GM Chadius presents: 4-05 & 4-10

Game Master chadius

>RPG Chronicles Sign Up Page< High Tier, 21 points Low Tier, 16 points

4-05 The Arclord Who Never Was:

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Amiri | Female Medium Human Barbarian 3 | HP 50/50 +5 while raging | AC 20 -1 when raging, -1 with sword out | F +9 R +7(6) W +7 | Perc +7 (+2 Init) | Default Exploration ( Search) | Speed 30/35ft | Active Conditions: Hasted, Raging
Kosh Bracken wrote:
Kosh Bracken wrote:
Landon_220629 wrote:

"Hmm, let me take a look at that," says Landon, "But first, is anybody able to see to my wounds? I feel that a stiff breeze could knock me over..."

”Oh roight”, says Kosh.

”Bugger”, Kosh grumbles, before trying again with Torrin.


Medicine still has the 60min immunity tag? Do we have any other sources of healing available? I'll scroll through to see what we found for maybe potions or scrolls...

Amiri | Female Medium Human Barbarian 3 | HP 50/50 +5 while raging | AC 20 -1 when raging, -1 with sword out | F +9 R +7(6) W +7 | Perc +7 (+2 Init) | Default Exploration ( Search) | Speed 30/35ft | Active Conditions: Hasted, Raging

Ok reviewing our 'finds' I didn't see any healing things other than what we got from provisions to start.

Amiri hands Landon a small piece of carved antler with a wooden stopper. "Its not very powerful but should keep you from dying.. SHOULD." She shrugs. "Better off we take a bit of a rest and you save that for a fight though."

Elixir of Life, Minor (alchemical, consumable, elixir, healing) Activate [one-action] (Interact); Effect Upon drinking this elixir, you regain 1d6 Hit Points and gain a +1 item bonus to saving throws against diseases and poisons for 10 minutes.

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Torrin (8 damage, Enfeebled 40 minutes)
Landon (16 damage, Enfeebled 1 day)
Amiri (3 damage, Enfeebled 40 minutes)

Kosh tries to help Torrin, but the void damage is quite persistent- he's unable to make any real progress.

Amiri suggests a quicker solution: an elixir of life.

Vigilant Seal

M Ratfolk Rogue 2 | AC 19 HP 24/24 F5 R10 W6| Perc +6 Acro +8 Ath +4 Dec/Dip/Int +7 Stealth +8 Thv +8 Arcana/Occultism/Society+5 Nature/Survival +4 Tanning Lore +5 | DV, Nimble Dodge | Spells Guidance/Tel Projectile Attack +7 Occult DC 17

"Aye... better fix some of them wounds before we continue..." Nykor says.

Have a minor healing potion if that'll help

Amiri | Female Medium Human Barbarian 3 | HP 50/50 +5 while raging | AC 20 -1 when raging, -1 with sword out | F +9 R +7(6) W +7 | Perc +7 (+2 Init) | Default Exploration ( Search) | Speed 30/35ft | Active Conditions: Hasted, Raging

Amiri grabs up any books or writings that COULD be useful, especially the Blakros documents "I've heard that name before.. almost from a previous life?" She mumbles to the others, but the mercenary that she is, wants to be sure they collect what the Society wants so they get paid in full.

"Maybe you need to step back from the fun stuff Landon, put that shield of yours on display. Drink one of those potions. You don't want to get embarrassed when ole 'Two eyes' has to carry your unconscious tookus back to the Lodge!" She slaps the side of his shield and laughs.

Ready to lead into the last room (a small one or ?) when Landon has his situation figured out.

Horizon Hunters

Elf Fighter 1 | Enfeebled 1 | HP: 17/17| AC: 18| Fort: +6, Ref: +6, Will: +4| Perception: +6, low-light | Hero Points:0

Landon gratefully accepts the potions and drinks the minor healing potion.

Healing: 1d8 ⇒ 3

He winces as some life returns to his body, along with a tingling sensation like what it feels like after your leg falls asleep, except over his whole body. "Well Nykor, at least this potion wasn't spoiled. Thank you, sincerely. And you as well, Amiri. I think I might move away from the frontline until I'm feeling better."

He stows his sword across his back and draws a javelin, holding it opposite his shield. He makes sure Amiri's elixer is in easy reach on his tunic, just in case.

