GM AbyssDancer's 'Ire of the Storm'

Game Master AbyssDancer

Drawn by tales of long-lost temples and the abandoned riches of long-dead heretical cults, the PCs are not the first treasure-hunters, fortune-seekers, or troubled souls hoping for a fresh start at the frontier town of Pridon's Hearth. But dark threatening stormclouds are gathering beyond the horizon, for both the colonists and for the wider region. It is far from certain that this mixed group of heroes and chancers will survive to make their fortune, and in so doing shield the growing colony from raging tempests and hostile monsters. Dare they brave the Ire of the Storm?

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Grand Lodge

'Pious' Janus Shepherd wrote:
On a scale of 1 to Asmodean how evil would it be to make a lizard man skin hilt...?

I would have no issue with that at all.

-Posted with Wayfinder

Female Human Oracle 3
Init: +8 | HP: 22/25 | AC: 16 | FF: 14 | Tch: 12 | Fort: +2 | Ref: +3 | Will: +3 | Perc: +3 | 1; 0/6 Spells Left

Wouldn't your hand get super sweaty from gripping that leather, in the heat of battle no less? We'd have to peel it out of your hands, just disgusting :P

Grand Lodge

AC29 (34); touch15; flat-footed 24 hp 88/94Fort 10, Ref +12, Will +5 Frost Ape Male Frost Ape 14th level Companion N Large animal Init +4; Senses lowlight vision, scent; Perc: +1

We could make a shark skin grip out of those sh....wait, those were just water, weren't they?

Female Human Oracle 3
Init: +8 | HP: 22/25 | AC: 16 | FF: 14 | Tch: 12 | Fort: +2 | Ref: +3 | Will: +3 | Perc: +3 | 1; 0/6 Spells Left

Damn it, you can't make water into a weapon without magic! What's this world coming to?

Grand Lodge

I've been making water into a weapon the whole time! And there's more to come, too...

-Posted with Wayfinder

Iradyiel Madras wrote:

Action 2 ???, do we do this that night or the next morning, I saw that Gallo asked 'what's next' is there anymore information forthcoming?

Hey guys

Sorry if I wasn't clear - I meant to suggest that whilst you can continue to interact with NPCs, there will be a time afterwards when you are all sat at a quiet corner table, and can discuss together what your next steps might be.

I may have confused you by having Gallo ask the same question ("What next?") but that's just him being curious...

Female Human Oracle 3
Init: +8 | HP: 22/25 | AC: 16 | FF: 14 | Tch: 12 | Fort: +2 | Ref: +3 | Will: +3 | Perc: +3 | 1; 0/6 Spells Left

super sorry guys - there was a problem with my house internet and im stuck on mobile til October - I will try to post earlier but at the latest i'll post on the 1st

Grand Lodge

Aza Barrett wrote:
super sorry guys - there was a problem with my house internet and im stuck on mobile til October - I will try to post earlier but at the latest i'll post on the 1st

1st October, right? No problem - the crowd at the Stone Hall will wait !

-Posted with Wayfinder

Grand Lodge

Hey MechaPoet: I just checked your profile to check you are writing from the US. You wrote 'At last Jit put her pants back on...'. In British English those words would imply that Jit has been concealing rather less from the crowd than you expected...

-Posted with Wayfinder

Grand Lodge

AC29 (34); touch15; flat-footed 24 hp 88/94Fort 10, Ref +12, Will +5 Frost Ape Male Frost Ape 14th level Companion N Large animal Init +4; Senses lowlight vision, scent; Perc: +1

Heh...I'm pretty sure she kept her knickers on.

Gnome Sorcerer 3 | 18/20 HP | 13 AC (+2 in jungle) 13 T 11 FF | 11 CMD | F +4 R +3 W +2 (+2 vs fear) | Init +7 | Perc +5 | SM -1 | Thunderstaff 7/7 | Spells: 1st 6/6

That's why I went with "pantaloons" during her initial disrobing and was considering trying to throw around the word "smallclothes" in my last post. :P

Words are fake, actually.

Grand Lodge

AC29 (34); touch15; flat-footed 24 hp 88/94Fort 10, Ref +12, Will +5 Frost Ape Male Frost Ape 14th level Companion N Large animal Init +4; Senses lowlight vision, scent; Perc: +1

At least there are no cars around so there won't be any confusion if you throw something in your boot or bonnet.

