GM Rat Sass's Age of Worms

Game Master Governayle

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The Road So Far...
Map of Alhaster
Ascaria's Pub

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Bald male Half-Elf elder

The show must go on! xD

They are truly fortunate.

I have been at Liceo twice. Once before it turned completely to ashes and one after. It's an interesting place.

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F Half Elf:
HP 135, F19R14W16,Dip+13,Fly+7,HanAnim+8;K(rel)+18, Spllcrft +17,UMD +22
Mortimer Smith wrote:
Lucky plants in Barcelona.

Are you going? Have you botany tickets?

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Male Human Brawler (17), Thief (0)


Sadly, no. I have not botany tickets.

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Bald male Half-Elf elder
GM Rat Sass wrote:
352 points of damage in a single round...

Yes, I have found out lately Paladins deal insane amounts of damage to evil creatures... :)

F Half Elf:
HP 135, F19R14W16,Dip+13,Fly+7,HanAnim+8;K(rel)+18, Spllcrft +17,UMD +22
Eidi wrote:
GM Rat Sass wrote:
352 points of damage in a single round...
Yes, I have found out lately Paladins deal insane amounts of damage to evil creatures... :)

Solrisa blushes furiously.

It was a perfect storm of smite, Divine Favor, BoF, and 2 crits. Won’t happen again.

|Roll20 Link- Carrion Crown| |Roll20 Link- Age of Worms|

Yeah, yeah... you say that now...

Bald male Half-Elf elder

Sooo... it seems breath of life cannot recover someone from a death effect.

Yet, phantasmal killer is a fear effect and not a death effect (it does not have the death descriptor at the least).

Thus, could Eidi cast breath of life on the gnome and take him back this round of combat?

Bald male Half-Elf elder

Hi! As my holidays deep in, I will be away from Internet connection for the following few days. Do not expect much from me if anything until next Monday.

Please bot Eidi as needed. I left on his profile his remaining spells.

If no pressing force arises, like having to cast a heal or something similar, keep away from offensive spells on the gorillon's and instead keep increasing Solrisa's and Mortimer defenses for what is to happen, with things like stokeskin, heroism or prayer, unless there is a clear chance to cast web and hold those gorillons. If Dark Quethos people shy from approaching, he might cast enervation or ray of exhaustion at any remaining ape.

Once he has the bad ones visible, he will use black tentacles to hold as many of possible on place, or hungry pit if black tentacles would hit other Outcasts. As soon as possible Eidi will try finger of death on the sniper that wants Ascaria, or disintegrate.

He might use cone of cold afterwards, if he can damage many enemies and no Outcasts.

If something needs removal, he has one dispel magic, and although his bonded symbols are spent, he can psychic asylum as a swift to prepare any spell needed on his open level 7 and level 6 slots.

|Roll20 Link- Carrion Crown| |Roll20 Link- Age of Worms|

I'm in the wings, watching for a Solrisa post, so we may launch into the next phase of this battle. No rush, of course, but I am present and able.

Bald male Half-Elf elder

Seems we are getting into an increasing bad position.

I think I will spend a hero point to cast two spells next round, but what?

First, I think I want to see what happens with Ascaria, I want to help, if he gets frozen there, I might bring him to a different place in the battlefield with telekinetic charge.

The other way I can try to help is casting a sleet storm over him, so Darl Qethos cannot target him. But that will render the gnome even more blind, so perhaps not a good solution :/

I can go offensive, I still have a cone of cold and I can gamble with a disintegrate at Darl Qethos but so far Eidi has not been very lucky with that kind of stuff.

I can also try to disrupt one enemy with major curse, or use silence, but Darl Qethos is a cleric and thus probably have tones of Will.

Pretty unsure how to go forward.

Also, I think Eidi is currently out of the silence area due to his height, but correct me if I am wrong.

F Half Elf:
HP 135, F19R14W16,Dip+13,Fly+7,HanAnim+8;K(rel)+18, Spllcrft +17,UMD +22

Sol would save Ascaria as best she could. Silence prob won't work.

Not sure what to say. :(

Good ol' Protection from Evil on Ascaria to stop the evil summons seems nice, don't it?

