NIGHT BELOW - Black Dow's C&C Underdark Campaign

Game Master Black Dow

“But as always in my strange and roving existence, wonder soon drove out fear; for the luminous abyss and what it might contain presented a problem worthy of the greatest explorer.”
― H.P. Lovecraft, The Nameless City


Eireachdail ap Leòmhann: 181/3,902 (1501+2101+200)
Elyan Wynynore: 145/2,001
Hûƞidark: 292/1,751
Mos Smallbarrow: 292/1,251
Ping Ibbleting: 292/2,601
Spiro Hawke: 292/2,001
Ulfbrecht Thragimthal: 145/2,251

Player's Map of Haranshire

The Letter to the Count

Encounter - Welcome to Haranshire

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Pic | LOOT | Monk 1 :: HP: 14 | AC:13 (12 w/o DEX) | Str: +2P ; Dex: +1 ; Con: +2P ; Int: +0 ; Wis: +0 ; Cha: -1 | Darkvision 60' | Deity: Kordd (Believer)

@Spiro re:Loot List : Sorry! I'll update the permissions so you guys can update the sheet as needed.

OK... you should all have edit permission now

Given everyone 95XP for the encounter (45 for the "monsters", 15 for treasure & 50 for roleplaying).

Pic | LOOT | Monk 1 :: HP: 14 | AC:13 (12 w/o DEX) | Str: +2P ; Dex: +1 ; Con: +2P ; Int: +0 ; Wis: +0 ; Cha: -1 | Darkvision 60' | Deity: Kordd (Believer)

Chief? 45 + 15 + 50 = 110

Or am I reading that wrong?

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