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"Next stop, Quantium, the capitol city of Nex!" The captain's voice rings through a brass tube within your room. The Pathfinder Society secured the ship for you and requested you pose as simple merchants. Do not flaunt your affiliation to the Pathfinder Society until you reach the Nexus House Lodge.
The Opportune is rickety, the bunks are uncomfortable, and the captain likes to sing every morning. Loudly. But the anonymity pays off. The port inspectors pay little attention to you as you leave the ship an hour after dawn.
Feel free to introduce yourselves.

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A Ratfolk in cowl and robe bows. You see a mouse perched next to his shoulder. "Nykor here. Ratfolk or ratmen. Always wondered what the surface is like, so been sent up here to find out!"

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Though new to the Pathfinder Society, Landon has lived his entire life on the waters surrounding the Mordant Spire, and is no stranger to rickety ships. He chooses to take it as a good omen that his first mission would begin with a long sea voyage, and is in good spirits as he walks easily across the swaying ship and down the gangplank.
Upon disembarking and passing inspection, he removes a suit of chainmail from his pack and dons it, covering it with an embroidered tunic. Next, he belts his sword and other weapons on within easy reach. Finally, he fastens a worn elven traveling cloak over his shoulders and prepares for the overland journey to Nexus House.
Greetings, Nykor. You may call me Landon. The elf tries his best to present an open and friendly disposition, but it still comes across as somewhat stiff and overly formal. And what may we call your, ah, companion there? he asks, gesturing at the mouse on Nykor's shoulder.

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"Oh, that's a mouse." A short, walking, talking mushroom creature answers Landon's question. Their head bobs up and down with no discernible measure of sarcasm. "I am Eddie. Eddie of the Boletus!" They smile, continuing to head bob in the affirmative.
Eddie yawns and stretches after having spent most of the voyage napping in the cool, damp hold of the ship, definitely NOT composting an unattended barrel of grain they soaked in fresh water. Definitely not.
Eddie wears a mishmash of roughly sewn leathers, dried bark, and leaves while carrying a wooden staff and small wooden shield. The staff grows all manner of life, from bright green mosses to a few stray red topped lichens. It constantly drips a bit of water.

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"See?" Eddie giggles and tries to communicate with the mouse, knowing their never ending hunt for food, offers up some spare damp grain NOT from below deck.
Animal Empathy: Diplomacy: Make Impression, Glad Hand: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (15) + 10 = 25
"Do you have a mouse name little mouse friend?"

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"Yes, well..." Landon begins to respond to Eddie, but catches himself. After a moment's thought, he grins and says, "Ah, yes! How foolish of me. Pleased to make your acquaintance, Eddie. And yours as well, Mouse. I hope we will all work well together!"

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Desmond shows up on deck later than the others. As normal his pack seems to be full of medical supplies. On the ship, you never saw him with any weapon or armor and he just claimed to be a medic, hired to ensure you didn't get seriously hurt.
"Hey, everyone. Sorry, you had to wait. I was inventorying my bandages and needed to rewrap them." He glances at each of you as you play with the little mouse. "Just don't get bit."

