Curse of the Crimson Throne - Foxy Quickpaw

Game Master Foxy Quickpaw

Bad things are going to happen in Korvosa.
Maps, etc.
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Grand Lodge

F Dwarf Cleric (4)/ HP 26/31, AC 18/ T 18/ FF 10/ Saves: Fort +8, Ref +2, Will +9/ Perception +4/ Ini +1 / Touch of Law 0/7/ Deflection Aura 0/1 /CH 0/4/ Orisons 2/4/ Lvl 1 1/5/ Lvl 2 1/4/ Harrow 0/2

"I have a few spells that can enchant my weapon," Ernhild shrugs.

Female Gnome
Tisha Nerifaren wrote:

Tisha gives a big grin to Lini.

Spugnoir was right, you are the best shop keeper!

"I am. 152 gold please."

Female Elf Unchained Rogue (Scout) Lvl 4 (HP 24/31| AC:18 | T: 15 | FF: 13| Fort:+2 | Ref:+8 (Evasion) | Will:+3 (+5 Vs Enchant)| Init + 4 | Perc + 11 (+12 vs Suprise)
CL, DM, DP, RM| Harrow Points: 1

Tisha hands over the gold. Sorry, just excited to share. Not trying to take from you..

Then she turns to Biggi
I’m keeping one of the balms and I have the magic dagger which is more then most of the rest of you…. So I think I can deal with undead if we find them. So I think you can keep the second one.

M Dwarf Fighter4HP40/45,AC20T13FF17,F8R3W5,Init+2,Per+8

Works for me. So if we are all set, we can head out.

Female Gnome

"Have a nice day. Until next time." The shop disappears through a short swirl into nothingness.

Grand Lodge

F Dwarf Cleric (4)/ HP 26/31, AC 18/ T 18/ FF 10/ Saves: Fort +8, Ref +2, Will +9/ Perception +4/ Ini +1 / Touch of Law 0/7/ Deflection Aura 0/1 /CH 0/4/ Orisons 2/4/ Lvl 1 1/5/ Lvl 2 1/4/ Harrow 0/2

Ernhild gives everyone an Antiplague and a Holy Water. "I have my own, and an extra one of each," she explains.

Female Elf Unchained Rogue (Scout) Lvl 4 (HP 24/31| AC:18 | T: 15 | FF: 13| Fort:+2 | Ref:+8 (Evasion) | Will:+3 (+5 Vs Enchant)| Init + 4 | Perc + 11 (+12 vs Suprise)
CL, DM, DP, RM| Harrow Points: 1

If everyone is ready, let’s go

So we split everything except the alchemist fire right?

M Dwarf Fighter4HP40/45,AC20T13FF17,F8R3W5,Init+2,Per+8

Everyone gets one fire

Kitsune Game Master

As everything is prepared the group moves through the town on their way to the Grey District. Again. Hopefully it won't be the same priest on duty as last time. But while everyone ponders what they will find there, something else screams for attention.

A rumble issues from below, and a moment later the city street cracks apart and long fissures run across the bricks. The road bursts upward, casting chunks of rock into the air and raining bricks on the surrounding area. The stench of sewer filth and garbage belches forth, heralding the approach of a loud and hungry otyugh, drawn by the chaos and noise of the world above.

Refer to pages 408/409 of the Core Rulebook for an illustration.


Tish: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (14) + 4 = 18
Briggi: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5
Narciso: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 2 = 17
Ernhild: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (12) + 0 = 12

Dog: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (11) + 1 = 12

Tish, Narciso, Ernhild <--

M 1/2 Elf| HP 29/29 | AC: 13, T: 12, FF:11 | Spd: 30ft | Sorcerer (Tattooed, Wildblooded) 4 | Init +6, Low Light Vision; Percept: +11, Sense Motive: +2 | Saves: F: +4, R: +4, W: +9 +2 vs enchantments| CMB +2 / CMD 14

Narciso says "What the hell is that thing?"
Narciso does not have K Dungeoneering, so no id'ing the aberration for him...