"I believe that I am ready. As much as is possible, given the circumstances, anyways. Besides, I would have stayed in the Spire if I was afraid of danger."

Also changing exploration activity to Defend

Envoy's Alliance

N Male Half-Orc Bard 3 | HP 38 | AC 19/20 | F +7 R +8 W +8 | Perc +8 | Stealth +6 | speed 25 | focus 2 | spells 1: 3, 2: 2| Active Conditions: ---
Landon_220629 wrote:

He stows his sword across his back and draws a javelin, holding it opposite his shield. He makes sure Amiri's elixer is in easy reach on his tunic, just in case.

"I believe that I am ready. As much as is possible, given the circumstances, anyways. Besides, I would have stayed in the Spire if I was afraid of danger."

Also changing exploration activity to Defend

Kosh nods. ”If yer on cover fire, den I’ll step up”

He puts away his crossbow, draws his sword, and starts his battle cadence again.

Exploration Activity: Repeat a Spell (shield)

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Torrin (8 damage, Enfeebled 40 minutes)
Landon (13 damage, Enfeebled 1 day)
Amiri (3 damage, Enfeebled 40 minutes)

Landon keeps his shield up. The team moves into the final room.

On the far southern wall of this small room, a board covered in complex magical runes in geometric arrangements is barely visible, nearly faded with the time this room has been untouched. The desk on the eastern side is covered in books, dried up inkwells and other writing implements. The room pulses with spiritual energy and wisps of airy magic all coalesce around a semi-transparent humanoid form sitting patiently at one of the chairs facing the desk.

"Do you know where my teacher is? She's missing." The woman asks.

A Diplomacy check to Make an Impression can convince the transparent woman you know about Alyreha.

Vigilant Seal

M Ratfolk Rogue 2 | AC 19 HP 24/24 F5 R10 W6| Perc +6 Acro +8 Ath +4 Dec/Dip/Int +7 Stealth +8 Thv +8 Arcana/Occultism/Society+5 Nature/Survival +4 Tanning Lore +5 | DV, Nimble Dodge | Spells Guidance/Tel Projectile Attack +7 Occult DC 17

"Well, it's like t-this..." Nykor says, trying not to shiver as he explains.

Diplo: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (18) + 7 = 25

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"Uhhuh. Uhhuh. Hmmm. Oh, is that what happened?" The ghostly woman stands up and bows. "Thank you. My name is Neibiat. Maybe we can restore Alyreha together."

She frowns. "I heard someone running through here earlier and the ransacked the place. By the time I looked, they had already ran upstairs."

"I saw a spiky woman, and 3 weird, clawed people."

"I couldn't stop them on my own, they just pushed past me. I need more magic..." She perks up. "But! I can help one of you. A burst of False Vitaly to take a hit or two on your behalf."

Neibiat can cast >False Vitality< on one of you to give 9 Temporary Hit Points. Who wants it?

She points to the stack of pages on the desk. "There's a scroll of >Runic Weapon< buried in that stack, I know it. Go ahead, take it."

Liberty's Edge

Male Half-Orc >Pathbuilder details< Fighter 1 | HP 12/12 | AC 18

Torrin points to Landon. You're more versatile, I'm just a... you know what I mean.

Vigilant Seal

M Ratfolk Rogue 2 | AC 19 HP 24/24 F5 R10 W6| Perc +6 Acro +8 Ath +4 Dec/Dip/Int +7 Stealth +8 Thv +8 Arcana/Occultism/Society+5 Nature/Survival +4 Tanning Lore +5 | DV, Nimble Dodge | Spells Guidance/Tel Projectile Attack +7 Occult DC 17

Okay with Landon getting it.

Amiri | Female Medium Human Barbarian 3 | HP 50/50 +5 while raging | AC 20 -1 when raging, -1 with sword out | F +9 R +7(6) W +7 | Perc +7 (+2 Init) | Default Exploration ( Search) | Speed 30/35ft | Active Conditions: Hasted, Raging

Amiri lets out a small breath as the ghostly looking woman is converted to 'ally status', the red outline now green. "Yep, she's just a skull now, but still spunky and clever." She jokes, relaxing the grip on her sword.

When the topic of healthy magic comes up Amiri instantly points to the battered Elf with the javelin "Better prop that guy up, he keeps eating claw sammiches to the chin."

Amiri wracks her brain on what clawed creatures or spikey woman could be.

