Pasha's Epic-Level Coliseum Morpheuon Campaign

Game Master Pasha of the Nightsands

A thrilling, epic-level romp through the Dreamlands and across the planes inspired by old-school Planescape and Rite Publishing's Coliseum Morpheuon and Faces of the Tarnished Souk books.

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Can we get the proper names for the different organisations in the city? As the sphere wiki uses different names for copyright reasons.

So a second PC..... Challenge accepted.

Maedyri wrote:
Can we get the proper names for the different organisations in the city? As the sphere wiki uses different names for copyright reasons.

I can answer this one too, as I have the book(both the HC and PDF) from when I backed the Kickstarter. Most names are slightly changed on the wiki(proper name first):

Chrysalis Covenant/Cocoon Pact
Descendants of Dream/Children of Dreams
Eternal Dawning/Everlasting Dawn
The Foreseen/Forseers
Hands of Onus/Hands of Burden
House of Heights/House of Prominence
Icegrave Enclave/Frozen Graves
Sanguine Sovereignty/Scarlet Sovereignty
The Temple of Coin/Church of Coin
Thunderchildren/Descendants of Thunder

Pasha of the Nightsands wrote:
@eriktd: Duskashae looks looks pretty cool! I saw that you explicitly left a few open plot hooks I can run with down the road. Would you like the discuss those and get something worked out pre-game or would you prefer I just make it a surprise that you roll with? I'm fine with either one.

Ooo, I think I'd prefer the surprise if I have a choice. I really enjoy learning more about the setting as I go, and not knowing what to expect sounds really fascinating!

Character is fully built! Including mythic plans up to tier 10. Funnily enough, the biggest challenge was keeping the character simple. Because with too many options, I know that I'll just end up forgetting the majority of them.

Regardless of whether or not Godwyn makes it in, I had alot of fun making this character. A great ruleset to be creative with. :)

I'm also done except for gear. I still have +170k and nothing that I actually need.

Sgrack wrote:
I'm also done except for gear. I still have +170k and nothing that I actually need.

How about an instant fortress? 55k to have a fortress pop up at will.

Or...A Chaos Cutter

160k for a ship that can sail between planes. Not something that would likely be needed, but cool to have.

And another template Q for the Pasha
Smoke Creature.

Okay. I was finally able to transition everything into a new alias and write a backstory for my character.

Let me know if there are any remaining questions, comments, or concerns!

@Maedyri: Monkeygod's list is spot-on. There are other organizations in Hyraeatan, but the fourteen Parities (and the Circle of Wardens obviously!) are the only ones that have any presence in the story as I've written it.

@eriktd: Ha, I can respect that level of adventurousness! Very well, I'll come up with some interesting plothooks then.

@Godwyn Blaecwulf: I agree that having too many options on hand can sometimes impact your ability to actually choose a course of action. It's much easier to deal with multiple options as a GM because you usually design NPCs and monsters with specific goals and behaviors in mind, exempli gratia being that simplified breakdown I did for some of the Jack of Diamonds's abilities and behaviors.

@pad300: Smoke Creature is fine.

@Arc Zeon - Humanity's Zenith!: Kerkamoth as a patron deity? Now that's something you don't see every day! I didn't do any hard number-crunching on your character yet, but nothing appears too off-kilter and outside the realm of possibility at first glance.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Society Subscriber

GM, it does not seem spelled out in Psionics–Magic Transparency material I've read, do effects that provide a bonus to Caster Level affect Manifester Level?

Oh, I forgot about the two bonus mythic feats. (And the three traits, but at this level that's not much of a difference)

I was thinking a bit about the consequences of The First Flame speaking through this telepathy apparatus. In addition to the limitations of "Can only speak to someone within 720' that my light is shining on", the fact that it can't hear responses telepathically fits with the connection with its light--it's radiating the thoughts out, but it can't receive them. More important, it's a standard action for it to speak--it takes it some effort to phrase its alien thoughts into something understandable to most other beings.

I'm thinking its speech will sometimes be more imagery than words, depending on whether or not it feels the need to construct its thoughts in language to get it across.

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Pasha of the Nightsands wrote:
@Arc Zeon - Humanity's Zenith!: Kerkamoth as a patron deity? Now that's something you don't see every day! I didn't do any hard number-crunching on your character yet, but nothing appears too off-kilter and outside the realm of possibility at first glance.

