GM Abraham's Emerald Spire

Game Master Abraham Z.

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The Concordance

M Oread Kineticist (Psychokineticist, Earth, Fire) 7 / Samurai (Sovereign Blade) 1
GM Abraham wrote:
Hey everyone, we've had an inquiry from another potential player. I'm inclined to add them - any objections?

No objections here.

GM Abraham wrote:
Onjatan wrote:

Do you want another entry for Onjatan's familiar on slide #2?
Yes please.

Done. Note that Araga has DR 1/- and tremorsense, and is mostly burrowing. I'm aiming for "crocodile swimming with the eyes just above the water", essentially. Staying fairly hidden, because personality, but also wanting to support Onjatan with her aura. I'd guess some level of cover, but that's your call.

The Concordance

Active Buffs:
RAGE, shield, mirror image x5, antitoxin/plague, Protection from Evil, soothe syrup/vermin repellent
Male N Oread Bloodrager 9 - Init +4, Senses: Darkvision 60 ft., Perception +16, AC 25/ touch 14/ ff 25 (+1 insight to AC during surprise); CMD 29; hp 103/103, DR 1/--, F+13, R+5, W+10, Resist Acid 10, Speed 30 ft., Burrow 30 ft.

No objection.

The Concordance

M Oread Kineticist (Psychokineticist, Earth, Fire) 7 / Samurai (Sovereign Blade) 1

"B r o c h u r e s .."

Onjatan reaches into his pack and pulls out a few nicely-illustrated (but uncolored) brochures. Each shows several peaceful-looking rock gardens, along with contact information to request a consultation. He hands one to anyone who seems interested.

Not worth pulling out the masterwork tool IC

Sovereign Court

Female L/N Sylph Alchemist/9 | HP: 65/66; 10 NL(0/16 false life) | AC/FF/Tch: 23/16/17 20/15/15 | CMD 21 21 | Fort/Ref/Will +11/17/6 +9/15/4 | Init: +5 +5 | Speed 30 ft | Disable Device +18, Fly +19, Heal +12, Kn Arc +10, Kn Dung +7, Kn Local +15, Kn Nat +12, Kn Planes +7, Perception +12, Spellcraft +12 | Active Conditions: ant haul, false life, protection from arrows (90/90), ablative barrier (45/45), mutagen (dex), heroism, barkskin (+4), heightened awareness
GM Abraham wrote:
Hey everyone, we've had an inquiry from another potential player. I'm inclined to add them - any objections?

OK with me. He may not have a PFS account though. A cleric Monk sounds fun.

Scarab Sages

| Speed 30ft | Lore Master: 1/1 | Elemental Assault: 10/10 | Spells: 1st 7/7 2nd 6/6 3rd 5/5 4th 2/2 | Raging Song 31/31 | Reroll 1/1 | Active conditions: None Female Suli Skald (Spell Warrior) 10

It's fine with me.

Sorry for the limited attention. I'm home with a sick kid.

Emerald Spire slides |
Onjatan wrote:
GM Abraham wrote:
Hey everyone, we've had an inquiry from another potential player. I'm inclined to add them - any objections?

No objections here.

GM Abraham wrote:
Onjatan wrote:

Do you want another entry for Onjatan's familiar on slide #2?
Yes please.
Done. Note that Araga has DR 1/- and tremorsense, and is mostly burrowing. I'm aiming for "crocodile swimming with the eyes just above the water", essentially. Staying fairly hidden, because personality, but also wanting to support Onjatan with her aura. I'd guess some level of cover, but that's your call.

Unfortunately no cover without hopping in the satchel or similar.

The Concordance

F Earth Wysp Improved Familiar 7
GM Abraham wrote:
Unfortunately no cover without hopping in the satchel or similar.

"okay... I'll just stay exposed anyway, I guess"

"I also checked. The Ten have ruled that I can't use weapons. Sorry."

The Concordance

F Earth Wysp Improved Familiar 7
GM Abraham wrote:
Reminders for GM: Onjatan - Stonecunning; Araga - tremorsense;

One more thing that could possibly affect either the party or the enemies:

Araga's aura gives a +2 competence bonus on attack rolls and damage rolls to all creatures within 30 feet with the earth subtype, and to the DCs of all racial spell-like, supernatural, and extraordinary abilities of such creatures (polymorph doesn't count.) So that would include some summons, and potentially whatever's hanging around down here. If it looks like it's hurting us more than helping, Araga can hide in Onjatan's satchel to block the aura.