Male, Gnome

Sol - why won’t the silence work? I can move certainly though that draws a number of AoO’s…

I’ve got a protection from evil communal that, with my rod, can hit everyone but Mort - assuming the silence doesn’t get me. Personally I think we should consider withdrawal as, as Ascaria believes anyway, we are outmatched. For that to work, we need to dispel the magics on Ascaria and get together as a group (we’ll have to link hands). That seems tough too, though not impossible.

Still, we are well prepped, so staying and fighting it out is an option. That said I should point out I’ve burned two hero points in this fight already, and we have one kill to show for it (and some mooks).

Bald male Half-Elf elder

Well, I do not know what was the best solution here, but to avoid decision paralysis, there it goes the last offensive spells Eidi had prepared.

F Half Elf:
HP 135, F19R14W16,Dip+13,Fly+7,HanAnim+8;K(rel)+18, Spllcrft +17,UMD +22

Ayep, we'll see what happens.

Not sure what we were supposed to do here, to be honest. We tried to avoid a combat, but no matter what, we were gunna get bleckked.

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Male, Gnome

(Oracle, Life, Spirit Guide Archetype 17)
+6 HP (5 class +1 con) (total 105)
+6 skills (4 class, +1 favored class, +1 int)(Craft Drawing, Diplomacy, Heal, Knowledge Local, Linguistics (Varisian, Azlanti), Spellcraft)
+1 Feat (Purifying Channel)
+1d6 Channel Energy (9d6)
Spells: Caster Level +1 (17), Concentration +1 (26)
+1 seventh level spell per day (7)
+1 eighth level spell per day (5)
+1 seventh level spell known (Ethereal Jaunt)
+1 eighth level spell known (Holy Aura)
+1 to Pilfering Hand (+26)
+10 to Heal, Mass (170hp)
Gain Serenity and lose Cleanse (lvl 5)

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Bald male Half-Elf elder

Level 17, Back to the Future:


HP +10
Feat Elven Spirit
Spell slots +1 7th and +1 6th (wizard)
Spells +1 forcecage, control undead
Escape artist
K. arcana x2
K. planes x2
K. religion x2

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F Half Elf:
HP 135, F19R14W16,Dip+13,Fly+7,HanAnim+8;K(rel)+18, Spllcrft +17,UMD +22

Last level: Feb 18, 2020.

Solrisa, Maiden of Eaten Raw Cookie Dough 17:

+1 Feat: Mobility

+1 Lvl Pure Innocent
+9 HP
+1 strength

+3 skillz:
+1 Fly
+1 Know (Religion)
+1 UMD

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|Roll20 Link- Carrion Crown| |Roll20 Link- Age of Worms|

First Report
Second Report
Third Report
Fourth Report
Fifth Report
Sixth Report
Seventh Report
Eighth Report

Ninth Report

Sarenith 5, 4749 (Sunday)
-Eidi returns from Magepoint, announcing that the Ebon Triad is soon to be no more, and the Outcasts continue collectively to Mistwall Manor. It’s rude to keep a lady waiting.
-Kelgorn Half-Orc drives you to Mistwall by carriage, and you are swiftly born to the study of Lady Lashonna, where you engage her in intimate conversation. You receive Balakarde’s Journal, and the hint of a wisp of a trail that points to an island by the name of Tilagos.
-Lashonna lavishes you with a luxurious feast, before giving you a glimpse of the ill-fated Heskin, and the ship that bears your competitors to Tilagos Island before you.
-Arriving at the Angry Rifter, Kelgorn delivers to you four Rings of Protection +5.

Sarenith 6, 4749 (Moonday)
-The Outcasts decide to travel to Magepoint to secure the means of travel to Tilagos. Eidi researches and divines, Ascaria fortifies himself and his demiplane, Solrisa shops and crafts a pointy-eared homunculus, and Mortimer schmoozes with schoonermates.

Sarenith 7, 4749 (Toilday)
-A brief meet-up with Eri Nandri, and with Manzorian, which hones the Outcasts’ plan to venture to Tilagos.
-A teleport back to Diamond Lake, and the Arkaner Estate, now the Black Drak Shack, and a meetup with Cedric Gammidge, your new cohort and man of the hour in Ascaria’s Pub! A new home away from home, harbor in the storm, squirrel knot in the tree, hobbit hole from another dimension, Ascaria and Eidi work together to create and protect your retreat on the gnome’s new demiplane. The night ticks away, before returning to Magepoint.

