1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Its late, im laying in bed typing this out, halfway asleep. So if it doesnt make sense, ill fix it later
Setting: forgotten realms, 3.5e setting.
Ruleset: pfe1
8 level
Max HPs
Roll 4d6, drop the lowest. Can reroll 1s.
Starting gold: ill get that later.
Two traits. One drawback
Background skills used
Races: core races or forgotten realms races
Classes:ask. Archetypes are allowed
Alignment: yes, you can play evil if you want. DM me. Or the whole party can play evil,i dont care.

CucumberTree |
Stat: 4d6 ⇒ (6, 2, 5, 6) = 19:17
Stat: 4d6 ⇒ (6, 3, 1, 3) = 13:15
Reroll: 1d6 ⇒ 6
Stat: 4d6 ⇒ (4, 6, 3, 4) = 17:14
Stat: 4d6 ⇒ (6, 6, 2, 1) = 15:
Reroll: 1d6 ⇒ 1
Reroll: 1d6 ⇒ 1
Reroll: 1d6 ⇒ 1
Reroll: 1d6 ⇒ 2
Stat: 4d6 ⇒ (4, 5, 4, 1) = 14:15
Reroll: 4d6 ⇒ (1, 6, 3, 6) = 16
Reroll: 1d6 ⇒ 4
Stat: 4d6 ⇒ (5, 6, 4, 1) = 16:15
Dice stats are changing. Weird, I Guess that God is telling me something

![]() |

4d6 ⇒ (5, 6, 1, 1) = 13
reroll 2d6 ⇒ (2, 1) = 3 reroll #2 1d6 ⇒ 6 = 17
4d6 ⇒ (6, 6, 4, 5) = 21 = 17
4d6 ⇒ (6, 3, 1, 4) = 14
reroll 1d6 ⇒ 4 = 14
4d6 ⇒ (1, 1, 6, 6) = 14
reroll 2d6 ⇒ (4, 3) = 7 = 16
4d6 ⇒ (1, 1, 6, 1) = 9
reroll 3d6 ⇒ (2, 4, 5) = 11 = 15
4d6 ⇒ (2, 5, 1, 3) = 11
reroll 1d6 ⇒ 1 reroll #2 1d6 ⇒ 6 = 14
17, 17, 14, 16, 15, 14
Could work for anything....

![]() |

4d6 ⇒ (3, 4, 2, 2) = 119
4d6 ⇒ (1, 2, 6, 3) = 1211
4d6 ⇒ (1, 6, 2, 4) = 1312
4d6 ⇒ (1, 1, 3, 3) = 811
4d6 ⇒ (2, 3, 2, 4) = 119
4d6 ⇒ (2, 2, 5, 6) = 1513
roll 2 reroll 1d6 ⇒ 1
roll 3 reroll 1d6 ⇒ 2
roll 4 reroll 1d6 ⇒ 2 reroll1d6 ⇒ 5
reroll 1d6 ⇒ 2
I hate Paizo dice, I HATE PAIZO DICE!!!!
sigh after four attempts of the site changing my rolls whiel rerolling I had to roll post edit roll ect. I have once again got the following low ball stats
13 12 11 11 9 and 9
unless I can get a reroll of all my stats I will figure out something
not sure what

Evindyl |

4d6 ⇒ (1, 5, 2, 4) = 12
1d6 ⇒ 3 RE-ROLL -- 12
4d6 - 2 ⇒ (6, 2, 6, 3) - 2 = 15
4d6 - 3 ⇒ (3, 6, 6, 5) - 3 = 17
4d6 - 2 ⇒ (6, 5, 5, 2) - 2 = 16
4d6 ⇒ (6, 1, 5, 6) = 18
1d6 ⇒ 1 RE-ROLL --
1d6 ⇒ 6 RE-ROLL -- 18
4d6 - 3 ⇒ (4, 3, 3, 3) - 3 = 10
12, 15, 17, 16, 18, 10
I guess I kinda need to at least develop something because these stats are amazing; classes says "ask" - occult are a yes or a no or a maybe? Also: are you interested in developing Divine Boons for the gods of Toril, or would you prefer to leave those Prestige Classes out of the mix?

