GMEuan's War for the Crown

Game Master Euan

Roll20 Map - Tracking Sheet
Taldor Map - Oppara Map - Meratt County

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Roll20 Map - Tracking Sheet

The Grand Day of Exaltation, with its Exaltation Gala, is a few days away, but you arrived early in Oppara (or perhaps never left!). You have been invited to a party hosted by someone calling themselves Lord Petnik Miragella this very evening (Calistril 26th, 4718, a Moonday). His name doesn’t tumble from the lips, but you think you’ve heard of him before somewhere. Certainly his invitation is promising; heavy cream paper, smooth ink, nice calligraphy, light scent… fancy - and expensive.

Knowledge Nobility and/or Gather Information DC 13 (Miragella Family):
Miragella is an ancient and noble family located primarily in Golsifar further South along the coast in the district of Moda. They are known to be exceedingly wealthy, doing some sort of import/export business from that coastal city. Mostly agricultural materials is the local belief and of course substantial inherited family wealth.
- - -

Knowledge Local and/or Gather Information DC 16 (Petnik Miragella)(separate roll from above):
Lord Petnik Miragella is a half elf from the ancient and noble Miragella family. You heard there’s a rift in the family, and Petnik has been banished to Oppara as a form of punishment by his cousin, the current patriarch. They’ve tired of having him underfoot is the running theory among the gossip-mongers. What exactly he’s done to incur the wrath of his cousin is unknown, but it’s believed to be more than just his half-elven heritage.

As a freebie, you also ‘discover’ what will ‘influence’ Lord Petnik during social rounds. It is either diplomacy or knowledge nobility DC 16. Normally you’d immediately share this information with the group, but as you do not yet know each other, it is an individual achievement for now.
- - -

Obviously each Gather Information takes d4 hours, but as you have ~10 hours before the evening party, you can spend it researching easily enough if you wish. You may also roll both the knowledge check and the gather information check (if you have the appropriate skills) - the first for knowledge you may already possess and the second for research you may be doing. So you have two or more bites at each apple if you spend/have the time.

Let me know what you plan to do with your day (or the rest of your day if you gathered info), prior to the party. Remember, you still don’t know each other, and won’t quite yet. That said, no need for spoilers unless you prefer it, though I’ll be doing some for ease of reading. Oh, for those of you without complete characters, just estimate your likely skill points as best you can.

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Female Half-Elf aka Katherine Weaver

Knowledge Nobility: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (10) + 6 = 16
Knowledge Local: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (7) + 6 = 13
Gather Information: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (5) + 11 = 161d4 ⇒ 2

Kamari traces the calligraphy with her finger floating just above the lines, careful not to smear the fine work of another artist. "Miragella," she whispers to herself. "I know them, but Petnik Miragella..." She shakes her head. She turns to ask the messenger a question only to find nothing but empty space.

Kamari downs the last of her morning coffee and pops the last bit of bread in her mouth before standing. She tosses down a few coins and nods toward the cafe owner to be sure he sees them. She knows she could wait here for others to wander in and probably learn more from them, but something about the note has filled her with excitement and curiosity. She grabs her satchel and heads for the docks.

After a couple hours of wandering and schmoozing and slapping away several lascivious dockworkers' hands--except for the one with those dark eyes-- Kamari feels she's learned all she can. Knowing that she and Lord Petnik have something in common only increases her curiosity and she can't help but find herself loitering outside the location for tonight's festivities. She takes note of the activity surround the preparations and who has been employed. "He better be using some local merchants. If he has any taste, he'll get some truffles and other sweets from Ms. Starlea."

After her usual afternoon nap, Kamari starts to get ready for the evening. She pares down her satchel to only its essential items before starting on her hair. It's difficult to do the braids on her own, but her nimble hands have had much practice. She chooses a style that is sure to accentuate her ears and leave no doubt as to her heritage. She dresses as well as she can. There are no ballgowns in her closet, but she does have a nice skirt and blouse from that time she was invited to a dinner at the university. She's just finishing as her father walks in the door. He stops and stares before calmly saying, "Not your usual night tonight is it?"

"No Daddy, it's not. I'll tell you all about it in the morning. Don't wait up." And with a peck on his cheek she skips out the door with a grin.

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Female Jininese Elf Lvl 16


Mallë-o i Otos Elen hits the streets early, making her way to the studio audition. She follows the instructor's basic instructions while performing the movements in her personal way, with flourishes.

Perform: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8

It is midday after four solid hours of auditioning, and she heads for her space in the common changing room. There she finds a lightly scented tasteful party invite addressed to her. She looks around the room over her shoulders to see who might have left the envelope.

She frowns. Well, I'm sure this had nothing to do with my performance...

Know NobilityDC13: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (13) + 7 = 20
Know LocalDC16: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (14) + 7 = 21

The Miragellas! They should have quite a spread! ...Assuming the falling out hasn't effected them in Oppara financailly... which is doubtful. I wonder how they really feel about living in Oppara.

She tucks the envelope into her bag, grabs a cold beverage to go from a nearby cafe and heads to Aroden's View. Special occasions thrown by special citizen call for special outfits...

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M Half Elf
Arc30,Dun30,Eng17,Geog127,Hist30,Loc/Nat/Pla/Rel30,Nob23, Perc 27, Sense 36, Spell30,Stlh26,DisDev31,UMD31

1d20 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8 Know (nobility)
1d20 + 8 ⇒ (3) + 8 = 11 Know (Local)

K'Aldrian thwaps the nicely scented a formal invitation against his hand and wrist, a nervous tic while he debates what to do. He had recently arrived in Oppara for The Grand Day of Exaltation, an event he had been looking forward to for a long time.

*Thwap!* *Thwap!* *Thwap!*

He reads the invitation again, and again cannot place the Miragella family name, nor their relations within the Empire. He had been too long away from Oppara, too far away and too busy with his own career and study to care much for the detail of the families that make up Opparan nobility, and so he has little to go on here.

*Thwap!* *Thwap!* *Thwap!*

He debates reaching out to some of his military contacts here in the city. As a retired officer, they may or may not be willing to help with the information, but he little desire to bother them, lest he be seen as an old has-been meddler with too much time on his hands.

Part of that *is* true, you do have too much time on your hands, Old Man.

He lays down the invitation and recognizes that he'll be walking into the affair blindly. He picks up a book, From Bulettes to Owlbears: No, don't climb there!, and begins to thumb through the pages. This book was a cheap buy, third or fourthhand, but would give him time to relax before he made his way to the party.

He puts his feet up on the desk and enjoys his afternoon. His well polished parade armor lies ready to be donned, along with his well-polished military boots.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Male (He/Him) | Link | Human |HP 54/54 | AC 21 T 13 FF 18 | CMB 5, CMD 18 | F: +8, R: +7, W: +14 | Init: +9 | Perc: +17, SM: +21

Nobility: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (12) + 9 = 21
Local: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (13) + 6 = 19

The messenger finds him in Memorial Park. He sits before an easel, a much-used palette poised on his left hand. The canvas depicts a nearby group of sailors basking in the sun.

Craft: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (4) + 8 = 12

"Milord Basri? Anselm Basri? I've been looking for you. Got something I'm supposed to deliver - your hands only."

He smiles and pulls out a coin for the lad. "What do you think of the painting? It's rubbish, isn't it? Be honest now. We're called to nurture beauty in the world, but the Eternal Rose really just wants us to do our best."

The messenger looks at the canvas and sizes up the young nobleman. He decides the request for honesty is true.

"Seems a bit serious, if you don't mind me saying so, milord. Lookie, they're grapplin' with each other 'n' deep in the cups. Your picture's nice 'n' all but seems like you're holdin' somethin' back."

Anselm smiles. It's so nice to be back here. Every man, woman, and child has words for beauty. He says, "Right you are. Good eye. Thanks." He produces another coin and bids the messenger good day.

. . . . . . . . . .

"Petnik Miragella, you say? Well, he's trouble, no doubt. Lady Gerania says he's been associating with low folk. I saw him a few weeks ago and he looked a mess. Still, they've more than enough coin to throw a thrilling soiree. Won't you bring me with you, brother?"

Anselm's young sister consumes gossip even more voraciously than the latest fashions. He's tried to convince her such obsessions are foolish, with little success. "Soon, Adelaide. You haven't made your debut yet. And remember kindness when Lady Gerania is telling her tales. A person's worth resides in their soul, not cruel rumors of the court. That includes you." He gives her cheek a kiss and goes to dress himself.

The polished brass mirror reflects back a face that few have called handsome. A bit uneven in measure, if clear-skinned. Not the strongest chin, nor the straightest nose. But amiable enough.

The lads he met up in the Verduran Forest liked him for other things. He eschewed those who flattered him, interested only in his position. The ones who answered his questions honestly, like the messenger today—they liked him for the depth of his gaze. He tries to draw others out—to find the beauty inside. But, to be fair, he does appreciate outer beauty. His mind wanders back to the sailors.

He does his best to scrub the paint stains off his hands, to no avail. Putting on his red bowed, purple suede shoes, he descends to courtyard and calls for the coach.

Major K'Aldrian Kort:

Know Local: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (9) + 6 = 15

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knowledge nobility: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (12) + 10 = 22

Madella lets the invitation linger on the tray until she is certain.
”Not poisoned. That’s a plus.” Safety assured, at least for the moment, she picks up the card, turning her seasoned gaze upon its quality contents.

”Mira...gella...Miragell...a, where do we know that from, hmm, Cuddles?” she ticks this quills of the diminutive pet while she considers the name and where she may have heard it before.

“Oh yes, I remember the Miragella’s. They had business with the old lord a score or so ago, though what was it… what...was… it? Never mind, likely as not, that Miragella is long gone, and this is some new son, looking to take Oppara by storm. Though why an invitation for us, hmm, Cuddles? Perhaps our efforts are to be rewarded after all.”

She lets her mind wander through the past while she prepares for the evening, weighing each choice in turn, until there is only one left.

”Oh, I could never leave you here alone, my pet. Besides, I hear it is just the thing this Season."

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Male Halfling Herder/17

He had to admit, he was starting to enjoy the morning constitutionals. The cliff-side strolls, the sheer size of the Grand Bridge... it was certainly everything he remembered as a child. Exchanging the smells of the countryside for city airs was a bit of a jolt at first, but memory has a way of putting things in their places. His rabbit run from Aroden's View around Worldbreaker, then through Senate's Hill was more for Underfoot's benefit than his own. She needed to find her peace with the city, too.

Returning to the Manor, Muri's mouth begins to salivate. Through the front doors, along the common hallway, he finds the kitchen staff anticipating his dawn's visit. With open hands, he gladly accepts the silver bowls, one for him, and one for her. Without losing a step, he finds the stones of the central courtyard still wet from the morning dew. Setting down Underfoot's bowl, his free hand finds her scruff, and he gives her a good scritching before he gives her the space to enjoy her meal, unmolested.

When he comes to the last bits of his breakfast, sopping up the yolk runs with the smaller bits of rye, he cocks an ear to the new arrival to the courtyard. Old Raff, standing with a silver tray, bent at the waist to demonstrate the fancy letter resting upon it.

Muri raises his hands, and wiggles his fingers to demonstrate their state of messiness, crumbs and yellow touching each fingertip. Old Raff nods, plucking the letter, and cracking the wax. Muri doesn't interrupt him out of courtesy, which also gives him time to finish his bowl, and dig a couple of rye seeds out from between his teeth.

"Miragella, you say?"

Knowledge(Nobility) v DC 13: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (6) + 8 = 14

"That's weird. Wouldn't you say that's weird, Raff? I think that's weird." Old Raff shrugs his shoulders, causing bones to pop, but he says nothing in response.

Knowledge(Local) v DC 16: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27

"Petnik, though. That name certainly rings of something familiar. Much appreciated, Raff. Would you mind setting that on my desk, when you get a chance? I'll run the bowls back, and clean up a bit." Muri does his best not to ramble about what he recalls of the half-elf to his old butler, so dismisses the man to his day, while he plans his own.

When it's obvious that Underfoot is done with her bowl, he collects it, and returns them both to the kitchen, where he finds some waste water to dunk his paws.

The invitation is where he expected to find it, so he sets his own eyes upon the writing, marking it again for the time and the location. For the fogginess of time these days in Oppara, he's glad to have something to look forward to. He's also sure his cousin will gladden to see him engage in a formal affair here and there, while he's in town.