Yeah, choice of deity is pretty important for an Epilektoi; your deity's alignment determines what disciplines you'll have access to (and to some extent, which disciplines you DON'T have access to).

I think the disciplines offered by Lawful deities are all amazing, especially since Golden Lion and Solar Wind both give potential access to Leaden Hyena and Sagitta Stellaris respectively, which are both great disciplines.

I especially wanted Solar Wind. Partially because I knew I wanted to be capable of both melee and ranged attacks, and partially because I thought having an Aligned Discipline with Perception as it's associated skill would be very useful. It's aligned with Leaden Hyena, which has Bluff as it's Associated Skill.

Due to how Aligned Disciplines work, I can now use my Perception bonus whenever I make a Bluff check. Then, thanks to Master of Words from the Fencing Sphere, I can use Bluff in place of Diplomacy and Intimidate - all with my Perception skill bonus, instead.

I chose Neutral on the Good/Evil access because I really wanted Eternal Guardian, since I knew I wanted to be a party tank, and didn't really care for the other major tanking discipline, Iron Tortoise. Some of the best things it does with counters are things I can already do as an Impossible Warrior, so Iron Tortoise never really made sense for the build. Luckily, Leaden Hyena picks up the slack and makes good use of it's associated skill in forcing enemies to attack me instead of my allies, so having a nice bonus for it on a Wisdom-focused class that otherwise dumps Charisma was nice.

My remaining 2 disciplines were Radiant Dawn (because any decent Tank worth their salt needs access to reliable healing, and being the last one standing makes you a good party healer by default), as well as Fool's Errand. Fool's Errand is another psuedo-tanking discipline, and more importantly, has one of the most powerful maneuvers in Path of War history. "Proof of Victory" is basically the martial equivalent to "Wish," allowing the user to replace it's effect with any other lower level maneuver. This translates to an absurd amount of versatility at a moment's notice. It's especially good for characters that rely on otherwise randomly-generated "granted" maneuvers.

Once the alignment and martial disciplines were sorted out, I took a look at the deities who qualified. Initially, I chose Kerkamoth because their Deific Obedience had really useful powers - the ability to "blip" out of existence once a day to avoid attacks is really useful, and the pseudo-immunity to negative levels was a great addition to my list of defenses.

Alas, I realized that Obedience Feats give you SLAs as their first boon, and I had already made the decision that I didn't want the character to have any spellcasting whatsoever. So I ended up getting rid of the Obedience feat, but keeping the deity.

I'm basically tying it to my backstory. The character is strongly based on Captain America. The suggestion is that the character is actually originally from a comic book dimension that was destroyed. But because he was immortal, he survived the death of his universe and met with "Eternity(/Kerkamoth)" who ferried them to the safety of the City of 7 Seraphs.

Because they're not originally from the Pathfinder dimension, they aren't really familiar with Vancian spellcasting. Hence why they don't like it and tend not to use it if they could avoid it. Their expressions of magical power come purely from the use of supernaturally enhanced martial abilities, which they have a ton more experience with.

Here's a general idea of who Maedyri does and does not get along with

Loyalty Chrysalis Covenant, Elven Pantheon
Helpful Ashborn, Eternal Dawning, worshippers Calistria, Desna, Shelyn, Sarenrae, Nocticula
Friendly Thunder Children, Steamwalkers, Descendents of Dreams, worshippers of Gorum and most good deities
Indifferent House of Heights, Foreseen, Sanguine Sovereignty
Unfriendly Temple of Coin, Hands of Onus, worshippers of most evil deities
Hostile Blackblades, Icegrave Enclave, Bookbinders, worshippers of Urgathoa, Rovagug

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Could I have a custom Keyhome that is both larger and provides food and furnishings?

Somebody in the Spheres discord came up with the following:

Caster Level 16 - Warp - 90,000 GP
The Keymanor looks and functions much like a Keyhome, though it contains 16 20ft cubes instead. Additionally it automatically contains furniture of wood and stone as appropriate for a high-end manor and produces enough food and water to feed up to 16 medium sized creatures each day. This furniture and food automatically disappear if taken out of the Keymanor’s space, and reappear in place after its closed and re-opened. The Str DC is increased to 22, while the Escape Artist check is DC 35.

