NIGHT BELOW - Black Dow's C&C Underdark Campaign

Game Master Black Dow

“But as always in my strange and roving existence, wonder soon drove out fear; for the luminous abyss and what it might contain presented a problem worthy of the greatest explorer.”
― H.P. Lovecraft, The Nameless City


Eireachdail ap Leòmhann: 233/3,902 (1501+2101+200)
Elyan Wynynore: 197/2,001
Hûƞidark: 344/1,751
Mos Smallbarrow: 344/1,251
Ping Ibbleting: 344/2,601
Spiro Hawke: 344/2,001
Ulfbrecht Thragimthal: 197/2,251

Player's Map of Haranshire

The Letter to the Count

Milborne Map

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Pic | LOOT | Monk 1 :: HP: 14 | AC:13 (12 w/o DEX) | Str: +2P ; Dex: +1 ; Con: +2P ; Int: +0 ; Wis: +0 ; Cha: -1 | Darkvision 60' | Deity: Kordd (Believer)

@Spiro re:Loot List : Sorry! I'll update the permissions so you guys can update the sheet as needed.

OK... you should all have edit permission now

Given everyone 95XP for the encounter (45 for the "monsters", 15 for treasure & 50 for roleplaying).

Pic | LOOT | Monk 1 :: HP: 14 | AC:13 (12 w/o DEX) | Str: +2P ; Dex: +1 ; Con: +2P ; Int: +0 ; Wis: +0 ; Cha: -1 | Darkvision 60' | Deity: Kordd (Believer)

Chief? 45 + 15 + 50 = 110

Or am I reading that wrong?

Pic | LOOT | Monk 1 :: HP: 14 | AC:13 (12 w/o DEX) | Str: +2P ; Dex: +1 ; Con: +2P ; Int: +0 ; Wis: +0 ; Cha: -1 | Darkvision 60' | Deity: Kordd (Believer)

Elyan, would you First Aid me when you have a chance? I'm down to 5 of 14 HP. Thanks!

Hûƞidark wrote:

Chief? 45+15+50

Or am I reading that wrong?

Haha. You are right enough mate. My bad. XP updated :)

Female Gnome Illusionist 1 HP: 4/4, AC: 12 | STR: 0, **DEX: +2, CON: 0, **INT: +2, WIS: 0, CHA: 0, Prime: DEX, INT | +3 Listen , Darkvision 60 ft. | Fate Points: 3 | XP: 344/2,601


Pic | LOOT | Monk 1 :: HP: 14 | AC:13 (12 w/o DEX) | Str: +2P ; Dex: +1 ; Con: +2P ; Int: +0 ; Wis: +0 ; Cha: -1 | Darkvision 60' | Deity: Kordd (Believer)

We are on our way!

Using my Damage Taken to XP ratio... I just need to soak 143.25 more damage and I'll be ready to level up! Piece of cake! XD

Female Gnome Illusionist 1 HP: 4/4, AC: 12 | STR: 0, **DEX: +2, CON: 0, **INT: +2, WIS: 0, CHA: 0, Prime: DEX, INT | +3 Listen , Darkvision 60 ft. | Fate Points: 3 | XP: 344/2,601

Hunidark is starting to eye Mos and Ping for use as ablative armor over here.

Pic | LOOT | Monk 1 :: HP: 14 | AC:13 (12 w/o DEX) | Str: +2P ; Dex: +1 ; Con: +2P ; Int: +0 ; Wis: +0 ; Cha: -1 | Darkvision 60' | Deity: Kordd (Believer)

I would never ever...

Female Gnome Illusionist 1 HP: 4/4, AC: 12 | STR: 0, **DEX: +2, CON: 0, **INT: +2, WIS: 0, CHA: 0, Prime: DEX, INT | +3 Listen , Darkvision 60 ft. | Fate Points: 3 | XP: 344/2,601

Thankfully the URL says what that was supposed to be. They have something that prevents hotlinking, I think.