Grand Lodge

Dammit I'm impressed - you know your British English. So if I say it'll take a 'fortnight' to reach the Song'o village, will you know what I mean without looking it up?

-Posted with Wayfinder

Grand Lodge

AC29 (34); touch15; flat-footed 24 hp 88/94Fort 10, Ref +12, Will +5 Frost Ape Male Frost Ape 14th level Companion N Large animal Init +4; Senses lowlight vision, scent; Perc: +1

I've never been sure about a fortnight. I think it's 2 weeks, though.

I find this kind of thing fascinating, btw. It makes me think about the possibility that there will come a time when American and British are actually different languages with the same origin the way French, Spanish and Italian are.

It doesn't end there, either. I'm betting there's at least 1 American here who will call queing up standing ON line instead of standing IN line like me.

Hey, google says a fortnight is two week :-)

I think with the internet and global communication we might be able to retain some common terminologies.

Sort of like in 'Firefly' where English and Chinese have mixed into the one remaining language :)

Gnome Sorcerer 3 | 18/20 HP | 13 AC (+2 in jungle) 13 T 11 FF | 11 CMD | F +4 R +3 W +2 (+2 vs fear) | Init +7 | Perc +5 | SM -1 | Thunderstaff 7/7 | Spells: 1st 6/6

Some visual inspiration from today's Pathfinder Battles blog

Female Human Oracle 3
Init: +8 | HP: 22/25 | AC: 16 | FF: 14 | Tch: 12 | Fort: +2 | Ref: +3 | Will: +3 | Perc: +3 | 1; 0/6 Spells Left

Yeesh, I hope that we don't have to face any giant enemy crabs anytime soon (I do remember that gods damned chuul from Carrion Crown and I remember my character dying to it).

Gnome Sorcerer 3 | 18/20 HP | 13 AC (+2 in jungle) 13 T 11 FF | 11 CMD | F +4 R +3 W +2 (+2 vs fear) | Init +7 | Perc +5 | SM -1 | Thunderstaff 7/7 | Spells: 1st 6/6

Loot stuff:

Wand of touch of the sea: Chest Thumper and Jit can activate.
Scroll of water breathing: Aza, Chest Thumper, and Jit can activate.

How would y'all like to divvy those up?

It looks like we have some another wand, too, and I don't know if any of our other things detect as magical. So I'll roll some Spellcraft checks to identify them if so.

Spellcraft black/silver wand: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (10) + 6 = 16
Spellcraft amethyst necklace?: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (7) + 6 = 13
Spellcraft jade brooch?: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (19) + 6 = 25

Female Human Oracle 3
Init: +8 | HP: 22/25 | AC: 16 | FF: 14 | Tch: 12 | Fort: +2 | Ref: +3 | Will: +3 | Perc: +3 | 1; 0/6 Spells Left

Aza can take the scroll of water breathing if nobody else has strong feelings on the matter... because that's almost certainly going to come up.

Aza will also do some spellcrafting!

Spellcraft Black/Silver Wand: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (7) + 6 = 13

Spellcraft Amethyst Necklace (I don't think this one is anything other than loot, but...: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (20) + 6 = 26

Spellcraft Jade Brooch: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (9) + 6 = 15

The wand is a wand of CMW with 8 remaining charges; the brooch is a fully-charged Brooch of Shielding, worth 750 gold. The amethyst brooch is non-magical.

Grand Lodge

AC29 (34); touch15; flat-footed 24 hp 88/94Fort 10, Ref +12, Will +5 Frost Ape Male Frost Ape 14th level Companion N Large animal Init +4; Senses lowlight vision, scent; Perc: +1

Hey guys...I've got a busy couple of days ahead. I might be able to post today but Saturday is my wife's birthday and tomorrow we're going to the Texas State Fair so my computer time will be sharply limited.

Chest Thumper and Francis are pretty open to any plans at this point. Chest Thumber thinks the Song'o are a red herring and does not trust Hamsa so he'll be resistant to investigating them.

Anything else, they're up for. And Francis will pose for the sketches...for hours at a time if he's fed but Chest Thumper will mock him into motion if it slows down the party.

