GM AbyssDancer's 'Ire of the Storm'

Game Master AbyssDancer

Drawn by tales of long-lost temples and the abandoned riches of long-dead heretical cults, the PCs are not the first treasure-hunters, fortune-seekers, or troubled souls hoping for a fresh start at the frontier town of Pridon's Hearth. But dark threatening stormclouds are gathering beyond the horizon, for both the colonists and for the wider region. It is far from certain that this mixed group of heroes and chancers will survive to make their fortune, and in so doing shield the growing colony from raging tempests and hostile monsters. Dare they brave the Ire of the Storm?

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Hey GM AD, I will wait for Chest Thumper and Pious. Then move based on the outcome of round three, just wanted to jump in since it's Tuesday now...

Grand Lodge

AC29 (34); touch15; flat-footed 24 hp 88/94Fort 10, Ref +12, Will +5 Frost Ape Male Frost Ape 14th level Companion N Large animal Init +4; Senses lowlight vision, scent; Perc: +1

Chest Thumper was starting to feel left behind and it was evident that the frog-like sniper had other things on its mind than shooting at him. He felt fairly safe in rushing forward. He moved down the rest of the way through the room and down the rampart but was slowed a bit as he slipped the axe that was strapped across his back over his head and into his hands, ready to use.

Chest Thumper is moving to D6 and drawing his Great Axe

Francis saw the fear in the frog things eyes. He hadn't seen this thing shoot him and didn't quite have the cognitive capacity to understand that it was her who had caused him pain earlier, but he was extremely angry and everyone else here was an ally so this thing was going to have to suffer his ire. It was just lucky happenstance that it deserved it.

He rose to his full 6'9" height, baring his sharp fangs in his long, colorful muzzle. Then, he pounded his own chest with his fist, letting out hoots, growls and howls before pounding the floor in front of him.

Intimidate + Circumstance Bonus: 1d20 - 2 + 2 ⇒ (11) - 2 + 2 = 11

And he quickly proved that he had only a little more talent for being frightening than his half-orc brother.

Female Human Oracle 3
Init: +8 | HP: 22/25 | AC: 16 | FF: 14 | Tch: 12 | Fort: +2 | Ref: +3 | Will: +3 | Perc: +3 | 1; 0/6 Spells Left

Aza, only having one spell slot left, is probably gonna hold her action for a bit, don't think she can be much more help at the moment.

Ok, Pious can get close with a double move, so I'm going to go

Round 4
'What a cute monkey, I wonder why he's beating his chest.' Eradiel looks at Francis for a moment, then ignoring the sticky substance for a second, swings his knobkerrie club at the frog. "You should not hurt my friends!" and missing the frog he hits the doorframe, rattling his own teeth instead.

Attack: Rage, P.A., entangled
attack: 1d20 + 6 - 2 ⇒ (4) + 6 - 2 = 8 for damage: 1d10 + 9 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 9 + 3 = 19

En masse, the party swept forward towards the north-eastern tower. It felt as though they were at last getting to take the fight to the the sniper who had been assaulting then throughout the fort up to now.

Jamba and Chest Thumper both moved forward towards the fight. Pious DMPC action ran up to support Francis and Iradyiel, uncharacteristically in silence, carrying his longsword with murderous intent. Only Aza hesitated in the middle of the ramparts, unsure what to do to help.

Meanwhile in the tower itself, a deadly melee raged. Francis' attempt at intimidation failed to shake the frog creature. Iradyiel flailed a colossal blow at the enemy, but encumbered by the tangle-foot resin it missed, demolishing a foot-wide chunk of the door frame in the process.

Seeing an opening, the frog drew itself back for a slashing blow at Francis: attack: 1d20 + 5 - 2 ⇒ (1) + 5 - 2 = 4 damage: 1d6 ⇒ 5, but debris shattered from the doorframe caught the creature and spoiled his swing.

- Aza You say you have only one spell left; I believe you still have cause fear and burning hands, plus of course acid orb as well...
-Iradyiel entanglement expires end round 6

All PC's can post ! [/ooc]

Round 4:
Shooter: Lashed out at Francis
>> Pious: ??
>> Jamba: ??
>> ChestThumper: ??
>> Francis: ??

Round 5:
>> Iradyiel: ??
>> Aza: ??

Male Human Witch 1 [HP:9/9 | AC: 13 T: 13 FF: 10 | F: +4 R: +3 W: +2 Init: 3, Perc: 7]

Did you make a will save for evil eye?

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

GM roll:
Evil 'i': 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (9) + 3 = 12

Good catch Jamba. The evil eye is effective for 6 more rounds

Female Human Oracle 3
Init: +8 | HP: 22/25 | AC: 16 | FF: 14 | Tch: 12 | Fort: +2 | Ref: +3 | Will: +3 | Perc: +3 | 1; 0/6 Spells Left

You're right, I do have two spell slots left for today! But also given the cramped conditions I'm holding off on using those just yet.

Round V
Aza, attempting to provide some meager assemblage of help, summoned an acid orb in her hand to toss at their enemy - but given the melee fighting going on just in front of her, she had trouble getting a lock on the frog.

Attack vs. Touch: 1d20 + 2 - 4 ⇒ (2) + 2 - 4 = 0
Damage: 1d3 ⇒ 2

Grand Lodge

AC29 (34); touch15; flat-footed 24 hp 88/94Fort 10, Ref +12, Will +5 Frost Ape Male Frost Ape 14th level Companion N Large animal Init +4; Senses lowlight vision, scent; Perc: +1

Chest Thumper almost let out a bark of laughter when Francis proved himself just as not frightening as he, himself generally did. He fought the urge down for the moment, though as this situation was too grim for joviality. He would file it away for future teasing, however.

He moved up behind his brother to provide him some magical support in case the frog thing proved too resilient for Francis to take down. Chest Thumper moves to E14.