Caster Level 20 - Warp - 200,000 GP
The Keypalace looks and functions much like a Keymanor, though it contains 400 20ft cubes instead (though it can be no larger than 20 20ft cubes in any direction), contains luxury furniture and produces enough food and water to feed up to 100 medium sized creatures each day. The Str DC is now 25, and the Escape Artist check is 40.

I would want the Keypalace, and am more than willing to pay full price.

I do not envy Pasha in the least, for having to pick a party from all these amazing characters. And I look forward to the official selection!

@Saashaa: Transparency rules are just there to prevent situations where hostile magical/psionic effects cannot be interacted with by a party without one or the other. So CL/ML don't stack.

@The First Flame: I'm honestly fine with either version of the telepathy since there's already a precedent with aeon telepathy bucking the trend. I really like the idea of atypical forms of telepathy if I'm being completely honest.

@Arc Zeon: A clever trick to get four skills for the price of one! Unless I'm misremembering the wording, that seems like a legitimate combo. And it's not like there isn't a precedent for skills being used for multiple other skills, as Versatile Performance is baked right into the core rules with Bards.

@Maedyri: That list of views towards factions is nice to have! I am curious why Maedyri is unfriendly with the Hands of Onus though. Is it because they're too stodgy? Or is it because of a deeper principle like her being opposed to the idea of people burdening themselves as a matter of obligation, even if those burdens accomplish good? Not a huge deal or anything, just something that sparked my curiosity.

@Monkeygod: Feel free to live it up in your personal Keypalace! There's already a precedent for increasing the size of magic habitation items, so I don't really have a problem with those two items.

@Josten Cailen: Oh trust me, I'm VERY conflicted about what the final party composition is going to look like! The character concepts are wicked cool. Not only that, but I'm about halfway through number-crunching and taking notes on builds and, while there are a few things that need correction in a few statblocks, a lot of the math checks out and the builds could be fun to play against.

All right, I went back and added a couple more mythic feats to the first flame (adding to its list of immunities that I'm trying to get as much like an elemental as possible, mostly, but also making up for the fact that I was actually overspent by one on magic talents). I'm actually a little tempted to go back and change its "Immune to Light" deific talent because now it has fire immunity from another source, but decided I wanted the additional immunities from it enough to keep it. Also realized I'd missed the extra 10 HP. Theoretically The First Flame is now complete other than traits (and I'm probably going to keep putting off traits until I find out if it gets in since they're so minor I doubt they'd have any effect on selection and the list to choose from is long...).

Now I just have to convince myself that just because I came up with a cool build for a different character I haven't gotten to play much doesn't mean I need to go and actually build a second character. XD

It's more of a distrust towards the leadership of the hands of onus and an assumption that they have ulterior motives. Though they're recent move away from classism has softened her opinion.

@The First Flame: It's fine if you hold off on traits for now since, as you said, they're pretty much inconsequential at this point.

@Maedyri: I could see how someone would suspect ulterior motives from a group that encourages people to take on burdens and work for the benefit of others instead of themselves. Now my curiosity is sated!

Maedyri wrote:

Here's a general idea of who Maedyri does and does not get along with

Loyalty Chrysalis Covenant, Elven Pantheon
Helpful Ashborn, Eternal Dawning, worshippers Calistria, Desna, Shelyn, Sarenrae, Nocticula
Friendly Thunder Children, Steamwalkers, Descendents of Dreams, worshippers of Gorum and most good deities
Indifferent House of Heights, Foreseen, Sanguine Sovereignty
Unfriendly Temple of Coin, Hands of Onus, worshippers of most evil deities
Hostile Blackblades, Icegrave Enclave, Bookbinders, worshippers of Urgathoa, Rovagug

If Vulpiano and Maedyri both get it in, it will be super interesting. Officially he worships Nocticula, but he's also a LE half-fiend, and a member of the Bookbinders, lol

Ooo, that would be interesting.

All right, Ver 2.0, about 60% mechanically complete.

We're looking at a Marksman/Legendary Ninja.

Ok, I have a question about the availability and cost of sphere spellcasting services.