Sarenith 8, 4749 (Wealday)
-An early morning visit with Valeris and Maxie, residents on the outskirts of Magepoint, who relate what they can about powerful druids of the Order of the Storm, Tylanthros, Beskawahn, Thadimar, and Sayren-Lei, each a powerful servant of nature in his own right.
-With the assistance of a Wind Duke’s spirit, Eidi parts the Storm, and you arrive safely on the shores of Tilagos Island, borne by a Phantom Chariot. You are greeted by miserable orc sailors, whose captain Grogriss Spit-Eye relates their measly reconnaissance before returning to the beach head.
-Speaking with Dead Heskin, you enter the Menhirs, an ancient Maze of many dangers, including ropers of many strands, an octopus tree, an annoying assassin who tries to set the orcs against you while circling back, then to an Obsidian Portal which becomes your way forward, once you secure the Red, Green, and Blue Crystals which activate the gate.
-Passing through the Portal, you enter a strange demiplane, Tilagos Island as it once was, 1500 years ago! You are immediately greeted by the Wild Watchers, previously known by their druidic names, Tylanthros, Beskawahn, Thadimir, and Sayren-Lei, who set before you four tasks, four Trials, to accomplish, so you may be granted the Fountain of Dreams.
-You restore the Roc King to life, though you leave it unconscious for the sake of your health.
-Entering the Doomshroud, Eidi engages his god to pluck more intelligence about the Trials. Shortly thereafter, you are attacked by the Pack Lords of Tilagos, great and ancient displacer beasts! You manage to discourage their hunt, before renewing yours for the heart of the Doomshroud, to no avail.
-Taking to the air again, you locate the cavern of the Thorn Vale Nightmare, literally a Nightmare Beast which falls to your superior strength, despite the adjacent curtains of powerful steam, and Eidi’s own Sleet Storm, and sped up by Mortimer’s stunning blow! The howls of girallon behemoths outside never come to fighting fruition.
-The final Trial of the first day in Last Resort occurs in the dead of night, as the Night Twist, an eldritch entity, calls to you its Mournful Song, and none of you can resist its Despair. The gnome dies, or at least almost does die, save for his heroic little heart.
-The Death of the Night Twist is achieved, but not without a lasting cost to Solrisa, who lands the killing blow, and receives the Death Curse.

Sarenith 9, 4749 (Oathday)
-Solrisa awakens with the realization of what the Death Curse will be, until she can finally be rid of it.
-The Keep of the Shackled Conqueror is located swiftly, in the fresh coastal breeze and light of day, along the southern coast of Tilagos. You’re even extended an invitation by friendly gargoyles! You gain an audience with Krathanos the titan, who entertains your questions, and muses over your negotiation for his very, very valuable Belt. Just as you secure your deal with the titan, a skulking kenku assassin up and spoils the best made plans! The sky rains with arrows from the gargoyle archers, lightning arcs downwards from the titan, and the game is afoot! The arrows are no longer a concern after Eidi casts Fickle Winds, and everyone is much shinier as Ascaria brings his Burst of Glory to bear. You are joined by Malhazar and Krekie, then a slew of girallon behemoths to really season the stew you’re in. Things only get crazier, when Eidi grants Krathanos his wish, like a noble efreeti!! The titan disappears in laughter, as his luck changes on the ray of violet striking him. The Belt of Krathanos has left the building…
-Darl Quethos, priest of Vecna, steps in to take the titan’s place. Big shoes to fill, of course. Ascaria starts hinting of withdrawal, so Darl makes a wish, and the gnome glows green.
-The Vecnan tries to enlist you, as he’s done countless times in his quests, and fails. For his hubris, he loses his efreeti wish granter, and his kenku assassin. That proves discouraging enough for Darl to gather his own, and plane shift to safety. Before he goes, he tries to slay Ascaria outright, but is denied again by Eidi’s immediate intervention!! He lives to fight another day…
-Returning to the Portal of Storms, the Outcasts join the Wild Watchers in the debriefing. Sayren-Lei throws down a challenge for your failure to secure the Belt, but Ascaria manages to make him see the true light of the successful trials, bolstered by the others’ genuine words of support. You are granted the honor of drinking from the Fountain of Dreams.
-You immediately find yourselves standing on a bluff in the Rift Canyon in the midst of the great war against Dragotha, and the druids who will become the Wild Watchers, the thieves of the phylactery, absconding to Kongen-Thulnir to hide the most valuable relic.
-As part of the Dire Vision granted you by the Fountain of Dreams, you are slaughtered to the one, by Sword or Invocation of the Worm or Utter Subsumption. The Lady Lashonna as Silver Dragon, joins you in death, as Dragotha rips her apart and drops her lifeless body into the mists of the Rift Canyon. The agents of Kyuss demonstrate to you their sheer numbers and relentlessness. Their time will come, and you will experience it firsthand, and in your own reality, without a mirror’s reflection to shelter you from the horror…
-The Dire Vision ends, and you stand alone, together on the shore of Tilagos Island, a shadow of its former color and life. Four banners wait for your return, a gift from the Wild Watchers.
-Level to 17!!

