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Oh - what's 'Pathfinder style'?
I meant D6=4, D10=6 etc but if there is another way, let me know.
Pious you chose to roll and rolled well. I'll let you keep that.
-Posted with Wayfinder

Iradyiel Madras |
Once you have finished with the Sheriff, you have some loot to allocate / sell / claim. Please look at the loot sheet at the top of this post. I have inserted a column for each of you – please insert a code into each cell in your column according to whether you vote to claim the item (‘X’) for yourself, retain it in a group pool (‘G’), sell it for cash (‘$’), or hand it back to the town (‘T’). All values are ‘retail’ ie the party will only get +/- 50% of these on sale.
Once responses are in, I’ll cash up and let you know your share after deducting items claimed, assuming you are splitting loot evenly.
a little confused on the list, are we voting? If someone wants to claim an item do we leave it blank?
I assumed we remove the colonels armor before we cremated him.
Does anyone else want the breastplate?
edit: GM AD, I assume I should be able to get a solid post in tonight. Do you want us to pick up the narrative talking with the sheriff? or after the meeting with her during our down time? Or taking the items we found to the different people who inquired about them?

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Hey all - let me explain what I had in mind.
There's three things here, all separate so possible to undertake simultaneously as we have before ie action 1 / 2 / 3.
Action one is to brief the Sheriff. News reached her from the farm you stopped at, but just the headline: all the militia dead, one Songo'o survivor, Fort Breakthrough now abandoned. She wants to know more, and any details you might think important.
Second, you need to divide the spoils. I figured if everyone stated their requests, we ought to be able to identify the few conflicting claims, aid the townfolk, and sell the rest. If anyone has a better idea, let me know. It's your loot. [Update: sheet now editable]
Afterwards, but posted simultaneously, there are other people to see in the town. Let me know where you're headed and we can play that out too.
It's like the period you had in town before venturing to the Fort.
-Posted with Wayfinder

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I've tried a couple times and I'm not able to edit the list from my phone. I'm not sure when I'm going to get a chance to get to a connection that will allow me to access it by computer (I usually post during breaks at work or by phone after hours) so, to keep from holding things up, I agree with all of Iradyiel's choices for the loot. So, you can just double his votes.

GM AbyssDancer |

Dividing the loot
I've been through the loot table and your comments against each item. There was little disagreement; I took the majority view in those cases, with one exception (see later).
By my calculations, the party 'liberated' cash of 483.6 gp, plus converted to cash a further 820.3 gp (at 50% of 'retail'). As you will learn from my Gameplay post, Banker Baldran will give you 20gp for news of Quinn Vanicus, and Vethorn will give you a 10% discount on all weapon and armour purchases for returning his equipment from the Fort.
Splitting this 5 ways gives you each 264.8 gp. This leaves the masterwork breastplate, claimed by both Iradyiel and Pious. Whichever PC keeps this would have to pay everyone else the (50%) cost from his share, ie 175gp.
- option A: someone keeps the masterwork breastplate. They get 89.8gp, everyone else gets 308.5gp
- option B: sell the breastplate, everyone gets 299.8 GP.
Please decide.
In addition, the party has shared kit valued at 1086 gp. This is detailed on the loot sheet. The only anomaly I see here is retaining three +1 animal bane arrows, without anyone in the party having a bow...

Iradyiel Madras |
ok, the breastplate is going to cost 175 gp., with the discount Iradyiel can purchase chainmail for 135 gp. he would save 40 gp. Or with the 299 gp and 10% discount he can purchase a MW Weapon.
So Pious can have the breastplate, or we can sell it.
I also think we should sell the arrows...
GM AbyssDancer is there a cleric in the village, possibly at the Temple of Abadar, that can cast Masterwork transformation on Iradyiel's club?

GM AbyssDancer |

GM AbyssDancer is there a cleric in the village, possibly at the Temple of Abadar, that can cast Masterwork transformation on Iradyiel's club?
Indeed there is - Banker Baldra herself is an experienced (if curmudgeonly and foul-mouthed) and capable priest, and she has a few staff who also could cast lower level items. Given the nature of her deity, she would require full payment (ie Caster level x spell level x 10 gp plus full component cost) for each casting. If she likes you, she might throw a tin of brazil nuts (see my response to Pious) into the deal...
Jamba taking time out
On a separate note, Eminem80/Jamba is going to to be stepping aside from the game for a time, whilst he deals with some real life demands on his time. I am hoping that this is temporary and that he is able to rejoin later on in the story - in any case, I wish him good luck getting himself sorted, and thank him for the part he's played to date.
In order to fill Jamba's shoes, MechaPoet has agreed to step in with her PC from our reserve list, Jit, a gnome sorcerer with the stormborn bloodline. Jit used to be a sailor (and sometimes a pirate) until storms started following her around - now she's headed south to make money in the jungle instead!
When/ if Jamba does return, then we'll have a 6-person party again, with higher CR and loot availability to match. This isn't a one-in, one-out situation. Once Jit's profile is posted on the site I'll write her in.
Please join me in welcoming MechaPoet once she arrives.

