LordKailas |

Personally I like Blues.
Goblins that even goblins will kill on sight.
Because they are psionic bastards that have to be sneaky to survive.
I played one as part of an evil campaign. My character was the reason the group even worked together. I dominated everyone else and declared myself to be the leader. It worked great! :)

Zolanoteph |
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For villains I like goblins. First, they're really really smart by the book (no INT penalty = basically human level?) They can also be really, really terrifying depending on the lore and flavor of your world. On my homebrew continent they're largely subterranian and are coming back to reclaim the surface and destroy the surface races.
For players I like gnomes. I love their obsessive industrious nature. Even though they don't have an INT bonus I do get that scholarly vibe from them. Best of all they have this neurotic, over the top quality that works on so many levels. The creepy man who lives in the hollowed out tree, the obseesed alchemist, the court jester, the loveable tyrant. So many odd character concepts make sense as gnomes.

Bloodrealm |
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So, Random question of the day! What is your favorite small sized race in Pathfinder? Personaly I'm liking Halflings, But am curious about other small races.
I have to agree with others that Kobolds are best. They're interesting visually, culturally, and mechanically, and they come in so many different colours and varieties, too! As a bonus, when the GM uses them, they have a built-in excuse to make them clever and challenging foes without making them individually powerful.
... Wait, someone actually likes Halflings other than for mechanical cheese?Personally I like Blues.
Goblins that even goblins will kill on sight.
Because they are psionic bastards that have to be sneaky to survive.
I played one as part of an evil campaign. My character was the reason the group even worked together. I dominated everyone else and declared myself to be the leader. It worked great! :)
Blues are third-party. They're also just... small blue Hobgoblins.

Merellin |
Merellin wrote:So, Random question of the day! What is your favorite small sized race in Pathfinder? Personaly I'm liking Halflings, But am curious about other small races.I have to agree with others that Kobolds are best. They're interesting visually, culturally, and mechanically, and they come in so many different colours and varieties, too! As a bonus, when the GM uses them, they have a built-in excuse to make them clever and challenging foes without making them individually powerful.
... Wait, someone actually likes Halflings other than for mechanical cheese?LordKailas wrote:Blues are third-party. They're also just... small blue Hobgoblins.Personally I like Blues.
Goblins that even goblins will kill on sight.
Because they are psionic bastards that have to be sneaky to survive.
I played one as part of an evil campaign. My character was the reason the group even worked together. I dominated everyone else and declared myself to be the leader. It worked great! :)
I does like Halflings for non mechanical reasons. They are a fun race. I do like Kobolds too, They are also fun ^_^

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Wayang, they're just so cool and have fun racial time.
Same. I like their thematic ties to an alternate plane, and their Int bonus means more spells and fun caster synergy. Also, small race without a strength penalty so I don't feel obligated to go Weapon Finesse.
It helps that their art was expanded beyond those one or two creeper pics and their lore was expanded upon in a recent Pathfinder Society scenario.

SheepishEidolon |

Halflings. Back at 2E / 3E computer games, there were only two Small races, and gnomes were displayed as weirdos I had trouble relating to. I always liked to play the underdog - beating a dragon with a small hero feels way more satisfying than doing the same with Grorrrk the generic half-orc with his generic greataxe. So I played numerous halflings.
Now Golarion has an interesting take on gnomes, I even played a gnome wizard for a bit. Revisiting goblins are among Paizo's biggest achievements, so I am also tempted here. But, the spot in my heart is and will remain taken, halflings are my favored Small race.

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Kobolds, wayangs, ratfolk. All are cool.
I've never much cared for halflings, and gnomes are hit or miss, depending on the interpretation (earlier editions in which they were sort of like a mix of elf and dwarf, with no real defining traits of their own, I liked them the least, but Golarion's gnomes are very cool).

Garbage-Tier Waifu |

Halflings. Mechanically, they’re pretty damn strong for a variety of classes, like rogue and sorcerer. And their abilities are just absolutely fantastic.
Thematically, halflings are just fun characters. They almost always make a game more interesting, and since most halflings are cheerful and outgoing, they’re almost always a nice counterbalance to other characters in one way or another.