So ends Book 9 of the Age of Worms Adventure Path :)

Bald male Half-Elf elder

Hei! I will make my thoughts on what items to buy at Magepoint once Ascaria can make a final sum of how much coin we get.

Besides, how many days Eidi will have for crafting?

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F Half Elf:
HP 135, F19R14W16,Dip+13,Fly+7,HanAnim+8;K(rel)+18, Spllcrft +17,UMD +22
Eidi wrote:
Besides, how many days Eidi will have for crafting?

I think you misspelt the last word there, Eidi. It’s spelt ‘B-A-K-I-N-G C-O-O-K-I-E-S’.

Bald male Half-Elf elder

Yeah, of course, I totally meant for cookie crafting! xD

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|Roll20 Link- Carrion Crown| |Roll20 Link- Age of Worms|

"How many days will we have for crafting?"

<Shakes Magic 8 Ball>

Kidding aside, you may have as long as a week, as you decide on your next venture from Magepoint...

F Half Elf:
HP 135, F19R14W16,Dip+13,Fly+7,HanAnim+8;K(rel)+18, Spllcrft +17,UMD +22
Solrisa Iome Arabasti wrote:
Ascaria wrote:
Sol - we all have rings of protection +5, given to us earlier (link). So I'll take your +2 ring back if you like, but no need to give you a +3 I think?
Oh, how dare you show me facts and links with truth!?! Fine. Yes. I see. Will fix.

So yeah, we should be able to sell that ring of prot +3 as well. Doy.

If you need me, I'll be over here grinning like an idiot Solrisa.

|Roll20 Link- Carrion Crown| |Roll20 Link- Age of Worms|

Weird wedding weekend with Wisconsinites will begin shortly, weather permitting. Should be back to the boards by Sunday evening...

Male Human Brawler (17), Thief (0)

Lvl 17:

+1 BAB
Brawler's strike: Adamantine

Greater Weapon Focus
Swapping out Improved Grapple for Improved Blind Fight
Iron Will

Perception +1
Acro +2
Sense Motive +1
Fly +2

Male, Gnome

Eidi, with only a week I don't imagine you're going to be able to do anything for anyone else, but if you have extra days for crafting, let us know.

Maybe we can share them, or think of some group item or two so all your days are used.

Bald male Half-Elf elder

I am not sure how long do we have. It seems we are not in a hurry, but it also feels like we probably would not spend a month researching our new steps.

In any case Eidi is happy to help craft any wondrous item, and his +29 Spellcraft means he can rush the work for a total 2000 gp worth per day of crafting.

F Half Elf:
HP 135, F19R14W16,Dip+13,Fly+7,HanAnim+8;K(rel)+18, Spllcrft +17,UMD +22
Solrisa Iome Arabasti wrote:

..43428.6 gp to spend

-.15300.0 pearl of the sirines
+..1000.0 sell amulet of NA +1
+..4000.0 sell ring of prot +2
-.18000.0 amulet of NA +3
..15182.6 gp to spend

..15182.6 gp to spend

+.77416.0 gp latest disbursement
=.92598.6 gp to spend
-.50900.0 gp Doomslayer Bow
..41698.6 to spend

Sol buys a sweet Doomslayer Bow.