For the relaxed rest of the day, Muri will find the time to unwrinklify his well-to-do garb, as well as see to a good detangling of Underfoot's undercoat. Won't do to show up looking less than the best...

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Roll20 Map - Tracking Sheet

(Oh, so it’s to be that sort of campaign is it? Brilliant posts all!)

The caterers are local, though you don’t see Ms. Starlea’s wagon during the short time you watch. There are a lot of caterers though, so anything is possible. It seems that Lord Miragella is taking the sampling approach - using a lot of different caterers each with their own specialty - rather than just one or two to coordinate the whole party.

Almost as if to punctuate that point, a baker wanders by with freshly baked sourdough muffins, and the smell is quite intoxicating!
- - -

Mallë-o i Otos Elen:
Just before you head out, a runner informs you that you did not get the part in the ballet. They are so sorry, but they decided to go with someone ‘younger’. The youthful runner shows appropriate sympathy, before dashing off on his next errand, leaving only a faint smell of onions in his wake.
- - -

The party is held in a sprawling villa just outside Oppara proper - south and a bit west, across the Grand Bridge of the Empire, along the slow flowing Porthmos River - about a twenty minute walk. As you join the throng passing through the early rye fields leading to the estate in the damp late Calistril air, you realize half of Oppara seems to have been invited to the festivities! You see commoners mixing with aristocrats as they all walk together toward the estate (well, near each other anyway). The flow of diverse people (many of whom are not human) is funneled through the main arch and into the gardens on the west side of the villa - facing the river. You watch the sun as it begins to settle toward the horizon even as a waiter smoothly shoves a fine Opparan sparkling wine in your hand and another offers a tray filled with various canapé.

The smell of boxwood bushes is strong as you look around, seeing nearly a half a dozen temporary ‘bars’ on the grounds around which staff and guests alike swirl. Drink is mostly local fine wine varieties, several ales, and even a mead for good measure. Wonderful smelling food is laid out on large tables scattered throughout the garden and are replenished quickly. They contain everything from delicate fish eggs and stuffed olives to rather more substantial meat-filled sandwiches - a favorite of some of the larger bodyguards in attendance.

The main house is partly off limits, aside from the modern, and magical, chamber-pot rooms and a few other areas on the ground floor. Wandering briefly through as you pass to the main garden, you’ll find a billiards room; a game room, which includes a miniature castle siege complete with working catapults, heavy lead shot, and other miniatures; as well as a grand ballroom where a large group of colorful people are in fact dancing joyously to a lively string quintet.

There even seems to be a juggler, a little crusty around the edges in both appearance and odor, wandering the grounds entertaining the simpler folk. The capstone however has to be the extremely modern hot air balloon. Tethered to a tower, and seemingly partly magical, or at least mythical, it climbs and falls on the cool evening breezes as it takes thrill-riders up into the heavens - higher than most have ever been! Why you imagine you could see for miles from up there.

The party seems to swirl a bit as a lightly perfumed tall half elf (image), impeccably dressed in the latest high fashion, swims strongly through the current of party goers from the house. He reaches the main gardens and stops, putting a hand dramatically to his mouth and then his forehead, exclaiming over the general din, ”My word! What a glorious sunset! Everyone, look! Look! Truly Sarenrae is blessing our gathering!” He doesn’t shout, exactly, but his voice seems to carry to every corner of the manse none the less. There’s a quiet pause as everyone turns, takes a communal breath, and admires the work of the gods (image). As if on cue, torches and lanterns are lit throughout the grounds giving the party a dance of light all its own in the approaching twilight.

”That’s Lord Petnik Miragella” you overhear someone nearby mention with a certain amount of admiration in their voice. The Lord moves easily back through the crowd, greeting some and smiling at others, as he makes his way slowly back to the house.

Please provide your description and interact with the festivities, in your own way, when you’re ready. Don’t feel obligated to speak with, or even acknowledge, other party members for now. It’s a large party, so you might not even see each other at this point (though you may if you wish). I’ll get you together shortly however.

Please also treat this as two social rounds (link, go to tab six) and remember to role-play it out. You may each make rolls to ‘influence the area’ (knowledge local/history/nobility DC 15 to tell a story or perform DC 13 to, well, perform). You may also ‘discover’ Lord Petnik (knowledge local DC 16 to learn his influence or knowledge nobility DC 15 to learn his weakness). You might already know his influences from your knowledge/gather information earlier in the day.

You can do ‘influence area’ actions multiple times, either because of an earlier failure, or simply to improve your influence. You add to your total at the rate of one point per point over the DC. Once you have reached both thresholds, further influence checks aren’t useful. There are typically two thresholds (in this case 10pts and 15pts).

Discovery checks have only one threshold - success and failure, so once you learn his weakness and influences - you’re done with Lord Petnik for now. You do not have the opportunity yet to talk to Lord Petnik personally as he is currently surrounded by sycophants. Obviously please role play it out and feel free to ask questions about the social round rules.

Last note. Normally these rolls are ‘shared’, in that individuals can share information they learn (and are assumed to do so within the group). So once one of you learns how to influence Lord Petnik for example, you’d all know. However as you don’t know each other yet, for this introductory party, all results are assumed to be individual successes for now. You may of course share, or even sell, that information through role play if you wish.

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M Half Elf
Arc30,Dun30,Eng17,Geog127,Hist30,Loc/Nat/Pla/Rel30,Nob23, Perc 27, Sense 36, Spell30,Stlh26,DisDev31,UMD31

K'Aldrian knows how long it will take him to dress, and then again how long it will take to walk to the party. He worked logistics for the First Army of Taldan Defense for some 30+ years, so yeah, he figures he can figure how to get to a damn party on time.

He did want to finish his book, a treatise on the mating patterns of Girallon called Fists in the Mist Missed, but there wasn't quite time to both get ready and finish the book.

It was going to be an easy choice, he was not going to be late. He was never late. It's not how he was raised and trained. Not late.

And so he got ready. His parade armor donned, his polished boots donned, his walking cane ready to bear his weight as he walked. He was no longer young, but could still walk. He's always walked, and he would walk tonight to the party and not offer a single complaint about it. He was so old yet that he would beg for a rest. No, not yet.

* * *

K'Aldrian seems much less concerned when he sees the wide variety of people invited to the soiree. He had been worried, only slightly so, that he was walking into enemy territory or a pitched battle with too little intelligence, knowing too little of his potential enemies. Though it would be unlikely that he would have enemies in Oppara, he suppressed even that little fear as the size of crowd reveals itself. No, he was rarely stationed and too unimportant to have any real enemies...on this side of Qadiran border at least.

He walks still legged up to the party, following every path and not taking any short cuts. The last thing he needs is to trip on something in the dark, not that it was likely, but it would be unseemly. Besides, he had time and patience to get there by his leisure.

He smiles and greets people stiffly, knowing so few, and mostly pausing to nod at any military who either need saluting or nodding at any who recognize his rank. He does not expect it, being retired, but has been trained always to acknowledge it when it happens. It's the way things have always been, it seems.

He moves through the finger foods area, picking up food that can easily be eaten and not likely to make a mess as he wanders about. When he comes to the miniature castle, he stops and smiles. He recognizes the battle for the most part, but also knows where the set up is just...wrong. He looks on for a bit before shaking his head and going to fix things.

1d20 + 9 ⇒ (20) + 9 = 29 Know (History)

"That's not how it was! Don't you see? This is the 4th Battle at Lionsguard, in the summer of '93. I know, I was there. But this...this is all wrong," K'Aldrian begins to reset the battle, this time putting the miniatures in their proper spots, correcting what may have been errors by children or adults, but clearly wrong.

"You see? You don't put the cavalry in the middle of your offensive! No no no! They go on the outside, to sweep in and crush from the side, and you certainly don't leave your archers unprotected..." K'Al begins to move pieces around, often switching pieces from the Taldan and Qadiran sides when they fit the actual battle better.

"...and finally, on the fourth night, the Qadirans fled back to their sand caves, broken and beaten for they could not take Lionsgard! Oh no! And then we sallied forth to chase them back. Ha! That was a battle, I tell you." K'Aldrian might have been talking to anyone nearby, wandering by, or himself, but he is very clear about exactly what happened.

I like to think K'Aldrian just influenced this area a bit.

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Male Halfling Herder/17

Muri enjoys the fluid dynamics of the crowd crossing the Grand Bridge. The long striders are more interesting to watch from their backsides, as they rarely look over their shoulders to engage in eye contact. The first half of the Bridge's arc, Muri spends more time nervously looking down on the waters so far below, less on his fellow guests. The second half, the well-appointed halfling purposefully shifts his attention to passersby, especially in their reactions, or lack thereof, to a dog headed in the same direction.

Some of them startle in delight as something furry tickles their errant hands, while others flinch in revulsion as mongrel fur potentially graces them with fleas. Muri makes it a point of smiling proudly when the former occurs, and frowning deeply when the latter occurs. His face is a bit tired by the time his slower herd finishes traversing the Bridge, but that's what games are for. He can hear the distant peal of Oppara's bells, and he begins to anticipate the festivities awaiting them all. He smooths out his royal blue cloak and suit, as the grounds before him level out. The gold brooch is a bit heavy, but Mircene insisted, and Muri couldn't say no to his favorite cousin.

Muri marks the grounds for places Underfoot is surely not allowed, while casing the food platters, leaning into the sea foods, primarily. The freshness will be something he'll miss, when he eventually heads back north, but nothing is preventing him from enjoying the moment. The good fortune of the invitation was surely facilitating it!

Social Round 1

The halfling finds the first part of his evening socializing among the grazers. He chats as easily with the attendees as the staff, inquiring as to possible reasons for their own invitations, as well as their excitement for the rest of the evening. In exchange, Muri slips into the moments when folks' mouths are full to regale them with his childhood stories of Oppara, wondering where various noble house members must be now, aged another ten years. Ne'er a disparaging word, always relating the victors of footraces, the winners of school debates, or the most promising politicians, which never include Muri's own name in the speculation.

Knowledge(Nobility) v DC 15: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (17) + 8 = 25

Social Round 2

When word begins to buzz about a balloon, it's only a matter of time before Muri wants to set eyes on it himself. He wends his way through the clusters of guests, alighting upon a small set of stairs to gain vantage to the rise and fall of the hot air balloon. He watches those daring enough to enter the basket and ascend, and marks each of the eggs that come tumbling from it. He hopes he can crack them up with tales of nobility just as brave as they to participate in such thrilling activities, so that he may see through their eyes. "And to think! How many of us can say that we reached such heights? You now rank with the bloodlines of dragons!! You can clink mugs with the explorers of House Corcina!! You share insights with the powerful flying mages of Lotheed, or Merrosett!!"

He shudders to think of the ride, personally, but a vicarious thrill is easy, and much, much safer.

Knowledge(Nobility) v DC 15: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (20) + 8 = 28

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Female Half-Elf aka Katherine Weaver

”Wow!” Kamari bubbles with excitement as she weaves among the crowd. Spotting a friend, she dashes to his side. “Look! Just look at this riot of races and classes and and and…This is Taldor! All of Taldor! I’ve told you it was possible.”

Grabbing an offered glass of sparkling wine, Kamari continues her zigzagging pattern through the crowd. She sips and smiles and slows just enough to admonish others to look around. Her rumbling stomach reminds her that she had skipped lunch intentionally so she pauses with a twirl in front of a well dressed waiter. ”Good day, sir! Thank you!” She exchanges her empty glass for a favorite canape and one she’s never seen before.

Before she can enjoy her late lunch her eyes catch upon the balloon ascending into the sky. When her sharp eyes see people in the balloon’s basket her meandering path turns into a plumb line to the landing area. She dashes ahead sliding to a stop at the back of the line. ”Magnificent!” She turns to those waiting in line. ”Do you see them? Do you?” She tilts her head to the sky. ”I see a man and an elf and, I think, a halfling. Might be a dwarf though. They are rising, rising above it all, together.”

Kamari continues speaking with her captive audience reluctant to give up their spot in line. With words she invites them to see the world of which she dreams. ”Tonight doesn’t have to end tonight.”
Social round 1 perform oratory: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (14) + 3 = 17

When her turn finally comes, Kamari has to restrain herself from leaping into the empty basket. She steps in with her fellow passengers and grows incredibly quiet as the balloon ascends. She looks out over Oppara on the horizon and lets a tear work its way down her cheek. Beautiful!