As far as runic weapon, Amiri's sword is +1 but not striking...

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Neibiat scoffs. "A skull, really? Stop joking. Someone of that power would never be reduced to just a skull." She hovers towards Landon. "Stand still, this won't take long."

Landon feels energy surrounding him like armor. It's similar to the energy that sapped his strength, but it's more of a buffer.

Torrin (8 damage, Enfeebled 40 minutes)
Landon (9 False Vitality, 13 damage, Enfeebled 1 day)
Amiri (3 damage, Enfeebled 40 minutes)

"I'll... stay here for now. Tell me when Alyreha returns. In the flesh." Neibiat sits back on the chair and begins to read a book.

With 5 pieces of research, you plan your next move.

- An auditorium slightly south (Enchantment Auditorium)
- A showroom at the southern room (Transmutation Showroom)
- Back to Alyreha?
- Stop and recover?

Amiri | Female Medium Human Barbarian 3 | HP 50/50 +5 while raging | AC 20 -1 when raging, -1 with sword out | F +9 R +7(6) W +7 | Perc +7 (+2 Init) | Default Exploration ( Search) | Speed 30/35ft | Active Conditions: Hasted, Raging

I vote a quick check in with the skull, ask about those descriptions, mention her student, then auditorium.

Horizon Hunters

Elf Fighter 1 | Enfeebled 1 | HP: 17/17| AC: 18| Fort: +6, Ref: +6, Will: +4| Perception: +6, low-light | Hero Points:0

Landon keeps a tight grip on his javelin throughout Nykor's discussion with the ghost, only relaxing after she offers to help restore Alyreha. He tenses again when she mentions the spiky woman and clawed people upstairs.

He agrees with Amiri. "We should definitely run this by Alyreha, she may have some information about these individuals. If she doesn't have her...head in the clouds!" A bit of the colour returns to his face and he grins as he says the bad pun, showing the effectiveness of the necromantic invigoration.

Vigilant Seal

M Ratfolk Rogue 2 | AC 19 HP 24/24 F5 R10 W6| Perc +6 Acro +8 Ath +4 Dec/Dip/Int +7 Stealth +8 Thv +8 Arcana/Occultism/Society+5 Nature/Survival +4 Tanning Lore +5 | DV, Nimble Dodge | Spells Guidance/Tel Projectile Attack +7 Occult DC 17

Nykor nods to Amiri's plan. "Sounds like a good idea... Maybe they can help Landon."

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Downstairs, Alyreha sits perched atop the statue of Nex, channeling arcane energy to and fro. Takumi and Shinju have a collection of plates, charms, and enchanted talismans strewn across in delicate arrangements.

"Oho, you're back! What's shakin'?" She seems to sniff the air. "Landon, you have a skele-ton of void energy about you. What happened up there?"

Envoy's Alliance

N Male Half-Orc Bard 3 | HP 38 | AC 19/20 | F +7 R +8 W +8 | Perc +8 | Stealth +6 | speed 25 | focus 2 | spells 1: 3, 2: 2| Active Conditions: ---
Torrin Garr wrote:
Torrin points to Landon. You're more versatile, I'm just a... you know what I mean.

While the others catch Alyreha up, Kosh pulls Torrin aside.

”Don’t sell yerself short”, he mutters. ”Yer a lean, mean killin’ machine, an’ yer just as good as anyone ‘ere”

Liberty's Edge

Male Half-Orc >Pathbuilder details< Fighter 1 | HP 12/12 | AC 18

Perhaps my friend, but with so much to learn...

Envoy's Alliance

N Male Half-Orc Bard 3 | HP 38 | AC 19/20 | F +7 R +8 W +8 | Perc +8 | Stealth +6 | speed 25 | focus 2 | spells 1: 3, 2: 2| Active Conditions: ---
Torrin Garr wrote:
Perhaps my friend, but with so much to learn...

”Den ya learn it, but don’t evah fink you ain’t worthy”

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"Huh, well, you've found some of my research..." Alyreha looks at your pages. "Not all of them, though. I think there are 3 more to find. If you finished the bottom level they are probably upstairs."

"Neibiat is still there? Good. She probably won't speak to me like this, though. She's got a think about talking skeletons. Probably jealous that I'm high in calcium!"

"Did you want to rest up for a bit before going back up, or was there something specific you wanted to ask me?"