Francis is further infuriated with the little thing in front of him's lack of respect for his capacity for violence. He decided to actually demonstrate his capacity for violence in a tangible way.

bite: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5
claw: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 2 = 14
claw: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 2 = 16


bite: 1d4 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6
claw: 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6
claw: 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8

round 5

'Blast, how could I miss?' Iradyiel struggles for a moment to get the head of us war club dislodged from the doorframe. Then he struggles against the sticky goo holding him. "We will end your occupancy here! Amphibian!" He swings the KnobKerrie club again trying to hit the creature, but only finding the other side of the doorframe. Thank the gods I didn' hit Francis'

Attack: Rage, (2nd rd, this fight) PA, Entangled
attack: 1d20 + 6 - 2 ⇒ (6) + 6 - 2 = 10 for damage: 1d10 + 9 + 3 ⇒ (10) + 9 + 3 = 22

Pious, still in silence, awkwardly steps past Iradyiel and swings his sword overhead at the frog.

Attack: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17
Damage: 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6

Moving to D14-C15-D16

GM roll:
aoo: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 61d6 ⇒ 5Francis: 1d20 + 5 - 2 ⇒ (14) + 5 - 2 = 171d6 ⇒ 6
Climb DC25: 1d20 + 5 + 12 ⇒ (17) + 5 + 12 = 34
Shooter: 14 damage, evil eye

The melee raged in full force, with the little frog creature almost totally surrounded. A terrific blow from the barbarian knocked further chunks out of the fabric of the tower doorway and an acid orb shot past everyone to hiss and spit on the far wall. Amid a series of blows from Francis one claw attack connected, drawing a jagged red line down one flank. As Pious moved through the melee, he drew an attack of opportunity from the creature, but it fumbled and created an opening which Pious exploited with a thrust of his longsword deep into the frogs left arm.

Sensing the fight going against her, the shooter falters. Unable to resist one last swing at the ape, she whips her axe up with lightning speed, burying it axe in his chest. Another max damage roll - 6 damage, Francis is now -1 HP and dying...

Abandoning the weapon, she turned provoking aoo from Iradyiel and Pious, and leaped out through the southern door, over the parapet wall, and with her sticky amphibian fingers and lithe frame, clambered down the 15 foot wall to stand on the ground outside the fort.

Please post aoo (Iradyiel and Pious) and actions for round 6...

Round 5:
Shooter: Axed Francis, fled
>> Pious: ??
>> Jamba: ??
>> ChestThumper: ??
>> Francis: ??

Round 6:
>> Iradyiel: ??
>> Aza: ??

Grand Lodge

AC29 (34); touch15; flat-footed 24 hp 88/94Fort 10, Ref +12, Will +5 Frost Ape Male Frost Ape 14th level Companion N Large animal Init +4; Senses lowlight vision, scent; Perc: +1

"Nooooo!" Chest Thumper shouted as Francis was delivered a grievous wound and collapsed to the ground.

Any amusement or joviality he felt before at the unusual situation was completely obliterated by seeing his brother unconscious, a shocking amount of his blood leaking out onto the rough hewn planks that make up the floor.

Revenge did not occur to him at the moment, all he could think of was saving the big ape. He dropped to his knees, pulling out some healing herbs and crushing them up in his palms before trying to stanch the flow of blood.

Heal check to Stabilize: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (12) + 10 = 22

'If it escapes it can just come back and attack us later!' Seeing the creature burry it's axe in Francis's chest, then turn to move, Iradyiel swings his club at her.

AOO: 1d20 + 6 - 2 ⇒ (15) + 6 - 2 = 19 for damage: 1d10 + 9 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 9 + 3 = 17

Round 6
'I'm no help to anyone bound up like this, I need to get loose!' Iradyiel again strains at his bonds attempting to get loose. But instead get's his club entangled with himself, "Oh bother"

str check: rage
str: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8

Female Human Oracle 3
Init: +8 | HP: 22/25 | AC: 16 | FF: 14 | Tch: 12 | Fort: +2 | Ref: +3 | Will: +3 | Perc: +3 | 1; 0/6 Spells Left

Round VI
Aza, seeing Francis drop to the ground, ran over to the fallen creature. "D-don't w-worry," she muttered, drawing energy to the ape's wounds. "Y-you need to go stop the th-thing. I'll take care of him." Her hands glowed somewhat as she began to stitch Francis's wounds with magic.

Cure Light Wounds: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4

AoO: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11
Damage: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 3 = 11

Pious follows after the frog and, without a look back, drops off the edge of the wall after her

Acrobatics (to drop nice): 1d20 - 4 ⇒ (6) - 4 = 2
Damage to Pious (Non lethal): 1d6 ⇒ 1
Damage to the Frog: 3d6 ⇒ (6, 6, 1) = 13

I believe the above is all as it should be, and the wee frogie gets a DC15 Reflex save to halve the damage from the Pious bomb. If you decide I need an attack roll instead of the save (I wasn't sure) feel free to roll for me.

Turn 011 - Atop The Ramparts

A new turn is up, and you are out of combat! Congratulations on a hard-won victory !

Please read the section on the end of melee, and the out of context section at the end. I have updated everyone's status, and the map.

You now have two actions to post against - over to you!

Pious only:
Searching the shattered broken body of the small frog-creature, you find the following gear: three specially-wrapped arrows which positively ‘hum’ with magical potency, two potions of cure light wounds, two other potions, one flask of an acidic-smelling liquid, one set of (small) masterwork studded leather armour, one (small) masterwork longbow, one net, one civet pelt, and a bundle of stunningly beautiful blue parrot feathers.

Grand Lodge

AC29 (34); touch15; flat-footed 24 hp 88/94Fort 10, Ref +12, Will +5 Frost Ape Male Frost Ape 14th level Companion N Large animal Init +4; Senses lowlight vision, scent; Perc: +1

Action 1

As Aza's magic did it's work and he saw Francis' wounds stitch up, at least partially, a wave of relief washed over Chest Thumper. He sat back on his haunches and did not even think of the frog thing, for the moment, especially since he saw (and heard) the last blow delivered by Iradyiel and knew Pious was going after it.

Francis slowly sat up, then got up on all fours, looking around for his attacker. He let out a little questioning, confused grunt.

