 Will +13 | BAB +13 | CMB +20 | CMD 31 || Init +7 Half-Orc (Smoking Eye) Oracle of Battle/Barbarian (Armored Hulk)/Rage Prophet/Chevalier 4/3/6/3

Apologies for the delay in my posting, I failed my saving throw versus food poisoning on Monday and I'm finally recovered enough to sit at a computer today.

Finneas watches the proceedings, nothing to say as of yet.

M Steinneblin (Rock Gnome) Paladin 16/Cavalier 1

Glimmil peeks back in the room and follows Taskerhill's gaze into the shadowy corners of the room.

He narrows his eyes and gives Cog a nod.

I imagine Glimmil is not riding Cog at this time, and merely has him next to him near the door like a guard dog.

And... Detect Evil!

Around the room, many heads nod at Toffitt's words. Lord Taskerhill is the first to speak though. "You are absolutely right, sir. We must act now to install a new government. Let's be quick about it and you and your friends can find those that threaten our safety. We will take care of the citizens."

Lord Taskerhill turns to his right and nods to Lord Vandeborn who in turn quickly follows with, "Then I nominate you, sir. Lord Taskerhill for mayor."

Lady Aeberrin follows quickly with, "I second the motion."

"All in favor?" asks Lord Taskerhill.


Glimmil does not detect any evil.

F14:R16:W17 (+2);K(Arc)26;K(Dun)18;K(Hist)20;K(Loc)26;K(Nat)25;K(Pln)28;K(Rel)28;Perc 27;SMot 22;Spllcft 29;UMD 19
Cuthbertist 16 - Bludgeoner First Class

Who gets to vote? Do the Cauldron 5 get votes? What are the town laws regarding civil rule? State of war? What is the civilized law? If this is all beyond the boundary of this discussion, we can ignore, but Dyrant would want to know.

Dyrant coughs, seeking his voice.

"A question before we get to voting. Lord Taskerhill, I would know more about your intents as Mayor. And furthermore, how is your daughter and the rest of the Stormblades? Would they willing to help us?"

Half-Elf Barbarian (Urban Barbarian) 1, Alchemist (Internal Alchemist, Vivisectionist) 15
Init +12 | Per 22* | F +17* R +19* W +10* | AC 35* (t20* f27* i22*) +1 crwd | CMD 34 | *many buffs

Toffitt nods at Dyrant's question. And his other questions.

This is awkward. We've just deposed the tyrant behind the last mayor, and could as easily depose Taskerhill, if it were our way. Let us assess first.

"Yes, knowledge of your plans would also ease our minds in the coming battle." Though Aralynn can just ask St. Cuthbert if he will be a mayor of good intent and action.

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 20 ⇒ (10) + 20 = 30

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Welcome everyone!

I'm sure each of you is as anxious as me to get on with the adventure, but a few quick notes. For those of you who are new to play-by-post, this is the out of character discussion thread. This is where we can world build, rules lawyer, discuss the weather, etc, etc, without disturbing the flow of the story thread.

I covered numerous topics in the recruiting thread which have been inserted into my profile for easy reference. I will update it with any other information/rulings as needed. Just one note, please use quotes when appropriate. The bold helps, but the quotes are what really trigger the voices in my head. Only one other topic has been added regarding cheating, which I just don't get. I won't overload your brains with anything more for now. We can address things as needed. Feel free to email me directly.

I live in the San Francisco Bay Area and will likely be posting morning, noon, and night. I don't expect everyone to keep pace with me, but please post once a day to the game thread and stop by this thread to see if anything is going on.

If you haven't completely finished your profile, please do so as soon as possible.

Finally, have fun! If your aren't having fun, let us know. Fun and camaraderie are the only real life rewards for playing here.

Shadow Lodge

Just wanted to say how excited I am to be on this adventure. I think you did an awesome job with the introduction, and that has to be one of the best takes on "you meet in a bar" I've seen in a long time. Can't wait to get started.

Figured I'd post as myself and include my character name at the bottom, unless you'd like the opposite, that way we can keep each other straight between the threads.


F14:R16:W17 (+2);K(Arc)26;K(Dun)18;K(Hist)20;K(Loc)26;K(Nat)25;K(Pln)28;K(Rel)28;Perc 27;SMot 22;Spllcft 29;UMD 19
Cuthbertist 16 - Bludgeoner First Class


I summon myself from the aether into this thread.

