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I'm tired of these monkey flanking sharks in this monkey flanking town!
Wait...wrong movie. I'm thinking of the one where the shark wins...

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I'm tired of these monkey flanking sharks in this monkey flanking town! Wait...wrong movie. I'm thinking of the one where the shark wins...
I've had to work so hard to avoid calling the whirlpool a sharknado...
-Posted with Wayfinder

Iradyiel Madras |
Chest Thumper wrote:I'm tired of these monkey flanking sharks in this monkey flanking town! Wait...wrong movie. I'm thinking of the one where the shark wins...I've had to work so hard to avoid calling the whirlpool a sharknado...
-Posted with Wayfinder
Sad. so very sad...

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Gotta say - with friends and family in Houston right now, saving folks from a hurricane seems like less of an entertaining adventure and more like wish fulfillment.

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Yeah - it looks pretty tough for the folks there. I trust your friends and family are ok?
I reckon those first settlers arriving in America from England, with our mild climate, absence of hurricanes or tornados, and with no animals able to poison you or eat you, must have got one hell of a shock.
-Posted with Wayfinder

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Yes. Currently, they're all ok. It's looking like they're going to be stuck where they are for a while though so there will be several more days of nail-biting before they can go home and even get to the point where they can leave the house they're holing up in.

Aza Barrett |

Apologies for missing a couple days of posting there, my computer broke itself as I was trying to do something completely unrelated - should have a post up in a bit.

Jit Wary |

Hello all,
Apologies, but I'm having some trouble finding the time to post this weekend. I just have a few things going on that have occupied my time. I'll hopefully get back to posting withing the next day or two.

Jit Wary |

Hey all, thanks for your patience with my absence for a few days!
Wow...2 failed survival checks...1 in 400 odds...
Actually, you succeeded at those! Barring house rules, a natural 1 is only an automatic failure on attack rolls and saving throws. Your survival skill bonus is so high that you simply can't fail if you're trying. :)

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I did have a campaign where my character started praying to the fickle, little known god Dai Shrolla before taking a swing.
It didn't help...

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I ought to point out that being entangled does not prevent movement or combat. The 'entangled' condition says the following:
The character is ensnared. Being entangled impedes movement, but does not entirely prevent it unless the bonds are anchored to an immobile object or tethered by an opposing force. An entangled creature moves at half speed, cannot run or charge, and takes a –2 penalty on all attack rolls and a –4 penalty to Dexterity. An entangled character who attempts to cast a spell must make a concentration check (DC 15 + spell level) or lose the spell.
Note that the attack penalty to hit and DEX penalty to AC cancel out, if both parties are entangled.
-Posted with Wayfinder

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Let me commend you on your descriptions of the hurricane, DM.
That collapse was pretty awesome and each time I read and post in this campaign, I feel like I'm soaked to the bone and have rain running down my face.

GM AbyssDancer |

Let me commend you on your descriptions of the hurricane, DM.
That collapse was pretty awesome and each time I read and post in this campaign, I feel like I'm soaked to the bone and have rain running down my face.
Thanks Ebonfist - appreciate it. I'm enjoying this hugely !
It makes such a difference when we all have great posts from each other to work off. This feels like a really desperate, gritty fight!

Jit Wary |

Oh dear gods that's terrible. Three attacks, three crit fails. You needed that.
Directly behind this, the door to the chandlery is thrown open by Jit. As she fumbles with the lock, the lizardfolk hears her movements, and sniffing the air with his tongue leaps triumphantly to seize her. Standing at one side of the door frame, Jit came within a hairs’ breadth of his talons, but in mid leap the door bursts open and the power of the tumultuous wind and horizontal rain lifts him off his feet with a shriek of fury, tumbles him head over heels across the store, over a pile of sailcloth and into a wooden display cabinet ten feet away, with a shattering impact.
Maybe this is a dangerous thing to brag about in a d20 system, but didn't Jit explicitly say she was good luck? :D

Aza Barrett |

It's all statistics, the digital dice are getting charged up, we're going to get crit on 5 times in the next fight, don't you fools understand, these are the end times!!!!
(Also, agreed - very much enjoying this campaign and everyone's posts have been fantastic. This storm is so incredibly tense and the fight and mechanics are definitely following suit.)
Also also, minor question that I probably should have asked earlier but I haven't used it yet so... Adventurer's Armory has supplemental rules called "Alchemical Power Components," essentially just letting you use alchemical stuff as a focus or material component towards a spell to make it better in some way - are these rules allowed here? Particularly the one I'm interested in is using the acid flask as a +1 damage focus for acid splash. (Here on the SRD)

Iradyiel Madras |
ok, dumb question, can Iradyiel move out of the 'entangled' without rolling the str. checks.
I rolled two he failed the first but passed the second. But that would put him still in it to roll a ref save.
So I figured I was ask if he could just step out at half speed.
If he can step out, would he be at half speed once he is out?
Would his attack still have the 'entangled' conditions for that round?

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You can move whilst entangled at half speed. The entangled condition (including attack and AC penalties) ends instantly when you leave the area.
The storm effect on movement still applies - half speed if moving northward and DC10 Str check or be knocked down.
-Posted with Wayfinder

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So to answer your questions:
So I figured I was ask if he could just step out at half speed. YES
If he can step out, would he be at half speed once he is out? NO, unless moving into the wind...
Would his attack still have the 'entangled' conditions for that round? NO
-Posted with Wayfinder

Iradyiel Madras |
So to answer your questions:
Iradyiel Madras wrote:-Posted with WayfinderSo I figured I was ask if he could just step out at half speed. YES
If he can step out, would he be at half speed once he is out? NO, unless moving into the wind...
Would his attack still have the 'entangled' conditions for that round? NO
Thanks, you would think after playing for three years on the boards I would have it figured out, I guess I haven't done enough combat against casters during a hurricane :-)

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Well then I have good news for you - there may be more 'combat in a hurricane' to come !
-Posted with Wayfinder

Iradyiel Madras |
Well then I have good news for you - there may be more 'combat in a hurricane' to come !
-Posted with Wayfinder
practice makes perfect! I had to edit my in game post three times ;( Two rounds of rage left, hopefully he can do something with it other than fall down!

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Also... Adventurer's Armory has supplemental rules called "Alchemical Power Components," essentially just letting you use alchemical stuff as a focus or material component towards a spell to make it better in some way - are these rules allowed here? Particularly the one I'm interested in is using the acid flask as a +1 damage focus for acid splash. (Here on the SRD)
Hey - sorry for not coming back on this before now. I'm think I'm happy with the alchemical power component rules so let's say OK to the acid orb boost. Certainly it is in keeping with your mystery !
-Posted with Wayfinder

Jit Wary |

'Pious' Janus Shepherd wrote:On a scale of 1 to Asmodean how evil would it be to make a lizard man skin hilt...?2.30 unless the lizard man is still alive when you take the skin, then it's a 5.82...
Also keep in mind it's on a scale from 1 to 6.66.

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It would be less evil than collecting a tooth from each of them for a necklace.
You could make a pretty intimidating terbutje. Skin for the hilt...thigh bone for the shaft...teeth for the...teeth.
Actually, you could use the troll's thigh bone and it would be the right size.
This is all coming disturbingly easy to me...

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Suddenly I'm quite content to gaming with you guys online, rather than face to face. And in another continent. From behind an assumed name.
-Posted with Wayfinder