Slowly, Chest Thumper smiled. "Iradyiel finished it off...which is good, because you didn't scare it and you couldn't beat it. You couldn't beat a little frog thing," he taunted in a way that anyone who had siblings would recognize. He actually chuckled at the ape.

Francis waved him off, giving a little pant first, then a grunt and hoot and waving again. When Chest Thumper did not stop, the ape finally gave him a rough shove that almost knocked him over before wandering out of the tower to go look at Pious and the results.

"You still couldn't beat a little frog thing!" the Half-Orc called out to him, earning him a frustrated shout.

Action 2

Chest Thumper gathered up the battle axe that had been used on his brother. None of them could use it but it might prove valuable to someone back in town. He also had the dagger he'd pulled out of bucket in the well in the main yard. He showed it to his companions.

"Does anyone recognize this? Maybe it's from one of the local tribes? he offered.

He looked across the fort to the tower where they'd started the chase, contemplatively, then at the tower they haven't been in at all and even at his feet, or more accurately, at the floor and what was beyond it. By his reckoning, they'd search half or less of the fort, so far. He squatted down on his haunches, resting his forearms on his knees.

"I know it's early, but I could use a rest. Do you guys think the bad juju in the other tower will go away if we give the halflings a proper burial? I think we should anyway. No one deserves to be left that way. Maybe we can fortify that tower and rest and continue our investigation later, or even tomorrow." Assuming the others agreed, he would try to find some tools and help dig proper graves for all the bodies they'd found. He would also dump the dead dinos and the frog thing some way out in the jungle so that the smell of them did not attract predators or scavengers, though he would search the Gripli for any other valuables, first.

He also looked around for the little dino. If it was still around, he would try to keep it around with a little more food and rough affection. A few smacks that would seem rough to those unfamiliar with the beasts and their hierarchical instincts and well timed pinnings. He would not be entirely upset or surprised if it was gone already or gone by morning, but he needed a bit of a distraction and trying to domesticate it seemed good enough.

Handle Animal (Domestication): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (10) + 4 = 14

I don't know if domesticating the little dinosaur is even possible, or if he's even there, still. I looked it up and there are rules for rearing a wild animal but not domesticating and adult one.

Also, this is as good a time as any - my Mom is coming into town Sunday and won't be leaving until Wednesday. I'm also having surgery on Monday (which is part of the reason she's coming into town.) I'll definitely post as normal tomorrow and get at least one in on Saturday but I may be down to one post per day or less Sunday through Wednesday. Feel free to bot or bypass me if I'm holding things up.

Also, also...let me just take a moment to say how much I'm enjoying the game. That was a pretty brutal and close combat, but it was very entertaining, as has been the whole game.

Turn 011: Action 1
'A lot of damage for one little frog. At least Aza was able to help Francis.' Watching as 'Pious' jumps out the window after the attacker. Iradyiel, realizing the goo was gone, steps aside as Aza helps Francis "Well done Aza, I thought Francis was a goner."

Shaking his head as Chest Thumper removes the axe and shows it to everyone. "I don't recognize it Master Thumper. Do you think Master Shepard is alright?"

Going to the window and looking out, seeing the frog squished under the priest, Iradyiel calls "Are you ok master Shepard?"

After 'Pious' responds, Iradiel starts to search the room. "We need to be careful, we don't know how many more other threats there are and we're weakened."

Action 2
Iradiel takes his time searching the room that the frog was holed up in, including inspecting and opening if possible the chest. He then goes back and investigates the North west room in the corner of the ramparts that the rushed through. But he avoids the southwest room, not liking the sickening feeling it gave him.

he will take 20 (27) on perception investigating the two corner rooms.

Glad you're enjoying it CT, I certainly am, and I hope everyone else is too! Please let me know any feedback you have; I'm keen to improve posting rates and maintain momentum as we move forward on this.

Oh and good luck with the op CT. Hope it's nothing too serious?

Grand Lodge

AC29 (34); touch15; flat-footed 24 hp 88/94Fort 10, Ref +12, Will +5 Frost Ape Male Frost Ape 14th level Companion N Large animal Init +4; Senses lowlight vision, scent; Perc: +1

[ooc]No. Getting my gall bladder removed laproscopically. It's just a day surgery. In fact, the other reason my Mom is coming in town is a Neil Diamond concert that she already had scheduled and she's still planning on going to that.[/ooc[

Grand Lodge

Sorry to hear that; I would not want anyone to have to endure a Neil Diamond concert. I hope you both make a swift recovery.

-Posted with Wayfinder

Turn 011: Action 1

Superhero landing!
Pious slowly picked himself up from the once dusty ground, strings of gore trailing from his Schynbalds. He payed no heed to this as he meticulously cleaned his sword and sheathed it once more. Picking up the sack of flesh that was once the Grippli attacker, he swung it over one shoulder by one leg and made his way around to the front gate.

"I am protected Iradyiel, by God"

Pious gently lay the body down in the centre of the courtyard and began to search it, revealing three specially-wrapped arrows which positively ‘hum’ with magical potency, two potions of cure light wounds, two other potions, one flask of an acidic-smelling liquid, one set of (small) masterwork studded leather armour, one (small) masterwork longbow, one net, one civet pelt, and a bundle of stunningly beautiful blue parrot feathers.

There is magic here. Who can identify it?"

Female Human Oracle 3
Init: +8 | HP: 22/25 | AC: 16 | FF: 14 | Tch: 12 | Fort: +2 | Ref: +3 | Will: +3 | Perc: +3 | 1; 0/6 Spells Left

Turn XI

Aza sighed as the combat ended. She certainly didn't relish tending to her allies' wounds, but at least she could do what was in her power to help keep them on their feet. She nodded at Chest Thumper's suggestion. "I ag-gree, I am almost tapped out-out for the day." She felt exhausted, though she could likely still pull out a spell if it was completely necessary. "I don't... I don't like it, but I also at least agree th-that we should bury the corpses. And the frog... frog. Even if it was an enemy it st-still deserves a proper burial."