The Concordance

Active Buffs:
RAGE, shield, mirror image x5, antitoxin/plague, Protection from Evil, soothe syrup/vermin repellent
Male N Oread Bloodrager 9 - Init +4, Senses: Darkvision 60 ft., Perception +16, AC 25/ touch 14/ ff 25 (+1 insight to AC during surprise); CMD 29; hp 103/103, DR 1/--, F+13, R+5, W+10, Resist Acid 10, Speed 30 ft., Burrow 30 ft.

doesn't even work on oreads? ha! that's a missed opportunity by the devs!!

The Concordance

M Oread Kineticist (Psychokineticist, Earth, Fire) 7 / Samurai (Sovereign Blade) 1
Jeydahvu wrote:
doesn't even work on oreads? ha! that's a missed opportunity by the devs!!

"U n f o r t u n a t e .."

It at least has some effect on appropriate kineticists, but apparently oreads just aren't earthy enough.

The Concordance

M Oread Kineticist (Psychokineticist, Earth, Fire) 7 / Samurai (Sovereign Blade) 1

Thinking about it... I don't believe there was much discussion on what to do with Onjatan's Arrow Catching buckler? Off, to avoid friendly fire from the alchemist? Or on, to protect those nearby?

I'd generally prefer "on", of course, but I don't know how many ranged attackers we're going to run into down here. Or how much this party tends to group up on the front line.

Sovereign Court

Female L/N Sylph Alchemist/9 | HP: 65/66; 10 NL(0/16 false life) | AC/FF/Tch: 23/16/17 20/15/15 | CMD 21 21 | Fort/Ref/Will +11/17/6 +9/15/4 | Init: +5 +5 | Speed 30 ft | Disable Device +18, Fly +19, Heal +12, Kn Arc +10, Kn Dung +7, Kn Local +15, Kn Nat +12, Kn Planes +7, Perception +12, Spellcraft +12 | Active Conditions: ant haul, false life, protection from arrows (90/90), ablative barrier (45/45), mutagen (dex), heroism, barkskin (+4), heightened awareness

Don't worry about Yanda. She has the selective feat and an admixture to deal with the hard to hit.

The Concordance

M Oread Kineticist (Psychokineticist, Earth, Fire) 7 / Samurai (Sovereign Blade) 1
Firewarden Yanda wrote:

Don't worry about Yanda. She has the selective feat and an admixture to deal with the hard to hit.

Yeaaaahhhh... the splash damage isn't my concern. It's the fact that any ranged attacks targeting someone within 5' of Onjatan instead target Onjatan directly (unless the weapon has at least a +2 enhancement bonus.)

He's got AC, DR, and decent HP, so I figured it was a good way to protect the party. That was back in... looks like Lamashan 4721, and he hasn't actually gotten to use it yet.

Sovereign Court

Female L/N Sylph Alchemist/9 | HP: 65/66; 10 NL(0/16 false life) | AC/FF/Tch: 23/16/17 20/15/15 | CMD 21 21 | Fort/Ref/Will +11/17/6 +9/15/4 | Init: +5 +5 | Speed 30 ft | Disable Device +18, Fly +19, Heal +12, Kn Arc +10, Kn Dung +7, Kn Local +15, Kn Nat +12, Kn Planes +7, Perception +12, Spellcraft +12 | Active Conditions: ant haul, false life, protection from arrows (90/90), ablative barrier (45/45), mutagen (dex), heroism, barkskin (+4), heightened awareness

Well, that is annoying! You are definitely going to want that turned off before you engage unless there are multiple mooks.

9d8 ⇒ (7, 1, 7, 3, 8, 6, 6, 2, 8) = 48 Let me know if HP is handled differently.

Here is what I have so far!

Scarab Sages

| Speed 30ft | Lore Master: 1/1 | Elemental Assault: 10/10 | Spells: 1st 7/7 2nd 6/6 3rd 5/5 4th 2/2 | Raging Song 31/31 | Reroll 1/1 | Active conditions: None Female Suli Skald (Spell Warrior) 10
GM Wolf wrote:

9d8 Let me know if HP is handled differently.