Fear my coming!

Nothing to do on the other thread, so I audited characters. Yes, I'm desperate to do anything associated with this. It also helps me learn the new classes. Here are my notes, most of which are in your favor. Of course, I can make mistakes too, so feel free to correct me.

- Please indicate in some way how you distribute your skill ranks.
- Saves. Your base is 0,2,0 with a +2 Ref from Dex. Should be 0,4,0.
- CMD. Should be 15. 3 DEX + 2 STR
- Saves. Your base is 2,0,2 with +1 to all from domain and +5 Will from WIS. Should be 3,1,8
- Channels. Should be 7. 3 base, 2 CHA, 2 Extra Channel feat.
- Saves. Your base is 0,0,2. +1 to all from tattoo. +1 Fort from CON. Should be 2,1,3.
- Skills. 1 too many it appears. Oracle base is 4. No INT bonuse. Favored class went to HP.
- CMB should be 2
- CMD should be 14
- You have bastard sword as +3 attack. +2 is STR, but I don't know where the other one is coming from.
- Languages. Pick two more since there are no regional languages.
- You're not perfect. I just haven't found the mistakes yet.
- Don't make me release the Elizalich on you.

|| Per +19 | Fort +13 Ref +8 Will +13 | BAB +13 | CMB +20 | CMD 31 || Init +7 Half-Orc (Smoking Eye) Oracle of Battle/Barbarian (Armored Hulk)/Rage Prophet/Chevalier 4/3/6/3

Bah, stupid post monster ate my post from earlier.

Anyway, just saying how happy I am to be here and what a great job I think you did with that introduction.

In my skills I only spent 4 points, the 5 is a typo I noticed earlier but haven't corrected.

My Scarred Soul trait gives me a -1 to Will saves.

F14:R16:W17 (+2);K(Arc)26;K(Dun)18;K(Hist)20;K(Loc)26;K(Nat)25;K(Pln)28;K(Rel)28;Perc 27;SMot 22;Spllcft 29;UMD 19
Cuthbertist 16 - Bludgeoner First Class
GM_Chris wrote:
Dryant- You're not perfect.

Well duh.

I mean, if i were perfect, would I be hanging out in this thread?


And would I be sobbing in my cups?

And giving away my most prized possessions?

No, I ain't perfect, but thanks for rubbing it in.


|| Per +19 | Fort +13 Ref +8 Will +13 | BAB +13 | CMB +20 | CMD 31 || Init +7 Half-Orc (Smoking Eye) Oracle of Battle/Barbarian (Armored Hulk)/Rage Prophet/Chevalier 4/3/6/3
Dyrant Maynor, the Pre-Sainted wrote:
GM_Chris wrote:
Dryant- You're not perfect.

Well duh.

I mean, if i were perfect, would I be hanging out in this thread?


And would I be sobbing in my cups?

And giving away my most prized possessions?

No, I ain't perfect, but thanks for rubbing it in.


Ok, I would never have guessed a Healing Witch of St. Cuthbert. Well done sir.

Male Half-Elf Summoner (Synthesist) 1 / Paladin 2

Working on it!

Also don't want to forget about this....

GM_Chris wrote:

The blue gnome pipes up first, "If we wanted a philospher,"

The red gnome continues, "We would have called over the pile of refuse that traded in his life's work for a single night of drinks."

Who are they talking about? Oh yeah.... Dryant. The pile of refuse.

Insulted by gnomes.

Male Dwarf Cleric

Thanks again for the nod.
Now just need to figure out who the purple lady was.

Thanks for the CMD catch. I think we were both wrong on the saves.

I figure. Fort +0 class +1 con 13. Ref +2 class +2 dex 15.
Will +0 class +1 Wiz 13.

So +1/+4/+1 corect?

Skill ranks are indicated by the roman nurmal following the skill name. For example Perception I means one rank in perception. Is this cook or do you wand a per level breakdown? EX: lvl1. perception, kn nobles, climb ..... lvl 2. stealth......

Also did not mail myself the gear list I made last night. >facepalm<

What would be a good language for a tutor / researcher in this area? What would rich parents want their kids in addition to common?