At first the balloon descends far too quickly for Kamari, but then she notices the myriad other diversions below and squeezes close to the gate to be the first off. She walks quickly—not running—off the platform and nods at a halfling and his dog. ”Enjoy!”

Buoyed by her success at the balloon line, Kamari looks about for someone she might know, someone with the power to make decisions, who might not normally be open to hearing from her. Unfortunately for her, even with her keen eyes she is unable to find the right person. Oh well. I might as well enjoy the party. I'm sure the opportunity will present itself at some point.
Social Round 2 knowledge nobility: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (7) + 6 = 13

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male (He/Him) | Link | Human |HP 54/54 | AC 21 T 13 FF 18 | CMB 5, CMD 18 | F: +8, R: +7, W: +14 | Init: +9 | Perc: +17, SM: +21

He walks quietly along with the throng, joy in his eyes.

Wandering the grounds, he spots his cousin, Lady Annabeth Zespire, dressed in rather smart-looking coat and trousers. As is her wont. She's batting away suitors while her true love stands behind her — Katrin, her 'handmaid' and a brilliant artist.

Nearby, a jolly Osirian man serves up a delicious roast lamb folded inside flatbread. Anselm orders one, beaming childlike anticipation at the chef. "Oh, it's delicious. Would you tell me where you learned to cook this well?" He orders three more while listening intently to the man's story.

"Cousin," he says, turning to Annabeth and giving her a kiss on the cheek. "You must try this. You as well, Katrin. I was just having a delightful chat with Kuphet here about spices. Kuphet, you're a truer artist than I could ever be."

He draws Annabeth, her well-heeled suitors, and Katrin over to Kuphet's counter and gives an account of the chef's story. When one of the young gentlemen scoffs, he draws him out. "Devian, isn't it? Tell me of the food that made you giddy as a lad."

And so it goes: Anselm drawing out his audience as though they were the performers, helping them connect their stories to each other.

Perform (Oratory): 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (13) + 10 = 23

. . . . . . . .

Later, Anselm finds himself at the hot air balloon. He gives a friendly wink at a jolly halfling sitting nearby while he waits patiently in line. More than once, he lets a child or hard-working grandmother go ahead of him, clearly as pleased by their excitement as the thought of his own ascent.

When he finally makes it into the large basket, he gives a nod to the red-haired half-elf next to him. "I've never been higher than Aroden's View. Maybe we'll top that tonight, eh?" When they do rise that high and more, he asks his fellow passengers where they live, and works with them to point out their homes.

Knowledge (Local): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (18) + 6 = 24

The descent is a bittersweet moment. To be so high above the fray ought not be a privilege given by the aristocracy.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Female Jininese Elf Lvl 16

Mallë-o i Otos Elen dons her noble's outfit, a simple flowing gown in muted gold with minimal forest green accents matching her simple flats. She adds a sheer silk scarf that she pins in place with a transparent crystal brooch and set out for the party.

She regards the Exodus of Oppara curiously, marvelling at its diverse representatives. What is Miragella trying to prove?

She moves on through the main garden, appreciating the boxwoods and rising scent of the blooming honeysuckles and salvias. She takes a detour through the rose garden walkway enjoying the burst of color and fragrance before making her way toward the main festivities.

She avoids the crusty juggler completely as well as the game room, but regards the billiards room curiously.

Do I remember how to play? It was so much fun! She moves on into the dance hall, and its 'lively string quartet'.

Not being able to help herself, she spontaneously breaks out into a dance routine she choreographed for the ballet "Lovely", adding her own special nuances.

Dancing: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (17) + 10 = 27 Finishing, having broken out slightly into a sweat, she briefly retreats to the magical chamber-pot room to freshen up before moving back to the main gathering.

She helps herself to a wine spritzer before moving on to the caviar. This is a nice spread.

GMEuan wrote:
The party seems to swirl a bit as a lightly perfumed tall half elf (image), impeccably dressed in the latest high fashion, swims strongly through the current of party goers from the house. He reaches the main gardens and stops, putting a hand dramatically to his mouth and then his forehead, exclaiming over the general din, ”My word! What a glorious sunset! Everyone, look! Look! Truly Sarenrae is blessing our gathering!”

She gasps trying to conceal a bit of sarcasm as she looks upon the gods' work "It is as if a far far away star exploded! Who could ever regret? It's impossibly beautiful! Who could ever consider leaving a fine chalet like this with all it has to offer? Even Shelyn would be impressed."

KnowNobilityDC15: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12 Weakness?

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Male Halfling Herder/17
Kamari wrote:

Muri's eyes brighten as the red-head-half-elf bounces by. He pulls a respectful nod on the brim of his hat, careful to avoid the feather. That's just enough time to avoid admitting that he's quite comfortable to keep feet anchored on solid ground.

The halfling-dandy-for-a-day marks the Miragella affair to have skewed more pleasantly, less obligatorily. Once for the kind word, then twice for a kind man's wink. Oppara's changed. Or maybe I have. Was I looking for it, before? The airs of the nobles? My coin keeps coming up 'head', haven't been bumped more than once... This evening will satisfy Mircene for at least three days of my stay...

Content with his time at the balloon boarding station, Muri and Underfoot decide that a familiar pair of bellies is in need of refilling, so they return to the garden and the large tables, burdened by too much food. Until a new reverie comes to light, Muri and Underfoot engage in a relaxed pace of You, Me, or We. He's well versed in farm food, knowing exactly what the sheepdog will decline, but here, there's so many unknown nuggets to put to the test.

Braised beef, definitely a We.
Caramelized brussel sprouts, unsurprisingly a Me.
Smoked salmon canapés, almost an Ew, but two sniffs is enough to tip to You.

For the bite sizes of several of the entries, the game continues down the length of each and every serving table.

M Half Elf
Arc30,Dun30,Eng17,Geog127,Hist30,Loc/Nat/Pla/Rel30,Nob23, Perc 27, Sense 36, Spell30,Stlh26,DisDev31,UMD31

K'Aldrian pushes himself onto his knees, having set the final mini into place finishing off a decent recreation of that battle so long ago. He's mostly sure he has the gist of it, but it was over 20 years ago and, well, some details might be slightly wrong. But he was satisfied, though the kneeling to do the work was beginning to hurt.

Pushing himself to his feet with the help of his cane, he goes to see what else might be seen in the party. Mostly, he would want to know and learn more of the party patron, Lord Petnik. He will walk throughout the open party grounds, seeing what he can see, and peering into windows to help divine what he can.

"You may also ‘discover’ Lord Petnik (knowledge local DC 16 to learn his influence or knowledge nobility DC 15 to learn his weakness)."

1d20 + 8 ⇒ (17) + 8 = 25 Know (Local)

He avoids the hot air balloon (too much commotion and noise) and sticks to where he can try to learn what this party is all about.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Madella let's the party crowds swirl about her; age and general experience easing her way. Even so, she tucks the delicate cage and it's inhabitant close to her bosom in hopes of
minimizing the bumps and swings for her companion. And if this brings added comfort of her own, well hasn’t she earned a bit of comfort, after all of these years? She gives a mental shake, takes a breath, and forces her attention outward, at the bedecked masses flowing into the party proper.

"Oh isn't this just the thing? Young Lord Robkin would have loved the spectacle, wouldn't he, Cuddles?" the thought dampens her enjoyment of the surroundings, but with a breath, she lets it pass.

"we shall just have to enjoy it for him, won't we, pet?" to that end, she brightens, and finds a passing glass of something bubbly to hold, if not to drink. She does not need to hear the whispers to realize that the young half elf must be the Lord of the Evening, for who else would call everyone’s attention in such a manner. A bitter ball of spite attempts to rise, but she thrusts it down before most would ever mark the emotion on her well trained face.

Knowledge nobility for weakness: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (19) + 10 = 29

Instead she begins to truly mingle with those of a “certain grace”, listening as is her wont, sprinkling in bits of knowledge gained over the years as needed to keep the conversation flowing.

influence an area (knowledge nobility): 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (6) + 10 = 16

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Roll20 Map - Tracking Sheet

Lots of lucky rolls this round! Praise be Desna! Kamari and Anselm may be on the same balloon ride if you both wish. I did not assume so in my post, though there is overlap so you can play it either way. :)

Anselm Basri:
One of the truly ancient grandmothers you so politely let ahead of you in line, nods to you as an aristocrat would to a lesser noble - quite polite. She whispers something halting to a younger woman, clearly her hand-maid, and possibly bodyguard. The younger woman approaches you with thanks, ”The Baroness wishes to thank you for your kindness. It’s uncommon in this day and age, and should be rewarded.” She hands you a small pouch made of leather and silver brocade and departs to catch up to her charge now climbing difficulty aboard the balloon.

When it is eventually your turn, the balloon ride is sublime! There’s a tuxedo-wearing older gentleman manipulating a staff of some sort, from which a flame erupts heating the air in the large canopy. It’s not completely sealed as you’d imagine, but rather there are vents, cleverly controlled by ropes in the gondola (that’s what the older man calls the basket). He takes on a half dozen in the large gondola before loosening the ropes and firing the envelope (that’s what he calls the balloony bits).

As you ride up, you quickly ascend above the din of conversation and chatter. Everyone on the trip is silent as you climb some one hundred feet into the air! You linger high in the sky a moment, looking down at all the little people below as chattering begins anew. After what seems like seconds, but was probably several minutes, the pilot pulls a rope, and the vents open in the envelope high above. The initial descent is sudden, and a few of your companions are startled and take quick breaths, but the old man smiles, and says, ”That’s normal my lords and ladies, just descending now.”

You reach the surface of Golorian once again and the sounds and smells of the party rise up to greet you. Somehow everything is a bit sharper for a moment - brighter, and more exciting. What a ride!

You gain a +2 circumstance bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, and Knowledge Nobility checks to influence groups or individuals during the rest of the party for successfully influencing past the first threshold. You gain 100gp for reaching the second threshold.
- - -

Major K'Aldrian Kort:
There are quite a few active and former military here - mostly officers. Those retired give you a formal nod as is due, sometimes with a smile of knowing kinship. Those still in the military are generally more formal - formality being a mainstay in the Taldor military. You receive quite a few salutes, especially crisp ones from the few non-commissioned troops in attendance.

A few folks were sort of pattering about with the miniatures when you come in and take over. By the time you’ve finished your soliloquy, even more have wandered by and are watching your reenactment. One small child, with a red candy sucker on a stick half sucked, looks up to you, ”So what happened then?” he asks all wide-eyed.

You abandon the poor child’s history lesson and forage for information about your host. Lots of people know lots of things about Lord Petnik, and you learn much. Lord Petnik Miragella is a half elf from the ancient and noble Miragella family. You heard there’s a rift in the family, and Petnik has been banished to Oppara as a form of punishment by his cousin, the current patriarch. They’ve tired of having him underfoot is the running theory among the gossip-mongers. What exactly he’s done to incur the wrath of his cousin is unknown, but it’s believed to be more than just his half-elven heritage.

One woman you speak to rings a dim bell in your memory. Her name is Claudia Deloffre. She’s short and stocky and though she’s not wearing any military regalia, she has that bearing. In conversation, she proudly admits she once served under you. She was younger then, and casting about for a purpose in life. You made it clear to her what a military life would look like, and she passed to do other things… but she remembered you. She now thanks you for your service, both to the country and her own life. She begs you to come in for a fitting - she owns one of the finer clothiers in town, and will fit you out with whatever you need - on the house!

You gain a +2 circumstance bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, and Knowledge Nobility checks to influence groups or individuals during the rest of the party for successfully influencing past the first threshold. You earn 100gp for the second threshold. Technically it’s in clothes, but feel free to spend it as cash on whatever you wish.

You also learned that to influence Lord Petnik, you want either diplomacy or knowledge nobility DC 16. Normally you’d immediately share this information with the group, but as you do not yet know each other, it is an individual achievement for now.
- - -

The balloon ride is sublime! There’s a tuxedo-wearing older gentleman manipulating a staff of some sort, from which a flame erupts heating the air in the large canopy. It’s not completely sealed as you’d imagine, but rather there are vents, cleverly controlled by ropes in the gondola (that’s what the older man calls the basket). He takes on a half dozen in the large gondola before loosening the ropes and firing the envelope (that’s what he calls the balloony bits).