Vigilant Seal

M Ratfolk Rogue 2 | AC 19 HP 24/24 F5 R10 W6| Perc +6 Acro +8 Ath +4 Dec/Dip/Int +7 Stealth +8 Thv +8 Arcana/Occultism/Society+5 Nature/Survival +4 Tanning Lore +5 | DV, Nimble Dodge | Spells Guidance/Tel Projectile Attack +7 Occult DC 17

"I think we better rest up a bit," Nykor says.

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Torrin (8 damage)
Landon (13 damage, 9 Temp HP 7 hours, Enfeebled 1 day - 1 hour)
Amiri (3 damage)

40 minutes later, Alyreha makes a bunch of puns and orders Takumi and Shinju to shift their talismans slightly to counter an arcane flare she didn't notice.

Seems like this is a good time to Treat Wounds.

Once you finish your preparations, you decide on where to go next.
- An auditorium slightly south (Enchantment Auditorium)
- A showroom at the southern room (Transmutation Showroom)
- Continue to recover?

Horizon Hunters

Elf Fighter 1 | Enfeebled 1 | HP: 17/17| AC: 18| Fort: +6, Ref: +6, Will: +4| Perception: +6, low-light | Hero Points:0

"We were told by Neibiat about somebody who went upstairs," Landon begins, relaying the description of the spikey woman and her clawed companions, "and we were wondering if you might know anything about them. Odds are we might run into them, and anything you can tell us would be useful in case things...come to a head."

Afterwards (and after a great deal more painfully bad puns), he suggests the Enchantment showroom. "The stairs are in the Transmutation showroom, and we should clear out the rest of the floor before we go upstairs. Better to ensure nothing can sneak up on us in case we need a clear line of retreat."

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"Spiked woman? Clawed... hmm... uh... quite a headscratcher you've got there." She mumbles. "Nothing comes to mind immediately. Must be some overeager thieves. Oh! They probably set of the alarms and disrupted the wards! Grrr!" She growls. "I outta go up there and- oh wait. I'm still a skull!"

"Listen, the 5 fragments you brought me. I think it's enough to restore myself back to normal. But if you find more, I can conserve some of my magical might and give you some assistance when you tackle those thieves. Think about it. Plus I know Takumi's getting bone tired. He's polite enough not to admit it, though. Such a polite lad."

Amiri | Female Medium Human Barbarian 3 | HP 50/50 +5 while raging | AC 20 -1 when raging, -1 with sword out | F +9 R +7(6) W +7 | Perc +7 (+2 Init) | Default Exploration ( Search) | Speed 30/35ft | Active Conditions: Hasted, Raging

"Well, lets hope those thieves are upstairs and the rest of your fragments are downstairs... how many more? We're almost done on the second level, just wanted to chew the fat a bit and let Landon's swelling go down so Kosh can tighten the stitches a bit more." She nods Kosh's way, hoping he'll do just that before they head back to fun town.

Enchantment then Transmutation rooms sound good on my end. Just need Kosh's medicine check on Landon and I think we're ready to roll.

Envoy's Alliance

N Male Half-Orc Bard 3 | HP 38 | AC 19/20 | F +7 R +8 W +8 | Perc +8 | Stealth +6 | speed 25 | focus 2 | spells 1: 3, 2: 2| Active Conditions: ---

Kosh takes another crack at patching up Landon (if that’s allowed).

Medicine: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (7) + 6 = 13
Healing: 2d8 ⇒ (2, 4) = 6

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"Check up on me before you meet that spiny lady. I might be able to lend you some of my power." Alyreha calls out as you head upstairs.

Torrin (8 damage)
Landon (13 damage, 9 Temp HP 7 hours, Enfeebled 1 day - 1 hour + 10 minutes, Treat Wounds Immune 50 minutes)
Amiri (3 damage)

The semitransparent image of a small, elderly Garundi woman dressed in typical Nexian garb stands at a podium on the eastern side of this room before an empty lecture hall. Her form doesn’t move, but three obvious runes on the podium glow with a pulsating light, alternating between pale blue and rose. Before the figure, magic shimmers over a sheaf of papers, as if the figure were waiting to speak from prepared notes.

DC 12 Arcana check:
The runes are designed with mental magic, designed to quickly transfer information directly to the mind.

If you made a critical success, open the below spoiler.