Silfr knows common & elven, and would have picked up celestial in his own studies.

What language would old carvings on the ruins of the area sport? Aklo?

Aeneas wrote:

I think we were both worng on the saves.

So +1/+4/+1 correct?

Yes. Don't know how I flubbed that one.

F14:R16:W17 (+2);K(Arc)26;K(Dun)18;K(Hist)20;K(Loc)26;K(Nat)25;K(Pln)28;K(Rel)28;Perc 27;SMot 22;Spllcft 29;UMD 19
Cuthbertist 16 - Bludgeoner First Class
Finneas Glenn wrote:
Ok, I would never have guessed a Healing Witch of St. Cuthbert. Well done sir.

And thank you, sir.

Alas, I lack the divine spark.

To note: I will never, ever refer to myself or what I can do as a witchy/warlocky or whatever. The witch is nothing but a skeleton, Dyrant is who I am.

Let's rock this PbP.

Male Dwarf Cleric
D30 wrote:

What would be a good language for a tutor / researcher in this area? What would rich parents want their kids in addition to common?

Silfr knows common & elven, and would have picked up celestial in his own studies.

What language would old carvings on the ruins of the area sport? Aklo?

Giant? Draconic?

|| Per +19 | Fort +13 Ref +8 Will +13 | BAB +13 | CMB +20 | CMD 31 || Init +7 Half-Orc (Smoking Eye) Oracle of Battle/Barbarian (Armored Hulk)/Rage Prophet/Chevalier 4/3/6/3
Aeneas wrote:
D30 wrote:

What would be a good language for a tutor / researcher in this area? What would rich parents want their kids in addition to common?

Silfr knows common & elven, and would have picked up celestial in his own studies.

What language would old carvings on the ruins of the area sport? Aklo?

Giant? Draconic?

Also Halfling Gnome and Dwarf based on the background of the settlers of this city.

Dyrant Maynor, the Pre-Sainted wrote:

To note: I will never, ever refer to myself or what I can do as a witchy/warlocky or whatever. The witch is nothing but a skeleton, Dyrant is who I am.

A player in my Serpent Skull game insists the others refer to his ninja as a fighter, so I can totally understand that.

For his part Finneas doesn't even think of himself as an Oracle, but a follower of Kord with a mix of martial and divine skills.

D30 wrote:

What would be a good language for a tutor / researcher in this area? What would rich parents want their kids in addition to common?

Silfr knows common & elven, and would have picked up celestial in his own studies.

What language would old carvings on the ruins of the area sport? Aklo?

Hard to say on the tutoring and research, but stick to the languages in the Core rulebook. In regards to your more specific question of ruins, the lands were occupied by demons before Surribar drove them out. Dragons have also roamed the lands as recently as a few human generations ago. Finally, there are known underground ruins, catacombs, etc. Without giving too much away, you can extrapolate possibilities from there.

Male Dwarf Cleric

I'm a courier or a factor if you want to really nail me down.

@ Finneas
How attached are you to your hauntings? I plan to hijack them frequently. If this is going to ruin your experience, please let me know now.

Also, how long ago was it that you left Cauldron and "traveled south to learn with the tribe of his father?" When did you return?

Aeneas wrote:
I'm a courier or a factor if you want to really nail me down.

Is your character an investigator or are you just using the class as a shell for your character?

Which house are you a courier/factor for? Anyone of note? You can pick one from the Cauldron background or work for a lesser known family. Either way I can work you into the story without revealing plot.

|| Per +19 | Fort +13 Ref +8 Will +13 | BAB +13 | CMB +20 | CMD 31 || Init +7 Half-Orc (Smoking Eye) Oracle of Battle/Barbarian (Armored Hulk)/Rage Prophet/Chevalier 4/3/6/3
GM_Chris wrote:

@ Finneas

How attached are you to your hauntings? I plan to hijack them frequently. If this is going to ruin your experience, please let me know now.

Go for it. Originally I was going to go with Tongues for my curse because I don't really like the game effects of Haunted, but when I started playing out the character it made more sense for him to be Haunted.

Anything that helps the roleplaying experience is good with me, so by all means. If there would be mechanical effects to the hijacking I would like to know, but as a story tool they are all yours.