Grand Lodge

Hey thanks for the heads up. There's no rush. I've made two big posts as a set up for RP and information gathering, not necessarily to push us on. I'm expecting it to take some days (real time) to gather info, re-equip, and decide to move on.

-Posted with Wayfinder

Gnome Sorcerer 3 | 18/20 HP | 13 AC (+2 in jungle) 13 T 11 FF | 11 CMD | F +4 R +3 W +2 (+2 vs fear) | Init +7 | Perc +5 | SM -1 | Thunderstaff 7/7 | Spells: 1st 6/6

Hi all,

Apologies, my next post will be a bit delayed. I was busy tonight preparing for an important meeting at the courthouse tomorrow, and I should be free to post after that! Thanks for your patience.

Grand Lodge

No problem. I hope you escape conviction?

-Posted with Wayfinder

Grand Lodge

AC29 (34); touch15; flat-footed 24 hp 88/94Fort 10, Ref +12, Will +5 Frost Ape Male Frost Ape 14th level Companion N Large animal Init +4; Senses lowlight vision, scent; Perc: +1

I hope your wedding goes well!

sorry about the delay folks, computer glitch, I will be able to post in a couple hours

@ Chest Thumper, Once Iradyiel gets the 300 gp. could you cast Masterwork Transformation on his club for him?

@ GM AbyssDancer, Was there a count on the weapons that the lizards were using, no reason not to bring them back and sell them. Also any armor other than the shields?

Grand Lodge

AC29 (34); touch15; flat-footed 24 hp 88/94Fort 10, Ref +12, Will +5 Frost Ape Male Frost Ape 14th level Companion N Large animal Init +4; Senses lowlight vision, scent; Perc: +1

Chest Thumper will definitely do it but you'll have to wait until he levels up. It's a 2nd level spell.

I think a re-sale shop for our loot is a good idea for a shared business on our new property. Although it steps on Mme. Oyin's toes.

The lizardfolk raiders were wearing leather armor and wielding a collection of rough morningstars, spears and clubs. Lets say resale prices 50 gold all together. So that's 510 gp each, before selling any any of the kit from the loot list.

thanks chest thumper, I wasn't paying attention to what level it was, I'll go ahead and have the temple cast so we can move on.

GM AbyssDancer with the component cost of Masterwork Transformation being 300 gp. what will the temple charge Iradyiel to cast it on his club?

Also may purchase chainmail or breastplate.

Iradyiel Madras wrote:
GM AbyssDancer with the component cost of Masterwork Transformation being 300 gp. what will the temple charge Iradyiel to cast it on his club?

I calculate that per the rules, that spell would be (2nd level spell x 3rd level caster x 25gp) + 300 gp materials cost = 600 gp total.

And before you ask, giving away freebies is anathema to Banker Sifreth's divine faith.

yuck, looks like I'm waiting a level till Chest Thumper can help out...

Grand Lodge

AC29 (34); touch15; flat-footed 24 hp 88/94Fort 10, Ref +12, Will +5 Frost Ape Male Frost Ape 14th level Companion N Large animal Init +4; Senses lowlight vision, scent; Perc: +1

I just want to check in and make sure no one wants to claim the +1 chain shirt.

I'm pretty sure Iradyiel passed and I don't think Aza or Jit can use it.

Is it something Pious would be interested in? Am I wrong about the interest of others?

If no one wants it, I have something awesome planned for it and will take it as part of Chest Thumper's cut of the loot.

Female Human Oracle 3
Init: +8 | HP: 22/25 | AC: 16 | FF: 14 | Tch: 12 | Fort: +2 | Ref: +3 | Will: +3 | Perc: +3 | 1; 0/6 Spells Left

(Aza can use it but her commitment to the Wizard Aesthetic is paramount)

Grand Lodge

Ok so let's start pulling this together. If there's no more to say or ask at the Town Council, and no more people to see in town, then you need to complete your shopping ahead of an extended trip into the wilderness.

Rations / camping gear / potions / an animal to carry your kit etc. Someone needs to make some decisions for the group.

We've not heard from Jit or Pious for some while. I've chased Pious; I'll give Jit another 24 hours then chase her too.