Aza heard Pious's call for assistance - adjusting her glasses, she slowly trotted down the ladder from where she came and back to the courtyard to examine the body. "I come from crafters... crafters. Maybe I can see wh-what it is." She pointed two fingers at her eyes, which began to subtly glow with a yellow hue.

Aza casts Detect Magic and attempts to ID the arrows, and anything else which might be magical.

Spellcraft x3: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 211d20 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 71d20 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 5 = 24

Guys I have listened to your feedback and decided to revert to standard format PBP, for now at least.

I will post the 'party status' and 'party loot' that was on the recap sheet on my 'GM AbyssDancer' profile page. This is now up to date for recent healing and the loot gained from the dead frog.

I will also endeavour to maintain the two action prompt where relevant, to accelerate play.

Please post all action posts on the gameplay tab from now on. You'll find an update there right now from your last posts.

Please let's try to step back up to the 'one post per day, once at weekend' posting rates we all agreed to at the start of this game, and we can make sure we maintain momentum on this challenging module !

huh, I thought this was working ok, but that's fine too. I will go read the post and update, see you all over there

Grand Lodge

AC29 (34); touch15; flat-footed 24 hp 88/94Fort 10, Ref +12, Will +5 Frost Ape Male Frost Ape 14th level Companion N Large animal Init +4; Senses lowlight vision, scent; Perc: +1

Hey, guys, surgery went well. A little tired and loopy from drugs. I expect to be able to post tomorrow.

Chest Thumper wrote:
Hey, guys, surgery went well. A little tired and loopy from drugs. I expect to be able to post tomorrow.

Good to hear. A general anesthetic can knock you sidewise for a while, for sure.

Glad to here things went well C.T.

Of course if want to post and you feel a little loopy you can just retro hanging out with Jamba, that would explain the odd behavior ;)

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Human Witch 1 [HP:9/9 | AC: 13 T: 13 FF: 10 | F: +4 R: +3 W: +2 Init: 3, Perc: 7]
Iradyiel Madras wrote:

Glad to here things went well C.T.

Of course if want to post and you feel a little loopy you can just retro hanging out with Jamba, that would explain the odd behavior ;)

"Yah mon!"

Glad to hear it CT. Enjoy the anesthetic dreams!

Female Human Oracle 3
Init: +8 | HP: 22/25 | AC: 16 | FF: 14 | Tch: 12 | Fort: +2 | Ref: +3 | Will: +3 | Perc: +3 | 1; 0/6 Spells Left

Good lord, I remember when I was on painkillers out of surgery, those nightmares will never leave. Glad everything went well.

Just curious - are you keeping track of exp or are we using the milestone system where we level up when appropriate?

Grand Lodge

I favour the milestone approach in pbp; given that players take fewer opportunities to talk, ask questions etc they would fulfill fewer of the story-based xp awards otherwise.

Of course, if you do miss story-based objectives you'll still miss out on loot rewards...

-Posted with Wayfinder

Grand Lodge

Iradyiel it's just a sheet - no to hit roll required!

Just boarding a flight now - once I land I'll be back on the UK timezone for my posts, rather than US all this week.

I'll respond in 8 hours or so to give Jamba a chance to post...

-Posted with Wayfinder

Grand Lodge

AC29 (34); touch15; flat-footed 24 hp 88/94Fort 10, Ref +12, Will +5 Frost Ape Male Frost Ape 14th level Companion N Large animal Init +4; Senses lowlight vision, scent; Perc: +1

They didn't give me anything too heavy so my weirdest dream so far was that I was visiting my mom in this big, gothic mansion and none of the bathrooms worked. When I woke up, I realized I really needed to pee.

Hey CT could you please update Francis' stats with his Init and Perc numbers, and anything else that's missing? I know you posted them, but it would save me having to look it up. Ta.

OK after double-checking on my understanding of how swarm rules interact with thrown splash weapon rules, I discover that this is an area of some debate on the rules forum.

Here's how I see it:
- Core Rulebook p160..."You can thrown a flask of alchemist's fire as a splash weapon."
- Core Rulebook p202..."To attack with a splash weapon, make a ranged touch attack against the target. A hit deals direct hit damage to the target, and splash damage to all creatures within 5 feet of the target."
- Bestiary p313..."A swarm is immune to any spell or effect that targets a specific number of creatures"
- Bestiary p313..."A swarm takes half again as much damage (+50%) from spells or effects that affect an area, such as splash weapons and many evocation spells"

Combine this all together and it seems that you cannot directly target the swarm with the alchemist fire because it is a weapon that has a single target. You can target a square intersection. Unfortunately, you lose the +50% damage because only 1 point is dealt by the splash and you round 1.5 down. So, 1 damage only.

That seems mental.

So I'm house-ruling this, as follows:
- target an intersection with normal grenade rules (Iradyiel's 5 is a hit, just)
- 1d6 x 50% damage to the swarm, but no fire damage in the 2nd round - all the critters that could be fried get toasted the 1st round
- 1 damage splash to all within 5' of the target intersection. It's a messy business, tossing explosives at spiders crawling all over you!

Everyone happy with this? It's generous but following RAW, you'd need an armful of alchemist fire bottles to tackle a single swarm.

I'm ok with it, never really had a good grasp on swarms and splash weapons anyway...

GM AD, my apologies, I didn't write down how many vials of alchemical fire we purchased, do you have that information readily available?

Grand Lodge

AC29 (34); touch15; flat-footed 24 hp 88/94Fort 10, Ref +12, Will +5 Frost Ape Male Frost Ape 14th level Companion N Large animal Init +4; Senses lowlight vision, scent; Perc: +1

We just bought 1.

that's what I thought, but since I didn't find an exact number I thought I better ask. Normally I buy acid since it's half the price.

if Iradyiel invites the hafling to follow along, he could talk to the Halfling while they move about... filling the party in on what is being said.

Grand Lodge

The halfling has the fatigued condition, but more, he's a nervous wreck. He's been deeply traumatised by his ordeal, and just wants to rest. He'll accompany you to an outside location, but won't go inside any building (eg he'll climb down from the ramparts rather than go inside and down a ladder).