Finneas Glenn wrote:
If there would be mechanical effects to the hijacking I would like to know, but as a story tool they are all yours.

Nothing during combat except for the already existing penalties. Thanks.

Also, look above. Just added another question.

|| Per +19 | Fort +13 Ref +8 Will +13 | BAB +13 | CMB +20 | CMD 31 || Init +7 Half-Orc (Smoking Eye) Oracle of Battle/Barbarian (Armored Hulk)/Rage Prophet/Chevalier 4/3/6/3
GM_Chris wrote:
Finneas Glenn wrote:
If there would be mechanical effects to the hijacking I would like to know, but as a story tool they are all yours.

Nothing during combat except for the already existing penalties. Thanks.

Ok sounds great.

GM_Chris wrote:

Also, look above. Just added another question.

Also, how long ago was it that you left Cauldron and "traveled south to learn with the tribe of his father?" When did you return?

Age 17 now. Let's say 13 or so for puberty and the voices, one year in the church to get them under control, south to the tribe and 6 months to a year there, back to Cauldron around age 15 so 2 years working on the Gate and living in Cauldron again?

Stupid forum lost a huge character update. I'll have time to retype it all later tonight.

D30 wrote:
Stupid forum lost a huge character update. I'll have time to retype it all later tonight.

Yep. Ctrl-C prior to "Submit Post" or "Preview" is your friend. I think we've all learned that one the hard way. I think the postmonster is related to gremlins.

Male Dwarf Cleric
GM_Chris wrote:
Aeneas wrote:
I'm a courier or a factor if you want to really nail me down.

Is your character an investigator or are you just using the class as a shell for your character?

Which house are you a courier/factor for? Anyone of note? You can pick one from the Cauldron background or work for a lesser known family. Either way I can work you into the story without revealing plot.

Aeneas worked as a courier/problem solver for the construction project. Think junior project manager and you will not be far off. I suppose he could have worked for other nobles/business before this. Given his blue blood background he would pick a merchant to work for if he could, Arlintal and Garthum leap out of the background info as possabilities. In fact he could still be working for one of them and just been loaned to the project.

I like that idea Aeneas works for Arlintal Maavu but was loaned to the gate project both our of civic feeling and to keep an eye on his employers interests.

Can you work with that?

Aeneas wrote:
Can you work with that?

Yes, Arlintal Maavu will work. Now walk out of the Inn. *tap* *tap* *tap* *tap* *tap* *tap* *tap* *tap* *tap* *tap* *tap* 8-)

|| Per +19 | Fort +13 Ref +8 Will +13 | BAB +13 | CMB +20 | CMD 31 || Init +7 Half-Orc (Smoking Eye) Oracle of Battle/Barbarian (Armored Hulk)/Rage Prophet/Chevalier 4/3/6/3
GM_Chris wrote:
Aeneas wrote:
Can you work with that?
Yes, now walk out of the Inn. *tap* *tap* *tap* *tap* *tap* *tap* *tap* *tap* *tap* *tap* *tap* 8-)

lol, I am so raring to go on this adventure it's crazy!

Male Human (Per +7 | Fort +17 Ref +13 Will +22 | AC 29 (f28/t15) | CMD 22)

This is going to be great! :D

Atol Lem wrote:
...the cloth is not empty, it contains my wooden holy symbol to St. Cuthbert instead of your much finer one which is visible around my neck.

Lol. I'm sure St. Cuthbert won't mind. :)

F14:R16:W17 (+2);K(Arc)26;K(Dun)18;K(Hist)20;K(Loc)26;K(Nat)25;K(Pln)28;K(Rel)28;Perc 27;SMot 22;Spllcft 29;UMD 19
Cuthbertist 16 - Bludgeoner First Class
Atol Lem wrote:
...the cloth is not empty, it contains my wooden holy symbol to St. Cuthbert instead of your much finer one which is visible around my neck.

What? I gave the barkeep my wooden holy symbol, the only one I had. Tis weird that it turned metal and more valuable the moment I gave it away. Mayhaps this is an omen?

Male Human (Per +7 | Fort +17 Ref +13 Will +22 | AC 29 (f28/t15) | CMD 22)

hahahah! My bad. I thought yours was metal.

