Cayden Cailean

AbyssDancer's page

Organized Play Member. 112 posts (1,873 including aliases). 2 reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 14 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.


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Grand Lodge

It's great to see this back again after having not been listed on 'Upcoming Releases' for some while.

But ... there is no release date listed. Paizo stop teasing!

When will this be released?

Grand Lodge

1d20 + 9 + 1d6 ⇒ (1) + 9 + (3) = 13 Crit fail...

Grand Lodge

'Pious' Janus Shepherd wrote:
DC14 Fort or be deafened, permanently

I'd say burst eardrums are the least of his problems...

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Grand Lodge

'Pious' Janus Shepherd wrote:
Know: Religion: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (13) + 9 = 22 Slightly confused by the lay of the land here... pious is in a room? And he can hear a sound outside yeah? And he's on the floor bellow everyone else. Is the B4/5 boarder a door? Sorry for all the questions.

Pious is in the officers' cabin, one level below the deck above. There's a wall and a door (B4/5) between you and the rest of your level. The sounds are coming from the other side of the the door.

I'll post the results of your knowledge roll once you can see some of the creatures directly.

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Grand Lodge

Survival DR15:
During the march, and two hours before setting up camp, you spot tracks through the silt at the waterline. Mostly covered over by the tide, it is not possible to tell what they were. They appear to have been travelling the shoreline alone, and humanoid in nature.

Survival DC 22:
Spotting crows rising from the ground behind a sand dune during the march, you approach and find a spot where someone was killed. The site is several days old, and it appears someone was ambushed and after a short chase messily half devoured by humanoid attackers of some unknown sort. The body has mostly been carried off, leaving only carrion and bloodstains behind...

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Grand Lodge

On the sheet is fine.

Everyone else good to go?

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Grand Lodge

Ok so let's start pulling this together. If there's no more to say or ask at the Town Council, and no more people to see in town, then you need to complete your shopping ahead of an extended trip into the wilderness.

Rations / camping gear / potions / an animal to carry your kit etc. Someone needs to make some decisions for the group.

We've not heard from Jit or Pious for some while. I've chased Pious; I'll give Jit another 24 hours then chase her too.

Let's get this show on the road !

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Grand Lodge

The Count hesitates, taken aback somewhat by Iradyiel's challenge. "Erm..." he stammers "We are happy to offer you the land, yes, but you must accept that the Council, well, that I have an interest in how my colony progresses. I think the Council agrees with me" here he looks across at Hamsa Gadd "that the time is not yet right for a Pathfinder Lodge. Maybe in the future, but not now. Besides, " he adds, a"There are more urgent issues to address today. How do you propose to find the Mirkborn lizard tribe and their lair?"

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Grand Lodge

No problem. I hope you escape conviction?

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Grand Lodge

Hey thanks for the heads up. There's no rush. I've made two big posts as a set up for RP and information gathering, not necessarily to push us on. I'm expecting it to take some days (real time) to gather info, re-equip, and decide to move on.

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Grand Lodge

Sounds like you got home from Vegas at the right time. Horrible.

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Grand Lodge

Dammit I'm impressed - you know your British English. So if I say it'll take a 'fortnight' to reach the Song'o village, will you know what I mean without looking it up?

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Grand Lodge

Hey MechaPoet: I just checked your profile to check you are writing from the US. You wrote 'At last Jit put her pants back on...'. In British English those words would imply that Jit has been concealing rather less from the crowd than you expected...

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Grand Lodge

Aza Barrett wrote:
super sorry guys - there was a problem with my house internet and im stuck on mobile til October - I will try to post earlier but at the latest i'll post on the 1st

1st October, right? No problem - the crowd at the Stone Hall will wait !

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Grand Lodge

I've been making water into a weapon the whole time! And there's more to come, too...

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Grand Lodge

'Pious' Janus Shepherd wrote:
On a scale of 1 to Asmodean how evil would it be to make a lizard man skin hilt...?

I would have no issue with that at all.

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Grand Lodge

Suddenly I'm quite content to gaming with you guys online, rather than face to face. And in another continent. From behind an assumed name.

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Grand Lodge

Aza Barrett wrote:
Also... Adventurer's Armory has supplemental rules called "Alchemical Power Components," essentially just letting you use alchemical stuff as a focus or material component towards a spell to make it better in some way - are these rules allowed here? Particularly the one I'm interested in is using the acid flask as a +1 damage focus for acid splash. (Here on the SRD)

Hey - sorry for not coming back on this before now. I'm think I'm happy with the alchemical power component rules so let's say OK to the acid orb boost. Certainly it is in keeping with your mystery !

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Grand Lodge

Well then I have good news for you - there may be more 'combat in a hurricane' to come !

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Grand Lodge

So to answer your questions:

Iradyiel Madras wrote:

So I figured I was ask if he could just step out at half speed. YES

If he can step out, would he be at half speed once he is out? NO, unless moving into the wind...

