Drawn by tales of long-lost temples and the abandoned riches of long-dead heretical cults, the PCs are not the first treasure-hunters, fortune-seekers, or troubled souls hoping for a fresh start at the frontier town of Pridon's Hearth. But dark threatening stormclouds are gathering beyond the horizon, for both the colonists and for the wider region. It is far from certain that this mixed group of heroes and chancers will survive to make their fortune, and in so doing shield the growing colony from raging tempests and hostile monsters. Dare they brave the Ire of the Storm?
Chest Thumper AC29 (34); touch15; flat-footed 24 hp 88/94Fort 10, Ref +12, Will +5 Frost Ape Male Frost Ape 14th level Companion N Large animal Init +4; Senses lowlight vision, scent; Perc: +1
played by
Jamba Mumbata
Male Human Witch 1 [HP:9/9 | AC: 13 T: 13 FF: 10 | F: +4 R: +3 W: +2 Init: 3, Perc: 7]
played by
Jit Wary
Gnome Sorcerer 3 | 18/20 HP | 13 AC (+2 in jungle) 13 T 11 FF | 11 CMD | F +4 R +3 W +2 (+2 vs fear) | Init +7 | Perc +5 | SM -1 | Thunderstaff 7/7 | Spells: 1st 6/6
played by