That said, Huni probably wouldn't, true. You, on the other hand, would do it in a heartbeat. :P

Pic | LOOT | Monk 1 :: HP: 14 | AC:13 (12 w/o DEX) | Str: +2P ; Dex: +1 ; Con: +2P ; Int: +0 ; Wis: +0 ; Cha: -1 | Darkvision 60' | Deity: Kordd (Believer)

I loaded a different but similar image above. Hopefully it works.

Ping wrote:
That said, Huni probably wouldn't, true. You, on the other hand, would do it in a heartbeat. :P

Slander! Lies! Calumny! ... also true. XD

Female Gnome Illusionist 1 HP: 4/4, AC: 12 | STR: 0, **DEX: +2, CON: 0, **INT: +2, WIS: 0, CHA: 0, Prime: DEX, INT | +3 Listen , Darkvision 60 ft. | Fate Points: 3 | XP: 344/2,601
Hûƞidark wrote:

I loaded a different but similar image above. Hopefully it works.

It does. :)

Hûƞidark wrote:
Slander! Lies! Calumny! ... also true. XD

If we need new characters, we should do a fast-ball special duo. Just think of the chaos we'd cause.

Hûƞidark wrote:
You wish... that was an initiative roll! Giant River Squid are real! XD


Need to also tally up the XP for the mundane goods before you start selling and trading :)

+37XP each :)

Speaking of selling stuff - remember to claim any items on the Loot Sheet and ensure you profiles reflect equipment/items/treasure please and takk.

Female Gnome Illusionist 1 HP: 4/4, AC: 12 | STR: 0, **DEX: +2, CON: 0, **INT: +2, WIS: 0, CHA: 0, Prime: DEX, INT | +3 Listen , Darkvision 60 ft. | Fate Points: 3 | XP: 344/2,601

I'm grabbing one of the dirks to replace Ping's broken dagger. I didn't see anything else that would catch her eye.

Halfling 1 :: HP: 7 | AC:16 (13 w/o DEX) | Str: -1 ; Dex: +3P ; Con: +1 ; Int: +1P ; Wis: +1 ; Cha: +1 | Duskvision, Fate: 3

I am good if we sell everything else and split the profits.

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Pic | LOOT | Monk 1 :: HP: 14 | AC:13 (12 w/o DEX) | Str: +2P ; Dex: +1 ; Con: +2P ; Int: +0 ; Wis: +0 ; Cha: -1 | Darkvision 60' | Deity: Kordd (Believer)

Split the.. WHAT? That really cuts into Huni's profit margin. He's a monk, so he needs his ascetic drip and bling! :P

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Female Gnome Illusionist 1 HP: 4/4, AC: 12 | STR: 0, **DEX: +2, CON: 0, **INT: +2, WIS: 0, CHA: 0, Prime: DEX, INT | +3 Listen , Darkvision 60 ft. | Fate Points: 3 | XP: 344/2,601
Hûƞidark wrote:

Split the.. WHAT? That really cuts into Huni's profit margin. He's a monk, so he needs his ascetic drip and bling! :P

You keep using that word. I don't think it means what you think it means.

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Pic | LOOT | Monk 1 :: HP: 14 | AC:13 (12 w/o DEX) | Str: +2P ; Dex: +1 ; Con: +2P ; Int: +0 ; Wis: +0 ; Cha: -1 | Darkvision 60' | Deity: Kordd (Believer)

Huni’s last name is Vizzini… It’s not inconceivable he’s wrong. :p

Female Gnome Illusionist 1 HP: 4/4, AC: 12 | STR: 0, **DEX: +2, CON: 0, **INT: +2, WIS: 0, CHA: 0, Prime: DEX, INT | +3 Listen , Darkvision 60 ft. | Fate Points: 3 | XP: 344/2,601

The question is if Huni's a Sicilian.

Male 1/2 Elf (Elvish) - Human appearance, Elvish features; XP 247 Fighter/ 1 (Archer), AC 16/17; HP 11, Spd. 30, FP 3/3| (STR)+2 |(DEX)+3 | CON+1| INT +0 | WIS +1 | CHA +0

Spiro claimed the expert scimitar, (1) Longbow, and (10) arrows in the loot table. Not sure how to get it to transfer to the "Claimed" sheet.