Would his attack still have the 'entangled' conditions for that round? NO

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Grand Lodge

You can move whilst entangled at half speed. The entangled condition (including attack and AC penalties) ends instantly when you leave the area.

The storm effect on movement still applies - half speed if moving northward and DC10 Str check or be knocked down.

-Posted with Wayfinder

Grand Lodge

I ought to point out that being entangled does not prevent movement or combat. The 'entangled' condition says the following:

The character is ensnared. Being entangled impedes movement, but does not entirely prevent it unless the bonds are anchored to an immobile object or tethered by an opposing force. An entangled creature moves at half speed, cannot run or charge, and takes a –2 penalty on all attack rolls and a –4 penalty to Dexterity. An entangled character who attempts to cast a spell must make a concentration check (DC 15 + spell level) or lose the spell.

Note that the attack penalty to hit and DEX penalty to AC cancel out, if both parties are entangled.

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Grand Lodge

Iradyiel wrote:
do you want a str. check? str: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 4 = 13

You only need a str check if you are moving into the wind. I appreciate this might not be totally logical, but otherwise all combatants will be on the floor the whole time...

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Grand Lodge

Ok - thanks guys.

Level 2 seems a long ling way off. With all the doors and traps, this dungeon crawl is going slow...

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Grand Lodge

Yeah - it looks pretty tough for the folks there. I trust your friends and family are ok?

I reckon those first settlers arriving in America from England, with our mild climate, absence of hurricanes or tornados, and with no animals able to poison you or eat you, must have got one hell of a shock.

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Grand Lodge

Chest Thumper wrote:
I'm tired of these monkey flanking sharks in this monkey flanking town! Wait...wrong movie. I'm thinking of the one where the shark wins...

I've had to work so hard to avoid calling the whirlpool a sharknado...

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Grand Lodge

The water elemental was not so ineffective. Each of the three attacking the whirlpool felt the buffeting of waters seeking to knock them down under the surface. Each of the three was assailed by violent blows dealt by watery fists studded with cobblestones and hunks of timber. Only Iradyiel maintained his feet; both Pious and Francis were swept into the maelstrom, dragged round in a dizzying spin. All three took damage from this battering.

Then, the whirlpool collapsed, and rising once more out of the water, the elemental took the form of a wave-like humanoid torso, with a gaping mouth atop. Two mighty fists formed and slammed down of the still-staggered Pious, crushing the air from his chest and slamming him into the cobbled market floor beneath the water. After this assault, with his life-blood staining the water around him, he lay underwater, motionless.

Damage: Iradyiel 5, Francis 8, Pious 17 and is at zero hp

Round 5
Over to you...

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Grand Lodge

Anyone watching the scene from the huddled rain-soaked houses surrounding the Shallows market would have been quite perplexed. Two warriors plus a ferocious ape thrashing around in the flooded square like children at washtime, but with weapons. Three spellcasters, drenched, but hurling arcane and divine powers into the melee. And all to little effect. For all the mystic buffering Iradyiel received, once again it was only Francis who succeeded in tearing into, and further weakening, the water elemental's grip on this plane. 

Gm rolls:

Iradyiel rolls: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 251d20 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 111d6 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5
Francis rolls: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 71d20 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 3 = 111d6 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8
Pious rolls: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 71d20 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 81d6 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8
BG rolls: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 231d6 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9
who: 1d3 ⇒ 3

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Grand Lodge

"Back! Back to your home plane! Aroden forbids your remaining here !" Pious stubbornly continues to thrust at the whirlpool with his longsword, searching to disrupt the animating essence of the elemental. "Return whence you came, foul elemental!"

Pious swing: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 6 = 101d8 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10

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Grand Lodge

The party gather about the remaining spout, variously biting, clawing, slashing and bludgeoning it but largely without gaining purchase on the insubstantial shifting entity animating the water. Aza's acid orb even whistles through the spout, as it opens a gap to let it through. Only Francis manages to inflict meaningful damage; to his astonishment, his attacks find something tangible to rend, and he hears it bubble with fury as his attacks connect.

The creature, in response, collapses. The waterspout subsides back to the surface and, as the party watch thigh-deep in water, begins instead to swirl faster and faster, forming a whirlpool of racing currents around their legs. Within the whitewater they see furious faces, twisted in anger and hissing, spitting fury at them. The whirlpool shifts, and attempts to pull Iradyiel over into its grip and dash him against the flagstones beneath...

Iradyiel DC12 Fort save #1: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (11) + 5 = 16
Iradyiel DC12 Fort save #2: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (8) + 5 = 13

Indefatigable, resolute, the barbarian stands immobile as a rock, the water crashing against him without effect.

Elsewhere, the shallows remain calm with no sign yet of any recurrence of the first two waterspouts...

Round four
All to act, then bad guys...over to you!

Grand Lodge

retcon: added bless damage to Iradyiel's last attack; no visual change in events.

Crashing through the water towards the sole remaining waterspout, Pious slashes forward with his longsword, lank wet hair spattered over his face. "Return whence you came, foul elemental - this realm belongs not to you!"