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The Nexus House lodge’s staff greets you, offering much more comfortable seats and food. Once you're refreshed they lead you to a sitting room.
>A bronze-skinned gnome< wearing a bright crimson sash and lavender saree stands beside a wooden table holding a lumpy parcel covered in velvet cloth. A multitude of bangles, earrings, and necklaces jangle musically as she speaks. “Welcome to Nexus House! I am vash-vatom Sebnet Sanserkoht, at your service. And may I presen—”
“VrFrph Zircurs!” A muffled voice calls from beneath the cloth, cutting Sebnet off. With a sigh, Sebnet pulls the velvet aside to reveal a grinning skull. The pink lights glowing in each of the skull’s eye sockets twinkle. “As I was saying... the great Zykyryz! Sebnet, I thought we worked this out? I promised to stop doodling on your table, and you promised to quickly pull the curtain to give me a dramatic reveal!”
Gnome and skull both tilt their eyes down to the table’s surface, where an ink pen rests next to numerous crooked spirals, as if someone had drawn them with the pen held in their teeth. Zykyryz reacts first. “Er, that just goes to show my powers of divination are a-head of their time—hey!” The skull is muffled as Sebnet unceremoniously drops the velvet back in place, shaking her head as she claims a nearby seat. “Our humorous friend here, Pathfinders, is why we sent for you. We don’t have too many details, but Zykyryz, as she’s calling herse—”
From beneath the velvet, “Those letters do not get enough love in your chronicles! It’s a crime not to use them!”
Sebnet’s eye twitches ever so slightly, but she continues. “She’s taken the name Zykyryz for now because she likes the sound of it, but she’s almost certain that wasn’t her name before. We discovered her in the vaults of the Grand Lodge. Unfortunately, nobody could figure out who or what she was, as if she never existed! However, I have come to believe she’s one of the Arclords of Nex."
“Other recent events provide evidence to support this theory this as well. Agents of a long-time foe of ours, the night hag Aslynn, have been snooping around anywhere I went to do research. It’s as if the more we learn about the skull, the more others do as well."
“I need you to take Zykyryz into Quantium. Follow her hunches and premonitions about where she can go to remember who she is. Return here when you’ve gleaned all you can, and together we’ll try to discern why Aslynn is after her before whatever scheme she’s up to comes, dare I say it... to a head.”
Do you have any questions to ask Sebnet?

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Back on the ship
A orange-furred kitsune sits at the deck calmly enjoying the sea breeze, his two tails held erect with its fur waving in the wind. He is dressed in simple form-fitting robes and the only note-worthy possession is a rather innate staff.
He soon realises everyone is introducing themselves, and he does the same. "My name is 神門匠, Takumi Kamikado. I come from what you would call the Forest of Spirits. Near the town of Ohira, if you're familiar the locale." Takumi's voice is warm and steady. He pauses briefly, then continues, "I do have another companion, but perhaps it is best I only introduce him when it is more convenient."

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At the lodge
This time, when Takumi enters, he is not alone. Pacing beside him is a majestic creature that you can at best describe as a cross between a lion and a dragon. Vicious curved horns sprout from its head, covered by a brilliant white mane. Sharp claws extend from his massive paws. White gleaming scales cover its massively built frame.
Left an image here if GM don't mind. :)
You notice something different with Takumi this time. There's a faintly glowing symbol "門" on his forehead, one that is also duplicated on the beast.
"This is the other companion that I spoke of. You can call him 神獣, Shinju. He is my ... kami-san." Beyond on that, he doesn't explain further. For now.
Takumi gives a slight bow. "Apologies, I've spent much of my life secluded in the Forest of Spirits, and there is much I'm afraid I'm not familiar with. What is this Arclord you speak of?"
"And Aslynn?" he tentatively adds.

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“The Arclords of Nex are a powerful and influential faction of wizards who claim to be descended from Nex’s household servants. They’ve been lobbying for control over Nex since he disappeared.” Sebnet answers.
"Half of them have buried their heads in one book or another." Zykyryz adds. "Now Aslynn... she's a powerful night hag."
Sebnet nods. "Yes, she has plagued our operations for nearly a decade. You might now be able to guess why you were instructed to hide your wayfinders. It’s possible local and veteran Pathfinder agents are known to her spies, but that’s less true of those newer to our Society. So long as her agents don’t know that you’re connected to this lodge, you should be able to walk freely.”
You can make a Diplomacy check to Gather Information or a Society check to Recall Knowledge about Quantium and the Arclords of Nex.
You each get a Hero Point. Take this time to get provisions.

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"That.. a talking skull? um.. boy even for me that's creepy..."
Nykor says. Mouse squeaks, not trusting the skull.
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15

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Landon introduces himself to Desmond and Takumi, and later Shinju, in a formal but polite manner.
At Nexus House:
Landon isn't sure what exactly he was expecting to find waiting for the group at the lodge, but the talking skull didn't disappoint. Still, he is careful not to show any visible reaction when Zykyryz is revealed. He listens intently while Sebnet explains what she needs from them, his only expression being a slight frown at the mention or the Arclords. He knows enough history of Ancient Azlant to know the dangers posed by power-obsessed wizards.
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 3 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 3 + 2 = 22 Including mentor boon
Landon will take an Oil of Potency for his consumable.