OK then, you have my wooden instead of yours. :D

Dice Rolls

Feel free to roll dice for a skill, attack, etc, anytime you think is appropriate. I appreciate it if you explain any situational modifiers that alter what the roll would be from your profile. Including at least situational modifiers keeps things like cover from being counted twice or not at all. I go overboard, but understand if it's too much. For example:

+1 BAB, +4 Dex, +1 Point Blank, -4 cover
1d20 + 2 ⇒ (11) + 2 = 13

Aside from initiative, I will typically not make rolls for you unless it is necessary to keep things moving. I will also frequently let you make rolls that are supposed to be done by the GM. I trust people to not metagame around it and find it helps with my sense of immersion. If you're the opposite and knowing you rolled a 1 is going to distract you on searches, traps, etc, just let me know.

The Exchange

Male Humanoidish Yahoo 4/Painlord 6/Punk 2/Cleric of Happiness & Sunshine 1
GM_Chris wrote:
Dice Rolls blahblah blahblah blahblah blahblah blahblah blahblah blahblah blahblah blahblah blahblah blahblah blahblah blahblah blahblah blahblah words words worms wordswords words worms wordswords words worms words blahblah blahblah blahblah blahblah blahblah blahblah blahblah blahblah blahblah words words worms wordswords words worms wordswords words worms words blahblah blahblah blahblah blahblah blahblah blahblah blahblah words words worms words blahblah blahblah blahblah blahblah

/me ::makes the 'blahblah' hand gesture with accompanying mouth and facial movements::

Yeah, great GM Chris, but when do we see what's happening in the alley??!?!?!

|| Per +19 | Fort +13 Ref +8 Will +13 | BAB +13 | CMB +20 | CMD 31 || Init +7 Half-Orc (Smoking Eye) Oracle of Battle/Barbarian (Armored Hulk)/Rage Prophet/Chevalier 4/3/6/3

Soon as Thierry acts I reckon.

Painlord wrote:
Yeah, great GM Chris, but when do we see what's happening in the alley??!?!?!

As soon as Thierry posts. I'm dying here, too. "Help! Help! *oooff*"

|| Per +19 | Fort +13 Ref +8 Will +13 | BAB +13 | CMB +20 | CMD 31 || Init +7 Half-Orc (Smoking Eye) Oracle of Battle/Barbarian (Armored Hulk)/Rage Prophet/Chevalier 4/3/6/3
GM_Chris wrote:
Painlord wrote:
Yeah, great GM Chris, but when do we see what's happening in the alley??!?!?!
As soon as Thierry posts. I'm dying here, too. "Help! Help! *oooff*"

While we're waiting, do you feel it would be reasonable for Finneas to have his hand axe? I would think so, but I can't see why he would have his greatsword with him.

Also, I assume if we don't post in 24 hours during non-combat you'll skip us, what is the time limit during combat? The same?

The Exchange

Male Humanoidish Yahoo 4/Painlord 6/Punk 2/Cleric of Happiness & Sunshine 1
Finneas Glenn wrote:
While we're waiting, do you feel it would be reasonable for Finneas to have his hand axe? I would think so, but I can't see why he would have his greatsword with him.

Dang. I'd like to get inside and get my (really Atol Lem's) freakin' holy symbol so I could be useful in this fight, but that's not how it's going to be is it?

|| Per +19 | Fort +13 Ref +8 Will +13 | BAB +13 | CMB +20 | CMD 31 || Init +7 Half-Orc (Smoking Eye) Oracle of Battle/Barbarian (Armored Hulk)/Rage Prophet/Chevalier 4/3/6/3
Painlord wrote:
Finneas Glenn wrote:
While we're waiting, do you feel it would be reasonable for Finneas to have his hand axe? I would think so, but I can't see why he would have his greatsword with him.

Dang. I'd like to get inside and get my (really Atol Lem's) freakin' holy symbol so I could be useful in this fight, but that's not how it's going to be is it?

If I understand it correctly you took the white cloth you gave the bartender? In which case you have his holy symbol, and since you're the same religion does that work for you?

The Exchange

Male Humanoidish Yahoo 4/Painlord 6/Punk 2/Cleric of Happiness & Sunshine 1
Finneas Glenn wrote:
If I understand it correctly you took the white cloth you gave the bartender? In which case you have his holy symbol, and since you're the same religion does that work for you?