-Posted with Wayfinder

OK, you said

GM AbyssDancer wrote:
The spears embedded in the table are all Song’o.
GM AbyssDancer wrote:
These halfling corpses belong to a jungle-dwelling tribe native to this area, the Song'o

And you said the note was from the Song’o tribe. But you also said:

GM AbyssDancer wrote:
I am of the Musdah family of the Cashill tribe

Are the Cashill tribe and Song’o tribe the same? Was anyone able to tell that all this other stuff was Song’O? If so then the lizard folk were planning this raid and going to blame the Song’o for it all along, Musdah and his people were just a happy accident and it may be that all his ‘brothers’ are alive.

Sadly all this is player knowledge, I’m not sure how much of it could be character knowledge. I guess the question is if we “know” the gear is Song’O or if the Song’o and Cashill are one and the same.

Any directions GM?

Oh, and Yay! second level!

Grand Lodge

Ok let me help. Songo'o are the people (dark-skinned jungle hobbits). Cashill are the Songo'o tribe living nearest to Pridon's Hearth. The Muzdah are Muhdzuzi's family unit within the Cashill tribe. Muhdzuzi can explain all this, and identify the spears and daggers (from the well and the note). He can't read the note.

You are free to assume the PCs can connect the placement of Songo'o weapons, the note, the post mortem wounds on both militia and halflings.

Muhdzuzi says that his brothers were all in the fort when the attack started. You've only found two halfling bodies (which you cremated); but then you are also missing a bunch of militia heads, too...

-Posted with Wayfinder

Level 2!

HD: 1d8 ⇒ 7
+1 BAB
+1 Fort/Will
Cunning Initiative,
Detect Alignment,
+1 0th and 1st Level Spell
+1 to all ranked skills
PCB= +1 0th Level Spell

Grand Lodge

Cool - I'm looking fwd to seeing how Pious, actually all the party, develops !

This module tops out at 6th level, so there's plenty of room for growth. If you survive that long...

-Posted with Wayfinder

sorry about the delay, I should have Iradyiel updated tonight, eerrr, in the next few hours, just in case your not in EST or -4 GMT

In recruitment:

AbyssDancer wrote:
HP: Max HP at 1st level, average round up thereafter.

so traditionally rounding up is half a odd number rounded to the next whole number, do you mean Pathfinder style?

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Welcome to the recruitment page for Ire of the Storm, a Pathfinder module set in the dark steaming jungles south of Sargava. The module takes a party from level 1 through to level 6 by the end - should you survive that far to see it…

Originally named ‘Pridon’s Grave’ by the local Song’o halfling tribes, the upstart town of Pridon’s Hearth is the newest colony of the nascent kingdom of Sargarva, pushing the country’s borders further than ever before into the damp and swampy jungles to the south. Answering a call from the local land-owner for a second wave of colonisation, the PCs begin aboard the Kaava Cutter, a merchant sloop heading for its regular monthly stop at Pridon’s Hearth. Drawn by tales of long-lost temples and the abandoned riches of long-dead heretical cults, the PCs are not the first treasure-hunters, fortune-seekers, or troubled souls hoping for a fresh start at this frontier town.

But dark threatening stormclouds are gathering beyond the horizon, for both the colonists and for the wider region. It is far from certain that this mixed group of heroes and chancers will survive to make their fortune, and in so doing shield the growing colony from raging tempests and hostile monsters. Dare they brave the Ire of the Storm?

I am looking for a party of 6. I already have 3 people I have played with before who have registered an interest, but there is a chance they may not deliver. So the purpose of this post is to identify 3+ PCs to start, plus a ‘reserve list’ to cover against drop-outs.

Ire of the Storm is a jungle exploration / dungeon crawl module. PCs aligned to nature and weather themes will fare well but are by no means necessary. Similarly, I’d prefer a balanced party, but I’ll prioritise people who I think will provide a high quality and reliability of posts. It’s so much more important to us having a great experience.

I will close recruitment no earlier than midnight GMT on Wednesday, and afterwards will inform successful applicants via PM.

When the module begins in earnest (not during the recruitment period) I intend to post at least once every 24 hours during the week and once during the weekend. Your timezone is unimportant, but you will be expected to match this frequency.

When you are going on a vacation, very busy, or otherwise unable to post just let me know and I will consider you on "standby" for the amount of time specified. If anyone disappears for 7 straight days without posting or leaving notice your character will be written out without hope of return or resurrection. This is extremely generous in terms of time span, so please don't let it get to that.

Classes: Core plus Unchained Rogue, and the following Base classes only: Inquisitor, Magus, Ninja, Oracle, Witch (no slumber). No others (don't ask!). Any Paizo archetype allowed.
Races: Core only, any Paizo variant racial traits allowed.
Starting Level: PCs will start at 1st level.
Alignment: Any non-evil. No direct PvP conflict.
Ability Scores: 20 point buy.
HP: Max HP at 1st level, average round up thereafter.
Traits: two traits allowed from separate types
Skills: Background skill variant used, 2 background skill ranks per level. See this link: Background skills.
Base Starting Money: As per core rules
Other: No firearms, no ‘unchained’ rules beyond UC Rogue.

Please, no posts asking ‘what about…?’ or ‘have you considered allowing…?’. These are the limits - please work within them.

When you create a submission, please create a character alias and include your character information in the form of a bestiary stat block similar to this profile: Example profile Also, please include the following information in your profile:

1) Appearance
2) Personality
3) Background

I am particularly interested in your character’s motivation for boarding the Kaava Cutter and traveling into the dangerous frontier lands to the south. The PCs’ backgrounds might be that of wanderers who pick up the local landowner’s invite in Sargarva, shady characters from the Shackles looking to gather information on this new colony town, or even crew members of the Kaava Cutter calling time on their life at sea. Your call !

Look, I'm not expecting an essay, just evidence that you've thought this through and have something we can all work with. I'll be judging people more on their history of gameplay postings than on oh-so-clever builds or novella-length backgrounds.

I can’t wait to see your submissions, and to start this shared adventure together. Good luck - and whether you are successful or not, thank you for any time you commit to this thread !

