Active effects/conditions
+ Ablative barrier (15)
+ Ant haul
+ Barkskin
+ Death ward
+ Endure elements
+ Freedom of movement
+ Haste
+ Heroes Feast
+ Heroism
+ Improved invisibility
+ Mutagen
+ Overland flight
+ Perceive cues
Init +12 Perception +30 Sense Motive +29
AC 45 / 46 crowd control (21 touch; uncanny dodge)
10 +8 dex +9 armor +2 ring +9 nat armor +1 haste +4 shield +2 fervor
CMB +15 CMD 35 (+13 BAB, +8 Dex, +2 Str, +2 Ring)
HP 169 / 169
Fort +21 Reflex +23 Will +14 (+2 v. enchant)
Immune Poison, disease, nonlethal, cold, sleep, paralysis
Other Defenses -4 to ability damage, -2 to ability drain, 25% chance to avoid crit/precision damage
Weapon Equipped None
Mutagen ACTIVE (+4 Dex, +6 Con, +4 AC, -2 Wis, -2 Cha, 16 hour duration)
1 Ant haul ACTIVE 32 hours
- Endure elements ACTIVE 24 hours
- Enlarge person (Finneas)
- Shield (Finneas)
- Shield ACTIVE
- open
2 Ablative barrier 15 hours ACTIVE
- Ablative barrier 15 hours (Atol)
- Barkskin +5 (Finneas)
- Barkskin +5 ACTIVE
- Perceive cues ACTIVE
- open
3 Heroism ACTIVE
- Heroism
- Resist energy, communal
- Fly (Finneas)
- open
- open
4 Echolocation ACTIVE
- Freedom of movement ACTIVE
- Greater invisibility USED
- Greater Invisibility ACTIVE
- open
5 Delayed consumption (death ward) ACTIVE
- Overland flight ACTIVE
- open
6 Heal USED
Eternal Potion Haste
Hero Points 1
Controlled Rage 5 of 5 rounds used
Healing touch 15 hp of 80hp used
Boots of speed 0 of 10 rounds used
Boro Beads, lvl 1 0 of 2 used
Boro Beads, lvl 2 0 of 2 used
Boro Bead, lvl 3 0 of 1 used
Boro Bead, lvl 4 0 of 1 used
Preserving flask Shield
Wand of fireball 22 charges
Wand of invisibility 30 charges
Wand of Shield 20 charges
Wand of See Invisibility 1 charge
Stats & Saves:
Saving Throws Fort +14 (20) +12 +1 con +3 cloak (+3 mutagen +2 heroism) Reflex +19 (22) +10 +6 dex +3 cloak (+2 mutagen +2 heroism) Will +12 (+14; +2 enchantment) +7 +2 wis +3 cloak (+2 heroism) Immunities Poison, disease, cold, nonlethal damage, paralysis, and sleep.
Armor Class 28 (10 + 9 armor +6 dex +2 ring +1 amulet)
Touch AC 18
Flat-Footed AC 22 (uncanny dodge)
CMB 15
CMD 33
HP 118 (12 barbarian +80 alchemist +17 Con +9 favored)
BAB +13
Initiative +12 (+14 with mutagen)
Speed 30 ft. ground
Feats & Traits:
Suspicious (+1 to Sense Motive > class skill)
Elven Reflexes (+2 to Initiative)
1: L & M armor & shields
1: Martial weapons
1: Brew Potion
1: Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Dueling Blade
1: Weapon finesse
3: Weapon focus: dueling blade
5: Quick draw
7: Iron will
9: Power attack
11: Improved initiative
13: Lunge
15: Furious focus
17: Extra discovery (Eternal Potion)
Controlled Rage +4 morale divided in +2's between Str, Dex
and/or Con. 4 + Con Mod rds/day. Fatigued x2 rds after.
Crowd Control No move penalties moving through crowds; +1 to
attacks and dodge AC if adjacent to 2+ enemies; +1 Intimidate to
control crowd.
Disease & poison immunity
Mutagen+4 alchemical bonus to Dex, +6 to Con (usually), +4 to Nat. Armor,
-2 to Wis + Cha; 1 hour/lvl.
Poison Use
Sneak Attack +8d6 to damage.
Breath Mastery Hold breath 1 minute/point of Con. (or 1
hour/point with full round action). Survive 2x on food. Place self in
suspended animation as move action.
Uncanny dodge
Lvl 3 Infusion Extracts can be used by others.