trawets71 |

Stats: 4d6 ⇒ (1, 2, 2, 1) = 6 10 5,3
Stats: 4d6 ⇒ (6, 4, 2, 2) = 14 12
Stats: 4d6 ⇒ (4, 5, 5, 6) = 20 16
Stats: 4d6 ⇒ (5, 6, 6, 6) = 23 18
Stats: 4d6 ⇒ (2, 5, 4, 1) = 12 13 4
Stats: 4d6 ⇒ (4, 4, 4, 4) = 16 12
Stats: 3d6 ⇒ (5, 3, 4) = 12
Probably going to submit a current version of my first D&D character Trawets, Evoker mage.

Shane Joseph |

Own the D&D "Expedition to Undermountain" but haven't read it or ran it. Dotting for interest
Stat: 4d6 ⇒ (4, 3, 4, 1) = 12
Reroll 1: 1d6 ⇒ 5
Stat: 4d6 ⇒ (1, 5, 2, 5) = 13
Reroll 1: 1d6 ⇒ 2
Stat: 4d6 ⇒ (4, 2, 1, 2) = 9
Reroll 1: 1d6 ⇒ 2
Stat: 4d6 ⇒ (2, 2, 1, 4) = 9
Reroll 1: 1d6 ⇒ 1
Re-Reroll 1: 1d6 ⇒ 2
Stat: 4d6 ⇒ (1, 6, 1, 3) = 11
Reroll 1: 1d6 ⇒ 2
Reroll 1: 1d6 ⇒ 6
Stat: 4d6 ⇒ (6, 2, 3, 1) = 12
Rolled: 16 - 12 - 8 - 8 - 10 - 11
Well that sure does make it interesting...

Grumbaki |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

4d6 - 4 ⇒ (4, 4, 6, 6) - 4 = 16
6d6 - 3 - 1 - 1 ⇒ (3, 1, 6, 1, 4, 5) - 3 - 1 - 1 = 15
4d6 - 3 ⇒ (3, 6, 6, 6) - 3 = 18
5d6 - 1 - 4 ⇒ (4, 1, 6, 5, 6) - 1 - 4 = 17
5d6 - 1 - 3 ⇒ (4, 1, 5, 5, 3) - 1 - 3 = 14
5d6 - 1 - 3 ⇒ (3, 5, 1, 6, 5) - 1 - 3 = 16
How MAD can I go? With stats like those…

TheWaskally |

Classes:ask. Archetypes are allowed
Okay. I'll ask. Any of the Godling classes?
4d6: 4d6 - 1 ⇒ (1, 6, 6, 2) - 1 = 14
4d6: 4d6 - 1 ⇒ (3, 3, 2, 1) - 1 = 8
4d6: 4d6 - 3 ⇒ (6, 4, 5, 3) - 3 = 15
4d6: 4d6 - 2 ⇒ (5, 2, 2, 5) - 2 = 12
4d6: 4d6 - 3 ⇒ (3, 5, 6, 5) - 3 = 16
4d6: 4d6 - 1 ⇒ (6, 1, 3, 1) - 1 = 10

pad300 |
Roll A: 4d6 ⇒ (4, 6, 4, 1) = 15
Roll B: 4d6 ⇒ (2, 6, 6, 5) = 19
Roll C: 4d6 ⇒ (5, 1, 3, 5) = 14
Roll D: 4d6 ⇒ (5, 1, 1, 4) = 11
Roll E: 4d6 ⇒ (1, 2, 3, 4) = 10
Roll F: 4d6 ⇒ (2, 4, 6, 6) = 18
Re-roll A4: 1d6 ⇒ 2
Re-roll C2: 1d6 ⇒ 5
Re-roll D2,D3: 2d6 ⇒ (6, 1) = 7
Re-roll E1: 1d6 ⇒ 6
Re-roll D3 again: 1d6 ⇒ 6