Here is what I have so far!

For Society games hp per level is always average rounded up. So a d8 class will always get 5 per level.

Shiva Parashurama wrote:
GM Wolf wrote:

9d8 Let me know if HP is handled differently.

Here is what I have so far!

For Society games hp per level is always average rounded up. So a d8 class will always get 5 per level.

Except level 1, which is max HP.

Emerald Spire slides |
GM Wolf wrote:

9d8 Let me know if HP is handled differently.

Here is what I have so far!

GM Wolf, it sounds like perhaps you are new to PFS? If so, I'll be happy to help you get oriented (and it seems like the other PCs are helping too). But I want to clarify, are you building a new PC for this game? And have you previously played or GM-ed Society games?

Thanks Shiva!

I played one society game years ago. I can't remember much of it.

I was making a character from scratch. If that doesn't work let me know. Also if it is too much work for you let me know and I will bow out.

Emerald Spire slides |
GM Wolf wrote:

Thanks Shiva!

I played one society game years ago. I can't remember much of it.

I was making a character from scratch. If that doesn't work let me know. Also if it is too much work for you let me know and I will bow out.

It’s not about it being too much work. It’s that in Society play you have to level up from 1, step by step.

Emerald Spire slides |

Ok everyone we are back to a party of four but I've reached out to grimdog to see if they want the 5th spot. I'll continue to pause action until we find out if they are joining in. Hope we get going again soon!

The Concordance

M Oread Kineticist (Psychokineticist, Earth, Fire) 7 / Samurai (Sovereign Blade) 1
GM Abraham wrote:
Ok everyone we are back to a party of four but I've reached out to grimdog to see if they want the 5th spot. I'll continue to pause action until we find out if they are joining in. Hope we get going again soon!

"R o c k . i s . p a t i e n t .."

Please unsubscribe me!

Mykel Therinor wrote:
here i am...this site has too many bugs...

Your post from Tuesday only just now showed up for me, so... yeah.

The Concordance

M Oread Kineticist (Psychokineticist, Earth, Fire) 7 / Samurai (Sovereign Blade) 1

Everyone within 10' of Onjatan, remember you've got a +1 morale bonus on this.

The Concordance

F Earth Wysp Improved Familiar 7

What does Araga know about these guys, from those rolls?

Does she, for example, know about the standard mummy vulnerability? Or their propensity to curse? Either one of those would affect Onjatan's actions.

The Concordance

M Oread Kineticist (Psychokineticist, Earth, Fire) 7 / Samurai (Sovereign Blade) 1

Just checked. Apparently, 1 point of Onjatan's bonus vs fear only applies to spells and SLAs. So if this is neither, -1. That would make the low roll 25, so still (hopefully) a success, but worth noting.

The Concordance

F Earth Wysp Improved Familiar 7

GM Only:

Per the PM discussion, attempting to ID the "brown substance":
Knowledge (dungeoneering or nature): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (10) + 8 = 18

Is it only on the construct, or on the mummies as well?

Sovereign Court

Female L/N Sylph Alchemist/9 | HP: 65/66; 10 NL(0/16 false life) | AC/FF/Tch: 23/16/17 20/15/15 | CMD 21 21 | Fort/Ref/Will +11/17/6 +9/15/4 | Init: +5 +5 | Speed 30 ft | Disable Device +18, Fly +19, Heal +12, Kn Arc +10, Kn Dung +7, Kn Local +15, Kn Nat +12, Kn Planes +7, Perception +12, Spellcraft +12 | Active Conditions: ant haul, false life, protection from arrows (90/90), ablative barrier (45/45), mutagen (dex), heroism, barkskin (+4), heightened awareness

LOL. If that will save is over 20 we will all be running. Not likely, but that would be a hoot.

The Concordance

Active Buffs:
RAGE, shield, mirror image x5, antitoxin/plague, Protection from Evil, soothe syrup/vermin repellent
Male N Oread Bloodrager 9 - Init +4, Senses: Darkvision 60 ft., Perception +16, AC 25/ touch 14/ ff 25 (+1 insight to AC during surprise); CMD 29; hp 103/103, DR 1/--, F+13, R+5, W+10, Resist Acid 10, Speed 30 ft., Burrow 30 ft.
Firewarden Yanda wrote:
LOL. If that will save is over 20 we will all be running. Not likely, but that would be a hoot.