Jit Wary |

Glad to be joining all of you. I'm hoping that my being a stormborn sorcerer adds some nice thematic ties, and doesn't step on any toes of the wind mystery oracle. :)

GM AbyssDancer |

Welcome. Aaaand...now we have someone who may want to claim all this wee equipment...
Jit has started off with 2nd level wealth, so she should be sufficiently kitted up to start with. In fact, it shows that perhaps I have under-rewarded you all in your rather-more-painful journey to level 2. I shall remember to uplift loot levels for the future...

Aza Barrett |

Shakes fist, I'll be watching you, gnomey!
Welcome aboard!
(Also, Aza has been updated to level 2, no REAL significant changes beyond hp, skills, and her new mystery spell, which will be super useful in making flags wave dramatically)

Aza Barrett |

(Man, I cannot find ANYTHING I want for Aza, I'm usually better at this. I don't want armor cause that's gonna ruin my aesthetic... hm. I'll probably just save up for something else unless someone has a suggestion lol)

Jit Wary |

(Man, I cannot find ANYTHING I want for Aza, I'm usually better at this. I don't want armor cause that's gonna ruin my aesthetic... hm. I'll probably just save up for something else unless someone has a suggestion lol)
I was having the same problem finding stuff for Jit. You could save most of it and buy a few one off scrolls or potions. That and alchemical items are what I spent most of my gold on. You could focus on alchemical remedies rather than weapons what with your curse. :)

Iradyiel Madras |
Dividing the lootBy my calculations, the party 'liberated' cash of 483.6 gp, plus converted to cash a further 820.3 gp (at 50% of 'retail'). As you will learn from my Gameplay post, Banker Baldran will give you 20gp for news of Quinn Vanicus, and Vethorn will give you a 10% discount on all weapon and armour purchases for returning his equipment from the Fort.
Splitting this 5 ways gives you each 264.8 gp. This leaves the masterwork breastplate, claimed by both Iradyiel and Pious. Whichever PC keeps this would have to pay everyone else the (50%) cost from his share, ie 175gp.
- option A: someone keeps the masterwork breastplate. They get 89.8gp, everyone else gets 308.5gp
- option B: sell the breastplate, everyone gets 299.8 GP.
Please decide.
The only anomaly I see here is retaining three +1 animal bane arrows, without anyone in the party having a bow...
I forgot the Commander's masterwork leather armour, which CT saved from the fire. Anyone want to claim it, for 87.5 gp? If not, I'll add it to the cash figures above.
So if we sell the arrows and the leather armor what is the total for each person?
Instead of paying full price for a MW weapon I've decided that Iradyiel will keep the terbutje. I assume I can just subtract the 152.5 gp. the group would receive for it from Iradyiels total as his 'payment'.

GM AbyssDancer |

The figure I gave before for each share after selling the m/work breastplate was 299.8 gp. After selling the m/work studded leather and the 3x +1 animal bane arrows, each share goes up to 365.3 gp .
Iradyiel you are right to assume you subtract the 152.5 gp for the m/work terbutje from your share.
Anyone making purchases of potions or alchemical concoctions will have to do so from Heri She is only able to manufacture 1st level potions, but they are available at 80% off the retail price - her drug-addled state of mind makes he a poor negotiator.
Speaking of Heri, when you return the herb list to her she initially cannot recall asking you to find it, or indeed who you are. With a little persistence, she rewards every member of the party with a potion of lesser restoration each (she uses them to recover from bad drug trips...)

'Pious' Janus Shepherd |

We'll sell the breastplate then. So we each get 365.3gp except Iradyiel who gets less but keeps a shiny stick with rocks in it. Is that the cut of it?
Welcome Jit! Do you have moment to discuss the returning Lord and the good work we must all do to better the world and prepare for the coming judgement day?

GM AbyssDancer |

Hey guys
I got a PM overnight about my last post, asking about protecting the town vs chasing the raiders. If one person is struggling with this, then maybe others are too, so I thought I could usefully share my thoughts on this here.
Here's some points to bear in mind regards Action 2:
- The Module is called 'Ire of the Storm' and the storm is central to the wider plot. Encountering the storm and its potential impact on your new home is worthwhile I think. Otherwise, success or failure vs the bad guys would have less meaning at the end.
- One week ago the raid ended with maybe a half dozen halflings unaccounted for. In four hours a storm will hit Pridon's Hearth and threaten the lives of the 300+ people who live there. Sheriff Adeala is trying to organise/prioritise to do the most good for the most people.
- You have already wondered whether the storm might be supernatural in nature, and with some lightning magic having been used by the raiders, it is just possible that the events at Fort Breakthrough and the storm are linked...
- I promise you that helping the town will only involve a handful of posts and not a long section on window boarding and cart pulling. Plus there may be more robust actions required...
- The raiding party were last tracked heading towards town, not away. It may be that trouble is coming toward you, regardless whether you go looking for it or not...
- I have tried to explore the town with you, and fill it with some memorable NPCs and a few subplots so that Pridon's Heath matters to the party. I hope this is working - let me know here or by PM if not.
I hope the above is helpful. I appreciate we've had a dip in tempo whilst returning, re-equipping, leveling up etc. This will be changing very shortly. Let me know what you think - I want to ensure this is working for everyone.