Gaelden the Lost |

Had so much fun putting this character together. Certainly a WIP, but with such stat rolls…had to do something with it. He is a monk/shifter. Great damage output (with bursts of electricity with every punch) and very high AC.
Gaelden the Lost, also goes by ‘The Fist of Heaven.’ A tiefling obsessed with the notion that he is destined for Hell or the Abyss and who struggles with an urge to engage in violence and cruelty. Disgusted by his nature he became a monk dedicated to the service of Tyr, in the hope that he could control himself and direct these urges towards those deserving of it. He has a possessed hand, something he begged for. It is a reminder that he should not lift it against the underserving.


roll 2 reroll [dice=]1d6
roll 3 reroll [dice=]1d6
roll 4 reroll [dice=]1d6 reroll[dice=]1d6edit
reroll [dice=]1d6I hate Paizo dice, I HATE PAIZO DICE!!!!
sigh after four attempts of the site changing my rolls whiel rerolling I had to roll post edit roll ect. I have once again got the following low ball stats
13 12 11 11 9 and 9
unless I can get a reroll of all my stats I will figure out something
not sure what
Reroll allowed


RIZZENMAGNUS wrote:Classes:ask. Archetypes are allowedOkay. I'll ask. Any of the Godling classes?
[dice=4d6]4d6 - 1
[dice=4d6]4d6 - 1
[dice=4d6]4d6 - 3
[dice=4d6]4d6 - 2
[dice=4d6]4d6 - 3
[dice=4d6]4d6 - 1
Given that its FR, i dont see this out of the vein

Gaelden the Lost |

For what it is worth, Gaelden is now a champion of the enlightened. AC29 (great but not broken), very high saves and respectable damage output. Glad to use the insane stat rolling to do a prestige class I haven’t seen used before.

TheWaskally |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

TheWaskally wrote:Given that its FR, I dont see this out of the veinRIZZENMAGNUS wrote:Classes:ask. Archetypes are allowedOkay. I'll ask. Any of the Godling classes?
A dwarf godling, fathered or mothered by one of the Morndinsamman; I don't think would be out of the the ordinary in a world with archmages, dragons, and tarrasque.

Gaelden the Lost |

RIZZENMAGNUS wrote:A dwarf godling, fathered or mothered by one of the Morndinsamman; I don't think would be out of the the ordinary in a world with archmages, dragons, and tarrasque.TheWaskally wrote:Given that its FR, I dont see this out of the veinRIZZENMAGNUS wrote:Classes:ask. Archetypes are allowedOkay. I'll ask. Any of the Godling classes?
I love it! Can’t wait to see what you make.


Would you allow a Soulknife?
Yup. Its forgotten realms. Psionics exist. plus, ive played as a soulknife before in 3.5, so i understand the concept.

pad300 |
Classes:ask. Archetypes are allowed...
Ok, I'll bite: Legendary Medium.
@RIZZENMAGUS, did you miss this?


pad300 wrote:@RIZZENMAGUS, did you miss this?RIZZENMAGNUS wrote:...
Classes:ask. Archetypes are allowed...
Ok, I'll bite: Legendary Medium.
Forgot lol
Thats a no

Evindyl |

12, 15, 17, 16, 18, 10
I guess I kinda need to at least develop something because these stats are amazing; classes says "ask" - occult are a yes or a no or a maybe? Also: are you interested in developing Divine Boons for the gods of Toril, or would you prefer to leave those Prestige Classes out of the mix?
I think maybe my questions fell into the forgotten category also