Godwyn Blaecwulf has the following under sphere talents:


Alteration Sphere

**** Lingering, Permanent, Agile, Bestial Reflexes
- Dodge: The target gains a +2 dodge bonus to AC. - Evasion: The target gains incredible reflexes. When the target succeeds at a Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save, it instead takes no damage. This ability does not function when wearing medium or heavy armor. - Initiative: The target gains quickened reactions, granting a +4 competence bonus to initiative. - Uncanny Dodge: The target is no longer flat-footed at the start of combat nor loses Dexterity to AC against invisible attackers. - Pounce

As I read that, that lets him cast a permanent blank form transformation on anyone that has 5 traits from Agile and Bestial reflexes. He has used this on himself to give himself Dodge (+2 to AC), Evasion, a +4 init bonus, Uncanny Dodge and pounce...

Can you purchase this sort of thing as a spellcasting service? How much?

Ah, I see that I forgot to take the Lycanthropic drawback, as I hadn't even considered casting this on an ally. But now that it is brought up, I don't think that there is anything stopping him from doing so. It would just cost 4 spell points per ally.

1 spell point for blank transformation. 1 spell point for pounce. 2 spell points for Permanent Transformation.

Godwyn wouldn't charge for blessing an ally. Though assuming 5 allies, it would take him down to just 7 spell points per day for other abilities. As I see it, members of a group should help each other where possible. And spell points are there to be spent. The only consideration would be whether or not an ally would want heaven's blessing.

Pasha of the Nightsands wrote:

@Arc Zeon: A clever trick to get four skills for the price of one! Unless I'm misremembering the wording, that seems like a legitimate combo. And it's not like there isn't a precedent for skills being used for multiple other skills, as Versatile Performance is baked right into the core rules with Bards.

Funnily enough, I took the Entertainer & Conductor Drawbacks in both Gladiator and Warleader Sphere to make it so that both Spheres use my Perform (Oratory) skill and skill ranks whenever needed. I already had Skill Focus in Perform (Oratory), due to it being a prereq for Eldritch Heritage in the Human-only Imperious Bloodline. This way, I could minimize wasted skill ranks in Intimidate and Diplomacy. The Virtuous drawback helped me minimize wasted skill ranks in Bluff, too.

I should note, the Martial Contract in the Dreadbringer sub-specialization of the Gladiator Sphere allows one to change the attribute used for the Intimidate skill. I instead applied this to Perform (Oratory) as per the Entertainer drawback. That said, I'm not entirely sure if this works out perfectly, but if not, it just means that my Perform (Oratory) goes from +60 to +50 and my otherwise useless Intimidate skill goes from +20 to +30. But the bonus itself doesn't really matter for either skill. Mostly just optimizing skill rank usage.

Godwyn Blaecwulf wrote:

Ah, I see that I forgot to take the Lycanthropic drawback, as I hadn't even considered casting this on an ally. But now that it is brought up, I don't think that there is anything stopping him from doing so. It would just cost 4 spell points per ally.

1 spell point for blank transformation. 1 spell point for pounce. 2 spell points for Permanent Transformation.

Godwyn wouldn't charge for blessing an ally. Though assuming 5 allies, it would take him down to just 7 spell points per day for other abilities. As I see it, members of a group should help each other where possible. And spell points are there to be spent. The only consideration would be whether or not an ally would want heaven's blessing.

For what it's worth, Arc Zeon already has a Ring of Evasion as well as Uncanny Dodge from VMC Barbarian. (He used to be a VMC Rogue, but Furious weapons are too useful for an Impossible Warrior to not have Rage).

His initiative is also one of the higher ones already at +30, and he can further boost either his initiative or an ally's with the Radiant Dawn Maneuver, Witness to Glory.

So... Arc Zeon is probably fine without heaven's blessing at the moment.

Godwyn Blaecwulf wrote:

Ah, I see that I forgot to take the Lycanthropic drawback, as I hadn't even considered casting this on an ally. But now that it is brought up, I don't think that there is anything stopping him from doing so. It would just cost 4 spell points per ally.

1 spell point for blank transformation. 1 spell point for pounce. 2 spell points for Permanent Transformation.

Godwyn wouldn't charge for blessing an ally. Though assuming 5 allies, it would take him down to just 7 spell points per day for other abilities. As I see it, members of a group should help each other where possible. And spell points are there to be spent. The only consideration would be whether or not an ally would want heaven's blessing.

