Kutholiam Vuere

Atol Lem's page

2,084 posts. Alias of Euan.

Full Name

Atol Lem




(Per +7 | Fort +17 Ref +13 Will +22 | AC 29 (f28/t15) | CMD 22)








Lawful Good




City of Cauldron


Common, Celestial



Strength 10
Dexterity 12
Constitution 12
Intelligence 8
Wisdom 20
Charisma 20

About Atol Lem

Stats & Saves:
Cleric level 15 / Witch level 1 (Patron: Wisdom)
Base Stats (unenhanced by magic)
Str 10, Dex 10, Con 10, Int 8, Wis 20, Cha 18

Saving Throws
Fortitude = +17 (+2 poison/drugs (trait))
Reflex = +13
Will = +23 (+2 charm/compulsion (trait))
(+4 from cloak of resistance)(already added)
(+3 to all from protection domain)(already added)
immune to detect thoughts, discern lies, and any attempt to magically discern her alignment

Armor Class = 29
Flat-Footed AC = 28 (+9 Chainmail Armor, +3 Buckler, +4 Ring of Protection, +2 Natural Armor Amulet)
Touch AC = 15 (+4 Ring of Protection, +1 Dexterity)

CMB = 11 (+11 BAB)
CMD = 22 (+1 Dex)

HP = 114

BAB = +11/+6/+1
Initiative = +5 (+4 familiar, +1 dex)
Movement = 30' (40' with his boots)

Feats & Traits:
Birthmark (+2 vs charm/compulsion, acts as divine focus)
Iron Liver (+2 vs poison/drugs, +4 vs alcohol)
Simple Weapons
Armor & Shields
Selective Channeling
Extra Channel
Scribe Scroll
Craft Wand
Quick Channel
Craft Staff
Channeled Revival


Acrobatics = +1* (+5 when jumping)
Appraise = 0
Bluff = +4
Climb = 0*
Diplomacy = +16 (10 ranks)
Disguise = +4
Fly = +1
Heal = +11 (3 ranks)
Intimidate = +4
Knowledge(religion) = +7 (5 ranks)
Knowledge(arcana) = +3 (1 rank)
Linguistics = +3 (1 rank)
Perception = +7 (2 ranks)
Perform, Oratory = +5 (1 rank)
Profession (Gardener) = +10 (2 ranks)
Ride = +1*
Sense Motive = +12 (4 ranks)
Spellcraft = +4 (2 ranks)
Stealth = +1*
Survival = +5
Swim = 0*
Use Magic Device = +7 (1 rank)

*Armor Check Penalty -2

Spells & Special Abilities:

Channel Energy: 8d6, DC:21, 10x/day

(Purity(sp): +1 to saves/5 levels, Resistant Touch: 8x/day can touch another and grant for 1 minute)
(Purifying Touch(su): Give a new save vs each effect at the original DC)
(Strength Surge(sp): touch to grant +1/2lvls to any strength related task for 1 round 8x/day)
(Bestow Resolve(su): +1/lvl+wis bonus temporary hit points to all allies within 20' for 1 minute)

Healing Hex 1d8+1

Angel (+4 Initative)

Caster Level: 15, Concentration Check: 22 (+2 defensively)
Zero (DC15/19) First (DC 16) Second (DC 17) Third (DC 18) Fourth (DC 19) Fifth (DC 20) Sixth (DC 21), Seventh (DC 22), Eigth (DC 23)

0) Create Water, Guidance, Light, Purify Food & Drink, Stabilize -- Arcane Mark, Detect Magic, Read Magic
1) Protection from Evil; Ant Haul, Command, Endure Elements, Obscuring Mist, Liberating Command, Protection from Evil
2) Bull's Strength; Pilfering Hand, Restoration(lesser), Sound Burst, Sound Burst, Suppress Charms and Compulsions
3) Magical Vestment; Create Food and Water, Daylight, Dispel Magic, Invisibility Purge, Prayer
4) Spell Immunity; Blessings of Fervor, Blessings of Fervor, Dimensional Anchor, Protection from Energy Communal, Sending
5) Spell Resistance; Air Walk (communal), Breath of Life, Cleanse, Flame Strike, Summon Monster V
6) Heroes' Feast; Blade Barrier, Greater Dispel Magic, Heal
7) Grasping Hand; Holy Word, Summon Monster VII
8) Mind Blank; Holy Aura

Angel's Spellbook
Dimension Door
Crushing Despair
Sleet Storm
Summon Monster 3
Burning Gaze
Flaming Sphere
See Invisibility
Burning Hands
Comprehend Languages
Cure Light Wounds
Enlarge Person
Mage Armor
Ray of Enfeeblement
Reduce Person
Shocking Grasp

Equipment & Wealth:

Belt of Physical Might +2 (Dex/Con)
Hat of Charisma +2
Cloak of Resistance +4
Spellguard Bracers
Tunic of Careful Casting
Amulet Natural Armor +2
+3 Mithral Chainmail of Luck (+9AC, -2ACP, 1/week reroll one hit before damage is rolled)
Ring of Protection +4
Ring Fire Resistance, minor (10hp)
Boots of Striding and Springing
Breastplate w/ St. Cuthbert engraving (home)
Buckler +2
Staff of the Cauldron Five (8th level caster)
- +1 cudgel
- Prayer (1 charge)
- Blessings of Fervor (2 charges)
Light Crossbow w/12 bolts
Flask (gin)
Holy Symbol (old metal w/ ruby chips)
Phylactery with 'Priest' carved in the front (home)
Prayer Beads (500gp)
Lesser Metamagic Rod (3) of Silence
Metamagic Rod (6), Reach
Phylactery of Positive Channelling
Cassock of the Clergy
2 pairs of 2 platinum rings each (Shield Other foci)
Key ring with three keys
Healer's kit (6 uses)
Scroll case, Ink, Pen & Paper
1,300gp in magical inks for scrolls
Familiar Satchel
Campfire Bead
Tuning forks for Carceri and our home plane
Diamond for Raise Dead (5,000gp)
Diamond Dust for Restoration, etc. (6,500gp)
Forked Metal Rod (Create Demiplane) (500gp)
Gifts for Divination (5 @ 25gp ea)
Incense for Commune (500gp) x2
Small Reliquary (Holy Aura) (500gp)
Pearl of Power (first) x2
Pearl of Power (second)
Pearl of Power (third)
Potion Cure Moderate Wounds x2
Potion Cure Serious Wounds x4
Potion Delay Poison
Potion Displacement
Potion of Lessor Restoration x2
Wand Cure Light Wounds (x39) (x50)
Wand Cure Moderate Wounds (x29) (x50)
Wand Cure Serious Wounds (x21) <- Spring Loaded Wrist Sheath (R)
Wand Silence (x6)
First Aid Gloves (2/2 available)
Scroll Case (Caster Level)
- Air Walk, Communal (6)
- Ant Haul (1)
- Bless (1) x2
- Breath of Life (9) <- Spring Loaded Wrist Sheath (L)
- Calm Emotions (3) x2
- Comprehend Languages (1)
- Cure Light Wounds, mass (7)
- Cure Moderate Wounds, mass (11)
- Cure Serious Wounds (5)
- Daylight (5)
- Delay Poison (3) x4
- Dimensional Anchor (7) x2
- Dismissal (7)
- Dispel Magic (5) x2
- Find the Path (11)
- Find Traps (4)
- Flame Strike, widened (9)
- Flame Strike (10)
- Freedom of Movement (7) x2
- Ghostbane Dirge (3)
- Heal (11) x4
- Hold Person (3)
- Invisibility Purge (5) x3
- Lesser Restoration (3) x5
- Liberating Command (4)
- Magic Circle against Evil (5)
- Neutralize Poison (7) x2
- Obscuring Mist (1) x2
- Pilfering Hand (3)
- Plane Shift (9) x5
- Raise Dead (9) x2
- Remove Blindness/Deafness (5)
- Remove Curse (5)
- Remove Fear (1) x2
- Remove Paralysis (3) x3
- Resist Energy, communal (6) x2
- Restoration, Lesser (3) x4
- Restoration (7 no neg levels) x2
- Restoration (7 negative level)
- Silence (3)
- Sound Burst (3) x4
- Spiritual Weapon (3)
- Stone Shape (3)
- Suppress Charms and Compulsions (3) x4
- Tongues (4)
- Water Breathing (5)

Handy Haversack
- Acid flask x3
- Antitoxin x23
- Bedroll & Blanket
- Candle x10
- Chalk x10
- Charcoal
- Compass
- Crowbar
- Earplugs x6 pair
- Everburning Torch
- Flask of Oil x2
- Flint & Steel
- Grappling Hook
- Holy Water vial x3
- Manacles, MW
- Mirror, steel
- Pick, heavy
- Rations x6
- Rope 50', silk
- Sack
- Smelling salts
- Smokesticks x2
- Sunrod x9
- Tanglefoot Bag x3
- Tindertwigs x22
- Thunderstone x3
- Twine 50'
- Universal solvent
- Vermin Repellent
- Whetstone x5

At Home
- Cauldron of Plenty
- Lyre of Building
Total Gear: ~181,400gp

Atol has spent most of his life in and around the Church of St. Cuthbert with his brother Alexander (clearly the brighter of the two). He and his brother were given up to the church, not as orphans per se, it's just where they spent most of their time. Alexander is always looking out for the dimmer Atol and tries to keep his often over-excited brother from causing too much trouble. Unfortunately that has limited Atol's movement within the church and he finds himself relegated to a small cell in a small temple tending a small garden...

Atol has always wanted to be a parish priest and continues to drive himself to that end. Having heard of the free food and ale, Alexander pushed his brother to go by telling him they needed a priest, and badly. Atol ran all the way...

Personality and Appearance:
Atol has a handsomeness that comes from being plain and comfortable. He carries simple yet utilitarian gear and wears the same. In the froth of excitement Atol occasionally fails to clean the gardening soil from his garments when he leaves the yard, and he often gets excited if he thinks his action will help his flock to be...