Kingmaker - Taming the Stolen Lands by DM DoctorEvil

Game Master DM DoctorEvil

Stolen Lands Hex Map

Oleg's Trading Post Map

Teela's Updated Loot Tracker

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Versatile Human Rogue 2 | HP:26/26 | AC: 18 | F5, R9, W6 | Perc: +6 | Speed: 25ft | Default Exploration: Scout

Level 2

No skill increases
Skill training : Performance to Trained

Free Archetype: Wizard Dedication
class Feat: Trap Finder
Skill feat: experienced tracker

Wizard archetype arcane school : School of Battle magic

Profile and pathfinder updated.

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Graham Snodgrass wrote:
Level 2 complete, and Pathbuilder link on profile updated.

This looks good to me. You will have remind me about the Marshall aura effect on our allies when/if it comes up

Faen Cymbril wrote:

Level 2

No skill increases
Skill training : Performance to Trained

Free Archetype: Wizard Dedication
class Feat: Trap Finder
Skill feat: experienced tracker

Wizard archetype arcane school : School of Battle magic

Profile and pathfinder updated.

If you are taking Wizard Archetype, you will need to pick 4 cantrips for our spellbook and then be able to cast 2/day. Not sure how you want to write that into character, but let me know what you choose.

Male Magus 2 | HP: 28 | AC: 19 | F: +8 R: +8 W: +6 | Speed 30' | Perception: +4 | Hero Pts: 1 | Exploration: Scout | ◆ ◇ ↶

Level 2 for Velas

Skill Training: Crafting
Class Feat: Expansive Spellstrike (not 100% decided on this one)
FA: Psychic Dedication
Skill Feat: Cat Fall

Psychic Dedication choices:
Conscious Mind: The Tangible Dream
Cantrip: Amped Shield

Recovering a bit yet from the family vacation. I'll get Velas' profile updated now, but probably won't have brain power for an IC post tonight.

Velas Galla wrote:

Level 2 for Velas

Skill Training: Crafting
Class Feat: Expansive Spellstrike (not 100% decided on this one)
FA: Psychic Dedication
Skill Feat: Cat Fall

Psychic Dedication choices:
Conscious Mind: The Tangible Dream
Cantrip: Amped Shield

Recovering a bit yet from the family vacation. I'll get Velas' profile updated now, but probably won't have brain power for an IC post tonight.

There are some inconsistencies between your pathbuilder file and your background. I used the Pathbuilder to reconcile. The only thing I see you don't have is the ability to add 2 new 1st rank spells to your spellbook.

Male Magus 2 | HP: 28 | AC: 19 | F: +8 R: +8 W: +6 | Speed 30' | Perception: +4 | Hero Pts: 1 | Exploration: Scout | ◆ ◇ ↶

Ah, I forgot about getting some known spell casters. I’ll doublecheck the rest of my profile. Thanks for the review.

I picked up Teela's Level 2 changes from her profile, but we still need to get Quintessa's, ideally before you leave the shelter of the trading post.

Male Magus 2 | HP: 28 | AC: 19 | F: +8 R: +8 W: +6 | Speed 30' | Perception: +4 | Hero Pts: 1 | Exploration: Scout | ◆ ◇ ↶

I added the loot from the bandit fight to the inventory spreadsheet. I imagine most of it will be given to Oleg, but I figured it was worth adding it just in case.

@GM Doctor Evil: Looks like I made the mistake of making more changes after I added the Pathbuilder link. I updated both the Pathbuilder link and my profile. Still need to decide on a couple of spells, but should have that sorted soon.

Female human sorcerer 2 | HP: 22 | AC: 15 | F: +5 R: +5 W: +7 | Speed: 25' | Perception: +5 | Hero Points: 2

Sorcerer Level 2
Class Feat: Propelling Sorcery
Skill Feat: Intimidating Glare
FA: Blessed One
L1 Spell: Gust of wind

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