Ok, maybe I missed something. I thought permanent made the spell effect instantaneous; it doesn't go away (not even dispellable and could be cast years ago... maybe an anti-magic field would suppress it, but those changes could be extraordinary abilities... I don't see anything in the rules specifying it.)

And now I have found the rules for magic item creation... Down the rabbit hole I go.

Considering that Sgrack is somewhat similar to Zac, I'm working on an alternate submission of a shark based animal lord warrior that, hear me out, brings the sea with her to force underwater combat on her foes.

This is the insanity level of stuff we get with these rules lol.

Sgrack wrote:

Considering that Sgrack is somewhat similar to Zac, I'm working on an alternate submission of a shark based animal lord warrior that, hear me out, brings the sea with her to force underwater combat on her foes.

This is the insanity level of stuff we get with these rules lol.

I'm guessing by "Zac," you mean Arc Zeon, huh?

Not a bad nickname, though, I kinda like it.

Also, it kinda sounds like you're building Jinbe from One Piece. Dude's my favorite character, so I'd love to see it.

I might also see what I can do to make a gun-slinging Bloodrager work with these rules. Never hurts to have a backup character, I suppose!

I have two big problems when it comes to potentially working on a second character:

1) I make my PCs all by hand. No Hero Labs or similar program.

2) I have dozens of various concepts floating in my head, and absolutely no idea which one I would choose for a second PC, LOL

@Sgrack: Oh? I'm interested in seeing that, as I made an NPC for this campaign's arena arc that sorta fits that schtick. I dove deep into the Cerulean Seas content for her, so her "personal ocean" is exceedingly lethal considering that she can congeal the water to entangle foes and shut down water breathing, superheat it, push them around with turbulent waters, and such in addition to her own personal abilities, all of which have high DCs.

On second thought, I just took a cursory glance at Legendary Bloodrager and it dawned on me that there's... absolutely zero way to get your class features to work with any non-thrown Ranged weapon.

So... that dream died quickly, lol.

Alas, it's built off of the Unchanined Barbarian's rage, which I absolutely despise because of how much more restrictive it is compared to base Barbarian rage.

@Arc Zeon - Humanity's Zenith!: What was your general plan for the build? I might be able to think of some piece of obscure material if you let me know what you need to make it work. I know there's a feat out there that gives STR to ranged firearm-based ranged attack rolls instead of DEX, although I can't remember the name. I do know that the flavor text on it was something about using strength to control the climb of each shot.

Pasha of the Nightsands wrote:
@Arc Zeon - Humanity's Zenith!: What was your general plan for the build? I might be able to think of some piece of obscure material if you let me know what you need to make it work. I know there's a feat out there that gives STR to ranged firearm-based ranged attack rolls instead of DEX, although I can't remember the name. I do know that the flavor text on it was something about using strength to control the climb of each shot.

That would be great... if Legendary Bloodrager's rage worked like normal. Alas, both Legendary Barbarian and Legendary Bloodrager have a rage that's based on Unchanined Barbarian's rage. In other words, it gives a +2 bonus to, "melee attack rolls, melee damage rolls, & thrown weapon damage rolls," which does nothing for Archery or other projectile weapons.

Funnily enough, the regular Barbarian and Bloodrager both have an "Urban" archetype that's good for ranged cuz it boosts Dex, but... not the Unchained/Legendary versions, lol.

But don't worry about it. I'd rather play Arc Zeon and support the team anyway than just be another damage dealer.

Fair enough, just figured I'd offer to help you look for a way to make it work.

... How much time left until recruitment ends, and has the character creation changed at all from the Opening Post?

@Fury of the Tempest: There's about a week left and character creation hasn't changed, although there have been a few things that were banned or clarified.

Pasha of the Nightsands wrote:
@Fury of the Tempest: There's about a week left and character creation hasn't changed, although there have been a few things that were banned or clarified.

Perfect! So I will get to work on my character sheet tomorrow, as it is 20 minutes to midnight here. And I would politely request:

A. A list of banned materials.

B. A list of current PCs? Or is this an entirely second party? Just, would be nice to have suggestions on where to avoid stepping on others' toes. Though admittedly, with how big these characters are, it's less I'm worried about stepping on others' toes and more I'm worried about taking a chainsaw to their leg.

@Fury of the Tempest: Apart from the bans mentioned in the OP, I've been making rulings on allowing or banning things case by case. There's way too much third-party out there to sift through everything.