As you ride up, you quickly ascend above the din of conversation and chatter. Everyone on the trip is silent as you climb some one hundred feet into the air! You linger high in the sky a moment, looking down at all the little people below as chattering begins anew. After what seems like seconds, but was probably several minutes, the pilot pulls a rope, and the vents open in the envelope high above. The initial descent is sudden, and a few of your companions are startled and take quick breaths, but the old man smiles, and says, ”That’s normal my lords and ladies, just descending now.”

You reach the surface of Golorian once again and the sounds and smells of the party rise up to greet you. Somehow everything is a bit sharper for a moment - brighter, and more exciting. What a ride!

The hunt for information on Lord Petnik is less successful. You’re sure the information is out there, but you get stuck talking to a rather large operatic singer who drones on and on… and on, about their opening night, tomorrow, and the wonderousness of the production. While it does sound like fun, he has no information on your host, and assumes he was invited due to his, uh, stature in the arts community.

You have 3 of 10 points to reach the first threshold in influencing the area. There are more social rounds to come however. :)
- - -

Mallë-o i Otos Elen:
You move smoothly through the party until you reach the dance floor where something in your soul yearns to be free. You dance, enjoying the simple thrill of the rhythms as you spin and twirl. You may not realize it until the end, but the other dancers make a space for you to ‘work’ as you regale them with your skill! As you finish, a warm glow about your skin, there’s a smattering of applause from the gathered assembly, impressed with your work and more than a few smiling faces.

Later, you fish for something you can use regarding Lord Petnik, but have less success as no one seems to know, or at least share, that information. You pick up one or two things from the assemblage, but nothing you didn’t already know by and large. Also, apparently this is not a home owned by the Miragella family. Lord Petnik throws these sorts of lavish parties with some regularity - always at a different location, and each party is different in some way. His parties are generally well attended and well spoken of by those who have been to more than one.

You gain a +2 circumstance bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, and Knowledge Nobility checks to influence groups or individuals during the rest of the party for successfully influencing past the first threshold. This does apply to your subsequent roll, though still not quite enough to tip the scales. You have one more threshold to go (at 15pts).
- - -

Mama D:
You ease into the festivities, moving about the happy party-goers with grace and style. While you keep very much to yourself at the start, your silence makes the party swirling about you like an echo chamber to your ears. You hear a few snippets here and there before something occurs to you. Lord Petnik Miragella, for all his comfort and apparent ease - let alone vanity - may be a little uncertain as to his place in life. His weakness is that uncertainty, and it’s something you can use when you meet him.

As you begin to mingle, you find there are others here like yourself, and you all tend to gravitate toward each other with a sense of shared understanding and, possibly, dark knowledge. Unfortunately, it’s a largely quiet group, so you haven’t yet managed to make much of an impression.

You have learned Lord Petnik’s weakness. When you’re with him, speak pridefully about his family or himself, and gain a +4 bonus on all social influence checks.

You also have 2 of 10 points to reach the first threshold in influencing the area. There are more social rounds to come however. :)

- - -

Mury Daybreaker:
The staff is reserved and polite, spending as much time with you as you require before pushing off quickly on one errand or another. Very skilled, and there seem to be enough of them to allow for such intrusion without delaying the various tasks that must be accomplished. The party-goers are a wide variety, and many listen joyfully to your tales.

As you work-the-room by the hot air balloon, a large portly gentleman approaches you. ”I am Tribune Alonso Santander of the town of Merciful Bay, to the south in Moda if you’re not familiar. I know your family. Good stock.” He smiles, missing an eye tooth. ”You seem like a young man who will go far in life or I miss my guess! If you’re ever in Moda, stop by and look me up. Perhaps we can help each other.”

He presses a mithral coin in your palm as he shakes your hand, ”A little something to remember me by.” he grins and his whole face creases with the effort. ”Good man.” he says as he walks back into the crowd, two bodyguards trailing after him, one with a half a sandwich stuffed in his mouth.

You gain a +2 circumstance bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, and Knowledge Nobility checks to influence groups or individuals during the rest of the party for successfully influencing past the first threshold. You gained a 100gp mithral coin for reaching the second threshold.
- - -

Everyone feel free to check below to see how you’re all progressing. I’ll post one of these every time we do a social round for clarity - especially as most future social rounds are group affairs which makes some things easier.

Social Round Update:

Anselm Area Influence: 15+ (both thresholds met), Lord Petnik: influences
Mallë-o i Otos Elen Area Influence: 13 (first threshold met), Lord Petnik: influences
K’al Area Influence: 15 (both thresholds met), Lord Petnik: influences
Kamari Area Influence: 3, Lord Petnik: influences
Mamma D Area Influence: 2, Lord Petnik: weaknesses
Muri Area Influence: 15+ (both thresholds met), Lord Petnik: influences
- - -

Roll20 Map - Tracking Sheet

You’re each moving through the party as you will, when suddenly Lord Petnik appears at your arm and politely introduces himself. ”Ahh, I am Lord Petnik Miragella, at your service.” He lingers a little over the last ‘a’ in Miragella before offering his soft, perfumed, and well manicured hand to yours. He continues after a brief pause, ”Forgive me for getting right to the point. You have an excellent reputation, I hear, and there is someone I’d dearly like you to meet. She’s quite powerful in certain circles.”

He looks at you levelly a moment as if recalling something before calling over a confidant and poised middle aged noble (image) nearby, ”Oh yes, Lady Lotheed, this is one of those people I mentioned to you. One of those adventurers.” he drags out the word, as if it were something unpleasant he stepped in. ”You might have use of their talents.” He introduces you formally by name and quietly steps away as quickly as he arrived and before you have an opportunity to chat much.

Lady Lotheed looks upon you, ”Ah, another one. Excellent. Thank you Lord Petnik.” she dismisses him with a wave even as he disappears peacefully into the throng once again. ”I’m glad our host invited you.” She smiles before continuing, a little rushed, ”I apologize for being blunt, but I have many people to visit tonight and a short time in which to do it. My name is Lady Martella Lotheed, and I serve a power even greater than myself. I have need of a small group of politically minded individuals to aid me in placing none other than Princess Eutropia Stavian on the throne!”

”I wonder, are you such an individual? I hear good things about you, but please do tell me a bit about yourself.”

Mamma D:
Mamma D, you may read all three of the below spoilers - this is knowledge you already possess. Further, when you are introduced, by your full name, Martella raises an eyebrow, but says nothing about your heritage, or hers. She doesn’t recognize you, though of course she must know you by name if nothing else. The Martella family is large to be sure, but not that large.

You suspect that your family name is more of a hindrance than a help here. Martella isn’t quite disowned, but she may as well be. Many in your family side with the current reigning monarch and views Princess Eutropia’s possible rise to the throne as something to be avoided.
- - -

Ultimately, Lady Martella Lotheed is going to hire a small group. Feel free to role play your answer to your hearts content. This happens to each of you individually over the course of the evening. For those of you who may be together, assume Lord Petnik gathered you up in a moment of solitude, perhaps while refreshing a drink at one of the bars for example. So you are each alone with Lady Lotheed for this meeting.

Please make a Knowledge Nobility or Local check. The answers below are tiered, so just one roll and read all that apply to your result. This is not a social round check, so you may take 10 if you wish.

Knowledge Nobility or Local DC 11:
The wealthy Lotheed family has been a strong supporter of the Stavians (the ruling family) for almost 100 years. They have a long family tradition of arcane magic, adding to their wealth and prestige.
- - -

Knowledge Nobility or Local DC 14:
Martella is the black sheep of her family, being a result of an extramarital dalliance with a Qadiran diplomat. Note that Qadira and Taldor have a long history of conflict, and several wars. She lacks her family’s gift for magic as well, adding to their resentment.
- - -

Knowledge Nobility or Local DC 20:
Despite her family’s disdain, Martella still commands substantial wealth and has extensive contacts, having attended the Sinora Academia, Taldor’s most exclusive girls’ school.
- - -

Male (He/Him) | Link | Human |HP 54/54 | AC 21 T 13 FF 18 | CMB 5, CMD 18 | F: +8, R: +7, W: +14 | Init: +9 | Perc: +17, SM: +21

Nobility: 1d20 + 9 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 9 + 2 = 31

"Lord Petnik," Anselm bows just slightly more deeply than befits the half-elf's station, signaling respect. He grasps the hosts hand warmly. "You do me an honor. Your festivities rival the delights of the seelie court and the hospitalities of Sothis."

He then bows more deeply. "Lady Martella. I too am an admirer of Princess Eutropia. I've heard her speak of the need to embrace all of Taldor's children. It warms my heart. True magic is to be found in the heart and imagination of every woman and man, wouldn't you say?"

He turns back to Petnik. "I am no adventurer, though my father and mother have taught me something of diplomacy and negotiation. I'll gladly help a good cause."

M Half Elf
Arc30,Dun30,Eng17,Geog127,Hist30,Loc/Nat/Pla/Rel30,Nob23, Perc 27, Sense 36, Spell30,Stlh26,DisDev31,UMD31

Okay, that image of that woman is *not* middle aged. I know middle aged, as I see one in the mirror almost every day. So...I would like to speak to the manager, please.

GMEuan wrote:
”Ahh, I am Lord Petnik Miragella, at your service.”

K'Aldrian nod/bows in a military fashion to Lord Miragella, offering his hand in an appropriate greeting.

"Yes, of course. I'm sure any friend of yours would be a worthy friend, indeed," Major Kort tries to hide his surprise and lack of experience with nobility behind ritual and formality. He's been away from Oppara, on the front lines (or near to it) for most of his life, and nobility and politics are new to him. He walks overly-rigidly with the Lord as he is introduced.

GMEuan wrote:
”My name is Lady Martella Lotheed, and I serve a power even greater than myself. I have need of a small group of politically minded individuals to aid me in placing none other than Princess Eutropia Stavian on the throne! Please do tell me about yourself."

K'Aldrian bows as he is flattered and needs time to collect his wits. He knows the formal rules for interacting with high society, but it's different having to interact with them in real time. He's spend more of his life humping from fight to fight than ever thinking about politics or royalty in Oppara.

1d20 + 8 ⇒ (10) + 8 = 18 Know (local)

"Nice to meet you, Lady Lotheed. It is an honor," Major Kort replies stiffly, trying to find grace and personality. "You say that the Princess should ascend to the throne? I have no issue with that. Truthfully, I am flattered that you would seek my council on such. I am a military man. I am not used to Oppara or politics or tradition. When I fight, I fight to win. I want the best ruler in charge that we can find...and if that is the Princess, then yes, I will support her. Taldor deserves nothing less," K'Aldrian responds.

"As for myself, there is little to say," he replies with heartfelt humility that was drummed into him by the military. "I have served the crown for over 30 years. I have seen combat on numerous occasions, mostly along the border with Qadira. I recently retired with the rank of Major, they would not rise me higher on account of my heritage..." K'Aldrian points to his slightly pointed elven ears, most of the bitterness lost in his voice. Most of it. "I have always served Taldor, and will continue in the future. They have been good to me, and I will fight for the Crown as long as I draw breath." K'Aldrian ends his speech stiffly and awkwardly as if he might say more, but not having the words to finish.

They should promote the best, no matter what their heritage or gender...even if they are half-human.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Female Half-Elf aka Katherine Weaver

Kamari smiles at Lord Petnik and his offered hand. She grips his hand firmly and looks into his eyes trying to sense exactly what type of lord he is. She tries not to let show how unsettled she is by his next words.

Reputation? My reputation or…

Before she can respond, the lord is already speaking again. Kamari turns to greet the third to their threesome, intrigued by meeting a woman that a lord would call powerful. Her opinion of the lord drops faster than a lady of the night's dress as he maligns adventurers.

He’s probably never drawn blood with that dainty knife of his. Surely his manhood has been out of its sheath more often. She relaxes as the lord departs, sure that such an aloof fancy only knows of her daytime reputation.

As Lady Lotheed makes her proposal, a passing waiter gives Kamari the opportunity to grab a fresh glass of wine and a few moments to compose herself. She sips slowly and tries to quell the eager energy that almost has her vibrating.

”I am such an individual my Lady.” Kamari pauses, careful not to sound like the jittery schoolgirl she has become. ”I have spent much of my life extolling the virtues of women and contending that we are the equal of men. It baffles me that people do not understand what could be accomplished if we treated each other as equals. I have proven women’s worth with my intellect and my blade, each equally as deadly. I would be honored to assist Princess Eutropia Stavian in ascending to the throne that is rightfully hers.”

Knowledge nobility: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11

A bit too late, Kamari realizes she knows very little about the woman in front of her. She tries to casually look to her left and right for the royal guards that might come to carry her away.