Gaelden the Lost |

Is VMC allowed? For this Champion of the Enlightened I am planning:
VMC Wood Wizard (“ Wood represents flexibility, warmth, wind, generosity, cooperation, and idealism.)”
Lvl 3: Emissary Familiar
Lvl 7: Wood.
I think that this fits the monk/paladin aesthetic. An emissary familiar is great for that feel. Also with my high stat rolls I want to be as MAD as possible. I’d drop Con down to 14 and raise Int to 14. Therefore…
Str: Hit and Damage
Dex + Wis: AC
Con: HP
Int: Ranged damage
Cha: Saves
So every stat has an important purpose.
Dropping Possessed Hand (-1 hit -1 damage) and Armor of the Pit (-2 AC) for this if allowed.
Also is changeling allowed? It sounds more interesting than Tiefling.
The exact methodology and timing of it was argued over, but the general idea of the changeling or caliban, was that a hag replaced their daughters with those of other races to continue their lineage. Despite occasionally feeling the compulsion to procreate, hags had no maternal instincts and only rarely raised their spawn themselves if they planned to use them in a coven. Instead, hags had to go out and find a suitable newborn child to kill and replace with their own spawn, parasitically leeching off whatever race or culture the hag targeted as she sadistically watched her daughter's growth and the impact it had on those around them.[1][7][12] Notably, the life of a child consumed by a hag could be saved using a concoction called hag's bane, a substance discovered by Mayrina using the lore contained in The Anatomy of Hag.[13]”


Evindyl wrote:I think maybe my questions fell into the forgotten category also12, 15, 17, 16, 18, 10
I guess I kinda need to at least develop something because these stats are amazing; classes says "ask" - occult are a yes or a no or a maybe? Also: are you interested in developing Divine Boons for the gods of Toril, or would you prefer to leave those Prestige Classes out of the mix?
Can you give me more information? Like an example of what your looking for?