There are no currently accepted PCs, but there are plenty of applications here. Godwyn Blaecwulf's player has kindly compiled a list a page or two back. There have been a few additions since then, but it covers roughly about 2/3 of the applications. Characters have been submitted for basically every broad archetype imaginable- skill monkey, gish, melee blender, sniper, ultracaster, support bot, etc- so you're liable to step on a few toes one way or the other. My suggestion to you is just build what you want and work to differentiate yourself into a niche you would enjoy playing.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Thanks GM, I didn't think so, but I've never actually had the opportunity to play with psionics. It seemed too good to be true.

I'm getting close. I've made some changes. I'm no longer a wanderer. Instead, Legend wielder with 2 minors (Automaton Core and Staff of Eldritch Sovereignty). Also, I was going to change my race to human.

The name of my super mage: Asipu

While, being human left a bad taste in my mouth originally, the backstory that is developing more than makes up for it.

I suppose if I wanted to have a backup character, I could go with Han Dae-Wi, a Striker (Elemental Fist)/Mystic (Aurora Soul) I built a while back for another similar campaign. Between the constantly growing resources of Animus and Tension, it was really fun managing both resources and using both to great success.

The character ended up being quite the mobile melee blender, capable of pounce-full attacking on readied actions and the like. Could also make attacks at range, too.

The thing is... I already played it for a little while. I know it's good. It even had a few tanking disciplines, because I like playing tanks. But I haven't played an Epilektoi like Arc Zeon, yet. And I kinda want to.

That said, I suppose it wouldn't hurt to update Han Dae-Wi for this game, just in case.

One week left, cool GM, can't want to see what the last of the PCs look like. Some really amazing builds on here.

@Saashaa: Both of those minor artifacts are approved.

@Kaouse: Han Dae-Wi certainly looks fun to play! I enjoy more dynamic characters myself, so I understand the appeal. What's the lore on him?

@Cronossuss Fallen of Time: Oh yeah, there's a ton of amazing builds. That isn't going to make selections easy by any stretch of the imagination.

Pasha of the Nightsands wrote:
@Fury of the Tempest: Apart from the bans mentioned in the OP, I've been making rulings on allowing or banning things case by case. There's way too much third-party out there to sift through everything.

Hmmm, fair enough then. I'll probably try to keep to stuff on the Sphere's Wiki and the Legendary Kineticist. I really do enjoy the Legendary Kineticist and its elements.

Pasha of the Nightsands wrote:
There are no currently accepted PCs, but there are plenty of applications here. Godwyn Blaecwulf's player has kindly compiled a list a page or two back. There have been a few additions since then, but it covers roughly about 2/3 of the applications. Characters have been submitted for basically every broad archetype imaginable- skill monkey, gish, melee blender, sniper, ultracaster, support bot, etc- so you're liable to step on a few toes one way or the other. My suggestion to you is just build what you want and work to differentiate yourself into a niche you would enjoy playing.

So, recruitment really has been going on for over a month? Damn. That's, impressive.

And yeah, I've found it. Quite the collection, a lot of Lawful creatures. Also, 6 Males, 3 Females and 1 Agender. Just an interesting note there.

@Fury of the Tempest: Yep, recruitment has been going for the better part of a month. I know it takes a while for people not used to this level of mechanical nonsense to adjust and figure out what to build, so I wanted to make sure people had sufficient time to whip up a character.

Fair enough. I have a quick question. Sphere Half-Fiend is a template that is taken by others, for good reason as it is pretty strong. But I was wondering if we could use this to create a Half-Fey version of it? Where instead of Alteration, Death, Destruction, or Fate talents, its Alteration, Fate, Illusion or Mind? And switching Smite Good for Smite Law

Either that, or the Becoming, True feat allows me to ignore the alignment restriction involved.

Currently thinking of going straight Legendary Kineticist 20 | Fey Adept 20. Trinity Knight is pretty strong, but also complicated, and I only have a week left.

@Fury of the Tempest: I'm not really allowing sweeping template changes because it could open a whole can of worms where my adjudication is required for potentially dozens of requests.

Pasha of the Nightsands wrote:
@Fury of the Tempest: I'm not really allowing sweeping template changes because it could open a whole can of worms where my adjudication is required for potentially dozens of requests.