The runes are very powerful and erratic. At this point it's a trap that will unleash a stream of information that can overwhelm your mind.

Amiri | Female Medium Human Barbarian 3 | HP 50/50 +5 while raging | AC 20 -1 when raging, -1 with sword out | F +9 R +7(6) W +7 | Perc +7 (+2 Init) | Default Exploration ( Search) | Speed 30/35ft | Active Conditions: Hasted, Raging

Amiri flashes Alyreha a thumbs up as she springs up the stairs towards certain entertainment and likely personal bodily harm "We'll be back, fire up the tea kettle." She snorts, hands gripping her sword in regular pulses of excitement yet to be unleashed.


The barbarian raises an eyebrow at the ghostly woman, stares lingering on her strange-to-her clothing. She keeps her sword at the ready as her eyes look around for clues of impeding doom. "Anyone see anything that's going to blow up in my face before I get a closer look?" Untrained in arcana. Just rolling with perceptions until I hear otherwise.

Horizon Hunters

Elf Fighter 1 | Enfeebled 1 | HP: 17/17| AC: 18| Fort: +6, Ref: +6, Will: +4| Perception: +6, low-light | Hero Points:0

"Sure thing, Alyreha," says Landon. "We'll get your research, bring it to you, and then stop those thieves."

He winces as Kosh tries to treat his wound, then frowns. "Certain necromancy spells can cause wounds that are difficult to heal. Perhaps this was one of them. At any rate, thank you for trying, sincerely."

In the enchantment room:
Arcana: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 25

"Hold on a moment," he says, gesturing at the runes, "Those are meant to transfer knowledge, but in their current condition are dangerous and could overwhelm one's mind."

"...In other words, they might blow up in your face."

Amiri | Female Medium Human Barbarian 3 | HP 50/50 +5 while raging | AC 20 -1 when raging, -1 with sword out | F +9 R +7(6) W +7 | Perc +7 (+2 Init) | Default Exploration ( Search) | Speed 30/35ft | Active Conditions: Hasted, Raging

"Ok... so can you fix 'em or do I just test my mettle?" She looks to see if they can be somehow avoided.

Vigilant Seal

M Ratfolk Rogue 2 | AC 19 HP 24/24 F5 R10 W6| Perc +6 Acro +8 Ath +4 Dec/Dip/Int +7 Stealth +8 Thv +8 Arcana/Occultism/Society+5 Nature/Survival +4 Tanning Lore +5 | DV, Nimble Dodge | Spells Guidance/Tel Projectile Attack +7 Occult DC 17

arcana: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11

”Boy they’re confusing..”

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Landon realizes the magic in this room has formed a trap. It's supposed to quickly transfer knowledge, but in its current state the transfer is too much. As soon as someone tries to touch the research papers on the podium it will activate and try to compel them to sit down. Everyone in the room will need to make a Will Save.

The trap will emits non lethal mental damage and force people to take a seat and listen, but there are ways to disrupt it. An Intimidation check can be used to disrupt the lecture, and a more difficult Thievery check could disable the magical runes once they activate. 3 successes will stop the lecture.

The team weighs the information carefully. Will they move on? Will someone brave the trap? What will their teammates do in the meantime?

Liberty's Edge

Male Half-Orc >Pathbuilder details< Fighter 1 | HP 12/12 | AC 18

Will: 1d20 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 4 + 1 = 24

Envoy's Alliance

N Male Half-Orc Bard 3 | HP 38 | AC 19/20 | F +7 R +8 W +8 | Perc +8 | Stealth +6 | speed 25 | focus 2 | spells 1: 3, 2: 2| Active Conditions: ---
Landon_220629 wrote:
He winces as Kosh tries to treat his wound, then frowns. "Certain necromancy spells can cause wounds that are difficult to heal. Perhaps this was one of them. At any rate, thank you for trying, sincerely."

Kosh makes a sour expression, but gives Landon a nod.

So a disruption attempt can’t be made until the trap is activated, correct?

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I should clarify: When the trap activates, everyone will need to make a Will Save. Torrin, did you want to try to enter the room and trigger the trap? I'll let you keep your roll.

Kosh: Yes, you'll need to set off the trap and then deactivate it.