Let's get this show on the road !

-Posted with Wayfinder

ok, we purchased items earlier, I think the only thing Iradyiel would have purchased was a breastplate and more food. Do you want me to retcon it or just show it on his sheet?

Grand Lodge

On the sheet is fine.

Everyone else good to go?

-Posted with Wayfinder

Grand Lodge

AC29 (34); touch15; flat-footed 24 hp 88/94Fort 10, Ref +12, Will +5 Frost Ape Male Frost Ape 14th level Companion N Large animal Init +4; Senses lowlight vision, scent; Perc: +1

I am. I'm just going to buy 10 days worth of food. I'll mark it on my sheet.

Sorry everyone, life is a bit tough at the moment.

I'll try to put up a post tomorrow. In the mean time GM, please feel free to move on. Pious would like to make some arrangements in town but nothing if great import to the story.

Francis is more than welcome to the chain shirt.

GM my post will be accompanied by a PM your way.

Sorry again, and thank you for your patience.


Female Human Oracle 3
Init: +8 | HP: 22/25 | AC: 16 | FF: 14 | Tch: 12 | Fort: +2 | Ref: +3 | Will: +3 | Perc: +3 | 1; 0/6 Spells Left

Hey guys - sorry again for my inconsistent posting, I recently got both a new job and a new place to live in the past like, two weeks - moving this weekend, but it's been a busy time for me. I'll get posts up as I can, and things should even out soon(tm).

Grand Lodge

AC29 (34); touch15; flat-footed 24 hp 88/94Fort 10, Ref +12, Will +5 Frost Ape Male Frost Ape 14th level Companion N Large animal Init +4; Senses lowlight vision, scent; Perc: +1

Sorry to hear times are tough, Pious. I hope things get better soon.

And congratulations, Aza!

Sorry I've been away from the keyboard at the back end of the week. I'll be posting again in 30 mins or so...

Who's gonna claim Gameplay post #400 ?

Grand Lodge

AC29 (34); touch15; flat-footed 24 hp 88/94Fort 10, Ref +12, Will +5 Frost Ape Male Frost Ape 14th level Companion N Large animal Init +4; Senses lowlight vision, scent; Perc: +1
GM AbyssDancer wrote:
Who's gonna claim Gameplay post #400 ?


Gnome Sorcerer 3 | 18/20 HP | 13 AC (+2 in jungle) 13 T 11 FF | 11 CMD | F +4 R +3 W +2 (+2 vs fear) | Init +7 | Perc +5 | SM -1 | Thunderstaff 7/7 | Spells: 1st 6/6

Hey all, not feeling so well today, I'll probably need another day to post.

Sorry to hear that - get well soon.

yes, get better, were not going anywhere :-)

Sorry for the radio silence all. I've been waiting for Jit but I'll post tomorrow afternoon (morning US time) regardless.

On a separate matter, I'm worried about Aza. She's not posted since the 13th October, and I've not had a response to my PM. It'll be a real shame if we have lost her...

If we have then I think we need to find a replacement. Specifically, any replacement would need to have healing powers, given the horrors that lie ahead ! Do any of you know someone you can recommend who might be interested? Maybe someone from one of your other games? I'd want someone joining us to be a regular poster, reliable, and someone who enjoys the RP as much as the action. I expect I'll open a recruitment thread at the weekend but I'd prefer someone you'd recommend. Any ideas?


Grand Lodge

AC29 (34); touch15; flat-footed 24 hp 88/94Fort 10, Ref +12, Will +5 Frost Ape Male Frost Ape 14th level Companion N Large animal Init +4; Senses lowlight vision, scent; Perc: +1

Boo! Here's hoping we haven't lost either one of them, for several reasons. Hopefully Jit's feeling better or will be soon and Aza's new job isn't interfering too much with what's important (playing with us.)

If it comes to it, I've played a couple sessions with Redelia and Malvic and they've both been fun to RP with.

I was ninja'd by Chest Thumper

I've got a friend named Mort, This is her campaign page. she's posts quite often. Also, she is usually willing to play what's needed.

She's a good GM and doesn't mind a lot of talking when she is running the game, but she does prefer keeping the game moving at a quick pace.

If you want me to PM here I can.

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