Male Halfling Herder/17

GM Euan:

Tribune Alonso Santander wrote:
"I am Tribune Alonso Santander of the town of Merciful Bay, to the south in Moda if you’re not familiar. I know your family. Good stock. You seem like a young man who will go far in life or I miss my guess! If you’re ever in Moda, stop by and look me up. Perhaps we can help each other. A little something to remember me by. Good man. ”

Muri holds his hand out in front of himself, palm upturned, mithral coin still sitting upon it, for just a moment longer than a halfling with a more trusting nature. He smiles up at Alonso, squinting briefly. No, he's not teasing me, his gesture is genuine. Small fingers close around substantial coin, and small hand tucks it in deep pocket.

"You are kind to say these things, Tribune Santander. Moda is now marked in my mind. I like your candor, and I am glad you were invited. Enjoy your evening. I know I will."

Lord Petnik wrote:
"Ahh, I am Lord Petnik Miragella, at your service.”

Muri slows his pace, looking to bow out gracefully between the conversation of taller folk on both sides of him. When he realizes Lord Petnik is also slowing his pace, he taps the brim of his hat upwards to see his host more easily. Seeing a hand extended, he extends his own to shake hands.

Lord Petnik wrote:
"Forgive me for getting right to the point. You have an excellent reputation, I hear, and there is someone I’d dearly like you to meet. She’s quite powerful in certain circles.”

Ha! Haha! I should have known. Well played, Mircene. Alright, let's see where your game takes us tonight. "Of course, Lord Petnik. Your party, your prerogative."

Lord Petnik wrote:
"Oh yes, Lady Lotheed, this is one of those people I mentioned to you. One of those adventurers. You might have use of their talents.”

Muri watches Petnik retreat, his jaw obviously lowered in disbelief. What is happening here..? He turns back to the woman before him, politely offering his hand, preferring his interaction with the Tribune over Petnik.

Lady Lotheed wrote:
”I apologize for being blunt...”

Knowledge(Nobility): 1d20 + 8 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 8 + 2 = 24

Muri takes a moment to place the face to the name, and the name to the family. When he's reasonably sure there is potential to the conversation, only then does he speak up.

"Good evening, Lady Martella. Let me join you, we can be blunt together. Your inquiry intrigues me. I've returned to Oppara in the hopes of securing allies, and until now, I haven't made many inroads. Appointments, sure. Inroads, not so much." Muri feels Underfoot lean against his side, then slide down his leg, until she's resting on his boots, her universal gesture of resignation.

"I'm a northern Daybreaker. I really enjoy the life. Northern Taldor is quite scenic, but it's also more lawless than I'd like. Hence, my presence in Oppara." Muri studies Martella for signs of strain. "Yes, I'm motivated to see more equity in all parts of our country, and if you are who you say you are, a representative of someone more powerful, then I may benefit from submitting my name for your consideration. For this group you're assembling. I'd rather be shepherding, of course, but I'd do better to advocate for my brethren."

Female Jininese Elf Lvl 16

Mallë-o i Otos Elen recoils slightly at Lord Petnik's sudden and purposeful manifestation. She regards his proffered soft perfumed hand with ever so slight distain, before nodding with a blink in friendly acknowledgement. "Mallë-o i Otos Elen," she responds without touching him, regarding him with great curiosity.

She keeps her eyes riveted on Lord Miragella as she is introduced to Lady Martella, as if watching an unbelievably bad carraige collision from which you are unable to tear your focus.

'Us people'? Why so much derision in his tone? Her eyes flicker with subtle anger.

Pleased when he is gone, her eyes soften and eventually turn to Lady Martella. "Am I pleased to meet you," she smiles, trying not to make it sound like a question.

KnowNob: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (7) + 9 = 16

Is she that desperate? To hire me? Why is she with that troll? Mallë-o i Otos Elen conceals her skepticsm and replies, "My Lady, I do not know how I could help you, for I am but a humble artist making the world -- I mean -- making my way in the world... and I am not off to a great start," she laughs lightly, "I didn't even land a part in the ballet. But please," she smiles, "if placing Princess Eutropia on the throne would make the world more fufilling and beautiful for people, I would be willing to do whatever is in my ability to make that happen."

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (9) + 9 = 18

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Lord Petnick wrote wrote:
”Ahh, I am Lord Petnik Miragella, at your service.” …. ”Forgive me for getting right to the point. You have an excellent reputation, I hear, and there is someone I’d dearly like you to meet. She’s quite powerful in certain circles.”

Madella turns a well practiced smile to the young lord, an almost maternal pride in her voice, “and Well Done to you, Lord Petnik! This is sure to be the hit of The Season. Ah, but I understand demands on your time must be intense on such a night. Please, lead on.’

An excellent reputation? In which circles, one wonders? The thought that it is a ruse to kill her some place less crowded flits in and out again. No, this would be far too much effort to kill her. Patience, her primary virtue, must stand her in good stead once more.

Lord Petnik wrote wrote:
, ”Oh yes, Lady Lotheed, this is one of those people I mentioned to you. One of those adventurers.”

Madella gives a quiet “tut” of disapproval at such an introduction, as if he had misread his primer in front of his father at tea. and we were off to such a good start. Ah well, it is to be expected from the young, I suppose. She wonders again, where the young lord gets his information, for there are few that would consider her “adventurous”, let alone, an “adventurer”.

Lady Lotheed wrote wrote:
”I wonder, are you such an individual? I hear good things about you, but please do tell me a bit about yourself.”

Madella looks about for any one of the Line that might be nearby, but no, Lady Martella would not be within their ranks, nor they, with Her. With a breath, the older “M” tries out a little used trait, Trust.” I could and would be such an individual. I have returned to Oppara after a rather long absence only to find that not much has changed in the half a century I was away. I found it… disappointing. I think I could enjoy helping bring a bit of Change to the Capitol. she does not go into the details of her absence; in all likelihood, her distant “cousin” has heard most of it before. And, as she said, the Woman has important business tonight. Geneology can wait.

Roll20 Map - Tracking Sheet

As I mentioned to Mama D off-site, disguise self does wonders for the wrinkles… hehehe, but yes, she does look very young for her age even in person.

Anselm Basri:
Lord Petnik smiles at the compliment as he turns to go, leaving you politely with Lady Lotheed.

"So not an adventurer? The tasks at hand are many and varied, not a normal noble's cause some of it. Some of it will get quite dirty I imagine. I wonder, are you the sort of man who gets dirty?" Martella smiles, clearly enjoying the process of meeting someone new - and someone who could be an asset.

"So what other skills might you share for the cause, other than diplomacy and the more verbose arts?"
- - -

Major K’al:
She seems impressed by your short speech, and pauses a moment when you are done, as if in thought, before continuing, ”Little to say? Majors are a rare breed, let alone half-elven ones. And for what it’s worth, I agree with you. Your blood is not so different from my own, and your people have done much - politically, militarily, culturally - for the Crown and the lands of Taldor. There is no reason for the distrust other than pure racism, and that’s a shame.”

”I would say also that the Princess holds no such views, being very egalitarian in her outlook. I hope not to need your sword arm, much, in the coming work. But what I want and what I get are often very different.” she smiles. ”So tell me, what was your last posting? Was it on the border?”
- - -

Kamari does indeed spot the guards, a few paces away and trying to look nonchalant while still assessing risk in the area. They’re well dressed (not in uniform), but perhaps they are incognito. It takes you a moment, but you realize they are not coming for you, and Martella is still talking. ”…so we are trying to ensure a smooth transition of government, to the rightful heir - Princess Eutropia Stavian. I’m encouraged by your enthusiasm, but what do you bring to the table? How can you be of assistance to our great cause?”
- - -

Mallë-o i Otos Elen:
Lord Petnik slides his unshaken hand down without apparent notice or irritation and he smiles as he departs, his thoughts hidden.

Lady Martella brightens, ”Oh, Lord Petnik rarely fails me. If he sees a spark in you beyond your dancing, then a spark there is! But tell me, you’re not from around here, or Kyonin if I miss my guess. Are you from Tian Xia? I’ve never met anyone from that land personally before now. It’s quite a trip you’ve made to be here.”

(Kyonin is the land of the elves, to the north and a little west of Taldor. While you are clearly elven, your features are not exactly of those elves, the two lines having split a long, long, long time ago before the Earthfall (a mighty meteor hit 9-10k years ago).
- - -

Mama D:
Lord Petnik beams with your praise before he disappears into the throng of partygoers. Your disappointment in his categorization perhaps belies his information network, it’s hard to know for sure.

Turning back to Lady Martella Lotheed, who asks, ”You’ve been gone then for some 50 years? Wow. Not much has changed I fear, in your absence, at least in some families… But there is a groundswell that hasn’t been seen in some time. A movement if you will, some might even say a progressive movement, driven as they often are, by the young.”

”But some with vision, and power, must help to guide these wide-eyed youth, or all their efforts shall be for naught. So where have you been for the last half-century? What has your life prepared you to do in this moment, balanced on the edge of history?”
- - -

She sighs, lost in thought a moment, ”Yes, northern Taldor is very lovely. I spent some summers there in my youth, wandering the hills and vales with school mates. Do you know Landgrave Orderic and his wife Estell? Lovely people.” she smiles at the remembrance before continuing, ”Princess Eutropia is a kind and caring woman. She helps those who help her, as any good would-be ruler should. I imagine if you are able to assist her, she would do the same for you.”

”But tell me, what talents, other than shepherding, do you come to Oppara bearing?”
- - -

Male (He/Him) | Link | Human |HP 54/54 | AC 21 T 13 FF 18 | CMB 5, CMD 18 | F: +8, R: +7, W: +14 | Init: +9 | Perc: +17, SM: +21


"Milady, what crafts do you imagine a diplomat to have? What skills might you employ when making treaty with fey lords who trade on dreams and nightmares? We Basri know that all courts and each public require different stratagems. Some... earthier... than others. And of course there is the matter of Shelyn. The Eternal Rose sometimes sees fit to protect me."

He pauses, gazing into Martella's eyes. "I would give my life for a Taldor that lives up to noble words. Honor, dignity for those of every station. An end to ancient feuds that separate noble families from their most forward thinking kin. Does Princess Eutropia represent this in action, not just sentiment? Do you?"

Female Half-Elf aka Katherine Weaver

Kamari relaxes some and addresses Lady Lotheed, ”I bring the people, the common people.” She pauses, but picks up again quickly. ”Forgive me. I forget my audience or the fact that I do not have one. In the café’s, on the plaza, in front of those who need persuading, a bit of flamboyance and zealousness are required. With you, I believe only honesty will suffice.”

”And, I do bring the common people, at least some of them, those who have heard the Princess’ righteous claim to her birthright. I have shared and amplified her message and helped others to see the validity of her royal highness' declaration.” Kamari pauses again for sincerity. ”My resume does not end there. I know Oppara’s people and I know Oppara as a living entity. I have spent much time both in class and in person learning about her life, her inner workings, what makes her thrive, and what ails her.”

Being careful not to appear at all threatening, she touches her rapier, ”I’m also able to take care of myself, or others, if necessary.” She grins, a sparkle in her eyes, as she waits to receive the grade of her presentation.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Halfling Herder/17

GM Euan:

Martella wrote:
"Do you know Landgrave Orderic and his wife Estell? Lovely people."

"I haven't had the pleasure of meeting them, personally, no."

Martella wrote:
"But tell me, what talents, other than shepherding, do you come to Oppara bearing?”

Muri purses his lips, concentrating. "Not many, to be honest. I have the family name to leverage, but politics is not my strong suit. I'm not sure you could call determination a talent... let's see..." The halfling brings his forefingers together, then brings them to his nose.

"I bargain pretty well in the market, and I have organized my farm's finances out of the rat king it was in my brother's hands. I'm usually the one who looks over the coin and gem on exchange during auctions." Lazing dog sighs in a low octave, which keys Muri into a final thought.

"Sorry, Underfoot. My dog and I are pretty good at defending the flock, so I'm not completely useless in patrolling, in case you're looking for muscle." Muri looks down on himself, then back up to Martella. "You could do better, if you require physical might."

Muri leans down slightly, and gives Underfoot's head a couple of strokes. "Who exactly are you representing? You won't offend me if you can't answer. Discretion and valor and all."