GM Abyss Dancer

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

Sounds neat! Dotting for now.

How are you planning to handle maps? I do a lot of posting from my phone, so Google Slides is preferable, Google Draw is unideal, and Roll20 is unavailable to me.

mechaPoet wrote:

Sounds neat! Dotting for now.

How are you planning to handle maps? I do a lot of posting from my phone, so Google Slides is preferable, Google Draw is unideal, and Roll20 is unavailable to me.

That's interesting. My intention was to do maps (and other images) on Google Draw with grid reference axes, read-only. I'd like Players to tell me where they're going (after reading other people's moves) and I'll control movement on the map. That way I feel I'll have better control over AOO etc. It'll also stop the map from moving every time someone with a phone messes with it...

But if that doesn't work for the players I'll be open to change.

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

Gotcha! Google Draw is perfect if it's going to be read only. I was concerned worth being able to move my own token on it, but it sounds like it's a non-issue.

I'm interested. I'll see if I can come up with an interesting concept.

dotting, I'm, one of the three who have played with GM AbyssDancer, I look forward to playing with you all.

Looking at melee or skilled, not sure which yet.

I am considering an Elven Magic Warrior Magus originally from the Mwangi Expanse that has left their world behind. He is now seen as odd by his own people as he is by those he meets from outside the Expanse and has yet to find anywhere to call home except the open road. His experience in the Expanse made an acquaintance refer him to the call of the land-owner from Pridon's Hearth.

Dotting for now - have a couple of concepts, though I realize now that I have never actually played a druid...

This is Redelia (Koani from The Confirmation). I'm dotting with the alias I plan to submit (unchained rogue, two weapon fighting). I've built the character, but it takes time to transfer everything into the forums. I'll post again when the submission is complete.

Grand Lodge

Ugh...I just spent 2 hours working up and formatting my character then hit "delete" instead of save...

I'll do it again tomorrow, but here are the basics, anyway.

dotting. Might throw a hideously insecure unchained rogue at this.

This sounds interesting. Having DM'ed the first couple of books from Serpent's Skull and loving the Mwangi plus being a history geek/professional IRL with a penchant for the age of discovery and age of sailing, this might be right up my alley.

Consider this my 'dotting' as I start throwing together an untalented writer desperate for a larger than life experience for some much needed inspiration.

He'll be a human bard or fighter and a devotee of Shelyn.


Avogadro/Bahram here. I'm still tossing a few ideas around.

Top of the list is some kind of religious nut trying to bring 'civilisation' to the 'savages' not sure on mechanics though, I was looking at a living grimoir inquisitor but it's just not sparking...

Louxman wrote:
...Top of the list is some kind of religious nut trying to bring 'civilisation' to the 'savages'...

Interesting. I refer you to the section of the intro above which refers to 'long-lost temples and the abandoned riches of long-dead heretical cults'. Anything there for you to hook onto?

-Posted with Wayfinder

Chest Thumper wrote:
Ugh...I just spent 2 hours working up and formatting my character then hit "delete" instead of save... I'll do it again tomorrow, but here are the basics, anyway.

It's happened before to us all. I'm grateful for the time you're putting in!

-Posted with Wayfinder

The Pale King wrote:
I am considering an Elven Magic Warrior Magus originally from the Mwangi Expanse that has left their world behind. He is now seen as odd by his own people as he is by those he meets from outside the Expanse and has yet to find anywhere to call home except the open road. His experience in the Expanse made an acquaintance refer him to the call of the land-owner from Pridon's Hearth.

Sounds interesting and relevant - I look forward to hearing more!

I wrote up a paladin of Shelyn. I will post his crunch and fluff in an hour or two :)

Hey GM AbyssDancer, since Redelia is going to submit an unchained rogue, two weapon fighting, I will go with a Barbarian (invulnerable rager). I don't know if I'm going with a human or a half-elf yet. As soon as I decide I will post my character crunch and start working on the fluff.

Grand Lodge

This is Kahwen from the other campaign, btw. My character concept is basically a Half-orc Tarzan who travels around with his "brother" a young carnivorous ape nAmes Francis.

I have the idea of a Cheliaxian Human ranged inquisitor (Sacred Huntsman) of Erastil, on the boat to travel to his uncle who has a small plantation in the south.

Naima wrote:
This is Redelia (Koani from The Confirmation). I'm dotting with the alias I plan to submit (unchained rogue, two weapon fighting). I've built the character, but it takes time to transfer everything into the forums. I'll post again when the submission is complete.

Hi Redelia

Can I please ask you to expand your skill modifiers for me. I like to see how they stack up, eg how you get to +8 Perception (presumably +2 WIS, +3 class skill, +1 rank, +2 ???).


Checking in. I plan on spending the day working on a character.

I present Jonath Gihl. A paladin of Shelyn and would-be writer, driven to the Mwangi by the ugliness of the old world. Here he stumbled upon a sad truth: man lives as he dreams, alone. In Cheliax, but also in the Mwangi. I tried to keep his background brief as requested, but I can expend upon whatever topic needs expending! I used the code for paladins of Shelyn as stipulated in 'Faiths of Purity' and the tl;dr of this man's drive is Shelyn's unrelenting rule that a man should never give in to smallmindedness.

Pretty much everything should be in his profile :)

I am pleased to introduce Jamba Mumbata. He is a native of the Mwangi Expanse, who was kidnapped and pressganged on a pirate ship as a child. He has spent twenty years on the seas and has been involved with several expeditions to the Expanse. He was able to free himself from pirating several years ago (with the help of his spiritual guide, Bobo) and would like to return to the expanse to seek out a career as a jungle guide. His secret desire is to use these expeditions to search out ancient artifacts and tomes to grow in power. He is a servant of Gozreh.

Character Portrait

GM AbyssDancer wrote:
Naima wrote:
This is Redelia (Koani from The Confirmation). I'm dotting with the alias I plan to submit (unchained rogue, two weapon fighting). I've built the character, but it takes time to transfer everything into the forums. I'll post again when the submission is complete.