@Foxy, no map, so how far away is it?

Kitsune Game Master

Less than 30 feet but still out of reach of the beast. But if you get any closer you're in danger of falling into the sewer.

M 1/2 Elf| HP 29/29 | AC: 13, T: 12, FF:11 | Spd: 30ft | Sorcerer (Tattooed, Wildblooded) 4 | Init +6, Low Light Vision; Percept: +11, Sense Motive: +2 | Saves: F: +4, R: +4, W: +9 +2 vs enchantments| CMB +2 / CMD 14

Narciso backs away from the strange abomination and the screams silently at it...

Move - Back off to 35 ft away
standard - cast ear piercing scream

damage: 2d6 ⇒ (1, 4) = 5
also, Fort DC 17 or dazed for 1 round

Grand Lodge

F Dwarf Cleric (4)/ HP 26/31, AC 18/ T 18/ FF 10/ Saves: Fort +8, Ref +2, Will +9/ Perception +4/ Ini +1 / Touch of Law 0/7/ Deflection Aura 0/1 /CH 0/4/ Orisons 2/4/ Lvl 1 1/5/ Lvl 2 1/4/ Harrow 0/2

"Hell if I know," Ernhild shakes her head.

She watches the street splits open with the loud cracks of splitting stones, and sighs. Just another Tuesday.

She lays one hand on Briggi's arm, and invokes the name of Abadar against this new threat against the city. A golden aura envelops Briggi, and runes carve themselves into his armor, weapons and shield.

He suddenly feels the dead weight of his scale mail lighten, as if invisible shoulders helped him bear his burden. His shield and weapons feel similarly like they are being lifted, at the same time, by a powerful grip.

To outside spectators, Briggi is surrounded by a faint aura, that nearly espouses his silhouette and every movement. It almost looks like the spectral form of a warrior - very subtly wider and taller than he is. Bull's Strength for 4 minutes/24 rounds

Female Elf Unchained Rogue (Scout) Lvl 4 (HP 24/31| AC:18 | T: 15 | FF: 13| Fort:+2 | Ref:+8 (Evasion) | Will:+3 (+5 Vs Enchant)| Init + 4 | Perc + 11 (+12 vs Suprise)
CL, DM, DP, RM| Harrow Points: 1

Not anything I want to know better Tisha says as she pulls out her hand crossbow and launches a bolt at the thing….

Hand Crossbow vs Flat footed since it hasn’t gone yet: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (15) + 8 = 23
Damage + Hungry for Revenge trait + SA: 1d4 + 1 + 2d6 ⇒ (3) + 1 + (3, 6) = 13

Then she steps back so the thing has to get past Biggi to get to her and starts looking around for a place to take cover.
Foxy I’m looking for anything I can hide behind next round. A cart, alleway , door alcove, stack of crates, etc, but still be within 30 feet of it if I can. Let me know what I see since we have no map.

Move to draw crossbow, standard to fire, 5’ step to move back.
Note: If I hit the shot and sneak attack applies I disorent the Otyugh for one round giving it a -2 to hit vs everyone else and -4 vs Tisha.

Kitsune Game Master

Fort: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (9) + 3 = 12

The large sewer monster seems to have lost its orientation. The other people around flee the scene. Or watch from the safety of their houses.

Tish, Narciso, Ernhild <--
Briggi <--

M Dwarf Fighter4HP40/45,AC20T13FF17,F8R3W5,Init+2,Per+8

Briggi draws his hammer. Thanks Ernhild! He eyeballs the creature.

Know-Dungeneering: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (18) + 5 = 23

Female Elf Unchained Rogue (Scout) Lvl 4 (HP 24/31| AC:18 | T: 15 | FF: 13| Fort:+2 | Ref:+8 (Evasion) | Will:+3 (+5 Vs Enchant)| Init + 4 | Perc + 11 (+12 vs Suprise)
CL, DM, DP, RM| Harrow Points: 1

Tisha turns and joins the people fleeing, ducking into a side alley. Once out of sight, she calmly stops and moves back to where she can just barely see the area before Biggi. There she hides herself behind the corner and reloads her hand crossbow.

move action to Move into an alley and hide. Then use a second move action to reload the crossbow.