DeathlessOne |

Halflings. Mechanically, they’re pretty damn strong for a variety of classes, like rogue and sorcerer. And their abilities are just absolutely fantastic.
Thematically, halflings are just fun characters. They almost always make a game more interesting, and since most halflings are cheerful and outgoing, they’re almost always a nice counterbalance to other characters in one way or another.
100% this. I am currently playing a Halfling Zealot Vigilante in Hell’s Rebels. Think Alfred (from Batman, but younger) fighting crime/Chelaxian government alongside his charge (Human Stalker Vigilante with Ki Pool). Sometimes feels bipolar with how quickly he bounces between his social (Alfred) and Vigilante (CN Milani worshipper) but the comedy is golden.

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Halflings are my favourite, both flavour-wise and mechanically.
I always liked to play the underdog - beating a dragon with a small hero feels way more satisfying than doing the same with Grorrrk the generic half-orc with his generic greataxe.
It was awesome going one-on-one with my halfling Dawnflower Dervish Bard against a gargantuan dragon, and living to tell the tale (14th lvl vs a CR 19).

Heather 540 |

I've only played two small races - Gnome and Halfling, and I love them both. But my Halfling character does far better in combat than my Gnome does. My Halfling is a Hunter/Unchained Rogue with a flanking/AoO build and she and her boar companion/mount do the second most damage in our party. With more consistent hits. Thank you feat combo of Outflank, Pack Flanking, Combat Reflexes, Broken Wing Gambit, and Paired Opportunists. And of course, the Keen Scimitar.

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I love gnomes. The constant drive to entertain yourself at all costs and the horror of the Bleaching make for a truly 'dangerously curious' character.
Breadth of Experience is the perfect feat for them. "Sure, I spent a couple years smuggling holy relics into Rahadoum. And as a mule-skinner. And building constructs. And creating colorful outfits for a harem. And ..."

SamuraiTsumo |
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So, Random question of the day! What is your favorite small sized race in Pathfinder? Personaly I'm liking Halflings, But am curious about other small races.
My favorites are Goblin and Dwarf.
A lot of people view dwarves as greedy Scotsmen for some reason.I view them more as if vikings were about the underground rather than the sea. They're sturdy, like to drink, enjoy a good brawl and strive to master whatever skills they set to.
Goblins are great because they represent the near opposite. Some have them clever and crafty along the same line as gnomes or dwarves.
Some have them chaotic and insidious. Sometimes they're viewed as a swarm of poorly trained and porly equipped pawns to weaken heroes before the capable enemies approach.
In my world they're all the above. They're a people who have been spit on by everyone else and it's about time they get their revenge.

avr |
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I have a ratfolk rogue I enjoy. Kobolds are neat for the monster races though, might be interesting to run a kobold/goblin/hobgoblin party when 2e comes out.
Here's a play by post game where we're all (good-aligned) kobolds and goblins. Why wait for PF2?

Bloodrealm |

My favorites are Goblin and Dwarf.
A lot of people view dwarves as greedy Scotsmen for some reason.
I view them more as if vikings were about the underground rather than the sea. They're sturdy, like to drink, enjoy a good brawl and strive to master whatever skills they set to.
Dwarves are Medium, not Small.

VoodistMonk |

I wish I could like the Wayang more, but I just can't. Maybe if they had more alternative racial abilities to swap out. I don't know.
Halflings and Kobolds both are great and have a good supporting of racial archetypes for some good flavor. Gestalting any two racial archetypes from different classes can make for amazing depth of character, but that obviously only applies in specific campaigns.

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I do love kobolds, and want to play as a wayang cavalier at some point. Perhaps on a shadow mastiff, if I can manage it. Wayang samurai?
I've only made one halfling, but I'd like to try another one, preferably Good-aligned this time.
Any time I make up a gnome, they always get super-interested in the other PCs' back stories and want to help them with any issues they may have. Except for this LE gnomish mastermind investigator. He's just looking for leverage.
I'll put grippli in fourth place, but make sure you have a way to stop your allies from licking you.