Vigilant Seal

M Ratfolk Rogue 2 | AC 19 HP 24/24 F5 R10 W6| Perc +6 Acro +8 Ath +4 Dec/Dip/Int +7 Stealth +8 Thv +8 Arcana/Occultism/Society+5 Nature/Survival +4 Tanning Lore +5 | DV, Nimble Dodge | Spells Guidance/Tel Projectile Attack +7 Occult DC 17

Will: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23

"Incoming headache.."

Amiri | Female Medium Human Barbarian 3 | HP 50/50 +5 while raging | AC 20 -1 when raging, -1 with sword out | F +9 R +7(6) W +7 | Perc +7 (+2 Init) | Default Exploration ( Search) | Speed 30/35ft | Active Conditions: Hasted, Raging

Amiri listens to the traps description from Landon. She takes a few moments to dig a bar of soap out of her backpack, slicing wads of the pliable bar to stuff in her ears before offering some to the others. Once they're ready she re-grips her sword and heads in.

I'll be out on the ice all day so prerolled below.

Rolls after triggering:

Will Save: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15

"Oh ya, more learning, my FAVORITE, teach me more MATH PLEASE!" This isn't her first time it seems disrupting a classroom...

Intimidate: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (20) + 8 = 28

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Amiri, Nykor, and Torrin approach the desk. Landon and Kosh wait outside, patiently.

Torrin reaches for the papers upon the desk, only for the illusory woman to turn and bark at him. "Ahem! Latecomers! SIT DOWN!" She waves her hands at the pages and you can see some kind of barrier form around the desk.

Applying Will Saves.
Nykor and Torrin feel compelled away from the desk and look for a seat. Amiri, meanwhile sits down on a chair and already feels a headache forming. Stupefied 1

"Now then, where was I?" The woman begins speaking about the joys of arcane magic, the risks therein, examples of magic uses, the many universities around the world, the joy of counterspell... it's too much to handle at once. And yet it's so alluring...

GM Screen:

Landon: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (12) + 8 = 20
Nykor: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27
Amiri: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13
Kosh: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (10) + 8 = 18
Torrin: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (10) + 8 = 18

Trap: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (4) + 10 = 14

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Round 1
Landon (13 damage, 9 Temp HP 7 hours, Enfeebled 1 day - 1 hour - 10 minutes, Treat Wounds Immune 50 minutes)
Torrin (8 damage)
Class is in Session!
Amiri (3 damage, Stupefied 1, Seated)

The trap will emits non lethal mental damage and force people to take a seat and listen, but there are ways to disrupt it. An Intimidation check can be used to disrupt the lecture, and a more difficult Thievery check could disable the magical runes once they activate. 3 successes will stop the lecture.


Envoy's Alliance

N Male Half-Orc Bard 3 | HP 38 | AC 19/20 | F +7 R +8 W +8 | Perc +8 | Stealth +6 | speed 25 | focus 2 | spells 1: 3, 2: 2| Active Conditions: ---

Kosh enters the room, late for class as usual.

Will save: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (7) + 8 = 15

He groans as he stumbles to his seat.

”Bloody ‘ells! We gotta listen to dis crap? Aintcha got pictures or sumfin’ at least?”

Intimidation: 1d20 + 10 - 1 ⇒ (16) + 10 - 1 = 25

Liberty's Edge

Male Half-Orc >Pathbuilder details< Fighter 1 | HP 12/12 | AC 18

Looking up from his seated position with a scowl, No... it's too much! School's out...

Intimidate: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8

Horizon Hunters

Elf Fighter 1 | Enfeebled 1 | HP: 17/17| AC: 18| Fort: +6, Ref: +6, Will: +4| Perception: +6, low-light | Hero Points:0

Landon stands just outside the doorway. He debates entering, but knows that he would only be a liability in his current state.

Sorry all, I have neither diplomacy nor thievery. If anyone can think of a way I could be helpful let me know.

Envoy's Alliance

N Male Half-Orc Bard 3 | HP 38 | AC 19/20 | F +7 R +8 W +8 | Perc +8 | Stealth +6 | speed 25 | focus 2 | spells 1: 3, 2: 2| Active Conditions: ---
Landon_220629 wrote:

Landon stands just outside the doorway. He debates entering, but knows that he would only be a liability in his current state.

Sorry all, I have neither diplomacy nor thievery. If anyone can think of a way I could be helpful let me know.