Stealth: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (13) + 10 = 23

Kitsune Game Master

This is an Otyugh - part of the Korvosa sewer cleaning system - going on a rampage. As to be expected with a s@@& eating creature, being bitten by it can transmit unpleasant diseases. For the common person this isn't a real problem as death by being eaten comes much faster. The guard has to deal with them every now and then and usually this is no issue for well equipped guards.

Grand Lodge

F Dwarf Cleric (4)/ HP 26/31, AC 18/ T 18/ FF 10/ Saves: Fort +8, Ref +2, Will +9/ Perception +4/ Ini +1 / Touch of Law 0/7/ Deflection Aura 0/1 /CH 0/4/ Orisons 2/4/ Lvl 1 1/5/ Lvl 2 1/4/ Harrow 0/2

Ernhild barely stops for breath before starting another incantation. No matter how disquieting the situation is, a strange sense of calm descends upon everyone. Their mind clear as if coldly analysing the battle from afar.

Cast Bless for 4 min/ 24 rounds

M 1/2 Elf| HP 29/29 | AC: 13, T: 12, FF:11 | Spd: 30ft | Sorcerer (Tattooed, Wildblooded) 4 | Init +6, Low Light Vision; Percept: +11, Sense Motive: +2 | Saves: F: +4, R: +4, W: +9 +2 vs enchantments| CMB +2 / CMD 14
Briggi Plannten wrote:

Briggi draws his hammer. Thanks Ernhild! He eyeballs the creature.


"Were I the warrior type, I would have gotten in close there while it was dazed, but I'll leave such business to the professional..."

Narciso offers unsolicited commentary as he steps back, while drawing and loading his crossbow...

5' step back (40' from it, Briggi is definitely blocking any charge line between me and it; so is Ernhild.)
Draw Crossbow (move action)
Load Crossbow (move action 2)

Kitsune Game Master

There is no charge lane for anyone. Everything in the direct vincinity of the Otyugh is cluttered with debris and there is a huge hole in the street. I'd assume Briggi has half an action left?

Tish, Narciso, Ernhild
Briggi <--

M Dwarf Fighter4HP40/45,AC20T13FF17,F8R3W5,Init+2,Per+8

Briggi relays the information he knows to the others.

I wonder what has this thing so angry. Anyone speak Otyugh? Briggi advances 10 feet.

Kitsune Game Master

Tentacle: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (18) + 3 = 211d6 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5
Tentacle: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (11) + 3 = 141d6 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6
Grab: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (19) + 13 = 32

The Otyugh leashes out at Briggi and grabs him.

Briggi, Tish, Narciso, Ernhild <--

Female Elf Unchained Rogue (Scout) Lvl 4 (HP 24/31| AC:18 | T: 15 | FF: 13| Fort:+2 | Ref:+8 (Evasion) | Will:+3 (+5 Vs Enchant)| Init + 4 | Perc + 11 (+12 vs Suprise)
CL, DM, DP, RM| Harrow Points: 1

Tisha peaks out a little more and sees Biggi get captured.
ahhh, So getting close to the sewer beast is a bad idea…. I got lucky I didn’t want to get dirty in the sewer gunk.

She calmly lines up a second shot from her hiding place then shoots at the thing again.
Hand Crossbow vs Flat footed since I’m hidden + Bless: 1d20 + 8 + 1 ⇒ (17) + 8 + 1 = 26
Damage + trait + SA: 1d4 + 1 + 2d6 ⇒ (2) + 1 + (1, 6) = 10

Then she leans back and tries to hide again.
Stealth - Snipping: 1d20 + 10 - 20 ⇒ (4) + 10 - 20 = -6
standard to shoot, move to hide with sniping option of stealth

ha! Tisha needs to get better at hiding if she is going try sniping again.