Pious swing: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 121d8 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 11

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Grand Lodge

Yes this is difficult terrain.

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Grand Lodge

No they vanished back into the water.

Duh dum, duh dum, dum dum dum dum...

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Grand Lodge

On a separate note, in the midst of describing the storm in Pridon's Heath, I'm stood on the 30th floor of a building in Malaysia, watching the biggest thunderstorm I have ever experienced roll over the city. It's awesome; but, no trolls or sharks yet...

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Grand Lodge

Ladies/gents: am travelling today but will file a post tonight (Asia time) for your descent back into Island Town. I have also chased Pious, who has not posted for a while.

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Grand Lodge

Jit: The scoll is a 3rd level spell, 'touch of the sea'. You can't tell what the wand does just yet, but you suspect it has a transmutation magic.

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Grand Lodge

Ditto. No rush!

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Grand Lodge

Iradyiel Madras wrote:
he steps back from the body, keeping a keen eye out for more trolls. Asking, "Do we have time for stripping the dead, are there anymore threats?" perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (7) + 8 = 15

There's no further threat here - I'll post further later today, after the townsfolk have slapped you on the back in triumph !

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Grand Lodge

Hey Aza - just for my records, did you use that second burning hands, or not?

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Grand Lodge

Apologies guys - yes CT this a troll and you know its capabilites and weaknesses.

Will save: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9 A violent cone of vivid clashing colors springs forth from Jit, causing Graular to stagger back, clutching her eyes with a below of pain. She will be stunned for round 2

Round 2
Francis: Bote, claw, claw - final claw connects
Pious: ???
Jit: Colour spray !
CT: has clearly never used a spear before, tosses it sideways onto a nearby roof;
Aza: ??? Graular AC12
Graular: stunned

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Grand Lodge

The party scatters to surround the monster from all sides, yet she blithely ignores them, instead tearing a wider gap in the wall of the store, wide enough to step into. Pious' intimidating words fail to deter her - she has a few words of Common but not enough to understand threats, let alone be shaken by them.

Just as she is about to push into the shop, a glancing bolt of lightning breath expelled by Aza corruscates over her back, and she whirls to face the party with snarl of anger...

Round 1
All PCs moved; Graular (for that is her name) ignores you and focuses on looting. No AOO from her because she is flatfooted, not yet having acted.

Round 2
All can act; Graular acts last per initiative order. She is no longer flat footed (AC16). Make the most of this turn...

GM eyes only:
Graular damage: 3

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Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Shhhh ! They might be listening!

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Grand Lodge

If someone was close enough, I'd allow a disarm attempt to seize the club with a +4 circumstance bonus. The club is laying in the bottom left square occupied by the creature.

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Grand Lodge

Pleasure - a holiday in Singapore and Malaysia.

I am acutely aware that you US-types don't get the same paid time off as we do in Europe. I couldn't do that - I live for my hols!

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Grand Lodge

GM AbyssDancer wrote:
Pious is still to post for ‘Action 2’,

I'm really sorry Pious - I completely missed your post, and therefore omitted you from my response. Please don't think that the townsfolk didn't notice your intimidation and hectoring. I can't say they appreciated it, but it certainly was effective...

Grand Lodge

Chest Thumper wrote:
A heavy wooden shield is a must and he'll grab for a weapon in the following order of preference - scimitar, sickle, shortspear, club.

No problem; Vethorn has a rack of product by the door and you can grab a shield, spear and scimitar fast.

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Grand Lodge

Hey all - let me explain what I had in mind.

There's three things here, all separate so possible to undertake simultaneously as we have before ie action 1 / 2 / 3.

Action one is to brief the Sheriff. News reached her from the farm you stopped at, but just the headline: all the militia dead, one Songo'o survivor, Fort Breakthrough now abandoned. She wants to know more, and any details you might think important.

Second, you need to divide the spoils. I figured if everyone stated their requests, we ought to be able to identify the few conflicting claims, aid the townfolk, and sell the rest. If anyone has a better idea, let me know. It's your loot. [Update: sheet now editable]

Afterwards, but posted simultaneously, there are other people to see in the town. Let me know where you're headed and we can play that out too.

It's like the period you had in town before venturing to the Fort.

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Grand Lodge

Iradyiel Madras wrote:
AbyssDancer, will we be able to take all of the items we found assuming we put most on the cart and carry the rest?

Yes, certainly.

-Posted with Wayfinder

Grand Lodge

Oh - what's 'Pathfinder style'?

I meant D6=4, D10=6 etc but if there is another way, let me know.

Pious you chose to roll and rolled well. I'll let you keep that.

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Grand Lodge

Two points which may be relevant to your decision:

- from what you heard from Muhdzuzi and saw of the decay of the bodies left behind, the raid happened eight days before you arrived, now nine days ago. Making up this time in a pursuit would require some considerable time in the jungle. Are you equipped / prepared for this?

- from what Pious saw, the raiding party left the Fort headed NE. This would take them up the same coastline you came down to get here, ie towards Pridon’s Hearth.

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