Also... Is the expert scimitar +1 to hit or damage?

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Pic | LOOT | Monk 1 :: HP: 14 | AC:13 (12 w/o DEX) | Str: +2P ; Dex: +1 ; Con: +2P ; Int: +0 ; Wis: +0 ; Cha: -1 | Darkvision 60' | Deity: Kordd (Believer)

The scimitar is +1 to Hit.

A spell is required to transfer items to the Claimed sheet. Just say the magic words Copy-Pastea. XD

I transferred your gear and revised the Loot page.

Female Gnome Illusionist 1 HP: 4/4, AC: 12 | STR: 0, **DEX: +2, CON: 0, **INT: +2, WIS: 0, CHA: 0, Prime: DEX, INT | +3 Listen , Darkvision 60 ft. | Fate Points: 3 | XP: 344/2,601

Just don't do Cut-a-Pastea. Things get weird when you do that. :P

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pic | LOOT | Monk 1 :: HP: 14 | AC:13 (12 w/o DEX) | Str: +2P ; Dex: +1 ; Con: +2P ; Int: +0 ; Wis: +0 ; Cha: -1 | Darkvision 60' | Deity: Kordd (Believer)

That's why yur playin' duh 'Lusionist... magik brains.

Chief, I'm happy to tweak the sheet to do all the sales stuff. I'll need to adjust a formula here or there. Couple initial questions...

1. What is the sale price for items in good condition - 50% the listed purchase price?

2. What is the sale price of 'cracked' or 'dented' goods?

3. Do art, gems, and jewelry sell at the same discounted rate as say a helmet, or do they get full price?

Hûƞidark wrote:

Chief, I'm happy to tweak the sheet to do all the sales stuff. I'll need to adjust a formula here or there. Couple initial questions...

1. What is the sale price for items in good condition - 50% the listed purchase price?

2. What is the sale price of 'cracked' or 'dented' goods?

3. Do art, gems, and jewelry sell at the same discounted rate as say a helmet, or do they get full price?

1. Will depend on who you're selling it to and whose doing the selling :)

2. See 1. :) - but most likely will be significantly reduced (unless you get them fixed...)

3. See 1. ;) Gems and jewellery most likely full(ish) price. Art is likely more subjective...

Pic | LOOT | Monk 1 :: HP: 14 | AC:13 (12 w/o DEX) | Str: +2P ; Dex: +1 ; Con: +2P ; Int: +0 ; Wis: +0 ; Cha: -1 | Darkvision 60' | Deity: Kordd (Believer)

OK, well, I'll wait until someone with better skills or stats steps up to do that. Is there a stat tied to bartering?

At least, I can distribute the coins we got.

@ EVERYONE, you each receive 8GP and 8SP. The remainder (some Silver and Copper) I'll be transferring to the team purse.

Um...i must be blind, but where is the link to the loot list?

Female Gnome Illusionist 1 HP: 4/4, AC: 12 | STR: 0, **DEX: +2, CON: 0, **INT: +2, WIS: 0, CHA: 0, Prime: DEX, INT | +3 Listen , Darkvision 60 ft. | Fate Points: 3 | XP: 344/2,601

Hunidark's stat bar.

Hûƞidark wrote:

OK, well, I'll wait until someone with better skills or stats steps up to do that. Is there a stat tied to bartering?

At least, I can distribute the coins we got.

Charisma mate - bonus would be if anyone has the Appraisal/Batering secondary skill... Which Ping has :)

Appraisal/Bartering (Charisma): A character with this skill is well versed in determining the general worth of non- magical items as well as the discrete techniques for haggling without giving offense. The successful use of this skill allows a modification of 10% of an item’s cost per bonus point of charisma the skilled appraiser has.

Speaking of Secondary Skills - Mos what did you end up picking? Also Elyan not seeing if you picked any either mate.

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