Hi Redelia

Can I please ask you to expand your skill modifiers for me. I like to see how they stack up, eg how you get to +8 Perception (presumably +2 WIS, +3 class skill, +1 rank, +2 ???).


Alertness Feat +2

To help combat alias bloat, I will not be creating an alias unless actually selected. Info below however.

Elandra is a young Taldan woman, slightly too tall for polite society.

Being the 4th child of the Grand-Proconsul to the Executor of Zimaran River Defense, means Elandra is going to have to find her own way in life.

Tired of even the minor decadence her station allows Elandra has chosen to set off as far from civilization as possible and board the Kaava Cutter and head for Sargava

Stat Block:
Human inquisitor (monster tactician) of Erastil 1 (Pathfinder Player Companion: Monster Summoner's Handbook 7, Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player's Guide 38)
LG Medium humanoid (human)
Init +4 (+6 during surprise rounds); Senses Perception +7
AC 17, touch 14, flat-footed 13 (+3 armor, +4 Dex)
hp 10 (1d8+2)
Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +4
Speed 30 ft.
Melee morningstar +1 (1d8+1)
Ranged longbow +4 (1d8/×3)
Inquisitor (Monster Tactician) Spells Known (CL 1st; concentration +3)
. . 1st (2/day)—bless, ear-piercing scream[UM] (DC 13)
. . 0 (at will)—detect magic, disrupt undead, guidance, read magic
. . Domain Animal (Feather[APG] subdomain)
Str 12, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 9
Base Atk +0; CMB +1; CMD 15
Feats Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot
Traits beast bond, deadeye bowman
Skills Handle Animal +4, Heal +6, Intimidate +0, Knowledge (nature) +5, Perception +7, Profession (cook) +6, Ride +8, Sense Motive +7, Spellcraft +5, Stealth +7, Survival +6; Racial Modifiers +1 Perception
Languages Common, Polyglot
SQ eyes of the hawk, monster lore +2, stern gaze +1, summon monster I
Other Gear studded leather, arrows (40), longbow, morningstar, mule, bit and bridle, blanket, feed (per day), riding saddle, saddlebags, 6 gp
Special Abilities
Eyes of the Hawk (+1 Perception/+2 Init.) (Su) +2 Initiative during a surprise round.
Inquisitor (Monster Tactician) Domain (Feather) Add Fly to your list of class skills. In addition, whenever you cast a spell that grants you a fly speed, your maneuverability increases by one step (up to perfect).
Monster Lore +2 (Ex) +2 to Knowledge checks when identifying the weaknessess of creatures.
Point-Blank Shot +1 to attack and damage rolls with ranged weapons at up to 30 feet.
Precise Shot You don't get -4 to hit when shooting or throwing into melee.
Stern Gaze +1 (Ex) +1 to Sense Motive and Intimidate.
Summon Monster I (5/day) (Sp) Cast summon monster spells as a spell-like ability.

Yarrr, Pirate Rob here. I'm available to post multiple times most days. Elandra is a summoning/archer Inquisitor. I still need a good name for her mule and am open to suggestions.

Grand Lodge

Ok...after losing my edits a couple times, and with many nods of thanks to Edgar Rice Borroughs and Rudyard Kipling, I present Chest Thumper the Ape Orc and his "brother" Francis.

Raise in the wild by a band of apes, Chest Thumper has gotten a taste for civilization and wants more. He figures throwing in with a band of adventures is the best way to do that.

And, since I realized I posted under my Kahwen account when I announced I was Kahwen, for clarification purposes, this is Kahwen from the other campaign.

This is Aza! She's an Oracle who really wanted to be a Wizard when she grew up. She is heading to Mwangi to try and find purpose in life after a family tragedy, far away from her old life (plus maybe the stars'll look different out in the jungle).

This is her generic build, though if she does get chosen it's definitely subject to change a smidgen or two (leaning either more toward evocation or illusions).

Chest Thumper wrote:

Ok...after losing my edits a couple times, and with many nods of thanks to Edgar Rice Borroughs and Rudyard Kipling, I present Chest Thumper the Ape Orc and his "brother" Francis.

Raise in the wild by a band of apes, Chest Thumper has gotten a taste for civilization and wants more. He figures throwing in with a band of adventures is the best way to do that.

And, since I realized I posted under my Kahwen account when I announced I was Kahwen, for clarification purposes, this is Kahwen from the other campaign.

Kahwen, I'm surprised you didn't go with Feral Child, of course you would loose the benefits of being half-orc :-(

Grand Lodge

That definitely would have been a good choice but I like the idea of him being someone people would view as naturally primitive and bestial even without knowing his background.

I do actually think half-orcs could take that archetype since they do count as human :D (although I'm not sure if that's the reason you're talking about haha)

This still open

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

Here is my submission, Jit Wary!

Jit Wary's profile

She's a gnome sorcerer with the stormborn bloodline. She used to be a sailor (and sometimes pirate) until storms started following her around - now she's headed south to make money in the jungle instead!

Thanks so much for the interesting and creative suggestions so far! I really appreciate the time and thought you guys have put into this.

If I have any questions I'll get to them today, ahead of the Wednesday cutoff, then selection, and a rendezvous aboard the Kaave Cutter before the weekend.

To summarise, so far we have:

- Ebonfist: Chest Thumper, a halforc Druid
- Eminem80: Jamba Mumbara, a human (Mwangi) witch
- Isthill: Aza Barrett, a human (Taldori) Oracle
- MechaPoet: Jit Wary, a gnome sorcerer
- Pirate Rob: Elandra, a human (Taldani) Inquisitor
- Redelia: Naima, a human rogue
- Solicitor: Jonath Gihl, a human (Chelish) Paladin of Shelyn

We also have interest registered/ submissions to come from:

- DreamingWarforged: ???
- Helikan: inquisitor?
- Louxman: ???
- PaleKing: elven (Mwangi) Magus?
- RobertHenry: a Barbarian?

I hope I have not omitted anyone. Looking at this list, we have the makings of an interesting party!