Nope, don't have it. In my drunken/pitiful stupor, I ran out of the bar without it. I did, however, manage to get my book back.

Silly me. We'll see what happens.

|| Per +19 | Fort +13 Ref +8 Will +13 | BAB +13 | CMB +20 | CMD 31 || Init +7 Half-Orc (Smoking Eye) Oracle of Battle/Barbarian (Armored Hulk)/Rage Prophet/Chevalier 4/3/6/3
Painlord wrote:
Finneas Glenn wrote:
If I understand it correctly you took the white cloth you gave the bartender? In which case you have his holy symbol, and since you're the same religion does that work for you?

Nope, don't have it. In my drunken/pitiful stupor, I ran out of the bar without it. I did, however, manage to get my book back.

Silly me. We'll see what happens.

Well crap. I guess you can always hit them with the book? ;P

The Exchange

Male Humanoidish Yahoo 4/Painlord 6/Punk 2/Cleric of Happiness & Sunshine 1
Finneas Glenn wrote:
Well crap. I guess you can always hit them with the book? ;P

I assume you mean to hit GM Chris and Thierry?

Yes. Definitely.

Finneas Glenn wrote:
While we're waiting, do you feel it would be reasonable for Finneas to have his hand axe? I would think so, but I can't see why he would have his greatsword with him.

Hand axe, yes. Greatsword no unless it's his security blanket like Thierry.

Finneas Glenn wrote:
Also, I assume if we don't post in 24 hours during non-combat you'll skip us, what is the time limit during combat? The same?

24 hours definitely, but I might try for 12 or 18 hours for combat. I'll probably post an 18 hour timer the first time and go with that.

Opinions people?

|| Per +19 | Fort +13 Ref +8 Will +13 | BAB +13 | CMB +20 | CMD 31 || Init +7 Half-Orc (Smoking Eye) Oracle of Battle/Barbarian (Armored Hulk)/Rage Prophet/Chevalier 4/3/6/3
GM_Chris wrote:
Finneas Glenn wrote:
Also, I assume if we don't post in 24 hours during non-combat you'll skip us, what is the time limit during combat? The same?

24 hours definitely, but I might try for 12 or 18 hours for combat. I'll probably post an 18 hour timer the first time and go with that.

Opinions people?

18 sounds good to me.

Dark Archive

As I apparently held up the party, (sorry!) I wanted to make sure to let everyone know that I do the vast majority of posting from work and I am off on Thursday and Sunday nights. This means that I rarely post after 7 am Thursday until sometime Friday and the same again 7 am Sunday.

Please GM_Chris, feel free to move Thierry if I don't respond quickly enough for the needs of the game. He is a gallant, but old enough not to just rush into the unknown without at least a first glance.

drayen wrote:

As I apparently held up the party, (sorry!) I wanted to make sure to let everyone know that I do the vast majority of posting from work and I am off on Thursday and Sunday nights. This means that I rarely post after 7 am Thursday until sometime Friday and the same again 7 am Sunday.

Please GM_Chris, feel free to move Thierry if I don't respond quickly enough for the needs of the game. He is a gallant, but old enough not to just rush into the unknown without at least a first glance.

7am in ??? And, always rush forward and tackle the biggest, meanest looking thing out there. Check.

Shadow Lodge

First combat post up, hopefully I got all the format the way you like. My virtual dice are on fire, I hope that doesn't turn on me now.

While I belive this is a potentially powerful party, I find it amusing that there isn't a single BAB amongst you until the Eidolon is out.

Dyrant Maynor, the Pre-Sainted wrote:
He has my symbol. How did he get it?

And it works for him. 8-P

Shadow Lodge

I didn't even notice that. Well, that has to be a first, given the number of full BAB progression classes that exist, I think it's pretty cool that a party without one of them can do well (I hope).

I didn't note it in my post but I'm hoping the Intimidate gives them the Shaken result to account for most of us not wearing armor.

Shadow Lodge

/nod Totally cool with that, since we're not at a table I wanted to make sure you knew that's what I was hoping for.

As noted in your Game Notes I'll not play out what I think will happen but just note what I'm trying to make happen, unless/until you tell me otherwise.

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