Male Human Brawler (17), Thief (0)


Current cash: 8282
Latest bounty: +77416 gp

Selling Ring of Protection +2 (+4,000gp)
Improve Belt of Physical Perfection (str/dex/con) +2 more (from +2 to +4) -48,000gp
Improve Amulet of Mighty Fists to +3/Holy -36,000gp

8282+77416 = 85698
85698+4000-48000-36000 = 5698

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|Roll20 Link- Carrion Crown| |Roll20 Link- Age of Worms|

Still here, will be updating shortly, life is life, and energy is finite.

|Roll20 Link- Carrion Crown| |Roll20 Link- Age of Worms|

Alright, we're back, and we're charged up. Thank you for your patience. I hope you are given the sense of one of the reasons I was delayed in bringing this to the table. Grand amount of exposition and detail, and I'm sure there are still things that will leave you with questions.

If you have them as players, please entertain them here, in OOC. Of course, if your characters are befuddled, enjoy the RP that might spring forth :)

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Bald male Half-Elf elder

Sorry, I got quite busy finishing work before holidays, then got stranded by the Christmas.

An indeed detailed work. The map coloring and lettering really helped, thanks a lot for the gigantic effort!

Besides, Merry Christmas everyone!

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|Roll20 Link- Carrion Crown| |Roll20 Link- Age of Worms|

Apologies, folks. Slowly renewing enthusiasms, last couple of weeks have been heavy. Will update the game shortly, and hope that I can apply the needed attentions to build back the momentum.

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Male, Gnome

It's also political whiplash I suspect. I know it is with me.

Welcome back when you're ready!

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Bald male Half-Elf elder

You have all my understanding! And welcome back! :)

Male Human Brawler (17), Thief (0)

Come back!

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|Roll20 Link- Carrion Crown| |Roll20 Link- Age of Worms|

<Slow creaking of an ancient oak door...>

Several months of stasis, might we pick up where we last left off?

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Bald male Half-Elf elder

"Oh youngster, where have I left my staff?" Eidi gropes around while slowly opening his eyes until he stumbles with the oak piece "Ah! You are here! Where... where was I... oh yes, we were inviting this young big man to parley when everything burst into fire. Oh... hum... hope the cookies are not burnt"


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Male, Gnome


Ascaria rubs his eyes and looks about. "Cedric, have you seen my mace? Can't go into battle without my mace!"

He checks his gear and tries to shake off the lingering feeling of having left the gas on as he heads out the door!

Welcome back! Game on!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Human Brawler (17), Thief (0)


Mortimer -- still standing -- peers at the still regenerating pyrohydra through very bleary eyes. Aaaah shit. So it wasn't a dream!

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|Roll20 Link- Carrion Crown| |Roll20 Link- Age of Worms|

Engine is slow to turn over, but I'm priming the pumps. I expect to be posting daily shortly.

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|Roll20 Link- Carrion Crown| |Roll20 Link- Age of Worms|

Still slow, pumps still being primed...

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F Half Elf:
HP 135, F19R14W16,Dip+13,Fly+7,HanAnim+8;K(rel)+18, Spllcrft +17,UMD +22

Wow, let's talk about how amazin' Solrisa is.

Apparently, we each got a free 50k crafting thing from Marzopan, the wizard, in exchange for even more valuable artifact.

Solrisa, wisely, as she is known for her wisdom, got a +1 grayflame holy seeking composite darkwood longbow (+4 str) . That she cleverly put in her Gloves of Storing (same post).

She named the beloved bow Rae of Light.


Fast forward 2 years, and there is a chance to spend ANOTHER 50k on a shiny new bow that she'll likely never use, the Doomslayer Bow, she buys it without a second thought.

So, she had two epic quality bows to use.

So Sol.

Bald male Half-Elf elder

That is just... so epic[ly] funny xD

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|Roll20 Link- Carrion Crown| |Roll20 Link- Age of Worms|

Thank you for your patience!! The catching up. Posting PC blurbs is deceptive, as you think it's gonna be a quick, easy chew, and character chirp. Now that I have three such indulgences, time skitters by waaaay quicker than I anticipated this evening.

I should be able to update earlier in the day tomorrow, if the winds are kind.

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