That's fair. A shame, would have been nice to have an extra 10 talents to play around with, but I'll have to deal without it.

Pasha of the Nightsands wrote:
@Sgrack: Oh? I'm interested in seeing that, as I made an NPC for this campaign's arena arc that sorta fits that schtick. I dove deep into the Cerulean Seas content for her, so her "personal ocean" is exceedingly lethal considering that she can congeal the water to entangle foes and shut down water breathing, superheat it, push them around with turbulent waters, and such in addition to her own personal abilities, all of which have high DCs.

Repurposing the same alias as before since the name feels aquatic.

So, my plan is going for a kehshig/warlord, with the race being atlantean (or human, if atlantean is not allowed for some reason).

For boons, I'd be taking the templates (hammerhead shark animal lord, sublime, advanced and mutant) and the Prestige Class (storm warrior).

With the Path of War system, I want to make use of the Surging Shark discipline that has the call of the deep effects, only on if I'm aquatic and in water (both of these are achievable by being in the discipline's style). The Storm Warrior prestige class will give me two storm slots.

Now, here are some problems I'd like to discuss and propose solutions:

The problem lies with the storm veils and a very important item for them, which I feel aren't that well written or thought in conjunction, leading to some worldbuilding problems. It is important to say that I'll be choosing these 90% as flavour.

I'm interested in the The Swallowing Sea and The Vortex veils. With the two, I'll be able to create a big area of ocean around me and a cool vortex to trap and damage my enemies. Until here, nothing really problematic. The Swallowing Sea at its minimum effect will create water up to 5ft high, which will have people swimming to move (which should be irrelevant for the party since at this level everyone likely have constant freedom of movement).

The problem arises with the main item for storm veils, the Stormbinder's Crook.

Normally, storm veils have no effect outside of combat since you can't invest them with normal essence. As combat begins, you gain storm essence each round to invest into them. While no essence is invested, they do nothing.

However, the way the crook is worded, after it is attuned (which must occur when you shape your veils for the day), simply by holding it will give the storm veils 3 essence, which will effectively turn them on permanently! To mitigate this, I'd have to voluntarily suppress my veil and then unsuppress as a move action, which is fair.

The problem is that I loose the finesse of deciding on the strength of my veils as I go from 0-3 in an instant.

My intention is to have my sword have the crook's power (I've taken the mentioned capstone that will make my sword into a minor artifact, so I think adding this effect is appropriate). Would you be ok for me to choose how many of these virtual veils are in effect?

Ex.: I choose to keep the storm veils with no essence and when I enter combat, I can then invest them with my storm essence. While I do so, I also decide how many of these extra veils will be in effect. The max I can increase would be +3 (for a major crook), so I could have The Swallowing Sea with 1 essence (0 normal + 1 extra) and have The Vortex with 5 essence (2 normal + 3 extra).

I'm also worried about becoming a hindrance to my fellow companions. The area of a storm veil is MASSIVE at 75feet radius. Even with the benefits of waterproofing, they'll still need to swim around all the time, specially if I invest more points into The Swallowing Sea. At just 1 essence likely the whole battlefield will be water of 5ft deep. At 3 essence, water will be 15ft deep! So when I unsuppress the storm, it will instantly flood to 15ft lol.

If possible I'd also request for my sword to allow me to shrink the area of the storm veils. All in all, I'm interested in making these veils less damaging/problematic to everyone else, not make them more powerful for me.

Also, I'm combining these effects with the Weather Sphere, in particular the precipitation aspect. The levels of precipitation are: None > Mist > Fog > Moderate Rain > Heavy Rain > Flash Flood > Great Flood. I believe even at minimum power with 5ft of water all around, it would be the equivalent of "great flood". To give you some idea, there is a storm veil called The Flash Flood that only reaches 5ft deep with 10 essence invested, compared to the 1 essence of The Swallowing Sea.

Fury of the Tempest wrote:
Pasha of the Nightsands wrote:
@Fury of the Tempest: I'm not really allowing sweeping template changes because it could open a whole can of worms where my adjudication is required for potentially dozens of requests.
That's fair. A shame, would have been nice to have an extra 10 talents to play around with, but I'll have to deal without it.

Might consider the Great Mind PrC, possibly in conjunction with the Boon of the Well Travelled Wanderer.

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