Running? you wish. Prepare for something much, much worse.

Jeydahvu wrote:
Firewarden Yanda wrote:
LOL. If that will save is over 20 we will all be running. Not likely, but that would be a hoot.
Running? you wish. Prepare for something much, much worse.

Yeah, I had the same thought.

"Good news, Yanda!"

Sovereign Court

Female L/N Sylph Alchemist/9 | HP: 65/66; 10 NL(0/16 false life) | AC/FF/Tch: 23/16/17 20/15/15 | CMD 21 21 | Fort/Ref/Will +11/17/6 +9/15/4 | Init: +5 +5 | Speed 30 ft | Disable Device +18, Fly +19, Heal +12, Kn Arc +10, Kn Dung +7, Kn Local +15, Kn Nat +12, Kn Planes +7, Perception +12, Spellcraft +12 | Active Conditions: ant haul, false life, protection from arrows (90/90), ablative barrier (45/45), mutagen (dex), heroism, barkskin (+4), heightened awareness

Hey, it would not be the first battle Yanda spent the whole time paralyzed or dominated or screwed over in some way. Seems to be a bad habit with her.

Emerald Spire slides |
Araga wrote:

What does Araga know about these guys, from those rolls?

Does she, for example, know about the standard mummy vulnerability? Or their propensity to curse? Either one of those would affect Onjatan's actions.

As noted in the gameplay, Araga gets one question about the automaton and one about the mummies. Anything else is not known by your characters (regardless of what you as players may know).

Emerald Spire slides |
Araga wrote:
** spoiler omitted **

Araga also recognizes that the brown substance on the automaton is Brown Mold. One question

Emerald Spire slides |
Firewarden Yanda wrote:
Hey, it would not be the first battle Yanda spent the whole time paralyzed or dominated or screwed over in some way. Seems to be a bad habit with her.

No kidding! She has really had some bad luck with saves. Hoping for better from here on out.

The Concordance

F Earth Wysp Improved Familiar 7
GM Abraham wrote:
Araga wrote:

What does Araga know about these guys, from those rolls?

Does she, for example, know about the standard mummy vulnerability? Or their propensity to curse? Either one of those would affect Onjatan's actions.

As noted in the gameplay, Araga gets one question about the automaton and one about the mummies. Anything else is not known by your characters (regardless of what you as players may know).

Sorry, didn't see anything in the IC thread on how you wanted to handle information gained from Knowledge checks. I've seen GMs handle things in various ways.

EDIT: Ah, the new post I hadn't refreshed for yet.

Automaton: Let's go with resistances, or whatever you call the class of information that includes DR.

Bandaged guys: Hmm. Can't decide if she'd get "special abilities" (interesting facts), or would have come across "weaknesses" first (because elemental affinities). Or just "resistances", to match the other guy.
...dice to decide. 1 for special abilities, 2 for resistances.
1d2 ⇒ 1
Mummies: Special abilities

GM Abraham wrote:
Araga wrote:
** spoiler omitted **
Araga also recognizes that the brown substance on the automaton is Brown Mold. One question

Given that there's pretty much one interesting thing about the mold (or maybe two)... I'll say her question there is "how do we kill it?"

Emerald Spire slides |

Araga recalls that Emerald Automatons have resistance to weapons that are not adamantine.

Mummies have an aura of Despair (as Yanda has already unfortunately discovered) that can paralyze one with fear. They can also cause Mummy Rot (both a curse and a disease) with their slam attacks.

Brown Mold is destroyed by cold.

The Concordance

F Earth Wysp Improved Familiar 7
GM Abraham wrote:
Araga recalls that Emerald Automatons have resistance to weapons that are not adamantine.

But not SR? Interesting. Of course, I guess it could still have Immunity to Magic.

Please note that Onjatan's main attacks are considered Spell-Like Abilities. However, only his fire attack allows SR - his rock attacks do not.

The Concordance

M Oread Kineticist (Psychokineticist, Earth, Fire) 7 / Samurai (Sovereign Blade) 1

Waiting to hear the result of Jeydahvu's attack, plus waiting for Shiva to post since I'm not familiar with what you guys normally do.

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