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Society: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9
Desmond shakes his head. "I don't know much about all this, I'm just here to keep everyone alive. Is it possible Aslynn has some sort of eavesdropping spell?"

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diplomacy: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (10) + 10 = 20
"Thank you for enlightening me of the history. What has led the Society to conclude that Zykyryz-san had previously been an Arclord?"
Here, Takumi gives the skull a brief bow, as if that is a commonplace event to meet a talking one.

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Shinju studies the room and each of its occupants with care, clearly following the conversation although he does not respond. (Or perhaps it is unable to?)
He eventually settles on on his haunches but otherwise remain alert.

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Takumi Kamikado asks an important question that causes Sebnet pause. “It’s more of a gut feeling than anything concrete. I was visiting the Grand Lodge for treatment after one of my experiments rendered me temporarily deaf, and the thought just hit me when I encountered her in the vaults. We’ve already eliminated the possibilities of her being undead or an intelligent magic item, by the by. Regardless, this gives us a place to start digging!”
Takumi Kamikado, Nykor, and Landon spend some time in Nex, where arcane power is the default.
The streets of Quantium flow with uninhibited magic, an arcane wonderland unlike any other major city across Golarion. From the stairs of Nexus House alone, you can see an ice cream cart run by a protean woman, a gathering of oozes being led by a wizard down the street as they absorb various refuse and waste. From a distance, a golem marches inexorably onward around the edges of the city.
Quantium is a metropolis boasting one of the most diverse populations on all of Golarion. In addition to humanoids of all ancestries, beings who would be considered monsters elsewhere in the world are citizens here, including an abundance of those with extraplanar and elemental origins. The Arclords are spellcasters who lay claim to Nex’s arcane legacy. They don’t rule the nation, but they are a powerful faction with much influence over its destiny.
Desmond isn't able to figure out much. He's much more concerned about being spied on. Sebnet allays his concerns: “Fortunately, there are few places in the world where people are as willing to accept the magical and fantastical as normal as the streets of Quantium. Even a talking skull is unlikely to cause a scene. Still, the longer the investigation takes, the more likely Aslynn’s agents will catch on to your deeds. Once you’ve gathered what you can out in the city, return here to collect your research.”
"Aslynn doesn't have a bone to pick with me yet, so she has no reason to spy on me." Zykyryz pipes up.

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[q]"Quite a place,"[/b] Nykor says, admiring the golem. "I can imagine many uses for that!"

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Back on the ship
He soon realises everyone is introducing themselves, and he does the same. "My name is 神門匠, Takumi Kamikado. I come from what you would call the Forest of Spirits. Near the town of Ohira, if you're familiar the locale."
"Oh, I have been there, the Forest of Spirits, some time ago, with others to find a lost wagon. The kami there are so nice and tricky." Eddie smiles and bobs their head.
Eddie's gaze goes back and forth between the talking skull and Sebnet, trying to follow the conversation or just enjoying the back and forth between the two, its hard to tell the facial expressions of a mushroom. "Well, lets go look around this Nex!" They quickly shuffle out of the room and into the strange streets of Quantium.
Eddie quickly feels at home here with the vast diversity seen traveling the streets. Whenever possible they walk in the shade, preferring to stick to the cooler shadows. They do chat up a fruit vendor, hoping to learn something, as well as maybe gain some free rotted exotic fruit for lunch.
Expert Diplomacy: Gather Info: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (11) + 10 = 21