It’s Intimidation, if that makes a difference

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Landon tries to think up a plan but he's not a speaker and he's not a thief. I'll let Landon delay, feel free to hop in at any point.

Kosh mocks the teacher and interrupts her speech, giving a frown that seems to weaken some of the barrier. Torrin tries to join, only for her to give a quick "hush!"

"Now! Where was I? Ah yes, Enchantment was the previous name for this type of magic, but there was controversy over the exact definition. Most of them fit into the Mental mold, but the schools of magic was brought into question..."

Nykor sees his chance before the droning begins to overwhelm them all.

Round 1
Landon (13 damage, 9 Temp HP 7 hours, Enfeebled 1 day - 1 hour - 10 minutes, Treat Wounds Immune 50 minutes)
Torrin (8 damage)
Class is in Session! (1/3 success)
Amiri (3 damage, Stupefied 1, Seated)

The trap will emits non lethal mental damage and force people to take a seat and listen, but there are ways to disrupt it. An Intimidation check can be used to disrupt the lecture, and a more difficult Thievery check could disable the magical runes once they activate. 3 successes will stop the lecture.


Vigilant Seal

M Ratfolk Rogue 2 | AC 19 HP 24/24 F5 R10 W6| Perc +6 Acro +8 Ath +4 Dec/Dip/Int +7 Stealth +8 Thv +8 Arcana/Occultism/Society+5 Nature/Survival +4 Tanning Lore +5 | DV, Nimble Dodge | Spells Guidance/Tel Projectile Attack +7 Occult DC 17

"No no no... not more lectures!" Nykor says. Mouse squeaks in consternation as well. Nykor gets up and attempts to disable the trap.

◆ Stride
◆◆ Disable Thievery: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (2) + 8 = 10

Horizon Hunters

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Elf Fighter 1 | Enfeebled 1 | HP: 17/17| AC: 18| Fort: +6, Ref: +6, Will: +4| Perception: +6, low-light | Hero Points:0
Kosh Bracken wrote:
Landon_220629 wrote:

Landon stands just outside the doorway. He debates entering, but knows that he would only be a liability in his current state.

Sorry all, I have neither diplomacy nor thievery. If anyone can think of a way I could be helpful let me know.

It’s Intimidation, if that makes a difference

Right, sorry. I meant to say he doesn't have intimidate or thievery. I should drink more coffee before posting...

3-03 (Thread|Slides) ◆◇↺ | 4-10 (Thread|>Slides<)

"Hush!" The teacher drowns out Nykor's words. "If you wish to get ahead of your peers, keep your jaw shut until you're dismissed!"

She continues to talk about the glories of arcane magic. Clearly she knows her stuff. "Conjuration sometimes meant summoning creatures from other realms, but sometimes you could generate lingering effects, don't confuse it with evocation! Fireball Fizzles First! It's a moniker I picked up in my early days. The first edition textbook goes into more detail, but we're phasing it out with the remaster. Pay attention!"

The lecture is draining your will to grab the pages, or carry on the mission, or do anything besides listen intently. It deals 1d6 ⇒ 2 nonlethal damage as the teacher prattles on.

Amiri's Will Save: 1d20 + 7 - 1 ⇒ (17) + 7 - 1 = 23

Amiri keeps herself together long enough to interrupt the lecture at a critical point, almost smashing the table in the process.

"Hmpf! Class dismissed!" The woman fades away and the runes are dispelled.

With the lecture over, you easily find the research papers on the desk. But how bad was that lecture?

3-03 (Thread|Slides) ◆◇↺ | 4-10 (Thread|>Slides<)

We are still pending Will Save rolls.

DC 20 Will Saves needed
Landon (13 damage, 9 Temp HP 7 hours, Enfeebled 1 day - 1 hour - 10 minutes, Treat Wounds Immune 50 minutes)
Torrin (8 damage)
Amiri (3 damage, 1 non lethal damage, Stupefied 1, Seated)

Everyone in the room (not Landon) needs to make a DC 20 Will Save. Stupefied applies a penalty to this save. This has the arcane, compulsion, enchantment, mental, nonlethal traits.

Critical Success: You are unaffected.
Success: You take 1 nonlethal damage and are Stunned 1.
Failure: You take 2 nonlethal damage and are Stunned 2.
Critical Failure: You take 4 nonlethal damage and are Stunned for 1 round. You are Fascinated for 1 minute.


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