Ceirn |

This is Malinor's proposed character. I did a quick background as well.
Ceirn is a ranged character. He uses Mindbolts to blast at varying distances. He does not provoke while firing, so he can blast even while threatened. He can also teleport short distances to a location he can see which can help in a dungeon.
Male Human Soulknife (Soulbolt) 8
N Medium humanoid (Human)
Init +4 ; Senses Perception +14
AC 25, touch 15, flat-footed 20 (+8 armor, +5 Dex, +2 Shield) [-2 vs Improvised Weapons]
hp: 104 (8d10 + 16 Con + 8 FC)
Fort +5, Ref +10, Will +10
Defensive Abilities:
Speed: 20 (30) Ft
Melee: MWK Spiked Gauntlet +14 d4+5; x2
Ranged: Close Mind Bolt (Range 40) +15/+10 d10+6
Medium Mind Bolt (Range 120) +15/+10 d8+6
Long Mind Bolt (Range 200) +15/+10 d6+6
Special Attacks: Mind Bolt (+1 Holy), Psychic Strike (2d8)
Str 18 (20), Dex 19 (21), Con 14, Int 13, Wis 16, Cha 9
Base Atk +8 ; CMB +13 ; CMD 28
Racial Abilities:
Skilled: +1 Skill point per level
Class Abilities:
Form Mind Bolt: At 1st level, as a move action, a soulbolt can form a semi-solid ranged weapon composed of psychic energy distilled from her own mind. This mind bolt appears inside of or enveloping the soulbolt’s hand.
A soulbolt must choose the form of her mind bolt at 1st level. She can either form it into a short range, medium range, or long range bolt which determines the weapon’s range increment and base damage. Once chosen, her mind bolt stays in this form every time the soulknife forms her mind bolt. The long range bolt form is the smallest of forms and deals 1d6 points of damage and has a 100 ft. range increment. The medium range bolt form deals 1d8 points of damage, with a 60 ft. range increment, and the short range bolt form is the largest and heaviest form and deals 1d10 points of damage with a 20 ft. range increment. A soulbolt adds her Strength modifier to damage rolls when using the mind bolt in the short range form. All damages are based on a Medium-sized creature wielding Medium-sized weapons; adjust the weapon damage as appropriate for different sized weapons. A soulbolt with powerful build or any similar ability forms an appropriately-sized mind bolt dealing the size-appropriate amount of damage. Regardless of form, the mind bolt has a 19-20 critical threat range, has a maximum range of 10 range increments, and is treated as a projectile.
The form of the soulbolt’s mind bolt also determines how many hands must be used to form and manipulate the mind bolt. If the mind bolt is in long range form, both of the soulbolt’s hands remain free to hold other items such as a shield or a weapon. If the mind bolt is in medium range form, the soulbolt must have at least one hand free to form and manipulate the mind bolt. If the mind bolt is in short range form, the soulbolt must have both hands free to wield and launch the mind bolt.
A soulbolt can wield a buckler without penalty regardless of the form of her mind bolt.
Regardless of the weapon form a soulbolt has chosen, her mind bolt does not have a set damage type. When shaping her weapon and assigning abilities to it, the soulbolt chooses whether it will deal bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage. The soulbolt may change the damage type of an existing mind bolt, or may summon a new mind bolt with a different damage type, as a full-round action; otherwise, the mind bolt retains the last damage type chosen every time it is summoned.
The bolt can be broken (it has hardness 10 and 10 hit points); however, a soulbolt can simply create another on her next move action. The moment she relinquishes her grip on her blade, it dissipates (unless she intends to throw it; see below). A mind bolt is considered a magic weapon for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction and is considered a masterwork weapon.
A soulbolt can use feats such as Rapid Shot or Precise Shot in conjunction with the mind bolt just as if it were a normal ranged weapon. She can also choose her mind bolt for feats requiring a specific weapon choice, such as Weapon Focus and Improved Critical. Powers or spells that upgrade weapons can be used on a mind bolt. The soulbolt can use feats such as Weapon Finesse that work on light weapons with her mind bolt, but such feats only work on mind bolts in a light weapon form, such as using the Mind Daggers blade skill.
Even in places where psionic effects do not normally function (such as within a null psionics field), a soulbolt can attempt to sustain her mind bolt by making a DC 20 Will save. On a successful save, the soulbolt maintains her mind bolt for a number of rounds equal to her class level before she needs to check again, although the mind bolt is treated for all purposes as a non-magical, masterwork ranged weapon while in a place where psionic effects do not normally function. On an unsuccessful attempt, the mind bolt vanishes. As a move action on her turn, the soulbolt can attempt a new Will save to rematerialize her mind bolt while she remains within the psionics-negating effect. She gains a bonus on Will saves made to maintain or form her mind bolt equal to the total enhancement bonus of her mind bolt (see below).
The soulbolt chooses the appearance of her mind bolt, although its shape must reflect the selections the soulbolt has chosen: a bludgeoning mind bolt would be blunt, slashing would have an edge, etc.
This ability replaces the Form Mind Blade class feature normally gained by soulknives.
Shape Mind Bolt: The soulbolt’s mind bolt retains the last chosen form every time it is formed until the soulbolt reshapes it. If the soulbolt chooses to reshape her bolt, it requires a full-round action to do so. She may also reassign the type of damage dealt as part of reshaping her mind bolt if she so chooses. A soulbolt can reassign the ability or abilities she has added to her mind bolt; see below. To do so, she must first spend 8 hours in concentration. These cannot be the normal 8 hours used for rest, even if the soulbolt does not require sleep. After that period, the mind bolt materializes with the new ability or abilities selected by the soulbolt. This ability replaces the Shape Mind Blade class feature normally gained by soulknives.
Launch Mind Bolt: Soulbolts are greater masters at making ranged attacks with their weapon than their soulknife counterparts. Unlike a soulknife, a soulbolt does not need to reform her mind bolt after throwing it. This means that the soulbolt can make use of all iterative attacks available, or multiple attacks such as those gained from Rapid Shot, without the need for abilities such as the Multiple Throw blade skill.