BretI |

Favorite? It is so hard to choose! I like trying a wide variety of races.
I've had great fun with Ratfolk, Grippli and Gnome. Except for short scenarios, I have not run Kobolds. I think the Grippli offer some of the more interesting racial options, but love how Ratfolk tend to be tinkerers. They also have what I consider one of the more fun archetypes, the Scavenger (Investigator) that uses Gadgetry instead of Alchemy. Got to love them tocks!

Mark Hoover 330 |
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As a player I gravitate towards Halfling or Grippli. Ratfolk I could never quite square w/the fluff and mechanics; they're really good alchemists, who do their best work with a big lab fixed in place, but their culture is apparently nomadic. When I've used Ratfolk in my games I've instead modeled them after the Rats of NYMH.
Halflings are great mechanically, obviously, but I'm also super old and an old skool gamer so no matter what the Golarion fluff is they'll always be furry-footed hill-dwellers to me. This PC race will always fill a nostalgic niche in my ancient, plaque-encrusted heart.
Finally there's Grippli. Mechanically there's not tons with them, but I love some of the racial movement options. I know their tongue feat isn't the most combat-useful but I really enjoy the image, the idea of this race. I've added a sort of Creole/voodoo vibe to them in my home games, with female priestesses worshipping a deity that's part Gozreh, part Pharasma, with a healthy dose of alchemy and herbalism thrown in for good measure.
I don't like gnomes. Period. Many, MANY bad experiences with this race as both a GM and a player.
As far as villains when I GM, I get into Kobolds and Mites a lot. I like pushing NPC class builds as far as I can with Kobolds; a few levels of Adept, a couple levels of Warrior, a Familiar with as many bells and whistles as I can add, and I've got a glass cannon that for one round can manage nearly 25 damage and only at CR 2!
Mites on the other hand are a soft spot I have for the fey in my games. Plus I love the idea that even their own gremlin cousins can't stand them. Since they're LE alignment, fey, and live either underground or in dark wilderness locales with vermin, I've created a lot of culture for mites in my game: despite being fey they worship either devils or lesser nature gods; they form extended family groups I call Traditions; each Tradition defines itself as much by the vermin it trains as by the skills and powers they wield; they follow faerie circles and hold highly ritualized Moots with neighboring Traditions - at these moots they barter, trade, exchange petty vendettas and so on.
The biggest thing I've changed about mites: their clothes. Mites are described as being one of the oldest fey races that's "domesticated" to life on the Prime. Between that, their love of pranks, and their natural proclivity for Sleight of Hand, I don't feel that mites should travel around in primitive gear.
Instead mites tend to steal the height of fashion from their mortal neighbors. If you invade a mite lair in one of my games and find them not wearing armor, they're wearing a smart waistcoat, breeches, and patterned spats without shoes; the females on the other hand are dolled up in courtier's dresses. Always however the clothes are somehow ugly; not necessarily soiled but instead they bear loud colors or stripes, they're systematically torn, or perhaps all the buttons and snaps are terribly scuffed or rusted.

DungeonmasterCal |

I don't play or use any of the smaller races in my game except for Gnomes and Halflings. I've never played a Gnome for anything except as NPCs and I have no issues with them at all. I don't play them like flighty little morons, which is the view many people seem to have of them. They're just as serious about situations when it's called for as any other race.
Halflings I really like, and have played one once or twice. In my setting they were almost wiped out in a series of pogroms by the ruling race, a homebrew race called the Ransoori. This idea goes all the way back to 1991 when I first created this setting and has been a recurring theme no matter what era the current campaigns are set in. So Halflings don't really have much of a homeland of their own, but have taken refuge among the great forests under the protection of the Elves. In later era campaigns they traveled about in bright and lively caravans, performing circus acts, doing jobs seasonally, and just enjoying the freedoms they were denied in the centuries before they were freed from fear.