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Eddie loads up on some grub, and the fruit vendor is glad to give them as much rotten fruit as they desire. How generous! A cube of gelatinous goo seethes in jealousy. Eddie returns to the lodge and confirms Quantium is a rich, varied city full of arcane power.
"Oh! Before you go." Sebnet hands you a letter sent by Vigilant Seal leader Eando Kline and Envoy's Alliance leader Fola Braun. "They asked me to hold onto these until I meet Pathfinders from those factions. Probably another request..." She sighs.
I agree with our archivists that we need to identify and catalog all of the things that have entered our vaults but shipping one of them off to Garund just because she can talk isn’t wise—and I’m not just saying that because she called me a “rusty shovel” and insulted my beard. If you’re reading this, however, it means that I’ve been overruled... again.
While you’re investigating things in Quantium, the Vigilant Seal recommends that you keep the skull’s presence as discreet as possible, and I do recognize this is no small thing that I ask. More importantly, keep information about the skull and any magic linked to her on a need-to-know basis. I trust your judgment if you feel certain allies of the Society can be trusted with knowing more, but I also trust you to know where those limits are. Keep on your toes down there—something you should remind your chatty friend that she can’t do.
Eando Kline
I trust this letter finds you well after your voyage. I wish the Society could have found a better ship for you to take to Quantium, but the secrecy of your trip has acted like an invisible shroud, guarding you as you sailed. By now you have met our... your little burden. Vash-vatom Sanserkoht strongly believes that discovering the truth behind this mobile migraine (dare I say migration?) is in all of our best interests, and could unlock new avenues and allies for us in Nex.
To this end, it would be very helpful to the Envoy’s Alliance if you would be on the lookout for new allies while you conduct your investigation in Quantium. Even those who may seem misguided at first might learn better ways, and bring benefit to all.
Fola Barun
"They like keeping you busy, huh?" Zykyryz laughs. "Better to be busy than a numbskull, I say." She chortles at her own joke, and you can see Sebnet's relief as she won't have to put up with the skull for much longer. "So, who's going to carry me? I'm great company! Full of calcium!"
Whoever is holding Zykyryz, she takes up 1 hand and is of negligible bulk. Alternatively, you can keep her strapped to your head or shoulder, but you are Clumsy 1 in this way. You cannot be off-guard while flanked as Zykyryz will constantly warn you of attacks.

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"Anyone want any fruit? Its nicely aged, the fruit flies have already started composting!"
Eddie could but I am not 100% on needing a hand free for spell casting. Eddie typically carries a staff of water in one hand.

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Desmond doesn't need both of his hands free, so he can carry her. Sorta plays into his role as a hired hand.
Desmond clears his throat. "I can carry you. Seems like an easy thing to help you all keep prepared for anything. Besides, if I need to shut her up, I can just wrap her in bandages
" He smiles at Zykyryz.

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Takumi was initially inclined to keep Shinju away in ... just away. But seeing the fantastical inhabits of the streets of Quantium, he figures that Shinju would hardly stand out. And indeed, hardly a glance is tossed their way with the majestic beast striding beside the kitsune.
Turning to the skull, he asks with a slight bow, "Zykyryz-san, I look forward to our travels together. Now as we walk the streets, do any sights stir your recollection?"

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"Wrap me in bandages? A splint isn't going to help my situation, dear!" Zykyryz harumphs.
"Such a kind gentleman." She pivots towards Takumi. "Now, let's take a walk around town. I'm certain I'll remember something if I see it."
You exit Nexus House to a bright morning as the sun climbs toward fluffy clouds high above.
Zykyryz remains quiet for about 30 seconds. "Don't stare directly at the sun, kids! It will burn out your eyes. Not a problem for me of course!" You can hear her jaw rattle as she chuckles at her misfortune.
"So. I know some people in town and some landmarks are important, but I don't know why. Take me there, do some investigation, maybe I'll put something together."
Sebnet's missive included a list of destinations based on previous interviews with Zykyryz:
- A bureaucrat at the Bandeshar palace
- A certain location at the docks
- Two persons in the Merchant’s League
- A nearby nature preserve
- A priest at Scrivenbough library
- The Warlock’s Walk, a public park
Where to, next? If two of you agree, the team will go that way.

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"So bright.." Winces Eddie, doing their best to walk in the shadow of someone taller. The bright sun doesn't do any real harm, but its not preferred.
"We can investigate, let me soften them up first with fruit snacks!" Eddie bobs their head and stuffs a fist full of black banana into their mouth hole.
Eddie would prefer anything outside and cooler, but it makes most sense to keep things moving to just work through the list in order.

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"Ah yes. Fruit sounds fine!" Nykor says.
okay with going in order.