2 people marked this as a favorite.
M Half Elf
Arc30,Dun30,Eng17,Geog127,Hist30,Loc/Nat/Pla/Rel30,Nob23, Perc 27, Sense 36, Spell30,Stlh26,DisDev31,UMD31

Lady Lotheed:
K'Aldrian smiles at the question. He's not a boastful man, but has been trained to answer direct questions honestly. "Ah yes, I have seen service all along the southern border. I have seen battle dozens of times, mostly skirmishes, but few major battles," K'Aldrian begins, warming up to his topic.

"I have visited the ruins of Urfa-Halij on more than one occasion, you know? I know that is a weird place to start, but, when you think about it, that's where it all started, didn't it? The ruins of Urfa-Halij? The first border skirmish between Taldor and those feckless Qadiran sandrats? No one won that battle. But yes, that is where it all began," he continues a student of history.

"I have served all along the border from Golsifar to Demgazi to Lionsguard. Heck, I have even been near the top of Mount Kaltafarr in search of the terrible dragon Thelyrox, but that was long ago, in my youth. My sword...funny that you would mention that...but my sword lies collecting dust upon the wall of my house in Mut. I have no use for it anymore. I am no soldier now," K'Aldrian reminiscences almost to himself.

"I content myself with learning what I can learn of the world as it is. I never had time for such as a younger man, but now? It is my joy to learn what I can of the magical world. I do think I have a knack for it, and often wonder where I might be had my path lead me differently...but those dreams are just dreams. I am old now and I will do what I do." K'Aldrian smiles to himself, looking again at Lady Lotheed.

"My last posting was in Zimar, logistics and supplies. Yes, feeding that entire legion was my job for a while. I do not miss the work, but do miss the men, the purpose, the order." K'Aldrian pauses.

"And what of you, Lady Lotheed? What have you heard of me? And why did you wish to speak to me?" K'Aldrian offers a small smile as he asks.

Female Jininese Elf Lvl 16

Lady Lotheed:

Mallë-o i Otos Elen smiles and curtsys again. "I am, indeed my Lady -- from Tien Xia. You must then be familiar with my people and our training. If you so choose, please let me know where I can start in our cause."

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Lady Martella wrote:
“... So where have you been for the last half-century? What has your life prepared you to do in this moment, balanced on the edge of history?”

Madella's reply:
“It’s not a particularly rare story… I was called home from school to find that my father was dead. A stranger, by dint of the bit of pudge between his thighs, now owned my home; lock, stock, and jewelry.

While he felt no familial responsibility to aid me in returning to school, he did allow me to work in his home for my room and board, as did his son. I have worked as a governess, sometimes learning the lessons days, if not hours, before teaching them to my charges. All, save for the arcane arts. Those were forbidden to me by both the eldest Lord Robert, and his son, who was killed two years past."

Madella’s expression never changes through the telling, the only clues to her rage swims deep within the icy blue of her eyes. It is only at the last that they, and she seems to thaw once more.

”Young Lord Robkin, the grandchild of my cousin Robert, had not quite reached majority, but was close enough that he stayed in my care until recently. He uhh, took ill, three months ago, and though I and the good brothers of Abadar tried our best, he was eventually lost to us. Not, though, before he gifted me with enough to make my way back to The City. His heir, another distant male cousin, was… not amused with the loss, but the contract was ironclad.”

She shakes her head and smiles,”In short, Lady Martella, I have been born female, and survived.”

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Roll20 Map - Tracking Sheet

Anselm Basri:
The ladies eyes shine brightly as you make your speech, in apparent agreement to your thoughts.

Anselm Basri wrote:
”Does Princess Eutropia represent this in action, not just sentiment? Do you?”

”Oh yes. I think you’ll find that the Princess and I are women of action.” she says with firmness.

- - -

Major K’al:
Lady Lotheed seems impressed by your bona-fides as she listens along to your story. She seems about to ask a question, but lets it go, at least for now.

Major K’al wrote:
"And what of you, Lady Lotheed? What have you heard of me? And why did you wish to speak to me?” K'Aldrian offers a small smile as he asks.

”To be fair, until today, I did not know you. Lord Petnik said that you have that ‘spark’. That special something that enables some to find greatness, while others, sadly, cannot. I’m beginning to think he’s right!”

- - -

The two nearby guards notice your light touch, but do not react beyond that as Lady Lotheed smiles, ”Aye, sometimes the blade is required, but let us hope it does not come to that. Still it is good to have a team who has that flexibility.”
- - -

Mallë-o i Otos Elen:
”Impressive to come from so far away for our 'little' fete!” she laughs lightly at her own joke before moving on, ”A woman of action I see, ready to get going. I like that. I may have some things for you to do at that. Yes indeed.”
- - -

Mama D:
Mama D wrote:
She shakes her head and smiles, ”In short, Lady Martella, I have been born female, and survived.”

Lady Martella smiles, perhaps a little wistfully, ”I know exactly what you mean.”

- - -

Muri Daybreaker wrote:
"You could do better, if you require physical might.”

”Oh, I’ve seen folk of your stature overcome much. The strength of will is often more important than sheer brawn.” she laughs lightly at some remembrance. She seems to make some sort of decision, ”I of course work directly for Princess Eutropia Stavian. Though it’s coming to be common knowledge, I’d ask that you not confirm it if you hear the rumors. Silence is appreciated.”

- - -

In the end you chat with Lady Lotheed for several more minutes before she thanks you for your time as she politely takes her leave and moves on to another interview. You swirl about the ongoing party, somewhat in a daze. Lady Lotheed is working for Princess Eutropia Stavian! Oh, the things you could accomplish by helping put Her on the throne! Not to mention what She could accomplish…

Later, and again one by one, Lord Petnik Miragella silently approaches each of you as the party begins to wind down well after midnight. He waits, politely, and with the patience that not having to work for a living brings, while you complete whatever conversation or activity you’re engaged in at the moment. When you’re free, he effortlessly glides up and begs an audience, ”Ahh, a word, please.” he explains that there’s a meeting with Martella Lotheed in the drawing room in a little while. ”Your attendance has been requested by Lady Lotheed, if you would be so kind.”

He pauses for light conversation if you wish, then, like a butterfly, he flits away - delving deeper into the party seeking out others who have been likewise called. …Or a fresh drink, it’s hard to know. His wine flute always seems large, half-full, and well chilled.

You may now enjoy three more social rounds in the time you have before the meeting. You may continue to influence the area (knowledge local/history/nobility DC 15 to tell a story or perform DC 13 to perform), though remember there are only two thresholds, so if you’ve received both, there’s nothing more to gain.

You may also now chat with Lord Petnik, to either ’discover’ his weakness or influences if you haven’t already (learn influences: Knowledge local or Sense Motive DC 16, lean weakness: Knowledge nobility DC 15 or Sense Motive DC 20). If you know or successfully learn his influences, you may also try to influence him (roll a diplomacy or knowledge nobility DC 16).

Unlike the previous rolls, influencing Lord Petnik is a normal group check even though you don’t know each other as yet. Between all of you, you need two to four successes, though it’s uncertain how many. As with many things in life, you’ll know it when you see it.

Social Round Update:

Anselm Area Influence: 15+ (both thresholds met), Lord Petnik: influences
K’al Area Influence: 15 (both thresholds met), Lord Petnik: influences
Kamari Area Influence: 3, Lord Petnik: influences
Mallë-o i Otos Elen Area Influence: 13 (first threshold met), Lord Petnik: influences
Mamma D Area Influence: 2, Lord Petnik: weaknesses
Muri Area Influence: 15+ (both thresholds met), Lord Petnik: influences
- - -

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Female Half-Elf aka Katherine Weaver

As Lady Lotheed and her nearby escorts depart, Kamari brims with pride as if she had aced an exam. I’ve earned some dessert!

Kamari spies a table depicting a miniature castle. White cake walls surround a central tower of cake from which pieces are cut until the top is gone and within seconds replaced by a nearby attendant. Mini chocolate people in a multitude of hues populate the surrounding grounds and are picked up and chomped on by partygoers playing at being a dragon. She selects a small depiction of a boy and joins in the fun.

Oratory: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9
"Is not this grand, sharing this table together,” she says to an obvious lord and lady next to her. ”Perhaps one day we can sit at a table together and share a whole meal. Wouldn’t that be fabulous?” The lord doesn’t hesitate in his answer, ”No, it would not.” With that he accepts a piece of cake from the top of the tower and departs.

Knowledge Nobility: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 6 = 10
Undeterred, Kamari circles the large table, munching on a medium sized inhabitant before addressing another gentleman she recognizes by his bulbous nose, but can’t quite place. ”Good sir,” she begins before being cut off. ”I am a Lord, young miss, and you would do well to remember it.” With that he picks up a woman from the table, holds it up in comparison to Kamari, and bites its head off before putting it back down. Kamari looks about the table for an obvious lord and picks him up. ”I will,” she says before popping the entire thing in her mouth and walking away.

Knowledge Local: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 6 = 10
Kamari heads for the ballroom to burn off some frustrations, but is unable to even get on the floor. Unlike the balloon, there’s no obvious queue as people spin on and off the floor. She watches for a while, but can’t figure out how to join in the dancing. She smiles about at some of the unpaired gentlemen and women, but none return her glance. Do I have chocolate on my face? Finally, she settles for seizing a glass, then a second, from a passing waiter. She escorts the bubbly pair into the garden to be alone for a minute.

Diplomacy to Influence: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (16) + 15 = 31
As she enters the garden, Lord Petnik thwarts her attempt for some solitude. With resignation, she welcomes him by her side and even offers him the extra glass of wine. ”My Lord, thank you for hosting such an egalitarian gathering. I hope that your generosity does not end this night. May your magnanimity greet the sunrise so that these people might share more than a single night together." Lord Petnik nods and takes his leave. Kamari is not sure if his nod is in agreement or only to placate her, but she feels better as she strides toward the meeting with Lady Lotheed.

Male (He/Him) | Link | Human |HP 54/54 | AC 21 T 13 FF 18 | CMB 5, CMD 18 | F: +8, R: +7, W: +14 | Init: +9 | Perc: +17, SM: +21

Anselm lingers with the party's host as long as possible. With the occasional understated, polite question, he tries to draw Petnik out.

Nobility to learn weakness: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (20) + 9 = 29 Social Round 1

"Our families certainly have those who hew to old ways, others who've wished for reforms since ere I took my first breath. I don't mean to pry, but perhaps you've some wisdom for me as I take these steps. How has your family responded to your leanings?" He leans in close, noble-to-noble, and lets the noise of the crowd ensure discretion.

Nobility to gain favor / act as confidante: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (15) + 9 = 24 Social Round 2

I'll wait for more info before going for round 3.

M Half Elf
Arc30,Dun30,Eng17,Geog127,Hist30,Loc/Nat/Pla/Rel30,Nob23, Perc 27, Sense 36, Spell30,Stlh26,DisDev31,UMD31

K’Aldrian smiles to himself, offering a bow to the Lady as she moves away. He has not had much contact with the nobility and finds this particular encounter quite interesting. He wasn’t afraid of dealing with nobles, but he was new to their games. He had heard stories, of course, of the games of favors and backstabbing between nobles, but he had little first hand experience with it.

And such, this meeting with the Lady was particularly interesting. He would be thinking about it the rest of the night, heck, probably the rest of the week. He walks around using his cane for the rest of the party, no so much enjoying the party, but trying to puzzle out what just happened. His mind goes over potential outcomes and seeks hidden meanings. He can find none.

I will dance to see what they want from me, if anything. I will never betray the Empire.

Roll20 Map - Treasure Sheet

Anselm Basri:
Anselm overhears a snippet of Lord Miragella’s last conversation as he approaches him. The person talking to the Lord made some fine comment about his family, and Lord Miragella simply beamed. Quite nearly glowing from the brief comment, he turns to you with a smile.*

He chats with you amiably ”My leanings? I’m not sure I know what you mean?” he looks genuinely confused a moment as he smoothly continues, ”If, by chance you mean the political activities of the Lady Lotheed, well, I’m not really involved in that you see.” he takes a cool sip of wine, ”I don’t involve my self in such matters. Politics is such a dirty game!” he laughs lightly, clearly not worried about his future.

(*You have learned Lord Petnik Miragella’s weakness - speak pridefully about his family or himself and gain a +4 to all social checks with him. You have also gained one influence for the party. You may attempt to influence him again, or depart and enjoy the rest of the party before the meeting.)
- - -

Major K’al:
You find yourself moving about the party, leaning more heavily on your cane than usual as your mind races to process what you have learned so far. It’s hard to know what it means. Do they mean to play with you and your loyalties? Take advantage of your station? Or do they really just need the help?