Lvl 5 Spontaneous healing As a free action once per round, he can heal 5 hit points as if he had the fast healing ability. He can heal 5 hit points per day in this manner for every 2 alchemist levels he possesses. If the alchemist falls unconscious because of hit point damage and he still has healing available from this ability, the ability activates automatically each round until he is conscious again or the ability is depleted for the day.
Lvl 7 Healing Touch (Ex)As a standard action, touch humanoid and apply 1 round of spontaneous healing. Daily limit for spontaneous healing = 5 × his alchemist level.
Lvl 9 Preserve organs light fortification (25% no sneak or crit damage)
Lvl 11 Mummification Immune to cold, nonlethal damage, paralysis, and sleep.
Lvl 13 Crippling strike
Lvl 15 Greater mutagen See Mutagen above.
Lvl 17 Extend potion Double duration of potion (#/day = Int bonus)
Eternal potion One potion at a time is permanent.
Formulae + Elixirs:
1st: Ant Haul
Comprehend Languages
Cure Light Wounds
Disguise Self
Endure Elements
Enlarge Person
Expeditious Retreat
Touch of the Sea
Potions, Oils & Elixirs
Oil of greater magic weapon +3 (4)
Potion of clairvoyance/clairaudience
Potions of CMW (2)
Potions of CSW (2)
Potion of comprehend languages
Potions of enlarge person (2)
Potion of haste
Potions of lesser restoration (2)
Potions of invisibility (7)
Potions of fly (2)
Potions of gaseous form (2)
Magic Items
Belt of dexterity +6, 36,000 gp, 1 lb.
Boots of speed 1 lb.
Boro beads, lvl 1 (2), 2,000 gp
Boro bead, lvl 2 (1), 4,000 gp
Cloak of resistance +2, 4,000 gp, 1 lb.
Formula alembic 200 gp, 2 lb.
Handy haversack, 2,000 gp, 5 lb.
Headband of intelligence & wisdom +2 [UMD, Gnome] 10,000gp
Ioun Torch 75 gp
Preserving flask, lvl 1 1,000 gp
Ring of inner fortitude, major, 42,000 gp
Ring of protection +2 8,000 gp
Wand of fireball
Wand of invisibility
In Haversack
Small steel mirror
Explorer's Outfit
Healer’s Kit 50 gp, 1 lb.
Surgeon's tools 20 gp, 5 lb.
Chirurgeon’s mask 50 gp, 2 lb.
Portable alchemist's lab 75 gp, 20 lb.
Soul stimulant (2) 600 gp
Chalk 1 cp
Pen & ink 8.1 gp
Formulae book 1 lb.
Scroll of find the path
Background & Description:
Excerpted from "On the Alchemy of Man-Beasts and Living Liches"
The horrific, ungodly nature of the craft helps explain its emergence
in many disconnected islands over the last two centuries. Of the many
inventors, only one was reckless as to publish his discoveries: Doctor
Abner Svengalu Toffitt.
Little is known of the early life of Dr. Toffitt. The first records of
his activities place him in the city of Cauldron shortly before its
doom. Alchemists of Infamy describes him as being wracked by a
dread curse that filled his mind with bestial impulse—a form of
lycanthropy known to infect inhabitants of the Amedio Jungle.
One can only speculate as to the reason Dr. Toffitt refused divine
treatment for his curse, although he is said to have been wracked by
crises of faith.
Beloved, Lukhaj. I had hoped you would die in my arms. Instead you
died at my hand. Despite your many offerings to Olidammara and Rao,
the beast ate you from within, as it still threatens to consume me.
Your faith, my love, both too weak to save us.
A willowy man, to be sure. He has the look of elves in his features,
making it difficult to determine his age. Twenty? Fifty? When he
smiles, he is almost abnormally long in the tooth, and there is a hint
of the feral in his features.
His eyes unsettle. One is the color of leaves. The other is the pale
yellow of a panther, ready to spring.
His bearing shows him to be a man of letters. Which is to say, one who
must work for his station. His attire bespeaks a more rugged
lifestyle—well worn but fine traveling clothes, overlain with
protective leathers that bear a myriad of fanciful studs. At his waist
rests an ornate dueling blade. Small bottles peak out of a pouched belt, at
which also hangs a fine buckler.
Level 9:
Alchemist lvl 8
+7 HP
+1 BAB
+1 Fort
+1 Reflex
+1 2nd level extract
+1 3rd level extract
+6 poison & disease resistance
Feat: Power attack
Formula: Fly
Discovery: Preserve organs
+8 HP
+1 BAB
+1 Reflex
+1 Fort
+1 Will
Feat: Cleave
Discovery: Improved initiative
+1 2nd level extract
+1 4th level extract
Formula: Air walk (communal)