This ability replaces the Throw Mind Blade class feature normally gained by soulknives.
Wild Talent: The soulknife gains Wild Talent as a bonus feat at 1st level. This provides her with the psionic power necessary to manifest her mind blade. A character who is already psionic instead gains the Psionic Talent feat.
Blade Skill: The following blade skills cannot be used with the Mind Bolt: Alter Mind Blade, Bladestorm, Bladewind, Dual Imbue, Extended Strike, Furious Charge (and Improved), Gruesome Riposte, Multiple Throw, Reaching Blade, Rending Blades, Trade Blows, Twin Strike, and Two-handed Throw. The soulbolt may additionally select blade skills from the list below.
- Close Range Expert: When making ranged attacks with her mind bolt, a soulknife does not provoke attacks of opportunity as long as she maintains psionic focus.
- Alter Mind Bolt: A soulbolt gains the ability to shape her mind bolt into different weapon forms. She may change her blade’s form to the long range weapon, medium range weapon, or short range weapon forms any time she forms her mind bolt.
- Enhanced Range: The soulknife’s range increment when throwing her mind blade in any form doubles.
- Launch Multibolt: The soulknife gains the benefits of the Manyshot feat with her mindbolt. The soulknife must possess the Launch Mindbolt class feature to select this blade skill
Ghost Step: The soulknife has learned a potent trick that some call the ‘ghost step’; a teleportation-based principle that allows the soulknife to slip between nearby places at great speed. As a move action, the soulknife can expend her psionic focus to teleports to any location she can see within close range (25 feet + 5 feet per 2 soulknife levels). She can carry no more than 50 lbs. of additional gear, and cannot bring creatures other than her psicrystal (if she has one) with her. The use of this ability ends the soulknife’s turn. At 10th level, the this ability can be used to teleport up to medium range (100 feet + 10 feet per soulknife level), and she may teleport as a swift action instead of a move action. This is a teleportation effect. This blade skill meets the prerequisites for and functions with Dimensional Agility and feats that require it as a prerequisite. The soulknife must be at least 4th level in order to select this blade skill.
Enhanced Mind Blade +3: A soulbolt’s mind bolt improves as the character gains higher levels. At 3rd level and every odd level thereafter, the mind bolt gains a cumulative +1 enhancement bonus that she may spend on an actual enhancement bonus or on weapon special abilities. A soulbolt’s maximum enhancement bonus follows the same progression as a soulknife. The soulbolt may (and must, when her total enhancement is higher than her maximum bonus) apply any special ability from the table below instead of an enhancement bonus, as long as she meets the level requirements. A soulbolt can choose any combination of weapon special abilities and/or enhancement bonus that does not exceed the total allowed by the soulbolt’s level, but she must assign at least a +1 enhancement bonus before assigning any special abilities. If the soulbolt shapes her mind bolt into two items, such as using the Mind Daggers blade skill, the enhancement bonus of her mind bolt (if any) is reduced by 1 (to a minimum of 0). If this would reduce the enhancement bonus on the mind bolt to 0 and weapon special abilities are applied, the soulbolt must reshape her mind bolt to make the options valid. Both mind bolts have the same selection of enhancement bonus and weapon special abilities (if any).
Quick Draw: A 5th level soulknife may manifest her mind blade as a free action, though she may still only attempt to do so once per round (unless throwing the weapon multiple times using the Multiple Throw blade skill).
Resilient: You gain a +1 trait bonus on Fortitude saves.
Indomitable Faith: You gain a +1 trait bonus on Will saves.
Naive: You take a –2 penalty to AC against attacks with improvised weapons and a –2 penalty to CMD against dirty trick combat maneuvers.
Point Blank Shot: +1 to hit and damage with ranged attacks within 30 ft.
Precise Shot: Ignore the penalty for firing into melee.
Rapid Shot: When making a full-attack action with a ranged weapon, you can fire one additional time this round at your highest bonus. All of your attack rolls take a –2 penalty when using Rapid Shot.
Deadly Aim: You can choose to take a –1 penalty on all ranged attack rolls to gain a +2 bonus on all ranged damage rolls. When your base attack bonus reaches +4, and every +4 thereafter, the penalty increases by –1 and the bonus to damage increases by +2. You must choose to use this feat before making an attack roll and its effects last until your next turn. The bonus damage does not apply to touch attacks or effects that do not deal hit point damage.
Weapon Focus: +1 to attack with Mindbolt
Extra Blade Skill: Gain an additional Blade Skill
Manyshot: When making a full-attack action with a bow, your first attack fires two arrows. If the attack hits, both arrows hit. Apply precision-based damage (such as sneak attack) and critical hit damage only once for this attack. Damage bonuses from using a composite bow with a high Strength bonus apply to each arrow, as do other damage bonuses, such as a ranger’s favored enemy bonus. Damage reduction and resistances apply separately to each arrow.
Skills: Acrobatics +16 [8], Autohypnosis +14 [8], Climb +12 (14) [4], Knowledge: Psionics +12 [8], Perception +14 [8], Stealth +16 [8], Swim +11 (12) [4]
Languages: Common, Dwarven
Combat Gear: MWK Spiked Gauntlet [305 , 1 lbs], +1 Buckler [1,155 gp, 5 lbs], +2 Mithril Agile Breastplate [8,550 gp, 12.5 lbs; AC +1, Max Dex +5] +3 Cloak of Resistance [9000 gp, - lbs] , Belt of Physical Might +2 (Str/Dex) [10,000 gp, 1 lb], Eyes of the Eagle [2,500 gp, - lbs], Hewards Handy Haversack [2000 gp, 5 lbs]
Gold: 1390 Silver: 4 Copper:
Tracked Resources
-------------------- Weight
Traveler's Outfit 1/1 5
50 ft rope* 1/1 5 10 gp
Climber’s Kit* 1/1 5 80 gp
Grappling Hook* 1/1 4 1 gp
Crowbar* 1/1 5 2 gp
Rations* 7/7 7 3.5 gp
Waterskin 1/1 4 1 gp
Bedroll* 1/1 5 0.1 gp
*= Carried in Hewards.
Total Weight: 35.5 lbs; light 133 lbs or less/ 134-266 lbs medium / 267-400 lbs heavy