Also this time if Tisha hits and does SA damage she bewilders the Otyugh, Giving it a -2 to AC vs everyone else and -4 to AC vs her. This lasts for one round.

M 1/2 Elf| HP 29/29 | AC: 13, T: 12, FF:11 | Spd: 30ft | Sorcerer (Tattooed, Wildblooded) 4 | Init +6, Low Light Vision; Percept: +11, Sense Motive: +2 | Saves: F: +4, R: +4, W: +9 +2 vs enchantments| CMB +2 / CMD 14
Briggi Plannten wrote:


I wonder what has this thing so angry. Anyone speak Otyugh? Briggi advances 10 feet.
Foxy Quickpaw wrote:


The Otyugh leashes out at Briggi and grabs him.

"I don't speak Otyugh, but I think that means I'm hungry..."

Narciso is a snarky SoB, while he cranks off a shot with his crossbow and then steps back, reloading...

Standard - shoot light crossbow at Otyugh
move - reload light crossbow
5' step away from Otyugh

To Hit: 1d20 + 2 + 2 - 4 ⇒ (1) + 2 + 2 - 4 = 1 vs reduced Otyugh AC (it's in a grapple and thus has the grappled condtion for a -4 dex = -2 AC).
+2 bab +2 dex -4 shooting into melee

damage: 1d8 ⇒ 3

Grand Lodge

F Dwarf Cleric (4)/ HP 26/31, AC 18/ T 18/ FF 10/ Saves: Fort +8, Ref +2, Will +9/ Perception +4/ Ini +1 / Touch of Law 0/7/ Deflection Aura 0/1 /CH 0/4/ Orisons 2/4/ Lvl 1 1/5/ Lvl 2 1/4/ Harrow 0/2

"Whatever it's saying, it can't be good." While Briggi is keeping the otyugh busy, more or less willingly, Ernhild rushes into melee, drawing her warhammer as she runs.

Charge: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (15) + 8 = 23

Damage: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3 HA :')

Kitsune Game Master

Tisha shoots the Otyugh again making it roar in pain. Narciso shoots a the neighboring house. Ernhild runs towards the monster and jumps the last distance to bring her warhammer down on the abberation. In the process she gets hit herself with a free tentacle and also slides down into sewer. There she stands hip deep in stinking water.

Tentacle AoO: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (16) + 3 = 191d6 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5

Tish, Narciso, Ernhild
Briggi <--

M Dwarf Fighter4HP40/45,AC20T13FF17,F8R3W5,Init+2,Per+8

Briggi grunts and strikes at the beasty with his hammer

Warhammer,Bull Strength,Bless: 1d20 + 8 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 8 + 2 + 1 = 301d8 + 3 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 3 + 2 = 11

Kitsune Game Master

The Otyughsinks back into the hole it created in the street, taking Briggi with it. At the bottom Briggi is released into the muddy water from the unconscious beast.

Climb DC 15 to get out without help.

Grand Lodge

F Dwarf Cleric (4)/ HP 26/31, AC 18/ T 18/ FF 10/ Saves: Fort +8, Ref +2, Will +9/ Perception +4/ Ini +1 / Touch of Law 0/7/ Deflection Aura 0/1 /CH 0/4/ Orisons 2/4/ Lvl 1 1/5/ Lvl 2 1/4/ Harrow 0/2


Ernhild tilts her head back, and shouts: "We're alive. Anyone's got a rope?"

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Kitsune Game Master
Foxy Quickpaw wrote:
Ernhild runs towards the monster and jumps the last distance to bring her warhammer down on the abberation. In the process she gets hit herself with a free tentacle and also slides down into sewer. There she stands hip deep in stinking water.

You get to check on Briggi up close from below.

Female Elf Unchained Rogue (Scout) Lvl 4 (HP 24/31| AC:18 | T: 15 | FF: 13| Fort:+2 | Ref:+8 (Evasion) | Will:+3 (+5 Vs Enchant)| Init + 4 | Perc + 11 (+12 vs Suprise)
CL, DM, DP, RM| Harrow Points: 1

Tisha looks at Narciso…
Did you bring a rope? I left mine in my room because it was too heavy.