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Here are my 2 cents on the issue...take them for what they're worth (approximately $0.02, I hope.)
Having spent my summers on the Gulf Coast and had relatives who lived there year round (my aunt fled Katrina) I've never experienced a hurricane but I know how deadly they can be. The idea of wandering around a jungle, trying to track people and potentially fighting them in a torrential downpour and with winds up to 100mph does not appeal to me or Chest Thumper. He would definitely argue to stay in shelter and wait the storm out.
On a more meta-game level, I don't relish the idea of a group of 2nd level characters taking on what clues indicated to be about a dozen lizardfolk who have the capability of controlling, or at least influencing a dinosaur to help them (I'm assuming the pachycephalasaurus was under their control) and at least one person who is a high enough caster to cast some sort of lightning effect. I'm guessing he or she is a druid who is much higher level than Chest Thumper but even if he is a sorcerer or cleric with a weather domain none of us can survive any electricity spell (other than shocking grasp) even if we make our save.
I also suspect the raid on the fort was just a precursor to an assault on the town so I think we need to stick close to Pridon's Hearth to help defend it, if necessary.
I am certain that we will get to face these guys and hold them accountable for their crimes. I just don't think this is the time.

Jit Wary |

My input is maybe clouded (no pun intended) by a newcomer's start of a game hype, and not having experienced much of the game slow down in the return to the town. But I think helping prepare the town for the worst of a storm seems fairly appropriate, and a nice way to make use of some of the mechanics to ramp into the more complicated and involved ones (i.e. combat).
Not to mention that the module assumes we've come here to settle down and join the colony. I may have written Jit's interests to be with exploring ruins and getting into trouble for fun and profit, but she also has to have somewhere to take all that sweet loot. It'd be no good to return to a storm-ravaged ruin.

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Pleasure - a holiday in Singapore and Malaysia.
I am acutely aware that you US-types don't get the same paid time off as we do in Europe. I couldn't do that - I live for my hols!
-Posted with Wayfinder

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Enjoy your trip! I'm jealous.
It's not so bad here. In return for giving us almost no vacation our corporate overlords benefactors give us enough money to eat once a day and enough work to take up 14 hours a day of our time...oh and phones so they can call us while we're sleeping with the rest of the work they need done...

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Shhhh ! They might be listening!
-Posted with Wayfinder

GM AbyssDancer |

Wow guys - that was an eye-opener! Graular the troll was billed as a CR5 encounter, and you demolished her unscathed ! Give yourselves a pat on the back !
Given you are only level 2, and mindful of her damage-dealing abilities (look at that 'rend' ability) I foolishly gave you a pass on her first attack. More fool me. The combo of a colour-spray stun, plus her terrible initiative roll robbing her of any AOO as you closed or an attack at the end, plus a combined 72 HP damage outlay in two rounds, all means I need to suppress my compassion next time...
Well done.

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Thank you, thank you. I'd like to thank all the little people who helped make this happen...Francis...I mean, not little! You're big. And scary!
It's interesting comparing this to the fight with the Grippli. I'm certain it had a lower CR but had an impressive tactical advantage over us (namely fighting a group with almost no ranged attacks,) while in this case, the troll had to fight us on our terms (which is melee combat.)
Hopefully, the addition of Jit will help us strike a better balance between those two.

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Hey Aza - just for my records, did you use that second burning hands, or not?
-Posted with Wayfinder

Jit Wary |

Hi all, I apologize but my posting will be a bit delayed. I haven't been feeling well and I've not really had the energy to post. I'll do my best to follow up with a post tomorrow!

Iradyiel Madras |
Hi all, I apologize but my posting will be a bit delayed. I haven't been feeling well and I've not really had the energy to post. I'll do my best to follow up with a post tomorrow!
Take care of yourself and get better! being sick sucks.
yeah I have a gift for stating the obvious.
We'll see you tomorrow.

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Ladies/gents: am travelling today but will file a post tonight (Asia time) for your descent back into Island Town. I have also chased Pious, who has not posted for a while.
-Posted with Wayfinder

GM AbyssDancer |

Guys, Louxman has some things going on which need to take precedence for a while, and has asked me to bot Pious for a while. While I can't match his prose style (thank goodness - it would give me nightmares to have to think like that), you will have Pious' sword arm with you, for the duration of the storm at least. After that, I'll make a call whether to continue pending his return or put him on hold as with Jamba.

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On a separate note, in the midst of describing the storm in Pridon's Heath, I'm stood on the 30th floor of a building in Malaysia, watching the biggest thunderstorm I have ever experienced roll over the city. It's awesome; but, no trolls or sharks yet...
-Posted with Wayfinder