It’s hard to know.

(You have three social rounds if you wish to take them. You can learn Lord Petnik’s weakness, and/or try to influence him for the group. You may also simply enjoy the party as it winds to a close before your next noble encounter.)
- - -

The dice gods look unfavorably on poor Kamari as she tries to hobnob with the finer folk at the fete. Perhaps she should have stuck to the more common, salt of the earth, people as the nobles seem to snub your approach.

(Just three social rounds, not four, or am I mistaken about one of your earlier rolls?)
- - -

Male (He/Him) | Link | Human |HP 54/54 | AC 21 T 13 FF 18 | CMB 5, CMD 18 | F: +8, R: +7, W: +14 | Init: +9 | Perc: +17, SM: +21

Anselm continues to court Petnik's favor.

"Oh, I suppose I mean where you stand for the future. The Miragellas have always been so forward-thinking. You seem to embody just that quality. What do you envision for your family as this era flows into the next?"

He waves down a waiter bearing wine, non-verbally asking Miragella if he'd like a glass. "Normally I try to stay out of politics, as well. You know how we Basri are. 'We stand for Taldor, in Summer, Winter, Fall, and Spring.' But I do enjoy the promise of springtime. New fruit on ancient soil."

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 8 + 2 + 4 ⇒ (10) + 8 + 2 + 4 = 24

Female Jininese Elf Lvl 16
Petnik wrote:
”Ahh, a word, please. Your attendance has been requested by Lady Lotheed, if you would be so kind.”

Mallë-o i Otos Elen bobs in a slight curtsy. Better approach. Maybe I have misjudged him. Perhaps his circumstances have given him unjust bias. But a wine flute? That he really should know better... "Thank you for this incredibly enjoying and relaxing evening!" She smiles, toasting him with her wine spritzer. "Tell me, do you enjoy Oppara with it's rolling hillside, rugged bluffs, ostentatious bridges and posts -- not to mention its glorious sunsets?

'tis a pity your Cousin for the time being is is unable to recognize what they've taken from Golsifar."

KnowNob: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (13) + 7 = 20

Will wait before the Influencing begins.

Male Halfling Herder/17
Lady Martella wrote:
"I of course work directly for Princess Eutropia Stavian. Though it’s coming to be common knowledge, I’d ask that you not confirm it if you hear the rumors. Silence is appreciated.”

Muri enjoys the rest of his conversation with the Lady, though much of it is muted, as he plays her admission over and over again in his mind, then plays out the early morning conversation he expects to have with Mircene, when he finally returns to the Manor. He smiles politely and bows as Lady Lotheed indicates her need to speak with others. She's not going to believe me. One step away from the Princess... Mircene's eyes are going to roll so hard, I'll hear the suction...

The halfling reaches down to pat Underfoot's side, only to find the dog has already gained her legs. "Alright, Girl. Where to? There's plenty of wick yet to burn tonight. Honestly though, I think it can't get much better than that." He almost says both new names out loud, then catches himself before admitting to a dog that Martella is directly tied to Eutropia. I'm going to need practice. Where is he..?

Muri Feather Hat moves through the crowds with purpose, seeking out Petnik, ostensibly to thank his host for such an introduction to Lady Lotheed. If he's being honest with himself, he still remembers the tone of voice, and the abruptness of the Lord, and can't quite shake the slight.

Catching Petnik in one of his several transitions between guests, Muri sidles up to the half-elf.

Social Round 3

"Lord Petnik, I know you're busy, so I won't take too much time to thank you for your hasty introduction to Lady Lotheed. Busy man. I get it. Do you know my cousin, Lady Mircene, of House Pelicourt? She sends her regards. She would have been here, but she didn't receive an invitation herself."

Knowledge(Nobility) v DC 15 to Discover Weaknesses: 1d20 + 8 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 8 + 2 = 13

Social Round 4

Muri senses that his initial direction in conversation is lackluster, at best. "Well, I am very flattered you invited me, fed me so well. If I can assist you in the future, please know that I will do my best to see your hospitality repaid with interest!! Our farm up north is thriving, despite the discouraging influences of Galt. I will speak very kindly of you to my cousin, you can be sure of that."

Knowledge(Nobility) v DC 15 to Discover Weaknesses: 1d20 + 8 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 8 + 2 = 18

Social Round 5

The halfling in a hat gives one last push, this time with the intent on making the half-elf feel better about himself, which should be the last thing someone should remember, so it burns most brightly in one's memory.

"I envy you, Lord Petnik. The Miragellas' success in agriculture, well, it's something I hope the Daybreakers may aspire to, though it may take a couple of generations to see the herds bred to greater numbers. I hear Golsifar is beautiful country. With your kindness this evening, I have even more reason to venture south one of these years."

Knowledge(Nobility) v DC 16, to Influence: 1d20 + 8 + 2 + 4 ⇒ (11) + 8 + 2 + 4 = 25

Roll20 Map - Tracking Sheet

Anselm Basri:
Anselm Basri wrote:
"Oh, I suppose I mean where you stand for the future. The Miragellas have always been so forward-thinking. You seem to embody just that quality. What do you envision for your family as this era flows into the next?”

He smiles warmly, ”Oh my family is rather mercantile I’m afraid. Not terribly good at politics. Largely we’re good at money, making it, and of course,” he gestures widely to the party, ”…spending it!” He deftly avoids your question, but you don’t get the sense he’s doing it to hide anything, but more out of a lack of interest.

Anselm Basri wrote:
He waves down a waiter bearing wine, non-verbally asking Miragella if he'd like a glass. "Normally I try to stay out of politics, as well. You know how we Basri are. 'We stand for Taldor, in Summer, Winter, Fall, and Spring.' But I do enjoy the promise of springtime. New fruit on ancient soil."

Lord Petnik shakes his head with a smile as he sips from his still bubbly glass. ”Hahaha! Yes quite! The spring is my favorite season. It’s a little early now, so the as yet remaining rains make some party planning risky. But I enjoy living on the edge, if such a risk can be considered on the edge!” he laughs lightly, and you have a hard time imagining a frown on his face or any real hardship in his life.

(The weather in Oppara is much like the Bay Area and it’s just the end of Calistril/February. You have successfully influence Lord Petnik twice.)
- - -

Mallë-o i Otos Elen:
As you leave Lady Lotheed, an older man seems somewhat eager to speak with you, but he seems uncertain how to proceed. Eventually, clasping his recently doffed hat, he smoothes his thinning hair and approaches you, ”Er, uh, My lady, could I, oh, have a word?” He stammers out a very formal greeting, much more formal than you’re strictly entitled to, but he doesn’t seem to know the specific protocols.

He haltingly explains, and with much apology, that he’s the proprietor of a small ballet company in Oppara. No, not that one. Nor that one either. In fact, you’ve never heard of it, and you’ve spent some time familiarizing yourself with the local arts scene since arriving. He apologizes further explaining he only recently inherited it from his rather much younger brother, and doesn’t know what he’s doing really. But he is putting on productions, and he’d love it if you’d even consider being a part of their troupe.

”You’re such a good dancer.” he mutters, trying to be polite and not creepy. In the end, he offers a damp handshake and a pouch of gold, ”So’s you’ll take us seriously. We may be small, but we have big plans.” He promises no commitment, just consider the sum a payment in exchange for an afternoon of your time in the next few days. You can tour the facility and see if it’s something you’d be interested in.

The fine leather pouch has a simple runic symbol on it, which he explains is their companies mark. He departs with nervous jitters, and you realize he never even gave you his own name! Inside the pouch is 100gp.

- - - Later, with Lord Petnik - - -

”Oh, Oppara is beautiful that’s for sure, but it doesn’t hold a candle to the southern estates! Oh my, what lavish gardens! You see, with Qadira ever threatening the border, it is incumbent upon all the local lords to make their lands inhospitable to a traveling army. Well, enemy army that is. Our boys know their way around of course, but expansive gardens and high hedges make for a wide variety of sneaky little alcoves! So much fun!” he laughs, but it’s clear he misses his home and his family - however much fun he’s having here.

(You achieved the second threshold in the influence an area task earlier but I forgot to give you the 100gp reward. You have also learned Lord Petnik Miragella’s weakness - speak pridefully about his family or himself and gain a +4 to all social checks with him. You have two more social rounds remaining if you wish to use them. The only remaining task is to influence Lord Petnik. Your targets are diplomacy or knowledge nobility DC 16, but you have a +6 from the party and knowing the Lord’s weakness to apply.)
- - -

”House Pelicourt?” he rolls the sound around his mouth in smooth round tones, but comes up empty. ”I do not know that family, but then there are many in the North that I do not know, so fear not - it is no measure of your family honor, but more one of my own ignorance!” he smiles casually, but you’re not completely sure if he’s being sincere, or just placating you.

Muri wrote:
Muri senses that his initial direction in conversation is lackluster, at best. ”Well, I am very flattered you invited me, fed me so well. If I can assist you in the future, please know that I will do my best to see your hospitality repaid with interest!! Our farm up north is thriving, despite the discouraging influences of Galt. I will speak very kindly of you to my cousin, you can be sure of that.”

”Ah yes, farm country. Why in the south we are known for our gardening, but the farms to the north are well known for their production! The bread basked of Taldor, and that’s a fact! Why many say if it weren’t for the canal barges and wagon loads coming from your region of the world, Oppara could not feed itself!” he grabs passing canapés with a smooth motion almost as if the waiter was coming just for him, at just this moment. He pops it in his mouth as you continue.

Muri wrote:
"I envy you, Lord Petnik. The Miragellas' success in agriculture, well, it's something I hope the Daybreakers may aspire to, though it may take a couple of generations to see the herds bred to greater numbers. I hear Golsifar is beautiful country. With your kindness this evening, I have even more reason to venture south one of these years.”

”Oh my heavens, that does feel good!” he exclaims smiling, ”Yes, of course the Daybreakers are welcome in Golsifar. Our success isn’t so much with the soil mind you, but rather the implements that till it, the seeds that nestle upon it, and even water works to help irrigate it. Why we provide what the modern farm needs, and that’s a fact.” he laughs some more, ”But listen to me - I feel like my nephew. He’s the real salesman of the family, always hawking the family trade.”

(You have also learned Lord Petnik Miragella’s weakness - speak pridefully about his family or himself and gain a +4 to all social checks with him. You also successfully influenced him once.)
- - -

Social Round Update:

Anselm Area Influence: 15+ (both thresholds met), Lord Petnik: influences, weakness, +2 influence
K’al Area Influence: 15 (both thresholds met), Lord Petnik: influences
Kamari Area Influence: 3, Lord Petnik: influences
Mallë-o i Otos Elen Area Influence: 15 (both thresholds met), Lord Petnik: influences, weakness
Mamma D Area Influence: 2, Lord Petnik: weakness
Muri Area Influence: 15+ (both thresholds met), Lord Petnik: influences, weakness, +1 influence
- - -

M Half Elf
Arc30,Dun30,Eng17,Geog127,Hist30,Loc/Nat/Pla/Rel30,Nob23, Perc 27, Sense 36, Spell30,Stlh26,DisDev31,UMD31

Do they mean to play with me and my loyalties? Take advantage of my station? Or do they really just need my help? K'Aldrian clacks around the party, his cane keeping the beat with his mind and spinning questions.

He knew he was good at thinking through complex problems, but the middle of a party was hardly a good time to do that. After his second shuffling around the party, he finally develops a plan, not a good plan, but a plan nonetheless.

He would learn more about Lord Petnik, he decides slowly after reviewing many plans and discarding even more. In the end, he decides on the direct approach to acquire more information.

"Now, Lord Petnik, I want to thank you again for inviting me to this party," K'Aldrian interrupts when he thinks he can do so politely. "Now I noticed the castle and minis you had set up. It was an interesting scenario. Do you mind telling me about it? What do the array of forces mean to you?"

1d20 + 9 ⇒ (17) + 9 = 26 Sense Motive - Learn weaknesses.

Only if above is fail:1d20 + 9 ⇒ (7) + 9 = 16 Sense Motive - Learn weaknesses.

Only if above is fail:1d20 + 9 ⇒ (6) + 9 = 15 Sense Motive - Learn weaknesses.

Female Jininese Elf Lvl 16


MysteryMan wrote:
”Er, uh, My lady, could I, oh, have a word?”