M Dwarf Fighter4HP40/45,AC20T13FF17,F8R3W5,Init+2,Per+8

*Wilheim Scream*

Briggi wipes his face but it doesn't get any better. I have some rope!

He throws up a coil of rope.

M 1/2 Elf| HP 29/29 | AC: 13, T: 12, FF:11 | Spd: 30ft | Sorcerer (Tattooed, Wildblooded) 4 | Init +6, Low Light Vision; Percept: +11, Sense Motive: +2 | Saves: F: +4, R: +4, W: +9 +2 vs enchantments| CMB +2 / CMD 14
Tisha Nerifaren wrote:

Tisha looks at Narciso…

Did you bring a rope? I left mine in my room because it was too heavy.

"Quit stealing my excuses..."

Briggi Plannten wrote:

Briggi wipes his face but it doesn't get any better. I have some rope!
He throws up a coil of rope.

Narciso gestures down the hole and continues "... That kind of thing is what pack mules are for anyways."

He lets the rope land in the street. Before picking it up, he uses prestigidation to clean the muck off it. He sets himself, with the rope over his shoulder, and hands the shorter end to Tisha (to help brace), and tosses the long end back down to Briggi.

Grand Lodge

F Dwarf Cleric (4)/ HP 26/31, AC 18/ T 18/ FF 10/ Saves: Fort +8, Ref +2, Will +9/ Perception +4/ Ini +1 / Touch of Law 0/7/ Deflection Aura 0/1 /CH 0/4/ Orisons 2/4/ Lvl 1 1/5/ Lvl 2 1/4/ Harrow 0/2

Ernhild patiently waits for her turn.

M Dwarf Fighter4HP40/45,AC20T13FF17,F8R3W5,Init+2,Per+8

climb: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12

Kitsune Game Master

We all know that the DC for climbing with a rope against a wall is 5

Female Elf Unchained Rogue (Scout) Lvl 4 (HP 24/31| AC:18 | T: 15 | FF: 13| Fort:+2 | Ref:+8 (Evasion) | Will:+3 (+5 Vs Enchant)| Init + 4 | Perc + 11 (+12 vs Suprise)
CL, DM, DP, RM| Harrow Points: 1

As Briggi climbs up, Tisha calls down.
Ernhild, is there anything worth saving down there?
If not it looks like you can start up. as Briggi is almost up.

Grand Lodge

F Dwarf Cleric (4)/ HP 26/31, AC 18/ T 18/ FF 10/ Saves: Fort +8, Ref +2, Will +9/ Perception +4/ Ini +1 / Touch of Law 0/7/ Deflection Aura 0/1 /CH 0/4/ Orisons 2/4/ Lvl 1 1/5/ Lvl 2 1/4/ Harrow 0/2

"I don't think so." Ernhild takes a quick look around just in case.

Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (20) + 4 = 24

If she sees nothing worthwhile, she climbs back up.

Climb: 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (18) - 2 = 16

Kitsune Game Master

Ernhild finds a mitral short sword stuck in the gum of the otyugh. A bit hard to retrieve as it is far into the beasts maw.

Grand Lodge

F Dwarf Cleric (4)/ HP 26/31, AC 18/ T 18/ FF 10/ Saves: Fort +8, Ref +2, Will +9/ Perception +4/ Ini +1 / Touch of Law 0/7/ Deflection Aura 0/1 /CH 0/4/ Orisons 2/4/ Lvl 1 1/5/ Lvl 2 1/4/ Harrow 0/2

Ernhild attempts to pull the short sword out.

Strength?: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 2 = 11
Strength?: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 2 = 15

Kitsune Game Master

Ernhild is smelling like a hobo anyway, so she doesn't hesitate to climb into the maw of the abberation and pull out the fancy weapon.

With her prize she climbs up the rope.

M Dwarf Fighter4HP40/45,AC20T13FF17,F8R3W5,Init+2,Per+8

That is a nice blade. Perhaps worth good coin if we sell it.