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The Bandeshar was once the palace of Nex himself. It’s currently the home of the Council of Three and Nine who govern the nation as well as hundreds of functionaries and government officials. Zykyryz leads you to the retired Pathfinder archivist >Igrigi Lokar<.
“Here we are in the headquarters of the nation. It’s a stretch to call it a brain-trust if you ask me...” Zykyryz begins to ramble on.
You can help Zykyryz to recall something important about this location with a Deception, Society, or Pathfinder Society Lore check.

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Pathfinder Lore: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (11) + 5 = 16
Eddie wanders about the building, pointing to different portraits and name tags on the wall "This one looks familiar..." They do that repeatedly, looking towards the skull for any signs.

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As Landon wanders with the group through the streets of Nex and subsequently the corridors of the Bandeshar, he can't help but feel impressed by the architecture, denizens, and arcane marvels he sees. Only his practiced stoicism prevents him from staring in awe.
Lore: Pathfinder Society: 1d20 + 5 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 5 + 2 = 20
Landon tries to remember what, if anything, he has heard of Igrigi Lokar, although since this is his first mission with the Society he hasn't had a chance to learn too much about distant, retired members of the organization.

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Deception? Hmmm...
deception: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (20) + 10 = 30
Takumi studies the in-and-outs of the people as the party wanders around the building, waiting for Zykyryz to respond but she continues to ramble on about frivolities.
Perhaps she just needs a nudge.
Turning to Zykyryz, Takumi pipes up, "Apologies, Zykyryz-san, but it seems this might have been an unfruitful trip. Nothing seems to have jolt your memory?"

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"Yeah, nothin' going on here." Zykyryz sighs just as Shinju leaps onto Igrigi Lokar's desk, startling everyone. Except for Zykyryz, who starts laughing. "Maybe your friend here wants to play fetch?"
Igrigi's glasses fall off and he fumbles for them as the skull falls quiet, her eyes dimming... "Oh! It's Igrigi! When I visited the libraries at Nexus House we'd chat about supernatural feats. I'd send him across the library to fetch some documents for me. I'd ask if he could leap over tall buildings in a single bound, but he's more of a mild mannered individual." Zykyryz reminisces.
Memory recovered! 1 total.
Zykyryz asks you to go to the docks at the eastern most point of Quantium, from where they can see the edges of Valkus Isle. With no one to speak to at this location, Zykyryz instead asks you to point out which vessel brought you to Nex.
“You came here in that ship? You Pathfinders really are brave!”
To get Zykyryz to focus, make an Occultism, Perception, or Sailing Lore skill check.

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Perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (15) + 9 = 24
"Well, it's...sorta more seaworthy than it looks. But does anything jog our memories? The smell of the docks, perhaps? Or seeing the wharf? What about having things loaded or unloaded from ships? Or that building with the brass around the windows?"

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Landon points out the Opportune to Zykyryz. "There she is. She's no King Xeros, but she has a certain charm nonetheless."
He proceeds to point out various other ships in the harbor, comparing their features and traits. He is clearly passionate about the subject, and perhaps even needs some gentle encouragement to stop talking.
Sailing Lore: 1d20 + 5 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 5 + 2 = 15

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"The Wharf is nice, but..." Zykyryz stares out, lost in thought as Landon describes all of the nearby ships. "Huh, that ship. I think it's used to transport... oh no..."
"Valkus Isle has a lot of failed magical experiments. It's an inescapable prison. I used to come to this spot to think about what happened here. I've heard that ship carries... somethings over there. Her teeth clatter. "I love Nex, but we have our own mistakes."
Memory recovered! 2 total.
In the heart of the markets, you find Ladhlia, a broad-shouldered humanoid-shaped outsider standing about 9 feet tall with blue skin and numerous eyes.
“Nobody’s going to lose that one in a crowd. She certainly stands head-and-shoulders above the rest!” Zykyryz's gaze is fixed on the woman, but she's too shy to speak up.
Make an Arcana, Survival or Mercantile Lore check to try to jog Zykyryz's memory.