Mallë-o i Otos Elen looks over the older man curiously. Well, he seems groomed well enough. His shoes have seen better days. He's definitely not a juggler.

"Yes? Ballet? Oh you mean Studio I! -- no? If not that one then surely you mean Ms. Swanbell's Dance Co -- not that one either?"

Bewildered, she looks at the runic symbol on the pouch as the man walks away. Well now, isn't that pretty. The company's name...?

"But wait! What did you say your name was?" she calls after him.

But it is too late. She discretely tucks the pouch of gold into her clutch with the other pouch of gold, and tries to carry the clutch as if it were full of feathers instead of four pounds of metal.

Later with Petnik

KnowNob or Diplo to Influence Lord McGilla?: 1d20 + 7 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 7 + 6 = 14

"Oh -- hedges! That does sound lovely," she responds upon hearing Lord Petnik describe his home. "I have a small portable garden -- it really just a small evergreen tree ..."

She realizes that that's not doing much to engage Lord Petnik, so she shifts.

KnowNob or Diplo to Influence?: 1d20 + 7 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 7 + 6 = 19

"I'm sorry, what I mean to say is that I thank you and the great Miragella family for protecting Oppara and the rest of the continent from enemy invasions. I would love to see it someday -- the hedges and lavish gardens. It all sounds absolutely beautiful."

She closes her eyes and curtsys as/if Petnik takes his leave. Thank you Shelyn.

Male (He/Him) | Link | Human |HP 54/54 | AC 21 T 13 FF 18 | CMB 5, CMD 18 | F: +8, R: +7, W: +14 | Init: +9 | Perc: +17, SM: +21

Anselm hides his skepticism at Petnik's blithe denial. How does a shipping family make money without politics?

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 9 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 9 + 2 = 25

Whatever he feels about the noble playboy, he smiles to himself and makes his way to meet his new patroness.

Social Round 3
knowledge nobility, influence: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (8) + 10 = 18

Madella returns to the party, listening at the edges of first one group, then another. When appropriate, she shares a tale or two of her own. But, it's been her experience that Listening, with implied approval in the correct moments, serves one better. This evening is no exception.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Roll20 Map - Tracking Sheet

Anselm Basri:
He seems quite sincere in his willful ignorance. Perhaps some other arm of the family handles such matters, but you believe Lord Petnik does not.
- - -

As you’re walking toward the meeting, you see Lord Petnik in step with you and headed in the same general direction! He waits up for you smiling, ”Rough night? I saw you trying to talk to Lord Mountbacken. He’s quite a pig is he not?!” he laughs and has a sip of bubbly wine. He makes a face, ”Ugh. It’s going flat!” he sets the goblet down on a passing waiters tray, and snags two espressos, seeming from thin air, but you can see another waiter moving swiftly away with an empty tray.

”It’s late for such largess I know, but I think your meeting may call for a clear head.” he toasts you, whether you indulge or not. ”To cunning!” He sips his espresso, pinky out, and smiles. A moment later he smiles again, ”I love that buzz after a night’s imbibing. They say it’s called caffeine. It’s like the poisons are all fighting for supremacy in my body. Whoever invented this drink has to be worth piles of gold and platinum don’t you think?”

Lord Petnik sips the last of his caffeine, setting the cup on another passing tray in one motion, as if he’s in his own ballet. He drifts toward the house, but to the east wing where people are leaving so he can say good bye to a few others. He waives as he departs.
- - -

Major K’al:
Lord Petnik Miragella smiles at the Major when he approaches and makes small talk. ”OH, that! I’m afraid I know little of such matters.” He casually waves a hand away, ”I am merely renting this manor for the view! The weather was right for a good sunset, and this location was ideal. Not as good as perhaps our manor in Golsifar. Ahh, what a place that is!” he goes on to describe his home, in glowing terms, and it becomes clear to you where his weakness lies.

You have learned Lord Petnik’s weakness. Speak pridefully about his family or himself and gain a +4 on all influence checks with him. You have two more social rounds remaining. You may influence him if you wish, piling on, or let it slide and just enjoy the remains of the party. I believe you have covered all the other bases.
- - -

Mallë-o i Otos Elen:
You do learn the name of the company. It’s the Désiré Ballet company, a play on words with desire you imagine.

”Oh my yes, the gardens are wonderful. We’ve done our part to combat the Qadirans certainly, though we’re more or less at peace now of course.” He chatters with you another few minutes before the conversation drifts along its merry way and the two of you part once again.

You have influenced Lord Petnik successfully, adding to the parties tally!
- - -

Mama D:
You while away the time moving from group to group like a social butterfly. Speaking little, you largely listen and smile appropriately, with the occasional input so they know you’re there.

The party has such a fascinating collection of people! It seems Lord Petnik Miragella likes all sorts, from the powerful upper nobility with their trailing bodyguards all the way to the crusty collection of what must certainly be homeless ‘gentleman of leisure’ based on the way they’re dressed… and smell. The latter tends to spend their time around the food tables, and you see more than one guest cast prestidigitation as they pass.

But most folks fall in between as you’d expect. Minor nobles abound of course, well-off merchants, and others of the middle class are well represented here. You see more than a few gaping mouths as surely this is more party than most here have ever experienced.

As you drift through the house, you see a well dressed man in his forties chatting up a group not far from yours. It occurs to you you’ve seen him before here at the party. He seems to be doing the same as you, maybe one group behind. Two social butterflies moving through the crowd lightly.

You gain a +2 circumstance bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, and Knowledge Nobility checks to influence groups or individuals during the rest of the party for successfully influencing past the first threshold (10 points). You have 5 points more to gain from influencing the group (so a total roll of 19 or higher and you’ve completed influencing the group). You have two more social rounds remaining.
- - -

”Ahh, oh my heavens!” Lord Miragella exclaims, ”You lot are persistent!” Laughing lightly, he leans in and whispers, ”If ever you have need of certain magics or other items… ahh, the kind you might not want other nobles to know about, why, you look me up. OK? Within reason now, nothing necromantic or the like mind you.”

He shakes your hand, with more firmness than before as he looks you in the eye. He then departs.

(The group has achieved influence with Lord Petnik Miragella. In his case that means gaining his services on the black market obtaining magic items or other equipment without a messy paper trail or formal oversight.)

You each, in your own time, make your way to the drawing room. Heavy set and well dressed Ulfen guards (link) stand at the door. They permit your passage when you reveal your name, though you suspect they already had your description. They seem well trained, and almost polite - not the usual thugs employed by many aristocrats in Oppara.

You enter a sumptuous drawing room, off limits to party-goers, replete with fanciful paintings in gilt frames, a wide variety of chairs, settees, sofas, and another sideboard - loaded with sweet smelling treats and several light drinks, though you notice none of them are alcoholic.

Martella is not immediately there. Please feel free to introduce yourselves to each other, with descriptions, and generally chat a few minutes while you await her presence. Also, you should now finalize your character if you haven’t already as we now begin more or less in earnest. Please let me know when you are done with your build so I can do a final review.

Social Round Update:

Anselm Area Influence: 15+ (both thresholds met), Lord Petnik: influences, weakness, +2 influence
K’al Area Influence: 15 (both thresholds met), Lord Petnik: influences, weakness (two more rounds)
Kamari Area Influence: 3, Lord Petnik: influences
Mallë-o i Otos Elen Area Influence: 15 (both thresholds met), Lord Petnik: influences, weakness, +1 influence
Mamma D Area Influence: 10, Lord Petnik: weakness (two more rounds)
Muri Area Influence: 15+ (both thresholds met), Lord Petnik: influences, weakness, +1 influence
- - -

M Half Elf
Arc30,Dun30,Eng17,Geog127,Hist30,Loc/Nat/Pla/Rel30,Nob23, Perc 27, Sense 36, Spell30,Stlh26,DisDev31,UMD31

Entering first, Major K’Aldrian Kort looks around and then makes his way to pick up a drink, his cane clacking and keeping some of the weight off his knees.

Ramrod straight and pretty rickety around the edges, he still projects an aura of confidence and competence. An older half-elf, K’Aldrian stands nearly 6’ tall with grey hair and overly straight posture.

He wears well decorated (retired Major) parade armor and polished boots. He has a nice dagger at his belt that bears the crest of the Taldan military upon it.

He nods to those that enter, but does not overtly offer greeting or introduction. He seems content to stand rigidly and wait to see what happens rather than engage.

Social round 4
Madella, having heard bits and pieces, and pieces of bits, finds herself between a lower son of one of the minor houses, and the daughter of what she can only assume is a wealthy merchant. They could do worse, than each other

knowledge nobility: 1d20 + 10 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 10 + 2 = 20

"Oh do let us make the introductions, Cuddles. Look, they both show a fondness for seafood!" more than one younger son has sought fresh funds for the future by way of a mercantile marriage. Why should this one be any different? And the girl, while pretty, shows a shrewd mind and stern enough backbone, to make her way in his world, eventually.

Social Round 5

Once she has extricated herself from the possible couple, Madella finds a position to hover, in between likely groups, to see if her fellow butterfly flutters within a friendly distance. and if so...

"He has done well, has he not? Our good Lord Petnik, that is." she adds a well practiced motion with the glass in hand, indicating the party at large. "The festivities seem to be an unmitigated success, wouldn't you say so, sir?"

knowledge nobility to influence: 1d20 + 10 + 2 ⇒ (16) + 10 + 2 = 28

Roll20 Map - Tracking Sheet

Mama D:
Your butterfly does indeed fly close. He bows with a curtness perhaps from some military background. Either way, it’s a bit stiff.

”My lady, allow me to introduce myself. I am Selenas Rechimund, your humble servant.” he bows again, formally, and rises smiling. ”I couldn’t help but see you were drifting lightly, much like myself. I enjoy these parties to be sure, but sometimes… well, they can be a bit intense. If you know what I mean.”

You engage in some light small talk, and find he’s some sort of wealthy merchant from Varisia! All that distance, just to make the Oppara scene for the Grand Day of Exaltation. ”Seems I lost a bet with my sister, who feels my views on women in the workplace to be a bit, ah, long in the tooth for one of my not quite advanced age. She felt that seeing a woman rise to power, if indeed the Princess can manage it, would put me in my place.” he laughs lightly.

”So I made the journey. Crazy isn’t it?” You chat amiably for a while if you wish. He’s very easy to talk to, and quite dashing as well.

- - -

As you walk to the meeting, you find your purse a bit… heavier. Normally thieves make it lighter, but someone has put money into your pouch. You track back in your mind to the people who could’ve come close enough to make a move like that and, unfortunately, in the press of the party, there were many. Somehow though, your mind drifts back to Selenas - perhaps because much of the gold is Korvosan.

You gained a 100gp in assorted foreign gold for reaching the second threshold.
- - -

Madella enters the meeting room as she has attended the rest of the Party; with a certainty of Place that bends and blends to those around her. She is neither first nor last, and congenial, but not flamboyantly so.

She acknowledges the guards at the door with a bit of Skald and a slight smile. At 5'7", she is not considered short by many, but she does not even reach the shoulder of the Ulfen warriors as she rustles by.

Her hair, a natural silver with what may be some unnatural highlights, is arranged in a style appropriate to her age, though if that is 50 or 80 would be difficult to say. She gives a nod to the military man as she gathers a fresh glass and a small treat, which she then breaks into small pieces to feed to her prickly companion contained in a delicate looking cage-purse-trinket that she wears upon her wrist.

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Female Half-Elf aka Katherine Weaver

Having had little luck since her opening speech to the crowd trapped in line at the balloon, Kamari pauses at a mirror before reaching the drawing room. She checks for any bits of chocolate that might have escaped her furious scrubbing with a napkin. She straightens her skirt and adjusts her blouse so that it leaves just enough to the imagination. She takes a minute to tighten a few of her braids and smiles in the mirror at the beauty before her.

She undoes another button on her blouse, revealing a bit more cleavage, then quickly buttons it back up along with an additional one. No. They will judge me for who I am. She considers for a moment and undoes the extra one. And this is who I am.

After passing an appreciative inspection by the Ulfen guards, Kamari strides confidently into the room scanning for Lady Martella, but only sees a decorative suit of armor. Sighing, she heads to the sideboard, delighted by the selection of truffles, but dismayed by the lack of any proper drinks to accompany them. She starts to nibble on a dark chocolate shell filled with a hazelnut ganache when she notices the armor has gray hair.

"Oh, hello. Enjoying the party?"

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