M 1/2 Elf| HP 29/29 | AC: 13, T: 12, FF:11 | Spd: 30ft | Sorcerer (Tattooed, Wildblooded) 4 | Init +6, Low Light Vision; Percept: +11, Sense Motive: +2 | Saves: F: +4, R: +4, W: +9 +2 vs enchantments| CMB +2 / CMD 14

Catching more than a whiff of wet, sewage coated dwarf, Narciso decides he needs to address the problem, and uses his trusty Prestidigitation cantrip repeatedly...

He also casts Detect Magic to examine the mithral short sword.

Grand Lodge

F Dwarf Cleric (4)/ HP 26/31, AC 18/ T 18/ FF 10/ Saves: Fort +8, Ref +2, Will +9/ Perception +4/ Ini +1 / Touch of Law 0/7/ Deflection Aura 0/1 /CH 0/4/ Orisons 2/4/ Lvl 1 1/5/ Lvl 2 1/4/ Harrow 0/2

"It's good metal. We could also keep it. Thank you," Ernhild says thankfully to Narciso as her clothes get cleaned and the stench of the sewers stop assaulting her nostrils.

Kitsune Game Master

No magic.

With that out of the way, the group moves on. The hole in the ground and the otyugh corpse is a problem for someone else.

Korvosa’s vast graveyard, a region known as the Gray District, is a mournful place even by day. The district is alone in being a place of quiet and calm in the face of the civil unrest, yet there is an unnatural stillness in the air, almost as if the graveyard were preparing for a vast influx of new dead. Nowhere is this ominous feeling more noticeable than in Potter’s Ward, the final resting ground for Korvosa’s poor and homeless. Mounds of unmarked dirt stretch far and wide, indicating sites of mass graves, while crumbling mausoleums from years ago, abandoned by their families as the Gray District expanded to the west, dot the bleak landscape, forgotten and empty. Mourners do not visit here, for the dead buried in Potter’s Ward leave behind few who regret their passing.

There are no signs put up that show the direction to some entrance into the warrens.

Female Elf Unchained Rogue (Scout) Lvl 4 (HP 24/31| AC:18 | T: 15 | FF: 13| Fort:+2 | Ref:+8 (Evasion) | Will:+3 (+5 Vs Enchant)| Init + 4 | Perc + 11 (+12 vs Suprise)
CL, DM, DP, RM| Harrow Points: 1

Ok we need to find the statue. It was supposed to be on the south side I think.

Tisha looks around to find a toppled and headless statue of a sword-wielding gargoyle.
Perception: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (3) + 11 = 14

M Dwarf Fighter4HP40/45,AC20T13FF17,F8R3W5,Init+2,Per+8

Briggi examines around the gravestones as well

Stonecunning: Dwarves gain a +2 bonus on Perception checks to notice unusual stonework, such as traps and hidden doors located in stone walls or floors. They receive a check to notice such features whenever they pass within 10 feet of them, whether or not they are actively looking.

Perception,Stonecunning: 1d20 + 8 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 8 + 2 = 17

M 1/2 Elf| HP 29/29 | AC: 13, T: 12, FF:11 | Spd: 30ft | Sorcerer (Tattooed, Wildblooded) 4 | Init +6, Low Light Vision; Percept: +11, Sense Motive: +2 | Saves: F: +4, R: +4, W: +9 +2 vs enchantments| CMB +2 / CMD 14

As the party approaches the Potter's Ward, Narciso weaves whisps of magic, allowing the party to communicate by whispering to each other (casts Message).

Then, with Bun-bun riding on his shoulder as an extra set of eyes, he joins the search for the gargoyle statue...

perception: 1d20 + 4 + 3 + 2 + 2 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 4 + 3 + 2 + 2 + 4 = 24
4 rank +3 trained +2 wis+2 racial+4 alertness(familiar)

Kitsune Game Master

The area is too large. To search for the gargoyle over the whole place might take longer than there is daylight left.

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