Seth86 |

4d6 ⇒ (5, 4, 2, 2) = 13 11
4d6 ⇒ (1, 5, 5, 1) = 12 15
4d6 ⇒ (5, 4, 6, 6) = 21 17
4d6 ⇒ (2, 6, 3, 2) = 13 11
4d6 ⇒ (4, 2, 1, 1) = 8 11
4d6 ⇒ (3, 6, 3, 4) = 16 13
Reroll 1s
5d6 ⇒ (4, 5, 2, 1, 3) = 15
4d6 ⇒ (3, 5, 2, 3) = 13 11
4d6 ⇒ (5, 6, 5, 1) = 17 16
4d6 ⇒ (6, 4, 2, 2) = 14 12
1d6 ⇒ 2
11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17

Evindyl |

Evindyl wrote:Can you give me more information? Like an example of what your looking for?Evindyl wrote:I think maybe my questions fell into the forgotten category also12, 15, 17, 16, 18, 10
I guess I kinda need to at least develop something because these stats are amazing; classes says "ask" - occult are a yes or a no or a maybe? Also: are you interested in developing Divine Boons for the gods of Toril, or would you prefer to leave those Prestige Classes out of the mix?
ABSOLUTELY and thanks for asking :)
If you look at the Gozreh entry on AoN, you will see very quickly after the basic data, it lists the Divine Boons associated with him for each class which can get them; Evangelist, Exalted, and Sentinal.
My thought was just that in a world so steeped in its gods and with so many "Chosen of ..." it would be cool to use one of these Prestige Classes and at 8th level, it's actually plausible too.
(I would also be happy to work with you to adapt the 3.5 Spellfire Prestige Class)