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Eddie trundles along, spending most of the time taste testing rotting seaweed at the docks. They spit it out "Too salty!" Their head bobs when Zkyryz laments the mistakes, gently patting her head in a soothing fashion.
Eddie heads towards the giant blue woman, studying the area along the way for useful clues to jog Zkyryz's memory, or at the very least say hi! Before going they ask for some guidance from an oddly shaped mushroom bump on their chest. "Oh.. yes I see it Toady!" Toady is Eddie's mushroom familiar, absorbed into their body.
Survival, Guidance: 1d20 + 10 + 1 ⇒ (18) + 10 + 1 = 29

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"You see her, right?" She looks to Eddie, then looks to Ladhlia and thinks for a moment. "Oh! Ladhila! She was my main supplier of rare magical reagents and skymetals for experiments. But I'm skin and bones, she would never notice me..." Zykyryz's tone falls.
Memory recovered! 3 total.
Based in an opulent pavilion is >Olorthu<, a man made of white reflective stone. The diamond merchant sports an asymmetrical array of razor-sharp crystals from his head in lieu of hair.
“With head-spikes like that, he could be a literal headhunter if you got him angry!” The skull quips as the merchant sits at his stall, taking a short break during the lull in customers.
To jog her memory, try a Crafting, Mining Lore, Nature check.

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Trained Nature: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (10) + 10 = 20
"Oh, very nice minerals. I've seen those before I think.." Eddie proceeds to describe a cave they ventured into one time to get out of the hot sun and dig up some rotted leaves for a snack. Odd how everything comes down to food.

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Eddie rambles on about minerals and precious gems, and he mentions sapphires. Zykyryz's eyes light up.
"He sells sapphires, right? I think I bought two rare ones from him. The bill was HUGE but I really needed them and he delivered!" Zykyryz contemplates.
Memory recovered! 4 total.
Upon arrival, Zykyryz indicates a nearby manhole cover that leads to Quantium’s putrid sewer system.
"Yeah, yeah. There was a big fight down there, I think. Maybe. We should go down to take a look!"

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"A sewer? What took us so long!" Eddie moves to head down below..
Perception DC18: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (12) + 12 = 24
"Best we toss Zykyryz down first though, clear out the cobwebs and check how deep the sludge is." Eddie deadpans, clearly chuckling.
Deception Untrained: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5

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Perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (14) + 9 = 23
Desmond glances down into the sewer, wrinkling his nose at the smell. He chuckles and nods to Eddie. "Yep, Zykyryz can tell us how deep it is."

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"What are you really up to.." Nykor ponders, his mouse tittering.
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (19) + 7 = 26

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"W-w-wait!" Zykyryz stammers. “Sure, fine. There wouldn't be any clues to a mighty arclord’s memory down a random sewer grate. Sebnet said they wouldn't be numbskulls!” She sighs. "It's a prank, bro! Let's get out of here."
Zykyryz leads you to the docks, until a distinctive cylindrical building of red brick comes into view. "W-wait! This is the Scrivenbough. Okay, so next we go to the library of demon lord Abrax—actually, strike that. Maybe we’ll do better at Nethys’s Twin Temple? Though I hear it’s harder to find stuff there than it used to be!” She seems to be confused.
Try a Medicine, Religion, Library Lore skill to jog her memories.

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Zykyryz is quiet. "I did want help from Abraxas’s followers, but they asked me to retrieve a significant secret for the library’s keepers. I said no, and then I couldn't remember the request. Let's go to the Twin Temple."
At the Twin Temple, you meet with a female dwarf priest of Nethys, >Greora<. "Of course, feel free to research as must as you want to. Including you, simple skull."
As Zykyryz reads through Nex's greatest hits, Greora speaks to you in private. "Magical experimentation is key to expanding your capabilities. However it can be dangerous, even to the most powerful spellcasters. We must be ready to accept the consequences if our studies take an unfortunate turn."
Memory recovered! 4 total.
Warlock’s Walk is the most popular park in Quantium and its primary parade ground. It is open to the public at all times and boasts a massive marble fountain, the Vizier’s Fountain, whose living waters dance to the delight of spectators and children. Once you arrive in this location, Zykyryz asks to be put down on the ground near the fountain.
Immediately, the magical waters lift the skull up in the air, leading the characters in a short and splashy chase.
“Head’s up, I’m making a narrow escape! You’re not getting out of this one bone dry!”
Acrobatics, Engineering Lore, or Intimidation check can get Zykyryz to focus and remembering the importance of this location.