Chest Thumper wrote:

Ok...after losing my edits a couple times, and with many nods of thanks to Edgar Rice Borroughs and Rudyard Kipling, I present Chest Thumper the Ape Orc and his "brother" Francis.

Raise in the wild by a band of apes, Chest Thumper has gotten a taste for civilization and wants more. He figures throwing in with a band of adventures is the best way to do that.

And, since I realized I posted under my Kahwen account when I announced I was Kahwen, for clarification purposes, this is Kahwen from the other campaign.

I very much like Chest Thumper. I have one question: is his astounding survival skill (11) understated by the absence of the +2 for self sufficient?

This is RH's barbarian, I've got the crunch done, and will have the fluff done this evening.

Basic idea: Iradyiel is a young adventurer, born to an elven father and a human mother. His father was enslaved from the Mwangi Expanse as a young warrior. He was freed by a Andoran pathfinder and became a pathfinder himself. Iradyiel grew up on stories of the Mwangi Expanse and Sargava. Joining the pathfinders himself, he decides to head to Sargava to see it's wonders first hand.

That's the rough Idea, I will flesh him and the backstory out a little more this evening.

I won't be presenting an application after all. Nothings coalesces nicely.

Grand Lodge

GM AbyssDancer wrote:
Chest Thumper wrote:

Ok...after losing my edits a couple times, and with many nods of thanks to Edgar Rice Borroughs and Rudyard Kipling, I present Chest Thumper the Ape Orc and his "brother" Francis.

Raise in the wild by a band of apes, Chest Thumper has gotten a taste for civilization and wants more. He figures throwing in with a band of adventures is the best way to do that.

And, since I realized I posted under my Kahwen account when I announced I was Kahwen, for clarification purposes, this is Kahwen from the other campaign.

I very much like Chest Thumper. I have one question: is his astounding survival skill (11) understated by the absence of the +2 for self sufficient?

Wow, it sure was. That means, if my math is correct, it should actually be a 13. Thanks for double checking! I went ahead and corrected my profile.

Seeing as you have no full BAB characters on your completed list this might be a good place to submit Dunganagar the Mad. He was originally made for an all-dwarf game that didn't get off the ground.

He is a dwarf barbarian with the Invulnerable Rager archetype. He has a large-sized dwarven waraxe though at first level he might use another weapon until he can get the waraxe enchanted.

He comes from a dwarven barbarian tribe that lives in the mountains near Janderhoff. Their territory includes a large area of barrow-graves belonging to ancient dwarven chieftains. Modern dwarves no longer use this land as a graveyard but the dwarves of his tribe consider them sacred and guard them fiercely. They also still bury their chiefs there. The dwarves of Janderhoff consider these barbarians crude and primitive but they are handy in a fight and often hire themselves out as mercenaries.

Adjusting that to get him to Sargava would be interesting. I am thinking that he got shanghaied in Korvosa by an uncrupulous ship captain, but he proved to be so unmanageable that he was thrown off the ship at Sargava. He is determined to return to Janderhoff, but refuses to take a voyage by ship over open sea ever again. So he wants to raise enough money to hire a wizard to "magic" him back home.

I still need to buy gear for him and assign skills, but mechanically he is pretty much done.

Dunganagar the Mad wrote:
Seeing as you have no full BAB characters on your completed list this might be a good place to submit Dunganagar the Mad. He was originally made for an all-dwarf game that didn't get off the ground.

Hi Peet - thanks for posting here. I'm sorry but Dunganagar isn't going to make it. Three hours before your post someone already posted an Invulnerable Rager, and that player is one of the people I flagged as already on board.

You're welcome to submit another character, although looking at my last post, I think we already have enough to play...


Only 56 hours remain for submissions...

I will take a look at remaining PCs later today.

-Posted with Wayfinder

Flipping paizo keeps kicking me out!

I'll have a character up in the next day... (I hope!)

[Edit]I'll check while I'm able to get through. I'm planning a melee inquisitor worshiper of Aroden (explained in fluff) I don't want to cramp with pirate Rob though, given that there shouldn't be too much cross over (still considering grimour archetype) would you consider two inquisitors?[/edit] access has been rough a bunch recently :(

I certainty wouldn't feel my toes were stepped on by a melee inquisitor of Aroden.

GM AbyssDancer wrote:
Naima wrote:
This is Redelia (Koani from The Confirmation). I'm dotting with the alias I plan to submit (unchained rogue, two weapon fighting). I've built the character, but it takes time to transfer everything into the forums. I'll post again when the submission is complete.

Hi Redelia

Can I please ask you to expand your skill modifiers for me. I like to see how they stack up, eg how you get to +8 Perception (presumably +2 WIS, +3 class skill, +1 rank, +2 ???).


I will certainly do this, as well as filling in the background. I meant to be much further on than I am with this character, but has been down a lot, and it seems I have bad timing of when to try to work on this.

In the course of prepping maps etc for this module, I came across the Turn Recap format for PBP, and I really like it. I think it addresses some of the biggest drawbacks of PBP, with few if any negatives (bar maybe a little more work for me!).

Please take a look at the 'Campaign' tab, where I have fleshed this out in more detail. I've also provided links to some great examples of other campaigns on the site which have adopted this.

I think following this for our game will accelerate play, encourage RP, and provide a far more clean summary and narrative flow to keep us all enthused! These are worthy objectives, given the high fail rate of PBP games.

I really hope this is something you too are happy with trying. Let me know what you think !


I read through the explanation. I really like the system and I am looking forward to the opportunity to try it out. I love the RP aspect of the game and that system appears to encourage that. "Jamba be feelin' da blessin', mon."

I think it is a solid idea if you don't mind the extra work. It also gives the game a more 'chapter'ish feeling, turning the gameplay into an actual collaborative narrative.

Looks interesting enough. Looks like a lot of extra work on the GM side but I suppose its a lot of copy/paste.

I think that system looks pretty rad, definitely not something I've seen before but could def lead to a better experience.

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

I've never done it, but if you're alright with a little extra compilation work as a GM, I'd be willing to give it a shot if chosen. :)

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